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正照片示双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica (鞘翅目:叶甲科)成虫在玉米Zea mays (禾本科)花丝上群聚取食。双斑长跗萤叶甲主要以成虫在玉米叶片、花丝及幼嫩籽粒,特别是取食咬断玉米花丝,甚至把花丝咬食光,导致玉米不能正常授粉灌浆或授粉推迟,影响结实和灌浆,咬食子粒诱发玉米穗腐病的发生,严重影响玉米的产量和品质。本期报道了中国南方双斑长跗萤叶甲地理种群遗传结构及Wolbachia感染研究(pp. 730-742)。本照片由王振营于2012年9月摄于黑龙江291农场。  相似文献   

双斑长跗萤叶甲是新疆北疆棉花的主要害虫之一。本研究旨在探索短时高温对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫生理生化的影响。在室内研究了不同高温(33℃、37℃、41℃、45℃)不同时间(0.5 h、1.5 h、2.5 h、6 h、12 h)处理后,双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫体内总蛋白含量、过氧化物酶(POD)及过氧氢酶(CAT)的变化规律。双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫总蛋白在37℃处理12 h时,蛋白含量最高,41℃处理12 h时有所下降,45℃时双斑长跗萤叶甲只能存活1.5 h,但蛋白含量仍高于对照(26℃)。POD活性随温度升高先升高后降低。在33℃处理6 h时,活性最高,在41℃处理12 h时,活性最低。CAT活性在同一时间不同温度处理中呈先降后升再降趋势。在37℃处理1.5 h时活性达到最高,在41℃处理12 h时活性最低。在同一温度不同处理时间中,CAT活性在33℃时先升高后降低,在37℃、41℃时随时间的延长先升高后降低,在45℃时持续降低,且显著低于对照(26℃)。双斑长跗萤叶甲总蛋白及保护酶的活性与温度密切相关,据此推测高温下双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫死亡的原因与保护酶系统被破坏有关。  相似文献   

温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)已成为新疆北疆棉区的一重大新害虫,在室内5个恒温下(19、22、25、28和31℃)研究了温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及生殖力的影响。结果表明,在19、22、25、28和31℃下雌雄成虫平均寿命分别为64.1、60.8、55.6、42.1和34.7d,雌虫平均寿命明显长于雄虫;温度对雌成虫产卵前期、产卵期及产卵量有影响,在前述19~31℃5个温度下,其平均产卵量分别为29.2、82.1、93.8、73.4和63.1粒/雌。  相似文献   

双斑长跗萤叶甲的发育起点温度与有效积温   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)已成为新疆北疆棉区的一重大新害虫,至今该虫各虫态的发育历期都不清楚。在室内5个恒温下(19,22,25,28和31℃),利用有效积温法则和"最小二乘法"对双斑长跗萤叶甲各虫态的发育起点温度和有效积温进行研究。结果表明,卵期、幼虫期、蛹期和产卵前期的发育起点温度分别为9.8,10.8,12.6和10.1℃;有效积温分别为1 182.2,401.2,111.9和269.0日.度;整个世代完成发育所需要的有效积温为1 971.6日.度,预测在新疆北疆1年发生1代。  相似文献   

双斑长跗萤叶甲在玉米田的种群消长规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)的发生规律,为双斑长跗萤叶甲的预测预报和综合治理提供科学依据。【方法】2011年通过田间系统调查对山西省忻州市和晋中市玉米田的双斑长跗萤叶甲的种群消长动态进行了系统研究。【结果】在山西省忻州市的玉米田,越冬卵在5月下旬开始孵化,幼虫以玉米根系为食,6月中旬为幼虫的发生高峰期,部分老熟幼虫开始化蛹,6月下旬成虫开始羽化出土,为害玉米叶片,8月初成虫种群数量达到最高峰,8月中旬以后随着玉米花丝大部分萎蔫,叶片开始衰老,玉米田间的成虫种群数量也急剧下降。10月中旬玉米田成虫基本消失,但是在杂草上还能发现少量的成虫。在山西省晋中市,玉米的生育期比忻州市晚10 d左右,双斑长跗萤叶甲的发生期也相对晚一些,但是种群数量的发生发展趋势基本是一样的。双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫在靠近杂草的玉米田边比在玉米田中部的发生更重,而在成虫的发生高峰期,田边和田中间的种群密度无显著性差异。【结论】双斑长跗萤叶甲在山西省1年发生1代,在山西省忻州市的发生期比晋中市的要早10 d左右,这与两地玉米田的不同的土壤性质、灌溉方式、玉米生育期等因素有关。  相似文献   

