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河北张家口下花园青白口系下马岭组"红藻石"的发现   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
红藻石由红藻形成。绝大部分红藻石与珊瑚藻有关。珊瑚藻形成的红藻石发育于中新生代,早古生代有管孔藻形成的红藻石。本文记录了发现于下花园地区的新元古代青白口系下马岭组四段的红藻石。这类红藻石的中心部分被沥青充填。通过薄片观察发现沥青饼的周围硅化部分存在两类红藻四分孢子囊:一类四分孢子囊包埋于球状构造内,另一类四分孢子囊包埋于叶片状构造内。  相似文献   

钙质红藻是指可以发生生物钙化作用在其细胞壁上沉淀碳酸钙的红藻。钙质红藻可以保存为化石,是红藻古生物研究中的重要类群,具有重要的生态意义,但以往的研究对钙质红藻类群的系统分类及地史分布缺乏清晰认识。本文详细综述了钙质红藻化石的系统分类,归属于红藻门(Rhodophyta)红藻纲(Rhodophyceae)的4个目7个科,分别为珊瑚藻亚纲(Corallinophycidae)珊瑚藻目(Corallinales)的珊瑚藻科(Corallinaceae)、石叶藻科(Lithophyllaceae)、宽珊藻科(Mastophoraceae)和管孔藻科(Solenoporaceae),混石藻目(Hapalidiales)的混石藻科(Hapalidiaceae),孢石藻目(Sporolithales)的孢石藻科(Sporolithaceae)以及真红藻亚纲(Florideophycidae)耳壳藻目(Peyssonneliales)的耳壳藻科(Peyssonneliaceae)。最早的钙质红藻为管孔藻科,出现于中奥陶世,于中新世灭绝。珊瑚藻科最早出现于晚志留世并于白垩纪辐射演化至今,其他科均于白垩纪...  相似文献   

贵州瓮安上震旦统陡山沱组磷质似红藻石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
贵州瓮安上震旦统陡山沱组上段产出大量似红藻石 ,呈枝状、球状和不规则团块状 ,大小一般为 0 .5mm- 1 .2 mm,具有同心纹状和放射状构造 ,是磷酸盐颗粒的重要组成部分。研究表明 ,组成似红藻石的生物化石主要是红藻类的 Wengania。初步研究结果表明 ,似红藻石可能是硬质基底上生长的红藻原叶体被水流剥出或红藻体出生的“芽球”脱落而形成的。似红藻石的研究对探讨当时的沉积与生态环境有重要作用。  相似文献   

李兰  郑其升  侯继波 《微生物学报》2019,59(10):1872-1879
来源于海洋红藻的凝集素G已被证实对多种囊膜病毒都有抗病毒活性,可与囊膜病毒表面糖基结合而阻断病毒的入侵。以病毒入侵为作用靶点的抗病毒药物,不仅可以阻断病毒的自由传播途径,还可以阻断细胞间传播途径,红藻凝集素G还具有可溶性好、易表达、稳定性强、免疫原性低、安全性好等优点,所以红藻凝集素G作为一类新型抗病毒药物越来越受到科学家的青睐。  相似文献   

正红藻是起源最为古老的真核生物类群之一,具有复杂漫长的演化历史。大多数红藻生长在海洋中,是海洋中重要的光合生物。淡水中的红藻种类不多,仅有200多种。由于它们对生境的要求较高,只在清冷洁净的水体中才能生长,我们一般只能在一些泉水溪流中才能看到它们的身影。同时随着社会工业化和旅游业的快速发展、水环境污染的加剧,一些淡水红藻种类已成为濒危物种。  相似文献   

叶绿素d是Manning和Strain发现的,可从红藻(Rhodophyceas)中提取。Holf和Morley将叶绿素a在丙酮中用高锰酸钾氧化,发现所得产物之一的吸收光谱和红藻中提取所得的叶绿素d的吸收光谱相一致。故目前制取叶绿素d都用叶绿素a氧化制取。但这方法以蔗糖为吸附剂,使用多元溶剂,进行多次层析,手续繁复。  相似文献   

