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厉螨科一新属及二新种(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述厉螨科一新属,双厉螨属,其主要特征;角化较强,体毛壮,背毛29对,颚角粗钝具纵裂,头盖尖角形,胸板六角形,各角均尖突,殖腹板毛1对;各足股,膝节上均具长毛,模式种为天牛邓厉螨,新种。另一种则为副单阳厉螨。模式标本均采自云南省的甲虫体上。  相似文献   

记述赤螨科霍普丽赤螨属一新种,即炎陵霍普丽赤螨Hauptmannia yanlingica sp.nov,新种与H.miy-atakei Kawashima在背盾板形状上最为相似,但新种具躯体背毛126根,腹毛158根,而H.miyatakei只有躯体背毛100根,腹毛120根,可资区别,新种标本用马氏网采集得到,其中一个标本叮附在一双翅目虻类昆虫体上,其余标本则从马氏网酒精保存液中获得。  相似文献   

中国下盾螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲,厉螨科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述厉螨科下盾螨属1新种,沈阳广厉螨Hypoaspis (Cosmolaelaps) shenyangensis sp.nov.,新种与合肥广厉螨H.(Cossmolaelaps) hefeiensis Xuet Liang,1996近似,但可从以下特征区别:1)第1对口下板毛长于颚角;2)雌螨螯肢定趾上具3大齿2小齿,末端呈钩状,雄螨定趾具1齿;3)胸前板新月状,与胸板明显分离;4)雌螨末体腹面膜质区着生11对刚毛。模式标本2002年9月采自沈阳天柱山土壤落叶层,保存于沈阳农业大学植物保护学院。  相似文献   

王敦清  潘凤庚 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):314-316
1993年6月16日从西藏错那县贡日的锡金松田鼠(Pitymyssikimensis)体上采到1只背展恙螨亚科(Gahrliepiinae)的恙螨,其盾板近五角形,后缘钝圆,具2根后侧毛(2PL),板上尚具很多副毛,有的副毛位于两感毛基之间,此特征与现有的各属均不同,经研究后认为系该亚科中的一新属。为了表示对吴厚永教授的敬意,特将此新属命名为吴氏恙螨属Wuella新属。属模标本保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆。吴氏恙螨属Wuella新居背展亚科的中小型螨类。盾板近五角形,后下角钝圆,具1对前侧毛AL和2对后侧毛PL。感毛叶片状。盾…  相似文献   

本文记述厉螨科一新属,邓厉螨属Tengilaelapsgen.nov,其主要特征;角化较强,体毛壮,背毛29对;颚角粗钝,具纵裂;头盖尖角形;胸板六角形,各角均尖突;殖腹板毛1对;各足股、膝节上均具长毛、模式种为天牛邓厉螨,新种Tengilaelapscerambyciussp.nov。另一新种为副单阳厉螨AndrolaelapsParasingularissp.nov。模式标本均采自云南省的甲虫体上。  相似文献   

本文记述角跗线螨属一新种,罩角跗线螨Ceratotarsonemus tegmen sp.nov.雌螨前足体背板呈罩状覆盖颚体,颚体背面具背中表皮内突。背片H上h毛内前侧有1对孔隙ih。正模♀,副模1♀,采自福建南靖县乐土亚热带雨林自然保护区枯死树干的树皮内扁蝽科昆虫Mezira sp.体上。模式标本保存于福建省农科院植保所。新种与C.scitus Deleon相似,但与后者区别:1)背片C无斑纹  相似文献   

岩螨属Petrobia Murray,1877至今全世界已知32种。我国曾报道过4种(王慧芙,1981)。本文记述1新种。测量单位为μm。新疆岩螨Petrobia xinjiangensis Tan et Wang,新种(图1—13) 雌螨:体长467,包括喙591,宽364;卵圆形,褐红色。 须肢跗节长为宽的2倍,背感器棒形,具明显横纹;端感器和刺突均为刺状,等长。口针鞘前端圆钝;气门沟末端缠结,个体间形状、大小有差异。 前足体背中央部位光滑,侧面表皮纹纵向;后半体背表皮纹横向。背毛粗壮,近末  相似文献   

