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本研究报道从睡眠剥夺(SD)48—72h的灵长类原宗(primitivestock)Tupaiabelangerichinensis(TBC)提取内源性“睡眠因子”(sleepfactor)S2C和S4B。收集的尿液经超滤,清液冻干经SephadexG15分离得到FractionⅠ-Ⅴ。活性测定发现Fraction-Ⅲ(S2C)呈现显著δ-增强促眠效应。经SephadexG25和SephadexLH20进一步净化的S4B也呈现显著δ-增强促眠效应。  相似文献   

在胎儿组织中存在一类低分子肿瘤抑制物。胎肝细胞的甲醇-丙酮提取物中保留有大部分抑瘤活性。用体外液体培养条件下对人急性粒系白血病细胞系(HL-60)的抑制作用为指标,跟踪指导分离过程。提取物经反相C18中压液相色谱、SephadexLH-20凝胶色谱及氨基键合相高效液相色谱分离得到一纯活性物质,经NMR和MS鉴定为7-酮基胆固醇(7-ketocblesterol,7-KC)。体外琼脂培养条件下7-KC对小鼠WEH1-3和S-180细胞较对正常小鼠骨髓粒一巨噬系祖细胞有更强的抑制增殖及集落生成作用。7-KC对HL-60细胞增殖较对正常人骨髓CFU-GM有更强的抑制作用。  相似文献   

手性高效液相色谱法测定S(+)—布洛芬对映体过量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用手性固定相高效液相色谱法测定了样品或样品或微生物酶不对称水解反应液中S(+)-布洛芬对映体过量。该法首先将布洛芬转化为二苯酰胺衍生物,然后在N-3,5-二硝基苯甲酰-(R)-苯甘氨酸[(R)-DNB-PG]的共价型CSP柱上进行对映体HPLC分离。流动相选择正已烷-异丙醇(98:2),流速1ml/min,对映体分离度1.47。按相同方法同时进行消旋布洛芬的二苯酰胺衍生物的分离,由其对映体峰高比可  相似文献   

用DE-52纤维素柱色谱法和FPLC法分离纯化了大肠杆菌表达的重组缣孢菌色素P-450nor,经梯度洗脱MonoQ纯化后的fR.P-450nor为单一色谱峰,比活达55.20U/mg、纯化倍数约为1100倍,SDS-PAGE检测为单一谱带。  相似文献   

微生物发酵产辅酶Q10的高速逆流色谱法分离纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次将高速逆流色谱法应用于微生物发酵液提取物中辅酶Q10的分离纯化,建立了一套可用于其制备分离的逆流色谱溶剂体系正庚烷-乙睛-二氯甲烷(12:7:3.5, v/v/v)。500mg发酵液粗提物经一步制备分离,可得到绝对纯度在98%以上辅酶Q10130mg。比较表明,该方法较传统的硅胶柱层析和结晶相结合的纯化方法在产物纯度、回收率及产率等方面都有一定的优势。  相似文献   

抗癌药物紫杉醇的提取与分离纯化技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本对紫杉醇的提取与分离纯化技术,包括柱层析法、薄层色谱法、沉淀法、胶束动电毛细管色普法、膜分离法、树脂吸附分离法、高速逆流色谱法、化学反应法和药理作用靶点法进行了较全面的综述。  相似文献   

首次报道了人肝脏血红素加氧酶的同工酶的分离纯化,并初步探讨了它们的性质,采用DEAE-SephadexA-25和羟基磷灰石柱层析法从人肝脏分离纯化HO的同工酶,酶活性检测、SDS-PAGE分析结果显示,人肝脏微粒体含量HO的同工酶,按洗脱先后顺序分别得到分子量为30000和36000的HO-1和HO-2.酶促反应中需相同辅酶参与,其中酶活性HO-1明显高于HO-2,两之比为2.4:1,从分子量和  相似文献   

应用高速逆流色谱分离桑枝酚类成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了高速逆流色谱(HsCCC)分离制备高纯度的桑枝酚类成分的新方法.分离条件如下:溶剂系统为正己烷-乙酸乙酯-甲醇冰(1∶1∶1∶2,v/v),上相为固定相,下相为流动相;流速2.0 mL/min;转速900rpm;进样量75 mg.收集得到三个高纯度化合物,经HPLC、MS、1H和13C NMR等分别鉴定为反式氧化白藜芦醇(25.2mg),反式白藜芦醇(7.4 mg)和桑辛素M(29.1 mg).高速逆流色谱可以高效分离桑枝成分,方法简便,技术可行,优于传统的柱色谱法.  相似文献   

