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普氏原羚生境选择的数量化分析   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
1998年8月至1999年8月,在湖东种羊场地区开展了普氏原羚生境选择的研究。在湖东-克图沙丘和草原交界处沿约30km的样线开展种群调查,在调查过程中,共发现582只普氏原羚,在研究中选择了8类与普氏原羚生境选择相关的生态因子:植被类型,食物丰富度、草原围栏,隐蔽条件。人为干扰、距公路距离,距沙丘距离和距农业用地距离,研究了普氏原羚的生境选择,在研究中,将这些生态因子分别分成3个等级,进行回归分析,建立普氏原羚在不同生境中出现的概率的预测性方程,通过对生态因子和普氏原羚在不同生境中出现的概率进行方差分析,判断影响普氏原羚生境选择的主要生态因子是人为干扰和围栏,其次为食物丰富度,距沙丘距离和农业用地距离,植被类型,隐蔽条件和与公路距离对普氏原羚生境选择的影响不明显。  相似文献   

从青海湖国家级自然保护区管理局获悉 ,世界上第 1只人工饲养的普氏原羚“玲玲”,8月 6日成功产下第 1胎幼仔 ,经过近 1个月的精心呵护 ,取名为“陶陶”的幼仔生长发育良好。普氏原羚是中国的特有物种、世界极度濒危级动物 ,目前仅生存在青海湖环湖地区 ,数量不足 2 0 0只。国家林业局野生动物研究与发展中心李迪强博士说 :“普氏原羚的人工饲养和繁育非常不易 ,如果能通过人工繁育的方式建立人工种群 ,对这个物种的保护将很有意义。”普氏原羚人工繁育取得成功  相似文献   

普氏原羚的分布和种群数量调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
2003年8~9月,对青海省境内普氏原羚的分布和种群数量进行了专项调查。调查结果表明,普氏原羚现存7个种群,累计数量为602只;其中塔勒旋果种群属首次报道。与以往报道相比,目前元者和鸟岛种群数量呈下降趋势;海晏—刚察种群数量增长明显;湖东—克图种群数量有所回升,但仍没有达到20世纪80年代中期时的种群数量。普氏原羚种群数量变化与栖息地质量及人为干扰程度有密切相关。本次调查显示,普氏原羚现存栖息地呈不连续的间断分布,随着区域经济开发力度的加大,其栖息地在不断缩减、生存环境质量仍在继续恶化。  相似文献   

青海湖东-克图地区普氏原羚生境适宜性评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
普氏原羚(Procapraprzewalskii)是我国特有珍稀濒危动物,历史上曾分布于我国的内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏和青海等地,现仅分布在青海湖周边地区。作者通过2002–2004年不同季节的实地调查,在地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下,以可食植物丰富度、坡度、隐蔽条件和人类活动等为评价因子,采用生境评价模型,对普氏原羚的主要分布区之一青海湖东-克图地区进行了适宜性评价。评价结果表明,不考虑人类活动影响时普氏原羚的适宜和次适宜生境面积分别为2493.76hm2和18624.06hm2,分别占研究区总面积的8.05%和60.15%;考虑人类活动影响时,普氏原羚的适宜和次适宜生境面积分别减少了5.81%和33.09%,而不适宜生境面积增加了38.90%。由于普氏原羚的生境受到居民地、道路、围栏等人类活动的强烈影响,导致大量适宜生境丧失,生境隔离和破碎化日益加剧,建议重新规划保护区,将普氏原羚的适宜生境划入保护区的核心区;建立生境廊道,拆除部分围栏,以提高普氏原羚的生境质量,促进其种群的发展。  相似文献   

