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森林脑炎病毒分子生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林脑炎(TBE)病毒是黄病毒科中的成员,象其它的黄病毒一样,基因组RNA含有单个开放阅读框架,在基因组的5′端编码病毒的结构蛋白,在3′端编码非结构蛋白,翻译成聚蛋白后,通过细胞和病毒编码的蛋白酶裂解产生单个的病毒蛋白,成熟的病毒是由两个相关的E和M膜蛋白脂质包膜所包围的立体对称的核衣壳组成。包膜E蛋白在病毒的感染周期中对细胞的识别和穿入细胞具有极其重要的功能,同时E蛋白诱导保护性的免疫反应,E蛋白内某一位点单个氨基酸的改变可引起病毒毒力的改变。因此,对TBE病毒分子生物学的研究有助于了解病毒与宿主细胞相互作用的机理,为病毒感染的异性诊断、疫苗的研制和抗病毒药物的设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了解分离自黑龙江省大兴安岭林区全沟硬蜱中的DXAL-5、12、13、16、18,21共6株森林脑炎(TBE)病毒E蛋白基因特征并确定病毒基因型,应用RT-PCR技术对6株病毒E蛋白基因进行体外扩增、克隆、测序.结果发现,6株病毒E蛋白基因的核苷酸序列长均为1 488 bp,推导的氨基酸序列长均为496 aa.与TBE参考毒株E蛋白基因进行比较,这6株病毒与远东亚型同源性最高,其次是西伯利亚亚型,与欧洲亚型同源性最差;在决定亚型特征的氨基酸位点多数属于TBE病毒远东亚型.E蛋白基因推导的氨基酸种系发生树分析表明,6株病毒均在远东亚型分枝内.因此就E蛋白基因而言,DXAL-5、12、13、16、18、21株均属于TBE病毒的远东亚型.新分离毒株与Senzhang株同源性较高,种系发生关系也比较接近,推测疫苗株对新分离毒株仍具有很好的保护作用.但是在E蛋白的A、B和C抗原决定区内,6株病毒均有不同程度的氨基酸改变,这些突变有可能影响E蛋白的功能.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒囊膜糖蛋白E0的RNA酶活性及其研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王宁  付烈振  张楚瑜   《微生物学通报》1998,25(6):354-355
猪瘟病毒(CSFV,Classicalswinefevervirus)属于黄病毒科瘟病毒属,同属的成员还有牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)和羊的边界病病毒(BDV)。猪瘟病毒是一种有囊膜的单股正链RNA病毒,基因组大小约12.3kb,含有一个大的ORF,此ORF编码一个大的多聚蛋白,经宿主和病毒编码蛋白酶的共同作用,在共同翻译中和/或翻译后,将此多聚蛋白加工成病毒的结构蛋白和非结构蛋白.猪瘟病毒基因组的5'端编码病毒结构蛋白,即衣壳蛋白(C)和三个囊膜糖蛋白(E0、E1、E2)。其中E0和E2能够刺激机体产生中和抗体,并使猪获得免疫力[1,2].意外发…  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒E7蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的早期基因E7编码一个具有生物活性的癌蛋白,E7蛋白与腺病毒EIA,SV40大于T抗原病毒癌蛋白有相似的结构与功能,本对有关E7蛋白结构与功能的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒基因组结构及功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus, HCV)是单股正链的RNA 病毒,全长为9.6 kb,包括1个大的开放阅读框(ORF)和两侧的5′,3′非编码区(UTRs).核糖体通过进入HCV 5′UTR 端的内部核糖体进入位点(IRES),将HCV基因组翻译成1个聚蛋白前体.前体聚蛋白被宿主和病毒的蛋白酶共同切割成为若干个具有独立功能的HCV蛋白,根据功能的不同分别命名为C、E1、E2、p7、NS2、NS3、NS4A、NS4B、NS5A 和NS5B,它们不但在HCV的生活史中发挥着重要的作用,也影响着宿主细胞的信号传导、凋亡及物质代谢等一系列生化过程.近年来,随着HCV体外细胞摸型的不断发展,其病毒分子生物学方面的研究取得了很大的进展.本文从基因组结构及其编码的蛋白功能等方面阐述了HCV病毒的研究进展,为致病机理的研究及抗HCV药物的开发和疫苗研制等提供理论基础.  相似文献   

