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植被界面过程(VIP)模型的改进与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高植被界面过程(VIP)模型的预报能力,对VIP模型的一些参数化方案进行了更新,包括基于相对生育期的根深动态、根系分布密度和比叶面积季节变化,使模型能从机理上更合理地描述作物同化物分配及土壤水分运动。将改进后的模型应用于河北栾城冬小麦生长季的叶面积指数、生物量和土壤水分模拟,并与相应时期的试验资料对比验证。结果表明,改进后的VIP模型对土壤水分动态和冬小麦叶面积指数的模拟效果更好,模型各状态变量模拟值与观测值的均方根误差和相关系数都得到明显提高。  相似文献   

粮食安全问题一直倍受世界各国关注,及时、准确地了解其他国家或地区的粮食生产状况,对于中国粮食贸易和粮食宏观调控,具有十分重要的意义.本文以美国冬小麦和玉米为研究对象,在分析各作物空间分布及生长季节的基础上,利用土地利用数据剔除非耕地信息,使提取的归一化植被指数(NDVI)客观地反映各作物的生长状况.以1998-2007年的SPOT VEGETATION旬最大值合成NDVI资料为数据源,研究了美国玉米和小麦生长季的旬NDVI与产量的关系,确定了不同月份的建模因子,分别建立了美国玉米和冬小麦不同月份的产量动态预报模型.通过对各模型估算产量与实际产量进行比较,各模型预报结果的相对误差大部分在3%以内,精度较高,说明建立的作物产量动态预报模型实用可行,能够投入产量预报业务应用.  相似文献   

农田土壤水分预测模型的研究进展及应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
申慧娟  严昌荣  戴亚平 《生态科学》2003,22(4):366-370,376
本文对国内外土壤湿度的监测,预报发展情况进行了回顾,总结了国内外土壤水分监测方法及其原理,介绍了国内外土壤湿度预测模型的研究进展及其应用情况,讨论了传统的土壤水分平衡方程统计模型法,从土壤水分运动方程出发的物理学模型法,利用气象要素与土壤水相关关系为基础的统计预报法、及新兴的人工神经元网络和遥感数据估测法的优缺点,并对土壤水分研究工作所面临的问题进行了必要的阐述。  相似文献   

玉米低温冷害动态评估和预测方法   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
马树庆  刘玉英  王琪 《应用生态学报》2006,17(10):1905-1910
为了防御和减轻玉米低温冷害,应用改进的玉米生长发育和干物质积累动态模型,采用新的玉米低温冷害指标和参数,建立了玉米低温冷害发生及损失程度的动态预测和评估方法.该方法遵循积温学说和玉米生物学、生态学原理,用相对积温作为发育期预报和灾害判别的主导因子,用干物质亏缺率代表冷害减产率.经代表地区不同气候年型的验证和试用,证明该冷害预报和评估方法具有较好的客观性和适用性,经过参数和指标调整后,可应用于东北地区各地.  相似文献   

土壤水分遥感监测研究进展   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
杨涛  宫辉力  李小娟  赵文吉  孟丹 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6264-6277
土壤水分是陆地表面参数化的一个关键变量。土壤水分含量随时空的转换而变化,在地-气界面间物质、能量交换中起着重要的作用,是农作物生长发育的基本条件和农作物产量预报的重要参数。遥感技术具有大面积同步观测,时效性、经济性强的特点,为大面积动态监测土壤水分提供了可能。总结了近年来国内外遥感监测土壤水分理论、方法的发展和应用,介绍了目前几种比较成熟和广泛应用的土壤水分遥感监测方法与模型,对比分析了各种监测方法的优缺点,指出了土壤水分遥感监测方法存在的不足,指明了今后发展的方向,展望了土壤水分遥感监测方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

农作物产量预报模型研究与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选取玉米、大豆、小麦三种作物,建立产量的定性和定量预报模型,即年景趋势预报模型、逐步回归周期分量预报模型和多层递阶预报模型。经过检验和预报实践检验,表明所得到的预测模型具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

在东北雨养农业区,地膜覆盖和玉米密植高产栽培技术得到广泛应用。本文探讨了不同种植密度条件下,地膜覆盖对玉米田间土壤水分及其产量的影响。研究设置60000、67500和75000株·hm-23个种植密度,分析玉米田间土壤水分动态及其产量变化。结果表明:3个种植密度下玉米全生育期土壤含水率变化趋势基本一致,在拔节期至灌浆期,种植密度对土壤水分的影响明显;同一密度下,覆膜玉米产量明显高于不覆盖玉米产量,密度在60000株·hm-2时增产率最大(14.3%);不覆盖模式下不同种植密度间水分利用效率差异不显著,覆膜模式下不同密度间水分利用效率差异显著;分析表明,提高玉米种植密度或者采用覆膜种植模式,均可以增加玉米产量,但同时也会导致土壤库存水量降低。  相似文献   

