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广西叶甲亚科昆虫种类记述(鞘翅目:叶甲科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述中国科学院动物研究所 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年对广西十万大山及大瑶山地区考察所采获叶甲亚科并该所标本馆馆藏叶甲亚科标本及文献记载 ,共 2 0属 35种 ,其中包括1中国新记录属 Pseudolina Jacoby、1新种 Gonioctena( Brachyphytodecta) oculata sp.nov.、2中国新记录种 Pseudolina indica Jacoby,Paropsides bouveri Chen。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

植物挥发性信息化学物质在昆虫寄主选择行为中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物信息化学物质在植食性昆虫的寄主定向、产卵、聚集、传粉等行为中发挥着重要作用,对其进行深入研究,不仅有助于阐明植食性昆虫的寄主选择机理,也可为提出新的害虫防治策略提供理论依据.本文概述了近年来昆虫寄主选择定向中起关键作用的植物挥发性信息化学物质的种类、基本特性和作用方式,并就植物挥发性信息化合物应用前景和目前存在的主要问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

记述采自我国四川贡嘎山的萤叶甲属1新种:匀刻萤叶甲Galeruca regularis sp. nov..模式标本中正模保存在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆,副模由荷兰Ron Beenen博士个人收藏.  相似文献   

本研究记述了来自中国广州海珠湿地的萤叶甲亚科斯萤叶甲属的1新种,并提供了斯萤叶甲属12个中国种类的检索表、新种及其近似种的整体图和雄性外生殖器图.  相似文献   

烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)的寄主选择性   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
周福才  黄振  王勇  李传明  祝树德 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3825-3831
通过田间系统调查、实验室嗅觉测定、笼内和培养皿内自由扩散观察,对烟粉虱的寄主选择性进行了研究.结果表明,在田间,烟粉虱对不同的寄主植物存在明显的寄主选择性,其中对茄子、花椰菜、黄瓜等植物具有较强的嗜性,而对蕹菜、芹菜、苋菜等植物的嗜性较差;烟粉虱对同一植物的不同品种也有明显的选择性.烟粉虱对寄主植物颜色有明显的选择性,选择结果与烟粉虱对这些寄主的嗜性趋势基本一致.烟粉虱对单株寄主植物的嗅觉反应不敏感,但对植物叶片的乙醇抽提物有明显的嗅觉反应,并表现出较强的寄主选择性.在养虫笼内,烟粉虱从虫源皿向寄主植物自由扩散的过程中,在不同寄主植物和同一植物的不同品种上着落的成虫数量不同,并且在一定的时间范围内,着落在寄主叶片上的虫量还会不断的发生变化.  相似文献   

本文记述发现于福建武夷山的萤叶甲亚科1新种:棒角日萤叶甲Japonitataclava-taYangetWu,sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

中国大萤叶甲属的研究(鞘翅目:叶甲科:萤叶甲亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大萤叶甲属Meristata 为Chapuis 1875年所建立,是东洋区分布的属,在我国主要分布在云南和西藏两省,中名以其体大型而得。目前全世界已知11种,中国有9种。本文对本属征进行了重新厘订,并对中国种类做了系统的研究及记述,它们是褐大萤叶甲Meristata dohrni (Baly), 长大萤叶甲Meristata elongata (Jacoby), 黑斑大萤叶甲Meristata fallax (Harold), 黑胸大萤叶甲Meristata fraternalis fraternalis (Baly), 黑胸大萤叶甲云南亚种Meristata fraternalis yunnanensis (Laboissiere), 象牙大萤叶甲Meristata pulunini (Bryant), 四带大萤叶甲Meristata quadrifasciata (Hope), 六斑大萤叶甲Meristata sexmaculata (Kollar et Redtenbacher), 黄腹大萤叶甲Meristata spilota (Hope)。亦对Meristata fraternalis yunnanensis 的分类地位进行了探讨,根据其鞘翅斑点及其雄性生殖器形状将原Meristata yunnanensis 降为Meristata fraternalis 的亚种。  相似文献   

柳二十斑叶甲包括两个亚种,分别为指名亚种和高山亚种.两者可以通过头部、前胸背板、足和鞘翅的斑纹区分开来.本文对这两个亚种的外部和内部的形态结构进行了研究,主要包括触角、口器、中胸、后胸、后翅、足、雌雄外生殖器、成虫和幼虫的相关结构.并对确定亚种的形态特征进行了探讨.  相似文献   

