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以紫扇贝DNA为模板,用已开发的147个海湾扇贝微卫星标记引物扩增,结果表明100个微卫星标记能成功扩增,其中有47个表现出多态性,等位基因数目从2到9不等.观测杂合度范围为0.128 0~1.000 0(平均0.660 4),期望杂合度范围为0.503 1~0.862 1(平均0.671 9),有6个位点偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.05).用7对引物分别对紫扇贝、海湾扇贝及其种间正反杂交F1各30个个体进行PCR扩增,发现它们可明确区分紫扇贝与海湾扇贝,且所检测60个杂交子代均同时含海湾扇贝与紫扇贝的相应种特异性条带,证明全部为种间杂交子代.将该7对引物的扩增产物克隆测序,发现这些位点在两种扇贝中的序列同源率为40.22%~91.95%,其中3个位点在紫扇贝中的扩增产物仍然含有微卫星.  相似文献   

伊犁鲈微卫星位点的筛选及近缘物种通用性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为开发伊犁鲈(Perca schrenkii)分子标记用于鲈属鱼类种质资源保护,以伊犁鲈为材料,应用磁珠富集法进行了微卫星标记的筛选.从伊犁鲈尾鳍提取总DNA,进行酶切、接头连接、PCR扩增,再采用生物素标记(CA)15探针及生物素标记(TG)15探针对扩增产物进行杂交富集,经再次PCR扩增及T-A克隆,成功构建了伊犁鲈基因组微卫星富集文库.采用重复序列引物筛选获得阳性克隆,随机选取48个阳性克隆进行测序,测得序列46个,其中38个克隆含有微卫星序列,41个位点的微卫星重复数在8次以上.根据测得序列设计17对微卫星引物,均能在伊犁鲈群体中扩增获得目的条带.采用该17对引物对河鲈(P.fluviatilis)及黄金鲈(P.flavescens)群体样本进行扩增,10对引物具有通用性,其中6对在河鲈中具有高度多态性(PIC>0.5),5对在黄金鲈中具有高度多态性.  相似文献   

长江江豚微卫星DNA分离的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了开发物种特异性微卫星标记,本文采用一种改良的快速微卫星分离法(FIASCO)从长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)的基因组中筛选得到72条微卫星DNA序列.根据重复单元的排列特点,完美型、非完美型及复合型序列所占的比例分别为58.3%、22.2%和19.5%.选择其中30条序列设计PCR扩增引物,并用12个随机选择的长江江豚样品进行多态性筛选.初步结果表明其中14对引物的扩增产物稳定并且具有多态性;在每个座位上获得2-13个等位基因,平均等位基因数为5.87个;14个微卫星座位的平均观察杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.560和0.709.本研究获得了长江江豚的第一批物种特异性微卫星座位及其扩增引物,这些微卫星标记将在后续的保护遗传学研究中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

采用磁珠富集法对已建立的生长较快的西江段野生浅色鲮群体的极大、极小群体各31尾基因组DNA进行了微卫星序列的筛选,128个阳性克隆成功测序93个,其中80个为的微卫星序列,微卫星序列完美型占85%,非完美型占6.25%,混合型占8.75%。利用微卫星序列合成了23对微卫星引物,扩增结果表明,等位基因数为1~10个,扩增片段大小为92~283bp,其中14对引物扩增条带清晰,为中度或高度多态位点,极大、极小群体的平均有效等位基因数和平均多态信息含量分别为3.0784、3.2079和0.5675、0.5974,反映出2个群体遗传多样性均较丰富;高度多态性引物4的位点b,片段大小为119bp,在极大群体中出现频率为61.3%,在极小群体占22.6%,出现频率极大群体高于极小群体近3倍,初步可作为候选差异性分子标记。  相似文献   

