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【目的】构建串联亲和纯化原核表达载体,用于研究细菌中(生理状态或接近生理条件下的)蛋白-蛋白相互作用。【方法】设计并合成两条串联亲和标签序列,分别可以在靶蛋白N端和C端融合Protein G和链亲和素结合肽(Streptavidin binding peptide,SBP)标签;以pUC18载体为骨架,去除原有的阻遏蛋白基因,构建组成型表达载体pNTAP和pCTAP。【结果】成功构建N端和C端标签表达载体pNTAP和pCTAP,它们在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21(DE3)、肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7和痢疾杆菌福氏5型M90T菌株中都可以实现表达。【结论】本实验构建的两个串联亲和纯化表达载体可以在部分革兰氏阴性细菌中表达,为研究细菌内蛋白-蛋白相互作用及致病菌毒力蛋白的作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

肠出血性大肠杆菌O157∶H7是一种重要的致病菌,加深其致病机理的基础研究将为相关疫苗研究及疾病控制等提供新的思路和依据.串联亲和纯化(TAP)技术是最近发展的分离纯化天然状态蛋白质复合物进而研究蛋白质相互作用的新方法.用我们自己构建的原核表达串联亲和标签载体,在大肠杆菌O157∶H7中表达了标签融合蛋白GroEL-TAP,建立了非变性条件下制备蛋白复合物的方法,并且对串联亲和纯化过程中的相关实验条件进行了探索和优化,最终得到了高纯度的GroEL-TAP与天然GroEL形成的嵌合型多聚体复合物.这表明我们建立的串联亲和纯化技术能高度特异地纯化靶蛋白参与形成的复合物,为后续寻找O157∶H7中毒力蛋白参与形成的复合物奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   

韩月雯  吴瑞  马超锋  李园园 《病毒学报》2021,37(5):1074-1078
风疹病毒(Rubella virus,RV)的衣壳蛋白(Capsid protein,CP)不仅是病毒颗粒的重要组成部分,而且还可以通过与宿主蛋白之间的相互作用来调控病毒的转录和复制.为了系统研究衣壳蛋白与宿主蛋白之间的相互作用关系,我们从RV基因组中克隆获得衣壳蛋白基因序列,将该序列导入含有eXact-6His串联亲和纯化标签的慢病毒表达载体中,并构建了稳定表达eXact-6His-Capsid融合蛋白的293T细胞系.通过eXact和6His标签的两次亲和纯化获得衣壳蛋白相互作用蛋白复合物,质谱检测并筛选后发现22个可能与衣壳蛋白相互作用的宿主蛋白.随后构建衣壳蛋白的相互作用网络并进行功能学分析,发现其相互作用蛋白主要参与病毒感染、RNA剪切、细胞凋亡及酶相关通路等过程.  相似文献   

Rad9是一种重要的细胞周期监控点调控蛋白.越来越多的证据显示,Rad9也可与多种DNA损伤修复通路中的蛋白质相互作用,并调节其功能,在DNA损伤修复中发挥重要作用.非同源末端连接修复是DNA双链断裂的一条重要修复途径.Ku70、Ku80和DNA依赖的蛋白激酶催化亚基(DNA-PKcs)共同组成DNA依赖的蛋白激酶复合物(DNA-PK),在非同源末端修复连接中起重要作用.本研究中,检测到Rad9与Ku70有直接的物理相互作用和功能相互作用.我们在不同的细胞模型中发现,Rad9基因敲除、Rad9蛋白去除或Rad9表达降低会导致非同源末端连接效率明显下降.已有的研究表明,DNA损伤可导致细胞中Ku70与染色质结合增加及DNA-PKcs激酶活性增强.我们的结果显示,与野生小鼠细胞相比,Rad9基因敲除的小鼠细胞中, DNA损伤诱导的上述效应均减弱.综上所述,我们的研究首次报道了Rad9与非同源末端连接修复蛋白Ku70间有相互作用,并提示Rad9可通过调节Ku70/Ku80/DNA-PKcs复合物功能参与非同源末端连接修复.  相似文献   

