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李丕鹏  陆宇燕  李昂 《蛇志》2014,(2):156-158,182,F0004
目的中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis David,1875)是我国林蛙属分布最为广泛的特有种,在上一世纪对其分类问题多有争议,曾被认为广布于中国、蒙古、俄罗斯、日本和朝鲜半岛等。随着对其分类地位的确定,其分布范围也发生了很大变化。为了保护和可持续利用这一重要资源,本文对其分类研究历史和分布进行了总结。方法通过收集、整理和分析研究文献,结合本实验室多年来掌握的野外资料,进行系统的总结。结果中国林蛙自1875年由戴维(中文名为谭卫道)命名以来,曾被划归欧洲林蛙的亚种,并将多种其他林蛙归并入其下。1981年,经过细胞分类学研究,正式恢复为有效种,随后进一步划分出5个亚种。直至本世纪初,经过进一步的分类学研究,厘清了其与东北林蛙和西北林蛙的关系,从而确定其为仅分布于中国的特有种。在此基础上,对其分布也进行了重新确立。结论中国林蛙隶属于蛙科林蛙属中国林蛙种组,目前没有种下分化和亚种形成,分布于我国华北、华中及其周边地区,分布海拔不高于2500m。  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因序列探讨我国林蛙属动物的系统发生关系   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
对中国林蛙属动物进行了DNA水平的分子系统发生研究,测定了中国林蛙属7种15个样品,侧褶蛙属2种2个样品Cyt b基因长约360bp片段的序列。对这些序列的系统发生分析表明:(1)中国林蛙甘肃种群与东北种群序列差异较大,但尚难根据序列差异来判断它们是不同的亚种还是不同的物种;(2)7种林蛙中,中国林蛙与黑龙江林蛙的亲缘关系最近,与桓仁林蛙最远;(3)支持将昭觉林蛙,镇海林蛙,峨眉林蛙和长肢林蛙归入日本林蛙种组Rana japonica group。  相似文献   

为了比较中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)不同种群的形态特征、两性异形和雌体生殖力等方面的地理变异,在中国林蛙分布范围的南部(河南郑州)和北部(内蒙古扎兰屯)采集标本共130只,测量了两性的体长、体重等26项形态特征和雌体的生殖力。结果表明:(1)中国林蛙的形态特征及两性异形方面存在显著的地理变异,雌性显著大于雄性,扎兰屯种群显著大于郑州种群;(2)中国林蛙形态特征的地理变异符合贝格曼定律,但四肢的形态变化规律不符合阿伦规律,体形较大的扎兰屯种群存在两性异形的形态特征数量少,但差异程度大,与伦施法则不符;(3)雌性是中国林蛙两性中形态特征地理变异最明显的一方,在对寒冷气候的适应过程中,雌性比雄性的体长和体重增加的程度更明显。由此可知,两性间身体大小变化趋势的不一致暗示不同性别的个体适应环境变化的策略可能存在较大差异,这是造成中国林蛙不同种群两性异形和雌体生殖力地理变异的主要原因。  相似文献   

在室内环境条件下研究了不同饥饿程度和再投喂后中国林蛙肝脏中蛋白质、糖原和脂肪含量的变化,并对中国林蛙在补偿生长过程中能量来源的变化进行了分析.结果 表明,饥饿状态下,中国林蛙的能量消耗主要来源于肝糖原,其次是蛋白质,即饥饿时中国林蛙首先动用糖原和蛋白质提供能量.  相似文献   

东北产三种林蛙血细胞的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘琳琳  李淑兰  赵文阁 《四川动物》2006,25(2):231-233,I0002
应用Wright染色法对桓仁林蛙、东北林蛙和黑龙江林蛙的血细胞进行比较,将所得数据用SPSS软件统计。结果表明:桓仁林蛙、东北林蛙、黑龙江林蛙的血细胞形态、数量上存在差别,这可能与其生活环境和分类地位密切相关。  相似文献   

长江是中华民族的发源地吗?玉米是否也起源于中国?中国林蛙与欧洲林蛙的关系如何? 当代生命科学的发展如同其它科学一样,互相渗透、纵横交错。在生物分类、起源、进化和演变的研究  相似文献   

