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【目的】报道我国新的重要外来入侵害虫——刺槐突瓣细蛾Chrysaster ostensackenella(Fitch,1859)和同属的圣突瓣细蛾C.hagicola Kumata,1961的生物学。【方法】害虫的危害情况和生物学等均在发生地区进行观察和研究。【结果】首次发现原产北美的刺槐突瓣细蛾入侵我国境内(山东和辽宁),严重危害刺槐。这是该害虫在原产地以外的唯一记录。在山东烟台的一些地区,刺槐突瓣细蛾一年发生4代,刺槐小叶被害率达80%以上,成片树木叶片枯焦,引起树叶早落,严重影响树木光合作用,导致树木营养不良,生长受到很大影响;在发生严重的林片,有虫株率达100%,小叶被害率达90%以上。同时首次报道同属的圣突瓣细蛾在中国的分布和为害情况。为了便于监测结果的准确鉴定,文中给出了两种害虫的形态和鉴别特征。【结论】突瓣细蛾属Chrysaster Kumata,1961仅有的两个种在我国同时被发现,其中刺槐突瓣细蛾对我国刺槐构成重大威胁,需要引起相关造林绿化和植物检疫部门的重视。  相似文献   

记述了柱状突端羽蛾 Asiaephorus narada、叶状双斑羽蛾Bipunctiphorus etiennei、窄带盖羽蛾 Capperia tauri-ca、裂日羽蛾Nippoptilia issikii、沙宽羽蛾 Paraplatyptilia sahlbergi、白缨片羽蛾 Platyptilia albifimbriata、德顺片羽蛾 Platyptilia dschambija、根德格片羽蛾Platyptilia gandaki、等片羽蛾 Platyptilia isodactyla、残片羽蛾 Platyptilia motopias、诺肯细羽蛾 Stenoptilia nolckeni、杯细羽蛾 Stenoptilia poculi、翼细羽蛾Stenoptilia pterodactyla、波动长臂羽蛾 Xyroptilasiami、三裂羽蛾Merrifieldia tridactyla 和刺突羽蛾 Pterophorus elaeopus 16个中国新纪录种,并给出了这些种的分布地以及尽可能的寄主.研究标本保存于南开大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

本文首次报道一种危害我国重要出口中药材钩藤的潜叶新害虫——钩藤茜细蛾Corythoxestis sunosei (Kumata, 1998)及其生物学。通过野外采集、观察和标本解剖鉴定以及分子生物手段,对钩藤茜细蛾的分类学和生物学进行了研究。首次报道钩藤茜细蛾对我国钩藤主产区的为害,并对该害虫的外型、外生殖器和潜道等鉴别特征做了详细描述,公开了该种的DNA条形码序列(COI基因)。首次发现钩藤茜细蛾在我国潜叶为害钩藤,获取了钩藤茜细蛾的分类学和生物学信息,初步报道了害虫的田间为害情况,将为钩藤潜叶害虫的检疫和防控奠定分类学和生物学基础。  相似文献   

首次报道了翼细蛾属Micrurapteryx Spuler在中国的分布,同时记述了该属3新记录种:翘须翼细蛾M.fumosella Kuznetzov&Tristan、白头翼细蛾M.gradatella(HerrichSch(a)ffer)和短须翼细蛾M.sophorivora Kuznetzov&Tristan.文中...  相似文献   

记述纹石蛾科弓石蛾亚科1新纪录属,美赛弓石蛾属Maesaipsyche,及1新种,即细齿美赛弓石蛾Maesaipsyche serrulata Sun et Yang ,sp.nov.(广西),其阳具缺阳基侧突而与Maesaipsyche mekongensis Mey相似,但新种中附肢背缘近端部具齿突、外侧缘具细齿.并记述绒弓石蛾属Parapsyche 1新种,即北京绒弓石蛾Parapsyche beijingensis Sun et Morse,sp.nov.(北京),该种肛上附肢与第10节完全愈合,阳具特别发达,与Parapsyche kchina Schmid相似;但新种阳茎基背突为1对瘤状突,其上着生短刺,阳茎基背突上方具1兜状结构,背面观时端部膨大成圆盘.新种模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

