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西双版纳地区犬蝠和棕果蝠食性的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
犬蝠和棕果蝠是西双版纳地区较为常见的两个果蝠物种,大多数时间内它们同域分布,共同利用当地许多野生果实。从2004年6月至12月,我们采用拾遗法、粪便分析法以及种子萌发鉴定法并结合雾网采样对西双版纳地区这两种果蝠的食性进行了初步研究。结果发现犬蝠利用11科18种植物的果实,2科2种植物的叶片;而棕果蝠利用9科12种植物的果实,1科1种植物的叶片。研究发现雨季(6-10月)两种果蝠食物类型在本地区重叠程度较高,它们共同利用的植物类型占记录植物类型总数的65%。在干旱季节(11-12月),棕果蝠避开与犬蝠在食物方面的竞争而去别的地力开拓食物资源。  相似文献   

2004年5月-2006年4月采用拾遗法、粪便内容物分析法及实地观察对广州地区常见的食果蝙蝠-犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)进行了食性研究。对26份食物残留物和粪便样品的分析结果表明:犬蝠的食物包含13科21种的植物果实,3科3种的植物叶片,如:蒲桃(Syzygium jambos)、蒲葵(Livistona subglobosa)及龙眼(Dimocarous longan)的果实。其食性随果实的成熟季节而出现明显的季节性变化,夏秋两季大量食用各种水果,而在食物欠缺的春冬两季则主要食用棕榈科蒲葵的种子。广州地区犬蝠的繁殖期在每年的5-10月。  相似文献   

2004年5月—2006年4月采用拾遗法、粪便内容物分析法及实地观察对广州地区常见的食果蝙蝠¬—犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)进行了食性研究。对26份食物残留物和粪便样品的分析结果表明:犬蝠的食物包含13科21种的植物果实,3科3种的植物叶片,如:蒲桃(Syzygium jambos)、蒲葵(Livistona subglobosa)及龙眼(Dimocarous longan)的果实。其食性随果实的成熟季节而出现明显的季节性变化,夏秋两季大量食用各种水果,而在食物欠缺的春冬两季则主要食用棕榈科蒲葵的种子。广州地区犬蝠的繁殖期在每年的5—10月。  相似文献   

扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠的集群结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2001—2002年在广西宁明县和龙州县利用直接观察、捕捉测量(共捕到197群蝙蝠,全捕180群)和标记重捕法(标记了31群的101只扁颅蝠,重捕到36只)比较研究了扁颅蝠(tylonycteris pachypusa)与褐扁颅蝠(T.robustula)的集群结构。结果发现:扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠主要栖宿在刺竹(Bambusa stenostachya)的竹筒内,通过竹筒上的裂缝进出。扁颅蝠栖宿的竹筒长平均为27.7cm,外围直径平均为23.6cm;褐扁颅蝠的分别为28.3cm和23.8cm。扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—24只,褐扁颅蝠栖宿群大小为1—13只;2种蝙蝠的栖宿群中皆为独居所占比例最大(扁颅蝠为22.30%,褐扁颅蝠为40.63%),2只所占比例次之(分别为14.87%和18.75%),其它大小类型呈不规则变化。扁颅蝠栖宿群的性别组成,以雌雄混居最常见(占54.72%),其次为独居雄性(占20.95%),而褐扁颅蝠栖宿群雌雄混居群与独居雄性所占比例相当(均为40.63%)。2种蝙蝠的雄性趋向于独居,而雌性趋向于群居。扁颅蝠与褐扁颅蝠可以栖宿在同一片竹林内,并且可以在不同时间轮流使用同一个栖宿竹筒,但2种蝙蝠从未共栖于同一个竹筒内。另外,标记重捕扁颅蝠发现:扁颅蝠经常变换栖宿竹筒(栖宿竹筒不固定);同时栖宿群之间经常发生个体交换[动物学报50(3):326—333.2004]。  相似文献   

2006年9月-2007年3月,在广州市区对犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx angulatus)的分布和栖息地的选择进行了研究.结果表明:共发现犬蝠栖巢45个,有犬蝠栖息的26个;犬蝠对栖息植物的选择具有专一性,主要利用景观树蒲葵(Livistona chinensis)的叶片建造栖巢,其栖息地跟人类活动区域高度重合.捕获的18个栖群中5个栖群为全捕,13个栖群有部分个体未捕获;其中17个栖群中包括有雄性个体,占群体总数的94%;5个全捕栖群中,2个为一雄多雌,一个为一雄一雌群体,一个为独栖雄性,另一个为多个雄性的"单身汉群体".  相似文献   