串联亲和纯化法(TAP)是一种纯化生理条件下蛋白复合物的技术,已广泛应用于鉴定蛋白相互作用和揭示蛋白复合物互作网络。近年来,随着TAP新型标签的不断出现以及与其他技术的联用,TAP技术正逐渐应用于植物蛋白质互作研究中。综述了TAP亲和标签选择,并介绍其在植物蛋白互作研究中的成功应用。  相似文献   

耐辐射奇球菌是迄今为止发现的对辐射抗性最强的原核生物,是研究DNA损伤与修复的模式生物.耐辐射奇球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans,DR)对于电离辐射、紫外线、干燥、H2O2以及其他一些DNA损伤剂均表现出极强的抵抗能力,对于这种超强抗性的具体机制,学界至今尚未形成定论.对DR DNA损伤修复机制的解释包括切除修复和重组修复.本文就耐辐射奇球菌DNA辐射损伤后修复机制的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

DNA损伤响应是生物体感知DNA断裂并启动DNA修复过程的重要机制,对维护遗传物质的稳定性具有重要的意义.DNA损伤响应机制中有多种蛋白的参与.多聚ADP核糖水解酶(PARG)是参与蛋白质多聚ADP核糖化(poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation)修饰调控过程的一种重要酶,它通过水解去除蛋白质上的多聚ADP核糖来调节靶蛋白质的生理生化活性.目前已知多聚ADP核糖修饰相关蛋白可能通过修饰DNA修复相关蛋白参与DNA损伤反应,但其影响的信号途径和上下游关系并不清楚.本研究通过双突变体构建、遗传以及表达谱分析,揭示了PARG1可能在DNA损伤响应途径关键激酶ATM和ATR的上游,通过调节ATM和ATR的活性来反馈调节DNA损伤信号途径.  相似文献   

Rad9是一种重要的细胞周期监控点调控蛋白.越来越多的证据显示,Rad9也可与多种DNA损伤修复通路中的蛋白质相互作用,并调节其功能,在DNA损伤修复中发挥重要作用.非同源末端连接修复是DNA双链断裂的一条重要修复途径.Ku70、Ku80和DNA依赖的蛋白激酶催化亚基(DNA-PKcs)共同组成DNA依赖的蛋白激酶复合物(DNA-PK),在非同源末端修复连接中起重要作用.本研究中,检测到Rad9与Ku70有直接的物理相互作用和功能相互作用.我们在不同的细胞模型中发现,Rad9基因敲除、Rad9蛋白去除或Rad9表达降低会导致非同源末端连接效率明显下降.已有的研究表明,DNA损伤可导致细胞中Ku70与染色质结合增加及DNA-PKcs激酶活性增强.我们的结果显示,与野生小鼠细胞相比,Rad9基因敲除的小鼠细胞中, DNA损伤诱导的上述效应均减弱.综上所述,我们的研究首次报道了Rad9与非同源末端连接修复蛋白Ku70间有相互作用,并提示Rad9可通过调节Ku70/Ku80/DNA-PKcs复合物功能参与非同源末端连接修复.  相似文献   

目的:为了研究赖氨酰氧化酶(Lysyl Oxidase,LOX)及其相互作用蛋白质在乳腺癌中的功能,构建带StrepⅡ/FLAG串联亲和标签的重组LOX蛋白慢病毒表达载体并在乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231中表达。方法:设计引物通过聚合酶链式反应获得带StrepⅡ/FLAG串联亲和标签的LOX蛋白(LOX-SF)的亲本质粒,双酶切后鉴定测序克隆至GV303表达载体,连同慢病毒包装质粒共同转染293T得到GV303/LOX-SF慢病毒,将其转染MDA-MB-231细胞,使用荧光定量PCR和蛋白质印迹实验对细胞中重组蛋白LOX-SF进行检测。结果:通过串联亲和纯化获得LOX-SF重组蛋白,使用标签抗体成功鉴定到LOX-SF重组蛋白在MDA-MB-231细胞内稳定表达。结论:GV303/LOX-SF的构建,使带StrepⅡ/FLAG融合标签的LOX蛋白在MDA-MB-231中成功表达及纯化,为筛选和研究LOX及其相互作用蛋白在乳腺癌细胞内的功能奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