为了阐明根区交替控制灌溉(CRDAI)条件下玉米根系吸水规律,通过田间试验,在沟灌垄植模式下采用根区交替控制灌溉研究玉米根区不同点位(沟位、坡位和垄位)的根长密度(RLD)及根系吸水动态。研究表明,根区土壤水分的干湿交替引起玉米RLD的空间动态变化,在垄位两侧不对称分布,并存在层间差异;土壤水分和RLD是根区交替控制灌溉下根系吸水速率的主要限制因素。在同一土层,根系吸水贡献率以垄位最大,沟位最低;玉米营养生长阶段,10—30 cm土层的根系吸水速率最大;玉米生殖生长阶段,20—70 cm为根系吸水速率最大的土层,根系吸水贡献率为43.21%—55.48%。研究阐明了交替控制灌溉下根系吸水与土壤水分、RLD间相互作用的动态规律,对控制灌溉下水分调控机理研究具有理论意义。  相似文献   

以位于黄土高原半干旱丘陵沟壑区的陕西省安塞县和半湿润残塬沟壑区的甘肃省泾川县为代表,研究了不同水分生态区刺槐林地土壤水分垂直分布特征;并在原有林地土壤水分入渗平衡模型的基础上,建立了林地土壤水分随时间、土壤深度变化的动态模型。结果表明:(1)不同水分生态区林地土壤水分垂直变化规律具有明显区别,泾川的土壤含水量峰值出现在20~40cm土层深处,后随着土层深度的增加逐渐降低,在200cm土层深度土壤含水量趋于稳定(11%左右);安塞的土壤含水量峰值出现在约60cm左右的土层,并在220cm深度土壤含水量趋于稳定(5.5%左右);说明泾川的土壤含水量高于安塞,安塞的降雨和林木根系耗水对土壤水分的影响程度和深度均大于泾川,且两地深层土壤水分含量不受降水和林木根系耗水等的影响。(2)利用降水在土壤中的入渗平衡模型能够很好地拟合黄土高原两地(泾川、安塞)刺槐林地的土壤水分垂直分布;并通过引入参数t(月份)建立了林地土壤水分随时间和土壤深度变化的动态模型,经验证该模型能够准确地刻画黄土高原不同水分生态区刺槐林地土壤水分的动态变化。  相似文献   

土壤水分不足是引起作物干旱的最主要因素。准确确定作物响应土壤水分的临界点对客观辨识、监测作物干旱的发生发展具有重要意义。本研究基于6个初始土壤水分的夏玉米持续干旱模拟试验,利用多元方差分析确定了较早响应土壤水分变化的玉米生长指标,并提出了基于正态总体统计容忍下限确定引起各指标发生显著性变化的临界土壤湿度的方法。结果表明:夏玉米苗期茎含水率、叶含水率、蒸腾速率、光合速率、气孔导度和叶面积较早响应土壤水分,其临界土壤水分(0~30 cm平均土壤相对湿度)分别为72%、65%、62%、60%、58%、46%,反映出随着土壤水分降低、干旱发生发展,玉米的茎含水率、叶含水率、蒸腾速率、光合速率、气孔导度和叶面积会依次受到影响。研究结果可为夏玉米苗期干旱发生发展的监测和定量评估提供依据,也为生态系统响应阈值的确定提供了思路。  相似文献   

Alternate partial root zone irrigation (APRI) is a new water-saving irrigation technique. It can reduce irrigation water and transpiration without reduction in crop yield, thus increase water and nutrient use efficiency. Understanding of soil moisture distribution and dynamic under the alternate partial root zone drip irrigation (APDI) can help to develop the efficient irrigation schemes. In this paper, a two-dimensional (2D) root water uptake model was proposed based on soil water dynamic and root distribution of grape vine, and a function of soil evaporation related to soil water content was defined under the APDI. Then the soil water dynamic model of APDI (APRI-model) was developed based on the 2D root water uptake model and soil evaporation function combined with average measured soil moisture content at 0–10 cm soil layer. Soil water dynamic in APDI was respectively simulated by Hydrus-2D model and APRI-model. The simulated soil water contents by two models were compared with the measured value. The results showed that the values of root-mean-square-error (RMSE) range from 0.01 to 0.022 cm3/cm3 for APRI-model, and from 0.012 to 0.031 cm3/cm3 for Hydrus-2D model. The average relative error between the simulated and measured soil water content is about 10% for APRI-model, and from 11% to 29% for Hydrus-2D model, indicating that two models perform well in simulating soil moisture dynamic under the APDI, but the APRI-model is more suitable for modeling the soil water dynamic in the arid region with greater soil evaporation and uneven root distribution.  相似文献   

