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亚硒酸钠对肝细胞L-02端粒酶活性和端粒长度的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过研究硒对端粒酶活性和端粒长度的作用 ,探讨硒抗衰老的生物学机制。实验以人肝细胞株L 0 2为研究对象 ,分别补充 0 .5和 2 .5 μmol L亚硒酸钠 ,采用端粒重复序列扩增 焦磷酸根酶联发光法、逆转录聚合酶链式反应法及流式荧光原位杂交法 ,分别检测细胞的端粒酶活性、人端粒酶逆转录酶催化亚基基因 (hTERT)的表达及端粒长度的变化。结果表明 :常规培养的肝细胞株L 0 2的端粒酶活性和hTERT基因表达水平均较低。补充 0 .5和2 .5 μmol L亚硒酸钠三周后细胞生长状况良好、端粒酶活性和hTERT基因表达水平显著性增高 ,且呈一定的剂量 效应关系。细胞补充亚硒酸钠四周后端粒长度显著增长。说明营养浓度的亚硒酸钠可通过提高端粒酶活性和增长端粒长度来减缓L 0 2肝细胞衰老、延长细胞寿命。  相似文献   

正常人体细胞DNA的端粒随着细胞分裂而缩短,当缩短至一定长度时细胞将停止增殖并衰老死亡。细胞中的端粒酶对端粒起着补足长度的作用。但端粒酶在正常体细胞中不表达,只在生殖细胞、干细胞和肿瘤细胞中表达。最近已有将人端粒酶亚单位基因导入正常人体细胞而使细胞寿命延长的报道。本研究将人端粒酶催化亚基(hTERT)基因用电穿孔法转入正常人体成纤维细胞,筛选出阳性克隆后传代培养,确认外源性端粒酶基因表达和端粒酶活性的重建,证实细胞衰老延缓;同时,通过DNA整倍性和染色体核型分析,明确这些寿命延长的细胞并未发生恶性转化。目的在于通过在具有成骨潜能的成纤维细胞中重建端粒酶活性来延长它们作为骨修复种子细胞的寿命,并且对它们进一步用于临床的安全性进行考察。  相似文献   

端粒是染色体上的一种重要结构,对维持染色体的稳定性起重要作用。核移植后,端粒长度和端粒酶活性的变化是重要的核重编程事件。不同种类的动物和供体细胞核移植后,在端粒长度的变化上存在一些差异,反映了重编程程度的不同。核移植后,在克隆囊胚中存在高水平的端粒酶活性,克隆动物的端粒长度延长,可能是由于克隆过程中端粒酶基因的重编程的缘故。  相似文献   

端粒长度及变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
端粒是位于染色体末段的一种特殊结构,具有维持染色体稳定的功能。不同的细胞,同一细胞的不同染色体具有不同的端粒长度;端粒长度是由基因控制的,并受到各种外界因素的影响;端粒长度随细胞的增殖与分化而缩短或者延长,细胞内在的端粒长度调控机制控制着端粒长度在一定的范围内变化。本文还分析了在端粒长度研究方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

端粒的生物学功能主要是保护染色体末端,避免核酸酶对染色体末端的降解,防止染色体之间发生融合和重排。大多数人类肿瘤细胞通常通过端粒酶活性的重新激活来延长端粒,从而稳定染色体端粒DNA的长度。端粒酶是由端粒酶逆转录酶和端粒酶RNA模板组成的具有特殊逆转录活性的核糖核蛋白复合物。抑制端粒酶阳性细胞中的端粒酶活性会导致细胞凋亡或衰老。目前有多种以端粒和端粒酶为靶点来进行肿瘤治疗的策略。  相似文献   

端粒及端粒酶的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
端粒是染色体末端独特的蛋白质-DNA结构,在保护染色体的完整性和维持细胞的复制能力方面起着重要的作用.端粒酶则是由RNA和蛋白质亚基组成的、能够延长端粒的一种特殊反转录酶.端粒长度和端粒酶活性的变化与细胞衰老和癌变密切相关.端粒结合蛋白可能通过调节端粒酶的活性来调节端粒长度,进而控制细胞的衰老、永生化和癌变.研制端粒酶的专一性抑制剂在肿瘤治疗方面有着广阔的前景.  相似文献   