蠋敌对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫的捕食功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内研究了捕食性天敌蠋敌对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫的捕食功能反应.结果表明,蠋敌对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫的捕食功能符合HollingⅡ模型,日最大捕食量为20.4头双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫,捕食一头双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫需要2.94min,功能系数为0.5169;蠋敌成虫个体间相互干扰对捕食效应的影响可以用E=0.4046*P-0.3914模拟;蠋敌若虫对自身密度的功能反应可以用A=0.3034p-0.5357模拟.经卡方检验,其理论值与实测值无统计学差异.  相似文献   

[目的]明确齐齐哈尔市玉米田双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica成虫发生规律,为该害虫的预测预报和综合防治提供科学依据.[方法]2017-2019年,通过在齐齐哈尔市玉米田间罩网,定点观察双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化动态、虫体大小、发生数量与温度及降雨量的关系.[结果]成虫羽化出土始见期在7月上中旬,初期羽化出土的成虫虫体偏小;7月下旬-8月上旬为成虫羽化出土高峰期,虫体的长度与宽度明显增大,8月上中旬,羽化出土的成虫虫体达到最大值;8月中旬以后羽化出土成虫数量明显下降,成虫虫体的长度与宽度逐渐减小;到8月下旬-9月上旬只有少量的成虫羽化出土,成虫虫体的大小与初期羽化出土期的相近;9月中旬以后零星羽化出土的成虫虫体大小达到最小值;9月下旬以后未见有成虫羽化出土,10月上旬田间成虫消失.双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化出土持续时间在61-74 d,平均1 m2玉米田羽化出土的成虫12.0-97.8头.温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫羽化出土始见期、盛发期、持续时间影响较大,5-7月温度高有利于成虫羽化出土.降雨量对羽化出土的双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫总量影响较大,6-8月降雨量大羽化出土的成虫数量减少.[结论]齐齐哈尔玉米田双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫在7月上中旬羽化出土,8月上中旬达到高峰,与当地玉米抽雄吐丝期相遇,8月中旬后成虫羽化数量明显减少,8月下至9月初仅有零星羽化出土,9月下旬无新羽化出土,10月上旬田间成虫消失.成虫虫体大小与羽化时期密切相关,以羽化盛期的虫体最大.温度和降水影响成虫的羽化时间和数量.  相似文献   

双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica (Motschulsky)是自2001年以来在我国北方为害玉米呈加重趋势的一种害虫。为初步探讨中国北方不同地理种群间和种群内该害虫的遗传分化程度、 遗传多样性以及基因流水平, 对来自中国北方的26个不同地理种群的线粒体COⅡ (细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅱ) 基因片段序列的核苷酸多态性进行了研究。结果表明: 在515头个体的长度为484 bp COⅡ片段中共发现了28个变异位点和15种单倍型。单倍型间的系统进化分析发现, 15种单倍型主要分为两大分支。总种群单倍型多样性指数Hd为0.257, 种群内单倍型多样度在0.100~0.515范围内。总种群的Fst为0.585, Gst为0.417, 基因流Nm为0.35。AMOVA分子变异分析结果发现, 双斑长跗萤叶甲的遗传分化主要来自种群之间, 占方差比率的58.58%。实验总种群及大部分种群的中性检验符合中性突变, 说明我国北方双斑长跗萤叶甲在近期没有出现种群扩张现象。研究结果揭示中国北方双斑长跗萤叶甲不同地理种群间基因流水平低, 种群间已发生明显的遗传分化, 分化主要来自种群之间。  相似文献   