Water uptake profile response of corn to soil moisture depletion   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The effects of soil moisture distribution on water uptake of drip‐irrigated corn were investigated by simultaneously monitoring the diurnal evolution of sap flow rate in stems, of leaf water potential, and of soil moisture, during intervals between successive irrigations. The results invalidate the steady‐state resistive flow model for the continuum. High hydraulic capacitance of wet soil and low hydraulic conductivity of dry soil surrounding the roots damped significantly diurnal fluctuations of water flow from bulk soil to root surface. By contrast, sap flow responded directly to the large diurnal variation of leaf water potential. In wet soil, the relation between the diurnal courses of uptake rates and leaf water potential was linear. Water potential at the root surface remained nearly constant and uniformly distributed. The slope of the lines allowed calculating the resistance of the hydraulic path in the plant. Resistances increased in inverse relation with root length density. Soil desiccation induced a diurnal variation of water potential at the root surface, the minimum occurring in the late afternoon. The increase of root surface water potential with depth was directly linked to the soil desiccation profile. The development of a water potential gradient at the root surface implies the presence of a significant axial resistance in the root hydraulic path that explains why the desiccation of the soil upper layer induces an absolute increase of water uptake rates from the deeper wet layers.  相似文献   

Modeling soil water movement with water uptake by roots   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Wu  Jinquan  Zhang  Renduo  Gui  Shengxiang 《Plant and Soil》1999,215(1):7-17
Soil water movement with root water uptake is a key process for plant growth and transport of water and chemicals in the soil-plant system. In this study, a root water extraction model was developed to incorporate the effect of soil water deficit and plant root distributions on plant transpiration of annual crops. For several annual crops, normalized root density distribution functions were established to characterize the relative distributions of root density at different growth stages. The ratio of actual to potential cumulative transpiration was used to determine plant leaf area index under water stress from measurements of plant leaf area index at optimal soil water condition. The root water uptake model was implemented in a numerical model. The numerical model was applied to simulate soil water movement with root water uptake and simulation results were compared with field experimental data. The simulated soil matric potential, soil water content and cumulative evapotranspiration had reasonable agreement with the measured data. Potentially the numerical model implemented with the root water extraction model is a useful tool to study various problems related to flow transport with plant water uptake in variably saturated soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

土壤水分变化对玉米苗期吸收积累镉的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
黄益宗  朱永官  童依平  胡莹  刘云霞 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2832-2836
采用土壤盆栽试验研究不同土壤水分含量对玉米苗期吸收积累 Cd的影响。试验结果表明 ,玉米生物量及其吸收 Cd量在玉米不同的生长时期差异较大。2 2 d收获时 ,玉米地上部和地下部生物量均随着田间持水量 (35 %~ 85 % )的增加而提高 ;而 16 d收获时 ,玉米生物量在田间持水量为 35 %和 85 %时比在其它水分时低许多。 16 d和 2 2 d收获时 ,玉米地上部 Cd含量在田间持水量 5 5 %时分别达到最大值 ,5 5 .4 1mg/ kg和 39.33mg/ kg;而在田间持水量 85 %时分别达最小值 ,2 7.97mg/ kg和 2 3.5 2 m g/kg。在玉米根系的影响下 ,土壤溶液 Cd含量基本上随着玉米的不断生长而降低。田间持水量为 6 5 %时的土壤溶液 Cd含量比田间持水量为 75 %和 85 %时大。玉米总吸 Cd量与水分蒸腾量之间呈极显著的线性正相关关系  相似文献   