为研究移动抑制因子和嗜铬粒蛋白A (chromogranin A, CgA)在脊髓损伤过程中的表达变化及其参与急性脊髓损伤修复的作用机制,建立了完全脊髓横断实验模型.采用双向凝胶电泳和基质辅助激光解吸电离串联质谱对脊髓损伤的动物组织样品进行分析,鉴定出20种差异表达蛋白质,其中有巨噬细胞游动抑制因子(macrophage migration inhibitory factor, MIF)和CgA等.通过RT-PCR和Western 印迹分析,移动抑制因子和CgA在损伤的脊髓组织中表达量发生变化,提示这两种蛋白可能均参与了脊髓损伤过程,但在脊髓损伤中的具体作用机制还有待于进一步的研究.  相似文献   

Nohmi T  Kim SR  Yamada M 《Mutation research》2005,591(1-2):60-73
Chromosome DNA is continuously exposed to various endogenous and exogenous mutagens. Among them, oxidation is one of the most common threats to genetic stability, and multiple DNA repair enzymes protect chromosome DNA from the oxidative damage. In Escherichia coli, three repair enzymes synergistically reduce the mutagenicity of oxidized base 8-hydroxy-guanine (8-OH-G). MutM DNA glycosylase excises 8-OH-G from 8-OH-G:C pairs in DNA and MutY DNA glycosylase removes adenine incorporated opposite template 8-OH-G during DNA replication. MutT hydrolyzes 8-OH-dGTP to 8-OH-dGMP in dNTP pool, thereby reducing the chance of misincorporation of 8-OH-dGTP by DNA polymerases. Simultaneous inactivation of MutM and MutY dramatically increases the frequency of spontaneous G:C to T:A mutations, and the deficiency of MutT leads to the enhancement of T:A to G:C transversions more than 1000-fold over the control level. In humans, the functional homologues of MutM, MutY and MutT, i.e., OGG1, MUTYH (MYH) and MTH1, contribute to the protection of genomic DNA from oxidative stress. Interestingly, several polymorphic forms of these proteins exist in human populations, and some of them are suggested to be associated with cancer susceptibility. Here, we review the polymorphic forms of OGG1, MUTYH and MTH1 involved in repair of 8-OH-G and 8-OH-dGTP, and discuss the significance of the polymorphisms in the maintenance of genomic integrity. We also summarize the polymorphic forms of human DNA polymerase eta, which may be involved in damage tolerance and mutagenesis induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

