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本试验旨在探究普安银鲫(Carassius auratus )卵黄囊仔鱼发育过程中ACC、FAS及CPT I活性变化及葡萄糖和维生素C溶液分别浸泡对它们的影响。采用酶学方法研究了普安银鲫卵黄囊仔鱼过程中ACC、FAS及CPT I活性变化的变化特点。结果显示:在卵黄囊仔鱼发育过程中,对照组与维生素C组中ACC和FAS活性呈上升趋势,CPT I活性呈“下降-上升”变化趋势,而葡萄糖组ACC、FAS及CPT I活性均呈上升趋势,且3种酶的活性均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。维生素C组ACC活性在内源营养期显著高于对照组,FAS活性在混合营养期和外源营养期显著高于对照组,CPT I活性在内源营养期和外源营养期显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究表明:ACC、FAS及CPT I在维持普安银鲫卵黄囊仔鱼发育中脂质代谢的动态平衡起着重要作用,15g/L的葡萄糖溶液可通过调节仔鱼体内脂质代谢酶的活性而形成新的脂质代谢水平,以满足仔鱼生长发育需要;而30mg/L的维生素C对维持仔鱼发育中体内正常的脂质代谢具有重要作用。  相似文献   

本实验旨在探究普安银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)早期发育过程中氧化损伤程度和总抗氧化能力的变化,及添加维生素C(Vc)后对它们的影响。采用生化方法测定了普安银鲫早期发育过程中丙二醛(MDA)含量、蛋白质羰基(PCA)含量、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的活性和总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)。(1)30 mg/L的Vc溶液中仔鱼孵化率和成活率最高,分别高出对照组(Vc浓度为0 mg/L)16.2%和17.8%;(2)普安银鲫早期发育过程中丙二醛、蛋白质羰基含量及乳酸脱氢酶活性均呈"升高-降低"的趋势,均在原肠中期达到最高,总抗氧化能力逐渐增加;(3)30 mg/L的Vc组中丙二醛、蛋白质羰基含量及乳酸脱氢酶的活性显著低于对照组(P0.05),总抗氧化能力显著高于对照组(P0.05)。结果表明,(1)普安银鲫胚胎期受到的氧化损伤比胚后严重;(2)适宜浓度的维生素C能提高胚胎及仔鱼的抗氧化能力,有效降低胚胎及仔鱼受到的氧化损伤,提高其孵化率及存活率。  相似文献   

仔鱼的开口摄食期及其饵料综述   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
鱼类的受精卵在完成胚胎发育的正常过程后经过脱膜孵化成为仔鱼。此时,初孵仔鱼(newly hatched larvae)一般消化道尚未与外界相通,均有较大的卵黄囊作为孵化后一段时间内继续发育的营养来源。但随着卵黄物质的逐渐消耗,消化管与口腔接通以后,仔鱼必需从外界环境中摄取必要的营养物质,以便进一步发育与生长,这就是仔鱼的开口摄食期。    相似文献   

为了研究鱼类脂蛋白脂酶(1iportein lipase,LPL)、肝脂酶(hepatic lipase,HL)基因结构、功能及分子系统关系,作者克隆了中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲮鱼(Cirrhinus molitorella)、尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)和斑鳢(Channa maculata)的LPL和HL基因cDNA核心序列,并推测了其相应氨基酸序列.同时,还应用5'RACE和3'RACE技术分别扩增中华鲟、鲢肝脏LPL基因与中华鲟肝脏HL基因cDNA全序列.序列同源性分析表明,LPL和HL氨基酸序列分别在哺乳类动物、鸟类、鱼类中相对保守.与已知的脊椎动物内皮脂酶(endothelial lipase,EL)和胰脂酶(pancreatic 1ipase,PL)氨基酸序列构建系统进化树,发现LPL、HL、EL与PL同属脂肪酶家族,四者聚集成一有根树.  相似文献   

