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不同介质中多环芳烃光降解及与生物耦合降解研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是环境中广泛存在的一类有机污染物。它的降解一直是人们关注的课题。光降解就是多环芳烃降解的一种重要形式。对在气相、液相和固相不同介质中的PAHs光降解研究进行了综合论述,重点对PAHs在液相介质的降解速率及影响因素、中间产物及降解机制和反应动力学进行了深入探讨,并介绍了光-生物耦合降解多环芳烃的研究进展。建立系统而有效的PAHs光降解研究技术与方法,是目前当务之急。进一步完善PAHs光降解研究的技术与方法,可更准确地研究PAHs光降解机制及影响因素。  相似文献   

根际圈在污染土壤修复中的作用与机理分析   总被引:71,自引:9,他引:62  
根际圈以植物根系为中心聚集了大量的生命物质及其分泌物,构成了极为独特的“生态修复单元”。本文叙述了根在根际圈污染土壤修复中的生理生态作用,富集、固定重金属,吸收、降解有机污染物等功能;菌根真菌对根际圈内重金属的吸收、屏障及螯合作用,对有机污染物的降解作用;根际圈内细菌对重金属的吸附与固定,对有机污染物的降解作用以及根际圈真菌和细菌的联合修复作用等,同时对可能存在的机理进行了分析,认为根际圈对污染土壤的修复作用是植物修复的重要组成部分和主要理论基础之一,并指出利用重金属超富集植物修复重金属污染土壤具有广阔的应用前景;筛选对水溶性有机污染物高吸收富集及其根 发泌能力强的特异植物,同时接种利于有机污染物降解的专性或非专性真菌和细菌可能会成为有机污染土壤植物修复研究的重要方向之一。  相似文献   

溶解性有机质对土壤中有机污染物环境行为的影响   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28  
土壤中溶解性有机质(DOM)是生物活性和物理化学反应活性都很活跃的有机组分,主要通过疏水吸附、分配、氢键、电荷转移、共价键、范德华力等多种作用与有机污染物结合,提高溶液中有机污染物的溶解度,改变土壤中有机污染物的吸附-解吸、迁移-转化等环境行为.DOM对有机污染物的吸附-解吸、迁移-转化过程的影响有双重性:一方面,DOM与有机污染物在土壤表面的共吸附可增加土壤对有机污染物的吸附容量,促进有机污染物在土壤中的吸持;另一方面,DOM对有机污染物的增溶作用,有利于土壤中有机污染物的解吸,提高移动性.作为光敏剂,DOM能提高土壤中有机物的光解反应速率.在一定条件下,DOM也可影响土壤中有机污染物的水解过程.DOM对土壤中有机污染物环境行为的影响与DOM和有机污染物的性质及其相互作用的介质条件密切相关.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根对有机污染土壤的修复作用及机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丛枝菌根(AM)是丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)与植物根系相互作用的互惠共生体,能改良土壤结构,增强植物抗性.自然界中已知的AMF有170多种,分布广泛,且可与大多数植物共生.利用AM修复有机污染土壤正成为一个崭新的研究方向.本文综述了AM对多环芳烃、酞酸脂、石油和农药等一些典型有机污染物污染土壤的修复作用.AM修复有机污染土壤的机理主要包括:AMF代谢有机污染物;AM分泌酶,降解污染物;AM影响根系分泌作用,并促进根际微生物对有机污染物的降解;AMF宿主植物吸收积累污染物.AM修复研究中,高效AMF的筛选、复合菌种效应、土壤老化、AM作用下植物对有机污染物的吸收积累等几方面仍有待于深入研究.  相似文献   

蚯蚓在有机污染土壤生物修复中的作用机理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蚯蚓的各类活动能够改善土壤理化性质,提高土壤微生物活性,引入高效降解菌等,直接或间接地促进有机污染物在土壤中的降解和转化。其中蚓触圈是有机污染物降解的热点区域。此外,生物富集也是蚯蚓修复土壤有机污染的重要机理之一。研究表明,蚯蚓能够促进土壤中多种有机污染物的降解,在土壤有机污染生物修复方面具有广阔的应用前景。本文综述了蚯蚓在土壤有机污染生物修复中的作用机理及在修复多环芳烃、多氯联苯、农药等污染土壤方面的应用,指出当前研究存在的不足,并对未来研究进行展望,以期为土壤有机污染生物修复提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

