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优良水稻品种“明恢63”BAC文库的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“明恢63”是我国许多重要的水稻杂交组合中的恢复系。为了对其进行深入的遗传学研究以及克隆控制重要农艺性状的基因,以细菌人工染色体(pBeloBAC11)为载体,克隆经限制性内切酶消化后部分收集的“明恢63”基因组DNA,将连接混合物转化细菌DH10B,构建了细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库。该文库共有26000个转化子,插入片段为90~240kb,平均大小为150kb。经计算该文库覆盖9倍水稻基因组。该文库正在用于构建几个基因所在区段的物理图谱,为图位克隆打下基础  相似文献   

水稻Xa21基因在水稻和玉米中的比较物理定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较基因组分析证明,禾本科不同种基因组间存在广泛的同线性和共线性。对水稻(OryzasativaL.)这一模式植物与其它禾本科植物基因的原位杂交比较定位可以揭示禾本科植物基因组结构的共同特点和进化规律。利用含Xa21基因的pB822作探针筛选水稻的细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库,建立了一个包含3个BAC克隆的重叠群。用生物素标记其中一个BAC克隆,对水稻“广陆矮4号”和玉米自交系黄早四进行了染色体荧光原位杂交。同时,用pB822也作了原位杂交检测。在水稻第11染色体长臂中间检出了杂交信号,信号与着丝粒的百分距离约为24。在玉米的第1、3和第8染色体长臂观察到杂交信号,表明玉米基因组中具有三个Xa21的同源序列座位。BACFISH的信号检出率达在40%以上,大大高于质粒探针pB822的检出率(15%),而且可在同源染色体和姊妹染色单体上同时检出杂交信号的比例较高,证明了利用BAC克隆荧光原位杂交进行比较物理定位的可行性和优越性。在BACFISH中必须用相应基因组的CotⅠDNA封阻,以排除重复序列的干扰。  相似文献   

用富集文库克隆人胰岛素基因组基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建可富集人胰岛素基因的λ噬菌体文库,克隆了人胰岛素基因组基因.首先从中国人血液白细胞中提取到人基因组DNA,用EcoRⅠ和BglⅡ对基因组DNA进行全酶切,经0.4%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,特异回收9.5kb左右的DNA片段.将该片段与λEMBL3/BamHⅠ臂连接,构建成一个特殊的人基因组λ噬菌体文库(富集文库),效价为2×104.同时采用PCR方法及用引物Ⅰ:5′GGACAGGCTACATCAGGAAGAGG3′,引物Ⅱ:5′CTGCGTCTAATTGCAGTAGTTC3′,从人基因组DNA中扩增出一段含胰岛素基因的1.36kbDNA片段,做为放射性标记探针,对文库进行了噬菌斑原位杂交筛选,从1×104个噬菌斑中筛选到一个含人胰岛素基因组基因的阳性克隆,并进一步完成了亚克隆和该基因1732bpDNA序列的测定.结果该基因的1732bpDNA序列包括部分5′端和3′端与国外发表的人胰岛素α型等位基因的序列相同  相似文献   

为了克隆到全长的人促红细胞生成素基因,从而在真核系统中及转基因动物乳腺中进行表达,从一个中国人的血细胞中提取基因组DNA,构建了不完全基因组噬菌体文库,文库效价为5×104.这种文库的构建方法是用BamHⅠ对基因组DNA进行完全酶切,回收10.5kb左右的酶切片段,插入到λ-噬菌体EMBL3载体中.筛选文库所使用的探针是用PCR方法从基因组DNA模板中扩增的556bp的EPO基因片段.从该文库中筛选到了一个含有完整EPO基因的插入片段长度为12.5kb的阳性克隆.经全序列分析证实,所克隆的EPO基因编码正确,但在5′-侧翼及第一内含子处与国外发表的序列相比较,发现两处核苷酸差异,这两个核苷酸的差异改变了5′-调控区的两个小的开放阅读框——ORF1和ORF3,其在基因表达调探方面的作用值得进一步探讨.  相似文献   

野生一粒小麦BAC文库的构建和鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以细菌人工染色体pECBAC1为载体 ,构建了野生一粒小麦 (TriticumboeoticumBoiss)的基因组BAC文库。该文库共包含约 17万个克隆 ,平均插入片段长度为 10 4kb ,按野生一粒小麦基因组为 5 6 0 0Mb计算 ,文库覆盖了约 3倍的该物种基因组。用大麦叶绿体psbA基因和玉米线粒体atp6基因作混合探针 ,检测发现该文库中含细胞器基因组同源序列的克隆数小于 1%。该文库的建成 ,为小麦基因的克隆及基因组学研究提供了技术平台  相似文献   