2006年9月至2007年12月, 在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区采用截线取样法调查了蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus)和鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa sairensis)的种群密度。蒙古野驴野外调查样线总长6,696.4 km, 发现7,758 匹蒙古野驴; 鹅喉羚样线总长8,428.84 km, 发现8,586头鹅喉羚。采用Distance 5.0估算了蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的密度和遇见率。从春季到秋季, 蒙古野驴遇见率在0.058–0.092匹/km之间变化, 而鹅喉羚遇见率则在0.096–0.342头/ km之间变化。春季蒙古野驴种群密度为0.55 ± 0.20 匹/km2 (平均数 ± 标准差,下同), 夏季为0.60 ± 0.13 匹/km2, 秋季为0.78 ± 0.19匹/km2和冬季为0.54 ± 0.14 匹/km2。蒙古野驴适宜栖息面积5,800 km2。春季到冬季, 蒙古野驴种群数量在3,379到5,318匹之间变化。鹅喉羚春季、夏季、秋季和冬季种群密度分别为1.14 ± 0.18头/km2, 0.95 ± 0.12头/km2, 1.08 ± 0.18头/km2和1.54 ± 0.31头/km2。该保护区的鹅喉羚冬季和春季适宜栖息面积均为10,000 km2, 夏季为12,000 km2, 秋季为15,000 km2。估算该区域春季鹅喉羚数量为14,286头, 夏季为6,628头, 秋季为8,337头, 冬季为19,677头。本研究的结果将为卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚长期监测提供基础数据。  相似文献   

普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)是青藏高原特有物种, 为了掌握该物种的分布和种群状况, 我们于2014-2015年采用全面调查和直接计数的方法, 对普氏原羚的分布、种群和保护现状进行了调查。结果如下: 普氏原羚分布在青海湖周边12个隔离的分布点, 与全国第一次野生动物资源调查的结果相比, 有多个新的分布点被发现, 分布范围和面积扩大; 调查共发现1,238只普氏原羚, 与2010年以后的调查结果相比, 种群数量维持在一个稳定的水平。然而, 仅有4个分布点位于青海湖国家级自然保护区范围内。尽管刚察县成立了青海湖普氏原羚特护区, 天峻县成立了普氏原羚自然保护站, 但现有的管护力度仍然不够, 且缺乏系统的管理规划。我们建议在天峻县布哈河上游的生格-快尔玛地区成立普氏原羚自然保护区; 同时建立适当的生态补偿机制, 协调保护与社区发展的矛盾; 鉴于目前圈养种群发展迅速, 建议在历史分布区选取合适的地点进行人工繁育个体的迁地放归。  相似文献   

普氏原羚种群大小及影响因素的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
魏万经  蒋志刚 《兽类学报》1998,18(3):232-234
普氏原羚(P,ocar,a卯。ewal枕扣)为国家一级保护动物。其历史分布区为内蒙、甘肃和青海,而现只分布于青海省的青海湖周围;其种群数量由1986年的350只(蔡桂全等.1992.高原生物学集刊,11:63~90)降为1994年的300/q左右(蒋志刚等.1995.兽类学报,15(4):241~245),已成为世界上最濒危的有蹄类动物之一。因此对其种群动态、行为的胁迫适应及g!起种群数量下降原因的研究迫在眉睫。在对青海湖周围普氏原羚的种群数量进行调查的基础上,分析了繁殖后期普氏原羚的种群结构,提出引起种群数量下降的主要原因。1.研究地点和方…  相似文献   

2005年6—7月和9月,运用样线法研究了青海省天峻县布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)的集群行为。该地区的普氏原羚和藏原羚集群类型分为雌性群、雄性群、混合群及母子群。四种集群类型中,雄性群出现的频次均为最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为4l%和50%);其次为雌性群(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为34%和30%);再次为母子群和混合群。比较集群规模发现,除藏原羚母子群显著大于普氏原羚(P=0.015)外,两个种其余集群类型规模差异不显著。集群规模出现频次:单只出现的频次最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为21.9%和18.7%);2—8只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为62.6%和67.6%;大于9只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别仅占15.5%和13.7%。另外,普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后平均集群规模显著减小(普氏原羚,P=0.014;藏原羚,P=0.008);在雄性群、混合群规模均较产羔前略有增大的情况下,雌性群的规模却显著减小(普氏原羚,P〈0.001;藏原羚,P=0.002),成为普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后集群规模变小的主要原因。布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚和藏原羚草青期的集群类型、集群规模相差不大。  相似文献   

