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人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖习性和巢址选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年2月—2006年7月,通过悬挂人工巢箱,对白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)的繁殖习性和巢址选择进行了初步研究。结果表明:2年间,共悬挂人工巢箱226个,其中25个巢箱被白眉姬鹟利用,以小型山雀式巢箱为主(96%),白眉姬鹟对巢大小有选择性;在人工巢箱条件下,白眉姬鹟的窝卵数为(6.00±0.17)枚,卵长径为(17.45±0.07)mm,卵短径为(13.20±0.06)mm,卵重为(1.54±0.02)g,孵化期为12~14d,孵化率为88.76%,育雏期为12~14d,出飞率为96.22%。影响白眉姬鹟巢址选择的主要因素有巢位因子(31.46%)、巢下隐蔽因子(24.67%)、光照因子(15.70%)和食物因子(11.32%)等,其中巢位因子是白眉姬鹟巢址选择中首要考虑的因素;其次是隐蔽性,它可以减少白眉姬鹟被捕食的几率;光照可以提高巢内温度,对于白眉姬鹟的孵化也起到重要作用;食物则保证了繁殖期亲、幼鸟的食物要求。白眉姬鹟的巢材较为广泛,与当地环境密切相关,反映了白眉姬鹟对生境有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

温带次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹长雷  高玮 《四川动物》2008,27(2):183-188
于2005~2006年鸟类繁殖季节,通过悬挂人工巢箱,探讨了次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟Ficedula zanthopygia繁殖的影响.结果 表明:次生林破碎化对白眉姬鹟繁殖产生很大的影响,斑块面积、形状指数、隔离度均在不同程度上影响着白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数,破碎化指数不同的斑块间白眉姬鹟的窝卵数、孵化率和出飞率差异均不显著(P>0.05);卵重变异很大,差异显著(P<0.05);卵体积变动更大,差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01).回归分析表明,斑块破碎化指数与白眉姬鹟繁殖参数间均存在一元二次方程关系:当窝卵数达到最大值时,卵质量降低,出雏率达到最低,雏鸟存活率反而增大,出飞率达到最大,从而提高繁殖功效;当窝卵数达到最小值时,卵质量最高,出雏率增大,出飞率也相应的增高,从而使繁殖功效增大.白眉姬鹟存在一个最优窝卵数,验证了Lack的窝卵数假说.另外,白眉姬鹟通过对自身繁殖参数的调节来适应生境破碎化,尽量提高自身的繁殖功效,从而弥补自身种群.  相似文献   

巢捕食是影响鸟类繁殖成功率的一个重要因素,也是鸟类繁殖生态研究中的一项重要内容。确定鸟类的主要巢捕食者及影响巢捕食的因素对于了解鸟类繁殖成功率、种群增长率及种群数量等具有重要意义。2009—2012年,对辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区人工巢箱中繁殖的杂色山雀(Parus varius)、沼泽山雀(P.palustris)、大山雀(P.major)和白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)四种鸟类的巢捕食率及影响巢捕食的因素进行了研究。研究共记录到238个繁殖巢(杂色山雀74巢、沼泽山雀21巢、大山雀118巢、白眉姬鹟25巢),其中35巢被捕食,捕食率为14.7%,雏鸟期被捕食占91.4%。巢捕食率在4种鸟类之间无差异(x~2=0.429,df=3,P=0.934)。以锦蛇(Elaphe spp.)为代表的蛇类是该地区小型森林洞巣鸟类繁殖期主要捕食者,占总捕食率的94.3%。对影响巢捕食的22个相关因子进行二元逻辑斯蒂回归分析发现,坡度、地面裸露率、草本盖度对巢捕食具有显著性影响;出雏时间、坡位、距碎石块距离对巢捕食的影响接近显著水平;而巢高、树粗、巢箱年龄、窝卵数、距路距离等对巢捕食无显著影响。因此,处于坡度较陡,坡位较高,草本覆盖率较高,地面裸露率较低,距碎石块距离较近,且出雏时间较晚的巢更容易被捕食。  相似文献   