应用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)分离纯化山茱萸中的没食子酸   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)分离山茱萸中的没食子酸并结合波谱技术进行结构鉴定。经过一次逆流色谱分离,可以得到纯度在70%以上的没食子酸,第二次分离即可使其纯度达到97%以上。  相似文献   

首次运用高速逆流色谱(HSCCC)技术从经表观遗传试剂诱导的曲霉属真菌Aspergullus versicolor的次级代谢产物中快速分离纯化得到二苯醚类化合物diorcinol,建立了快速分离制备杂色曲霉次级代谢产物中的二苯醚类化合物的方法。本研究首先对经过表观遗传试剂诱导的菌株DJ013的发酵液用乙酸乙酯浸提,萃取富集二苯醚类成分,然后以石油醚-乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水(4∶5∶4∶5,v/v)为两相溶剂系统进行高速逆流色谱分离纯化,上相为固定相,下相为流动相,流速5.0 m L/min,实验温度25℃,转速为800 rpm,检测波长为220 nm。对所得到的目标化合物经超高效液相色谱(UPLC)纯度分析,其纯度在97%以上。通过质谱、核磁等波谱技术鉴定所分离得到的目标化合物为二苯醚类化合物diorcinol。与前期研究中采用的柱色谱法、HPLC等多种方法相结合的长达48 h的制备周期相比,高速逆流色谱法仅需55 min,效率大大提高。该结果表明,本研究建立的高速逆流色谱方法可高效高纯度获得具有抗菌活性的二苯醚类化合物,将为二苯醚化合物的进一步研究提供高效制备方法。  相似文献   

浦宇  王芝祥   《生物工程学报》2004,20(6):975-982
层析是蛋白质纯化的关键技术之一 ,作为层析技术的核心———层析介质一直以来是层析技术研究的一个热点。近年来 ,越来越多的新型层析介质被开发出来 ,如粒度均匀的交联多糖、人工合成的大孔聚合物、触角型吸附剂、软胶包裹在硬胶表面等介质。主要介绍应用较为广泛的IEC和HIC介质的组成、特性及其在蛋白质纯化中的应用 ,还研究了与HIC技术相关的两种新技术 :亲硫层析和疏水电荷诱导层析 (HCIC) ,重点介绍了HCIC的介质及其应用 ,同时也讨论了在蛋白质纯化中应用的三相纯化策略 (富集、中间纯化和精制 )。结合我国的实际情况 ,就当前蛋白质纯化的离子交换和疏水层析介质面临的挑战和未来的发展进行讨论并提出了建议  相似文献   

厌氧菌代谢产物的气相色谱和离子色谱分析方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们使用气相色谱和离子色谱分析方法对120株(包括9株标准菌株)厌氧菌的PYG培养物进行分析和比较,发现两种方法的分析结果类似,操作上各有优缺点。当然,相对来说离子色谱分析法更适于临床检验室和基层单位使用,因为离子色谱法基线稳定的时间短,水溶物标本不需预处理,也不用载气,操作简便,易于推广。  相似文献   

Glycoproteins, as a class of biomolecules, exhibit much more heterogeneous structures than non-glycosylated proteins. They present a challenging area of research. Model glycoproteins with well-defined protein and carbohydrate structures are helpful in the search for high-resolution methods for the separation of glycoproteins. Neoglycoproteins, maltose-modified chymotrypsin and lactose-modified chymotrypsin, were synthesised by modifying chymotrypsin with maltose and lactose, respectively, using the reductive amination method. Boronate chromatography was applied to isolate the neoglycoproteins from non-glycosylated substances. The use of Tris–HCl as a shielding reagent during the boronate chromatography proved to be efficient in eliminating unwanted interactions between the boronate ligand and the peptide backbone of chymotrypsin. The retention time of neoglycoproteins on the boronate column was increased with increasing the degree of modification.  相似文献   

