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仡佬族成人体型的Heath-Carter人体测量法研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
为探讨我国仡佬族成人体型特点与规律,本文应用Heath-Carter人体测量法,对贵州道真县淞江乡409例(男204,女205)20-60岁土著仡佬族成人体型进行了研究,结果表明:(1)仡佬族平均体型男性为偏外胚层体型的中胚层体型(1.7-4.8-2.5),女性为偏内胚层体型的中胚层体型(2.8-4.4-1.8);(2)随着年龄的增长,仡佬族男女体型呈内胚型值增大,外胚型值减小的变化,女性35岁以后体型变化显著。(3)男女间体型除20-组差异有显著性外,其余各年龄组差异有高度显著性;(4)仡佬族与其他群体体型比较,仡佬族体脂较少,骨骼肌肉不太发达,身体线性度较高。  相似文献   

达斡尔族成人体型研究   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:25  
郑连斌  朱钦 《人类学学报》1998,17(2):151-157
本文运用Heath-Carter人体测量体型法,研究了内蒙古莫力达瓦旗456例达斡尔族成人体型。研究结果表明:(1)达斡尔族平均体型男怀为偏内胚层体型的中胚层体型,女性为中胚层休蝗内胚层型;(2)随年龄增长,达斡尔族男女体均呈内因子值增大,中因子值增大,外因子值减小的变化,男性30岁以后,女性35岁以后体型变化较大;(3)男女间体型存在极显著性差异,女性中因子值、外因子值低于男性值,而内因子高于男  相似文献   

山东汉族成人的Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
应用Heath-Carter人体测量法对1001名(男502名,女499名)年龄在20-88岁间的山东省青州和临朐两县市的城乡汉族(以下简称山东汉族)进行了体型评定。结果是:(1)山东汉族男性的平均体型值为4.4-4.8-1.7(城4.6-4.7-1.5,乡4.2-4.8-1.8),属内胚层-中胚层均衡型体型;各年龄组中以内胚层-中胚层均衡体型、偏内胚层的中胚层及偏中胚层的内胚层体型为主。女性的平均体型值为5.7-4.2-1.4(城5.8-4.2-1.3,乡5.6-4.2-1.4),属偏中胚层的内胚层体型;各年龄组中以偏中胚层的内胚层体型及内胚层-中胚层均衡体型为主。(2)随着年龄的增长,男(20-44岁)女(20-54)岁性内、中因子值上升,外因子值下降。城乡男女以30岁为体型分界点,表现为30岁前后的体型差异。(3)汉族成年人体型存在显著性性别差异,但无城乡差异。(4)山东汉族男性与蒙古族及加拿大样本人群的平均体型相类似;女性平均体型介于鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、达翰尔族和蒙古族样本人群的平均体型之间。  相似文献   

蒙古族青少年体型的研究——运用Heath—Carter体型法   总被引:39,自引:8,他引:31  
运用Heath-Carter体型法对1564名(男723,女841)7-19岁蒙古族青少年体型进行了研究。结果表明蒙古族青少年体型随年龄增长而变化。男性平均体型变化较小。女性较大。男性以中胚层体型和偏中胚层体型的外胚层体型为主;女性随年龄增长逐渐从中间体型向偏中胚层体型的内胚层体型过渡。经检验从11岁以后男女性的平均体型具有显著性差异。通过与其他群体青少年平均体型的比较,表明在不同民族,种族间的体  相似文献   

达斡尔族青少年体型的Heath—Carter人体测量法研究   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
运用Heath-Carter人体测量法对1759例(男872,女887)6-19岁达斡尔族青少年体型进行了研究。结果表明:(1)男生6-8岁各组为均衡的中胚层体型,9-12岁各组为三胚层中间型体型,13-17岁各组为中胚层-外胚怪均衡型体型。女生7-12岁各组为三胚层中间型体型,13-14岁各组为均衡的内胚层体型,15-19岁各组为偏中胚层的内胚层体型。(2)男女生6-9岁中胚层体型比例最高,10-12岁外胚层体型比例最高。男生13-16岁仍为外胚层体型比较最高。女生13-15岁、16-19岁均为内胚层体型比例最高。(3)达斡尔族男女生体型与蒙古族体型接近。  相似文献   