桓仁林蛙蝌蚪胚后发育的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对桓仁林蛙蝌蚪胚后发育的过程和形态特征进行了观察、测量和描述,并与中国林蛙和昆嵛林蛙进行了比较.胚后发育可分为19期,对其后肢芽、趾、前肢的发育,唇齿的变化过程,口、鼻、眼的位置与形状,以及肛管与尾的变化等方面做了系统的描述.  相似文献   

中国林蛙康定亚种和长白山亚种染色体组型和C带研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
魏刚  陈服官 《四川动物》1991,10(3):9-11
本文报道中国林蛙康定亚种和长白山亚种染色体组型和C带。认为染色体异态是染色体演化的表征之一。  相似文献   

中国林蛙新亚种研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
本文根据采集于陕西户县、甘肃榆中,四川康定和吉林白河产中国林蛙Rana chensinensis 371号标本,对其形态、染色体组型、C带、银带及血清LDH同工酶电泳酶带进行了比较研究,发现榆中、康定和白河的标本与中国林蛙模式产地户县的标本两两之间均存在显著差异,因此确定榆中、康定和白河产中国林蛙为三个新亚种。  相似文献   

为了研究大林姬鼠两亚种(韩国的指名亚种及中国东北和内蒙古地区的东北亚种)线粒体DNA 的变异程度并确定朝鲜亚种的分类地位,我们分别将来自韩国和中国东北长白山地区的两亚种的线粒体DNA 的细胞色素b 基因和控制区进行了测序分析。我们将测序所得到细胞色素b 基因序列与来自基因库的大林姬鼠5 个亚种的相应的单倍型进行了分析,结果显示大林姬鼠可分为4 个类群[类群1:韩国大林姬鼠指名亚种;类群2:中国长白山和内蒙古地区的东北亚种、俄罗斯外加贝尔的majuculus 亚种;类群3:中国长春的东北亚种、俄罗斯Primorye(俄罗斯远东地区) rufulus 亚种、俄罗斯库页岛(俄罗斯远东地区)和日本北海道地区的giliacus 亚种;类群4:中国黑龙江海林地区的东北亚种]。线粒体的控制区序列分析显示韩国指名亚种也不同于中国东北地区的东北亚种。本研究的类群1,2 和3 与Serizawa et al. (2002)的研究的K、S 和R 的分支相对应。这表明韩国指名亚种(类群1 和分支K)的线粒体DNA 与其他类群不同。另外,我们还发现在细胞色素b 基因构建的系统树中,东北亚种可以与类群2 (分支S)及类群3 (分支R 的不同亚种聚合在一起。我们认为线粒体DNA 的母性遗传与两个相邻亚种的个体之间的种内杂交造成了基于细胞色素b 序列对东北亚种的聚类分析结果与基于形态学特征的分类结果的不一致。因此,我们提出对这些显示出核苷酸序列多样性的东北亚种不能只用细胞色素b的数据进行亚种分类,还应该结合形态学和核DNA 特征进行进一步分析。最后,我们还发现韩国的指名亚种的细胞色素b 序列在平均距离16. 93% 的基础上不同于来自基因库的A. speciosus。Jones and Johnson (1965)指出了韩国的大林姬鼠在形态上的区别,所以我们认为韩国的大林姬鼠指名亚种A. p. peninsulae 是一种具有形态和遗传特异性的地方亚种。  相似文献   

本文讨论了贵州槭树科植物区系与分布。通过种类数量统计分析得出:1.我国西南、华中与华南尤其是西南很可能就是槭树科的起源地带;2.贵州槭树科植物与广西、湖南的关系较其它省区更亲近,它反映了贵州与这些地区在地史时期槭树科植物演化、地理联系的历史渊源。根据贵州所产械树科37种7变种1亚种的分布区比较分析、归类,将它们划分为2种分布式7种区系地理成分:1.中国-日本分布式:(1)华夏型,(2)贵州特有型,(3)黔桂型(相当于滇黔桂型),(4)华南型,(5)华中型,2.中国-喜马拉雅分布式:(1)云贵高原型(相当于云南高原型),(2)横断山脉型。这7种成分以华夏、贵州特有与黔桂3种类型占主体,占省产总数的64.4%。最后,本文分析了槭树科植物在贵州的分布特征:1.械树科在贵州主要分布于黔东南、黔东北与黔南;2.地理(水平)的与垂直的分布替代性非常明显。  相似文献   