From Gel Filtration to Adsorptive Size Exclusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adsorption and size exclusion in starch and cross-linked dextran were phenomena discovered in Uppsala in the 1950s [Porath (1979), Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7, 1197; Porath (1981), Current Content 19, 21; Porath (1981), J. Chromatogr. 218, 241; Janson (1987), Chromatographia 23, 361; Laurent (1993), J. Chromatogr. 633, 1]. These discoveries were the background to the development of a variety of affinity chromatographic methods. At present attempts are being made to combine size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with adsorption into a single operation that we call adsorptive SEC (AdSEC).  相似文献   

The chiral separation by counter-current chromatography has made great progress in the past three decades. It has become increasingly popular in the field of chiral separation, and many applications have been introduced during the last years. This review mainly focuses on the current topics, applications, and trends in chiral separation by counter-current chromatography. It contains the development of modern counter-current chromatography apparatus, theory of counter-current chromatography, overview of applications of chiral counter-current chromatography enantioseparation, its current situation, and challenges. At last, some conclusions and perspectives also have been discussed in this review.  相似文献   

两种水溶性抗菌活性物质的分离提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对水溶性、不解离的极性物质分离时,一般采用吸附层析和凝胶层析等途径。实验通过硅胶柱层析、葡聚糖凝胶柱层析以及硅胶GF254制备型薄板层析,从发酵液样品中分离出两种有抗菌活性的纯物质。薄层层析的展开剂为二氯甲烷-四氢呋喃-甲醇-水(25:30:2),分离出的组分中Rf=0.7和Rf=0.8两种物质有抗菌活性。硅胶柱层析洗脱过程为梯度洗脱,先用150ml上述展开剂洗脱,再用二氯甲烷-甲醇(20:80)  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor type e (TGFe) is a heat- and acid-stable polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 22,000, which stimulates the proliferation of certain epithelial and mesenchymal cells in monolayer and soft agar. TGFe has been purified to homogeneity. Initial acid-ethanol extraction of bovine kidney was followed by batch ion-exchange chromatography utilizing Bio Rex 70 resin. The activity eluted from the Bio Rex 70 resin was concentrated and diafiltered using an Amicon concentrator equipped with an S1Y10 spiral membrane, then was further purified by Bio-Gel P-60 molecular sieve chromatography. Active fractions from molecular sieve chromatography were pooled and purified by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, followed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using a microbore C-8 column. The final purification step involved electro-elution of TGFe separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Purity of TGFe was assessed to be greater than 90%.  相似文献   

The ideal immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) model was employed to investigate the effect of operating parameters change on the displacement separation of biomolecules. By combining a lower initial mobile phase modifier (MPM) concentration and a higher final MPM concentration, the displacement chromatographic separation produced both higher concentration of feeds and better throughput in IMAC displacement separating systems.  相似文献   

Membrane chromatography has been established as a viable alternative to packed-bed column chromatography for the purification of therapeutic proteins. Purification via membrane chromatography offers key advantages, including higher productivity and reduced buffer usage. Unlike column chromatography purification, the utilization of high-throughput screening in order to reduce development times and material requirements has been a challenge for membrane chromatography. This research focused on the development of a new, high-throughput screening technique for use in screening membrane chromatography conditions for monoclonal antibody purification. The developed screen utilizes a 96-well plate format, thereby allowing for the screening of multiple different membrane conditions at once. For this study, four mixed-mode cation exchange membranes and one cation exchange membrane were evaluated on the plate. The screen is performed in a similar manner to that of a resin slurry plate screen, however, instead of a single loading step, the antibody feed was loaded in 50 mg/ml increments up to a maximum loading of 450 mg/ml. Performing a similar, incremental loading on a resin plate would be impractical, as mixing times are substantially longer due to pore diffusion limitations. However, due to the significantly faster rate of mass transfer for membranes relative to resin, mixing times could be reduced by up to a factor of sixty on the membrane plate. Additional optimization showed that higher hydrophobicity can potentially lead to slower kinetics and mixing times that may need to be adjusted accordingly. The end result is a screen that has been proven to provide results comparable to those obtained on larger-scale membrane purification runs while also enabling exploration of a much greater operating space and significantly reducing the feed materials required.  相似文献   

Purification of glutathione reductase from gerbil liver in two steps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for the isolation of glutathione reductase which successively utilizes chromatography on 2'-5'-ADP-Sepharose 4B and DEAE-Sepharose CL 6B, is described. With these two steps, it was possible to purify to homogeneity the glutathione reductase from gerbil liver. Some molecular properties of the purified enzyme are reported.  相似文献   

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