普氏原羚的采食对策   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
刘丙万  蒋志刚 《动物学报》2002,48(3):309-316
从1998年8月到2000年6月,我们在青海省共和县和海晏县利用系统取样法测定了植物的地上生物量,利用粪样显微组织学分析法、目标动物记录法研究了约200只普氏原羚的食物组成和采食时间,同时研究了普氏原羚对采食生境的选择。我们发现:(1)采食是普氏原羚的主要活动之一,占其活动时间的40.0%-65.6%。普氏原羚晨昏采食时间超过总采食时间82.9%;(2)普氏原羚在人为干扰小、食物丰富度高的地方采集,人为干扰与食物丰富度对普氏原羚的采食活动影响显著(P<0.01);(3)普氏原羚是广食性物种,共取食16科50种植物,其食物组成季节性差异极为显著(P<0.01);(4)食物资源影响普氏原羚的食物组成。普氏原羚的食物中从11月份到第二年5月会出现替代性食物狼毒和马蔺,食物中狼毒和马蔺的比例随食物资源的下降而上升;在5月份,偶吃性食物沙蒿所占比例最大,为13.8%;(5)普氏原羚选择芨藤草草原以及其它食物丰富度高、隐蔽条件好和人类干扰少的生境作为采食区;几乎不在围栏内采食,但常在距离围栏1km内的生境中采食,对距离围栏1km以上的采食生境的选择为随机选择;普氏原羚不在沙丘中采食,而在沙丘边缘的生态交错带采食。基于以上结果,我们认为:人类活动和食物资源量对普氏原羚的采食对策影响显著。  相似文献   

2005年6—7月和9月,运用样线法研究了青海省天峻县布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata) 的集群行为。该地区的普氏原羚和藏原羚集群类型分为雌性群、雄性群、混合群及母子群。四种集群类型中,雄性群出现的频次均为最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为41%和50%);其次为雌性群(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为34%和30%);再次为母子群和混合群。比较集群规模发现,除藏原羚母子群显著大于普氏原羚(P=0.015)外,两个种其余集群类型规模差异不显著。集群规模出现频次:单只出现的频次最高(普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为21.9%和18.7%);2—8只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别为62.6%和67.6%;大于9只,普氏原羚和藏原羚分别仅占15.5%和13.7%。另外,普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后平均集群规模显著减小(普氏原羚,P=0.014;藏原羚,P=0.008);在雄性群、混合群规模均较产羔前略有增大的情况下,雌性群的规模却显著减小(普氏原羚,P<0.001;藏原羚,P=0.002),成为普氏原羚和藏原羚产羔后集群规模变小的主要原因。布哈河上游同域分布的普氏原羚和藏原羚草青期的集群类型、集群规模相差不大。  相似文献   

Yang J  Jiang Z  Zeng Y  Turghan M  Fang H  Li C 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20144
Anthropogenic landscapes influence evolutionary processes such as population genetic differentiation, however, not every type of landscape features exert the same effect on a species, hence it is necessary to estimate their relative effect for species management and conservation. Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii), which inhabits a human-altered area on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is one of the most endangered antelope species in the world. Here, we report a landscape genetic study on Przewalski's gazelle. We used skin and fecal samples of 169 wild gazelles collected from nine populations and thirteen microsatellite markers to assess the genetic effect of anthropogenic landscape features on this species. For comparison, the genetic effect of geographical distance and topography were also evaluated. We found significant genetic differentiation, six genetic groups and restricted dispersal pattern in Przewalski's gazelle. Topography, human settlement and road appear to be responsible for observed genetic differentiation as they were significantly correlated with both genetic distance measures [F(ST)/(1-F(ST)) and F'(ST)/(1-F'(ST))] in Mantel tests. IBD (isolation by distance) was also inferred as a significant factor in Mantel tests when genetic distance was measured as F(ST)/(1-F(ST)). However, using partial Mantel tests, AIC(c) calculations, causal modeling and AMOVA analysis, we found that human settlement was the main factor shaping current genetic differentiation among those tested. Altogether, our results reveal the relative influence of geographical distance, topography and three anthropogenic landscape-type on population genetic differentiation of Przewalski's gazelle and provide useful information for conservation measures on this endangered species.  相似文献   

