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记述了实小卷蛾属 (小卷蛾亚科 ,花小卷蛾族 )的一个新种 ,黄杉实小卷蛾RetiniapseudotsugaicolaLiuetWu ,sp .nov .。其幼虫危害黄杉PseudotsugasinensisDode的球果 ,在云南省禄劝县云龙乡球果受害率达 80 %~ 90 %。该新种雄性外生殖器的抱器瓣在腹面中央凹陷很深 ,抱器腹拐角几乎呈直角 ,抱器端的腹角尖 ,可与该属其它种相区别。该新种的雌性外生殖器与松实小卷蛾R .cristata很相似 ,但成虫的花纹完全不同 ,该新种前翅的中横带很宽 ,且布满了灰绿色和灰黄色的云状纹 ,而松实小卷蛾前翅的中横带则较窄 ,翅端有明显的肛上纹。在昆明禄劝县一年发生 1代 ,以蛹在球果中越冬。越冬蛹于翌年 3月下旬开始羽化。 4月上旬至 7月下旬是幼虫危害期。老熟幼虫 7月下旬开始陆续化蛹越冬。提供了成虫外形、翅脉、雌雄外生殖器解剖图及幼虫的毛序图。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所  相似文献   

原小卷蛾属Sillybiphora Kuznetsov目前全世界仅知1种,中国已有记载.记述2种,包括1新种:微凸原小卷蛾S.pauliprotuberans sp.nov..文中给出了原小卷蛾属的分种检索表,提供了成虫图及外生殖器特征图.研究标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.新种与庐原小卷蛾S.devia(Kuznetsov)在雄性外生殖器上相似,两者的主要区别是:新种基斑不明显,散布黑褐色条纹和斑点;端斑椭圆形且大,长与前翅宽约等宽;抱器腹近端部有一小的凸起,约为抱器瓣基部洞穴宽的1/10;抱器端端部膨大呈球状.庐原小卷蛾S.devia(Kuznetsov)基斑明显,黑褐色圆斑;端斑圆形且小,长约为前翅宽的2/3;抱器腹近端部有一大的凸起,与抱器瓣基部洞穴约等宽;抱器端端部无明显膨大,从基部到端部约等宽.  相似文献   

胡麻短纹卷蛾生物学特性观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘寿民  岳德成 《昆虫知识》1998,35(3):160-160
胡麻短纹卷蛾见”euncaria切S。切已见。’h幼虫俗称胡麻漏油虫,是胡麻重要害虫。在北方胡麻产区的甘肃、宁夏、内蒙、山西等省均有发生,特别是六盘山西麓静宁、庄浪发生猖撅。1990~1992年,笔者对该虫的生物学特性进行了观察,现报道如下。回生活史胡麻短纹卷蛾1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在胡麻地土壤中作茧越冬,越冬期长达10.5个月。5月下旬越冬幼虫开始出土化蛹,6月中下旬为化蛹盛期,7月下旬为化蛹末期。蛹期8~13天,平均10.6天。6月上旬田间最早发现成虫,中旬成虫大量出现,6月下旬至7月中旬为成虫羽化盛期,6月底至7月初往往出…  相似文献   

尖顶小卷蛾属Kennelia全世界已知2种,中国均有分布.本文记录3种,包括1新种:凹尖顶小卷蛾K.apiconcava sp.nov..文中给出了尖顶小卷蛾属的分种检索表,提供了成虫图和外生殖器特征图.研究标本及模式标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.新种与鼠李尖顶小卷蛾K.xylinana(Kennel)在雄性外生殖器上相似,两者的主要区别是:前者较后者个体小;爪形突末端凹陷呈"M"状,不膨大;尾突端部尖锐;抱器瓣颈部很细,约为抱器端宽的1/4;抱器端近圆形.鼠李尖顶小卷蛾K.xylinana(Kennel)个体较大;爪形突端部膨大,末端平截;尾突端部钝圆;抱器瓣颈部粗,约为抱器端宽的1/2;抱器端斜卵圆形.  相似文献   