2017和2018年每年的4至8月在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区,对人工巢箱中黑冠山雀(Periparus rubidiventris)的繁殖生态进行了研究。共悬挂100个巢箱,两年共计招引到15巢黑冠山雀。此外,还记录到4个自然巢,分别位于干枯的糙皮桦(Betula utilise)树洞(1巢)、土坡的缝隙(1巢)和路边水泥护坡的出水管中(2巢)。黑冠山雀雌雄亲鸟共同筑巢,巢内壁为兽毛夹杂少量绒羽,外壁为草茎须根和苔藓。5月中下旬为黑冠山雀的产卵高峰期,清晨产卵,日产1枚,产下最后1枚卵后开始孵卵。平均窝卵数为6枚(4 ~ 7 枚,n = 15),平均卵重(1.12 ± 0.02)g,卵长径(15.30 ± 0.10)mm,卵短径(12.09 ± 0.11)mm(n = 86)。孵卵由雌鸟承担,孵卵期为15 d(14 ~ 16 d,n = 5)。产卵期,雌鸟离巢时有用巢材盖卵的行为,开始孵卵后则不再盖卵。双亲共同育雏,育雏期为16 d和17 d(n = 2)。所记录的18巢黑冠山雀的繁殖成功率为83.3%,人工巢箱(15巢)中繁殖成功率为86.7%,巢捕食者主要为鼠类。  相似文献   

2011年6月10~24日,在北京松山自然保护区采用全日观察法,对在游览道路旁的人工巢箱内繁殖的1对白眉姬鹟的育雏行为及其栖息地环境条件进行了系统观察与数据采集.结果显示育雏前期和后期雌雄鸟日喂食次数及各时段雌雄鸟进出巢的平均次数均有一定差异,白眉姬鹟在育雏过程中雌鸟喂食次数随雏鸟生长而增加,雄鸟则无明显变化.游客及人为干扰对雌雄鸟出入巢穴均有一定影响,雌鸟较之雄鸟更为胆怯和谨慎.表明白眉姬鹟雌雄鸟在育雏中的行为存在分工和差异.  相似文献   

人工巢箱在鸟类研究与保护中的使用越来越广泛, 但是人工巢箱对鸟类群落的影响并不清楚, 人工巢箱在鸟类群落保护过程中所扮演的角色仍然值得商榷。我们于2007年3–8月, 在北京门头沟区小龙门国家森林公园选择两块海拔及植被情况相似的样地, 一块悬挂50个人工巢箱, 另一块作为对照。我们调查了巢箱利用情况、巢箱内鸟类的繁殖情况及两样地的植被群落和鸟类群落。50个巢箱中有20个分别被褐头山雀(Parus songarus)、白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)、普通鳾(Sitta europaea)及大山雀(Parus major)占用。通过比较分析得知, 人工巢箱使实验样地白眉姬鹟的种群密度显著增加, 使实验样地次级洞巢鸟类群落的多样性指数(H’)和群落种间相遇率(PIE)显著高于对照样地, 而优势度指数(λ)显著低于对照样地。同时, 繁殖鸟类群落的相应指数也呈现出相同变化。这种变化更多地应该归因于人工巢箱的调节作用。通过这次研究, 我们认为人工巢箱影响了一部分次级洞巢鸟的分布模式, 并通过影响鸟类多度影响了次级洞巢鸟的多样性, 增加了一部分利用巢箱鸟类的种群密度, 进而使得实验样地繁殖鸟类多样性增加, 个体数量差异降低, 而群落均匀性增加。巢箱的悬挂对次生林鸟类群落保护产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

2009年3-7月,在北京小龙门森林公园悬挂人工巢箱,对大山雀(Parus major)和褐头山雀(P.montanus;)的繁殖进行比较研究.野外共悬挂100个巢箱,其中19巢(19.0%)被大山雀、11巢(11.0%)被褐头山雀进驻,总利用率为30.0%.同域繁殖的大山雀和褐头山雀在窝卵数、孵化期上有极显著差异(P<0.01),其中大山雀的窝卵数(8.21枚±0.25枚,n=19)极显著大于褐头山雀(6.18枚±0.23枚,n=11),而褐头山雀的孵化期(14.22d±0.44d,n=10)极显著长于大山雀(13.17 d±O.83 d,n=12).两者在卵重、卵大小、出雏数、雏鸟出飞数上无显著差异(P>0.05).大山雀的繁殖成功率(27.0%)和营巢成效(63.2%)均显著低于褐头山雀(54.5%和100%)(P<0.01).表明大山雀可能采取高产卵数、低存活率的繁殖对策,而褐头山雀的繁殖策略则可能为低产卵数、高存活率.  相似文献   