2002年10月,作者对塔里木盆地柯坪肖尔布拉克剖面下寒武统肖尔布拉克组碳酸盐岩进行了野外考察,之后进行了较为详细的室内薄片鉴定和岩石学、沉积学及古生物学研究,发现肖尔布拉克组碳酸盐岩为典型的灰泥丘建造。而且,在灰泥丘的孔洞方解石薄片中,发现这些孔洞是球状钙化红藻生殖器官化石,该球状红藻生殖器官具有托叶保护,托叶内发育囊果包被,囊果内发育有孢子囊群。将此化石命名为Calciumcarpium xiaolbu-lakeurn gen. et sp. nov. o?A这一发现和认识,丰富了寒武纪藻类生物群的内容,明确了肖尔布拉克组灰泥丘中孔洞与红藻生殖器官之间的联系,在沉积学、古生物学研究上具有一定意义。  相似文献   

兰州五泉山的藻类及其分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以兰州五泉山为该地藻种资源库,对其中水生、陆生生境中藻类的种类多样性、群落结构、分布特点进行了研究。结果发现该地藻类植物65种(含4变种),包括蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻和红藻,其中硅藻种类最多(29种),其它依次为蓝藻(24种)、绿藻(11种)和红藻(1种)。水体中共42种,硅藻最多,有26种,其次蓝藻8种,绿藻7种,红藻1种,不同水体中优势种和亚优势种不同。土壤生境中发现20种,蓝藻13种,绿藻4种,硅藻3种,且非洲席藻和小球藻分为优势种和亚优势种。7个种类在水、陆两大生境都有分布,而且它们主要是丝状蓝藻。  相似文献   

不同母质柑橘园土壤养分特征及肥力综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究不同母质柑橘园土壤养分特征,阐明土壤母质对肥力影响,为果园精准施肥提供参考依据,本研究采集了5种不同母质的柑橘土壤,共计217个样点,分析了土壤pH、有机质以及大、中、微量元素有效态含量。结果表明:柑橘园土壤平均pH<5.5,土壤呈酸性;除板页岩、石灰岩外,其他母质土壤有机质匮乏;第四纪红土交换性钙、镁含量丰富,其他母质较为匮乏;各母质土壤的碱解氮、有效锌、硼、钼含量适宜,速效钾、有效磷、硫、铁、锰、铜过量。方差分析表明,除有效铜、锌外,其他各养分含量在不同母质间均存在显著差异,板页岩发育的土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾以及有效铁、铜、钼高于其他母质土壤,交换性钙、镁含量低于其他母质。通过主成分综合评分得出,5种母质土壤综合肥力大小为板页岩>砂岩>第四纪红土>河湖冲沉积物>石灰岩。随着柑橘种植年限延长,板页岩、河湖冲沉积物、石灰岩土壤肥力有极显著提升,第四纪红土肥力有显著提升。综合分析,板页岩发育的土壤养分最为丰富。土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾、有效硼、有效磷、有效硫是影响肥力的重要因子,针对不同母质土壤养分间的差异,可因地制宜地对果园土壤进行精准...  相似文献   

为研究红藻糖苷对超低温冻存微藻细胞的保护作用,研究将3种不同的微藻置于含10% DMSO和不同浓度红藻糖苷的冻存液中,冻存并解冻后,以流式细胞仪检测细胞存活率,测定复养后藻株的生长曲线及相关生理参数。结果显示,由于冷冻损伤,冻存后各种藻细胞的生长速率、细胞密度及生理指标都显著性下降,而红藻糖苷协同DMSO能够显著增加细胞的存活率,尤其15%红藻糖苷能将紫球藻存活率提升20%(P0.05);生长曲线得到明显改善;且对PSII最大光能转化效率也有显著性提高(P0.05)。总体结果来看,红藻糖苷对超低温冻存微藻,特别是紫球藻具有明显的保护作用,且效果强于蔗糖。  相似文献   

