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记述了中国1新纪录属,髋管蓟马属Coxothrips Bournier,1963,以及2新纪录种,即驼峰髋管蓟马C.gibberosa(Kudo,1989)和塔莱髋管蓟马C.tarai(Stannard.1970);并首次描述了塔莱髋管蓟马的雄虫.总结了髋管蓟马属的属征,提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图以及该属中国已知种的检索表.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆.  相似文献   

脊背管蓟马属是具有长翅的蓟马,头长,头部额区脊状隆起,口针宽,通常极长并有一个或几个侧环.记述中国脊背管蓟马属1新种,即齿跗脊背管蓟马Oidanothrips notabilis sp.nov.并与台湾脊背管蓟马O.taiwanus进行了比较.模式标本保存于包头市园林科技研究所(BLRI).此新种与O.taiwanus相似,其主要区别是新种1)翅基鬃内Ⅲ端部钝;2)复眼后鬃端部钝;3)口针伸达单眼后鬃;而后者,1)翅基鬃内Ⅲ端部尖;2)复眼后鬃端部尖;3)口针不伸达单眼后鬃.  相似文献   

研究了中国管蓟马科肚管蓟马属3种,其中包括1新种,宽盾肚管蓟马Gastrothrips eurypelta sp.nov.;1新纪录种,蒙古肚管蓟马Gastrothrips mongolicus(Pelikan,1965),编制了分种检索表.模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

记述中国新纪录属,曲管蓟马属Sinuothrips Collins,2000,以及1新纪录种,剑曲管蓟马S.hasta Collins.更新了曲管蓟马属的属征,提供了新纪录种的形态描述、特征图以及COI序列.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆和澳大利亚国家昆虫收藏.  相似文献   

记述中国1新纪录种,安氏胫管蓟马Terthrothrips anantha krishnani Kud?,1978。详细描述了安氏胫管蓟马Terthrothrips ananthakrishnani Kud?,1978的形态特征,提供了胫管蓟马属中国已知种的检索表。研究标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

报道了中国灵管蓟马亚科1新纪录属:圆巨管蓟马属Megalothrips Uzel (国外分布:日本,马来西亚,欧洲,北美;国内分布:湖北),1新种:圆巨管蓟马Megalothrips roundus sp. nov.。模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWAFU)。  相似文献   

记述中国管蓟马科灵管蓟马亚科1新属:饰扣管蓟马属Bolothrips (Uzel) 及2新纪录种:伊卡洛斯饰扣管蓟马Bolothrips icarus (Uzel) 和两色饰扣管蓟马B. bicolor (Heeger),检视标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

记述中国率管蓟马属1新种——海南率管蓟马Litotetothrips hainanensis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWSUAF)。  相似文献   

本文记述网管蓟马属(缨翅目:管蓟马科)二新种:海南网管蓟马 Apelaunothrips hainanensis;长齿网管蓟马A. longidens,并发现二种中国分布新记录:两色网管蓟马 A. bicolor okajima;褐斑网管蓟马 A. luridus Okajima,文内附有中国网管蓟马属已知8种的检索表及其分布。  相似文献   

记述中国跗雄管蓟马属1新种,即钝鬃跗雄管蓟马Hoplandrothrips trucatoapicus sp. nov.,新种与H.bidens近似,并与其进行了比较.模式标本保存于包头市园林科技研究所(BLRI).  相似文献   

Jia F  van Vondel B 《ZooKeys》2011,(133):1-17
A revised checklist of Haliplidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga) of China is presented. A new species Haliplus (Haliplus) latreilleisp. n. is described from Guizhou, China. Three species, Haliplus (Haliplidius) confinis Stephens, Haliplus (Haliplus) ruficollis (De Geer) and Haliplus (Haliplus) sibricus Motschulsky are reported from China for the first time. Haliplus dalmatinus Müller is excluded from the list of Chinese species. A number of new provincial records from China is presented.  相似文献   

本文记录斑摇蚊属Stictochironomus 1新种:俊才斑摇蚊Stictochironomus juncaii,sp.nov.和2中国新记录种:多齿斑摇蚊S.multannulatus(Tokunaga)和皮可齿斑摇蚊Spictulus(Meigen)。编制了中国斑摇蚊属已知雄成虫的检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