采用PCR技术获得了翼手目(菊头蝠总科、蝙蝠科以及鞘尾蝠科)16种19个个体的核基因重组激活基因2(Recombination activating gene,RAG2)部分序列,长度为730~760 bp.结合从Genbank中提取的翼手目3科14个体的RAG2序列,通过构建贝叶斯(Bayesian inference,BI)和最大似然树对翼手目种属间的系统进化关系进行研究.研究表明:在菊头蝠总科中,菊头蝠科和蹄蝠科是两个独立的科,且在蹄蝠科中,大蹄蝠、中蹄蝠、普氏蹄蝠3种之间的亲缘关系非常近;蝙蝠科中的南蝠属与棕蝠属是姊妹群;长翼蝠亚科应提升为长翼蝠科.此外,鞘尾蝠科与犬吻蝠科形成姊妹群关系.  相似文献   

繁殖是动物权衡不同自然选择压力和自身生理限制的结果。蝙蝠的繁殖受气候(温度、光周期和降雨量)和食物资源等非生物因素影响。本文通过野外调查犬蝠食物资源、设网捕捉和标志重捕的方法研究西双版纳地区降雨、食物资源可获得程度对犬蝠分娩时机的影响。研究发现,随着3 - 8 月降雨量逐渐增加(19.82 -41.13 kg/ m2 ),犬蝠取食的植物种类呈明显的增加趋势(4 - 9 种)。幼蝠捕捉量与植物资源可获得程度呈显著正相关关系(r = 0. 94,P = 0.01)。西双版纳犬蝠虽然具有一年两次动情和分娩的能力,但是绝大多数个体一年只分娩一次,且集中于3 -5 月。犬蝠分娩时机的选择使得幼蝠飞行学习和捕食时间与食物资源可获得程度高峰期相吻合,有利于提高幼体的生存适合度。  相似文献   

澳门翼手类物种多样性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009 ~2012 年,对澳门翼手目(蝙蝠)物种多样性进行了调查。结果共捕捉到10 个物种,属5 科8 属,其中包括澳门原来记载的2 个物种,即蹄蝠科的大蹄蝠(Hipposideros armiger)和蝙蝠科的东亚伏翼(Pipistrellus abramus);本研究新增加8 个物种,即狐蝠科的犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx) 和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti),鞘尾蝠科的黑髯墓蝠(Taphozous melanopogon),菊头蝠科的菲菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pusillus),以及蝙蝠科的大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketti)、普通伏翼(P. pipistrellus)、普通长翼蝠(Miniopterus schreibersi) 和南长翼蝠(M. pusillus)。另外,通过野外录音和分析,并与已发表物种声音特征比较核对,发现菊头蝠科和蹄蝠科各一种,前者可能是泰国菊头蝠(R. siamensis)或者中菊头蝠(R. affinis),后者可能是果树蹄蝠(H. pomona) 或者三叶蹄蝠(Aselliscus stoliczkanus)。本文对已捕捉10 种蝙蝠的分布、形态特征和回声定位叫声特征进行报道,同时对其种群数量和保护现状进行了讨论。保护蝙蝠栖息生境(洞穴、古老建筑和蒲葵树等) 对保护澳门蝙蝠物种多样性至关重要。  相似文献   

于2017年至2018年对广东丹霞山国家级自然保护区的翼手目动物进行调查,主要采用日栖息地与夜栖息地、捕食区网捕等调查方法,共调查到翼手目5科13属23种,其中蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)9属15种,菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)1属4种,蹄蝠科(Hipposideridae)1属2种,假吸血蝠科(Megadermatidae)1属1种,犬吻蝠科(Molossidae)1属1种。从区系组成来看,以东洋界为主(19种),其次为广布种(3种),古北界仅1种。从栖息类型上看,分为洞栖型、树栖型及建筑物栖息型,以洞栖型为主(15种),建筑物栖息型其次(12种),树栖型最少(5种),但其中9个物种的栖息地类型同时包含了上述3种栖息类型中的2种。本研究在广东丹霞山发现中国蝙蝠新分布记录1种,为卡氏伏翼(Hypsugo cadornae);而中印鼠耳蝠(Myotis indochinensis)为中国分布的再次确认。  相似文献   

四川七种蝙蝠的核型   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
本报道了四川地区7种蝙蝠的核型。菊头蝠科2种,即角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus comutus)的核型为2n=62,FN=60;栗黄菊头蝠(R.ssinicus)的核型为2n=36,FN=60。蹄蝠科1种,即大蹄蝠(H.armiger)的核型为2n=32,FN=60。蝙蝠科3种,即伏翼(Pipistrellus abramns)的核型为2n=26,FN=44;南蝠(Iaio)的核型为2n=50,FN=48;山蝠(Nyctalus velutinus)的核型为2n=36,FN=50。犬吻蝠科的皱唇蝠(Tadarida teniotis)的核型为2n=48,FN=62。南蝠的核型为首次报道,但栗黄菊头蝠的核型2n=36与安徽张维道报道相同,而与印度和斯里兰卡同种R.rouxii的核型2n=56迥异。分布在中国的栗黄菊头蝠R.sinicus应为独立种而不是R.rouxii的中国亚种。另5种蝙蝠的核型与前人研究结论基本一致。  相似文献   

