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吕慎金  杨林  杨燕  魏万红 《生态科学》2009,28(5):433-437
2007年4月至8月,以江苏省扬州市瘦西湖景区茱萸湾公园梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)为研究对象,采用扫描取样法(Scansampling)和全事件记录方法(All-occurrence recording),研究了28只梅花鹿昼间行为节律。结果表明:梅花鹿昼间取食、卧息、观望、反刍、移动、修饰行为频次依次减少,取食和卧息行为频次占昼间行为的80%。昼活动节律中,取食和反刍行为频次有两个高峰期,分别在7:30和17:30左右。而卧息行为频次高峰期在11:00~14:00之间。对公鹿、母鹿和幼鹿群体取食和卧息行为频次分析表明,在9:30~11:30时间段和12:30~17:30连续时间段内,公鹿及母鹿取食频次与幼鹿取食频次差异显著,在7:30~8:30和9:30~10:30及12:30~17:30连续时间段内,公鹿的卧息行为频次与母鹿和幼鹿卧息行为频次差异显著。本结论可为梅花鹿饲养管理和遗传保护提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

笼养东北虎雌雄行为差异的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1998年4月-2001年3月在哈尔滨动物园,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法对5只笼养东北虎(3雌2雄)的昼夜行为时间分配及活动规律进行了研究。结果表明:东北虎的睡眠、卧息、运动和其他行为在时间分配上两性存在一定差异,即雌性的睡眠和卧息时间比雄性多,雌性的运动和其他行为时间比雄性少;但摄食行为的时间分配相差不大。两性日活动规律的差异为雄性的睡眠高峰主要在夜晚,卧息较雌性少且相对集中,运动出现和结束的时间较雌性延迟约1h。对两性及不同个体行为时间分配的单因素方差分析发现,不同个体间仅运动存在显著差异(P<0.05);两性间睡眠、卧息、运动和其他行为均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。笼养东北虎两性行为的差异可能与其野外的行为习惯有关,而这些行为习惯又与其担当的性别角色有紧密联系。  相似文献   

藏羚Pantholops hodgsoni是青藏高原特有物种。为了探讨藏羚羊对异地环境的行为学适应,对异地圈养藏羚羊的卧息行为进行了不同性别、不同季节间的比较研究。采用全事件记录法和焦点动物取样法,记录和统计了异地圈养藏羚羊冷季和暖季的卧息行为。研究结果表明,在暖季,雌性和雄性藏羚羊在卧息时间及卧息时间占全天活动时间的比例(卧息比例)上没有差异(卧息时间:Z=-1.126,P0.05;卧息比例:Z=-1.357,P0.05);在冷季,雌性和雄性藏羚羊在卧息时间及卧息比例上也没有差异(卧息时间:Z=-1.14,P0.05;卧息比例:Z=-0.307,P0.05)。雄、雌性藏羚羊的卧息时间及卧息比例没有季节差异(雄性卧息时间:Z=-1.465,P0.05;雄性卧息比例:Z=-1.631,P0.05;雌性卧息时间:Z=-1.742,P0.05;雌性卧息比例:Z=-1.852,P0.05)。季节和性别对藏羚羊卧息行为的影响没有交互作用(F=0.057,P0.05)。总之,藏羚羊卧息行为之间既没有性别差异也没有季节差异,与可可西里地区藏羚羊的卧息行为相比,异地圈养藏羚羊的卧息行为已经调整其行为学适应对策。  相似文献   

藏原羚产仔期社群结构与昼间行为规律   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
鲁庆彬  王小明 《兽类学报》2004,24(3):193-199
在1996年、1999年和2003年夏季,对四川省西北部石渠县的藏原羚社群结构和昼间行为进行了调查研究。藏原羚的社群规模主要表现为集成2—8头的小群体(占77.9%),很少集成9头以上的大群。藏原羚的社群类型可分为3类,即雄性群(43.3%)、雌性群(33.3%)和母子群(23.3%)。藏原羚的雌雄性比为100:174,雌幼数量比是100:44,成幼数量比是100:16。在藏原羚的各种行为中,用于取食的时间最多(37%),其次为移动行为(25%)、站立凝视行为(19%)和卧息行为(18%)。藏原羚产仔期的昼间行为规律以上午(08:00.10:00)和下午(14:00~17:00)活动为主,中午(11:00~14:00)主要是休息,有两个取食和移动高峰、一个卧息高峰。取食与移动呈显的正相关,反映了藏原羚边走边吃的特性;取食和移动与卧息之间则表现极显的负相关。站立凝视行为没有明显的高峰期,整个观察时间内,藏原羚表现出高度的警惕性。他们通常在山的中上坡取食和移动,在中下坡卧息,且雌雄性间行为上存在一定的差异性。  相似文献   

矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描取样法(每隔10 min进行一次扫描纪录,记录时间为5 min)对36只矮岩羊夏季昼间节律与时间分配进行了观察和研究,将矮岩羊行为划分为取食、移动、站立、卧息和其他行为等5类。结果表明,矮岩羊在夏季有3个取食高峰(6:00-9:00、10:00-11:00和16:00-20:00);1个卧息高峰(11:00-15:00)。在时间分配上,用于取食的时间最多(30.14±3.32)%,其次是卧息(26.44±3.59)%,站立(24.90±4.27)%,移动(15.73±1.26)%,而用于其他行为的时间,仅占(2.82±1.00)%。通过不同个体的比较,发现成年雄性用于取食和站立的时间最多,幼体用于移动和其他行为的时间最多,成年雌性用于卧息的时间最多。在矮岩羊集群方面,其集群类型有:混合群、母仔群、雄性群、雌性群和独羊,在夏季集群平均大小为(7.81±8.42)只,2~8只的羊群,占总群数的54.05%;不同集群类型的大小差异极显著(χ2=13.197,dƒ=3,P=0.004),混合群群体最大,而雄性群最小;雌雄比为1∶0.54,雌幼比为1∶0.26,成幼比为1∶0.17。这些都说明矮岩羊这类独特的行为和种群特征是长期适应金沙江干热河谷的结果。  相似文献   

竹巴笼矮岩羊昼间行为节律和时间分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年11月中旬至2009年1月中旬和2009年3月至8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和目标取样法在竹巴笼自然保护区对矮岩羊的昼间行为节律和时间分配进行了研究,结果表明:矮岩羊的昼间行为活动有明显的节律性,活动高峰出现的时间与矮岩羊昼间取食高峰时间基本一致。取食和卧息是最主要的行为方式,分别占总观察频次的53.83%和27.76%,频次较少的是站立和移动,分别占总观察频次的9.93%和8.24%,其它行为所占频次最少,只有0.24%,昼间2个取食高峰(9:00-11:00, 17:00-19:00)和1个卧息高峰(11:00-16:00),呈现出取食-休息-取食的规律。Kruskal-Wallis H 检验表明,季节因素对矮岩羊取食(P <0.05)、卧息(P <0.05)和其它行为(P <0.05)所占时间影响显著,而对移动(P >0.05)和站立(P >0.05)行为影响不显著。各年龄段之间其它行为所占的时间比例差异显著(P<0.05),而取食(P>0.05)、移动(P>0.05)、卧息(P>0.05)和站立(P>0.05)所占时间比例差异不显著;对比分析不同性别矮岩羊昼间行为时间分配差异,雌性的取食、移动和卧息的时间略高于雄性,而站立和其他行为时间低于雄性;Mann-Whitney U 检验对不同性别矮岩羊昼间的各种行为差异进行分析表明:性别因素对矮岩羊昼间时间分配和行为节律产生一定程度的影响,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

不同种群密度下高原鼠兔的行为模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2003年高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)的繁殖初期、繁殖盛期、繁殖中期和繁殖末期,采用目标动物取样法对其不同种群密度条件下的行为模式进行研究,探讨高原鼠兔的行为变化和种群密度的相互关系。结果表明:在繁殖盛期和繁殖中期,低密度种群内雌性高原鼠兔的观望时间均显著高于高密度种群内,而在其它两个时期内无明显不同;雄性高原鼠兔的观望时间在不同密度间比较均无显著差异;同一密度条件下,雄性高原鼠兔的观望行为持续时间和发生频次均表现显著的季节性变化,而雌性高原鼠兔无明显差异。高原鼠兔的地面活动时间在不同种群密度间比较无显著差异。低密度种群内,雄性高原鼠兔的地面移动距离和频次均呈显著的季节性差异,而雌性高原鼠兔的差异不显著;高密度种群内,雌、雄个体的地面移动距离和频次都具有显著的季节性差异。在高原鼠兔的社会行为中,亲昵行为和攻击行为强度在不同种群密度间比较均无显著差异;在同一密度条件下,亲昵行为和攻击行为强度也没有表现出明显的季节性变化。以上结果说明高原鼠兔的行为变化与其繁殖期和性别有明显的关系,而在密度间无明显的差异,其主要原因是在不同的繁殖期,动物的繁殖投入不同,导致行为模式产生差异  相似文献   

