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利用转入枯草芽孢杆菌植酸酶基因的不同烟草株系,分别在无菌培养基、砂培和土培试验中研究了转植酸酶基因烟草对植酸磷的吸收和利用.结果表明,在无菌培养基试验中,所有转植酸酶基因烟草对植酸磷的吸收利用能力均显著高于野生型,其生物量比野生型提高了3.6~10.7倍,总磷吸收量提高了2.2~4.6倍;在沙培和土培中,转植酸酶基因烟草对植酸磷的吸收利用与野生型相比,生物量和总磷吸收量差异不显著.这说明转植酸酶基因在无菌条件下可以提高植物吸收利用植酸磷的能力,但是在自然条件下,由于微生物分解或矿物固定等原因,其作用不稳定,需要进一步研究克服土壤中的限制因素,才能使转基因植物充分发挥作用.  相似文献   

热稳定的曲霉植酸酶   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
江均平 《微生物学报》1996,36(6):476-478
植酸(Phytic acid)在谷物、豆类、油料等作物籽粒中的含量为1%~5%,籽粒中60%~90%的磷存在于植酸中。人和单胃动物消化道中无植酸酶,粮食中大量的植酸磷不能被利用而随粪便排入环境,既浪费磷资源,又对环境造成磷污染。同时,植酸还是一种广谱性抗营养因子。据报道,饲料中添加植酸酶可使植酸磷的利用率提高到70%,鸡猪粪磷含量分别降低50%和35%,并可提高对Ca、Zn、Fe和Cu等的吸收率,而饲养效果与添加无机磷相当甚至更好,故植酸酶在饲养业及环保业展示出广阔的应用前景。本文报道耐高温植酸酶菌株的筛选及其体外去玉米、豆粕和麸皮植酸磷的效果。  相似文献   

植物植酸酶及其在饲料中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物植酸酶不但能分解内源植酸磷 ,对外源植酸磷同样有明显的降解作用。在饲粮中添加植酸酶活性高的植物性饲料 ,可提高猪和家禽对植酸磷的利用率 ,降低粪便中磷的排泄量 ,提高生产性能。麦类籽实中具有较高的天然植酸酶活性 ,发芽能显著提高种子中植酸酶的活性 ,因而有希望通过发芽提高麦类籽实中的植酸酶活性 ,经提纯浓缩后可达到在实际生产中应用的水平 ,从而减少在饲料中添加无机磷或价格昂贵的微生物植酸酶。  相似文献   

磷是有限不可再生资源,土壤缺磷是植物生长和农作物生产的主要限制因子之一。无机磷肥施入土壤后,极易被土壤固相吸附或与金属阳离子形成难溶性络合物或转化为有机磷,导致其生物可利用性降低。土壤磷主要以有机磷形式存在,占比20%-80%。有机磷又以植酸(盐)为主要成分,占比约50%。植酸不可被植物直接吸收利用,需在专一性酶植酸酶作用下经脱磷酸化水解释放磷供植物吸收。土壤植酸酶主要来源于微生物,易受温度、pH、土壤吸附、钙含量及钙磷比、底物含量和有效性等影响,导致酶活降低甚至失活。如何保持或提高土壤中植酸酶活性,进而提高土壤内源植酸磷的利用率,对降低外源磷肥施加和保障农业生产具有重要意义。本文综述微生物植酸酶的来源、分类与作用机制及土壤中植酸酶活性的影响因素,重点阐述保持或提高其活性的方法及实际应用效率。针对土壤植酸酶活性低和稳定性差的问题,对通过调控最适pH范围、提高热稳定性、将植酸酶负载于纳米材料和基因工程改造等改善植酸酶性质的方法进行展望。综述内容可为理解土壤中植酸酶活性的影响因素,进而提高土壤内源植酸磷的利用效率提供理论依据和技术参考,对减少外源磷肥施用、降低磷流失和土壤面源/水体污染风险及保障农业可持续发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

植酸盐(肌醇六磷酸盐)是丰富的植物组分,占坚果、谷物、豆类、油籽、孢子、花粉干重的1%~3%,占种子全部磷物质的60%~90%。单胃动物缺乏植酸酶(肌醇六磷酸水解酶),不能代谢植酸中有机键合的磷酸盐。这是由于植酸盐与某些矿物质结合,使之不能被机体利用。这一点是从营养学角度考虑的。植酸酶将植酸盐水解成其无机磷酸盐,将肌醇单磷酸盐水解成五价磷酸盐。植酸酶存在于植物、微生物和某些动物组织中。小麦和其它作物以及真菌的植酸酶已被广泛研究,对于酵母的植酸酶几乎无人研究。本文报导有关植酸盐水解活性的概况。1材料与方…  相似文献   