Laboski  C.A.M.  Dowdy  R.H.  Allmaras  R.R.  Lamb  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,203(2):239-247
Initial field observations revealed a shallow corn (Zea mays L.) root system on a Zimmerman fine sand in a corn/soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation. Since root distribution influences crop water and nutrient absorption, it is essential to identify factors limiting root growth. The objective of this study was to determine the factor(s) limiting corn rooting depth on an irrigated fine sand soil. Bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil water retention were measured on undisturbed soil cores. Corn root distribution assessed at tasseling over a 3-yr period showed an average of 94% of total root length within the upper 0.60 m of soil with 85% in the upper 0.30 m of soil. Mechanical impedance was estimated with a cone penetrometer on two dates with differing water contents. Cone penetrometer measurements greater than 3 MPa indicated mechanical impedance in soil layers extending from 0.15 to 0.35 m deep. Penetration resistance decreased as soil water content increased. However, soil water contents greater than field capacity were required to decrease penetration resistance below the 3 MPa threshold. Such water saturated conditions only occurred for short periods immediately after precipitation or irrigation events, thus roots usually encountered restrictive soil strengths. The soil layer from 0.15 to 0.60 m had high bulk density, 1.57 Mg m-3. This compacted soil layer, with slower saturated hydraulic conductivities (121 to 138 mm hr-1), held more water than the soil above or below it and reduced water movement through the soil profile. Crop water use occurred to a depth of approximately 0.75 m. In conclusion, a compacted soil layer confined roots almost entirely to the top 0.60 m of soil because it had high soil strength and bulk density. The compacted layer, in turn, retained more water for crop use.  相似文献   

植物的水分利用特征对浅层土石山区的植被恢复具有重要意义.本研究利用稳定同位素技术,通过采集降雨后丹江鹦鹉沟小流域侧柏和玉米的植物样及其植物根系周围的土壤样品,分析其氧稳定同位素特征,研究土石山区侧柏和玉米两种不同植物的土壤水分利用方式对降雨的响应特征.结果表明: 侧柏和玉米的土壤水分利用方式对降雨存在不同的响应特征.侧柏根系主要利用10~30 cm土层的土壤水分,而玉米主要利用0~20 cm土层的土壤水分.降雨量由29 mm减少至8 mm时,侧柏根系的主要吸水深度由20~30 cm减小到10~20 cm,玉米根系的主要吸水深度由10~20 cm转换为0~20 cm.降雨减少时,侧柏根系吸水的主要深度均由深层土壤向浅层土壤移动,而玉米的主要吸水深度由10~20 cm增加为0~20 cm.侧柏和玉米根系的土壤水分利用方式对降雨的响应特征较为明显.  相似文献   

山地梨枣树耗水特征及模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辛小桂  吴普特  汪有科  蔺君 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7473-7482
由于枣树树龄、品种、冠层形态、下垫面以及枣树种植区气象条件不同,导致榆林地区枣树耗水规律研究缺乏系统性.本文利用HYDRUS-1D数学模型对枣树耗水规律进行了研究.2008-2010年通过对榆林米脂县不同树龄山地梨枣树叶面积指数、根系分布规律,作物系数的研究,结合HYDRUS-1D模型预测所需土壤、气象等参数的测定,对山地梨枣树土壤水分动态进行了模拟,并对土壤水分模拟结果与实测值进行拟合,反推出模型计算所需的消光系数及土壤水分胁迫系数等参数.结果表明:HYDRUS-1D模型能够很好模拟该地区梨枣树土壤水分动态变化过程,该地区成年(8龄)梨枣树从发芽开始到梨枣收获期结束共耗水267 mm.  相似文献   

Summary A small fraction of the plant K requirement is attained by root interception. The bulk of K has to be transported to the growing roots by mass-flow and diffusion in which diffusion mechanism plays the major role. Studies were undertaken to evaluate soil and plant parameters that might have influence on K supply mechanisms in soil and on plant uptake of K. Increasing wheat plant density led to competition for K absorption and resulted in lower K uptake by plant. In high plant density treatment, about 60% of the K requirement was met by diffusion process whereas in low plant density treatment mass-flow contributed most of the K demand. Solution diffusion and mass-flow were the major mechanisms of K supply to wheat roots. The mechanism of K supply to wheat root was compared with corn and onion. The major mechanism of K supply to corn and onion roots was exchange and solution diffusion. The mechanism of K supply to different crop species is attributable to differences in the K requirements, water flux rates and to the differences in root parameters.  相似文献   

借助田间、水槽试验的结果结合Penning de Vries的MACROS模型建立玉米生长发育与水分动态耦合的模拟模型,通过验证后用于模拟不同渍水时期及持续时间对春玉米生长及产量影响的动态,模拟结果表明在田间全程控制水分为田间持水量90%以下,春玉米孕穗期为渍水危害的敏感期,其次为4-6叶期,在自然降水及土壤状况影响下,春玉米幼苗期4-6叶时为渍水的敏感期,8叶及孕穗期相对较耐渍,在玉米4、6叶期时,渍害造成产量下降的临界期为5天;而在8叶、孕穗期为10-15天,但持续20天的渍水对任何时期的春玉米生长都造成严重的影响,因此在生产中应注意在苗期及孕穗期及时排除田间多余的水分及降低地下水位。  相似文献   

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