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本文通过查阅并归纳近几年相关文献,较为系统地概述了靶向活性多肽、细胞穿膜肽和靶向细胞穿膜肽等多肽表面修饰脂质体药物递送系统(drug delivery system, DDS)的研究进展。经不同活性多肽表面修饰,或可增强脂质体DDS的靶向性,或可提高药物的细胞摄取率和生物利用度。总之,多肽表面修饰的脂质体在新型DDS研究及应用中具有良好的前景。  相似文献   

目的:肿瘤的靶向治疗是当前研究的热点,肝肿瘤细胞表面有大量的转铁蛋白受体表达,而正常组织较少,因此本研究制备转铁蛋白(TF)修饰的脂质体(TFLPs),并对其肝肿瘤靶向性进行研究。方法:采用薄膜分散法制备普通脂质体,考察其形态,粒径,电位。通过体外血清稳定性模拟脂质体进入体内后的稳定性。通过HepG2肿瘤细胞对TFLPs的摄取实验考查脂质体与肝癌细胞的亲和力。构建荷瘤裸鼠模型,考查TFLPs在荷瘤裸鼠体内的分布。结果:所制备的TFLPs平均粒径为108.8±9.5nm,Zeta电位为.1.80±0.73mV。学期稳定性试验结果显示,TFLPs在24h内具有良好的血清稳定性。体外细胞摄取实验表明,HepG2细胞对TFLPs的摄取效率是普通长循环脂质体(LPs)的3.4倍。荷瘤裸鼠肝组织和肿瘤组织切片结果显示,TFLPs比LPs具有更好的肿瘤靶向性。结论:该脂质体制备方法简单,与LPs相比,经转铁蛋白修饰可显著提高肿瘤细胞对脂质体的摄取,TFLPs是一种潜在高效的肝癌靶向给药系统。  相似文献   

聚乙二醇-20000对阿糖胞苷脂质体载药性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨聚乙二醇-20000对阿糖胞苷脂质体载药性能的影响。方法:用蛋黄卵磷脂为包封材料,采用逆相蒸发法制备阿糖胞苷脂质体,用不同质量浓度的聚乙二醇包覆进行表面修饰,与未包覆的脂质体进行对照,通过测定其包封率、平均粒径、粒度分布及药物的渗漏速率,对聚乙二醇.20000修饰的阿糖胞苷脂质体的载药性能进行评价。结果:聚乙二醇-20000修饰的阿糖胞苷脂质体具有较高的包封率、较大的平均粒径和较低的渗漏速率。p(PEG)=2.0g/L时,包封率最高为(22.34±2.47)%,平均粒径最大为5.99μm。p(PEG)=4.0g/L时,渗漏速率最慢。结论:聚乙二醇-20000的修饰提高了阿糖胞苷脂质体的载药性能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经聚乙二醇包覆后阿糖胞苷脂质体的物理稳定性。方法:以阿糖胞苷为装载药物,用经纯化的天然卵磷脂和胆固醇为包封材料,卵磷脂与胆固醇的摩尔比为1:1,用反相蒸发法制备阿糖胞苷脂质体。不同浓度的聚乙二醇对脂质体包覆进行表面修饰,通过显微形态鉴定,装载药物的渗漏量及经37~℃、48 h温育前后平均粒径的变化,对聚乙二醇包覆后阿糖胞苷脂质体的物理稳定性进行评价。结果:修饰后的阿糖胞苷脂质体具有较大的平均粒径和较低的药物渗漏量。当聚乙二醇浓度为2.0 mg/m L时,脂质体形态良好,药物的渗漏量比未修饰的脂质体低77.8%。温育后,脂质体平均粒径的增加值最低为151 nm。结论:阿糖胞苷脂质体经聚乙二醇的包覆提高了物理稳定性。  相似文献   