饲用植酸酶热稳定性的研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵海霞  王红宁  陈惠   《微生物学通报》2004,31(1):105-109
植酸酶是一种能将植物性饲料中植酸(盐)降解为肌醇和无机磷酸盐的酶类。其作为单胃动物的饲料添加剂,对提高畜禽业生产效益及降低植酸磷对环境的污染有重要意义。针对目前饲用植酸酶存在的热稳定性不高的问题,介绍了国内外近年来的研究进展,并提出了解决的方法。  相似文献   

植酸酶及其热稳定性研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
植酸酶能降解植物性饲料中的植酸盐类,释放出无机磷酸,对于提高饲料中磷的利用率,减轻畜禽高磷排泄物对环境的污染以及促进单胃动物对饲料中矿质营养的吸收利用有重要作用,因此植酸酶的研究有重要的科学和实用价值。获得高活性高热稳定性的植酸酶是近年来植酸酶工业的研究热点和难点,综述了植酸酶及其热稳定性研究的现状和提高植酸酶热稳定性方法的最新进展 。  相似文献   

植酸酶是磷酸酯酶的一种,它能水解植酸(即六磷酸肌醇),其最终产物为肌醇及无机磷,它广泛分佈於植物种子中,亦存在於动物组织、黴菌和细菌。植酸酶是最早被发现的磷酸酯酶之一,但是在很久一段时期人们极少注意它,因此关於它的知识亦甚不完全。最近Yoshida对於米糠  相似文献   

植酸酶作用机理的初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电喷雾电离-质谱联用仪分析结果表明,植酸酶水解植酸是以分步方式进行的,植酸酶能将植酸水解成植酸五磷酸酯至植酸一磷酸酯不同的中间产物。但最终产物主要为二磷酸肌醇,与一些同时形成的无机磷分子能与未水解的植酸以“-O-O”或“-O-”键形成多磷酸肌醇的更复杂的分子形式。  相似文献   

无花果曲霉是一种可以产植酸酶的菌株,其代谢产物植酸酶可以将有机植酸磷降解为无机磷。以此菌株为出发菌株,确定了它的最适pH值为1.3~1.4,最适温度为55~60℃。同时,为获得高酶活的突变株,进行亚硝基胍和紫外线处理,经初筛得到99株高效突变株,再经复筛和传代试验,得到1株植酸酶活性是出发菌株2.47倍的突变株NTG-23。  相似文献   

Hegeman CE  Grabau EA 《Plant physiology》2001,126(4):1598-1608
Phytic acid (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate) is the major storage form of phosphorus in plant seeds. During germination, stored reserves are used as a source of nutrients by the plant seedling. Phytic acid is degraded by the activity of phytases to yield inositol and free phosphate. Due to the lack of phytases in the non-ruminant digestive tract, monogastric animals cannot utilize dietary phytic acid and it is excreted into manure. High phytic acid content in manure results in elevated phosphorus levels in soil and water and accompanying environmental concerns. The use of phytases to degrade seed phytic acid has potential for reducing the negative environmental impact of livestock production. A phytase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from cotyledons of germinated soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.). Peptide sequence data generated from the purified enzyme facilitated the cloning of the phytase sequence (GmPhy) employing a polymerase chain reaction strategy. The introduction of GmPhy into soybean tissue culture resulted in increased phytase activity in transformed cells, which confirmed the identity of the phytase gene. It is surprising that the soybean phytase was unrelated to previously characterized microbial or maize (Zea mays) phytases, which were classified as histidine acid phosphatases. The soybean phytase sequence exhibited a high degree of similarity to purple acid phosphatases, a class of metallophosphoesterases.  相似文献   

Phytase from Aspergillus niger increases the availability of phosphorus from feed for monogastric animals by releasing phosphate from the substrate phytic acid. A phytase cDNA was constitutively expressed in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. Secretion of the protein to the extracellular fluid was established by use of the signal sequence from the tobacco pathogen-related protein S. The specific phytase activity in isolated extracellular fluid was found to be approximately 90-fold higher than in total leaf extract, showing that the enzyme was secreted. This was confirmed by use of immunolocalization. Despite differences in glycosylation, specific activities of tobacco and Aspergillus phytase were identical. Phytase was found to be biologically active and to accumulate in leaves up to 14.4% of total soluble protein during plant maturation. Comparison of phytase accumulation and relative mRNA levels showed that phytase stably accumulated in transgenic leaves during plant growth.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of various phosphorus fractions and ofphytase activity in the cotyledons of young pea seedlings grownin the light have been studied. It is shown that from the onsetof germination there is a lag of several days in the hydrolysisof phytic acid and that this is associated with a low levelof phytase activity in cotyledon extracts. Rapid developmentof phytase during the next few days is accompanied by a rapidincrease in the rate of phytic acid break-down and both reachmaximum levels after 6–7 days from soaking the seed. Theamount of phytic acid in the cotyledons becomes negligible afterabout 15 days and at the same time phytase activity declinesmarkedly. At this point protease activity is at a maximum andthe water content of the cotyledons begins to fall. Removal of the shoot 4 days after soaking the seed caused animmediate decrease in export of phosphorus from the cotyledonsbut did not affect the level of phytic acid for several days.Subsequently there was a small, but significant reduction inthe rate of phytic acid hydrolysis in de-shooted seedlings ascompared with intact plants in spite of the fact that phytaseactivity was not affected for several days. Similar effectswere observed when excised cotyledons were cultured on moistfilter-paper. Control mechanisms for phytic acid hydrolysis are discussedand it is concluded that regulation by the axis of the inorganicphosphate concentration at the sites of phytase activity maybe a means of controlling phytic acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Pigs expressing salivary phytase produce low-phosphorus manure   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
To address the problem of manure-based environmental pollution in the pork industry, we have developed the phytase transgenic pig. The saliva of these pigs contains the enzyme phytase, which allows the pigs to digest the phosphorus in phytate, the most abundant source of phosphorus in the pig diet. Without this enzyme, phytate phosphorus passes undigested into manure to become the single most important manure pollutant of pork production. We show here that salivary phytase provides essentially complete digestion of dietary phytate phosphorus, relieves the requirement for inorganic phosphate supplements, and reduces fecal phosphorus output by up to 75%. These pigs offer a unique biological approach to the management of phosphorus nutrition and environmental pollution in the pork industry.  相似文献   