胡子鲶的胚胎和幼鱼发育的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡子鲶(Clarias fuscus)的胚胎和幼鱼的发育过程与蟾胡子鲶(C.batrachus)类似,器官分化时间和大小比例则有一定的差异。胡子鲶卵呈球形,富含卵黄,卵径1.7—1.9毫米;出膜仔鱼全长4.8—5.1毫米,比蟾胡子鲶约大1/3;幼鱼卵黄囊被吸收消失的时间比蟾胡子鲶迟1—2天。心脏的出现和搏动与开始出现血液循环的间隔时间只有3—5小时;耳石的出现几乎和心脏的出现处在同一时间内,与白鲢有较大的差异。在仔鱼前期居维氏管明显,但出现的时间比蟾胡子鲶稍迟些。仔鱼出膜形式与蟾胡子鲶不同,也与一般鱼类出膜形式不同。仔鱼是以腹部卵黄囊顶破卵膜,以卵黄囊先出膜,一般鱼类多数是以头部或尾部先出膜的。在水温28.5—31℃的条件下,从受精到孵化出膜的时间为28小时25分;幼鱼期共历时12—15天。    相似文献   

脂蛋白脂酶基因的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
杜纪坤  黄青阳 《遗传》2007,29(1):8-16
脂蛋白脂酶(lipoprotein lipase, LPL)是脂质代谢的关键酶, 主要催化乳糜微粒和极低密度脂蛋白中的甘油三酯水解, 产生供组织利用的脂肪酸和单酰甘油。LPL基因突变影响LPL活性, 导致脂质代谢紊乱, 与2型糖尿病、高血压、动脉硬化、肥胖、冠心病的发病风险相关联。文章综述了LPL基因的结构、功能、表达调控以及与复杂疾病的关联研究进展。  相似文献   

脂蛋白脂酶(Lipoprotein lipase, LPL)是脂质代谢的关键酶, 其正常调控对于机体向组织提供脂质营养至关重要。作为LPL重要的调控因子, 糖基化磷脂酰肌醇锚定高密度脂蛋白结合蛋白1(Glycosylphosphatidylinositol- anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1, GPIHBP1)能与LPL结合起脂解平台的作用, 并作为载体参与LPL向毛细血管内皮细胞的转运。另外, 近年来也鉴定出其他几个LPL活性调控因子, 包括microRNAs、A型重复排序蛋白相关受体(Sortilin-related receptor with A-type repeats, SorLA)和载脂蛋白(Apolipoproteins, apo)。这些LPL调控因子的成功鉴定, 有助于人们深入认识机体脂解代谢和乳糜微粒血症发生的内在机制。文章重点综述了LPL的调控因子GPIHBP1的研究进展, 同时也对其他几个调控因子的研究进展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

河川沙塘鳢孵化腺的发生及孵化酶的分泌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了河川沙塘鳢Odontobutis potamophila(Gnther)孵化腺的发生及孵化酶的分泌过程。河川沙塘鳢的孵化腺为单层细胞腺体,发生于外胚层。孵化腺(Hatching gland,HG)最早发生自眼晶体形成期的胚胎,初发生时孵化腺细胞(Hatching gland cells,HGCs)分布于头部腹面及其与卵黄囊连接处。随着胚胎的发育,HG仍以单层细胞分布于胚体和卵黄囊的外表面,HGCs数量急剧增多,细胞体积增大,分布范围更加广泛。至眼黑色素出现期的胚胎,HGCs的数量达到大约900-1200个,广泛分布于胚胎头部两侧、头部腹面及其与卵黄囊连接处、卵黄囊的前腹面。HGCs大多呈椭圆形,短径为5-8μm,长径为7-12μm,在HE染色中呈粉红色。至孵化前期时,孵化酶颗粒自HGCs顶部的开口分泌出来,分泌颗粒呈圆球形,直径为0.5-1.0μm,有的以单体的形式存在,有的粘结成团。孵化酶进入卵周液,对卵膜内层进行消化和降解,使胚胎破膜而出。孵化后2d,HGCs便从表皮中消失。  相似文献   

脂蛋白脂酶(lipoprotcin lipase,LPL)是脂质代谢的关键酶,主要水解甘油三酯,在乳糜微粒及极低密度脂蛋白的代谢中发挥重要作用.该酶的缺乏或活力异常,与血脂异常、代谢综合症、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病、子痫前期等疾病有一定关系.一些具有调脂作用的中药能够影响脂蛋白脂酶的活力或表达.  相似文献   