吴初新  胡成钰 《生物学杂志》2013,30(2):64-67,83
E3L蛋白是痘苗病毒基因组所编码的一种非常重要的毒力蛋白。E3L结构高度保守,其N端为Z-DNA结合域(Zα),C端为双链RNA结合域(dsRBM),两者均为其致病性所必需。E3L具有抵御宿主细胞干扰素及其诱导蛋白的抗病毒作用,以及抑制细胞凋亡、抵抗RNA干扰等多方面的重要功能,这些策略有助于逃避宿主的抗病毒免疫。  相似文献   

T4病毒科由一类单股正链RNA病毒组成,分为松天蛾β样病毒属和松天蛾ω样病毒属。这2个属的病毒具有不同的基因组结构,β样病毒含单组分基因组,其结构蛋白由一亚基因组RNA表达; 而ω样病毒含双组分基因组,2个RNA分子分别编码复制酶蛋白和结构蛋白。在T4病毒基因组RNA 3′端有类似tRNA的二级结构。ω样病毒壳蛋白的氨基酸序列一致性高达66%~86%, 而β样病毒壳蛋白的氨基酸同源性则要低得多。在昆虫细胞中表达壳蛋白基因时都能形成病毒类似粒子。该文还介绍了T4病毒复制机理以及T4病毒与其他病毒的进化关系。  相似文献   

黄病毒属病毒是单股正链RNA病毒,病毒基因组编码至少三种结构蛋白(衣壳蛋白C、膜蛋白M和包膜蛋白E)和七种非结构蛋白。其中E蛋白是病毒的重要抗原成分,包含有中和抗原表位和型特异性抗原表位,决定了病毒的细胞嗜性和毒力,与病毒的吸附、穿入、致病等作用密切相关,并且具有血凝活性,能刺激机体产生中和抗体和血凝抑制抗体。研究E蛋白的结构与功能对于深入了解黄病毒致病机制和免疫应答特点,研发疫苗和特异性抗病毒药物均有重要的指导意义。为此,综述了近年来黄病毒E蛋白有关结构与功能的研究进展及其生物学意义。  相似文献   

2019年12月以来,武汉市暴发新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情并迅速蔓延全国,2020年1月30日被世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)列为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”(public health emergency of international concern,PHEIC)。核酸序列分析证明COVID-19由新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus,2019-nCoV)引起。2019-nCoV为正链单链RNA病毒,基因组长约30 kb,两端为非编码区,中间为非结构蛋白编码区和结构蛋白编码区。非结构蛋白编码区主要包括开放读码框架(open reading frame,ORF)1a和ORF1b基因,编码16个非结构蛋白(non-structural proteins,NSP),即NSP1~16。结构蛋白编码区主要编码刺突(spike,S)蛋白、包膜(envelope,E)蛋白、膜(membrane,M)蛋白和核衣壳(nucleocapsid,N)蛋白。深入了解2019-nCoV基因组的结构和蛋白功能,将为2019-nCoV相关的病毒溯源、复制增殖、致病免疫、药物与疫苗研发以及当前疫情的防控提供有力的支撑。  相似文献   

脊髓灰质炎病毒(Poliovirus)是一类无包膜单股正链RNA病毒,基因组长约7.5kb。其5′端非编码区由约742个核苷酸长,主要与病毒RNA复制、蛋白翻译起始、病毒颗粒的装配及病毒的细胞适应减毒及神经毒力密切相关。我们研究发现,脊髓灰质炎病毒(Sabin株)在人胚肺二倍体细胞(KME17)上致细胞病变较猴肾细胞慢,病毒产量亦明显低于恒河猴肾细胞培养,国内外也有类似的报道。  相似文献   

M Wu  N Davidson    E Wimmer 《Nucleic acids research》1978,5(12):4711-4723
A recently described method (Wu, M. and Davidson, N. (1978), Nucleic Acids Research 5, in press) for visualizing proteins attached to nucleic acids in the electron microscope has been applied to study proteins attached to poliovirion RNA and to the viral double-stranded intracellular RF form. A protein is found at the 5' end of the plus strand virion RNA, and protein components are found at both ends of the duplex RF. In the RF as usually extracted, there is frequently a larger or compound protein aggregate at the end which contains the 3' end of the plus strand and the 5' end of the minus strand. Banding in CsCl-guanidinium hydrochloride in the presence of sarkosyl causes dissociation of some components of this aggregate, leaving both ends labeled with the covalently bound VPg. These results confirm and extend previous biochemical studies of proteins bound to poliovirion RNA and to the RF form.  相似文献   