叶甲亚科五种昆虫的酯酶同工酶研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析研究了叶甲亚科五种昆虫的酯酶同工酶的酶谱,结果表明该法与形态学分类的效果一致。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨椰心叶甲取食危害对椰树心叶挥发物的影响,探讨两者之间入侵前后的相互机制,通过化学生态学的方法对椰心叶甲-寄主-天敌(或其他害虫)三级关系加以理解。[方法] 采用自动热脱附仪-气相色谱仪-质谱仪(TD-GC-MS)技术测定椰树健康心叶和受害心叶中挥发性物质。[结果] 椰心叶甲取食诱导椰子心叶挥发物发生明显变化,挥发物烃类化合物及其衍生物变种类有不同程度增加,其中环烃和无环烃变化最明显,椰心叶甲取食明显提高寄主植物心叶挥发物中的1,2,4-Metheno-1H-indene,octahydro-1,7a-dimethyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-,[1S-(1a,2a,3aβ,4a,5a,7aβ,8S*)]-、Copaene、Caryophyllene、Muurolene含量,降低寄主植物心叶挥发物中的Heptadecane,2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-含量。[结论] 椰心叶甲危害寄主后,寄主产生挥发物变化可能导致对椰心叶甲天敌的吸引力减弱,也可能吸引其他害虫,如椰子织蛾,从而造成互利入侵。  相似文献   

We conducted field studies to investigate the involvement of volatile cues in early-season host plant colonization by striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Wind-directed traps were baited with male or female A. vittatum, potted cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings that were of near-isogenic lines which either contained or lacked cucurbitacin, or combinations of male or female A. vittatum feeding on one or the other cucumber variety. We found no response to undamaged plants of either cucumber variety or plants that were actively being fed upon by A. vittatum females, whereas the response to volatiles associated with male A. vittatum was strong. Both male and female conspecifics and totals of up to sevenfold the number of males in the trap lures were caught overnight. Feeding males attracted more than double the number of conspecifics that responded to nonfeeding males. Active consumption of cucurbitacin in the plant on which the males were feeding, however, had no effect on attraction. A shift in sex ratio from a male to a female bias during field colonization season also supports the hypothesis that host finding is initiated by pioneer males. The importance of this aggregation pheromone in early-season host plant colonization and the evolutionary and adaptive significance of this pheromone are discussed.  相似文献   

马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)是马铃薯上一种最主要的毁灭性害虫。由于其严重的抗药性, 急需寻找一种替代杀虫剂的防治方法。本实验从开发马铃薯甲虫引诱剂的目的出发,用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定了马铃薯甲虫对来自植物的7种挥发物单体、8个挥发物混合物配方以及马铃薯甲虫聚集素的行为反应,并进一步进行了田间诱集试验。室内生测结果表明,2-苯乙醇对马铃薯甲虫雌雄虫都有明显的引诱作用。芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯的混合物对马铃薯甲虫雄虫有很强的引诱作用(81.67%), 但是对雌虫引诱作用不明显(63.33%)。在其中加入马铃薯甲虫聚集素不但提高了对雄虫的引诱率(88.33%),还消除了之前的雌雄性别间反应差异现象,使对雌虫的引诱率达到了83.33%。田间诱集结果显示,芳樟醇+水杨酸甲酯+顺乙酸-3-己烯酯+马铃薯甲虫聚集素在所研究的引诱剂配方中引诱效果最好。从而为马铃薯甲虫发生的预测预报和诱杀技术提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

The Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) is a highly speciose family that has been poorly studied at the regional level in Mexico. In the present study, we estimated species richness and diversity in oak-pine forest, Tamaulipan thorny scrub and in tropical deciduous forests in Peregrina Canyon within the Altas Cumbres Protected Area of the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Sampling of Chrysomelidae consisted of five sweep net samples (200 net sweeps) within each of three sites during four sample periods: early dry season, late dry season, early wet season, and late wet season. Species were identified and total numbers per species were recorded for each sample. A total of 2,226 specimens were collected belonging to six subfamilies, 81 genera and 157 species of Chrysomelidae from the study area. Galerucinae was the most abundant subfamily with 1,828 specimens, representing 82.1% of total abundance in the study area. Lower abundance was recorded in Cassidinae (8.5%), Eumolpinae (3.6%), Cryptocephalinae (2.2%), Chrysomelinae (2.2%), and finally Criocerinae (1.3%). The highest species richness was also presented in the subfamily Galerucinae with 49% of the total obtained species followed by Cassidinae (20%), Cryptocephalinae (9.7%), Eumolpinae (9.7%), Chrysomelinae (6.5%) and Criocerinae (5.2%). The most common species were Centralaphthona fulvipennis Jacoby (412 individuals), Centralaphthona diversa (Baly) (248), Margaridisa sp.1 (219), Acallepitrix sp.1 (134), Longitarsus sp.1 (104), Heterispa vinula (Erichson) (91), Epitrix sp.1 (84) and Chaetocnema sp.1 (72). Twenty-two species were doubletons (1.97% of total abundance) and 52 were singletons (2.33%). The estimated overall density value obtained was 0.0037 individuals/m2. The greatest abundance and density of individuals were recorded at the lowest elevation site. However, alpha diversity increased with increasing altitude. Similarity values were less than 50% among the three sites indicating that each site had distinct species assemblages of Chrysomelidae. The highest abundance was obtained during the late dry season, whereas diversity indices were highest during the early wet season. The present work represents the first report of the altitudinal variation in richness, abundance, and diversity of Chrysomelidae in Mexico. These results highlight the importance of conservation of this heterogeneous habitat and establish baseline data for Chrysomelidae richness and diversity for the region.  相似文献   

In this study we present an ecological pattern of elevation and temporal variations found in the Chrysomelidae in one of the highest mountains in southeastern Brazil. Monthly surveys using an entomological sweep-net were conducted between April 2011 and June 2012, at five different elevations (800 m, 1000 m, 1750 m, 2200 m and 2450 m). A total of 2318 individuals were collected, belonging to 91 species. The elevation and temporal patterns of distribution of Chrysomelidae were heavily dominated by the Galerucinae. This subfamily had the highest richness and abundance at intermediate altitudes and during the rainy season. Probably the food availability as well as abiotic factors this time of the year favor the development of Galerucinae. Also, most of the more abundant Galerucinae species showed broad elevation ranges but approximately 20% of these species were only collected on the mountaintop sites. We would expect these species to be ones most prone to extinction in a scenario of climate warming or even after local disturbances.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative importance of olfaction versus vision in the mate-finding behavior of Agrilus planipennis. When coupled in male–female, male–male and female–female pairs, attempts to mate occurred only in the male–female pairs, suggesting that beetles can identify the opposite sex before attempting to mate. In a set of sensory deprivation experiments with male–female pairs, we evaluated whether males could find females when deprived of their sense of olfaction, vision or both. Males whose antennae were blocked with model paint took significantly longer to find females and spent less time in copula compared to untreated males. Males whose eyes were similarly blocked did not differ in their mate finding capacity compared to untreated males. In a third experiment that compared both olfaction and vision, olfactorily impaired beetles never mated whereas the mate finding potential of visually impaired beetles did not differ from that of untreated beetles. Our results indicate that males can identify females before coming into physical contact with them, and that at short range (≤5 cm), volatile cues detected by olfaction are involved in mate finding by A. planipennis.  相似文献   

Abstract The Tasmanian eucalyptus leaf beetle, Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Olivier) (Chrysomelidae: Paropsini), deposits batches of eggs on the leaf surfaces of its Eucalyptus hosts. Using a primary host of the beetle, Eucalyptus regnans , the aim of the present study was to examine whether oviposition site discrimination was occurring at the level of the individual leaf and what, if any, chemical attributes were involved in site selection. From field surveys, it was found that 55−65% of egg batches were laid in the leaf-tip zone, despite this zone representing only 5.6% of the total leaf-surface area. Chemical analyses of expanding leaves showed that the concentrations of three essential oil components and three surface waxes varied significantly between the leaf tip and remainder of the leaf. However, on plastic mimic leaves with uniform, non-foliar chemistry, eggs were still preferentially laid near 'leaf' tips. Hence, leaf essential oils and surface waxes need not be involved in oviposition site choice. Observations of ovipositing beetles showed that they wrapped their tarsi around the leaf margin, suggesting that the ability to grasp the edges of a leaf may explain the oviposition pattern observed.  相似文献   

