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橘大实蝇的产卵行为观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谢天宝  陈煌  吕志澡 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):242-244
2005年6月,在湖北省清江河谷地区早熟蜜柑园内观察了橘大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)minax(Enderlein)的产卵行为。整个产卵过程可分为定位、准备、穿刺、排卵和结束5个阶段。产卵1次所需的时间和排卵的数量与天气状况有关,一般需时14~46min。产卵深度因柑橘的品种和处在产卵期的果实直径大小而不同,在脐橙、柚、早熟蜜柑上的平均产卵深度分别为7.2,13.3和8.1mm。每雌的怀卵量平均71粒。雌成虫在产卵过程中有多头雄成虫在其周围活动或者是等待与其交尾,产卵和交尾在同一时段内多次交替进行。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇的产卵特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间调查,明确柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera (Tetradacus) minax (Enderlein)的产卵特性和在3种寄主植物上产卵的时间动态。柑橘大实蝇对杂柑为害率最高,3个寄主品种均以中层北面果实受害严重。柑橘大实蝇最喜在直径为(3.3±0.2)cm的果实上产卵。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇羽化出土及橘园成虫诱集动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】柑橘大实蝇是柑橘类果树上的重要害虫。预测该虫的羽化出土进度、掌握成虫发生动态是指导橘同成虫期防治的重要依据。【方法】本研究通过在25℃恒温、室内常温和室外网室3种条件下饲养柑橘大实蝇的蛹,以逐日观察成虫羽化出土数量;在重庆武隆、四川江油等5个地区共设置240个麦克菲尔(MePhail)诱集器,以糖酒醋液和水解蛋白为诱饵诱集成虫,得到柑橘大实蝇成虫羽化出土的逐日数量和橘园成虫诱集的逐期数量。【结果】用逻辑斯带模型拟合成虫羽化出土和橘园成虫诱集动态,结果表明,成虫的始盛期、高峰期和盛末期在25℃恒温条件下分别为4月25日、28日和30日,盛期的持续时间为6d;在室内常温条件下分别为5月3日、7日和10日,盛期的持续时间为8d;在室外网室条件下分别为5月8日、14日和18日,盛期的持续时间为11d;橘园诱集成虫分别为6月2日、14日和26日,盛期的持续时间为25d。【结论与意义】随着羽化期温度的提高,柑橘大实蝇羽化出土期提前,历期缩短,羽化整齐。虽然网室成虫羽化和橘园成虫诱集都处于室外条件,但后者的始盛期、盛期和盛末期比前者分别迟了36、30和22d。因此,建议采用室外网室饲养蛹的方法监测柑橘大实蝇成虫的发生期,若仅凭橘园诱集成虫的数据,因其滞后性十分明显,对指导柑橘大实蝇成虫防治的意义不大。  相似文献   

【目的】通过研究柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax觅食高峰期成虫发生量与产卵痕率的关系,为柑橘大实蝇的预测预报和综合防治提供理论指导。【方法】通过调查柑橘大实蝇觅食高峰期在全田、橘园、杂树林、橘园与杂树林交界带和橘园中心的诱虫量和产卵痕率,建立二者在不同观测区域上的回归方程,为根据柑橘大实蝇觅食高峰期成虫发生量来预测产卵痕率,进而根据产卵痕率确定成虫期防治指标提供理论基础。【结果】除了果园周边杂树林中柑橘大实蝇觅食高峰期成虫诱捕量的线性回归与非线性回归的分析均不理想,不适宜用于产卵痕率的预测外,其他观测区域柑橘大实蝇觅食高峰期成虫诱捕量与果实产卵痕率建立的线性回归与非线性回归方程的拟合效果好,可以作为产卵痕率的预测模型。但不同区域的拟合效果存在差异,其中橘园中心成虫量与产卵痕率回归方程拟合效果(R~2=0.957 5,RMSE=1.623)最好,其他依次分别是:整个橘园成虫量(R~2=0.945 4, RMSE=1.859),全田成虫量(R~2=0.898 2,RMSE=2.535),交界带成虫量(R~2=0.851 5,RSME=3.038)。【结论】这些回归方程均能够较好的预测产卵痕率。考虑到防治需要,可以在橘园中心设置诱捕点,以觅食高峰期的成虫量(x)预测产卵痕率(y),y=0.031 3x~3-1.306 5x~2+17.206 0x-17.036,达到为柑橘大实蝇预测预报和综合防治提供理论指导的目的。  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax(Enderlein),是柑橘的重要害虫。本文基于光学显微镜、扫描电镜、石蜡切片观察,对柑橘大实蝇的内生殖系统形态结构进行研究。结果表明,柑橘大实蝇雌虫内生殖系统主要由卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、受精囊、附腺、前生殖腔(包含布氏交配囊、桑葚腺、生殖腔片)、后生殖腔(阴道和产卵针)组成。雄虫内生殖系统主要由精巢、精泵、输精管、附腺、输入射精管、输出射精管、后附腺和阳茎组成。其雌虫有泄殖腔,位于产卵针前端稍后,雄虫无泄殖腔。雌虫前生殖腔表面被2对肌肉包裹,内部的布氏交配囊、桑葚腺和生殖腔片不易被观察。精泵是一个淡黄色球体,由射精突(精泵内骨骼)、肌纤维(肌肉)、射精囊组成。柑橘大实蝇的内生殖形系统形态结构或组织经过进化,从而适应其伪产卵器的运动、交配、产卵等行为机制。为理解昆虫繁殖生理、进化和多样性,以及昆虫的产卵、交配和代谢物排泄等行为机制提供理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】针对柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax的特殊巡回扩散模式,通过研究不同日龄成虫(特定扩散阶段成虫)对蔗糖和蛋白的营养需求以及其精巢、卵巢发育进度和特定扩散阶段的交配产卵动态,明确柑橘大实蝇不同扩散阶段演替的营养基础与生殖发育节点,初步明晰其巡回扩散机制,为柑橘大实蝇成虫精准防控提供依据。【方法】测定各扩散阶段柑橘大实蝇雌雄成虫对蔗糖和蔗糖+酵母混合食物(蔗糖∶酵母=3∶1, m/m)(酵母的主要成分是蛋白质和维生素)的取食量,测定不同扩散阶段成虫对糖和蛋白的需求;解剖成虫卵巢和精巢;观察成虫交配产卵动态;分析其启动扩散的发育基础和节点。【结果】柑橘大实蝇外迁期(1日龄)和返迁前期(15日龄)雌成虫较其他扩散阶段雌成虫对蔗糖有显著高的取食量,外滞期(10日龄)雌成虫则对糖的取食量最小;迁动状态下,雄成虫对蔗糖的取食量显著低于雌成虫。柑橘大实蝇10日龄雌成虫的酵母摄入量最高,雄成虫则在1, 10和30日龄对酵母摄入量高于15和20日龄雄成虫。10日龄雌成虫、10日龄雄成虫、20日龄雄成虫和30日龄雄成虫对蔗糖+酵母混合食物的取食量显著高于对单一蔗糖的取食量;1, 15和20...  相似文献   

