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昆虫雄性生殖腺分泌物的功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
昆虫两性成功交配后,雄性生殖腺分泌物使雌性昆虫的生理和行为都发生了巨大的改变。昆虫雄性生殖腺分泌物含有多种具有生物活性的分子,这些生物活性分子通过成功交配转移到雌虫生殖道后,对雌虫的生殖活动产生影响,使交配雌虫一段时间内不再交配,使已转移的精子易于在雌虫生殖道内储藏,使卵与精子完成受精过程,还可刺激雌虫产卵和卵的发育,调控排卵和产卵等生殖过程。在精子的转移过程中,雄性生殖腺分泌物中的抗菌媒介质能使雌虫的生殖导管提供友好的环境。此外,一些昆虫的雄性生殖腺分泌物还含有一些有毒的化学物质,保护已产下的卵不被天敌取食和病原体侵染。  相似文献   

朱家颖  叶恭银  胡萃 《昆虫学报》2007,50(6):616-620
杜氏腺为膜翅目雌性昆虫生殖器官中的一外分泌腺体,外形呈囊腔状,内含丰富的油状分泌物。其内分泌物主要为饱和与不饱和烃类化合物,有着辅助产卵、释放信息素及作幼虫食物等多方面的功能。本文对杜氏腺的形态结构、内分泌物合成途径、化学组分及其生理和生态学功能进行了综述。  相似文献   

对于两性生殖的昆虫而言,两性交配过程是产生后代及维持种群繁衍的必要环节。然而,昆虫的生殖行为经常受到一系列的内部生理因素和外部生态因素的影响,最终导致昆虫的生殖适合度产生差异。本文以蛾类昆虫为例,通过检索国内外文献,分析比较了气候因素(温度、湿度和光照)、生物因素(寄主植物、天敌和共生菌)和农事活动等生态因素对这类昆虫交配行为和生殖适合度的影响。结果表明,这些因子不但影响该类昆虫的交配行为(包括求偶与交配高峰、交配成功率、交配次数和交配持续时间等),还影响其生殖适合度(如产卵前期、产卵期、产卵量、孵化率和寿命等)。这些研究为深入开展蛾类昆虫的生殖行为生态学研究提供理论基础,同时为揭示蛾类昆虫的种群暴发机制以及该类害虫的科学防控提供线索。  相似文献   

产卵是昆虫完成个体发育、繁衍后代必经的生命阶段。昆虫在选择适宜产卵场所、做出产卵行为时会因自然环境、寄主本身分泌物以及寄主天敌等因素的影响而发生变化。这些影响因素的改变如果加以合理利用可以成为防治植食性昆虫和更好的发挥寄生性和捕食性天敌昆虫作用的重要途径。因此,本文从产卵抑制信息素、引诱物、学习经历和产卵基质等方面综述了影响昆虫产卵行为的因素,并对其应用做出展望,以期为害虫防控和寄生性、捕食性天敌昆虫的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同温度下浸水对褐飞虱生存、繁殖及其寄主的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不同温度下浸水对褐飞虱卵孵化、若虫存活率、成虫取食和繁殖及其寄主水稻的影响研究结果表明 ,在相对低温2 2℃和 2 1~ 2 6℃的自然变温条件下 ,产卵后立即浸水对浙江和广西 2个褐飞虱种群的卵孵化影响均不明显 ,而在产卵后4 d浸水对浙江种群的卵孵化有显著的抑制作用。 2 8℃浸水 5d和 35℃浸水 1 d后卵孵化率显著下降且孵化进程延长。卵浸水后的初孵若虫的存活率随卵浸水时间的延长明显下降。稻株浸水对其体内所含的昆虫必需氨基酸影响较大 ,其总量减少 ,而稻株内可溶性糖含量却显著增加 ,导致褐飞虱在浸水稻株上的若虫生存率、成虫取食量和繁殖力均明显下降  相似文献   

