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黏着斑激酶(FAK)和整合素偶联激酶(ILK)是整合素信号途径中的重要信号转导分子,为阐明两者在血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)黏附和迁移中的作用,以骨桥蛋白(OPN)作为VSMC黏附和迁移的诱导剂,检测其对FAK和ILK磷酸化以及对两者之间结合的影响.在此基础上,用FAK磷酸化特异性抑制剂黏着斑相关非激酶(FRNK)或ILK反义RNA分别阻断FAK磷酸化或ILK表达,进一步探讨两者在VSMC黏附和迁移中所起的作用.结果显示,OPN诱导可促进FAK磷酸化,诱导10 min后FAK磷酸化水平升高到对照组的2.4倍;与此同时,ILK的磷酸化受到抑制,30 min降至对照细胞的44.6%.OPN诱导FAK磷酸化的同时使FAK与ILK的结合减少.外源性FRNK在VSMC中的过表达显著降低FAK的磷酸化水平,促进ILK磷酸化和FAK与ILK之间的结合,抑制VSMC的黏附和迁移.用ILK反义RNA抑制ILK表达使VSMC在OPN上的黏附增加1.8倍,迁移细胞数降低45.5%.结果提示,FAK和ILK介导OPN诱导的VSMC黏附和迁移过程,两者通过对同一刺激信号产生不同的磷酸化变化而对VSMC的黏附和迁移产生不同的影响.  相似文献   

为探讨可溶性(趋化作用)或锚定(趋触作用)形式的骨桥蛋白(OPN)与整合素相互作用对下游信号分子黏着斑激酶(FAK)和整合素偶联激酶(ILK)磷酸化修饰的影响,分别用包被于培养瓶上锚定型或加在培养液中的可溶性OPN刺激血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)后,观察FAK和ILK的磷酸化及FAK与ILK相互作用的变化。结果显示,包被于培养瓶上的OPN通过趋触作用促进VSMC黏附和伸展,接种45min时,黏附细胞数达对照组的2.4倍(P<0.05);OPN的趋触及趋化作用均可诱导FAK磷酸化、ILK去磷酸化并抑制FAK与ILK结合;转染可表达整合素β3亚单位胞内区的表达质粒pEGFP-C3-β3CD能阻断OPN与整合素相互作用所引发的FAK磷酸化及ILK去磷酸化。研究结果表明,OPN的趋触和趋化作用对整合素下游信号分子FAK和ILK的影响是一致的,且这些作用是由整合素β3亚单位胞内区所介导的。  相似文献   

为阐明整合素 β3 粘着斑激酶 (FAK)信号途径在骨桥蛋白 (OPN)诱导血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)迁移中的作用 ,用FAK磷酸化特异性抑制剂粘着斑相关非激酶 (FRNK)选择性阻断FAK磷酸化 ,观察对OPN 整合素 β3 相互作用所激活的FAK信号通路的影响及其与OPN诱导VSMC迁移之间的关系 .外源性FRNK在VSMC中的过表达可显著抑制OPN诱导的VSMC迁移 ,使跨膜迁移细胞数下降 5 0 5 8% (P <0 0 5 ) .OPN刺激不但明显诱导FAK表达 ,而且还促进其磷酸化 .外源性FRNK对OPN诱导的FAK磷酸化具有显著抑制作用 ,使磷酸化型FAK水平比相应对照细胞下降5 9 1% ,但其对FAK表达不产生明显的影响 .FRNK还具有下调整合素 β3 表达的作用 ,免疫荧光细胞化学分析结果显示 ,在转染FRNK的VSMC中 ,粘着斑蛋白的磷酸化水平降低 ,粘着斑数量明显减少 .结果提示 ,整合素 β3 FAK是介导VSMC迁移的重要信号途径 ,外源性FRNK通过下调 β3 表达、抑制FAK磷酸化和减少粘着斑蛋白磷酸化及粘着斑形成等机制 ,减弱OPN刺激信号的跨膜转导及沿胞内途径传递 ,发挥抑制OPN促VSMC迁移的效应 .  相似文献   