【目的】双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica为多食性害虫,可取食为害多种农作物。本研究旨在探究中国南方地区分布的双斑长跗萤叶甲地理种群的遗传多样性、遗传结构及种群间的遗传分化程度与基因流水平,探究共生菌Wolbachia在中国南方双斑长跗萤叶甲地理种群中的多样性和感染情况。【方法】以线粒体COII基因作为分子标记,对中国南方双斑长跗萤叶甲14个地理种群403头个体的COII基因片段进行PCR扩增及测序,分析单倍型多样性(Hd)、种群间遗传分化指数(Fst)和基因流(Nm),并进行分子方差分析 (AMOVA)以及Tajima’s D和Fu’s Fs中性检验,构建单倍型中介网络关系图及系统发育树。PCR扩增Wolbachia的wsp基因,对供试种群进行Wolbachia感染率检测,并利用获得的wsp基因序列进行Wolbachia株系区分和系统发育分析。【结果】在供试的双斑长跗萤叶甲403头个体中共检测到23种COII基因单倍型,在系统进化上分成两大分支。总种群Hd为0.748,各种群的Hd在0.394~0.782间。中性检验结果表明种群在进化上遵循中性模型,在较近的历史时期内没有经历明显的群体扩张事件。总种群的Fst为0.2481,Nm为0.76,AMOVA结果表明种群间的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,占方差比率的73.75%。种群间的遗传距离与地理距离间无显著相关性(R=0.2898,P=0.0640)。14个地理种群的Wolbachia感染率在92.59%~100%之间,平均感染率为97.60%;基于wsp基因序列,在检测的感染个体中共发现6种Wolbachia株系(wMhie1~ wMhie6),均属于A大组,这6种株系与已知的代表性株系区别明显而在系统发生树中单独聚为一个分支。【结论】中国南方双斑长跗萤叶甲种群遗传多样性较高,多数种群间存在明显的遗传分化,种群间基因交流较低,遗传分化与地理隔离之间无显著相关性。Wolbachia在中国南方双斑长跗萤叶甲种群中具有很高的感染率及丰富的感染类群。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)成虫触角及其感器的形态与分布。结果表明:双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫触角为线状,由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,鞭节有9节,其中,雄虫的触角比雌虫长;感器类型有毛形感器(1型、2型和3型)、刺形感器、锥形感器(1型和2型)、腔锥形感器、Bhm氏鬃毛、钟形感器共9种。雌雄成虫触角感器类型无差异,但雄虫触角上的感器分布要比雌虫的稠密。  相似文献   

草地螟对寄主植物的选择性及其化学生态机制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
尹姣  曹雅忠  罗礼智  胡毅 《生态学报》2005,25(8):1844-1852
田间自然条件下,草地螟成虫产卵对不同植物具有明显的选择性,其中灰菜上落卵量最多,占调查总卵量的50%以上;甜菜、大豆上次之,玉米和马铃薯上最少。在室内条件下,草地螟成虫产卵对灰菜、大豆、玉米和马铃薯的选择性与田间调查结果完全吻合。而且,草地螟幼虫的嗜食性与成虫产卵对寄主的选择性是一致的。吸附、收集上述植物的挥发物后进行GC-MS测定,并利用风洞进行了生测。其中灰菜和大豆的主要挥发物成分为反-2-己烯醛、青叶醇、青叶酯、1-十八烯等;玉米和马铃薯的挥发物性成分包括青叶酯、芳樟醇、香叶醇、紫罗酮、1-十八烯。生测结果表明,灰菜的挥发物对草地螟雌蛾引诱力最大,选择系数为78%;大豆苗挥发物对其也有较高的诱虫活性;但玉米和马铃薯几乎无引诱作用。自然生长的4种植物的诱虫结果与其挥发物的诱虫结果相似。这些生测结果与成虫和幼虫选择寄主的一致性反映了草地螟选择寄主行为的化学机制。  相似文献   