蒙古野驴昼间行为的时间分配   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2005年3月至2006年6月,研究了内蒙古中部中蒙边境地区蒙古野驴(Eqqus hemionus hemionus)的昼间行为及时间分配,并建立了蒙古野驴的昼间行为谱。统计分析表明,蒙古野驴用于取食的时间最多,平均超过50%,其次是站立。蒙古野驴在冬春季节(11月至次年4月)取食时间明显长于夏秋季(5~10月)。蒙古野驴一天中7:00~10:00时和16:00~18:00时为取食高峰期,11:00~14:00时为其站立和休息高峰,蒙古野驴的其他行为没有明显的高峰期。雌雄蒙古野驴昼间行为时间分配的统计分析表明,取食、运动、卧息和站立凝视无显著的性别差异,而争斗和其他行为两性的差异显著。蒙古野驴昼间用于取食的时间最长,冬春季取食时间(53·95%)多于夏秋季(48·92%)。冬春季,蒙古野驴减少了运动和站立的时间,用于卧息的时间略有增加,中午前后两个取食高峰的间隔时间明显短于夏秋季。蒙古野驴通常在草原的开阔区域取食和移动,在背风和较为隐蔽处卧息。作者进行野外观察时,蒙古野驴对观察者表现出高度的警惕。  相似文献   

2014年7—8月,在浙江省富阳市獐养殖场采用瞬时扫描取样法对圈养条件下哺乳期雌獐昼夜行为时间分配及活动节律进行了调查研究。结果表明:1雌獐的日活动行为时间分配依次为卧息(59.01±2.93)%、走动(13.91±2.39)%、采食(10.60±0.74)%、梳理(7.76±1.10)%、反刍(2.84±0.66)%、站立(2.72±1.01)%、警戒(1.53±0.59)%、社会行为(1.26±0.54)%、排遗(0.36±0.22)%。2雌獐的昼间卧息时间极显著低于夜间(P<0.01),梳理时间显著低于夜间(P<0.05),而走动、采食、反刍、警戒和社会行为的时间极显著高于夜间(P<0.01),站立行为差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3一天中,雌獐的采食行为和反刍行为呈现双峰型的节律特征,走动、站立和梳理行为出现了3个高峰期,卧息和社会行为则呈多峰型,其中取食高峰后延迟1~2 h为反刍高峰。4卧息行为分别与采食行为和走动行为呈极显著的负相关关系,而采食行为与走动行为之间呈显著的正相关关系。总之,哺乳期圈养雌獐的日活动行为体现出明显的节律性,且大多数行为时间具有明显的昼夜差异。  相似文献   

基于正交试验设计,对上海动物园8头黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)进行食物丰容(木丝、麻袋和竹筒)对取食行为影响的研究,利用正交试验设计试验因素和水平,采用所有事件取样法记录丰容前后黑猩猩取食行为的持续时间。结果表明,通过正交试验设计,能够有效对不同的试验方案进行排序。本研究中,对黑猩猩取食行为影响的主次顺序依次为木丝麻袋竹筒;不同食物丰容方式对成年雄性取食行为影响不显著,所有成年雌性丰容后取食行为增加,且取食占比比雄性高,幼年个体在丰容后取食行为占比降低。3种丰容方式对成年雄性和幼年个体的取食行为都没有显著影响。对4头成年雌性黑猩猩的最优丰容组合为木丝和麻袋(有无竹筒都可),对1头亚成年雌性黑猩猩的最优组合为木丝(有无竹筒和麻袋都可)。木丝对成年雌性取食行为的影响极显著(P 0.01),竹筒对每个个体行为影响均不显著(P 0.05),麻袋对部分个体影响不显著(P 0.05)。  相似文献   