张爱环  李后魂 《昆虫学报》2004,47(4):485-489
本文对连小卷蛾属Nuntiella Kuznetsov进行了系统研究,共记述三个种研究,其中有两个新种:阔端连小卷蛾Nuntiella laticuculla sp. Nov.和狭翅连小卷蛾Nuntiella angustiptera sp. Nov.。首次描述了连小卷蛾属的雌性外生殖器特征。文中提供了成虫和外生殖器特征图及分种检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

记述了我国圆点小卷蛾属EudemisHbner的种类,共4种,其中包括1新种:郑氏圆点小卷蛾E.zhengi sp.nov.。提供了分种检索表、新种的形态特征图和生殖器图。模式标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室。郑氏圆点小卷蛾,新种Eudemis zhengi sp.nov.(图1~2)新种与杨梅圆点小卷蛾E.gyrotis(Meyrick)相似,但可通过下列特征区别:雄性外生殖器之颚形突中部的突起宽短,同时侧缘还具尖角状突起并被细齿,抱器瓣仅在抱器腹近基部具1簇刺丛;后者颚形突中部的突起长指状,侧缘无突起,抱器瓣腹缘具3簇刺丛,分别位于抱器腹基部和端部及抱器端基部2/5处。正模♂,云南勐腊补蚌(21°29′N,101°33′E;海拔650m),25Aug.2005,任应党采;玻片号YHL05159。词源:新种种名以郑哲民教授的姓氏命名,以示对郑先生在我国昆虫系统学研究领域做出显著贡献的敬意。  相似文献   

记述中国圆斑小卷蛾属Eudemopsis 昆虫10种,其中包括1新种:狭瓣圆斑小卷蛾E. angustivalvae sp. nov.。该新种的体型较小,前翅长仅4.0-4.5 mm,雄性外生殖器中抱器瓣狭长,毛刺稀疏,很容易与属内其他种区分。文中还给出了分种检索表、新种的形态特征图和生殖器图以及该属种类在中国的地理分布图。研究标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

作者系统研究了中国小卷蛾族标本,发现了五个新种:(1)曲茎小食心虫GrapholitacurviphalaLiuetYan,因其雄性外生殖器阳茎长而端部弯曲命名,分布在四川峨眉山;(2)顶平小食心虫G.globelaLiuetYan,因其雄性外生殖器的抱器顶端平截而命名,分布在吉林长白山;(3)手指小食心虫G.dactylaLiuetYan,因其雄性外生殖器的抱器腹有手指状突起而命名,分布在广东广州植物园;(4)球小食心虫G.globovalvaLiuetYan,因其雄性外生殖器的抱器端呈圆球形而命名;分布在山东泰山;(5)弯瓣小卷蛾Cy-diacurvivalvaLiuetYan,因其雄性外生殖器的抱器瓣从中部开始强烈向上弯曲而命名,分布在浙江,江西。新种的所有模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

记述了潜蛾属(潜蛾亚科)1新种,枇杷潜蛾Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov..该文提供了成虫外形、茧与幼虫的危害状照片及雌雄外生殖器解剖图.模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.成虫将卵产在枇杷嫩叶反面的端部边缘,位于内外表皮之间.卵孵化后向叶基部钻蛀,沿叶片的主脉蛀入嫩梢内,导致嫩梢枯死,严重影响枇杷的生长和结实.老熟幼虫爬到一片新叶的背面结一白色丝茧,在其中化蛹.在云南省蒙自县枇杷的受害株率达80%~90%.该虫在云南蒙自1年发生多代,世代重叠.枇杷潜蛾,新种Lyonetia eriobotryae sp.nov.(图1~8)正模♂,副模5♂♂,5♀♀,云南省蒙自县,2005-07-10,武春生、李正跃采.新种的外生殖器与桃潜蛾L.derkella(Linnaeus)很相似,但成虫前翅无中室端斑,雄性外生殖器的颚形突末端小四叉形(桃潜蛾为大二叉形),雌性外生殖器的囊突明显长于桃潜蛾.成虫花纹与台湾产的石楠潜蛾L.anthemopaMeyrick(也分布在日本)相似,但新种前翅缺前缘纹,雌性外生殖器有1枚长的囊突(石楠潜蛾前翅有前缘纹,雌性外生殖器无囊突).词源:新种名来自寄主植物的属名.  相似文献   