The Bunyaviridae family of enveloped RNA viruses includes five genuses, orthobunyaviruses, hantaviruses, phleboviruses, nairoviruses and tospoviruses. It has not been determined which Bunyavirus protein mediates virion:cell membrane fusion. Class II viral fusion proteins (beta-penetrenes), encoded by members of the Alphaviridae and Flaviviridae, are comprised of three antiparallel beta sheet domains with an internal fusion peptide located at the end of domain II. Proteomics computational analyses indicate that the carboxyl terminal glycoprotein (Gc) encoded by Sandfly fever virus (SAN), a phlebovirus, has a significant amino acid sequence similarity with envelope protein 1 (E1), the class II fusion protein of Sindbis virus (SIN), an Alphavirus. Similar sequences and common structural/functional motifs, including domains with a high propensity to interface with bilayer membranes, are located collinearly in SAN Gc and SIN E1. Gc encoded by members of each Bunyavirus genus share several sequence and structural motifs. These results suggest that Gc of Bunyaviridae, and similar proteins of Tenuiviruses and a group of Caenorhabditis elegans retroviruses, are class II viral fusion proteins. Comparisons of divergent viral fusion proteins can reveal features essential for virion:cell fusion, and suggest drug and vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

Initiation is the rate-limiting step in protein synthesis and therefore an important target for regulation. For the initiation of translation of most cellular mRNAs, the cap structure at the 5' end is bound by the translation factor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), while the poly(A) tail, at the 3' end, is recognized by the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). eIF4G is a scaffold protein that brings together eIF4E and PABP, causing the circularization of the mRNA that is thought to be important for an efficient initiation of translation. Early in infection, rotaviruses take over the host translation machinery, causing a severe shutoff of cell protein synthesis. Rotavirus mRNAs lack a poly(A) tail but have instead a consensus sequence at their 3' ends that is bound by the viral nonstructural protein NSP3, which also interacts with eIF4GI, using the same region employed by PABP. It is widely believed that these interactions lead to the translation of rotaviral mRNAs, impairing at the same time the translation of cellular mRNAs. In this work, the expression of NSP3 in infected cells was knocked down using RNA interference. Unexpectedly, under these conditions the synthesis of viral proteins was not decreased, while the cellular protein synthesis was restored. Also, the yield of viral progeny increased, which correlated with an increased synthesis of viral RNA. Silencing the expression of eIF4GI further confirmed that the interaction between eIF4GI and NSP3 is not required for viral protein synthesis. These results indicate that NSP3 is neither required for the translation of viral mRNAs nor essential for virus replication in cell culture.  相似文献   

The agent responsible for the recent severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak is a previously unidentified coronavirus. While there is a wealth of epidemiological studies, little if any molecular characterization of SARS coronavirus (SCoV) proteins has been carried out. Here we describe the molecular characterization of SCoV E protein, a critical component of the virus responsible for virion envelope morphogenesis. We conclusively show that SCoV E protein contains an unusually short, palindromic transmembrane helical hairpin around a previously unidentified pseudo-center of symmetry, a structural feature which seems to be unique to SCoV. The hairpin deforms lipid bilayers by way of increasing their curvature, providing for the first time a molecular explanation of E protein's pivotal role in viral budding. The molecular understanding of this critical component of SCoV may represent the beginning of a concerted effort aimed at inhibiting its function, and consequently, viral infectivity.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the parvovirus H-1 has been determined by the chain-terminating method of Sanger. The sequence is 5,176 nucleotides long. Two large open reading frames (1 and 2) and two smaller open reading frames (3 and 4) of potential importance were identified in the plus-strand sequence. Promoter sequences are located at map positions 4 and 38 when map positions are expressed as percent of genome length from the 3' end of the virion minus strand. The locations for the genes for the parvovirus capsid proteins and a 76,000-dalton noncapsid protein (NCVP1) were mapped by hybrid-arrested translation. The gene for the capsid proteins VP1 and VP2' is located in the 5' half of the virus genome. The gene for NCVP1 is located in the 3' half of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

磷酸化病毒蛋白的生物学功能及形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷酸化是病毒蛋白常见的一种翻译后修饰,在调控病毒与宿主的代谢中起重要作用。生物体内的代谢活动与细胞内的信号转导密切相关,通过磷酸化和去磷酸化修饰可改变蛋白生物活性,从而调控胞内生物信号的传递。磷酸化修饰的病毒蛋白参与调控病毒复制、病毒增殖和病毒粒子装配等一系列病毒的代谢活动,同时也影响宿主细胞内的信号转导,抑制宿主基因组复制和表达。本文就病毒蛋白的磷酸化修饰位点、其生物学功能及磷酸化修饰的分子机制进行综述,为病毒感染性疾病的防控治疗及药物开发提供参考。  相似文献   

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