昆虫的产卵是昆虫生物学最重要的内容之一,雌虫产卵量的多少受多种环境因素和雌虫个体因素的影响。本文从环境因素和个体因素两方面综述了影响雌虫产卵量的因素,包括温度、湿度、光照、温室气体、食物、密度、音乐、个体体型、交配、滞育等,分析了各因素影响产卵量的原因及其规律,并提出了未来的研究发展方向。不仅丰富了昆虫繁殖生物学的内容,也为田间害虫和室内养殖昆虫管理过程中的数量预测以及种群调控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文研究了光周期对飞蝗三个地理种群胚胎滞育和生殖的影响。结果表明飞蝗不同地理种群胚胎滞有特性存在显著差异。新疆和硕飞蝗种群无论在长光照还是短光照下均产滞育卵,属于专性滞育;天津北大港和新疆哈密飞蝗种群的胚胎滞育随光周期的不同而变化,长光照和短光照下分别产非滞有卵和滞育卵,属于不同类型的兼性滞育。在纬度等条件差别不大的情况下,海拔高度对滞有特性的影响可能起主导作用。长光照延长哈密和北大港飞蝗种群的产卵前期、降低其产卵频率及产卵量;但对和硕飞蝗种群的这些特性无明显影响。和硕飞蝗种群胚胎打破滞育所需的低温处理时间较哈密和北大港飞蝗种群所需时间长。  相似文献   

营养因素对昆虫生殖营养周期及生殖力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫的生殖是维持其种群密度的关键环节之一。生殖得以正常进行是这一生理功能与复杂的生境因素相互作用的结果。营养因素,即食料的数量和质量,是影响昆虫生殖营养周期(gonotrophic cycle)及生殖力的最重要的生态学因素之一。昆虫卵巢内营养物质随生殖周期的周期性变化(夏帮颖等1974)以及产卵前后昆虫体重的变化(姚文炳等1984)都有力地揭示了营养因素与繁殖力之间的密切关系。总的来说,蛋白质、碳水化合物,脂肪、无机盐和维生素对不同昆虫的繁殖有着不同的意义。龚和等(1980、1982)对七星瓢虫卵黄蛋白的理化性质分析指出,虽然某些昆虫产卵需…  相似文献   

产卵次序可对鸟类卵黄中的营养成分、卵壳色素以及卵壳厚度等产生影响。一些鸟类可通过产卵次序对不同卵的资源进行分配,从而实现繁殖成效的最大化。本研究对不同产卵次序下山麻雀(Passer cinnamomeus)的卵色、卵大小和卵重量进行分析,结果表明,山麻雀的卵重和卵大小随着产卵次序并无显著变化,卵色与卵的大小和重量均无显著相关性,但卵背景的色度随产卵次序有明显下降趋势,而卵斑点密度则呈相反的变化。卵背景的色度随产卵次序下降可能是山麻雀有限的色素在卵中不均匀分配的结果,而卵斑点密度的增加则可能是对后期卵壳厚度变薄的一种补偿。  相似文献   

温度制约下的白背飞虱窝卵数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窝卵数,俗称卵块大小(clutchsize,每卵块所包含的卵粒数),是近年来深受注意的昆虫产卵行为之一[1,2]。针对各种生态条件,人们已提出各种假说,阐述昆虫产卵块比产单粒优越;一些数学模型提出,随着在同一小斑块(Patch)产卵的雌虫数增加或幼虫期竞争加剧,卵块一般会变小[1],即卵块大小是受物种本身的特性诸如分类地位、卵巢管数目、母代个体大小、年龄以及种群密度、营养条件、天敌、环境因素(温度、光照、湿度等)影响的。白背飞虱Sogatellaf。roil。ra(HorvAt)是水稻的主要害虫之一,其卵成块地产在水稻叶鞘、叶片组织内…  相似文献   

蝗虫化学信息物质研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石旺鹏 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):244-249
详述了蝗虫主要化学信息物质的种类、功能及主要成分等研究进展。蝗虫化学信息物质包括种内通讯的化学信息素和种间通讯的化学信息物质。其中种内通讯的化学信息素主要有群居信息素、成熟信息素、产卵信息素(含促产卵化学信息素和群集产卵化学信息素)、性信息素、聚集信息素等;种间通讯的化学信息物质主要介绍用于防卫的化学信息物质,包括卵分泌的信息物质、特定腺体分泌的信息物质、粪便挥发的信息物质、口腔分泌物和内部毒素等,对其天敌均有一定的防卫作用。化学通讯是蝗虫种内和种间通讯联系的普遍方式。  相似文献   