牙鲆微卫星标记的筛选及群体遗传结构分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang L  Zhang LD  Wan YM  Tan ZJ  Sun XW 《遗传》2010,32(10):1057-1064
采用生物素-磁珠吸附微卫星与质粒二次检测相结合的方法克隆牙鲆微卫星,并利用所得到的引物分析野生群体遗传结构.共获得2805个阳性克隆,测序得到3120个含微卫星的序列.其中完美型、非完美型和混合型分别占57.97%、7.25%和34.78%.用Primer 3.0软件设计牙鲆微卫星引物,从中筛选出具稳定多态性的30对,分析中国黄海、渤海海域4个不同海区牙鲆野生群体(大连、北戴河、丹东、青岛)遗传结构.结果显示:有效等位基因数为3.93~9.94,平均为6.95;观测杂合度为0.532~0.895,平均为0.753;期望杂合度为0.635~0.902,平均为0.820;Hardy-Weinberg平衡指数(d)的变化范围为-0.247~0.512,其中7个位点表现为杂合子过剩(d>0),其余位点表现为杂合子缺失(d>0).聚类分析显示:4个群体聚为两类,大连与丹东聚为一类,北戴河与青岛聚为一类.  相似文献   

微卫星标记对牙鲆有丝分裂雌核发育家系的亲子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用18个微卫星标记,对6个家系的26尾有丝分裂雌核发育牙鲆进行亲子鉴定,PCR扩增产物经8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,结果表明:1个座位在母本中表现为相同的基因型,视为单态座位,其他17个座位为多态;多态座位在亲子鉴定中的累计排除概率和累计个体识别概率分别为0.9985、0.9999;根据被测个体在17个微卫星座位的基因型,最后确认26尾子代的母本,其中7尾子代在某些座位表现出与其母本不完全匹配的基因型。利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

将微卫星探针5′端生物素化后与链亲和素磁珠特异结合,用磁珠和探针的结合物与两端连接已知序列人工接头的中国李品种小黄李(Prunus salicinacv.Xiaohuangli)基因组DNA酶切片段杂交,以此杂交片段为模板用人工接头序列为引物进行PCR扩增,根据PCR产物测序结果设计引物作为微卫星DNA的标记引物.结果在随机挑选的36个克隆进行菌落PCR检测时,从31个阳性克隆中挑选18个克隆进行测序后获得了12条特异序列,设计的8对SSR引物均在5个中国李受试品种上获得了预期的扩增产物,其中4对引物在受试品种上表现出多态性.  相似文献   

采用磁珠富集法构建云南松微卫星富集文库。云南松基因组DNA经RsaⅠ酶切,与特定接头连接,再用接头特异引物进行PCR扩增。连接扩增产物与用生物素标记的(AG)12、(AT)12、(CG)12、(GT)12、(ACG)12、(ACT)12和(CCA)8探针杂交,通过链霉亲和素偶联的磁珠捕捉含接头和微卫星序列的片段并扩增,将获得的片段连接到pMD-19T载体上,转化至大肠杆菌JM109感受态细胞中,成功构建了云南松微卫星富集文库。通过PCR检测从文库中筛选阳性克隆,在383富集阳性菌落中获得阳性克隆257个,经测序分析,在获得的159条序列中,有143条含有SSR,其中完美型占65.73%,非完美型占23.78%,混合型占10.49%。结果表明,磁珠富集法构建云南松基因组微卫星文库高效、可行的,文库的构建为微卫星位点的分离、遗传多样性的分析等奠定基础。  相似文献   

中国龙虾微卫星标记的筛选及遗传多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文章以M13通用引物和重复序列(CT)15、(AT)15引物,利用PCR法对中国龙虾(Panulirus stimpsoni Hoehuis)部分基因组DNA文库进行筛选。共获得78个微卫星序列,分别分布于55个阳性重组克隆中,其中完美型(perfect)共50个,占64%;非完美型(imperfect)3个,占3.8%;混合完美型(compound perfect)6个,占7.7%;混合非完美型(compound imperfect)19个,占24.5%。根据微卫星序列,设计并筛选出15对微卫星多态性引物,对中国龙虾的群体进行了遗传多样性分析。获得3~12个等位基因,等位基因大小在78~425 bp之间,基本符合引物设计的理论长度。期望杂合度范围为0.48~0.87,平均值为0.71,表明中国龙虾基因组微卫星具有较高的杂合度与遗传多样性。15个微卫星位点的PIC值从0.44到0.84,平均值为0.60,说明这些微卫星位点在中国龙虾基因组中包含丰富的遗传信息,合适用于中国龙虾的各种分子标记及遗传学分析和应用。  相似文献   