植物根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的作用及影响机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王亚  冯发运  葛静  李勇  余向阳 《生态学报》2022,42(3):829-842
生物修复是一种经济环保的土壤修复技术。根系分泌物是利用生物修复污染土壤过程中的关键物质,也是植物与土壤微生物进行物质交换和信息传递的重要载体,在植物响应污染物胁迫中扮演重要角色。研究植物根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的作用和影响机理,是深入理解植物和微生物环境适应机制的重要途径,对促进生物修复污染土壤有重要指导意义。从污染物胁迫对根系分泌物的影响、根系分泌物对土壤污染物环境行为的影响、根系分泌物在调控污染土壤中根际微生物群落结构和多样性中发挥的作用等几个方面综述了根系分泌物对土壤污染修复的影响及内在机制。研究结果表明,根系分泌物在降低重金属对植物的毒性、加速有机污染物降解等方面有非常重要的作用。根系分泌物对土壤微生物的丰度和多样性均有显著影响,其与根际微生物互作在土壤污染物的消减中发挥了重要的调控作用。在此基础上,提出了以往研究中的不足,并对污染物胁迫下根系分泌物未来研究的方向和趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

王玉哲  周启星 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):1034-1042
土壤是环境的重要组成部分,是连接大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈的纽带。随着工农业生产的迅速发展,越来越多的有机污染物通过各种途径进入土壤环境。本文主要对有机污染物在土壤中的吸附-解吸、降解-积累、溶解-沉淀等微界面过程进行了较为系统的阐述,探讨了土壤有机组分、无机组分、植物和微生物等生态因子对有机污染物相关土壤微界面过程的影响;同时,结合国内外的研究现状和趋势,对今后土壤微界面过程的研究方向以及采用的方法手段进行了建议和展望。  相似文献   

重金属与农药污染的农业土壤脱毒过程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于颖  周启星 《生态科学》2005,24(1):84-89
农业土壤环境自身脱毒过程是极其复杂的生态化学过程,对于土壤健康质量的维持和改善具有重要意义。然而,一直以来,人们对污染物的致毒过程研究得较多,对农业土壤自身脱毒能力及机制未给予足够重视。本文就农业土壤环境中,重金属与农药污染物的吸附脱毒、非生物降解(水解、光解)脱毒、微生物降解脱毒、土壤酶学脱毒、根际环境中的降解和转化脱毒以及植物富集固定进行了综述,并分析了各脱毒过程中所涉及到的反应机理。  相似文献   

土壤中难降解有机污染物锁定机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有机污染物进入土壤后,随着与土壤接触时间的延长,被锁定在土壤中,生物可利用性下降.锁定可能导致过高估计难降解有机污染物的暴露风险,影响修复技术的实施.锁定发生的内在机制主要源于粘土矿物、有机质及非水相液体的不可逆吸附和微孔束缚,而影响土壤难降解有机污染物锁定的关键因素包括土壤物理化学性质和环境条件(湿度、温度、pH等).基于此,进一步阐明了目前土壤中难降解有机污染物锁定机理研究需要解决的问题,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

毒死蜱在水溶液中的光化学降解   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了不同光源、水溶液温度、pH、水质对毒死蜱在水溶液中光化学降解的影响.结果表明,毒死蜱在水溶液中的光解均呈一级动力学反应;毒死蜱水溶液分别在高压汞灯、紫外灯、氙灯、太阳光照射下,光解速度存在明显差异,其光解半衰期分别为0.62、6.92、19.74和22.50 h;温度对毒死蜱光降解影响显著,温度升高,光解速度加快,当温度升高到35 ℃,光解速率达到最大;毒死蜱在酸性至中性缓冲液中光解速度稳定,在碱性缓冲液中光解速度加快;不同水质对毒死蜱光解的影响差异较显著,毒死蜱光解速率大小表现为蒸馏水>塘水>河水>湖水>稻田水.  相似文献   