首次报道栉细蛾属Artifodina Kumata、圆细蛾属Borboryctis Kumata&Kuroko及毛冠细蛾属Liocrobyla Meyrick在中国的分布,并记述4新纪录种:细纹栉细蛾Artifodina strigulata Kumata、圆细蛾Borboryctis euryae Kumata&Kuroko、黑点圆细蛾B.triplaca(Meyrick)及瓶瓣毛冠细蛾Liocrobyla desmodiella Kuroko;首次报道了黑点圆细蛾的雌性个体。文中提供了各新纪录种的成虫和外生殖器特征图。  相似文献   

中国谷蛾一新属新种(鳞翅目:谷蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae的1新属:合腺地谷蛾属Unilepidotricha gen.nov.,及新种细弯合腺地谷蛾Unilepidotricha gracilicurva sp.nov.(图1~6)。新属与Xeringinia属近似且新种与X.altilis(Meyrick)很相似,但雄性腹部背面第3与第4节之间有特殊的狭长鳞片斑,颚形突和阳茎基环发达;雌性交配囊有2个囊突等可以区别。模式标本采自云南大理州巍山县巍宝山自然保护区,保存在南开大学生命科学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了潜蛾属(潜蛾亚科)1新种,枇杷潜蛾Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov..该文提供了成虫外形、茧与幼虫的危害状照片及雌雄外生殖器解剖图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.成虫将卵产在枇杷嫩叶反面的端部边缘,位于内外表皮之间.卵孵化后向叶基部钻蛀,沿叶片的主脉蛀入嫩梢内,导致嫩梢枯死,严重影响枇杷的生长和结实.老熟幼虫爬到一片新叶的背面结一白色丝茧,在其中化蛹.在云南省蒙自县枇杷的受害株率达80%~90%.该虫在云南蒙自1年发生多代,世代重叠.枇杷潜蛾,新种Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov.(图1~8)正模♂,副模5♂♂,5♀♀,云南省蒙自县,2005-07-10,武春生、李正跃采.新种的外生殖器与桃潜蛾L.derkella(Linnaeus)很相似,但成虫前翅无中室端斑,雄性外生殖器的颚形突末端小四叉形(桃潜蛾为大二叉形),雌性外生殖器的囊突明显长于桃潜蛾.成虫花纹与台湾产的石楠潜蛾L.anthemopaMeyrick(也分布在日本)相似,但新种前翅缺前缘纹,雌性外生殖器有1枚长的囊突(石楠潜蛾前翅有前缘纹,雌性外生殖器无囊突).词源:新种名来自寄主植物的属名.  相似文献   

记述中国细蛾科Gmcillariidae 1新记录属及新记录种:基及细蛾Dialectica geometra(Meyrick,1916);并提供了成虫及雌雄的外生殖器图片和DNA条形码序列.所有标本均由潜叶危害基及树Carmona microphylla的幼虫饲养所得.研究标本保存于湖南农业大学和珠海出入境检验检疫局植物检疫实验室.  相似文献   