原羚属分类地位研究兼论中国羚羊的分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国羚羊类动物在世界羚羊类动物中有着特殊的地位,其中普氏原羚、藏原羚和藏羚是中国特有的珍稀物种,普氏原羚是极度濒危动物.开展中国羚羊类动物的分类和进化研究是当务之急.本研究利用形态特征、头骨测量及线粒体DNA的12S rRNA(440 bp)和16S rRNA(590 bp)对原羚属的分类地位及中国其他几种羚羊分类地位进行了探讨,发现对质量性状和数量性状数据的聚类分析的结果差异大,而且质量性状的聚类结果比较符合传统的分类系统.分子分类也得到相似结果,但在属下的分析存在较大差异.7种牛科动物的12S rRNA和16S rRNA序列差异分别为0.2%~7.1%和0.3%~8.4%.系统进化分析表明原羚属3种羚羊形成单系群,且蒙古瞪羚与普氏原羚的关系较藏原羚与普氏原羚的关系近.赛加羚应归宿于羚羊亚科,而不是与羊亚科的藏羚形成独立的赛加羚亚科.原羚属的进化可能与青藏高原的隆起有关.  相似文献   

From August 1998 to August 2001, 119 wolf scats were collected from the desert in a pastoral region in northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. The study area is the last habitat for the critically endangered Przewalski’s gazelleProcapra przewalskii. Wolf predation was hypothesized as a cause of the endangerment of the Przewalski’s gazelle. The diet of wolf during the plant green period (June-September) and the plant withering period (October-May) were determined using three scat-analysis methods: frequency of occurrence, mass in scats and the ingested biomass obtained with the linear regression models of Weaver (1993). Limited to mammalian prey, total agreement was found between the dry weight and biomass methods, but less so between the frequency of occurrence data and other methods. Hare, yak, and small rodents were the important prey species of the wolves during the plant green period, each accounting for 33, 27, and 20%. Yak, sheep and hare were the important prey species during the plant withering period, each accounting for 53, 25, and 17%. Other food types were badger, Przewalski’s gazelle, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and plants. The presence of the livestock remains in the wolf’s scats may imply scavenging behavior by the wolves, because few cases of missing livestock were reported during the study. No notable seasonal difference in the diet composition of the wolves was found. The food niche of wolf during the plant green period (0.55 ± 0.02) was similar to that during the plant withering period (0.50 ± 0.02).  相似文献   

The mountain gazelle (Gazella gazelle), Dorcas gazelle (Gazella Dorcas) and acacia gazelle (Gazella arabica acacia) were historically abundant in the southern Levant, and more specifically in Israel. Anthropogenic and natural changes have caused a rapid decline in gazelle populations, raising concerns about their conservation status and future survival. The genetic profile of 111 wild gazelles from Israel was determined based on three regions of mitochondrial DNA (control region, Cytochrome b and 12S ribosomal RNA) and nine nuclear microsatellite markers. Genetic analysis of the mountain gazelle population, the largest known population of this rare species, revealed adequate diversity levels and gene flow between subpopulations. Nevertheless, ongoing habitat degradation and other human effects, such as poaching, suggest the need for drastic measures to prevent species extinction. Dorcas gazelles in Israel displayed inbreeding within subpopulations while still maintaining considerable genetic diversity overall. This stable population, represented by a distinctive genetic profile, is fragmented and isolated from its relatives in neighboring localities. Based on the genetic profile of a newly sampled subpopulation in Israel, we provide an alternative hypothesis for the historic dispersal of Dorcas gazelle, from the Southern Levant to northern Africa. The small acacia gazelle population was closest to gazelles from the Farasan Islands of Saudi Arabia, based on mitochondrial markers. The two populations did not share haplotypes, suggesting that these two populations may be the last remnant wild gazelles of this species worldwide. Only a dozen acacia gazelles survive in Israel, and urgent steps are needed to ensure the survival of this genetically distinctive lineage. The genetic assessments of our study recognize new conservation priorities for each gazelle species in the Southern Levant.  相似文献   