A repair system for 8-oxo-7,8-dihydrodeoxyguanine.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Active oxygen species can damage DNA and may play a role in aging and carcinogenesis. We have tested MutY glycosylase for activity on undamaged mispairs as well as mispairs formed with the oxidatively damaged substrates, 8-oxo-7,8-dihydrodeoxyguanine (GO) or 8-oxo-7,8-dihydrodeoxyadenine (AO). MutY acts as a glycosylase on four of the heteroduplexes tested, A/G, A/GO, A/C, and A/AO, removing the undamaged adenine from each substrate. Genetic data suggest that the primary substrate for MutY glycosylase in vivo is the A/GO mispair. We present biochemical evidence demonstrating that MutY glycosylase is an important part of a repair system that includes the MutM and MutT proteins. The GO repair system is dedicated to the repair of the oxidatively damaged guanine and the mutations it can induce.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli MutY is an adenine DNA glycosylase active on DNA substrates containing A/G, A/8-oxoG, or A/C mismatches and also has a weak guanine glycosylase activity on G/8-oxoG-containing DNA. The N-terminal domain of MutY, residues 1-226, has been shown to retain catalytic activity. Substrate binding, glycosylase, and Schiff base intermediate formation activities of the truncated and intact MutY were compared. MutY has high binding affinity with 8-oxoG when mispaired with A, G, T, C, or inosine. The truncated protein has more than 18-fold lower affinities for binding various 8-oxoG-containing mismatches when compared with intact MutY. MutY catalytic activity toward A/8-oxoG-containing DNA is much faster than that on A/G-containing DNA whereas deletion of the C-terminal domain reduces its catalytic preference for A/8-oxoG-DNA over A/G-DNA. MutY exerts more inhibition on the catalytic activity of MutM (Fpg) protein than does truncated MutY. The tight binding of MutY with GO mispaired with T, G, and apurinic/apyrimidinic sites may be involved in the regulation of MutM activity. An E. coli mutY strain that produces an N-terminal 249-residue truncated MutY confers a mutator phenotype. These findings strongly suggest that the C-terminal domain of MutY determines the 8-oxoG specificity and is crucial for mutation avoidance by oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Although oxidative stress is a key aspect of innate immunity, little is known about how host‐restricted pathogens successfully repair DNA damage. Base excision repair is responsible for correcting nucleobases damaged by oxidative stress, and is essential for bloodstream infection caused by the human pathogen, Neisseria meningitidis. We have characterized meningococcal base excision repair enzymes involved in the recognition and removal of damaged nucleobases, and incision of the DNA backbone. We demonstrate that the bi‐functional glycosylase/lyases Nth and MutM share several overlapping activities and functional redundancy. However, MutM and other members of the GO system, which deal with 8‐oxoG, a common lesion of oxidative damage, are not required for survival of N. meningitidis under oxidative stress. Instead, the mismatch repair pathway provides back‐up for the GO system, while the lyase activity of Nth can substitute for the meningococcal AP endonuclease, NApe. Our genetic and biochemical evidence shows that DNA repair is achieved through a robust network of enzymes that provides a flexible system of DNA repair. This network is likely to reflect successful adaptation to the human nasopharynx, and might provide a paradigm for DNA repair in other prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The spectrum of DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species includes a wide variety of modifications of purine and pyrimidine bases. Among these modified bases, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) is an important mutagenic lesion. Base excision repair is a critical mechanism for preventing mutations by removing the oxidative lesion from the DNA. That the spontaneous mutation frequency of the Escherichia coli mutT mutant is much higher than that of the mutM or mutY mutant indicates a significant potential for mutation due to 8-oxoG incorporation opposite A and G during DNA replication. In fact, the removal of A and G in such a situation by MutY protein would fix rather than prevent mutation. This suggests the need for differential removal of 8-oxoG when incorporated into DNA, versus being generated in situ. In this study we demonstrate that E.coli Nth protein (endonuclease III) has an 8-oxoG DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity which removes 8-oxoG preferentially from 8-oxoG/G mispairs. The MutM and Nei proteins are also capable of removing 8-oxoG from mispairs. The frequency of spontaneous G:C→C:G transversions was significantly increased in E.coli CC103mutMnthnei mutants compared with wild-type, mutM, nth, nei, mutMnei, mutMnth and nthnei strains. From these results it is concluded that Nth protein, together with the MutM and Nei proteins, is involved in the repair of 8-oxoG when it is incorporated opposite G. Furthermore, we found that human hNTH1 protein, a homolog of E.coli Nth protein, has similar DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity that removes 8-oxoG from 8-oxoG/G mispairs.  相似文献   

Oxidatively induced DNA damage is implicated in disease, unless it is repaired by DNA repair. Defects in DNA repair capacity may be a risk factor for various disease processes. Thus, DNA repair proteins may be used as early detection and therapeutic biomarkers in cancer and other diseases. For this purpose, the measurement of the expression level of these proteins in vivo will be necessary. We applied liquid chromatography/isotope-dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the identification and quantification of DNA repair proteins human 8-hydroxyguanine-DNA glycosylase (hOGG1) and Escherichia coli formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg), which are involved in base-excision repair of oxidatively induced DNA damage. We overproduced and purified (15)N-labeled analogues of these proteins to be used as suitable internal standards to ensure the accuracy of quantification. Unlabeled and (15)N-labeled proteins were digested with trypsin and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Numerous tryptic peptides of both proteins were identified on the basis of their full-scan mass spectra. These peptides matched the theoretical peptide fragments expected from trypsin digestion and provided statistically significant protein scores that would unequivocally identify these proteins. We also recorded the product ion spectra of the tryptic peptides and defined the characteristic product ions. Mixtures of the analyte proteins and their (15)N-labeled analogues were analyzed by selected-reaction monitoring on the basis of product ions. The results obtained suggest that the methodology developed would be highly suitable for the positive identification and accurate quantification of DNA repair proteins in vivo as potential biomarkers for cancer and other diseases.  相似文献   