以细菌人工染色体pECBAC1为载体,构建了野生一粒小麦(Triticum boeoticum B oiss)的基因组BAC文库.该文库共包含约17万个克隆,平均插入片段长度为104 kb,按野生一粒小麦基因组为5 600 Mb计算,文库覆盖了约3倍的该物种基因组.用大麦叶绿体psb A基因和玉米线粒体atp6基因作混合探针,检测发现该文库中含细胞器基因组同源序列的克隆数小于1% .该文库的建成,为小麦基因的克隆及基因组学研究提供了技术平台.  相似文献   

温敏核不育水稻5460S细菌人工染色体文库的构建和鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了构建温敏核不育 (TGMS)基因区域的精细物理图谱并最终分离TGMS基因 ,以温敏核不育水稻 5 46 0S为材料 ,摸索优化了构建植物细菌人工染色体 (BAC)文库的方法 ,构建了一个高质量的BAC文库 .该文库由 1 95 84个克隆构成 ,插入片段平均长度为 1 1 0kb ,相当于水稻单倍体基因组大小的 5倍 ;以分子量分别为 1 40和2 5 0kb的 2个大BAC克隆进行稳定性传代实验 ,经 1 0 0代传代后其插入的DNA片段仍然稳定存在 ;以线粒体和叶绿体基因为探针筛选BAC文库 ,未检验出叶绿体和线粒体DNA的污染 ;以和tms1基因连锁的 3个分子标记作为探针对BAC文库进行了筛选 ,每个探针至少可获得一个阳性克隆 ,利用热不对称性交错PCR(Tail PCR)法成功分离了阳性克隆的左右末端序列 .  相似文献   

在水稻蜡质基因5’上游区中一段31bp 核苷酸序列能与水稻未成熟种子核蛋白特异结合。为了克隆这一核蛋白基因,以此31 bp 序列构建成“鱼饵”质粒,从水稻cDNA文库中筛选到13 个阳性克隆。根据这些阳性克隆中插入cDNA 片段的相互杂交结果,对这些克隆进行了分组。  相似文献   

在水稻蜡质基因5‘上游区中一段31bp核苷酸序列能与水稻末成熟种子核蛋白特异结合。为了克隆这一核蛋白基因,以此31bp序列构建成“鱼饵”质粒,从水稻cDNA文库中筛选到13个阳性克隆,根据这些阳性克隆中插入cDNA片段的相互杂交结果,对这些克隆进行了分组。  相似文献   

由革兰氏阴性细菌水稻白叶枯病菌引起的水稻白叶枯病是亚洲、北美以及非洲部分地区最严重的水稻病害之一,水稻白叶枯病可使水稻减产高达50%以上.研究表明水稻白叶枯病菌的毒力主要依靠三型分泌系统所分泌的效应物.为了解水稻白叶枯病菌广西菌株GX1329中含有avrBs3/pthA家族基因的情况,本研究应用AluⅠ部分酶切其基因组DNA,构建了含有736个克隆的菌株GX1329的基因组文库.BamHⅠ酶切分析随机挑取的15个文库克隆表明,克隆的外源DNA随机性良好,克隆的最小片段为27.7 kb,最大为58.5 kb,平均大小为39.9 kb,文库克隆容量约为2.8×103 Mb,该文库中包含基因组中任一个基因的概率为99.4%.利用来自水稻白叶枯病菌菲律宾菌株PXO86的无毒基因avrXa10的第252位~第486位核苷酸序列作为探针,通过菌落原位杂交从GX1329基因组文库中筛选到37个含avrBs3/pthA家族基因的克隆.再通过Southern杂交分析,得到了17个独立克隆.这17个克隆中至少含有13个不同的avrBs3/pthA家族基因.这些基因在GX1329基因组中有的单独存在,有的两个或两个以上串联存在.本工作基本上明确了菌株GX1329基因组中avrBs3/pthA家族基因的数量,为进一步研究菌株GX1329中avrBs3/pthA家族基因的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Rice is an important crop and a model system for monocot genomics, and is a target for whole genome sequencing by the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP). The IRGSP is using a clone by clone approach to sequence rice based on minimum tiles of BAC or PAC clones. For chromosomes 10 and 3 we are using an integrated physical map based on two fingerprinted and end-sequenced BAC libraries to identifying a minimum tiling path of clones. In this study we constructed and tested two rice genomic libraries with an average insert size of 10 kb (10-kb library) to support the gap closure and finishing phases of the rice genome sequencing project. The HaeIII library contains 166,752 clones covering approximately 4.6x rice genome equivalents with an average insert size of 10.5 kb. The Sau3AI library contains 138,960 clones covering 4.2x genome equivalents with an average insert size of 11.6 kb. Both libraries were gridded in duplicate onto 11 high-density filters in a 5 x 5 pattern to facilitate screening by hybridization. The libraries contain an unbiased coverage of the rice genome with less than 5% contamination by clones containing organelle DNA or no insert. An efficient method was developed, consisting of pooled overgo hybridization, the selection of 10-kb gap spanning clones using end sequences, transposon sequencing and utilization of in silico draft sequence, to close relatively small gaps between sequenced BAC clones. Using this method we were able to close a majority of the gaps (up to approximately 50 kb) identified during the finishing phase of chromosome-10 sequencing. This method represents a useful way to close clone gaps and thus to complete the entire rice genome.  相似文献   