Cyt c550 and 12 kDa protein are two extrinsic proteins of photosystem II (PSII) found in cyanobacteria and some eukaryotic algae. The binding patterns of these two extrinsic proteins are different between cyanobacterial (Thermosynechococcus vulcanus) and red algal (Cyanidium caldarium) PSIIs [Shen and Inoue (1993) Biochemistry 32: 1825; Enami et al. (1998) Biochemistry 39: 2787]. In order to elucidate the possible causes responsible for these differences, we first cloned the psbV gene encoding Cyt c550 from a red alga, Cyanidium caldarium, which was compared with the homologous sequences from other organisms. Cross-reconstitution experiments were then performed with different combinations of the extrinsic proteins and the cyanobacterial or red algal PSII. (1). Both the cyanobacterial and red algal Cyt c550 bound directly to the cyanobacterial PSII, whereas none of them bound directly to the red algal PSII, indicating that direct binding of Cyt c550 to PSII principally depends on the structure of PSII intrinsic proteins but not that of Cyt c550 itself. (2). Cyt c550 was functionally exchangeable between the red algal and the cyanobacterial PSII, and the red algal 12 kDa protein functionally bound to the cyanobacterial PSII, whereas the cyanobacterial 12 kDa protein did not bind to the red algal PSII. (3). The antibody against the cyanobacterial or red algal 12 kDa protein reacted with its original one but not with the homologous protein from the other organism, whereas the antibody against the red algal Cyt c550 reacted with both cyanobacterial and red algal Cyt c550. These results imply that the structure and function of Cyt c550 have been largely conserved, whereas those of the 12 kDa protein have been changed, in the two organisms studied here.  相似文献   

Plastid and nuclear ribosomal genes were amplified from an 11-year-old herbarium specimen using simple, rapid, nontoxic, and inexpensive methods. Gonimoblast tissue, isolated from either dried or fresh red algal cystocarps, was ground using the polyvalent, metal chelating resin Chelax 100. After boiling and centrifuging, the supernatant yielding enough DNA for 20 or more polymerase chain reactions. Using these methods, we also amplified plastid and nuclear genes from as few as two red algal spores. These methods should facilitate future studies of algal systematics, evolutionary biogeography, and phylogeny as well as studies of algal dispersal patterns and population biology.  相似文献   

The epoxy‐xanthophylls antheraxanthin and violaxanthin are key precursors of light‐harvesting carotenoids and participate in the photoprotective xanthophyll cycle. Thus, the invention of zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) catalyzing their formation from zeaxanthin has been a fundamental step in the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. ZEP genes have only been found in Viridiplantae and chromalveolate algae with secondary plastids of red algal ancestry, suggesting that ZEP evolved in the Viridiplantae and spread to chromalveolates by lateral gene transfer. By searching publicly available sequence data from 11 red algae covering all currently recognized red algal classes we identified ZEP candidates in three species. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the red algal ZEP is most closely related to ZEP proteins from photosynthetic chromalveolates possessing secondary plastids of red algal origin. Its enzymatic activity was assessed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of red algal pigment extracts and by cloning and functional expression of the ZEP gene from Madagascaria erythrocladioides in leaves of the ZEP‐deficient aba2 mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Unlike other ZEP enzymes examined so far, the red algal ZEP introduces only a single epoxy group into zeaxanthin, yielding antheraxanthin instead of violaxanthin. The results indicate that ZEP evolved before the split of Rhodophyta and Viridiplantae and that chromalveolates acquired ZEP from the red algal endosymbiont and not by lateral gene transfer. Moreover, the red algal ZEP enables engineering of transgenic plants incorporating antheraxanthin instead of violaxanthin in their photosynthetic machinery.  相似文献   