MutM is a bacterial 8-oxoguanine glycosylase responsible for initiating base-excision repair of oxidized guanine residues in DNA. Here we report five different crystal structures of MutM-DNA complexes that represent different steps of the repair reaction cascade catalyzed by the protein and also differ in the identity of the base opposite the lesion (the 'estranged' base). These structures reveal that the MutM active site performs the multiple steps of base-excision and 3' and 5' nicking with minimal rearrangement of the DNA backbone.  相似文献   

8-Oxoguanine (G*), induced by reactive oxygen species, is mutagenic because it mispairs with A. The major G*-DNA glycosylase (OGG), namely, OGG1 in eukaryotes, or MutM in Escherichia coli, excises G* when paired in DNA with C, G, and T, but not A, presumably because removal of G* from a G*.A pair would be mutagenic. However, repair of G* will prevent mutation when it is incorporated in the nascent strand opposite A. This could be carried out by a second OGG, OGG2, identified in yeast and human cells. We have characterized a new OGG activity in E. coli and then identified it to be endonuclease VIII (Nei), discovered as a damaged pyrimidine-specific DNA glycosylase. Nei shares sequence homology and reaction mechanism with MutM and is similar to human OGG2 in being able to excise G* when paired with A (or G). Kinetic analysis of wild type Nei showed that it has significant activity for excising G* relative to dihydrouracil. The presence of OGG2 type enzyme in both E. coli and eukaryotes, which is at least as efficient in excising G* from a G*.A (or G) pair as from a G*.C pair, supports the possibility of G* repair in the nascent DNA strand.  相似文献   

8-Hydroxyguanine (8-OH-G) is the site of a frequent mutagenic lesion of DNA, produced by oxidative damage. MutM of E. coli and OGG1 of Saccharomyces cervisiae are known to possess 8-OH-G glycosylase activity and apurinic (AP) site lyase activity to repair 8-OH-G lesions. Recently, cDNA clones of human OGG1 homologues (hMMH) of four isoforms (type 1a, type 1b, type 1c, and type 2) were isolated. However, it is unknown whether expression of endogenous hMMH proteins actually occurs in mammalian cells. Here using hMMH type 1a-specific antibody and cells overexpressing tag-fused hMMH type 1a, we show the expression of hMMH type 1a protein in many types of human cells and show that endogenous hMMH type 1a protein has 8-OH-G glycosylase/AP lyase activity. Furthermore, we show that upon depletion of hMMH type 1a protein in a whole cell extract by its antibody, most of the AP lyase activity is lost, indicating that hMMH type 1a protein is a major enzyme for repair of 8-OH-G lesions in human cells.  相似文献   

DNA glycosylase recognition and catalysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA glycosylases are the enzymes responsible for recognizing base lesions in the genome and initiating base excision DNA repair. Recent structural and biochemical results have provided novel insights into DNA damage recognition and repair. The basis of the recognition of the oxidative lesion 8-oxoguanine by two structurally unrelated DNA glycosylases is now understood and has been revealed to involve surprisingly similar strategies. Work on MutM (Fpg) has produced structures representing three discrete reaction steps. The NMR structure of 3-methyladenine glycosylase I revealed its place among the structural families of DNA glycosylases and the X-ray structure of SMUG1 likewise confirmed that this protein is a member of the uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily. A novel disulfide cross-linking strategy was used to obtain the long-anticipated structure of MutY bound to DNA containing an A*oxoG mispair.  相似文献   

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