骨桥蛋白13肽抑制球囊内皮剥脱术后血管狭窄的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lu J  Han M  Wen JK  Li JJ 《中国应用生理学杂志》2007,23(4):495-499,I0014
目的:利用含有骨桥蛋白(OPN)多种功能位点的13肽(Gly^158-Lys^170),从细胞和整体水平观察其对VSMC和单核巨噬细胞黏附、浸润以及内膜增生的影响,并初步探讨其作用机制。方法:用不同浓度OPN13肽(0,100,200,300mg/L)检测其对体外培养的平滑肌细胞(VSMc)与OPN黏附的抑制作用;以不合黏附序列的6肽分子为对照组,用以确定13肽抑制黏附特异性。用球囊内皮剥脱法建立大鼠内膜增生模型。实验动物分为4组:治疗组大鼠自术前1h及术后静脉滴注13肽,连续给药7d;对照组大鼠给予非特异性对照6肽分子;模型组大鼠给予相同剂量的生理盐水;正常对照组大鼠施假手术。并利用免疫组织化学染色和Western印迹分析方法,检测血管壁中OPN、FAK、ILK的表达变化。结果:OPN13肽能特异性的及浓度依赖性的抑制VSMC与OPN的相互作用,血管内膜剥脱后给予13肽治疗组血管壁单核/巨噬细胞浸润减少,OPN及其下游信号分子ILK,FAK表达下调,内膜增生被明显抑制。结论:含有OPN多功能位点的13肽可通过阻断OPN与膜受体的相互作用而抑制血管炎症的进展和内膜增生。  相似文献   

为阐明整合素β3亚单位胞内区及其不同保守序列在骨桥蛋白(OPN)诱导血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)黏附和迁移中所起的作用, 构建了整合素β3亚单位胞内区肽段真核表达载体(p-EGFP-C3-β3CD), 并人工合成了含有β3亚单位胞内区不同保守序列(NXXY)的寡肽(肽-747和肽-759), 通过导入VSMC, 观察它们对OPN诱导VSMC黏附和迁移的影响.结果显示, 整合素β3胞内区在VSMC中强制性表达可使细胞在OPN上的黏附和迁移明显下降(分别为对照组的34.3%和31.7%),导入肽-747、肽-759和肽-747+肽-759均可显著抑制VSMC的黏附和迁移, 其中肽-747+肽-759的作用更强(分别为对照组的36.4%和31.1%). 免疫荧光结果显示, 在转染p-EGFP-C3-β3-CD或肽-747+肽-759的VSMC中, 黏着斑蛋白的磷酸化水平降低, 黏着斑形成明显减少.研究结果表明, 整合素β3亚单位胞内区及其NXXY保守序列在黏着斑相关蛋白募集、黏着斑形成及VSMC黏附和迁移方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

焦点粘着激酶的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦点粘着激酶是依赖于整合素的细胞信号转导通路的基础性信号传递分子.通过磷酸化酪氨酸位点和富脯氨酸序列,活化的焦点粘着激酶与细胞骨架蛋白、Src族激酶、磷酸肌醇-3激酶、Graf以及多种衔接子蛋白相互作用,调节细胞的粘附、迁移、增殖和分化.  相似文献   

黏着斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase,FAK)是一种非受体型蛋白酪氨酸激酶,在肿瘤细胞的侵袭和转移中起着重要的作用。FAK是整合素介导的或生长因子受体诱导的调节细胞迁移的信号通路的关键组分。FAK通过与相关分子作用可以调节细胞骨架重构、胞外基质降解、细胞黏附更新以及质膜突出,进而参与肿瘤细胞的运动等多个过程,所以FAK与肿瘤发展的关系已经越来越受到重视。  相似文献   

粘着斑激酶(focal adhesion kinase,FAK)是一种非受体酪氨酸激酶,最初是在转染v-Src的鸡胚成纤维细胞中被发现.近年研究证实,AK介导细胞外信号由整合素受体向细胞内转导的过程.FAK的磷酸化激活以及由此产生的下游一系列蛋白质的磷酸化,是细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)与细胞相互作用并产生一系列生物学效应的关键环节,参与细胞增殖、迁移与凋亡的调节过程.已经发现,AK与肿瘤的生长、浸润和转移密切相关.然而,在以血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle ell,SMC)增生为主要特征的血管再狭窄发生过程中,AK是否参与、介导了VSMC的迁移与增殖目前尚未见报道.本文就此进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