果寡糖对银鲫非特异性免疫功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究果寡糖(Fructooligosaccharides)对银鲫(Carassius auratus)非特异性免疫功能的影响,以50g左右的银鲫为实验对象,在其基础饲料中分别添加浓度为0.5g/kg(A。组)、1g/kg(A:组)、2g/kg(A,组)、4g/kg(A。组)的果寡糖,另设基础饲料为对照组(A。组),分别于7d、14d、21d、28d、42d、56d检测银鲫血液中白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活力、血清SOD酶活性和补体C3的含量。结果表明,A2组的白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活力、血清SOD酶活性和补体C3的含量显著高于A0组(P〈0.05),分别于第28、第21、第14、第14天达到最大值;A,组的白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活力、血清SOD酶活性和补体C3的含量显著高于A0组(p〈0.05),分别于第14、第14、第7、第14天达到最大值。A3组的补体C3的含量显著高于A2组(P〈0.05),白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活力、血清SOD酶活性与A2组相比差异不显著,但其活性高于A2组。A1组、A4组与A0组之间的白细胞吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活力、血清SOD酶活性和补体C3的含量在各时间点均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Approximately 80% of the body vitamin A is stored in liver stellate cells with in the lipid droplets as retinyl esters. In low vitamin A status or after liver injury, stellate cells are depleted of the stored retinyl esters by their hydrolysis to retinol. However, the identity of retinyl ester hydrolase(s) expressed in stellate cells is unknown. The expression of carboxylesterase and lipase genes in purified liver cell-types was investigated by real-time PCR. We found that six carboxylesterase and hepatic lipase genes were expressed in hepatocytes. Adipose triglyceride lipase was expressed in Kupffer cells, stellate cells and endothelial cells. Lipoprotein lipase expression was detected in Kupffer cells and stellate cells. As a function of stellate cell activation, expression of adipose triglyceride lipase decreased by twofold and lipoprotein lipase increased by 32-fold suggesting that it may play a role in retinol ester hydrolysis during stellate cell activation.  相似文献   

We have determined the genotypes of two common polymorphisms in the lipoprotein lipase (S447X) and hepatic lipase (-480C/T) genes in a cohort of 285 representative selected Czech probands (131 male and 154 female), examined in 1988 and reinvestigated in 1996. The genotype distributions of both polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and did not differ between male and female subjects. The rare allele frequency of the lipoprotein lipase polymorphism did not differ significantly from the other European populations. Compared to the German populations, the frequency of the hepatic lipase -480T allele was significantly higher in the Czech group (20% vs. 36%, p<0.0001). There were no significant associations between the lipoprotein lipase gene variants and lipid parameters measured either in 1988, or in 1996 or with changes of lipid parameters over the 8-year period. The carriers of the T-480 allele of the hepatic lipase polymorphism were found to have higher HDL cholesterol levels (p=0.02). However, this difference was confined to female subjects only. The male carriers of the -480T allele had higher concentrations of total cholesterol (p=0.03) as compared to CC-480 subjects. Both associations were observed in 1996 only. In the Slavic Czech population, a common polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene (-480C/T), but not in the lipoprotein lipase gene (S447X), is a significant determinant of plasma HDL cholesterol in females and plasma total cholesterol in males and indicates the importance of gender-associated effects in the genetic determinations of plasma lipids.  相似文献   