记述中国短纹卷蛾属Falseuncaria Obraztsov & Swatschek 3中国新记录种:灰短纹卷蛾F. degreyana (McLachlan, 1869)、斜短纹卷蛾F. lechriotoma Razowski,1970以及红缘短纹卷蛾 F. ruficiliana (Haworth, [1811]),并对其进行了详细描述。提供了成虫及外生殖器特征图,并给出了该属中国已知种的检索表及分布图。  相似文献   

The effects on standard length of storing laboratory-rearedlarval herring (9–19 mm live length) in 4% buffered formaldehydeor 70% buffered ethanol with and without simulated capture bytowed net were assessed. Lengths during storage were consideredstable after 15 days for larvae placed directly in formaldehyde,and after 30 days for larvae placed directly into alcohol orfor larvae treated by net-capture simulation before storage.The following linear regressions described the relationshipsbetween live length and the stored lengths of larvae after thesetimes: for larvae stored directly in formaldehyde, L = 1.765+ 0.867 x X1 for larvae stored directly in alcohol, L = 0.564+ 0.971 x X1; for larvae subjected to net-capture simulationthen stored in formaldehyde, L = 0.984 + 0.993 x X1; and forlarvae subjected to net-capture simulation then stored in alcohol,L = 0.532 + 0.989 x X1 where L = live standard length and X1= standard length after storage. The non-linear regression formulaparameterized by Theilacker (Fish. Bull US, 78,685–692,1980) for northern anchovy larvae provided a good fit to thedata for herring larvae subjected to net-capture simulationand then stored in formaldehyde. However, the model had to bere-parameterized to provide a good fit for larvae stored inalcohol. The precision achieved in length measurements usinga computer-aided measuring system is also discussed.  相似文献   

闭弯尾姬蜂与菜蛾盘绒茧蜂寄生菜蛾幼虫时的种间竞争   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在室内25℃下,以菜蛾3龄初幼虫作寄主,研究了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae和半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum的种间竞争。当寄主供2种蜂同时产卵寄生时,2种蜂各自的寄生率与其单独寄生时无显著差异,合计寄生率比一种蜂单独存在时有所提高,但差异不显著。2种蜂均能产卵寄生已被另一种蜂寄生了的寄主幼虫。当寄主被2种蜂寄生的间隔时间很短(少于10 h)时,所育出的蜂绝大部分(80%以上)为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被绒茧蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供弯尾姬蜂寄生时,所育出的全为绒茧蜂;当寄主先被弯尾姬蜂寄生,并饲养2天以上再供绒茧蜂寄生时,寄主幼虫绝大部分不能存活,只有少部分能育出寄生蜂,且多为弯尾姬蜂。当2种蜂的幼虫存在于同一寄主体内时,2种蜂的发育均受到另一种蜂的抑制;绒茧蜂1龄幼虫具有物理攻击能力,能将弯尾姬蜂卵或幼虫致死。这些结果表明,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂与半闭弯尾姬蜂在同一寄主中发育时,前者具有明显的竞争优势。  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the sesarmid crab Perisesarmafasciatum (Lanchester, 1900) from Singapore was obtained fromlaboratory culture. All four zoeal stages, the megalopa andthe first crab stage are described and illustrated. The morphologicalcharacteristics of the larvae of P. fasciatum are compared withthose of other known larvae of the genera Perisesarma and Parasesarma.The larval morphology of P. fasciatum clearly presents the typicalcombination of features that characterize sesarmid larvae. Overall,larval stages are very similar in Perisesarma and Parasesarmaand it is impossible to distinguish these two genera by larvalmorphology.  相似文献   