林延谋  符悦冠 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):311-313
本文记述采自海南岛的杜克螨属一新种。模式标本保存于中国热带农业科学院植物保护研究所。兴隆杜克螨TuCke。ilaxingl。gensis新种(图雌螨:体长318Pm,宽203Pm,像长119pm。体卵圆形,红色,背面有网状纹。背毛22对,其中前足体4对,第1对掌状,第2‘3对扇状,大小略相等,第4对扇状,较前2对大。后足体有掌状背毛7对,4对在前足体与后足体之横缝间,外边第1对最大,第2对最小,3对在体躯两侧。未体背毛11对,3对在后足体与未体之横缝间,呈扇状;4对在体躯两侧,掌状,比后足体侧背毛长和大;未体中背毛4对,扇状,比其它背毛小,末体…  相似文献   

记述甲胄螨属1新种:铁岭甲胄螨Oplitis tielingensis,sp.nov.,模式标本保存于辽宁省沈阳农业大学植物保护学院。 新种与于氏甲胄螨Oplitis yuxini Ma,2001相近,但新种雌螨围殖板前缘有齿缺7个,腹毛5对;而后者雌螨围殖板前缘有齿缺5个,腹毛3对。 正模:♂,辽宁省铁岭市龙首山土壤,2006-Ⅷ,陈万鹏采;副模:1♂,同正模。 新种以采集地铁岭市命名。  相似文献   

记述采自广西的瘿螨总科10属10新种。新属二环顶背瘿螨属Tegosecanus gen. nov. 的主要属鉴别特征为:螨体为纺锤形,胛毛位于盾后缘之前,螨体背环光滑,腹环具微瘤,背环具中纵脊,终止于2侧脊之前,第2背环宽,覆盖于其后的二背环之上,第3–4背环具侧突。10新种分别是:油杉三毛瘿螨Trisetacus fortunei sp. nov.;桂林雕瘿螨Glyptacus kweilinensus sp. nov.;腺叶桂樱新拟尖叶瘿螨Neoacaphyllisa phaeosticta sp. nov.;山黄麻尖空瘿螨Oxycenus tomentosae sp. nov.;拟赤杨小叶剌瘿螨Phyllocoptacus fortuneir sp. nov.;金秀二环顶背瘿螨Tegosecans jinxiuensis sp. nov.;古柯上瘿螨Epitrimerus sinensis sp. nov.;润楠叶剌瘿螨Phyllocoptes glaucifoliae sp. nov.;山麻风羽爪瘿螨Diptilomiopus pomiferae sp. nov.;卫矛维氏瘿螨Vimola laxifloris sp. nov. 上述所有瘿螨新种均生活在寄主叶片背面,无明显为害状。  相似文献   

Specimens of the mango stone weevil Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were found in fruits of mango from a tree in the residential area of the Rio de Janeiro, RJ. This is the first report of the S. mangiferae in Brazil, currently regulated as an absent quarantine pest in the country. A taxonomist specialized in Curculionidae confirmed the identification based on morphological diagnostics characteristics. This detection is a relevant finding, because Brazil is a major producer and exporter of mango and the main areas of mango for exportation are located very far from this detection point. This pest damages seed and embryo of mango fruits and it causes reduction of fruit size and its premature dropping. The detection was notified to the Plant Health Department, division of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), which is the National Plant Protection Organization of Brazil.  相似文献   

Spray applications of 1000 mg/l (2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid (CEPA) five times, at weekly intervals, during November and early December induced heavy flowering in ringed and nonringed juvenile mango seedlings. The treated plants produced flower buds which opened by the end of December, while the control and ringed seedlings produced only a new flush of vegetative growth. The results show that CEPA could be profitably used for early evaluation of hybrid seedlings in mango breeding programme.  相似文献   