青海湖鸟岛地区草地植物群落特征的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
青海湖鸟岛地区草地群落共出现种子植物 6 3种 ,隶属 4 3属 ,19科 ,以北温带成分为主 ;从湖滨到典型地带性植被 ,物种多样性指数变化可以分为两大类型 ;随着高度增加 ,物种多样性呈现倒U型变化 ,沿着水平梯度物种多样性基本上逐渐增加。可以分为禾草、豆科固氮植物、非禾本科草类和半灌木功能组 ,物种水平与功能组水平的多样性、均匀度和丰富度相关系数分别为 0 2 79,0 4 36 ,0 0 19,均没有达到显著相关 ,功能组水平的多样性指数具有与物种水平不同的性质  相似文献   

The number and structure of the tur (Capra caucasica Guldenstaedt et Pallas 1783) population on the territory of Caucasian Reserve (Western Caucasus), as well as peculiarities of the effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on the population, were studied based on ideas of meta-population species dynamics. Fourteen local tur groupings were united into three groups by the similarity of long-term number dynamics. A negative effect of winter, which deviated from the average long-term winter by the level of snowiness, on the tur population was detected. Snowy winters damage not only males (that frequently die in avalanches), but also affect the birth rate subsequently; the portion of females, in spite of the male death, decreases anyway two years after winter, as well as the portion of underyearlings. It was demonstrated that the snowy winter effect is manifested only when the animal density is rather high. The following tendency was detected for the tur population: the greater the density before the winter, the larger the decrease in the animal density after it (and this tendency weakens one year after the winter). Wolf predation has no negative effect on the tur population in the reserve. A maximal association between the tur density and wolf density was found at a tur density up to 50 individuals/1000 hectares. With a further increase in the victim density, the wolf density changes independently of the tur density. Turs in the reserve are not easily accessible to poachers due to habitat peculiarities, and therefore, the role of poaching in the dynamics of their numbers is not significant.  相似文献   

There is considerable variation in cannibalism between different species and also between individuals of different species, although relatively little is known about what creates this variation. We investigated the degree of cannibalism in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) populations originating from high and low predation environments in Trinidad, and also how cannibalism was affected by the presence of refuges. Females from two populations were allowed to feed on juveniles from two populations in aquaria trials. The cannibalism was size-dependent and varied depending on both juvenile and female origin. Low predation females were more efficient cannibals and low predation juveniles were better at avoiding cannibalism compared to high predation guppies when no refuges were present. The high predation females were superior cannibals and the high predation juveniles were better at escaping cannibalism than the low predation guppies when refuges were present. We discuss whether the differences in cannibalism and response to refuge addition relate to predation-induced habitat shifts and differences in the guppies’ natural environment.  相似文献   

In a predator–prey system, prey species may adapt to the presence of predators with behavioral changes such as increased vigilance, shifting habitats, or changes in their mobility. In North America, moose (Alces alces) have shown behavioral adaptations to presence of predators, but such antipredator behavioral responses have not yet been found in Scandinavian moose in response to the recolonization of wolves (Canis lupus). We studied travel speed and direction of movement of GPS‐collared female moose (n = 26) in relation to spatiotemporal differences in wolf predation risk, reproductive status, and time of year. Travel speed was highest during the calving (May–July) and postcalving (August–October) seasons and was lower for females with calves than females without calves. Similarly, time of year and reproductive status affected the direction of movement, as more concentrated movement was observed for females with calves at heel, during the calving season. We did not find support for that wolf predation risk was an important factor affecting moose travel speed or direction of movement. Likely causal factors for the weak effect of wolf predation risk on mobility of moose include high moose‐to‐wolf ratio and intensive hunter harvest of the moose population during the past century.  相似文献   

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