用磁珠富集法构建了岩原鲤Procypris rabaudi AC重复和GATA重复的微卫星富集文库.采用PCR方法分别以人工合成的oligoA和探针(AC)12或(GATA)6为引物筛选含有微卫星的阳性克隆.(AC)n 富集库和(GATA)n富集库的阳性克隆率分别为30%和7%左右.对40个AC重复的阳性克隆和30个GATA重复的阳性克隆测序,共获得61个微卫星序列,其中包含了一个三碱基重复(TGA)的微卫星序列.选择设计了19对AC重复和16对GATA重复的微卫星引物以及1对TGA重复的微卫星引物,通过PCR优化,共有20对引物能够产生稳定、清晰的目的产物带.为了检测获得的岩原鲤微卫星座位是否能用于近缘物种的研究,我们将20对岩原鲤微卫星引物用于中华倒刺鲃Spinibarbus sinensis基因组DNA PCR扩增,有60%的引物对能产生特异性的目的条带.本研究获得的20个岩原鲤微卫星座位可以用于岩原鲤及近缘物种的遗传多样性、种群遗传结构等的进一步研究.  相似文献   

Twelve new microsatellites have been developed in olive. For that purpose, a genomic library of the olive cultivar ‘Arbequina’ was enriched for GA, GT and ACT repeats. Two methods of screening yielded 27 sequences containing microsatellites out of the 119 clones sequenced. The GA repeat seems to be the most abundant motif. Among sequences containing microsatellites, 4 (14.8%) were redundant, 1 (3.7%) was previously described in the literature and 12 (44.4%) could not be used for primers design because the repeat motifs were incomplete. Suitable primer pairs were obtained for the remaining 10 (37.0%) sequences plus an additional 14 recovered from a formerly developed library. For the 24 primer pairs designed, 4 failed to amplify, 8 produced a complex bands pattern and 12 succeeded in giving amplification products. Considering these 12 primer pairs, 10 showed single locus amplification, whereas the other 2 revealed two loci each. This was demonstrated by studying allele segregation in two olive progenies. Sixty-eight alleles were detected for the 12 microsatellites when 51 olive cultivars were analysed. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 13. The expected heterozygosity varied between 0 and 0.83. All pairs of cultivars could be distinguished using only three microsatellites due to their great discrimination power value. The data coming from genotyping the 51 olive cultivars for 7 out of the 12 new microsatellites were used for constructing a dendrogram by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analysis using the Dice similarity coefficient. Cultivar association according to their geographical origin was observed.  相似文献   

We report the sequence of 41 primer pairs of microsatellites from a CT-enriched genomic library of the peach cultivar 'Merrill O'Henry'. Ten microsatellite-containing clones had sequences similar to plant coding sequences in databases and could be used as markers for known functions. For microsatellites segregating at least in one of the two Prunus F(2) progenies analyzed, it was possible to demonstrate Mendelian inheritance. Microsatellite polymorphism was evaluated in 27 peach and 21 sweet cherry cultivars. All primer pairs gave PCR-amplification products on peach and 33 on cherry (80.5%). Six PCR-amplifications revealed several loci (14.6%) in peach and eight (19.5%) in sweet cherry. Among the 33 single-locus microsatellites amplified in peach and sweet cherry, 13 revealed polymorphism both in peach and cherry, 19 were polymorphic only on peach and one was polymorphic only on cherry. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 9 for peach and from 1 to 6 on sweet cherry with an average of 4.2 and 2.8 in peach and sweet cherry, respectively. Cross-species amplification was tested within the Prunus species: Prunus avium L. (sweet cherry and mazzard), Prunus cerasus L. (sour cherry), Prunus domestica L. (European plum), Prunus amygdalus Batsch. (almond), Prunus armeniaca L. (apricot), Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. (Myrobalan plum). Plants from other genera of the Rosaceae were also tested: Malus (apple) and Fragaria (strawberry), as well as species not belonging to the Rosaceae: Castanea (chestnut tree), Juglans (walnut tree) and Vitis (grapevine). Six microsatellites gave amplification on all the tested species. Among them, one had an amplified region homologous to sequences encoding a MADS-box protein in Malus x domestica. Twelve microsatellites (29.3%) were amplified in all the Rosaceae species tested and 31 (75.6%) were amplified in all the six Prunus species tested. Thirty three (80.5%), 18 (43.9%) and 13 (31.7%) gave amplification on chestnut tree, grapevine and walnut tree, respectively.  相似文献   