Red algae have the most gene-rich plastid genomes known, but despite their evolutionary importance these genomes remain poorly sampled. Here we characterize three complete and one partial plastid genome from a diverse range of florideophytes. By unifying annotations across all available red algal plastid genomes we show they all share a highly compact and slowly-evolving architecture and uniquely rich gene complements. Both chromosome structure and gene content have changed very little during red algal diversification, and suggest that plastid-to nucleus gene transfers have been rare. Despite their ancient character, however, the red algal plastids also contain several unprecedented features, including a group II intron in a tRNA-Met gene that encodes the first example of red algal plastid intron maturase – a feature uniquely shared among florideophytes. We also identify a rare case of a horizontally-acquired proteobacterial operon, and propose this operon may have been recruited for plastid function and potentially replaced a nucleus-encoded plastid-targeted paralogue. Plastid genome phylogenies yield a fully resolved tree and suggest that plastid DNA is a useful tool for resolving red algal relationships. Lastly, we estimate the evolutionary rates among more than 200 plastid genes, and assess their usefulness for species and subspecies taxonomy by comparison to well-established barcoding markers such as cox1 and rbcL. Overall, these data demonstrates that red algal plastid genomes are easily obtainable using high-throughput sequencing of total genomic DNA, interesting from evolutionary perspectives, and promising in resolving red algal relationships at evolutionarily-deep and species/subspecies levels.  相似文献   

In parallel with the studies reported in the preceding paper(I), the modes of production of characteristic red pigmentsby Chlorella protothecoides cells were investigated under variousculture conditions, (i) During the course of "acetate-bleaching"of algal cells, excretion of red pigments in the medium proceededwith simultaneous disappearance of chlorophyll from algal cells.The total amount (weight) of the red pigments excreted intomedium was slightly less than that of the chlorophyll lost.No red pigment was detectable within the bleaching algal cells.Carotenoids were found to increase or remain nearly constantin their quantities per culture during the process of bleaching,(ii) In a later phase of "glucose-bleaching" some red pigmentswere found to be present inside as well as outside the algalcells, and the excreted pigments underwent further changes turningcolourless, (iii) Both the production of red pigments and disappearanceof chlorophyll were suppressed by light and this light effectwas insensitive to CMU. (iv) During the process of "regreening"of "glucose-bleached" algal cells, no production of red pigmentswas observed either in or outside the algal cells. Based on these results we concluded that the red pigments areproduced from chlorophyll during the bleaching process of algalcells induced by an organic carbon source. (Received July 23, 1968; )  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) contains different extrinsic proteins required for oxygen evolution among different organisms. Cyanobacterial PSII contains the 33 kDa, 12 kDa proteins and cytochrome (cyt) c-550; red algal PSII contains a 20 kDa protein in addition to the three homologous cyanobacterial proteins; whereas higher plant PSII contains the 33 kDa, 23 kDa and 17 kDa proteins. In order to understand the binding and functional properties of these proteins, we performed cross-reconstitution experiments with combinations of PSII and extrinsic proteins from three different sources: higher plant (spinach), red alga (Cyanidium caldarium) and cyanobacterium (Synechococcus vulcanus). Among all of the extrinsic proteins, the 33 kDa protein is common to all of the organisms and is totally exchangeable in binding to PSII from any of the three organisms. Oxygen evolution of higher plant and red algal PSII was restored to a more or less similar level by binding of any one of the three 33 kDa proteins, whereas oxygen evolution of cyanobacterial PSII was restored to a larger extent with its own 33 kDa protein than with the 33 kDa protein from other sources. In addition to the 33 kDa protein, the red algal 20 kDa, 12 kDa proteins and cyt c-550 were able to bind to cyanobacterial and higher plant PSII, leading to a partial restoration of oxygen evolution in both organisms. The cyanobacterial 12 kDa protein and cyt c-550 partially bound to the red algal PSII, but this binding did not restore oxygen evolution. The higher plant 23 kDa and 17 kDa proteins bound to the cyanobacterial and red algal PSII only through non-specific interactions. Thus, only the red algal extrinsic proteins are partially functional in both the cyanobacterial and higher plant PSII, which implies a possible intermediate position of the red algal PSII during its evolution from cyanobacteria to higher plants.  相似文献   