The chestnut phylloxerid, Moritziella castaneivora, has been recently recorded as a forest pest in China. It heavily damaged chestnut trees and has caused serious economic losses in some main chestnut production areas. In order to effectively monitor and manage this pest, it is necessary to investigate its potential geographical distribution worldwide. In this study, we used two ecological niche models, Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Production (GARP) and Maximum Entropy (Maxent), along with the geographical distribution of the host plants, Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima), to predict the potential geographical distribution of M. castaneivora. The results suggested that the suitable distribution areas based on GARP were general consistent with those based on Maxent, but GARP predicted distribution areas that extended more in size than did Maxent. The results also indicated that the suitable areas for chestnut phylloxerid infestations were mainly restricted to Northeast China (northern Liaoning), East China (southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu and western Anhui), North China (southern Hebei, Beijing and Tianjin), Central China (eastern Hubei and southern Henan), Japan (Kinki, Shikoku and Tohoku) and most parts of the Korean Peninsula. In addition, some provinces of central and western China were predicted to have low suitability or unsuitable areas (e.g. Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet). A jackknife test in Maxent showed that the average precipitation in July was the most important environmental variable affecting the distribution of this pest species. Consequently, the study suggests several reasonable regulations and management strategies for avoiding the introduction or invasion of this high‐risk chestnut pest to these potentially suitable areas.  相似文献   

新疆野苹果是天山野果林的优势种,遗传多样性极其丰富,是世界苹果基因库的重要组成部分。自20世纪60年代以来,新疆野苹果种群分布面积急剧下降。然而,导致新疆野苹果种群衰退的原因尚不明确,尚无行之有效的保护措施。该文在总结前人研究的基础上,结合实地考察,进一步分析和探讨野苹果的分布现状及面对虫害、干扰和种群更新困难等问题。发现新疆野苹果在保护和研究过程中仍然存在以下问题:第一,新疆野苹果的起源和演化,仍然存在分歧。第二,新疆野苹果种群的分布面积锐减,其中3个县的分布面积减少到60年前的三分之一。第三,虽然新疆野苹果的虫害问题得到了有效控制,但是虫害预防监测体系未能全面建设。第四,新疆野苹果过度干扰的问题仍然存在,即使农田开垦和人类砍伐得到一定控制。第五,新疆野苹果更新困难的问题仍然突出,现有研究仍处于初级阶段,缺乏深入研究。针对其存在的问题,建议采取以下措施:第一,利用分子生物学等技术进一步研究新疆野苹果的起源和演化。第二,建立新疆野苹果资源监测体系,运用先进的监测技术及时有效监测新疆野苹果的资源现状。第三,建立虫害预防监测系统,及时有效监测和防治病虫害的爆发。第四,建立新疆野苹果保护区,加强原位保护和法律宣传,强化当地居民对濒危植物的保护。第五,开展新疆野苹果更新机理方面的研究,同时加强迁地保护等措施。该文提出了一些解决现存问题的方法和建议,可为新疆野苹果的科学保护与有效管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Exotic plants often displace native plants and thus alter the availability of native hostplants for specialist herbivorous insects. The submersed aquatic weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz is endemic to North America, but there are now source populations on the exotic Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) as well as on the weevil's ancestral host, northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov). This provides an opportunity to examine a host range expansion in progress. To further define the host range of the weevil and to determine how population source and rearing plant influence host plant preference and performance, we conducted a series of preference and rearing experiments with weevils from two source populations reared on northern milfoil, on Eurasian milfoil, switched late in larval development from northern to Eurasian milfoil, and vice versa. We also included two rearing treatments with milfoils on which the weevil has not been documented: the native M. verticillatum L. and the exotic M. aquaticum Verd. Preference by weevils in the switched rearing treatments was similar to preferences exhibited by weevils reared solely on the second (later) milfoil species and an increase in preference for Eurasian milfoil was induced by adult exposure to Eurasian milfoil for 2 weeks. In contrast, sizes and development times of weevils in the switched rearing treatments were similar to sizes and development times exhibited by weevils reared solely on the first (early) milfoil species. These results indicate that preference by the milfoil weevil is determined late in larval development or later and Hopkins' host selection principle is not supported. However, size and development time were most affected by hostplant quality during larval development when larvae must acquire the resources needed for pupation. Oviposition preference in the milfoil weevil was a population attribute, not a fixed individual attribute and there was no significant variation in preference among individuals reared on northern milfoil, but significant variation in preference was detected among weevils reared on Eurasian milfoil. Weevils oviposited on all four milfoil species and completed development on three of them, but did not develop beyond the larval stage on M. aquaticum. Weevils reared on Eurasian milfoil developed faster and reached larger adult sizes than weevils in any other rearing treatment. The smallest sizes and longest development times were for weevils reared on the natives, northern milfoil and M. verticillatum. The milfoil weevil oviposits on an array of milfoil species and is unable to distinguish an unsuitable host (M. aquaticum) within this genus. The influence of rearing plant and adult exposure to Eurasian milfoil on hostplant preference suggests that host range expansion to novel congeners may occur more rapidly than predicted by models which assume that genetic variation is required. Significant variation among individuals in hostplant preference suggests the potential for a host shift to a plant for which E. lecontei appears pre-adapted.  相似文献   