Xa4 is a dominantly inherited rice gene that confers resistance to Philippine race 1 of the bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice. In order to isolate the gene by positional cloning, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed from genomic DNA isolated from an Xa4-harboring accession, IRBB56. The library contains 55,296 clones with an average insert size of 132 kb, providing 14 rice genome equivalents. Three DNA markers closely linked to Xa4 were used to screen the library. The marker RS13, a resistance gene analogue that co-segregates with Xa4, identified 18 clones, of which four and six, respectively, were simultaneously detected by the other two markers, G181 and L1044. Fingerprinting and Southern analysis indicated that these clones overlapped and define an interval spanning 420 kb. In an F2 population derived from an indica variety, IR24, and its Xa4-containing near isogenic line (NIL), IRBB4, the susceptible plants were screened in order to map the Xa4 gene genetically and physically. Out of 24 insert ends isolated from the BACs in the contig, three revealed polymorphisms between IR24 and IRBB4. Two insert ends, 56M22F and 26D24R, flanked Xa4 on each side. Based on the overlap of the BACs, six overlapping clones were considered to include the Xa4 allele, one of which, 106P13, was chosen for further investigation.  相似文献   

River buffalo genome analyses have advanced significantly in the last decade, and the genome sequence of Bubalus bubalis will be available shortly. Nonetheless, large-insert DNA library resources such as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) are still required for validation and accurate assembly of the genome sequence. We constructed a river buffalo BAC library containing 52,224 clones with an average insert size of 97 kb, representing 1.7 × coverage of the genome. This genomic resource for river buffalo will facilitate further studies in this economically important species allowing for instance, whole genome physical mapping and isolation of genes and gene clusters, contributing to the elucidation of gene organization and identification of regulatory elements.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed using nuclear DNA from the rice field eel (Monopterus albus). The BAC library consists of a total of 33,000 clones with an average insert size of 115 kb. Based on the rice field eel haploid genome size of 600 Mb, the BAC library is estimated to contain approximately 6.3 genome equivalents and represents 99.8% of the genome of the rice field eel. This is first BAC library constructed from this species. To estimate the possibility of isolating a specific clone, high-density colony hybridization-based library screening was performed using Dmrt1 cDNA of the rice field eel as a probe. Both library screening and PCR identification results revealed three positive BAC clones which were overlapped, and formed a contig covering the Dmrt1 gene of 195 kb. By sequence comparisons with the Dmrt1 cDNA and sequencing of first four intron-exon junctions, Dmrt1 gene of the rice field eel was predicted to contain four introns and five exons. The sizes of first and second intron are 1.5 and 2.6 kb, respectively, and the sizes of last two introns were predicted to be about 20 kb. The Dmrt1 gene structure was conserved in evolution. These results also indicate that the BAC library is a useful resource for BAC contig construction and molecular isolation of functional genes.  相似文献   

A BAC library was constructed from the genomic DNA of an intergeneric Citrus and Poncirus hybrid. The library consists of 24,576 clones with an average insert size of 115 kb, representing approximately seven haploid genome equivalents and is able to give a greater than 99% probability of isolating single-copy citrus DNA sequences from this library. High-density colony hybridization-based library screening was performed using DNA markers linked to the citrus tristeza virus (CTV) resistance gene and citrus disease resistance gene candidate (RGC) sequences. Between four and eight clones were isolated with each of the CTV resistance gene-linked markers, which agrees with the library’s predicted genome coverage. Three hundred and twenty-two clones were identified using 13 previously cloned citrus RGC sequences as probes in library screening. One to four fragments in each BAC were shown to hybridize with RGC sequences. One hundred and nine of the RGC BAC clones were fingerprinted using a sequencing gel-based procedure. From the fingerprints, 25 contigs were assembled, each having a size of 120–250 kb and consisting of 2–11 clones. These results indicate that the library is a useful resource for BAC contig construction and molecular isolation of disease resistance genes. Received: 22 May 2000 / Accepted: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