勒氏笛鲷微卫星位点的筛选及特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郭昱嵩  王中铎  刘楚吾  刘筠 《遗传》2007,29(3):355-359
采用PCR法快速筛选勒氏笛鲷(Lutjanus russelli)基因组文库, 以获得(CA)n微卫星位点。勒氏笛鲷基因组DNA经限制性内切酶HaeⅢ+ DraⅠ双酶切后, 连接T-载体克隆, 构建基因组文库。以通用引物M13+/-与重复序列引物(CA)15对基因组文库进行筛选, 二次筛选后得到121个可能含有微卫星位点的阳性克隆。进行序列测定, 共获得53个CA(n≥7)重复序列, 重复次数主要分布于7~15(80.77%)。在所得微卫星序列中, 重复单元除CA外, 还观察到单碱基、三碱基、四碱基、五碱基重复单元。根据侧翼序列设计48对引物, 通过优化PCR反应条件, 可获得清晰可重复的目的条带。研究旨在为勒氏笛鲷遗传多样性研究及遗传图谱的构建等奠定基础, 为勒氏笛鲷资源的合理开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

We conceived a microsatellite enrichment protocol in which probes of several repeat motifs are mixed during the whole procedure. The repeats found generally differed from those of the probes and were very diverse, from mononucleotides to pentanucleotides. We tested several modifications with alternative: (i) digestion/ligation buffers; (ii) polymerases; and (iii) purification methods. The simplest methods always worked as well as classical ones or even better, resulting in probably the simplest protocol for isolating microsatellites of diverse motifs from genomes with low microsatellite frequency. The proportion of positive clones, polymorphism levels and cross‐specific amplification of microsatellite loci significantly vary between species.  相似文献   

We have developed the first set of trinucleotide and tetranucleotide markers for the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. One hundred and sixty-seven polymorphic trinucleotide and tetranucleotide microsatellites were isolated using clones derived from two libraries. Of almost 200,000 clones analysed, 0.5% presented trinucleotide or tetranucleotide repeat regions. Among the trinucleotide repeats analysed in this study, the most frequent one was (CAG)(n) and the most common tetranucleotide repeat was (GATA)(n). The position of the new markers in the genetic linkage map was determined. Markers were evenly distributed along the P. olivaceus linkage groups, without distinction between the kinds of repeats and library of origin. The markers isolated in this study contribute significantly to the genetic linkage map of the Japanese flounder.  相似文献   

We have constructed a common bean genomic library enriched for microsatellite motifs (ATA), (CA), (CAC) and (GA). After screening, 60% of the clones selected from the library enriched for the (ATA) repeat contained microsatellites versus 21% of the clones from the library enriched for (GA) (CA) and (CAC) repeats. Fifteen primer pairs have been developed allowing for the amplification of SSR loci. We have evaluated the genetic diversity of these loci between 45 different bean lines belonging to nine various quality types. A total of 81 alleles were detected at the 15 microsatellite loci with an average of 5.3 alleles per locus. We have investigated the origin of allelic size polymorphism at the locus PvATA20 in which the number of repeats ranges from 24 to 85. We have related these large differences in repeat number to unequal crossing-over between repeated DNA regions. The diversity analysis revealed contrasted levels of variability according to the bean type. The lower level was evidenced for the very fine French bean, showing the effect of breeders intensive selection.  相似文献   

A size-fractionated (200-400 bp) porcine genomic library was screened with the dinucleotide motifs (TG)n and (TC)n. The number of TG- and TC-positive clones was 83 and four, respectively, implying that the former motif is more frequent in the porcine genome, as previously reported in other species. Twenty-six TG-clones were sequenced, and the number of repeats varied between 16 and 42 with different compositions of the repetitive sequences; 17 clones had a perfect stretch of TG-repeats, four had imperfect stretches, and five had a compound structure with TG-repeats followed by TC-repeats. Primers for DNA amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were synthesized for six loci. Ten unrelated individuals (two wild boars and eight domestic pigs of the Swedish Yorkshire breed) were screened for microsatellite polymorphism. All six microsatellite loci were polymorphic with two to seven alleles and observed heterozygosities in the range of 0.42-0.84; the inheritance of the observed polymorphism was confirmed by family studies. The characteristics of microsatellites make them highly suitable as genetic markers, and these microsatellites were isolated as a part of a pig gene mapping project.  相似文献   