The predatory behavior of the carnivorous marine copepod, adultfemale Euchaeta elongata Esterly, feeding on eggs and larvaeof the Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, was examined in thelaboratory and in a natural setting. E. elongata did not feedon eggs. Predation on larvae is believed to depend on larvalswimming behavior: (1) predation rates were low on early stageyolk-sac larvae which are inactive swimmers and are relativelyundetected by the predator; (2) rates were high on middle stageyolk-sac larvae which are more active swimmers yet have a poorlydeveloped escape response; and (3) rates were low on largerlarvae which are able to escape the predator effectively. Starvedhake larvae were more vulnerable to predation due to a poorescape ability although they were less active and not easilydetected. The presence of naturally occurring alternative prey,Pseudocalanus sp., depressed the rate of E. elongata predationon hake larvae. In an analysis of field data, hake larvae andE. elongata were found to occupy the same depths in Dabob Bay.A high percentage of E. elongata collected had apparently beenfeeding on hake larvae, as indicated by the presence of pigmentsin their guts. Survival of hake larvae in late spring appearsto be relatively poor compared with early spring; poorer survivalin late spring may be due partly to an increase in the abundanceof invertebrate predators, such as E. elongata. *Current address: Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, 2725Montlake Blvd, Seattle, WA 98112, USA.  相似文献   

陈海霞  罗礼智 《昆虫学报》2007,50(11):1129-1134
双斑截尾寄蝇Nemorilla maculosa Meigen是草地螟和其他鳞翅类昆虫的重要寄生天敌,但国内外对其寄生行为知之甚少。为了明确双斑截尾寄蝇的寄生行为特征及其对草地螟种群动态的影响,在22℃,光照16 h的条件下就其对不同寄主种类及草地螟幼虫龄期、寄主部位的选择性进行了研究。结果显示:在草地螟、甜菜夜蛾和粘虫3种幼虫同时存在的条件下,双斑截尾寄蝇对草地螟的寄生率显著高于甜菜夜蛾和粘虫,而对甜菜夜蛾的寄生率又显著高于粘虫。另外,幼虫被寄生的平均次数也呈现相同的趋势,表明双斑截尾寄蝇喜选择草地螟。在3, 4, 5龄草地螟幼虫同时存在时,双斑截尾寄蝇对5龄幼虫的寄生率和平均寄生次数均显著高于4龄和3龄幼虫的,表明该寄蝇主要选择5龄幼虫为其寄主。在被寄生的草地螟幼虫中,胸部被寄生的比率(66.4%)和次数(4.2)显著高于头部(23.4%,1.0)和腹部(10.9%,1.1),而腹部及头部被寄生的比例及卵粒数没有显著差异,表明双斑截尾寄蝇主要选择幼虫的胸部进行寄生。最后,就双斑截尾寄蝇对产卵寄主选择的原因和机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

分别用1 μg/头、0.1 μg/头和0.01 μg/头浓度的保幼激素类似物methoprene(蒙五一五)体外处理亚洲玉米螟5龄幼虫,测定幼虫体壁组织、血清和血细胞溶离物中酚氧化酶的活性。结果表明: 1 μg/头 methoprene处理组和0.1 μg/头处理组幼虫体壁组织中酚氧化酶活性与对照组相比有显著提高(P<0.01),血清和血细胞溶离物中酚氧化酶活性也显著上升(P<0.01)。将含有20-羟基蜕皮酮的人工饲料饲喂亚洲玉米螟5龄幼虫,处理组幼虫体壁组织的酚氧化酶活性下降(P<0.05),血清和血细胞溶离物中的酚氧化酶活性均低于对照组 (P<0.01)。这些结果表明methoprene可以诱导亚洲玉米螟5龄幼虫体内酚氧化酶活性的上升,而20-羟基蜕皮酮则抑制了酚氧化酶的活性。  相似文献   

Two species of the lanternfish genus Hygophum, H.benoiti andH.hygomii, are present in the Mediterranean. Differentiationof the larvae from these two species has been problematic. Anattempt to identify such larvae in the plankton samples of theNorth Western Mediterranean led to a broader study that includedthe examination of a large number of plankton samples collectedin the region since 1976. The large number of Hygophum larvaeobtained during July 1992 in the North Western Mediterranean(that proved to be H.benoiti), together with collections oflarvae from different geographic areas (especially H.hygomiifrom the Southwest Indian Ocean), allowed a detailed morphometriccomparison of the larvae of H.benoiti and H.hygomii. Developmentalstages of H.benoiti from yolk sac to post-flexion larvae aredescribed. Information on the temporal occurrence of H.benoitiin the plankton, as well as the spatial distribution of thisspecies during the survey of peak abundance (June/July 1992)in the North Western Mediterranean, is presented.  相似文献   