The study of male insects’ accessory gland (MAG) secretions will promote our understanding of reproductive strategies and their evolution, and will facilitate the development of new approaches for pest control. Here, we carried out a series of experiments to determine the functions of MAG secretions on modulating female post-mating behavior in the moth Spodoptera litura. Results showed that females injected with MAG secretions called and mated significantly less than controls in the night after treatment, which were independent of mechanical stimulation during mating and the presence of sperm. However, a successful mating resulted in a longer loss in sexual receptivity (lasting to the second night after mating). This study also demonstrated that MAG secretions not only triggered oviposition but also promoted egg development, which also were not dependent on mechanical stimulation during mating and the presence of sperm. MAG secretions also showed negative effect on female longevity, which may be because MAG secretions stimulate females to allocate more resources to egg development and oviposition, leaving fewer resources for survival. Results of this study also suggest that oviposition behaviors incur energy costs. The hypothesis that virgin females may conduct oosorption to prolong longevity is not supported.  相似文献   

The breeding habitat of sandflies is a little studied and poorly understood phenomenon. More importantly, oviposition behaviour is a largely neglected aspect of sandfly biology and this knowledge gap further undermines our understanding of the biology of sandflies. Pheromones released by the eggs play an important role in identifying good sites for oviposition by female insects. Several recent studies have examined the oviposition pheromone. The present study provides a preliminary report on the oviposition behaviour of Phlebotomus argentipes, the only vector of kala-azar (or visceral leishmaniasis) on the Indian sub-continent. Sandflies prefer to oviposit their eggs on surfaces that contain organic substances, especially substances with an odour of decaying animal products and the remains of conspecific eggs. The results presented here suggest that the odour released by the organic substances of old sandfly colony remains that contain dead flies, old unhatched eggs, larval food containing vertebrate faeces, frass and other organic matter serves as an attractant for the ovipositing females of P. argentipes and hence greatly increases the number of oviposited eggs compared to eggs deposited in controlled oviposition pots. This result will be helpful in maintaining an efficient colony of P. argentipes and may be a promising tool for monitoring and controlling the target insect as part of a synergistic approach.  相似文献   

Plants may respond both to feeding and oviposition by herbivorous insects. While responses of plants to feeding damage by herbivores have been studied intensively during the past decades, only a few, but growing number of studies consider the reactions of plants towards egg deposition by herbivorous insects. Plants showing defensive response to oviposition by herbivores do not `wait' until being damaged by feeding, but may instead react towards one of the initial steps of herbivore attack, the egg deposition. Direct plant defensive responses to feeding act directly against the feeding stages of the herbivores. However, a plant may also show direct defensive responses to egg deposition by (a) formation of neoplasms, (b) formation of necrotic tissue (= hypersensitive response), and (c) production of oviposition deterrents. All these plant reactions have directly negative effects on the eggs, hatching larvae, or on the ovipositing females. Indirect plant defensive responses to feeding result in the emission of volatiles (= synomones) that attract predators or parasitoids of the feeding stages. A few recent studies have shown that plants are able to emit volatiles also in response to egg deposition and that these volatiles attract egg parasitoids. Studies on the mechanisms of induction of synomones by egg deposition show several parallels to the mechanisms of induction of plant responses by feeding damage. When considering induced plant defence against herbivores from an evolutionary point of view, the question arises whether herbivores evolved the ability to circumvent or even to exploit the plant's defensive responses. The reactions of herbivores to oviposition induced plant responses are compared with their reactions to feeding induced plant responses.  相似文献   

1. Kin recognition is important in many social insects, but has also been found in several nonsocial insects such as parasitoids, where it plays an important role in oviposition behaviour. In nonparasitic arthropods, however, the fitness of ovipositing females also depends on the oviposition behaviour of related and unrelated females, especially when eggs are oviposited in clusters by several females. 2. In this paper, kin recognition in a predatory mite, Iphiseius degenerans, is studied. Mothers are capable of determining offspring sex ratio, and cannibalism on juvenile stages is a common phenomenon. Therefore, kin recognition is expected to occur in this predator. 3. Oviposition behaviour of this species is particularly interesting because it alternates foraging bouts in flowers with deposition of a single egg at a time on a leaf, where predation risk is lower. The eggs are not scattered but are deposited in clusters. After feeding in a flower, females therefore have to locate clusters of eggs. 4. Experiments on two‐choice arenas showed that females prefer to oviposit close to conspecific eggs rather than close to heterospecific eggs. Females also showed a preference for ovipositing near closely related conspecific eggs rather than more distantly related eggs. 5. Females tended to displace eggs of heterospecifics more frequently than eggs of conspecifics. 6. These behavioural observations show that females can discriminate not only between conspecific and heterospecific eggs but also between eggs that vary in degree of relatedness. This enables females to oviposit in clusters containing related eggs and thus avoid cannibalism by non‐kin and/or produce adaptive sex ratios despite the fact that the adults commute between flowers and leaves.  相似文献   