Prey capture and food scavenging activities of Oecophylla longinoda were monitored through regular weekly samplings during two consecutive years (2009–2010) in a large mango orchard of the Borgou Department of Benin, West Africa, a main mango production area located in the Sudan agro-ecological zone. In both years, interspecific competition with other ants occurred mainly during the dry season (January to March) resulting in increased captures of Formicinae, Myrmicinae and Ponerinae. More prey was caught during the rainy season (end April to end October) than during the rest of the year, with Diptera and Coleoptera prey peaking in May and June, respectively, along with the mango season. As insect prey quickly decreased during November to December weaver ants increasingly collected seeds and plant debris. A total of 241 species of insects were captured including 61 species (25.3%) associated with mango and a few with cashew, among which 48 mango pest species (78.7% of species associated with mango tree). Only five species (2.1%) of beneficial insects were captured. It is concluded that the presence of O. longinoda colonies is beneficial to perennial tree cropping systems such as mango and cashew.  相似文献   

Abstract  The first Australian records of mango shield scale ( Milviscutulus mangiferae ) from north Queensland and additional records from parts of Papua New Guinea are presented. The majority of specimens were collected from mango leaves ( Mangifera indica ). A summary of its known distribution, other hosts, identification and damage levels is also presented. Also, the detection of rice mealybug ( Brevennia rehi ) in far north Queensland is reported for the first time. This pest is known to occur in the Northern Territory. The north Queensland detections are from native grasses. The records presented here, for both species, are regarded as new detections, rather than new incursions.  相似文献   

Anthracnose is the major postharvest disease of mango and occurs throughout mango producing areas of the world including Ethiopia. Evaluating effect of hot water treatment on development of anthracnose and quality of mango fruit is imperative. A total of three hot water levels 48, 52 and 56 °C at two time interval (5 and 10 min) were tested with factorial arrangement in completely randomised design. The study indicated that hot water treatment at different temperatures and time interval significantly (p < 0.001) affects disease development and shelf life and postharvest quality of mango fruits. Hot water treatments reduced the incidence and severity of anthracnose disease significantly (p < 0.001) in mango fruits as compared to control. There was a highly significant difference (p < 0.0001) on weight loss, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and fruit firmness of mango fruits due to treatment. The present study reviled that hot water treatment has a potential in reducing the postharvest loss due to anthracnose and improving the shelf life and quality of mango fruits. However, the reduction of disease pressure on fruits was not at applicable level, which call ups future effort on developing on integrated disease management strategies for reduction of postharvest loss of mango fruits.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of released exotic mango mealybug parasitoid Gyranusoidea tebygi on mango mealybug Rastrococcus invadens in Nigeria. Observations were also made on the occurrence of the mealybug on other host plants in the surveyed areas. The monitoring exercise started in 1991 about 2 years after the first release in Ibadan. By 1997 and 1998, G. tebygi was found to have crossed all agro-ecological barriers to colonize the entire area of infestation nationwide on mango as well as other host plants. During this period, the populations of R. invadens had greatly decreased from between 11.0 and 98.0 mealybugs per leaf in 1991 to between 0.0 and 18.2 mealybugs per leaf in 1998. This fall was attributed to the activities of the released parasitoid. At many sampling sites in 1998, mealybugs were virtually absent on both mango and other host plants. Predators that were observed during the survey, were the coccinellids: Exochomus promptus Weise, Chilocorus nigritus (F) and Nephus spp. Larvae of chrysopid species, Ceratochrysa autica (Walker) and Plesiochrysa sp. The hyperparasitoids reared from mummies were Marietta leopardina Motsch (Aphelinidae), Chartocerus hyalipennis Hayat and Chartocerus subaeneus (Forster) (Signiphoridea).  相似文献   