目的研究上皮生长因子受体和FAK的相互作用以及对下游信号的影响。方法建立聚集粘连激酶(FAK)缺失突变和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)融合基因del1-693FAK-GFP、del1-100FAK-GFP和FAK-GFP稳定表达细胞系。结果同野生型FAK-GFP相比,N-端1-100氨基酸残基的缺失突变体,缺失1-693氨基酸残基的突变体结合在黏附点的能力被完全抑制。应用等电聚焦和SDS-PAGE双向电泳证明,EGF和纤维连接蛋白诱导FAK磷酸化的位点不同,进一步证实del1-693FAK-GFP、del1-100FAK-GFP,抑制MAPK的磷酸化,增强Akt的磷酸化;而FAK-GFP增强MAPK磷酸化,抑制Akt磷酸化。结论FAK通过和EGFR的相互作用调节MAPK和Akt之间的相对平衡。  相似文献   

旋覆花素抑制血管内皮剥脱诱导的粘附分子表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察旋覆花素对内皮剥脱诱导的新生内膜形成过程中血管壁粘附分子OPN、ICAM-1、ILK表达的影响,为寻找该药物抑制新生内膜形成的作用靶标提供实验依据。方法采用主动脉球囊损伤后血管狭窄动物模型,用免疫组织化学和Western Blot方法分别检测血管壁中骨桥蛋白(osteopontin,OPN)、细胞间粘附分子-1(intercellular adhesion molecule-1,ICAM-1)、整合素偶联激酶(integrin-linked kinase,ILK)的表达变化及旋覆花素对其的影响。结果血管内皮剥脱可诱导血管壁平滑肌细胞大量增生,新生内膜呈弥漫性增厚,血管损伤局部组织中OPN、ICAM-1、ILK的表达均比正常对照组明显升高(P<0.05)。旋覆花素治疗组在球囊损伤后,血管内膜增生程度显著减轻,血管壁OPN、ICAM-1、ILK的表达均比模型组明显降低(P<0.05)。结论旋覆花素减缓新生内膜形成的效应与其抑制粘附分子的表达、阻断粘附分子信号传递有关。  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and integrin-linked kinase (ILK) are both involved in integrin-mediated cell migration. However, the molecular mechanism, and the relationship between FAK and ILK activity in signaling transduction for the osteopontin (OPN)-induced migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) remain unclear. Here, we show that treating VSMCs with OPN could result in the dissociation of FAK with ILK by inducing phosphorylation of the former and dephosphorylation of the latter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FAK phosphorylation induced by OPN is coupled with ILK dephosphorylation. We also provide evidence that ILK acts downstream of FAK in the signaling pathways that mediate OPN-induced VSMC migration. These findings suggest that FAK phosphorylation and ILK dephosphorylation play important roles in VSMC migration induced by OPN.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium is subjected to repetitive deformation during normal gut function by peristalsis and villous motility. Such repetitive strain promotes intestinal epithelial migration across fibronectin in vitro, but signaling mediators for this are poorly understood. We hypothesized that integrin-linked kinase (ILK) mediates strain-stimulated migration in intestinal epithelial cells cultured on fibronectin. ILK kinase activity increased rapidly 5 min after strain induction in both Caco-2 and intestinal epithelial cell-6 (IEC-6) cells. Wound closure in response to strain was reduced in ILK small interfering RNA (siRNA)-transfected Caco-2 cell monolayers when compared with control siRNA-transfected Caco-2 cells. Pharmacological blockade of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) or Src or reducing Src by siRNA prevented strain activation of ILK. ILK coimmunoprecipitated with focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and this association was decreased by mutation of FAK Tyr925 but not FAK Tyr397. Strain induction of FAK Tyr925 phosphorylation but not FAK Tyr397 or FAK Tyr576 phosphorylation was blocked in ILK siRNA-transfected cells. ILK-Src association was stimulated by strain and was blocked by the Src inhibitor PP2. Finally, ILK reduction by siRNA inhibited strain-induced phosphorylation of myosin light chain and Akt. These results suggest a strain-dependent signaling pathway in which ILK association with FAK and Src mediates the subsequent downstream strain-induced motogenic response and suggest that ILK induction by repetitive deformation may contribute to recovery from mucosal injury and restoration of the mucosal barrier in patients with prolonged ileus. ILK may therefore be an important target for intervention to maintain the mucosa in such patients.  相似文献   