布依族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文运用Heath-Carter人体测量体型方法,研究了贵州省布依族494例(男259例,女235例)成人体型。研究结果表明:(1)布依族男性与女性平均体型均为偏内胚层的中胚层体型,男性均数为3.0—5.3—2.4,女性均数为4.3—4.9—1.9。(2)随年龄增长,布依族男性内因子值变化不大,中因子值增大,外因子值减小。但总的说来,男性体型各年龄组变化不大。(3)随年龄增长,女性内因子值与中因子值增大,外因子值减小。(4)布依族体型介于南方人群和北方人群之间。  相似文献   

3-6岁幼儿的Heath-Carter体型法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文主要运用Heath-Carter体型测量法,对芜湖市区汉族441例(男222人,女219人)3-6岁的健康幼儿进行了体型分析.结果显示汉族幼儿随着年龄的增长,中因子值和内因子值略有下降,但变化不大,外因子值逐步上升,变化较快;男女孩各年龄组体型均值都是中因子值>内因子值>外因子值.幼儿期低龄段体型分布较集中,在随后的增长过程中,体型分布逐渐扩散,3-5岁男女各组体型均为偏内胚型的中胚型为主,6岁时男孩均衡中胚,女孩三胚层中间型比例增多.与布拉格幼儿相比,体型特征存在着显著性差异.  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter体型法研究了中国蒙古族14个族群4810例(男性2117例,女性2693例)的体型。蒙古族内因子、中因子与年龄呈显著正相关,外因子与年龄呈显著负相关,即随年龄增长,身体线性度变小,体型趋于圆粗。蒙古族男性、女性体型都集中于偏内胚层的中胚层体型、内胚层-中胚层均衡体型、偏中胚层的内胚层体型。随着年龄增长,这3种体型的出现率均与年龄呈显著正相关,即蒙古族体型有向这3种体型集中的趋势。和汉族人相比,蒙古族身体更粗壮。主成分分析结果显示,东北三省蒙古族身体线性度小,体脂发达,骨骼和肌肉量较少。在体型图上北方蒙古族的点分布密集,说明北方蒙古族彼此体型比较接近,而南方的云南蒙古族由于内因子值小、外因子大,位点与北方蒙古族相距较远。在已经开展Heath-Carter体型法研究的中国族群中,蒙古族是体脂最为发达、身体线性度很小的民族。  相似文献   

侗族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
为探讨我国侗族成人的体型特征 ,本文采用Heath Carter人体测量法对广西壮族自治区三江侗族自治县林溪乡 5 1 5例 (男 2 5 4,女 2 6 1 ) 2 0— 6 0岁的土著侗族成人进行了体型评定。结果表明 :1 )侗族成人男女的平均体型值分别为 2 2— 4 5— 2 4和 4 3— 4 2— 1 5 ,侗族成人男女分别属均衡的中胚层体型和内胚层—中胚层均衡体型 ;2 )侗族成人男女间SAD值为 2 33,T为 1 1 9,男女间的体型有非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 0 1 ) ;3)与国内、外资料相比 ,侗族男女的内、中因子值和男性外因子值居中 ,女性外因子值最低  相似文献   

习舞青少年的体型初探   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
本文动用Heath-Carter体型法,探讨了呼和浩特市311例6-20岁经过舞蹈专业训练的青少年体型特点,结果显示,习舞青少年具有以外胚层因了占优势的各类体型,男性以偏中胚层型和外胚层型体型为主,女性则以偏内胚层型的外胚层型体型居多。同龄男女型间差异显著。同性别中相邻年龄组间体型无显著性差异。与其它群体相比,习舞青少年内胚层值较低,外胚层值明显高于普通同龄人。青春期阶段是形成这种体型特征的重要时  相似文献   