Stereotypical behaviors in captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus) can be detrimental to their welfare. These behaviors can be reduced through enrichment programs but are often not completely eliminated, so identifying potential triggers is important. The present study investigated the influences of seasonal changes, visitor density, and concurrent bear activity on stereotypical behaviors exhibited by 3 captive polar bears at the Toronto Zoo. All bears exhibited these behaviors; however, individual differences were found in duration and form. The male exhibited less stereotypical behavior during spring, and the females exhibited less stereotypical behavior during winter. An increase in visitor density was associated with more stereotypical behavior in 1 female but less stereotypical behavior in the other 2 bears. All bears engaged in more stereotypical behaviors when the other bears were inactive, and 1 female engaged in more stereotypical behaviors when the other bears were out of sight. Further, when conspecifics were active, all bears engaged in less stereotypical behaviors. Given the variability among individual bears, future enrichment programs must be tailored to the needs of individuals to maximize efficacy.  相似文献   

非笼养雌雄东北虎的行为时间分配和活动节律的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1998 年4 月至2001 年4 月, 采用随机取样法、目标取样法和扫描取样法对黑龙江东北虎林园的10 只(5 雌5 雄) 非笼养东北虎的昼间行为时间分配及活动节律进行了研究。结果表明, 雌雄东北虎的行为时间分配和活动节律均存在一定的差异。在时间分配方面, 雌性每天用于休息、社会和其它(包括饮水、排遗和修饰) 行为的时间多于雄性, 雌性每天用于活动和取食的时间少于雄性, 只有站立比较接近。对雌雄各种行为的单因素方差分析表明, 雌雄的休息、活动和其它行为存在极显著差异, 取食存在显著差异, 站立和社会行为不存在显著差异。在活动节律方面, 雌雄的活动变化规律相似, 仅在出现和持续时间及强度上存在差异。用单因素方差分析法对不同季节东北虎的各种行为进行检验, 发现季节因素对取食和社会行为影响极显著, 对休息、活动和站立影响显著。  相似文献   

Several researchers have reported significant effects of visitor density and intensity on captive animal behavior. This study determined whether this was the case for 2 captive jaguars housed at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA. Subjects were monitored for changes in behavior as a function of visitor density and intensity. The jaguars were observed for 8 hr per week for 29 weeks—March 31 until October 11, 1998—for a total of 230 hr. Continuous frequency sampling was used, and visitor density and intensity were recorded every minute. Parametric statistics were used to test for correlations between behavior and density, intensity, or a combination of the two. Both density and intensity were significant for time spent non-visible for both cats, and intensity showed a significant effect on the female's pacing behavior. In addition, the male cat exhibited a trend for increased aggression based on both visitor density and intensity and a trend of intensity affecting his social behavior. In conclusion, both density and intensity had a significant effect on behavior, with intensity showing a larger effect.  相似文献   

Several researchers have reported significant effects of visitor density and intensity on captive animal behavior. This study determined whether this was the case for 2 captive jaguars housed at the Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA. Subjects were monitored for changes in behavior as a function of visitor density and intensity. The jaguars were observed for 8 hr per week for 29 weeks—March 31 until October 11, 1998—for a total of 230 hr. Continuous frequency sampling was used, and visitor density and intensity were recorded every minute. Parametric statistics were used to test for correlations between behavior and density, intensity, or a combination of the two. Both density and intensity were significant for time spent non-visible for both cats, and intensity showed a significant effect on the female's pacing behavior. In addition, the male cat exhibited a trend for increased aggression based on both visitor density and intensity and a trend of intensity affecting his social behavior. In conclusion, both density and intensity had a significant effect on behavior, with intensity showing a larger effect.  相似文献   