为了解次生林中潜在洞巢资源(包括各种啄木鸟的啄洞和人工巢箱)的多寡对次级洞巢鸟集团及繁殖鸟类群落结构的影响, 2007年11月至2008年7月, 我们在吉林省吉林市大岗林场选择洞巢密度不同的样地, 对其次级洞巢鸟及鸟类群落结构进行了比较研究。根据洞巢资源密度我们将9块样地分为3组, 即巢箱区(啄洞密度最低, 悬挂人工巢箱使其潜在洞巢资源总密度大幅提高)、低密度区(啄洞密度较低, 无巢箱)和高密度区(啄洞密度较高, 无巢箱), 调查了3组样地内鸟类的组成和密度、潜在洞巢资源的利用情况等。3组样地中均调查到4种初级洞巢鸟, 其种类组成略有不同; 4种次级洞巢鸟在3组样地广泛分布, 分别为白眉姬鹟(Ficedula zanthopygia)、大山雀(Parus major)、沼泽山雀(P. palustris)和普通鳾(Sitta europaea)。巢箱区和高密度区的次级洞巢鸟总密度显著高于低密度区。巢箱区同高密度区一样, 大山雀和白眉姬鹟的密度显著高于低密度区, 这是由于大山雀和白眉姬鹟是人工巢箱的主要利用鸟种, 而沼泽山雀和普通鳾的密度在三组样地间差异不显著。初级洞巢鸟总密度与啄洞密度、次级洞巢鸟总密度与潜在洞巢资源总密度都呈显著正相关关系。潜在洞巢资源丰富的样地中鸟类群落多样性指数显著高于潜在洞巢资源贫乏样地中的鸟类群落多样性指数, 人为增加洞巢资源可以改变鸟类群落组成并显著提高群落的多样性指数。三组样地中鸟类群落的均匀性、丰富度指数和种间相遇率没有显著差异, 群落相似性指数也相近。高密度区和低密度区鸟类群落集团结构相似。次级洞巢鸟密度的增加短时期内未对群落内其他主要鸟种的密度产生显著影响。研究结果显示, 初级洞巢鸟的密度决定了啄洞的丰富程度, 而洞巢资源的差异会对次级洞巢鸟集团的分布模式产生影响, 进而影响整个繁殖鸟类群落的结构。  相似文献   

2011年3—6月,通过悬挂巢箱人工招引丝光椋鸟(Sturnus sericeus)及同域分布下的灰椋鸟(Sturnus cineraceus),并对其繁殖生态进行了初步研究。共设置椋鸟式巢箱40个,其中椋鸟的入住率是84.6%,营巢成功率是51.5%,利用摄像机对其中3巢丝光椋鸟与3巢灰椋鸟进行了系统的繁殖行为观察。结果显示:丝光椋鸟窝卵数为6~7枚,灰椋鸟窝卵数5~7枚,后者的卵显著大于前者;丝光椋鸟的育雏期(20d)较灰椋鸟(16d)长,且亲鸟的递食率明显较高;育雏期丝光椋鸟亲鸟的警戒频次也明显高于灰椋鸟。因此,相比于灰椋鸟,丝光椋鸟具有更完善的育雏行为机制。另外,本文还首次报道了丝光椋鸟的种内巢寄生现象。  相似文献   

为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

对分布于吉林白城地区草原生境中栗斑腹巫鸟的窝卵数、营巢成功率和繁殖成功率的初步研究结果表明 ,繁殖期栗斑腹巫鸟种群的平均窝卵数为 5 .0 9± 0 .5 8枚 /巢 ;窝卵数与产卵期、出巢数与产卵期、窝卵数与卵大小之间呈负相关 ,产卵期与孵化率之间存在极显著的负相关关系 ,巢外径与窝卵数之间存在显著的正相关关系 ,巢的其余指标均与窝卵数呈正相关 ;平均孵化期为 12± 0 .4 9d ,孵化率为 36 .3% ,繁殖成功率为 11.11% ;7日龄以上的雏鸟群体大小为 2 .5 6± 1.5 3只 ,栗斑腹巫鸟的雏鸟存活率为 2 7.6 9% .  相似文献   

2007~2009年在黑龙江中南部地区对绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)繁殖生态习性进行了观察。绿翅鸭在黑龙江属夏候鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,10月上旬迁离,所观察的4对绿翅鸭居留期约6个月。迁来时成群停留在湖泊及江的冰面上,开江以后散去,繁殖期间,绿翅鸭的配偶关系为一雄一雌,巢址多选择离水域较近的草丛或灌木丛中,所观察的4巢,巢都比较简单,筑巢时间为(5.5±1.0)d(n=4)。巢筑成后的(3.25±0.50)d开始产卵。每窝70~12枚不等,平均(9.80±2.21)枚(n=4)。卵重平均(28.70±0.72)g(n=39),最后一枚卵产出后(2.50±0.577)d(n=4),开始孵卵,孵卵期约为22~26 d不等,平均孵卵期为(24.25±1.17)d(n=4),平均孵化率为79.5%±29.98%。幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期为(29.75±1.70)d。  相似文献   