A survey of Gramineae markers was carried out with the aim of developing cost-effective methods for the molecular analysis of Miscanthus species. Ten out of twenty Gramineae RFLP probes from ”anchor” sets hybridized well to Miscanthus DNA while all 15 maize probes tested cross-hybridized successfully, showing similar patterns in both species. Cross-taxa amplification of maize microsatellite primers was then tested. This showed that 57 out of 76 (75%) give highly reproducible amplification with Miscanthus DNA. Amplification products differed in size from those in maize but there was no bias toward higher or lower molecular weights. Microsatellite polymorphism produced by 17 primer pairs was studied in detail in a panel of 11 Miscanthus clones belonging to the species Miscanthus sinensis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Miscanthus ×giganteus and Miscanthus condensatus. Intra- and inter-specific length polymorphisms were frequent between the tested Miscanthus clones with length polymorphisms being found for all primer pairs, detecting 3–22 alleles. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values for microsatellites ranged from 0.48 to 0.94 with an average of 0.83. Species-specific amplicons were produced by two microsatellites. Genetic similarity coefficients of the Miscanthus clones ranged from 0.35 to 0.92, with an average of 0.57. Five polymorphisms were studied in a segregating population, where they showed Mendelian inheritance. In addition, two microsatellite markers mapping 1.3-cM apart on maize chromosome 7 were linked in Miscanthus at an estimated distance of 8 cM, suggesting collinearity. The high transferability of microsatellite markers from maize will enhance the power and resolution of genome analysis in Miscanthus. Received: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

Development and mapping of 2240 new SSR markers for rice (Oryza sativa L.).   总被引:87,自引:0,他引:87  
A total of 2414 new di-, tri- and tetra-nucleotide non-redundant SSR primer pairs, representing 2240 unique marker loci, have been developed and experimentally validated for rice (Oryza sativa L.). Duplicate primer pairs are reported for 7% (174) of the loci. The majority (92%) of primer pairs were developed in regions flanking perfect repeats > or = 24 bp in length. Using electronic PCR (e-PCR) to align primer pairs against 3284 publicly sequenced rice BAC and PAC clones (representing about 83% of the total rice genome), 65% of the SSR markers hit a BAC or PAC clone containing at least one genetically mapped marker and could be mapped by proxy. Additional information based on genetic mapping and "nearest marker" information provided the basis for locating a total of 1825 (81%) of the newly designed markers along rice chromosomes. Fifty-six SSR markers (2.8%) hit BAC clones on two or more different chromosomes and appeared to be multiple copy. The largest proportion of SSRs in this data set correspond to poly(GA) motifs (36%), followed by poly(AT) (15%) and poly(CCG) (8%) motifs. AT-rich microsatellites had the longest average repeat tracts, while GC-rich motifs were the shortest. In combination with the pool of 500 previously mapped SSR markers, this release makes available a total of 2740 experimentally confirmed SSR markers for rice, or approximately one SSR every 157 kb.  相似文献   

We isolated novel dinucleotide, trinucleotide, and tetranucleotide microsatellites from the genome of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer). Two genomic DNA libraries were established, one was enriched for (CA)n repeats, while the other for (GATA)n, (GACA)n, and (AAC)n repeats. Sixty clones containing an insert between 250 and 1000 bp in size were sequenced from each library; altogether 50 (43%) of them contained microsatellites. Forty microsatellites were characterized in 16 unrelated Asian sea bass individuals. Twenty-eight of them (70%) showed specific amplification and polymorphism. The allele number per loci varied between 2 and 20 with an average of 5.3, while expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.31 to 0.95 with an average of 0.64. At some loci allele sizes spread over a wide range (>100 bp). No significant correlation (r = 0.23, df = 31, P > 0.05) was found between the repeat number and the number of alleles. A whole broodstock containing 170 individuals was analyzed by using 8 selected polymorphic microsatellites. The average number of alleles per locus was 11.8 (range, 4–21). The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.57 to 0.90 with an average of 0.75, while the fixation index was 0.02. Genetic similarity between individuals ranged from 0 to 0.72. Comparison of allele frequencies between the broodstock and the 24 nonrelated individuals revealed some unique alleles.  相似文献   

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