Whole-irradiated rabbit pre-heparin plasma had an important inhibitory effect on hepatic triacylglycerol lipase and lipoprotein lipase activities, whereas control rabbit pre-heparin plasma slightly inhibited hepatic triacylglycerol lipase activity at a high concentration and enhanced lipoprotein lipase activity. As some apolipoproteins were known to modulate these two lipolytic enzymes, the inhibitory effects of irradiated rabbit plasma were investigated in apolipoproteins. Three apolipoproteins, with isoelectric points of about 6.58, 6.44 and 6.12, characterized by their low content in threonine (threonine-poor apolipoproteins) were produced in high concentrations in rabbit VLDL and HDL after irradiation. The effects of these apolipoproteins on control rabbit post-heparin plasma hepatic triacylglycerol lipase and extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase were studied. Threonine-poor apolipoproteins substantially inhibited the hepatic triacylglycerol lipase activity and enhanced the apolipoprotein C-II-stimulated activity of lipoprotein lipase. The amounts of these apolipoproteins in triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein particles may determine the lipolytic activity of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triacylglycerol lipase in triacylglycerol hydrolysis. The existence of another inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase were measured in rat plasma using specific antisera. Mean values for lipoprotein lipase in adult rats were 1.8-3.6 mU/ml, depending on sex and nutritional state. Values for hepatic lipase were about three times higher. Lipoprotein lipase activity in plasma of newborn rats was 2-4-times higher than in adults. In contrast, hepatic lipase activity was lower in newborn than in adult rats. Following functional hepatectomy there was a progressive increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in plasma, indicating that transport of the enzyme from peripheral tissues to the liver normally takes place. Lipoprotein lipase, but not hepatic lipase, increased in plasma after a fat meal. An even more marked increase, up to 30 mU/ml, was seen after intravenous injection of Intralipid. Plasma lipase activity decreased in parallel with clearing of the injected triacylglycerol. 125I-labeled lipoprotein lipase injected intravenously during the hyperlipemia disappeared somewhat slower from the circulation than in fasted rats, but the uptake was still primarily in the liver. Hyperlipemia, or injection of heparin, led to increased lipoprotein lipase activity in the liver. This was seen even when the animals had been pretreated with cycloheximide to inhibit synthesis of new enzyme protein. These results suggest that during hypertriglyceridemia lipoprotein lipase binds to circulating lipoproteins/lipid droplets which results in increased plasma levels of the enzyme and increased transport to the liver.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase regulates the hydrolysis of circulating triglyceride and the uptake of fatty acids by most tissues, including the mammary gland and adipose tissue. Thus, lipoprotein lipase is critical for the uptake and secretion of the long-chain fatty acids in milk and for the assimilation of a high-fat milk diet by suckling young. In the lactating female, lipoprotein lipase appears to be regulated such that levels in adipose tissue are almost completely depressed while those in the mammary gland are high. Thus, circulating fatty acids are directed to the mammary gland for milk fat production. Phocid seals serve as excellent models in the study of lipoprotein lipase and fat transfer during lactation because mothers may fast completely while secreting large quantities of high fat milks and pups deposit large amounts of fat as blubber. We measured pup body composition and milk fat intake by isotope (deuterium oxide) dilution and plasma post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity in six grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) mother-pup pairs at birth and again late in the 16-day laction period. Maternal post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity increased by an average of four-fold by late lactation (P=0.027), which paralleled an increase in milk fat concentration (from 38 to 56%; P=0.043). Increasing lipoprotein lipase activity was correlated with increasing milk fat output (1.3–2.1 kg fat per day) over lactation (P=0.019). Maternal plasma triglyceride (during fasting) was inversely correlated to lipoprotein lipase activity (P=0.027) and may be associated with the direct incorporation of longchain fatty acids from blubber into milk. In pups, post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity was already high at birth and increased as total body fat content (P=0.028) and the ratio of body fat: protein incrased (P=0.036) during lactation. Although pup plasma triglyceride increased with increasing daily milk fat intake (P=0.023), pups effectively cleared lipid from the circulation and deposited 70% of milk fat consumed throughout lactation. Lipoprotein lipase may play an important role in the mechanisms involved with the extraordinary rates of fat transfer in phocid seals.Abbreviations FFA free fatty acid - HL hepatic lipase - LPL lipoprotein lipase - PH-HL post-heparin hepatic lipase - PH-LPL post-heparin lipoprotein lipase - VLDL very low density lipoprotein  相似文献   