阳离子脂质体是一种有临床应用潜力的抗肿瘤药物递药系统,助类脂能起到稳定双层膜和降低阳性成分毒性的作用,同时提供阳性类脂的细胞渗透功能。为了进一步发掘助类脂的应用潜力,该文采用胆固醇(cholesterol)作为助类脂制备阳离子脂质体,测定了脂质体的粒径及Zeta电位,脂质体的平均粒径为100~140 nm,Zeta电位为45~60 mV。脂质体分别与绿色荧光蛋白基因(pGFP-N2)、荧光素酶基因(pGL3)结合,形成脂质体/DNA复合物,通过载入人喉癌细胞(Hep-2),考察了其转染效率和细胞毒性。结果表明,阳离子类脂与胆固醇以1:1、1:2和1:4摩尔比例混合制备脂质体均能高效转染Hep-2细胞。毒性实验显示,阳离子类脂单独存在时对癌细胞具有一定的细胞毒性,随着胆固醇的加入,脂质体对细胞的毒性明显减小,与商品试剂DOTAP和Lipofectamine 2000相当。  相似文献   

高分子囊泡作为一种新型的纳米药物载体,具有生物可降解性、稳定性、生物相容性及可修饰的多功能化等特点。改变聚合物种类和亲水-疏水嵌段的比例,可以制备具有不同形态和膜特性的高分子囊泡。经过修饰后的高分子囊泡,可赋予其更多的功能,从而实现药物的控释和药物靶向的能力。对高分子囊泡的结构、组成和制备方法以及在药物释放体系的应用等方面进行了较为详细的综述,目的是了解高分子囊泡最新研究进展以及未来科学家们亟须解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

聚羟基脂肪酸(PHA)颗粒表面结合蛋白Pha P具有与疏水性高分子材料表面紧密结合的能力,本研究将EGFR靶向多肽(ETP)与PhaP进行融合表达,构建了ETP-PhaP融合蛋白表达的重组工程菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pPI-ETP-P)。经对工程菌株的诱导表达及ETP-PhaP融合蛋白的纯化后,通过PhaP蛋白介导能够有效地将ETP-PhaP融合蛋白修饰于3-羟基丁酸-3-羟基己酸共聚酯(PHBHHx)纳米微球表面,构建成为具有EGFR靶向作用的药物递送载体。分别检测宫颈癌细胞系SiHa(EGFR高表达)和CaSKi(EGFR低表达)对ETP-PhaP修饰的PHBHHx纳米药物载体和未经修饰的纳米药物载体的吞噬情况。结果显示,纯化的ETP-PhaP融合蛋白能够很好地吸附于PHBHHx颗粒的表面,经ETP-PhaP融合蛋白修饰的PHBHHx纳米药物载体对EGFR高表达的宫颈癌Si Ha细胞的靶向效果强于EGFR低表达的CaSKi细胞系。这一结果表明了PhaP介导的PHBHHx纳米微球表面EGFR靶向多肽修饰具有简便、高效的优势,为疏水性纳米药物载体表面功能多肽修饰提供了一种新策略。  相似文献   

脂质体作为植物细胞工程载体研究的现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂质体作为植物细胞工程载体具有人造性、稳定性、广宿主性及超载性等特点,目前它用于遗传修饰和细胞修饰的实验体系已基本建立,即植物病毒RNA-脂质体系统、Ti质粒-脂质体系统、其它核酸-脂质体系统及细胞器-脂质体系统等。在遗传修饰方面的研究进展很快,但脂质体不能决定引入遗传物质能否整合和表达而影响了其广泛使用;在细胞修饰方面工作还只是刚开始。脂质体载体有很大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

基因治疗是一种有效的治疗方法,可用于治疗多种严重威胁人类健康的疾病.然而,裸露的基因治疗药物存在易被核酶降解、细胞内吞效果差和细胞靶向能力差等缺点.因此,需要寻求合适的载体,将基因治疗药物有效地输递到靶细胞,实现高效的基因治疗.本文主要综述了近年来基因治疗药物输递系统的研究进展,分别总结和阐述了病毒载体,脂质体、聚合物和树状大分子等非病毒载体,以及具有示踪功能的输递系统的特点及研究和发展现状.  相似文献   

脂质体是由天然脂类和(或)类固醇组成的微球体,核酸分子可被包裹在微球体内部空间,通过细胞内吞作用(endocytosis)及膜融合(membrane fusion)进入细胞。由于脂质体没有毒性,制备容易,因此,脂质体作为基因载体越来越受到重视。  相似文献   