We present data from a 17-year study of the population biology of a growing population of Spanish imperial eagles Aquila adalberti across most of its breeding range. The objective of this study was to analyse the effects of age, supplemental feeding and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) on several breeding parameters of this population of eagles. Average clutch size was 2.2 eggs per clutch, and the average incubation time was 41.7 days per clutch. Fledging occurred an average of 76.8 days after hatching, the length of the fledgling period was not correlated to clutch size. The annual average percentage of pairs laying eggs was 88%. A significant reduction in the percentage of pairs laying eggs in the period 1992–1994 (from 91 to 81%) coincided with most of the eagles’ territories being affected by the rabbit epizootic disease, RHD, which reduced their food supply significantly. Average productivity was 1.23 chicks per monitored territory, average breeding success was 1.40 chicks in a clutch per territory and the average fledging rate was 1.69 chicks per territory with hatching success. The main known causes of breeding failure during incubation were nest collapse and human disturbance. During chick-rearing, total or partial chick losses were mainly caused by siblicide, disease, malnutrition or nest collapse. In 26.2% of the 1372 monitored breeding attempts, at least one of the breeding birds was a subadult (the male in 56.1% of the cases, the female in 15.5% and both sexes in 28.4% of cases). In cases of mixed-aged pairs (n = 205), 70.7% were the result of a substitution, and 29.3% were the result of the forming of a new pair. Egg laying took place significantly earlier and breeding success was higher in territories occupied by adults than in those occupied by subadults. Breeding parameters were higher in high-quality (rabbit-rich) territories than in low-quality (rabbit-poor) territories, but only for those territories occupied by adults. The values obtained in the territories occupied by adults were only significantly higher than in those of the subadults in high-quality territories. Age and territory quality thus simultaneously affected reproductive output.  相似文献   

鹟莺属(Seicercus)鸟类的繁殖资料十分缺乏。2015年4~8月,采用录像全程监控的方法,在贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区,对4巢栗头鹟莺(S.castaniceps)的繁殖过程进行了完整观察。栗头鹟莺的繁殖期主要集中在5~7月,巢址选择专一性较强,均筑巢于公路边的土坎内壁,距路(1.3±1.2)m,巢为球状侧开口,巢材主要为新鲜苔藓及细草根,巢高(2.2±0.6)m,巢宽(10.9±1.5)cm,杯宽(3.3±0.5)cm,巢深(9.5±1.9)cm,杯深(5.5±1.0)cm。窝卵数(4.5±0.6)枚(4~5枚),卵重(0.92±0.04)g,卵长(14.30±0.30)mm,卵宽(11.22±0.23)mm,卵体积(0.92±0.05)mm3(n=18)。亲鸟在产满窝卵后开始孵卵,孵卵期12~13 d,在孵卵中期(第5~9天)亲鸟的孵卵时间开始增加,翻卵次数增多,在孵卵后期(第10~13天)亲鸟的孵卵时间和翻卵次数基本保持不变。育雏期13~14 d。雌、雄共同育雏,雏鸟在3日龄时,体重和跗跖开始显著增长,在7日龄时,增长速度变缓。孵化率为88.9%(16/18),营巢成效为100%,出飞成效为3.3只/巢。  相似文献   

四川南充市区珠颈斑鸠的繁殖生态学和巢址选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年11月~2004年4月在四川省南充市区内对珠颈斑鸠(Streptopelia chinensis)繁殖生态和巢址选择进行了研究。结果表明:珠颈斑鸠3月初开始求偶交配,求偶行为复杂,有“婚飞”行为;雌雄参与筑巢,营巢期7~8 d。影响巢址选择的主要因素有6种:栖位与巢周隐蔽因子、巢下隐蔽因子、光照因子、人为活动因子、食物因子和营巢树因子;窝卵数2枚,雌雄轮流孵卵,孵卵期17~18 d,孵化率86.67%;雌雄均参与育雏,育雏期18~20 d,雏离巢率73.08%,繁殖生产力1.82,种群育雏高峰期为7月和8月中上旬。  相似文献   