A screening method was developed to elucidate the ability of different yeast strains to utilize phytic acid as sole phosphorus source. The growth test in liquid culture in a microtiter plate with phytic acid as sole phosphorus source was shown to be a reliable, fast and easy-to-use screening method. We tested 122 strains from 61 species with our method and observed growth differences among species and strains that were not detectable on solid medium. Specific phytase activities were measured for 10 yeasts strains, selected due to their strong growth in the liquid medium. Strains of Arxula adeninivorans and Pichia anomala reached the highest volumetric phytase activities. Arxula adeninivorans also displayed the highest intra- and extracellular specific activities. There were large differences in both extra- and intracellular phytase activities among species. Strain-specific extracellular phytase activities were detected in P. anomala . The presence of free phosphate in the media completely suppressed the extracellular phytase activity and also reduced intracellular phytase activity for all tested yeast strains.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency in soil is a major constraint for agricultural production worldwide. Despite this, most soils contain significant amounts of total soil P that occurs in inorganic and organic fractions and accumulates with phosphorus fertilization. A major component of soil organic phosphorus occurs as phytate. We show that when grown in agar under sterile conditions, Arabidopsis thaliana plants are able to obtain phosphorus from a range of organic phosphorus substrates that would be expected to occur in soil, but have only limited ability to obtain phosphorus directly from phytate. In wild-type plants, phytase constituted less than 0.8% of the total acid phosphomonoesterase activity of root extracts and was not detectable as an extracellular enzyme. By comparison, the growth and phosphorus nutrition of Arabidopsis plants supplied with phytate was improved significantly when the phytase gene (phyA) from Aspergillus niger was introduced. The Aspergillus phytase was only effective when secreted as an extracellular enzyme by inclusion of the signal peptide sequence from the carrot extensin (ex) gene. A 20-fold increase in total root phytase activity in transgenic lines expressing ex::phyA resulted in improved phosphorus nutrition, such that the growth and phosphorus content of the plants was equivalent to control plants supplied with inorganic phosphate. These results show that extracellular phytase activity of plant roots is a significant factor in the utilization of phosphorus from phytate and indicate that opportunity exists for using gene technology to improve the ability of plants to utilize accumulated forms of soil organic phosphorus.  相似文献   

Phytate is the major storage form of organic phosphorus in soils and plant seeds, and phosphorus (P) in this form is unavailable to plants or monogastric animals. In the present study, the phytase genes phyA and appA were introduced into Brassica napus cv Westar with a signal peptide sequence and CaMV 35S promoter, respectively. Three independent transgenic lines, P3 and P11 from phyA and a18 from appA, were selected. The three transgenic lines exhibited significantly higher exuded phytase activity when compared to wild-type (WT) controls. A quartz sand culture experiment demonstrated that transgenic Brassica napus had significantly improved P uptake and plant biomass. A soil culture experiment revealed that seed yields of transgenic lines P11 and a18 increased by 20.9% and 59.9%, respectively, when compared to WT. When phytate was used as the sole P source, P accumulation in seeds increased by 20.6% and 46.9% with respect to WT in P11 and a18, respectively. The P3 line accumulated markedly more P in seeds than WT, while no significant difference was observed in seed yields when phytate was used as the sole P source. Phytase activities in transgenic canola seeds ranged from 1,138 to 1,605 U kg–1 seeds, while no phytase activity was detected in WT seeds. Moreover, phytic acid content in P11 and a18 seeds was significantly lower than in WT. These results introduce an opportunity for improvement of soil and seed phytate-P bioavailability through genetic manipulation of oilseed rape, thereby increasing plant production and P nutrition for monogastric animals.  相似文献   

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