Our previous work indicates intestinal epithelial cell ERK activation by collagen IV, a major component of the intestinal epithelial basement membrane, requires focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and suggests FAK and ERK may have important roles in regulating intestinal epithelial cell migration. We therefore sought to identify FAK downstream targets regulating intestinal epithelial cell spreading, migration, and ERK activation on collagen IV and the integrins involved. Both dominant-negative Src and Src inhibitor PP2 strongly inhibited collagen IV ERK activation in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. Collagen IV stimulated Grb2 binding site FAK Y925 phosphorylation, which was inhibited by PP2 and required FAK Y397 autophosphorylation. Additionally, FAK Y925F expression blocked collagen IV ERK activation. alpha(1)beta(1)- Or alpha(2)beta(1)-integrin blockade with alpha(1)- or alpha(2)-integrin subunit antibodies indicated that either integrin can mediate adhesion, cell spreading, and FAK, Src, and ERK activation on collagen IV. Both dominant-negative Src and PP2 inhibited Caco-2 spreading on collagen IV. PP2 inhibited p130(Cas) tyrosine phosphorylation, but dominant-negative p130(Cas) did not inhibit cell spreading. PP2 inhibited Caco-2 migration on collagen IV much more strongly than the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD-98059, which completely inhibited collagen IV ERK activation. These results suggest a pathway for collagen IV ERK activation requiring Src phosphorylation of FAK Y925 not previously described for this matrix protein and suggest either alpha(1)beta(1)- or alpha(2)beta(1)-integrins can regulate Caco-2 spreading and ERK activation on collagen IV via Src. Additionally, these results suggest Src regulates Caco-2 migration on collagen IV primarily through ERK-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) plays a key role in the crosstalk of growth factor- and cell adhesion-mediated signaling pathway. In this study, we found that the quantitative change of phosphorylated FAK was bell-shaped time-dependently by EGF stimulation in immortalized human keratinocyte (HaCaT). EGF enhanced FAK phosphorylation and cell spreading in adhering HaCaT cells with low-phosphorylated FAK. On the other hand, spread HaCaT cells having high-phosphorylated FAK changed to round shapes with FAK dephosphorylation 15 min after EGF stimulation. Pharmacological agents, U0126 and PD98059 (mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) kinases (MEK) inhibitors), and AG1478 (an EGF receptor kinase inhibitor) blocked the cell rounding and FAK dephosphorylation. In addition, the EGFR-MAPK signaling pathway had an influence on cell migration by regulating FAK dephosphorylation of keratinocytes in response of EGF, since the MEK inhibitors and AG1478 suppressed EGF-induced cell migration. However, FAK phosphorylation and HaCaT cell spreading were inhibited only by the antagonist of EGF-EGFR binding but not by the MEK inhibitors and AG1478. Taken together, we suggest that EGF is antagonistically involved in both FAK phosphorylation and dephosphorylation with different mechanisms in a cell.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus-encoded chemokine receptor US28 induces arterial smooth muscle cell (SMC) migration; however, the underlying mechanisms involved in this process are unclear. We have previously shown that US28-mediated SMC migration occurs by a ligand-dependent process that is sensitive to protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We demonstrate here that US28 signals through the non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and that this activity is necessary for US28-mediated SMC migration. In the presence of RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), US28 stimulates the production of a FAK.Src kinase complex. Interestingly, Src co-immunoprecipitates with US28 in a ligand-dependent manner. This association occurs earlier than the formation of the FAK.Src kinase complex, suggesting that US28 activates Src before FAK. US28 binding to RANTES also promotes the formation of a Grb2.FAK complex, which is sensitive to treatment with the Src inhibitor PP2, further highlighting the critical role of Src in US28 activation of FAK. Human cytomegalovirus US28-mediated SMC migration is inhibited by treatment with PP2 and through the expression of either of two dominant negative inhibitors of FAK (F397Y and NH2-terminal amino acids 1-401). These findings demonstrate that activation of FAK and Src plays a critical role in US28-mediated signaling and SMC migration.  相似文献   