目的:构建重组抗HER2 ScFv/tBid载体并观察其对胃癌SGC7901细胞的促凋亡作用。 方法: 将重组抗HER2 ScFv/tBid基因克隆入真核表达载体pCMV中,转染SGC7901细胞,用RT-PCR方法检测目的基因在mRNA水平的表达,间接免疫荧光法检测目的蛋白表达和细胞形态学变化,通过细胞计数检测转染目的基因后对细胞生长的影响,通过检测细胞周期来观察其促凋亡作用。 结果:转染SGC7901细胞后,检测出目的蛋白的表达。细胞计数发现细胞的增殖被明显抑制。细胞周期分析有明显的凋亡峰出现,说明重组抗HER2 ScFv/tBid表达后有促凋亡作用。 结论: 重组抗HER2 ScFv/tBid基因可以在转染的SGC7901细胞中表达,并且可抑制转染细胞的生长,诱导细胞发生凋亡。  相似文献   

端粒与端粒酶研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
细胞分裂中染色体因其末端(端粒)的DNA不能完全复制而短缩,使细胞逐渐失去增殖能力而衰老.端粒酶可延长染色体末端DNA,端粒酶的活化使细胞无限增殖.85%左右的恶性肿瘤端粒酶表达阳性,生殖细胞和无限繁殖的细胞系中端粒酶表达也呈阳性.文章综述了端粒的构成和功能、端粒酶在端粒合成中的作用,介绍了端粒酶活性的测定方法、细胞恶变与端粒酶激活的关系,并论及通过抑制端粒酶活性来治疗癌症的可能性.  相似文献   

Age-associated telomere shortening is a well documented feature of peripheral blood cells in human population studies, but it is not known to what extent these data can be transferred to the individual level. Telomere length (TL) in two blood samples taken at ~10 years interval from 959 individuals was investigated using real-time PCR. TL was also measured in 13 families from a multigenerational cohort. As expected, we found an age-related decline in TL over time (r=–0.164, P<0.001, n=959). However, approximately one-third of the individuals exhibited a stable or increased TL over a decade. The individual telomere attrition rate was inversely correlated with initial TL at a highly significant level (r=–0.752, P<0.001), indicating that the attrition rate was most pronounced in individuals with long telomeres at baseline. In accordance, the age-associated telomere attrition rate was more prominent in families with members displaying longer telomeres at a young age (r=–0.691, P<0.001). Abnormal blood TL has been reported at diagnosis of various malignancies, but in the present study there was no association between individual telomere attrition rate or prediagnostic TL and later tumor development. The collected data strongly suggest a TL maintenance mechanism acting in vivo, providing protection of short telomeres as previously demonstrated in vitro. Our findings might challenge the hypothesis that individual TL can predict possible life span or later tumor development.  相似文献   

Limitless reproductive potential is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells. This ability is due to the maintenance of telomeres, erosion of which causes cellular senescence or death. While most cancer cells activate telomerase, a telomere-elongating enzyme, it remains elusive as to why cancer cells often maintain shorter telomeres than the cells in the surrounding normal tissues. Here, we show that forced telomere elongation in cancer cells promotes their differentiation in vivo. We elongated the telomeres of human prostate cancer cells that possess short telomeres by enhancing their telomerase activity. The resulting cells had long telomeres and retained the ability to form tumors in nude mice. Strikingly, these tumors exhibited many duct-like structures and reduced N-cadherin expression, reminiscent of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. These changes were caused by telomere elongation and not by enhanced telomerase activity. Gene expression profiling revealed that tumor formation was accompanied by the expression of innate immune system-related genes, which have been implicated in maintaining tumor cells in an undifferentiated state and poor-prognosis cancers. In tumors derived from the telomere-elongated cells, upregulation of such gene sets is not observed. Our observations suggest a functional contribution of short telomeres to tumor malignancy by regulation of cancer cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Telomere dysfunction results in fertility defects in a number of organisms. Although data from fission yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that telomere dysfunction manifests itself primarily as defects in proper meiotic chromosome segregation, it is unclear how mammalian telomere dysfunction results in germ cell death. To investigate the specific effects of telomere dysfunction on mammalian germ cell development, we examined the meiotic progression and germ cell apoptosis in late generation telomerase null mice. Our results indicate that chromosome asynapsis and missegregation are not the cause of infertility in mice with shortened telomeres. Rather, telomere dysfunction is recognized at the onset of meiosis, and cells with telomeric defects are removed from the germ cell precursor pool. This germ cell telomere surveillance may be an important mechanism to protect against the transmission of dysfunctional telomeres and chromosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

在酿酒酵母中Cdc13是端粒复制调控机制中的重要分子,其主要作用是募集端粒酶复合体形成端粒末端保护,为细胞周期顺利进行做准备;此过程是Cdc13与正、负调控因子相互作用协调完成的。Cdc13突变会引起端粒不稳定、细胞凋亡及衰老,对Cdc13及在人类中存在的同源蛋白质的基础研究,为肿瘤治疗开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