We employ molecular methods to profile the diet of the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus, and describe spatial and temporal changes in diet over their maternity season. We identified 61 prey species of insects and 5 species of arachnid. The largest proportion of prey (~32%) were identified as species of the mass-emerging Ephemeroptera (mayfly) genus Caenis. Bats roosting in agricultural settings had lower dietary richness than those occupying a roost located on a forest fragment in a conservation area. We detected temporal fluctuations in diet over the maternity season. Dipteran (fly) species dominated the diet early in the season, replaced later by species of mayfly. Because our methodology provides species-level identification of prey, we were able to isolate environmental indicator species in the diet and draw conclusions about the location and type of their foraging habitat and the health of these aquatic systems. The species detected suggested that the bats use variable habitats; members of one agricultural roost foraged on insects originating in rivers or streams while those in another agricultural roost and the forest roost fed on insects from pond or lake environments. All source water for prey was of fair to good quality, though no species detected are intolerant of pollution thus the habitat cannot be classified as pristine. Our study outlines a model system to investigate the abiotic and biotic interactions between habitat factors through this simple food chain to the top predator.  相似文献   

Human infrastructure and disturbance play an important role when animals select resources in human-modified landscapes. Theory predicts that animals trade food intake against costs of movement or disturbance to optimize net energy gain and fitness, but other necessary resources may also constrain the decisions, e.g. when animals repeatedly need to return to a central location, such as a nest, waterhole or night roost. Central place foraging theory states that the probability of occurrence of an animal decreases with the distance to the central location while selectivity for food items or foraging sites providing high net energy gain should increase with distance. We studied foraging patterns of common cranes Grus grus feeding in an agricultural landscape adjacent to a wetland to which they return for night roost. We used availability of spilled grains on harvested fields and distance to human settlement as proxy for site quality (i.e. increased likelihood of increased net energy gain with increased food availability and less disturbance). As predicted by theory, our results clearly show that cranes were more likely (more than twice as high resource selection function scores) to select foraging sites close to roosts. However, contrary to predictions, the selection of high quality sites in terms of high food availability decreased with distance to roost sites. Nevertheless, our results indicate that cranes were more likely to select sites with low risk of human disturbance far from roost sites, and were more tolerant to disturbance close to roost sites. How different species respond to the local and environmental conditions will increase the understanding of the species’ resource requirement, and also where in the landscape to prioritize conservation or management actions (e.g. mitigation of human disturbance and crop damage prevention to sustain agricultural production).  相似文献   

Here we review all published articles and book chapters, as well as unpublished theses and data of Ateles geoffroyi diet to (1) summarize the literature; (2) synthesize general feeding patterns; (3) document plant taxonomic similarity in diet across study sites; and (4) suggest directions for future research and conservation priorities. We found 22 samples from five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama. Tropical wet forest is the most studied habitat (N=13 samples), followed by tropical dry forest (6) and tropical moist forest (3). Most samples have been carried out in large protected forests. In spite of showing an overall high dietetic diversity (364 species, 76 families), A. geoffroyi concentrated the majority of feeding time on a few species in the families Moraceae and Fabaceae. At all study sites fruits were the most common food item in the diet followed by leaves. Furthermore, a greater variety of food items and less fruit were consumed in forest fragments. These findings suggest that fruit shortage in fragments results in primates using foods of presumably lower energetic content such as leaves. Similarity in diet was higher among groups geographically closer to each other than among distant groups, showing that the floristic and phenological characteristics of the forest can influence diet composition. We conclude that several years of data are required to fully describe the dietary list of A. geoffroyi at any one site, as studies of the same group over different years shared as little as 56% of species. As most populations of A. geoffroyi live in highly fragmented landscapes, it is crucial to carry out studies in these areas to evaluate (1) changes in diet and activity patterns that may negatively affect survival; and (2) habitat attributes that may favor their persistence in altered landscapes.  相似文献   

Despite a long historical record of radio-tracking analyses, basic home-range information is still lacking for most common waterfowl species, especially during the winter. We investigated how dabbling duck home ranges and daily foraging movements are influenced by extrinsic (site, temperature, date) and intrinsic factors (species, sex, age). We radio-tagged and monitored 125 individuals of three duck species (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Eurasian teal A. crecca crecca and northern pintail A. acuta) in three French wetlands over four winters. Home-range sizes for a given species varied greatly among our study sites. Moreover, species differed according to home-range structure and distance traveled to reach their foraging grounds (teal had a more patchy home range and traveled farther distances than mallards). Foraging distances increased with temperature and time (over the winter season), but this effect differed among species, suggesting that they behave differently in response to food depletion and/or cold weather. The commuting behavior (i.e., the decision to leave the roost at night for foraging) differed among species and season. Teals were more risk-prone because they were more likely to leave the roost at night. In our study, ducks foraged at distances of 1–2 km from roosts, whereas distances of 2–48 km have been recorded in North America. We suggest that food supply, hunting pressure or population density may account for these inter-continental differences.  相似文献   