【目的】探索小叶黑面神Breynia vitis-idaea对小叶头细蛾Epicephala vitisidaea种群数量的调控机制。【方法】跟踪记录小叶黑面神物候及头细蛾的生物学。解剖在小叶黑面神上访花头细蛾的外生殖器,鉴定头细蛾种类。对不同时期小叶黑面神有梗和无梗的果实进行解剖,统计果实内幼虫数量、果实表面孔的数量以及果实表面产卵疤数量,计算头细蛾幼虫存活率。统计不同时期小叶黑面神有梗和无梗的果实的比例。【结果】在福建厦门小叶黑面神每年有5个花果期,相应地,为小叶黑面神传粉的头细蛾每年有5个生活世代。通过解剖,该种头细蛾被鉴定为小叶头细蛾。一头小叶头细蛾幼虫需要消耗2~4粒种子才能发育成熟。小叶黑面神有两种不同形态的果实:有梗和无梗。头细蛾幼虫在无梗果实内的存活率明显高于有梗果实,并且晚秋时期头细蛾幼虫的存活率要高于夏季。小叶黑面神无梗果实的比例在晚秋(82.04%)要高于夏季(31.53%)。【结论】本研究揭示了维持互利共生体系稳定的机制。小叶黑面神能够通过果实基部果梗的有无来调节小叶头细蛾幼虫的存活率。小叶黑面神通过季节性的调节有梗果实的比率,既有效避免了夏季种子被过度消耗的风险,又提高了头细蛾在冬季的存活率。小叶黑面神这种自身调控机制对维持小叶黑面神与小叶头细蛾互惠共生系统的稳定性起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Leaf miners are specialist herbivorous insects that are potentially vulnerable to environmental change because of their dependency on particular host plants. Little, however, is known about how climate affects the distribution of leaf miner communities and their interactions with host plants. Elevational gradients are useful tools for understanding how ecological communities respond to local clines in climate. Given that plant communities are known to undergo elevational turnover in response to changes in climatic conditions, we expect that leaf miner species will also change with elevation. We repeatedly hand collected leaf miners along three elevational gradients in subtropical rainforest in eastern Australia. Individual leaf miners were counted and identified to species, and their host plants were recorded. We tested if leaf miner species richness and the number of unique interactions among leaf miner and host plant species were affected by elevation. We also tested if the composition of leaf miner species and the composition of interactions between leaf miners and host plants showed a relationship with elevation. The rarefied number of unique leaf miner–host plant interactions significantly decreased with elevation, with a slight peak at approx. 700 m a.s.l., while neither rarefied or observed species richness (species density) of leaf miners nor observed numbers of unique interactions (interaction density) were significantly affected by elevation. The composition of leaf miner species and the composition of leaf miner–host plant interactions (occurrence of pairwise interactions) were significantly related to elevation. Elevational turnover in leaf miner species composition indicated that different species varied in their response to changes in biotic and/or abiotic conditions imposed by increasing elevation. Through our analyses, we identified four leaf miner species that may be locally vulnerable to climate change, as a result of their restricted elevational distribution and level of host specificity.  相似文献   