Telomeres have unique properties that distinguish natural chromosomal ends from accidental DNA double-strand interruptions arising elsewhere in the genome. However, the slightest perturbation in their unique organization may obliterate this distinction, channelling chromosomal ends into unwarranted repair events, eventually causing genome instability. Recent results revealed that the processing of both dysfunctional telomeres and accidental DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by DNA repair activities is tightly regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner by the S phase-promoting cell cycle kinase CDK1 (Clb-Cdc28p). Surprisingly, the cell cycle determinants and the timing of processing at unprotected telomeres closely match the requirements of other transactions that occur at telomeres. In particular, the replenishment of telomeric repeats by telomerase is tightly linked to cell cycle progression and occurs in the same interval. Furthermore, cell survival in the absence of essential telomeric proteins being dependent on telomere-telomere recombination mechanisms may require a similar regulation. Thus, a temporally limited state of telomere dysfunction leading to chromosome end processing may represent a well-governed cell cycle event that constitutes an integral part of the assembly of a new functional telomere.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the progressive shortening of telomeres in somatic cells eventually results in senescence. Previous experiments have demonstrated that many immortal cell lines have acquired telomerase activity leading to stabilization of telomere length. Telomere dynamics and telomerase activity were examined in the telomerase-positive immortal cell lines HeLa and 293 and subclones derived from them. A mass culture of HeLa cells had a stable mean telomere length over 60 population doublings (PD)in vitro.Subclones of this culture, however, had a range of mean telomere lengths indicating that telomeric heterogeneity exists within a population with a stable mean telomere length. Some of the subclones lacked detectable telomerase activity soon after isolation but regained it by PD 18, suggesting that at least some of the variation in telomere length can be attributed to variations in telomerase activity levels. 293 subclones also varied in telomere length and telomerase activity. Some telomerase-positive 293 subclones contained long telomeres that gradually shortened, demonstrating that factors other than telomerase also act to modulate telomere length. Fluctuations in telomere length in telomerase-positive immortalized cells may contribute to chromosomal instability and clonal evolution.  相似文献   

目的:研究去甲基化药物5-氮杂胞嘧啶核苷(5-Azacytidine,5-Aza-C)对鼻咽癌细胞端粒长度及细胞生长增殖的影响。方法: 常规培养鼻咽癌CNE,CNE1,CNE2 及5-8F细胞系,5-Aza-C 处理鼻咽癌细胞后,甲基化测序聚合酶链反应(MSP)法检测亚端粒 区D4Z4 甲基化,端粒限制性片断检测端粒长度,CCK-8 检测细胞增殖。结果:2.5 uM浓度的5-Aza-C处理后,亚端粒区D4Z4 序 列的甲基化水平明显下降,约在15-20%之间,与处理前的甲基化水平(35-48%)有明显差异,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。在1 uM和2.5 uM浓度的5-Aza-C 处理后,四种细胞的端粒长度明显缩短,长度在2-4.5kb 之间,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。5uM 的5-Aza-C处理72 h 后,CNE,CNE1,CNE2 和5-8F 的生存率分别为51.27%,50.46%,48.85%,48.83%,10 uM 的5-azaC 处理72 h 后,CNE,CNE1,CNE2 和5-8F的生存率分别为31.64%,32.34%,30.01%,32.10%,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结 论:5-Aza-C 能缩短端粒长度,抑制鼻咽癌细胞生长增殖活性。  相似文献   

端锚聚合酶(Tankyrase)和端粒   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑晓飞  吕星 《生命的化学》2000,20(6):241-242
端粒是真核细胞染色体末端的一个特殊结构 ,由一段具有特定重复序列的DNA和端粒结合蛋白组成 ,是维持染色体结构稳定的重要因素。端粒DNA的复制不是由DNA聚合酶完成的 ,而是由端粒酶 (telomerase)催化合成后添加到染色体的末端。正常细胞随着细胞分裂活动的进行 ,端粒DNA逐渐缩短 ,当缩短到一定程度时 ,染色体结构被破坏 ,细胞进入衰老期并以死亡而告终。但当细胞发生癌变时 ,由于端粒酶的重新激活 ,这种端粒DNA随分裂活动发生渐进性缩短的趋势受到阻遏 ,使正常细胞转化成具有无限分裂能力的永生化恶性细胞。研究…  相似文献   

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