Maternal investment in reproduction by oviparous non-avian reptiles is usually limited to pre-ovipositional allocations to the number and size of eggs and clutches, thus making these species good subjects for testing hypotheses of reproductive optimality models. Because leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) stand out among oviparous amniotes by having the highest clutch frequency and producing the largest mass of eggs per reproductive season, we quantified maternal investment of 146 female leatherbacks over four nesting seasons (2001–2004) and found high inter- and intra-female variation in several reproductive characteristics. Estimated clutch frequency [coefficient of variation (CV) = 31%] and clutch size (CV = 26%) varied more among females than did egg mass (CV = 9%) and hatchling mass (CV = 7%). Moreover, clutch size had an approximately threefold higher effect on clutch mass than did egg mass. These results generally support predictions of reproductive optimality models in which species that lay several, large clutches per reproductive season should exhibit low variation in egg size and instead maximize egg number (clutch frequency and/or size). The number of hatchlings emerging per nest was positively correlated with clutch size, but fraction of eggs in a clutch yielding hatchlings (emergence success) was not correlated with clutch size and varied highly among females. In addition, seasonal fecundity and seasonal hatchling production increased with the frequency and the size of clutches (in order of effect size). Our results demonstrate that female leatherbacks exhibit high phenotypic variation in reproductive traits, possibly in response to environmental variability and/or resulting from genotypic variability within the population. Furthermore, high seasonal and lifetime fecundity of leatherbacks probably reflect compensation for high and unpredictable mortality during early life history stages in this species.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the White-necked Picathartes Picathartes gymnocephalus , a threatened species endemic to the Upper Guinea rainforest of West Africa, was studied in Sierra Leone from 1990 to 1996. The modal clutch size was two (mean 1.92) eggs. Incubation averaged 20 days and the nestling period 25 days. Nesting success (probability of eggs laid surviving to fledge) was 22.9%. Only 0.44 chicks fledged per nesting pair. The main known causes of nest mortality were predation and infanticide. Nestlings fledged when almost 30% smaller than adult size. A life-table indicates that populations in Sierra Leone could be declining slowly. Alternatively, White-necked Picathartes could be very long-lived (annual adult survival could be greater than 90%), in which case populations would be self-sustaining.  相似文献   

Lack ( 1967 ) proposed that clutch size in species with precocial young was determined by nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested that regulation of clutch size in these species may be more complex. We tested whether incubation limitation contributes to ultimate constraints on maximal clutch size in Black Brent Geese (Black Brant) Branta bernicla nigricans. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between clutch size and duration of the nesting period (i.e. days between nest initiation and the first pipped egg) and the number of goslings leaving the nest. We used experimental clutch manipulations to assess these questions because they allowed us to create clutches that were larger than the typical maximum of five eggs in this species. We found that the per‐capita probability of egg success (i.e. the probability an egg hatched and the gosling left the nest) declined from 0.81 for two‐egg clutches to 0.50 for seven‐egg clutches. As a result of declining egg success, clutches containing more than five eggs produced, at best, only marginally more offspring. Manipulating clutch size at the beginning of incubation had no effect on the duration of the nesting period, but the nesting period increased with the number of eggs a female laid naturally prior to manipulation, from 25.4 days (95% CI 25.1–25.7) for three‐egg clutches to 27.7 days (95% CI 27.3–28.1) for six‐egg clutches. This delay in hatching may result in reduced gosling growth rates due to declining forage quality during the brood rearing period. Our results suggest that the strong right truncation of Brent clutches, which results in few clutches greater than five, is partially explained by the declining incubation capacity of females as clutch size increases and a delay in hatching with each additional egg laid. As a result, females laying clutches with more than five eggs would typically gain little fitness benefit above that associated with a five‐egg clutch.  相似文献   

Examination of spatial and temporal factors that influence nest survival can provide insight into habitat selection, reproductive decisions (e.g., clutch size), population dynamics, and conservation requirements for species. We used nest survival data for the Dusky Flycatcher Empidonax oberholseri to examine several factors that may influence nesting success. Our prediction was that the number of nest initiations would be positively associated with period nest survival. We used a model selection framework and found that nesting success was a function of clutch size and a cubic effect of age. Clutches with one, two, three, and four eggs had period survival rates of 0, 0.05, 0.33, and 0.49, respectively. Daily survival rates decreased from the onset of egg-laying and increased during the later stages of incubation before remaining relatively constant through the later portions of the nestling stage. Model-selection criterion provided support for a date effect on daily survival (i.e., daily nest survival declined across the nesting season) although the 95% confidence interval for the estimate included zero. We found that the majority of nest initiations occurred early in the nest season and declined across the season as period nest survival declined. Our prediction concerning nest survival was partially supported. In addition, we found substantial positive associations between clutch size and nest survival. While low daily survival rates for clutches with one or two eggs suggested that individuals may have reduced reproductive effort in response to nest predation risk, we did not find strong evidence that individuals reduced their clutch sizes in subsequent nest attempts. Alternative predictions, including the preferential settlement of higher quality individuals (e.g., those with the ability to lay full clutches to replace depredated nests) into high-quality habitat and differences in behavior patterns (e.g., number of visits to provision nestlings), may provide more consistent explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

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