Two tetraploid subspecies of Dactylis glomerata L., subsp. reichenbachii (Hausm.) Stebbins et Zohary and subsp. glomerata , occur in the French Alps. The former is confined to dolomitic, south-facing, alpine lawns above 2000 m, whereas the latter occurs in non-dolomitic habitats in subalpine meadows mainly below 1900 m. Previous studies of allozyme variation have shown that genetic introgression between the two subspecies occurs over large areas. By contrast, morphologically intermediate individuals only occur in an extremely narrow area, suggesting that the morphological and physiological differences between the two subspecies is of adaptive significance. A reciprocal clone transplant experiment was set up to examine (1) any genetic differences between subspecies indicative of ecotypic differentiation in relation to habitat characteristics and (2) the level of phenotypic plasticity in the two subspecies. Genetic differentiation was confirmed by a statistically significant taxon × site interaction effect in anova for all traits studied. The glomerata populations produced more tillers, longer leaves and higher culms in all sites, especially in their home environment. However, reichenbachii populations produced more seeds than the glomerata populations in the original reichenbachii environment, suggesting ecotypic differentiation between the two subspecies. This result might also explain why the glomerata subspecies is unable to colonize dolomitic habitats occupied by the reichenbachii subspecies. The reichenbachii populations showed less plasticity than the glomerata populations for leaf length and floriferous tiller number, a result which is discussed in the context of the response of plants from productive and non-productive habitats to environmental variation.  相似文献   

针对特有性简约性分析(PAE)不足之处,提出一个新的改进分析方法。主要区别是,新方法对分布区内分类群区分了原始和演化,相应地编码为0/1;为了获取分类群原始和演化的特性,分析以分类群分支图为基础。新方法是系统发育与地理分布相统一原理的一个具体的定量化探讨。用新方法分析了豆科锦鸡儿属锦鸡儿组15种,结果表明新方法优于以前的PAE方法。用新的改进方法分析得到的可能的祖先分布区是原始类群树锦鸡儿和一大类属内原始类群的分布区。与目前属的起源问题的一般观点相一致。  相似文献   

Abstract. A cladistic analysis based on 33 morphological characters was performed for the 31 genera currently assigned to the order Macrodasyida (Gastrotricha). Outgroup analysis indicated that the order is monophyletic and that it is defined by the structure of the pharynx and the complex distribution of duo-gland adhesive organs. Of the 6 currently recognized families in Macrodasyida, our analysis confirmed that 4 families are monophyletic: Dactylopodolidae, Macrodasyidae, Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae. Dactylopodolidae was further confirmed as the most basal family within the order based on the retention of several plesiomorphies. The other three families have well-defined autapomorphies but will require further investigation to increase inter- and intrafamilial phylogenetic resolution. Planodasyidae appeared to be a paraphyletic taxon with no obvious autapomorphies; genera clustered among members of a polyphyletic family, Lepidodasyidae. We recommend that future research on macrodasyidan phylogeny focus on issues of comparative morphology and ultrastructure in lesser-known taxa such as the Dactylopodolidae, and on the taxa Lepidodasyidae and Planodasyidae.  相似文献   

We studied comparatively the muscle organization of several gastrotrich species, aiming at shedding some light on the evolutionary relationships among the taxa of the suborder Paucitubulatina. Under confocal laser scanning microscope, the circular muscles were present in the splanchnic position as incomplete circular rings in Musellifer delamarei (Chaetonotidae) and Xenotrichula intermedia (Xenotrichulidae) and as dorsoventral bands in Xenotrichula punctata, Heteroxenotrichula squamosa and Draculiciteria tesselata (Xenotrichulidae); in the somatic position, M. delamarei shares the presence of dorsoventral muscles with all the Xenotrichulidae, in contrast with the remaining Chaetonotidae that lack these muscles. Maximum parsimony analysis of the muscular characters confirmed monophyly of Paucitubulatina and Xenotrichulidae, while the Chaetonotidae was paraphyletic, with the exclusion of Musellifer , which is the most basal genus within the Paucitubulatina. Xenotrichulidae is the sister taxon to Chaetonotidae, which in turn has Polymerurus as the most basal taxon. In general, the results agree with recent phylogenetic inferences based on molecular characters and support the hypothesis that, within Paucitubulatina, dorsoventral muscles are plesiomorphies retained in marine, interstitial, hermaphroditic gastrotrichs. Dorsoventral muscles were subsequently lost during changes in lifestyle and reproduction modality that took place with the invasion of the freshwater environment. This new information prompted us to reconsider the systematization of Chaetonotidae, proposing the establishment of Muselliferidae fam. nov. to include the genera Musellifer and Diuronotus .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 379–398.  相似文献   