Although white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) are common in captivity, few behavioral studies have been conducted and there is seemingly no research for immersive exhibits where potential for visitor effects is high. Moreover, little information exists on possible effects of weather and temperature on rhino outside their native range. Here we analyze 14,501 observations of rhino in a drive-through enclosure. Data were collected by researchers (n = 12,160 datapoints) and keepers (n = 2341 datapoints) over a 4-month period. We aimed to: (1) quantify behavior using detailed researcher-collected data and contemporaneous but ad hoc keeper-collected data; (2) compare datasets statistically; (3) establish effects of visitors, temperature, and weather on behavior; and (4) assess the influence of visitors on similarity of researcher/keeper datasets. Activity budgets were similar to the wild and the single previous study from a traditional (nondrive-through) enclosure. There was some discrepancy in activity budgets between researcher and keeper data due to significant differences in recorded frequency of two rare behaviors (horn rub; social interaction) and two behaviors that could be easily confused (grazing vs. standing with head-down): recording of other behaviors matched well. Weather and temperature affected behavior, with rhino becoming more sedentary (−locomotion, grazing; +resting, standing, and sedentary eating of hay) on hot/sunny days compared to cool/wet days. The number of visitor vehicles had a fairly negligible effect but resting was lower on busy days, possibly as vigilance increased. The match between researcher/keeper datasets was lowest when visitor numbers were high, suggesting visitors might affect keeper ability to accurately record behavior.  相似文献   

笼养灰胸竹鸡的活动时间分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用直接观察法对灰胸竹鸡在笼养条件下的活动时间分配及行为特点进行研究,结果表明笼养条件下灰胸竹鸡的主要行为有走动、站立、取食、静卧4种,一天中有两个活动高峰,雄鸡的活动强于雌鸡;白天休息时间占40%以上,采食集中在上午和傍晚进行;站立、取食、静卧发生的频次在雌雄之间无显著差异(P〉0.05),而走动的频次雄鸡极显著的高于雌鸡(P〈0.01),各行为每频次在持续时间上差异不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

This study investigated behavioral activities (resting, moving, aggressive, social, and reproductive behavior) and fecal cortisol levels in 8 individually identified adult male blackbucks during periods of varying levels of zoo visitors (zero, low, high, and extremely high zoo visitor density). This study also elucidated whether zoo visitor density could disturb nonhuman animal welfare. This study analyzed fecal cortisol from the samples of blackbuck by radioimmunoassay and found significant differences (p < .05) for time the animals devoted to moving, resting, aggressive, reproductive, and social behavior on days with high and extremely high levels of zoo visitors. The ANOVA with Duncan's Multiple Range Test test showed that the fecal cortisol concentration was higher (p < .05) during the extremely high (137.30 ± 5.88 ng/g dry feces) and high (113.51 ± 3.70 ng/g dry feces) levels of zoo visitor density. The results of the study suggest that zoo visitor density affected behavior and adrenocortical secretion in Indian Blackbuck, and this may indicate an animal welfare problem.  相似文献   

Visitors can affect and reduce the welfare of nonhuman animals. The Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil, had a group of greater rheas intended for reintroduction to the wild. Because this group received public visitation, evaluating its effect on the birds' behavior and welfare was important. The study conducted 60 hr of behavioral observations: 30 with, and 30 without, visitors in front of the birds' enclosure. The study, conducted April-December 2009, collected data using scan sampling with instantaneous recording of behavior every minute. The study collected data on public behavior, visitor density, and time spent observing the birds. More than 4,000 persons visited the birds' enclosure: 9.86 s average time spent. Public behaviors most expressed were walking-watching-talking and stopped-watching-talking; visitors or not, greater rheas' most expressed behaviors (inversed between treatments) were foraging and walking alert; defecating/urinating and other behaviors differed statistically between treatments. Walking alert was most expressed in the presence of visitors; defecating/urinating and other behaviors were most expressed in their absence. Greater rheas seemed to habituate to visitors. Birds' behaviors differed little in visitors' presence or absence.  相似文献   

This study investigated behavioral activities (resting, moving, aggressive, social, and reproductive behavior) and fecal cortisol levels in 8 individually identified adult male blackbucks during periods of varying levels of zoo visitors (zero, low, high, and extremely high zoo visitor density). This study also elucidated whether zoo visitor density could disturb nonhuman animal welfare. This study analyzed fecal cortisol from the samples of blackbuck by radioimmunoassay and found significant differences (p < .05) for time the animals devoted to moving, resting, aggressive, reproductive, and social behavior on days with high and extremely high levels of zoo visitors. The ANOVA with Duncan's Multiple Range Test test showed that the fecal cortisol concentration was higher (p < .05) during the extremely high (137.30 ± 5.88 ng/g dry feces) and high (113.51 ± 3.70 ng/g dry feces) levels of zoo visitor density. The results of the study suggest that zoo visitor density affected behavior and adrenocortical secretion in Indian Blackbuck, and this may indicate an animal welfare problem.  相似文献   

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