Niche dynamics of invasive alien plants (IAPs) play pivotal roles in biological invasion. Ageratina adenophora—one of the most aggressive IAPs in China and some parts of the world—poses severe ecological and socioeconomic threats. However, the spatiotemporal niche dynamics of A. adenophora in China remain unknown, which we aimed to elucidate in the present study. China, Mexico; using a unifying framework, we reconstructed the climate niche dynamics of A. adenophora and applied the optimal MaxEnt model to predict its potential geographical distribution in China. Furthermore, we compared the heterogeneity of A. adenophora niche between Mexico (native) and China (invasive). We observed a low niche overlap between Mexico (native) and China (invasive). Specifically, the niche of A. adenophora in China has distinctly expanded compared to that in Mexico, enhancing the invasion risk of this IAP in the former country. In fact, the climatic niche of A. adenophora in Mexico is a subset of that in China. The potential geographical distribution of A. adenophora is concentrated in the tropical and subtropical zones of Southwest China, and its geographical distribution pattern in China is shaped by the combination of precipitation and temperature variables. The niche dynamics of A. adenophora follow the hypothesis of niche shift and conservatism. The present work provides a unifying framework for studies on the niche dynamics of other IAPs worldwide.  相似文献   

The genus Parexothrips Priesner of Rhamphothrips genus-group(Thripidae: Thripinae) is recorded in China for the first time. A new record species, Parexothrips tenellus(Priesner), is described and illustrated from China. A key to genera of Chinese Rhamphothrips genus-group is provided. Examined specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University(SCAU).  相似文献   

记述印度颊脊隐翅虫属Induquedius中国1新种,刘氏印度颊脊隐翅虫Induquedius liuae sp. nov.和中国1新纪录种,捷印度颊脊隐翅虫Ⅰ.baliyo Smetana,1988及中国大陆1新纪录种,台湾印度颊脊隐翅虫Ⅰ.formosae(Cameron),1949.新种与来自锡金的Ⅰ.sikkimensis(Cameron),1932很相似,但雄性外生殖器中叶端部更窄缩,侧叶侧支端部各有4根细毛,腹部第8腹板端凹缘很浅,与后者不同.  相似文献   

对中国大陆的摩蜂麻蝇属Amobia Robineau-Desvoidy已知种类进行了修订。我国大陆记载的Amobia distorta(Allen)应为A.quatei Kurahashi。提供了大陆已知摩蜂麻蝇属A.signata、A.quatei与台湾分布的A.oculata区分的检索表。  相似文献   

Populations of Armillaria mellea (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) across much of its range are heterothallic; homothallic populations occur only in Africa (A. mellea ssp. africana), China (China Biological Species CBS G), and Japan (A. mellea ssp. nipponica). Monosporous isolates of heterothallic A. mellea are haploid and their mating behaviour is consistent with the requirement of two different alleles at two mating-type loci (tetrapolar mating system) to create a diploid individual. In contrast, monosporous isolates of homothallic A. mellea are putatively diploid; they bypass the haploid phase by undergoing karyogamy in the basidium (a unique type of secondary homothallism/pseudohomothallism). In order to determine the genetic origin of this homothallism, we analyzed genetic variation of 47 heterothallic isolates from China, Europe, and North America, and 14 homothallic isolates from Africa, China, and Japan. Gene trees and mutational networks were constructed for partial mitochondrial gene ATP synthase subunit 6 (ATP6) and for the following nuclear genes: actin (ACTIN), elongation factor subunit 1-alpha (EFA), glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD), and the RNA polymerase subunit II (RPB2). Homothallic isolates from Africa and Japan shared a common mitochondrial ATP6 haplotype with homothallic isolates from China, and are likely introductions. Homothallic isolates from China that shared a common mitochondrial haplotype with all European isolates did not share European nuclear haplotypes, as revealed by median-joining networks, but instead clustered with haplotypes from China or were intermediate between those of China and Europe. Such mitochondrial-nuclear discordance in homothallic isolates from China is indicative of hybridization between lineages originating from China and Europe.  相似文献   

丘华兴   《广西植物》1991,11(1):16-18
<正> 大戟科的银柴属植物分布于亚洲南部和东南部热带地区。据文献记载(1879—1988)本属我国的种类,共有8种。作者编写《广东植物志》大戟科的银柴属植物时,清理华南植物研究所(SCBI)收藏的标本,发现我国南部生长有4种和1变种该属植物,其中滇银柴为新组合,披针叶银柴为我国新纪录,现报道如下。  相似文献   

The genus Batozonellus(Pompilidae: Pompilinae) from China is reviewed. A new species, B. flavithoracicus Li Li, sp. nov. from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of Batozonellus, modified from Tsuneki(1989), is provided.  相似文献   

记述采自中国广西大青山的美广口蝇属(双翅目,广口蝇科)一新种,广西美广口蝇Euthyplatystoma guangxiensis sp. nov..报道了2个中国新纪录种,多斑美广口蝇E.punctiplenum(Walker)(分布:云南)和明带美广口蝇E.rigidum(Walker)(分布:四川峨眉山).编制了中国美广口蝇属分种检索表.新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京.  相似文献   

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