The Rhodophyta (red algae) are composed of the subclasses Bangiophycidae and Florideophycidae. Two evolutionarily interesting features of the Bangiophycidae are: (1) they are the ancestral pool from which the more morphologically complex taxa in the Florideophycidae have arisen and (2) they are the sources of the plastids, through secondary endosymbioses, for the Cryptophyta, Haptophyta, and the Heterokonta. To understand Bangiophycidae phylogeny and to gain further insights into red algal secondary endosymbioses, we sequenced the plastid-encoded small subunit ribosomal DNA (rDNA) coding region from nine members of this subclass and from two members of the Florideophycidae. These sequences were included in phylogenetic analyses with all available red algal plus chlorophyll a + c algal plastid rDNA coding regions. Our results are consistent with a monophyletic origin of the Florideophycidae with these taxa forming a sister group of the Bangiales. The Bangiophycidae is of a paraphyletic origin with orders such as the Porphyridiales polyphyletic and distributed over three independent red algal lineages. The plastids of the heterokonts are most closely related to members of the Cyanidium-Galdieria group of Porphyridiales and are not directly related to cryptophyte and haptophyte plastids. The phylogenies provide strong evidence for the independent origins of these "complex" algal plastids from different members of the Bangiophycidae.  相似文献   

Red algae are a major source of marine sulfated galactans. In this study, orthologs and inparalogs from seven red algae were analyzed and compared with the aim to discover differences in algal galactan biosynthesis and related pathways of these algae. Red algal orthologs for putative carbohydrate sulfotransferases were found to be prevalent in Porphyridium purpureum, Florideophytes and Bangiophytes, while red algal orthologs for putative chondroitin sulfate synthases, sulfurylases, and porphyranases /carrageenases were found exclusively in Florideophytes and Bangiophytes. The acquirement of these genes could have happened after the divergence from Cyanidiales red algae. Cyanidiales red algae were found to have more number and types of putative sulfate permeases, suggesting that these genes could have been acquired in adaptation to the environmental stresses and biogeochemistry of respective habitats. The findings of this study shed lights on the evolution of different homeostasis mechanisms by the early and late diverging red algal orders.  相似文献   

The chromalveolate "supergroup" is of key interest in contemporary phycology, as it contains the overwhelming majority of extant algal species, including several phyla of key importance to oceanic net primary productivity such as diatoms, kelps, and dinoflagellates. There is also intense current interest in the exploitation of these algae for industrial purposes, such as biodiesel production. However, the evolution of the constituent species, and in particular the origin and radiation of the chloroplast genomes, remains poorly understood. In this review, we discuss current theories of the origins of the extant red alga-derived chloroplast lineages in the chromalveolates and the potential ramifications of the recent discovery of large numbers of green algal genes in chromalveolate genomes. We consider that the best explanation for this is that chromalveolates historically possessed a cryptic green algal endosymbiont that was subsequently replaced by a red algal chloroplast. We consider how changing selective pressures acting on ancient chromalveolate lineages may have selectively favored the serial endosymbioses of green and red algae and whether a complex endosymbiotic history facilitated the rise of chromalveolates to their current position of ecological prominence.  相似文献   

In response to a comment in this issue on our proposal of new terminology to distinguish red algal parasites, we clarify a few key issues. The terms adelphoparasite and alloparasite were previously used to identify parasites that infected close or distant relatives. However, most red algal parasites have only been studied morphologically, and molecular tools have shown that these binary terms do a poor job at representing the range of parasite–host relationships. We recognize the need to clarify inferred misconceptions that appear to be drawing from historical terminology to contaminate our new definitions. We did not intend to replace the term adelphoparasite with neoplastic parasites and the term alloparasites with archaeplastic parasites. Rather, we seek to establish new terms for discussing red algal parasites, based on the retention of a native plastid, a binary biological trait that is relatively easy to identify using modern methods and has biological implications for the interactions between a parasite and its host. The new terminology can better account for the spectrum of relationships and developmental patterns found among the many independently evolved red algal parasites, and it is intended to inspire new research, particularly the role of plastids in the survival and evolution of red algal parasites.  相似文献   

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