Earthworm‐produced compost or vermicompost has been shown to increase resistance of plants to a variety of insect pests, but it is still unclear whether this resistance is dose dependent and whether the mechanisms responsible are the same for insect species with differing feeding habits and preferences. Therefore, we tested the effects of plants grown in various vermicompost concentrations (0, 20, 40, and 60%) on the preference and performance of generalist, Myzus persicae L., and specialist, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (both Hemiptera: Aphididae), aphid pests. Preference was evaluated with leaf disk (apterous) and whole plant (alate) choice assays. After 24 h of feeding, there was no significant negative effect on the feeding preference noted for apterae of either species of any of the treatments tested. To the contrary, apterae B. brassicae showed a significant preference for vermicompost treatments over control leaf disks. Alate M. persicae preferred alighting on control plants over vermicompost‐grown plants, but B. brassicae showed no preference toward any of the treatments tested. Both aphid species deposited significantly more nymphs on control plants than on those grown in 20% vermicompost. Furthermore, plants grown in soil amended with 20% vermicompost significantly suppressed mass accumulation, as well as numbers of adults and nymphs of both aphid species compared to controls. These data clearly show that vermicompost soil amendments can significantly influence pest aphid preference and performance on plants and that these effects are not dose dependent, but rather species and morph dependent.  相似文献   

The sustainability of genetically engineered insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), is threatened by the evolution of resistance by target pest species. Several Lepidoptera species have evolved resistance to Cry proteins expressed by Bt maize over the last decade, including the African maize stem borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The insect resistance management (IRM) strategy (i.e., the high‐dose/refuge strategy) deployed to delay resistance evolution is grounded on certain assumptions about the biology and ecology of a pest species, for example, the interactions between the insect pest and crop plants. Should these assumptions be violated, the evolution of resistance within pest populations will be rapid. This study evaluated the assumption that B. fusca adults and larvae select and colonize maize plants at random, and do not show any preference for either Bt or non‐Bt maize. Gravid female B. fusca moths of a resistant and susceptible population were subjected to two‐choice oviposition preference tests using stems of Bt and non‐Bt maize plants. Both the number of egg batches as well as the total number of eggs laid on each stem were recorded. The feeding preference of Bt‐resistant and susceptible neonate B. fusca larvae were evaluated in choice test bioassays with whorl leaf samples of specific maize cultivars. Although no differential oviposition preference was observed for either resistant or susceptible female moths, leaf damage ratings indicated that neonate larvae were able to detect Bt toxins and that they displayed feeding avoidance behaviour on Bt maize leaf samples.  相似文献   

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