腐殖质在环境污染物生物降解中的作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
腐殖质物质在地球的生态环境中大量存在,它不仅可以在有毒化合物的生物降解和生物转化过程中起到氧化还原中间体的作用,加速有毒物质的降解和转化。也可以作为唯一末端电子受体,接受来自一些有机酸或者甲苯等环境中有毒物质提供的电子,偶联能量的产生,支持菌体的生长,形成一种新的细菌厌氧呼吸形式——腐殖质呼吸。因此,对腐殖质在环境有毒物质的生物降解和生物转化过程中的作用进行研究,不仪对于深入理解细菌呼吸的本质具有重要的理论意义,而且对于环境有毒物质的降解和转化以及元素的生物地球化学循环具有重要的生态学意义,同时对地球表面的有毒物质进行更有效的生物降解具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

沙蚕耐污染的特征及机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沙蚕(Nereis diversicolor)是一种栖息于海陆交错带、具有重要生态学意义的无脊椎动物.近年来发现,沙蚕体内能够蓄积大量的重金属等有毒有害污染物,且表现出较强的污染耐性.文中就沙蚕对重金属和有机污染物具有的污染耐性特征和最新国内外研究进展进行了概述,并就其污染耐性形成的机理进行了分析.沙蚕的污染耐性机制可能是通过多种生态化学过程实现的,包括通过大量粘液的分泌,在沙蚕体表形成一层保护膜;与有效态以及溶解于水中的污染物离子结合,从而降低污染物的生物可利用性;加快排泄速率等.更多的研究认为,沙蚕将吸收进入体内的重金属等有毒有害污染物以无毒的形式存贮,达到解毒的目的.这些无毒形式主要包括:与金属结合蛋白MTs和MTLP的结合物,热稳定硫醇化合物(CHSTC),或者与重金属相互结合形成不溶性的溶酶体/微粒和结石等颗粒物或沉淀物.最后,对沙蚕生态毒理学研究以及耐性机制研究的工作重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

Boothroyd  Ian K.G.  Etheredge  M. Kay  Green  John D. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,469(1-3):23-32
Solar ultraviolet radiation both degrades and alters the quality of natural organic matter as well as organic pollutants in surface waters. Still, it is only recently that this indirect influence of photochemical processes on aquatic organisms (e.g. bacteria) has received attention. We experimentally studied the photochemical degradation of three PAHs; anthracene, phenanthrene and naphthalene, in water. Anthracene and phenanthrene were rapidly photodegraded (half-lives of 1 and 20.4 hours, respectively), while the photochemical half-life of naphthalene exceeded 100 hours. Hence photodegradation is most likely a less important removal mechanism for the latter compound. The influence of humic substance additions (0–25 mg C l–1) on degradation rates was also assessed, and while photodegradation of anthracene was not affected by these additions, phenanthrene photodegradation slowed down considerably at the higher humic substance concentrations. These differential responses of anthracene and phenanthrene can at least partially be explained by differences in the spectral absorbance of the two compounds. In contrast, ionic strength did not have any appreciable effect on the estimated photodegradation rates of either compound. The influence of PAHs on growth of aquatic bacteria was assessed in dilution cultures with and without exposure to PAHs and simulated solar UV radiation. Separately, neither PAHs nor simulated solar UV radiation had any effect on bacterial growth. However, when combined, a marked inhibition of bacterial growth could be observed in water obtained from a clearwater lake. This could be due to the formation of toxic photodegradation products such as quinones (detected in our incubations) or other reactive species that affect bacteria negatively. Hence, in addition to influencing the fate and persistence of PAHs in aquatic systems, solar radiation and natural organic matter and regulate the toxicity of these compounds to indigenous micro-organisms.  相似文献   

土壤有机污染植物修复的机理与影响因素   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
在综述大量国内外文献的基础上,分析了土壤有机污染植物修复的机理,重点介绍了国内外在植物吸收转运、植物根际降解和植物修复模型的研究进展。同时,从污染物的物理化学性质、植物种类、土壤性质、共存有机物和气象条件5个方面分析了影响土壤有机污染植物修复的主要因素,并展望了该领域的研究方向:深化植物修复机理,完善植物修复模型。加强植物-微生物协同修复的机理研究和技术应用,利用表面活性剂提高植物修复效率,加强复合有机污染植物修复研究。  相似文献   