Four cruises were conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico overtwo spawning seasons of the sciaenid fish Leiostomus xanthurus.On only one occasion did unusually high densities of larvaeand their principal microzooplanktonic foods co-occur. Peakdensities of larvae and microzooplankton were observed in athin lens of cool surface water that characterized a hydrographicdiscontinuity, and all larvae contained high numbers of foodorganisms in their guts. Instantaneous exponential growth ratesestimated from measurements of otolith growth increments, indicatedaccelerated growth on the day that larvae were collected. Alaboratory experiment verified that larval L. xanthurus respondsto an increased ration with accelerated growth that is detectableon otoliths. Together these data suggest that the spatial distributionof L. xanthurus larvae and their microzooplanktonic food ispatchy and that interactions of larvae and microzooplanktonmay be episodic.  相似文献   

粘虫中肠α-淀粉酶活性测定方法的参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔玉萍  黄青春  刘曼慧  丰俊  刘扬 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):981-988
针对粘虫Mythimna separata中肠α-淀粉酶筛选了11种不同参数组合的3,5-二硝基水杨酸活性测定方法,并对其中最适组合的各个参数进行了优化。结果表明:在离体测定条件下,粘虫中肠α-淀粉酶活性的最优化测定参数为0.03 mol/L 磷酸盐缓冲液(pH 8.0,含有55 mmol/L NaCl)、温度45℃、吸收波长480 nm。Ca2+对α-淀粉酶活性具有抑制作用。该优化法能够显著降低粘虫、德国小蠊Blattella germanica、黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor、淡色库蚊Culex pipiens pallens和家蝇Musca domestica等昆虫α-淀粉酶的米氏常数Km值,且粘虫和德国小蠊α-淀粉酶的Vmax值增大,但黄粉虫、淡色库蚊和家蝇α-淀粉酶的Vmax值均明显减小。结果说明,在该优化体系下,粘虫α-淀粉酶与底物的亲和力增强,最大反应速度增大,测定酶活性的准确性和灵敏度显著提高;同时该优化体系也可作为测定德国小蠊α-淀粉酶活性的优化方法,但不适合作为黄粉虫、淡色库蚊和家蝇α-淀粉酶的最优化测定方法。  相似文献   

Feeding invertebrate larvae may be food limited while developingin the ocean. If they are, then their time in the plankton isprolonged, which likely increases mortality. Food limitationcould be due to the quantity and/or quality of the food available.In an effort to answer how food type influences larval nutrition,we compared growth, development and lipid deposition for Dendrasterexcentricus larvae reared in natural seawater from two depths(1 and 20 m) and in filtered seawater on a monoculture laboratorydiet of 6 cells µL–1 of the green alga Dunaliellatertiolecta (Butcher). Five days post-fertilization, larvaereared on the laboratory diet had developed to the latest stage,were the largest and had lipid deposits. Larvae reared on naturalsurface water were intermediate in size and developmental stage,and larvae reared in the water from 20 m depth were the smallestand developed the slowest. This trend continued at 8 days post-fertilizationwhen surface water diet larvae were similar in size to laboratorydiet larvae, but their juvenile rudiments were significantlysmaller. To assess food availability in each food treatment,we compared the concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) a, b andc in natural seawater from each depth and in D. tertiolectaculture in filtered seawater. Natural seawater collected fromthe surface had the highest concentration of Chl a and c, whereasChl b was not significantly different between treatments. IncreasedChl concentrations in the surface water are likely due to higherconcentrations of diatoms and dinoflagellates, which are typicallynot high-quality food items for echinoid larvae. Our resultssupport a hypothesis that echinoid larvae in the water columnmay be limited by food quality.  相似文献   

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