Concentrates of fresh, ripe Indian Alphonso mango fruit were analysed by HRGC and HRGC/MS. In total, 152 aroma substances were identified, of which 70 are reported for the first time as mango fruit constituent. Quantitative HRGC revealed a considerable quantity of aroma compounds (ca 57 mg/kg fresh fruit pulp) of which 90% consisted of mono- and sesqui-terpene hydrocarbons. Major constituents included (Z)-(44 mg/kg) and (E)-ocimene (3 mg/kg) and 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone (2 mg/kg)  相似文献   

芒果炭疽菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芒果炭疽病是芒果生长期和采后贮藏期的主要病害之一,严重影响芒果的产量和品质。本文从芒果炭疽病的症状、病原菌分类鉴定、生物学特性、侵染特性及致病机理等方面进行综述;针对芒果炭疽病症状复杂、我国芒果炭疽病病原菌未获详细而系统的研究,指出全面了解我国芒果炭疽病的病原菌种类及优势种群,明确我国芒果炭疽菌的致病力强弱,有助于研究该病的发生流行规律,为抗病材料的选育和抗病品种在田间的合理布局提供参考。提出对我国芒果炭疽菌的抗药性进行系统监测分析,可防止或减缓芒果炭疽菌对杀菌剂抗药性的产生,从而有效减少化学农药的用量,为研究芒果炭疽病绿色防控新策略、新方法和新药剂奠定基础。  相似文献   

The mango seed weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius), is among the major threats to mango production in Tanzania. Sternochetus mangiferae is primarily a quarantine pest whose presence inside the fruits restricts access to new foreign markets and leads to rejections of fruits destined for export. Management options for the pest have largely been dependent on field sanitation and application of synthetic insecticides with some success. Thus, more sustainable methods are needed to substitute insecticides, as this may also open up opportunities for organic markets. We conducted field experiments for two fruiting seasons in a mango plantation at Mlandizi, Kibaha district, along the coastal belt of Tanzania to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the predaceous ant Oecophylla longinoda Latreille with foliar insecticidal sprays of Dudumida (70 WDG Imidacloprid) in controlling S. mangiferae. Mango seed weevil infestation was assessed fortnightly based on infestation marks on developing fruits starting eight weeks after fruit set to early ripening phase. Between 50 and 64 fruits were sampled, well labelled in jute bags, secured and transported to the laboratory at Kibaha Biological Control Unit (KBCU) for incubation at room temperature using rearing transparent containers. Two weeks later, the fruits were dissected and inspected for the presence of S. mangiferae developmental stages. Field and laboratory results indicated that fruits from trees that were occupied by O. longinoda and from those treated with insecticide showed significantly (P < 0.0001) lower incidences and infestation rates by S. mangiferae than from untreated trees. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the insecticide and the weaver ant treatments. We conclude that in our experiments, O. longinoda is an efficient biological control agent for a long‐term control programme and is comparable to insecticide (Dudumida) in suppressing S. mangiferae and may be used in Tanzanian mango plantations.  相似文献   

Populations of several thrips species were estimated using yellow sticky traps in an orchard planted with mango, Mangifera indica L. during the dry and wet seasons beginning in late 2008-2009 on Penang Island, Malaysia. To determine the efficacy of using sticky traps to monitor thrips populations, we compared weekly population estimates on yellow sticky traps with thrips population sizes that were determined (using a CO(2) method) directly from mango panicles. Dispersal distance and direction of thrips movement out of the orchard also were studied using yellow sticky traps placed at three distances from the edge of the orchard in four cardinal directions facing into the orchard. The number of thrips associated with the mango panicles was found to be correlated with the number of thrips collected using the sticky trap method. The number of thrips captured by the traps decreased with increasing distance from the mango orchard in all directions. Density of thrips leaving the orchard was related to the surrounding vegetation. Our results demonstrate that sticky traps have the potential to satisfactorily estimate thrips populations in mango orchards and thus they can be effectively employed as a useful tactic for sampling thrips.  相似文献   

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