运用Heath-Carter人体测量法,对云南省迪庆400例康巴藏族成人和西藏林芝507例卫藏藏族成人进行了体型研究。卫藏藏族男性(5.0-6.2-1.1)和康巴藏族男性(4.4-5.1-1.6)均为偏内胚层的中胚层体型。卫藏藏族女性(5.7-6.1-0.8)和康巴藏族女性(5.6-5.7-1.1)均为内胚层-中胚层均衡型体型。总体上看,卫藏藏族和康巴藏族体型具有一致性,也存在差异。卫藏藏族男、女性和康巴藏族男、女性都属于身体线性度低,骨骼、肌肉发达,体脂丰满的体型。卫藏藏族男性、女性比康巴藏族男性、女性的脂肪更多一些,肌肉、骨骼更发达一些,体态更丰满一些。本文从藏族族源的形成以及生活环境的视角,探讨了同为藏族的卫藏与康巴藏族之间体型的异同,和同为生活在高海拔族群间体型差异产生的原因。研究结果提示藏族具有中国北方民族的体型特征。藏族的多脂肪,骨骼肌肉发达,身体粗壮的体型特征也是对高原环境的适应。  相似文献   

Somatotypes of a cross-sectional sample of 544 rural adolescents ranging in age from 11 to 17 years are described. The sample included 269 Rajput (141 girls and 128 boys) and 275 Scheduled Caste (135 girls and 140 boys) subjects. Each subject was somatotyped using the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype protocol (Carter & Heath 1990). In all, ten anthropometric measurements namely height, weight, bicondylar diameters of humerus and femur, flexed mid-upper-arm and calf circumferences, and triceps, subscapular, supraspinale and calf skinfolds were taken. The mean somatotypes of the Rajput boys and girls were 1.62- 3.30-3.85 (mesomorphic-ectomorph) and 2.42-2.90-3.99 (balanced ectomorph), respectively. The mean somatotypes of the Scheduled Caste subjects were 1.51-3.02-3.74 (mesomorphic-ectomorph) for boys and 2.38-2.64-3.70 (balanced ectomorph) for girls. A one-way ANOVA revealed that females of both the caste groups were significantly (p < or = 0.05) more endomorphic than the males. The sex differences in other two components were not significant (p +/- 0.05). Caste differences, as revealed by a one-way ANOVA analysis, were not significant (p +/- 0.05) in both sexes. With the exception of the Rajput girls, the differences in whole somatotypes between those in an early phase of adolescence and those in an advanced phase of adolescence were not significant (p = 0.05). The results indicate that populations exposed to same environmental situations for a long period of time tend to show similarity in physique. A one-way MANOVA analysis, which used Wilk's Lambda as test statistics, revealed that from 11-17 years there was no significant change (p < or = 0.05) in component dominance of mean somatotypes in the boys and girls of the present sample. Among males of a majority of the Indian populations, ectomorphy dominates over endomorphy and mesomorphy from 11 to 17 years.  相似文献   

黑衣壮族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨我国黑衣壮族成人的体型特征,本文采用Heath Carter人体测量法对广西壮族自治区百色市那坡县城厢乡331例(男165,女166)20—60岁的黑衣壮族成人进行了体型评定。结果表明:(1)黑衣壮族成人男女的平均体型值分别为1 58-5 19-2 69和2 99-4 43-1 79,黑衣壮族成人男女分别属偏外胚层的中胚层体型和偏内胚层的中胚层体型;(2)黑衣壮族成人男女间SAD值为1 85,T为16 04,男女间的体型有显著性差异(P<0 001);(3)与国内八个少数民族群体相比,黑衣壮族男性内因子值最小,中因子值最高,男、女性其它因子值居中。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of body weight on fitness tests among the personnel of the Croatian navy. Forty two naval personnel (age 27 +/- 4.1 years; body mass 86.2 +/- 4.9 kg; height 184.6 +/- 7.4 cm; body fat percentage 17.3 +/- 5.2) participated in this study. In order to evaluate the fitness of the naval servicemen, we applied a testing procedure that included measurements of 7 fitness tests and 15 body anthropometric tests. A negative correlation was found between the body fat percentage and all the analyzed sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests (r), SP5 (r = -0.42), SP10 (r = -0.51), SP20 (r = -0.53), SJ (r = -0.45), CM (r = -0.57), SLJ (r = -0.67). Also a negative correlation was found between the body fat percentage and VO2(max) (r = -0.44). A positive correlation was found between the sprint test and the power performance test and thigh and calf girth. Spiriting ability is influenced by the strength of a person. This is one of the reasons why we found a positive correlation between the sprint test (SP5, SP10 and SP20) and thigh and calf girth. In this study we found a negative correlation between body fat percentages and all the sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests and VO2(max). The ectomorph somatotypes have positive correlations with all variables. The mesomorph somatotypes have the greatest positive correlations with all variables. The endomorph somatotypes have negative correlations with all variables. According to the body composition of Croatian naval servicemen we can conclude that they need a sufficient level of strength and endurance for everyday tasks. The effectiveness of a weight-management program is determined by the success of the participants in losing the necessary amount of weight and being able to maintain that weight loss. This requires long-term tracking of these individuals in a naval environment.  相似文献   