The involvement of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and integrin β1 (IN β1) in regulation of embryonic stem (ES) cell growth by high glucose is by no means clear cut. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of high glucose on Cav-1 and IN β1 expression in mouse ES cells and their signaling pathways to modulate proliferation. High glucose significantly increased Cav-1 and IN β1 expression. In addition, increased IN β1 expression was inhibited by Cav-1 small interfering RNA (siRNA). High glucose caused reactive oxygen species generation and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation. Inhibition of p38 MAPK blocked high glucose-induced Cav-1 and fibronectin (FN) expression. Moreover, phosphorylation of both Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) were increased by high glucose, which were inhibited by IN β1 antibody. In addition, high glucose increased the expression levels of PINCH1/2, integrin-linked kinase (ILK), and α-parvin [PIP] complex proteins, which were all inhibited by the FAK siRNA and Src specific inhibitor (PP2, 10(-7) M). High glucose also increased F-actin expression, which was inhibited by ILK, PINCH1/2, and α-parvin siRNAs. Finally, high glucose-induced increase of ES cell proliferation was inhibited by TRIO and F-actin binding protein (TRIOBP) siRNA. The results demonstrate that high glucose-induced Cav-1 and IN β1 activation can stimulate ES cell proliferation through the modification of focal adhesion signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Exposure of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (24 h serum-starved) during 3 min to 30% hyposmotic medium activated the tyrosine kinase receptor ErbB4 in the absence of its ligand. Hyposmolarity also activated the non-receptor tyrosine kinases, Src, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK)1/2, and the tyrosine kinase target phosphatidyl-inositol-3-kinase (PI3K). The hyposmotic-induced activation of these kinases required the prior phosphorylation of ErbB4 as shown by the effect of ErbB4 blockade with AG213 reducing by 85-95% the phosphorylation of FAK and ERK1/2, by 74% and 36% that of PI3K and Src, respectively. These results suggest a key role of ErbB4 as a signal integrator of events associated with hyposmolarity. PI3K seems to be an important connecting element in the signaling network evoked by the hyposmolarity/ErbB4 activation as: (i) the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K co-immunoprecipitates with ErbB4 and with FAK; (ii) PI3K blockade with wortmannin reduced the hyposmotic activation of FAK (90%) and ERK1/2 (84-91%). Inhibition of Src with PP2 reduced ErbB4 phosphorylation and inhibited the subsequent cytosolic kinase activation with the same potency as ErbB4 blockade. These results point to Src and ErbB4 and as early targets of the hyposmotic stimulus and osmosignaling. The functional significance for cell volume regulation of the ErbB4-Src-PI3K signaling cascade is indicated by the 48-66% decrease of the hyposmotic taurine efflux observed by inhibition of these kinases.  相似文献   

Environmental factors, including dietary fats, are implicated in colonic carcinogenesis. Dietary fats modulate secondary bile acids including deoxycholic acid (DCA) concentrations in the colon, which are thought to contribute to the nutritional-related component of colon cancer risk. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, that DCA differentially regulated the site-specific phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). DCA decreased adhesion of HCA-7 cells to the substratum and induced dephosphorylation of FAK at tyrosine-576/577 (Tyr-576/577) and Tyr-925. Tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr-397 remained unaffected by DCA stimulation. Interestingly, we found that c-Src was constitutively associated with FAK and DCA actually activated Src, despite no change in FAK-397 and an inhibition of FAK-576 phosphorylation. DCA concomitantly and significantly increased association of tyrosine phosphatase ShP2 with FAK. Incubation of immunoprecipitated FAK, in vitro, with glutathione-S-transferase-ShP2 fusion protein resulted in tyrosine dephosphorylation of FAK in a concentration-dependent manner. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides directed against ShP2 decreased ShP2 protein levels and attenuated DCA-induced FAK dephosphorylation. Inhibition of FAK by adenoviral-mediated overexpression of FAK-related nonkinase and gene silencing of Shp2 both abolished DCA's effect on cell adhesion, thus providing a possible mechanism for inside-out signaling by DCA in colon cancer cells. Our results suggest that DCA differentially regulates focal adhesion complexes and that tyrosine phosphatase ShP2 has a role in DCA signaling.  相似文献   

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