The design and construction of delivery vectors with high stability and effective cellular uptake efficiency is very important. In this study, a novel polymeric liposomes (PLs) formed from PEGylated octadecyl‐quaternized lysine modified chitosan (OQLCS) and cholesterol with higher size stability and cellular uptake efficiency has been synthesized successfully. Compared to conventional liposomes (CLs; phosphatidyl choline/cholesterol), the calcein‐loaded PLs exhibited a multi‐lamellar structure with homogenous size diameter (200 nm) and high calcein encapsulation efficiency (about 92%). PLs could be stored at different temperature (25, 4, and ?20°C) and different medium (deionized water, phosphate‐buffered saline, and human plasma solution) for up to 4 weeks without significant size change. The spectrophotometer fluorometry analysis and the flow cytometry analysis indicated that in comparison with CL, PLs with positive zeta potential facilitates the uptake of calcein by MCF‐7 tumor cells. The data suggests that PLs may provide a new method to overcome the stability and enhance the uptake efficiency of CLs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 952–962. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cationic liposomes (CLs) are one of the most employed nonviral nanovector systems in gene therapy. However, their transfection efficiency is strongly affected by interactions with plasma components, that lead to the formation of a “protein corona” onto CL surface. The interactions between nanoparticles entering the body and biomolecules have an essential role for their biodistribution. Because the knowledge of proteins adsorbed onto vector surface could be useful in the screening of new, more efficient and more biocompatible liposomal formulations, the behavior of three CLs with different membrane charge densities was investigated. The proteins of the three coronas were identified by nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and quantified with label-free spectral counting strategy. Fibrinogen displayed higher association with CLs with high membrane charge density, while apolipoproteins and C4b-binding protein with CLs with low membrane charge density. These results are discussed in terms of the different lipid compositions of CLs and may have a deep biological impact for in vivo applications. Surface charge of nanoparticles is emerging as a relevant factor determining the corona composition after interaction with plasma proteins. Remarkably, it is also shown that the charge of the protein corona formed around CLs is strongly related to their membrane charge density.  相似文献   

Kinetics of cytosolic recombinant human glyoxalase II and bovine liver mitochondrial glyoxalase II were studied in the presence of liposomes made of different phospholipids (PLs). Neutral PLs such as egg phosphatidylcholine or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine did not affect the enzymatic activity of either enzymatic form. Liposomes made of dioleoyl phosphatidic acid or cardiolipin or phosphatidylserine also did not affect the enzymatic activity of mitochondrial glyoxalase II. Conversely, these negatively charged PLs exerted noncompetitive inhibition on cytosolic glyoxalase II only, dioleoyl phosphatidic acid and bovine brain phosphatidylserine exerting the highest and lowest inhibition, respectively. Binding studies, carried out by using a resonant mirror biosensor, revealed that liposomes made of negatively charged PLs interact specifically with both enzymatic forms of glyoxalase II, whereas interactions were not detected with neutral PLs. Once bound on glyoxalase II, negatively charged liposomes could not be removed by 3 M NaCl, suggesting that interactions between glyoxalase II and negatively charged PLs, besides ionic, may be also hydrophobic. These data suggest a possible role of negatively charged phospholipids in the regulation of level of lactoylglutathione in the cell. The data are also discussed in terms of a possible regulation of reduced glutathione supply to mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cationic lipids (CLs) are being increasingly exploited as transfection vectors for the delivery of DNA into eukaryotic cells. To obtain further insight to the complex formation and interactions between cationic liposomes and DNA, we characterised three novel cationic lipids, viz. bis[2-(11-phenoxyundecanoate)ethyl]-dimethylammonium bromide, N-hexadecyl-N-?10-[O-(4-acetoxy)-phenylundecanoate]ethyl?- dimethylammonium bromide, and bis[2-(11-butyloxyundecanoate)ethyl]dimethylammonium bromide. These lipids bear the same charged headgroup yet have different hydrophobic parts. Accordingly, we may anticipate their electrostatic interactions with DNA to be similar while differing in both thermal phase behaviour and physicochemical properties of their complexes with DNA. In keeping with the above all three lipids formed complexes with DNA as evidenced by light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy and Langmuir film balance. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed very different phase behaviours for the binary mixtures of the three CLs with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and also provided evidence for DNA-induced lipid phase separation. These data were confirmed by compression isotherms and fluorescence microscopy of monolayers residing on an aqueous buffer, recorded both in the presence and absence of DNA. Importantly, binding to cationic liposomes appears to prevent thermal denaturation of DNA upon heating of the complexes. Likewise, renaturation of heat-treated DNA complexed with the cationic liposomes appears to be abolished as well.  相似文献   