The genus Monobellu Cassagnau, 1979 (Collembola) is redefined. Four new species and one new subspecies are described from Pyrenees and Cevennes (France) on the basis of labrum morphology, tubercle arrangement on tergites and chaetotaxy of somites: Monobellu culvu sp. n., Monobellu eduphica sp. n., Monobellu grussei minor ssp. n., Monobellu juu sp. n., and Monobellu rousseti sp. n. The subspecies Monobellu grussei dubiu Deharveng, 1986 is reassigned to specific level. A key to the 14 species and subspecies of Monobellu is given. Except M. g. minor ssp. n. which is present in the Pyrenees and the Massif Central and the widespread M. g. grussei (Denis, 1923), all Monobellu species and subspecies are narrow endemics of the Pyrenean range; their distribution is mapped in details. A phylogenetic analysis is performed, taking into account the high level of polymorphism of some characters and the incomplete genetic isolation between certain subspecies, indicated in the field by the presence of narrow hybrid zones. Though obtained under different assumptions and constraints, the most parsimonious cladograms exhibit only slight differences, and the proposed phyletic reconstruction can be considered as robust. It adequately reflects the known distribution of the species in the Pyrenees, it confirms the monophyly of the species M. grussei and supports, in agreement with field distribution data, the idea that reticulate evolution might have occurred in this taxon. © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters  相似文献   

Stachys recta L. is a very polymorphous species in which numerous subspecies were recognised. S. recta L. subsp. serpentini (Fiori) Arrigoni is a typical endemism growing on serpentine soils in northern Apennines and particularly in Tuscany (Italy). In order to contribute to a better knowledge of this plant and to its differentiation with respect to S. recta L. subsp. recta, the micromorphological characters (non-glandular and glandular trichomes) and the essential oil composition of the two subspecies were investigated. Micromorphological characters were studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, while light microscopy was used for histochemical observations. Essential oil analysis was carried out by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.In the two examined taxa, the morphology and distribution of glandular and non-glandular trichomes, and the different essential oil composition, may be considered distinctive characters at subspecies level. This is consistent with the taxonomic classification considering S. recta subsp. serpentini a subordinate taxon of S. recta.  相似文献   

The siphonous green alga Codium fragile occurs in many temperate marine regions and is composed of a number of distinct subspecies. Included in this taxon is the common open coast C. fragile subsp. fragile of the northeast Pacific and the weedy C. fragile subsp. tomentosoides which has invaded temperate marine communities in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The center of origin of this weedy subspecies is not known, although it is thought to have dispersed from the northwest Pacific. To examine the relationship of the weedy subspecies to the indigenous northeast Pacific form, chloroplast DNA was compared. Each of these subspecies has a restriction map that is uniform throughout its geographic distribution, and the patterns are distinct from each other and from other Codium species examined. However, the two share an almost identical genome size and arrangement of genes. A population in San Francisco Bay was found to be indistinguishable from the weed C. fragile subsp. tomentosoides from the Atlantic. The potential for using molecular data in solving systematic problems in Codium has been clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜和光学显微镜对[竹思]簩竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)7个种,及其近缘的梨竹属(Melocanna Trin.)、泡竹属(Pseudostachyum Munro)、薄竹属(Lepzocanna Chia et H.L.Fung)各1个种以及空竹属(Cephalostachyum Munro)6个种的叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察。结果表明竹叶下表皮乳突的形状和在气孔器上及周围的排列式样在这5个属中各有不同,具有重要的分类学和系统学价值。同时我们的结果不支持广义的笃竹属;而梨竹属、空竹属和泡竹属则被支持独立成属。另外,薄竹(Leptocanna chinensis)和红毛[竹思]簩竹(Schizostachyum sanguineum)的叶表皮微形态特征非常接近空竹属;香糯竹(Cephalostachyum pergracile)和金毛空竹(C.virgatum)的叶表皮微形态特征则十分接近[竹思]簩竹属。  相似文献   

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