Abstract The first instances of egg parasitism of Chrysophtharta agricola , a pest of eucalypt plantations, are recorded. Enoggera nassaui was found parasitising C. agricola egg batches in Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales and Victoria: this is the first record of this parasitoid species from Victoria. One instance of Neopolycystus sp. parasitising C. agricola eggs in Victoria was also recorded. Parasitism of egg batches by E. nassaui ranged from 0 to 55% between five geographical populations collected in mainland Australia ( n  = 45), and from 0 to 2% between two populations collected in Tasmania ( n  = 300). For mainland sites at which parasitism was recorded, parasitism rates within sites differed significantly from either population in Tasmania. Reciprocal exposure experiments using one Tasmanian (Florentine Valley) and one parasitised mainland (Picadilly Circus, ACT) population were conducted in the laboratory to examine whether these different parasitism rates were attributable to egg or parasitoid origin. Parasitoids from the ACT parasitised C. agricola eggs of both origins more successfully than parasitoids from Tasmania, with up to 65% wasp emergence compared with 33% from Tasmania. Parasitoid origin significantly affected the number of wasps that emerged from exposed batches, but not the total loss from parasitism.  相似文献   

Abstract Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from unmated, laboratory-reared male and female Helicover pa armigera (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) adults to two sex pheromone components and a range of plant volatile components, some of which are known volatiles from leaves and fruits. The female-produced sex pheromone was not detected by other female moths. The sex pheromone components to which male moths responded previously show to possess biological activity. As for plant volatile components, a large degree of EAG response uniformity between male and female moth was observed. The greatest EAG responses of all plant volatiles tested were elicited by monoenic C-6 alcohol and aldehyde. They are constituents of the “general green-leaf odor” that emanates from most plants. The potential adaptive benefit of selective perception to sex pheromone and green-leaf volatile components is discussed.  相似文献   

本文用EAG技术研究棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味物质的嗅觉反应。供试的气味物质有棉铃虫性外激素的二种主要组分和36种与棉铃虫寄主植物有关的植物气味物质。试验结果表明:1)只有棉铃虫雄蛾对性外激素组分产生反应,二种性外激素的组分中,Z-11-16:AL能引起较强的EAG反应。2)对植物气味物质,雌雄棉铃虫之间的嗅觉反应没有明显的差异。棉铃虫对性外激素和植物气味组分的嗅觉感受过程是一个有选择性的感受过程:不同种类的气味物质能引起不同的EAG反应。只有棉铃虫雄蛾才对性外激素组分起反应,在二种性外激素组分中:主要组分:Z-11-16:AL引起的EAG反应最高,高于大多数植物气味物质。次要组分Z-9-16:AL引起的EAG反应很弱。雌、雄棉铃虫对植物气味组分的嗅觉反应的选择性表现出一致的规律:对苯甲醛和绿叶气味物质的反应最高。单萜类中的萜烯衍生物(萜类醇、醛、酯等)的触角电位反应次之。棉铃虫对大多数的供试化合物的EAG反应都很小。最后,作者讨论了性外激素和植物气味物质对棉铃虫行为的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Host plant finding in walking herbivorous beetles is still poorly understood. Analysis of small-scale movement patterns under semi-natural conditions can be a useful tool to detect behavioural responses towards host plant cues.
2. In this study, the small-scale movement behaviour of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was studied in a semi-natural arena ( r = 1 m). In three different settings, a host ( Salvia pratensis L., Lamiales: Lamiaceae), a non-host ( Rumex conglomeratus Murr., Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae), or no plant was presented in the centre of the arena.
3. The beetles showed no differences in the absolute movement variables, straightness and mean walking speed, between the three settings. However, the relative movement variables, mean distance to the centre and mean angular deviation from walking straight to the centre, were significantly smaller when a host plant was offered. Likewise, the angular deviation from walking straight to the centre tended to decline with decreasing distance from the centre. Finally, significantly more beetles were found on the host than on the non-host at the end of all the trials.
4. It is concluded that C. canaliculata is able to recognise its host plant from a distance. Whether olfactory or visual cues (or a combination of both) are used to find the host plant remains to be elucidated by further studies.  相似文献   

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