Leaf mining is a form of endophagous herbivory in which insect larvae live and feed within leaf tissue. In this review we discuss aspects of leaf miner ecology, and the current evidence for three hypotheses relating to the evolution of this feeding guild. We also present a summary of the literature coverage relating to these herbivores, which have been relatively poorly studied compared with insects that feed externally such as sap suckers and leaf chewers. The majority of published studies concern leaf miners from the northern hemisphere, with a general focus on those species considered to be agricultural, forestry or horticultural pests. In a more detailed case study, we examine aspects of leaf miner ecology of Australian species. At least 114 species have been recorded as leaf miners in Australia in four orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera. Lepidoptera and Diptera are the most speciose orders of Australian leaf miners; Hymenoptera are represented by a single endemic genus and half of all coleopteran miners are species introduced for biological control. Both the known number of leaf‐mining species in Australia and the known number of hosts have increased in recent years following new targeted surveys. Leaf miners in Australia occur in many habitats and feed on a wide variety of host plants in at least 60 families although most individual species are monophagous. Although much of the research on leaf miners in Australia has focused on species that are commercially important pests or biological control agents, studies on fundamental aspects of leaf miner ecology are increasing. We identify a number of research questions aimed at better understanding the ecology of leaf miners in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Aim Introduced plant species are less likely to be attacked by herbivores than are native plant species. Isolated oceanic islands provide an excellent model system for comparing the associations between herbivore species and plant species of different residency histories, namely endemic, indigenous (non‐endemic) or introduced (naturalized or cultivated) species. My aim was to test the prediction that, on isolated oceanic islands, introduced plant species have a lower tendency to have an association with insect herbivores than do endemic and indigenous plant species. Location Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Methods I examined the presence/absence of leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species on 71 endemic, 31 indigenous, 18 naturalized and 31 cultivated (introduced but not naturalized) species of woody plants from 2004 to 2008. Results Leaf‐mining insect species were found on 53.5%, 35.5%, 11.1% and 16.1% and leaf‐galling species were found on 14.1%, 9.7%, 5.6% and 0% of endemic, indigenous, naturalized and cultivated plant species, respectively. Species of Lepidoptera (moths) and Hemiptera (primarily psyllids) comprised the dominant types of leaf miners and leaf gallers, respectively. Main conclusions The incidence of leaf miners and leaf gallers differed as a function of residency history of the plant species. Introduced (naturalized and cultivated) species were less frequently associated with leaf miners and leaf gallers than were native (endemic and indigenous) species, indicating that the leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species, most of which feed on leaves of a particular native plant genus (i.e. they show oligophagy), have not yet begun to utilize most introduced plant species.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates eavesdrop on alarm calls of other species, which is a remarkable ability, given geographical variation in community composition and call diversity within and among species. We used micro-geographical variation in community composition to test whether individuals recognize heterospecific alarm calls by: (i) responding to acoustic features shared among alarm calls; (ii) having innate responses to particular heterospecific calls; or (iii) learning specific alarm calls. We found that superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) fled to cover to playback of noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala) aerial predator alarm calls only in locations where miners were present, suggesting that learning rather than acoustic structure determines response. Sites with and without miners were well within the dispersal distance of fairy-wrens, and philopatric males and dispersing females showed the same pattern, so that local genetic adaptation is extremely unlikely. Furthermore, where miners were present, fairy-wrens responded appropriately to different miner calls, implying eavesdropping on their signalling system rather than fleeing from miners themselves. Learned eavesdropping on alarm calls enables individuals to harvest ecologically relevant information from heterospecifics on an astonishingly fine spatial scale. Such phenotypic plasticity is valuable in a changing world, where individuals can be exposed to new species.  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf miners are insects whose larval stages live between layers of leaf epidermis, feeding on mesophyll and lower epidermis to create mine‐like cavities. Little is known about the ecology or distribution of leaf miners in Australia. We investigated the incidence of leaf miners in relation to aridity, vegetation types, host plant taxonomy, leaf traits, canopy cover and latitude. We surveyed leaf miners at 15 sites in NSW, eastern Australia, situated along a rainfall gradient from 300 to 1700 mm per annum and a latitudinal gradient of 28°S to 33°S, within four vegetation types (mallee, heath, woodland and rainforest). Leaf mining was recorded from 36 plant species, 89% of which had no previous record of mining. The proportion of mined plant species at each site varied, but there was no significant difference between vegetation types. Leaf mining presence was positively correlated with both total leaf length and leaf thickness. No significant correlations were found between the proportion of mined species at a site and rainfall, latitude or foliar projected cover. We conclude that leaf mining is a widespread type of insect herbivory whose distribution patterns are more likely to be influenced by biotic than abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Large‐scale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16–49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controls—an effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scale‐up this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Human activity can dramatically affect biodiversity, often by introducing non-native species, or by increasing the abundance of a small number of native species. Management strategies aimed at conserving biodiversity need to be informed by the actual impacts of highly abundant species, whether native or introduced. In this study we examined characteristics of two bird species, introduced common mynas and native noisy miners, both of which are highly abundant in urbanised areas along the East coast of Australia. Current managerial practices have a strong focus on eradication of common mynas, while noisy miners are largely ignored. However, in this study noisy miners were found in a broader range of habitats, and in greater abundance, than common mynas; displayed more aggressive behaviour; and were linked to a decline in the diversity and abundance of other species where common mynas were not. We suggest that the adaptability of a species and the variety of habitats it can colonise may be a better predictor of its potential impact, than whether it is native or introduced.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation as a threat to biodiversity are well known; decreased connectivity can potentially influence population processes and dynamics, resulting in smaller, isolated populations that may not function optimally. However, fragmentation may also increase the amount of edge or ecotone habitat available to open country species, benefiting their populations and enabling them to dominate remnant habitats. Noisy miners (Manorina melanocephala) are one such species, occupying eastern‐Australian eucalypt woodlands. They are considered a ‘despotic’ species, in that their presence negatively impacts woodland avifauna biodiversity due to their aggressive exclusion of other taxa from occupied areas. Despite this well‐known impact, little information exists on the patterns of nest‐tree occupancy by noisy miners within eucalypt woodlands. In the current study, we explored the patterns of nest‐tree occupancy by noisy miners across two successive years, aiming to identify preferences for breeding areas relative to vegetation structure. Our results show that both habitat fragmentation and the characteristics of individual eucalypt trees in an area influenced nest‐tree occupancy. Noisy miners constructed nests in trees near the edge of woodland patches more often than expected. Moreover, the nest tree chosen was a eucalypt that was significantly smaller than randomly selected trees from the surrounding area. The results highlight the importance of habitat management measures that may reduce the suitability of woodland patches as nesting sites for this species, in order to mitigate the severe effects of this despotic edge specialist.  相似文献   