Chronic hypothyroidism is frequently associated with atherosclerosis due to increased cholesterol plasma levels; nevertheless, the contribution of impaired reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) in this process has not been completely elucidated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thyroidectomy (Htx) upon the main stages of RCT in rats. Plasma lipid alterations induced by thyroidectomy showed a slight, but significant, reduction of total plasma triglycerides, a 300% increase of LDL-cholesterol and a 25% decrease in HDL-cholesterol compared to control rats. We evaluated the first stage of RCT determining 3H-cholesterol efflux in Fu5AH cells. The capacity of HDL obtained from Htx rats to promote cholesterol efflux was similar to that of controls. Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity, the second stage and the driving force of RCT was 30% lower in Htx animals compared to controls, as determined by reconstituted HDL used as an external substrate. Lipoproteins are remodeled by hepatic lipase; the mean activity of this enzyme in postheparin plasma of Htx animals was reduced by 30% compared to controls, thus suggesting an impaired HDL remodeling by this enzyme in the hypothyroid status. In contrast, lipoprotein lipase activity in the Htx group was unchanged. In summary, this study demonstrates that chronic hypothyroidism in the rat induced an impaired RCT mainly at the cholesterol esterification, and HDL remodeling mediated by hepatic lipase. The latter probably results in an abnormal HDL structure, i.e. phospholipid enrichment, which contributes to decrease HDL-apo AI fractional catabolic rates.  相似文献   

Hepatic triacylglycerol levels are governed through synthesis, degradation and export of this lipid. Here we demonstrate that enforced expression of hepatic lipase in the endoplasmic reticulum in McArdle RH7777 hepatocytes resulted in a significant decrease in the incorporation of fatty acids into cellular triacylglycerol and cholesteryl ester accompanied by attenuation of secretion of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. Hepatic lipase-mediated depletion of intracellular lipid storage increased the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α and its target genes and augmented oxidation of fatty acids. These data show that 1) hepatic lipase is active in the endoplasmic reticulum and 2) intracellular hepatic lipase modulates cellular lipid metabolism and lipoprotein secretion.  相似文献   

Copper deficiency results in alterations in lipid metabolism that include elevations in serum cholesterol and triglycerides and a decrease in whole-body respiratory quotient. Copper-deficient animals are also leaner even though electron micrographs of the myocardium present increased lipid droplet accumulation. To address whether a compromised copper status impacts triglyceride deposition in a tissue-specific manner, the activity of lipoprotein lipase was measured in adipose tissue and cardiac and skeletal muscle. Weanling rats fed a copper-restricted diet (<1 ppm) for 6 wk demonstrated a greater than twofold increase in cardiac lipoprotein lipase activity concomitant with a significant reduction in adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity. Skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity was not altered by the copper-deficient state. The results of this study suggest that copper deficiency may induce a tissue-specific alteration in lipoprotein lipase activity in rats, which may contribute to the notable deposition of lipid substance in myocardium and the concomitant general body leanness.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of lipid synthesis and their controls in hepatic stellate cells are not known. We have previously proposed that, in contrast to other fat storing cells, hepatic stellate cells are not involved in energy storage, but they represent a particular cell population specialized in storage of lipid-soluble substances, the major one being probably retinol. In agreement with this hypothesis, induction of the lipocyte phenotype in stellate cells is not under the control of insulin, but responds to retinoids and other molecules that modify the gene expression program in these cells. In the present study we have monitored the activity of the two major enzymes involved in lipid synthesis during the induction of the lipocyte phenotype in hepatic stellate cells: glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) that mediates the de novo lipid synthesis, and lipoprotein lipase that mediates incorporation of plasma lipids. In early stages of lipocyte induction, both pathways of lipid synthesis are activated. When lipocytes have already constituted the lipid droplets, lipoprotein lipase pathway is downregulated, while GPDH activity remains high. Adult liver has been reported to lack lipoprotein lipase, but under stress, lipase activity was detected around and at the surface of the intrahepatic vasculature. We have now shown that the lipase activity can be induced in the hepatic stellate cells, located in the Disse's space. The high lipoprotein lipase activity under acute induction of lipocyte phenotype, followed by the low activity under conditions of metabolic equilibrium, are in compass with the increased activity of this enzyme under stress, and its low activity in adult liver parenchyma under normal conditions.  相似文献   

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