A major concern regarding allelopathic interactions involving phenolic acids in no-till systems pertains to the fact that concentrations of individual phenolic acids recoverable from field soils are well below levels required for inhibition of germination and seedling growth in laboratory bioassays. Field soils contain a variety of phenolic acids as well as other toxic and nontoxic organic compounds that are available to interact with seeds and roots; whereas in laboratory bioassays, with few exceptions, single phenolic acids have been tested. Studies of mixtures of phenolic acids and other toxic (e.g., methionine) and nontoxic (e.g., glucose) organic compounds in laboratory bioassays indicate that the action of a single phenolic acid is not representative of the actions of such mixtures. Specifically, as the number of phenolic acids added to soil increased, concentrations of the individual phenolic acids required to bring about a growth inhibition declined. The addition of other organic compounds (e.g., glucose, methionine) to the soil also reduced the concentration of a phenolic acid (e.g., p-coumaric acid) required for growth inhibition. These results support the hypothesis that in the field mixtures of phenolic acids and other organic compounds can cause inhibitory effects even though the concentrations of individual compounds are well below their inhibitory levels.  相似文献   

Whenever possible, total clean-up of soils and sediments should have priority over methods to contain the pollutants in the soil environment in a way which reduces their potential eco-toxicological effects. Nevertheless, often a very important fraction of the pollutant remains non-available to the cleaning process, either physico-chemical or biological. This constitutes a major obstacle for both environmental technologists and legislators. Yet, the concept of non-extractable organic residues is well accepted in the EU-legislation for pesticides. In this context, an assessment is made to bind organic pollutants to soil. Physical sorption (comprising surface adsorption, absorption and migration in micro- and nanopores) and chemical binding are examined in terms of quantities and kinetics. Chemical binding offers at present no direct possibilities for practice. Making toxic pollutants less bioavailable by increasing physical sorption represents a pragmatic approach to contractors and regulators. For organic pollutants with acceptable concentration in the soil solution of the order of 1 mg/l, a sorptive loading of the order of 10 000 mg pollutant per kg activated carbon respectively organic matter appears a workable assumption. In case of toxic substances such as pesticides which have a 1000 times lower acceptable level, a sorptive loading of up to 10 mg organic pollutant per kg sorbent can be used. Non-bioavailable pollutants can be considered as representing no direct harm to the environment. In practice, the application of up to 100–200 kg dry weight quality compost per ton dry weight soil or alternatively the supplementation of other sorbents such as powdered activated carbon (up to 100 kg per ton soil) offer possibilities to cost-effective remediation of organic pollutants. Yet, aspects of worst-case ecotoxicology as e.g. excessive leaching with dissolved humic substances or ingestion of soil containing substantial amounts of poorly extractable contaminants by human and soil organisms, need to be examined.  相似文献   

有机污染物在土壤中老化行为的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵青  李培军 《生态学杂志》2008,27(3):476-479
有机污染物在土壤中的老化行为是目前有机污染研究的一个热点问题.通过对其机理的研究,可以达到调控污染物的目的.本文介绍了有机污染物在土壤中的老化行为和国内外研究现状,指出老化的实质包括有机污染物在土壤中的慢吸附和锁定,总结了土壤性质、化合物性质和环境因素对老化的影响,同时介绍了老化的评价方法,并在此基础上提出了目前研究有机物在土壤老化过程中所存在的问题,并对老化行为的未来研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

The Everglades in South Florida are a unique ecologicalsystem. As a result of the widespread use of pesticides andherbicides in agricultural areas upstream from these wetlands,there is a serious potential for pollution problems in theEverglades. The purpose of this study was to evaluate theability of indigenous microbial populations to degradexenobiotic organic compounds introduced by agricultural andother activities. Such biodegradation may facilitate theremediation of contaminated soils and water in the Everglades.The model compound selected in this study is 4-nitrophenol, achemical commonly used in the manufacture of pesticides. Themineralization of 4-nitrophenol at various concentrations wasstudied in soils collected from the Everglades. Atconcentrations of 10 and 100 µg/g soil, considerablemineralization occurred within a week. At a higherconcentration, i.e., 10 mg/g soil, however, no mineralizationof 4-nitrophenol occurred over a 4-month period; such a highconcentration apparently produced an inhibitory effect. Therate and extent of 4-nitrophenol mineralization was enhancedon inoculation with previously isolated nitrophenol-degradingmicroorganisms. The maximum mineralization extent measured,however, was less than 30% suggesting conversion to biomassand/or unidentified intermediate products. These resultsindicate the potential for natural mechanisms to mitigate theadverse effects of xenobiotic pollutants in a complex systemsuch as the Everglades.  相似文献   

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