Communal roosting has been studied extensively in birds, but the mechanisms and functions of this taxonomically widespread behaviour pattern remain poorly understood. We studied the roosting behaviour of rubyspot damselflies, Hetaerina americana, in relation to sex and territorial status, and conducted field experiments to test for specific mechanisms of roost formation and maintenance. Both sexes tended to return close to their previous night's roost, but only males were significantly more roost site faithful than chance expectations based on individual day ranges. Males were more roost site faithful when they held mating territories. After acquiring a territory, males usually began roosting closer to the territory after a delay of a few days. Roosts were not located at sites that reduced the daily commuting distance between hunting areas and territories; males generally hunted closer to their territories than to their roosts. In field experiments, sites 'seeded' with synthetic models of male rubyspots attracted more recruits than vacant control sites and control sites seeded with nonrubyspot (clear-winged) damselfly models. Sites seeded repeatedly with rubyspot models often remained popular for roosting after the models were removed, suggesting that the models established new traditional roosts. These results indicate that conspecific attraction and individual spatial memory together may be sufficient to explain, at a proximate level, the traditional night roost aggregations of this species. We discuss these results in relation to functional hypotheses for roost site choice and fidelity. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Hornbills (Bucerotidae) are widely regarded as important seed dispersers in tropical forests in Africa and Asia. We investigated how the roosting behavior of wreathed hornbills (Aceros undulatus) influences seed deposition and seedling survival at a roost site in a moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Fallen fruits and seeds were collected in traps that were placed around a roosting site for 14 months, and seedlings were monitored in adjacent quadrats for 3 years. Seedfall and seedlings of species represented in the hornbill diet occurred at significantly higher densities in the traps and quadrats located beneath the crown of the roosting tree than in those located beyond the crown. With the exception of Cinnamomum subavenium, the seeds and seedlings of most diet species rarely survived beyond the first year. The quality of hornbill dispersal to this roosting site may be poor due to the highly concentrated seedfall, which results in high seed and seedling mortality. However, the number of seeds deposited by each hornbill each day at roosting sites is relatively low. Wreathed hornbills are primarily scatter dispersers during the day and probably serve as agents of seed dispersal in the moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai.  相似文献   

Summary Small artificial nest/roost boxes, originally designed for microbats, were deployed in three farm forest plantations and at one native forest site in southeast Queensland in order to assess their use by vertebrates and their contribution toward enhancing biodiversity in plantation forests through the provision of habitat. Two sites were located in a relatively 'intact' forest landscape (SF 351 and Strano) and two sites in a more 'fragmented' or 'variegated' landscape (Askham and Thomas). Twenty-four boxes were placed at each site over an area covering approximately 1.2–1.8 ha. Each site was checked from five (SF 351) to nine (Askham) times between April 1996 and November 2000. The artificial nest/roost boxes were attractive to a range of small fauna that included Feathertail Gliders ( Acrobates pygmaeus ), Sugar Gliders ( Petaurus breviceps ), Squirrel Gliders ( Petaurus norfolcensis ) and the Yellow-footed Marsupial Mouse ( Antechinus flavipes ), all of which constructed nests inside boxes. Gould's Long-eared Bats ( Nyctophilus gouldi ) used boxes primarily as roosts and maternity sites. In general, fewer animals were recorded in boxes at the two sites located within a relatively 'intact' landscape, while the highest numbers of animals were recorded in boxes in two farm forest plantations within 'variegated' landscapes. The availability of alternative natural hollows and landscape factors appear to be important determinants of the extent to which boxes are occupied. The present study indicates that the biodiversity of farm forests can be enhanced through simple habitat manipulation utilizing artificial roosting or nesting boxes.
Key words Antechinus, biodiversity, farm forestry, glider, marsupial, microbat, nest box, roost.  相似文献   

This study provides insights into the dispersal potential of Platyrrhinus lineatus and its role in habitat regeneration. The study site was an urbanized area in northeastern Brazil. Fecal samples were collected at the roost of a colony during 13 months. Seven species were present in the samples, three of which were exotic. Cecropia glaziovii, Solanum stipulaceum and Coccothrinax barbadensis predominated in the diet of the colony. The large numbers of seeds of pioneer species, and the exotic species present in the diet of the colony emphasize the role of P. lineatus in the regeneration of habitats, and its ecological flexibility.  相似文献   

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