A peculiar characteristic of highly concentrated cytosolic recombinant human glyoxalase II (GII) solutions is to undergo partial precipitation. Previous work indicated that anionic phospholipids (PLs) exert a noncompetitive inhibition on the enzymatic activity of the soluble enzyme. In this study, FTIR spectroscopy was used to analyze the structural properties and the thermal stability of the soluble protein in the absence and in the presence of liposomes made of different phospholipids (PLs). The structural analysis was performed on the precipitate as well. The interaction of acidic PLs with GII lowered the thermal stability of the enzyme and inhibited protein intermolecular interactions (aggregation) brought about by thermal denaturation. Infrared data indicated that ionic and hydrophobic interactions occur between GII and acidic PLs causing small changes in the secondary structure of the enzyme. No interactions of the protein with egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes were detected. The results are consistent with the destabilization of the protein tertiary structure, and indicate that GII possesses hydrophobic part(s) that interact with the acyl chains of PLs. Data on precipitated GII did not show remarkable modification of secondary structure, suggesting that hydrophobic stretches of the enzyme may also be involved in the protein-protein association (precipitation) at high GII concentration. The alterations in the GII structure and the noncompetitive inhibition exerted by acidic PLs are strictly related.  相似文献   


Cationic liposome (CL)-DNA complexes (lipoplexes) have appeared as leading nonviral gene carriers in worldwide gene therapy clinical trials. Arriving at therapeutic dosages requires the full understanding of the mechanism of transfection. However, using CLs to deliver therapeutic nucleic acids and drugs to target organs have some problems, including low transfection efficiency. The aim of this study was developing novel CLs containing four neutral lipids; cholesterol, 1,2-dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, distearoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine as a helper lipid and dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide as a cationic lipid to increase transfection efficiency. We have investigated the correlation between number of lipid composition and transfection efficiency. The morphology, size and zeta potential of liposomes and lipoplexes were measured and lipoplexes formation was monitored by gel retardation assay. Transfection efficiency was assessed using firefly luciferase reporter assay. It was found that transfection efficiency markedly depended on liposome to plasmid DNA (pDNA) weight ratio, lipid composition and efficiency of pDNA entrapment. High transfection efficiency of plasmid by four component lipoplexes was achieved. Moreover, lipoplexes showed lower transfection efficiency and less cytotoxicity compared to Lipofectamine?. These results suggest that lipid composition of nanoliposomes is an important factor in control of their physical properties and also yield of transfection.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent hallmarks of apoptotic cells is the altered characteristics of their plasma membrane, with its blebbing and exposure of the anionic phospholipid, phosphatidylserine (PS), in the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer. The latter feature provides the basis of distinguishing apoptotic cells from most normal cells due to staining with fluorescently labeled annexin V, binding specifically to PS. In this article, we report on the binding to apoptotic leukemic T cells (Jurkat cell line, treated with different apoptotic inducers) of cationic liposomes (CLs) composed of the cationic gemini surfactant SS-1 ((2S,3S)-2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-bis(N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium)butane dibromide), the fluorescent lipid analog DOPRho (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl)), and POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine). Control cells showed negligible and irregular binding patterns of CLs, whereas apoptotic cells revealed a strongly augmented staining of their plasma membrane. Morphological observations and comparison with standard procedures for detecting apoptotic cells further demonstrated the binding of CLs to be intense for cells undergoing apoptosis. In addition, some apoptotic cells with higher caspase-3 activity also revealed more pronounced staining by CLs. Our data suggest that the binding of CLs to apoptotic cells is mediated through an electrostatic interaction between the positively charged head group of SS-1 and the translocated anionic phospholipid PS in the plasma membrane. Because the fluorescent lipid tracer can be freely selected, this approach provides convenient and versatile means for the fluorescence detection of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