L Kalichman  E Kobyliansky 《HOMO》2006,57(2):151-162
The aim of this large, cross-sectional study was to describe the age- and sex-related variations of the somatotype, employing Heath and Carter's method, in a Chuvasha population residing in a rural region in central Russia. The investigated sample included 802 males aged 18-89 years (mean 46.9) and 738 females aged 18-90 years (mean 48.6). We evaluated the age and sex differences by one-way ANOVA with somatotype components as dependent variables and sex or age groups as grouping variables. Sex differences of somatotypes appear to be the strongest for endomorphy, with generally higher values in women. Endomorphy in males remained virtually unchanged after 30 years of age, but endomorphy in females kept increasing up to the 6th decade, and then subsequently decreased. Virtually no differences were noted in mesomorphy and a very small difference in ectomorphy between males and females aged 18-30 years. A reduction of sexual dimorphism in all somatotype components after age 70 was also observed. The largest difference of all somatotype components appeared between age groups 18-30 and 31-40 years. Thereafter, somatotypes remained practically unchanged. Mesomorphy continued to increase until the 5th decade in both sexes, while in females, endomorphy continuously increased until their 6th decade. In the 7th and 8th decades, a decrease in mean values was observed. Mesomorphy and ectomorphy showed opposite age-related trends. Results of our study clearly suggest that in physique investigations, the somatotypes need to be studied in each sex separately, and in studies of young people, they need also to be adjusted to age.  相似文献   

宁夏回族、汉族人手指指毛的分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
调查了宁夏回族 316例 (男性 166例 ,女性 15 0例 )、汉族 5 4 2例 (男性 2 5 3例 ,女性 2 89例 )手指指毛的分布。结果表明 ,手指近侧指节除回族中有 2例女性没有指毛外 ,其余均生指毛 ;中间指节指毛出现率在同一民族男女间、回汉族间均无显著性差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;各指中间指节指毛出现频率的排列顺序为 4 >3>5>2 ;每指两侧指毛分布不对称 ;左、右手同位指指毛分布基本对称。比较分析了 11个民族共 13个群体有中间指节指毛的基因频率。  相似文献   

广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面部发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面型,本文采用分层随机抽样方法对广西玉林地区1119名7-16岁城镇汉族儿童青少年的9项头面部指标进行测量,分析和比较儿童青少年容貌特征的发育与年龄增长的关系,按头面部各项指数分型。结果显示:汉族儿童青少年头面部的9项指标除头最大宽外均随年龄的增长而增大,各年龄组的性别间存在显著性差异。头面型以中头型和圆头型、高头型、狭头型及阔面型和中面型为主。  相似文献   

乌孜别克族体质特征研究   总被引:36,自引:6,他引:30  
调查了乌孜别克族成年人194例(男106例,女88例)的体质特征,计算出58项测量项目的均值和标准差、31项指数值和6项观察项目的出现率,总结出乌孜别克族的体质特征,并与国内一些群体的体质进行了比较。乌孜别克族的体质特征为:上眼睑皱褶出现率男为99.06%,女为100%。蒙古褶出现率男为82.08%,女为72.73%。鼻根高,鼻翼中等,多为圆形耳垂。特圆头型、高头型、阔面型、狭鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、宽胸型、窄肩型出现率较高。男阔头型率,女中头型率,男宽骨盆型率,女中骨盆型率较高。男身高1685mm,女身高1555mm。  相似文献   

甘肃裕固族体质特征初步研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
本文调查了甘肃省裕固族成年人409人(男210人,女199人)的体质特征。其中活体测量51项,活体观察8项。结果表明:裕固族既具有黄种人的特征,也有本民族的特点,例如头部较圆较高;面部较长偏狭;鼻子高;鼻梁直,属狭鼻型;身材普遍较高,体质较好。这些特征与华北地区的汉族和达斡尔族,羌族及锡伯族的特征比较接近,而与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   

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