The citrus tristeza virus resistance gene (Ctv) is a single dominant gene in Poncirus trifoliata, a sexually compatible relative of citrus. To clone this gene, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library has been constructed from an individual plant that was homozygous for Ctv. This library contains 45,696 clones with an average insert size of 80 kb, corresponding to 9.6 genome equivalents. Screening of the BAC library with five chloroplast DNA probes indicated that 0.58% of the BAC clones contained chloroplast-derived inserts. The chromosome walk across the Ctv locus was initiated using three closely linked genetic markers: C19, AD8, and Z16. The walk has been completed and a contig of ca. 1.2 Mb was constructed. Based on new data, the genetic map in the Ctv region was revised, with Ctv being located between AD8-Z16 and C19 at distances of 1.2 and 0.6 cM, respectively. Utilizing DNA fragments isolated from the contig as RFLP markers, the Ctv locus was further mapped to a region of ca. 300 kb. This contig contains several putative disease-resistance genes similar to the rice Xa21 gene, the tomato Cf-2 gene, and the Arabidopsis thaliana RPS2 gene. This library will therefore allow cloning of Ctv and other putative disease-resistance genes.  相似文献   

P Ling  X M Chen 《Génome》2005,48(6):1028-1036
A hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed for cloning Yr5 and other genes conferring resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici). Intact nuclei from a Yr5 near-isogenic line were used to isolate high molecular weight DNA, which was partially cleaved with HindIII and cloned into pECBAC1 and pIndigoBAC-5 vectors. The wheat BAC library consisted of 422,400 clones arrayed in 1100 micro-titer plates (each plate with 384 wells). Random sampling of 300 BAC clones indicated an average insert size of 140 kb, with a size range from 25 to 365 kb. Ninety percent of the clones in the library had an insert size greater than 100 kb and fewer than 5% of the clones did not contain inserts. Based on an estimated genome size of 15,966 Mb for hexaploid wheat, the BAC library was estimated to have a total coverage of 3.58x wheat genome equivalents, giving approximately 96% probability of identifying a clone representing any given wheat DNA sequence. Twelve BAC clones containing an Yr5 locus-specific marker (Yr5STS7/8) were successfully selected by PCR screening of 3-dimensional BAC pools. The results demonstrated that the T. aestivum BAC library is a valuable genomic resource for positional cloning of Yr5. The library also should be useful in cloning other genes for stripe rust resistance and other traits of interest in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

A large insert Sorghum propinquum BAC library has been constructed to analyze the physical organization of the sorghum genome and to facilitate positional cloning of sorghum genes and QTLs associated with the early stages of grain crop domestication. This library was established from 12 different ligations using high-molecular-weight DNA generated from either one cycle or two cycles of size selection. This library consists of 38 016 BAC clones with an estimated average insert size of 126 kb and coverage of 6.6 genome equivalents. The 6.6 genome-equivalent BAC library of S. propinquum provides a 99.7% probability of finding one or more BACs that contain genes of interest. Twenty mapped DNA probes, ten homologous and ten heterologous, were used to screen the library, and 121 positive clones were identified, 6.05 per locus or 6.37 per probe.  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa4位点跨叠BAC克隆群的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻白叶枯病抗性基因Xa4已被定位于第11染色体长臂末端的分子标记VG181和L1044之间,并与抗性基因同源序列片段RS13共分离。利用这3个标记筛选IRBB56的BAC文库,共得到128个阳性BAC克隆,其中RS13获得18个阳性克隆,这18个克隆中有4个和6个我隆分别同时为G181和L1044的阳性克隆,选其中的12克隆进行分析,构建了一个从G181到L1044区间的BAC跨叠克隆,全长420kb,并且56M22、106P13和104B153个BAC克隆可覆盖整个跨叠克隆群。这一研究结果为进一步分离Xa4基因打下基础。  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library containing a large genomlc DNA insert is an important tool for genome physical mapping, map-based cloning, and genome sequencing. To Isolate genes via a map-based cloning strategy and to perform physical mapping of the cotton genome, a high-quality BAC library containing large cotton DNA Inserts Is needed. We have developed a BAC library of the restoring line 0-613-2R for Isolating the fertility restorer (Rf1) gene and genomic research in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The BAC library contains 97 825 clones stored In 255 pieces of a 384-well mlcrotiter plate. Random samples of BACs digested with the Notl enzyme Indicated that the average Insert size Is approximately 130 kb, with a range of 80-275 kb, and 95.7% of the BAC clones in the library have an average insert size larger than 100 kb. Based on a cotton genome size of 2 250 Mb, library coverage is 5.7 × haploid genome equivalents. Four clones were selected randomly from the library to determine the stability of the BAC clones. There were no different fingerprints for 0 and 100 generations of each clone digested with Notl and Hlndiii enzymes. Thus, the atabiiity of a single BAC clone can be sustained at iesat for 100 generations. Eight simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers flanking the Rf; gene were chosen to screen the BAC library by pool using PCR method and 25 positive clones were identified with 3.1 positive clones per SSR marker.  相似文献   

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