A shotgun proteomics approach was used to characterize and compare the proteins that lead to the formation of a rich “protein corona” adsorbed onto the surfaces of cationic liposomes (CLs), lipoplexes, and lipid/polycation/DNA (LPD) complexes, when they come into contact with plasma. After separation of the nanoparticle–protein complex from plasma, the protein mixture was digested, and peptides were analyzed by nanoliquid chromatography–Orbitrap LTQ-XL mass spectrometry. The number of proteins bound to lipoplexes was double that of those identified in the corona of CLs (208 vs 105), while 77 proteins were common to both coronas. The number of proteins bound to the surface of the LPD complexes (158, 133 of which are common to lipoplexes) is intermediate between those found in the protein corona of both CLs and lipoplexes. About half of them were found in the protein corona of CLs. By overlapping the three formulations, it can be seen that only 12 proteins are peculiar to LPD complexes. These results may help in designing gene delivery systems capable of binding the minimum possible quantity of proteins that influence transfection negatively, binding selectively proteins capable of helping in steering in vivo the vector toward the target, and obtaining more efficient and effective gene therapy.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin, as a widely used chemotherapeutic, always causes multidrug resistance in human cancer cells. To circumvent drug resistance, we developed a novel formulation where doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX) and chloroquine phosphate (CQ) were simultaneously loaded into liposomes by a pH-gradient method where CQ played the role of a chemical sensitizer. The various factors were investigated to optimize the formulation and manufacturing conditions of DOX and CQ coencapsulated liposomes (DCL). The resultant DCLs achieved the high encapsulation efficiency of both drugs over 90%. Further, DCLs significantly displayed resistance reversal action on a doxorubicin-resistant human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7/ADR) through the cooperation of CQ with DOX. The reversal fold of DCL with the DOX/CQ/soybean phosphatidylcholine weight ratio of 0.5:1:50 was 5.7, compared to free DOX. These results demonstrate that DCL is a promising formulation for the treatment of DOX-resistant breast cancer.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a flurry of experimental work on understanding the supramolecular assemblies that are formed when cationic liposomes (CLs) are mixed with DNA. From a biomedical point of view, CLs (vesicles) are empirically known to be carriers of genes (sections of DNA) in nonviral gene delivery applications. Although viral-based carriers of DNA are presently the most common method of gene delivery, nonviral synthetic methods are rapidly emerging as alternative carriers, because of their ease of production and nonimmunogenicity (viral carriers very often evoke an undesirable and potentially lethal immune response). At the moment, cationic-lipid-based carriers have emerged as the most popular nonviral method to deliver genes in therapeutic applications, for example, CL carriers are used extensively in clinical trials worldwide. However, because the mechanism of transfection (the transfer of DNA into cells by CL carriers, followed by expression) of CL--DNA complexes remains largely unknown, the measured efficiencies are, at present, very low. The low transfection efficiencies of current nonviral gene delivery methods are the result of poorly understood transfection-related mechanisms at the molecular and self-assembled levels. Recently, work has been carried out on determining the supramolecular structures of CL--DNA complexes by the quantitative technique of synchrotron X-ray diffraction. When DNA is mixed with CLs (composed of mixtures of cationic DOTAP and neutral DOPC lipids), the resulting CL--DNA complex consists of a multilamellar structure (L(alpha)(C)) comprising DNA monolayers sandwiched between lipid bilayers. The existence of a different columnar inverted hexagonal (H(II)(C)) phase in CL--DNA complexes was also demonstrated using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Ongoing functional studies and optical imaging of cells are expected to clarify the relationship between the supramolecular structures of CL--DNA complexes and transfection efficiency.  相似文献   

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