Parasitoid complexes of four microlepidopteran leaf-mining genera,Phyllonorycter, Caloptilia (Gracillariidae),Tischeria (Tischeriidae) andStigmella (Nepticulidae), which make mines on two oaks,Quercus dentata andQuercus mongolica, were studied at the Ishikari Coast, Hokkaido, northern Japan. In total, twenty-five parasitoid species were recognized.Phyllonorycter showed the highest parasitoid-species richness among the four leaf-mining genera. The number of parasitoid species associated with leaf miners onQ. dentata was nearly equal to that associated with miners onQ. mongolica, but a considerable difference was observed in the faunal make-up of parasitoids between leaf miners on the two oaks. The dominant parasitoid species differed betweenPhyllonorycter leucocorona andPhyllonorycter similis even on the same oak,Q. dentata. Factors influencing the host ranges of parasitoids and the parasitoid richness of host species or genera are discussed on the basis of the koinoparasitism/idioparasitism categorization.  相似文献   

Interactions between competing species may be intensified when they are restricted to small patches of remnant habitat, potentially increasing physiological stress in individuals. The effects of interspecific competition on stress in wildlife remain largely unexplored. In Australia, remnant woodlands are often dominated by aggressive honeyeaters, especially the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). Harassment of smaller birds by miners may result in their exclusion from suitable woodland habitat. We tested whether the presence of noisy miners is also associated with elevated stress in a model species of small passerine bird, the superb fairy‐wren (Malurus cyaneus). We sampled wrens from six sites, three remnant woodlands with noisy miners and three larger fragments of reserved habitat without noisy miners. Differential white blood cell counts were used to infer levels of chronic stress. We also assessed variation in body condition and the prevalence of blood parasites (Haemoproteus spp.) to test for associations between stress and parasitemia. The mean heterophil‐to‐lymphocyte (H:L) ratio was 1.8 × higher among superb fairy‐wrens living in miner‐dominated woodlands, suggesting higher levels of chronic stress. Individuals with higher stress appeared to be in poorer condition, as indicated by fat scores and residual body mass. Prevalence of blood parasites was generally high and was highest in reserved habitat (59%) where miners were absent. Birds with blood parasites living in these habitats had higher H:L ratios but the intensity of infection and H:L ratio was inversely related. Our results suggest that birds persisting in the presence of noisy miners might experience chronic stress, but further study is necessary to separate the relative importance of noisy miner aggression from other potential stressors in small patches of degraded woodland. Stress induced by interspecific aggression should be considered in future studies of wildlife living in remnant vegetation.  相似文献   

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