植物对昆虫产卵刺激产生的防御反应不仅可以直接抑制卵的发育,还可以为防御下一步若虫/幼虫带来的危害做准备。对褐飞虱产卵处理后水稻植株内一氧化氮(NO)合成的关键酶-硝酸还原酶基因的表达量和NO含量进行测定,对比褐飞虱取食和机械损伤处理,结果显示褐飞虱产卵能够诱导水稻硝酸还原酶基因的表达和NO的生成。处理后12 h,水稻硝酸还原酶基因表达量显著高于取食和和机械损伤处理;12-24 h产卵诱导的NO含量显著高于对照和机械损伤组水稻。褐飞虱产卵诱导水稻启动NO合成关键基因的表达和物质合成表明,与取食危害类似,水稻同样会对褐飞虱产卵刺激产生响应,诱导NO升高,启动相应的植物防御体系。  相似文献   

The secretions produced by the 3 accessory glands of the female genital tract of Pimpla turionellae were investigated histochemically. The uterus gland secretion was identified as a mixture of hyaluronic acid and lipoprotein, that of the poison gland as a neutral mucoprotein. The product of the alkaline gland (Dufour's gland) consists of lecithin and a cholesterol ester. Pimpla females, as parasites of Lepidoptera pupae, inject these secretions into the host hemocoel during oviposition, thus preventing hemocytic encapsulation of their eggs. The physiological functions of the secretions are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

昆虫产卵抑制素的研究及应用孟国玲   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孟国玲  肖春  龚信文 《昆虫学报》2000,43(2):214-224
昆虫在选择合适的产卵场所时会受到许多因素的影响 ,产卵抑制素 (ovipositiondeter rent,OVD)就是其中的一个重要因素[1] 。OVD可以产自昆虫自身 ,以避免同种个体在有限的食物和空间资源上开展竞争 ,同时具有抑制有相近生态位的他种个体在同一场所产卵 ,以减少种间竞争的作用。OVD也存在于植物中 ,它可以阻止植食性昆虫在植物上产卵 ,从而使植物免遭为害。从OVD的特点可以看出 ,它在调节昆虫产卵行为及种群分布 ,协调昆虫与寄主植物的关系具有重要作用。因此 ,深入开展OVD的研究 ,对于揭示昆虫的产卵行…  相似文献   

1. Female parasitoids have evolved various foraging strategies in order to find suitable hosts. Egg parasitoids have been shown to exploit plant cues induced by the deposition of host eggs. 2. The tiny wasp Trichogramma brassicae uses oviposition‐induced cues from Brussels sprouts to locate eggs of the cabbage white butterflies Pieris brassicae and Pieris rapae that differ in their egg‐laying behaviour. These plant cues are elicited by male‐derived anti‐aphrodisiac pheromones in the accessory reproductive gland (ARG) secretions of mated female butterflies. However, the closely related generalist species Trichogramma evanescens does not respond to Brussels sprout cues induced by the deposition of P. brassicae egg clutches. 3. Here we showed in two‐choice bioassays that T. evanescens wasps respond to Brussels sprout cues induced by (i) the deposition of single eggs by P. rapae, and (ii) the application of ARG secretions from either mated P. rapae females, or from virgin female butterflies in combination with P. rapae's anti‐aphrodisiac compound indole. The wasps only associatively learned to respond to Brussels sprout cues after applying indole alone by linking those cues with the presence of P. rapae eggs. 4. Our results indicate that Trichogramma wasps more commonly exploit oviposition‐induced plant cues to locate their host eggs. Generalist wasps show less specificity in their response than specialists and employ associative learning.  相似文献   

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