【目的】探明危害我国柑橘的实蝇种类以及柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax不同地理种群和不同寄主种群的遗传多样性。【方法】利用mtDNA COI基因对危害柑橘的果实蝇进行种类鉴定,采用MEGA软件对其中28个地理种群的535头果实蝇COI基因片段(约505 bp)序列进行比对,分析种间及种内遗传距离,构建系统发育树。使用DnaSP软件分析柑橘大实蝇不同地理种群和不同寄主种群的遗传多样性。【结果】从柑橘虫果内共鉴定出4种实蝇,分别为柑橘大实蝇B.minax、桔小实蝇B.dorsalis、蜜柑大实蝇B.tsuneonis和瑞丽果实蝇B.ruiliensis。这4种实蝇的种间遗传距离为0.0264~0.2410,种内遗传距离为0.0000~0.0140,种间与种内遗传距离没有重叠区域。单个柑橘虫果内一般仅有1种实蝇,极个别柑橘果实可同时被两种实蝇危害(4/43);在这些为害柑橘的实蝇种类中,以柑橘大实蝇的个体数量比例最大,占90.70%。柑橘大实蝇地理种群遗传多样性高,28个种群共有17个单倍型。【结论】柑橘大实蝇是所调查地区柑橘实蝇的绝对优势种,其种群遗传分化程度较高,扩散危害风险大。本研究结果对柑橘果实蝇类的监测和防控具有重要意义。  相似文献   

测定了广西蜜柑大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)cheni(Zhao)的线粒体COⅠ-COⅡ及16S rDNA的部分序列,与日本蜜柑大实蝇Bactrocera(Tetradacus)tsuneonis(Miyake)及其它近缘实蝇的序列进行了比较分析,用最大简约法及邻接法构建了系统树.结果显示广西蜜柑大实蝇和日本蜜柑大实蝇为近缘种,属于同一单源分支,自展检验置信度均为100%.二者之间的HKY85遗传距离为0.01705,大于昆士兰实蝇和小昆士兰实蝇、桔小实蝇和菲律宾实蝇、具条实蝇和石垣岛实蝇之间的遗传距离,接近于黑肩角桔实蝇与短条面包果实蝇的种间遗传距离.支持广西蜜柑大实蝇与日本蜜柑大实蝇为两个形态学和遗传学上非常接近的不同种.  相似文献   

柑桔大实蝇Bactrocera minax (Enderlein)是柑桔果树上的重要害虫,近年来危害日趋严重,对我国柑桔生产造成了严重影响。本文在室内及野外观察了柑桔大实蝇雌虫产卵器的结构及外部形态特征。结果表明:产卵器分为产卵器基节、翻转膜、产卵管三部分,其长度依次为:4.63±0.38 mm、5.24±0.28 mm、4.39±0.32 mm,产卵器拉伸全长为14.24±0.27 mm。产卵器有3种状态:正常状态、产卵前准备状态、产卵状态。产卵前准备状态表现为产卵器完全伸长,可弯曲、反复旋转并回折成γ形。在雌虫产卵状态时,产卵器基节留在果实外,产卵管刺穿透果皮后在果皮下产卵。  相似文献   

[目的]明确实蝇对气候变暖的响应特征,研究未来气候变化背景下柑橘大实蝇的灾变规律及防控措施的优化。[方法]以湖北省宜昌市为例,收集该地区柑橘大实蝇历年的物候数据与同期温度数据,通过线性回归模型分析成虫羽化始期、羽化高峰期、羽化结束期、产卵始期、产卵高峰期和产卵结束期的年际变化情况和与温度升高的关系。[结果]1981—2020年,宜昌市年均温和四季均温均有不同程度的上升,春季均温升温最为显著。近20年间,柑橘大实蝇在宜昌市呈羽化发生提前且产卵为害延迟的态势,且羽化和产卵历期呈缩短的态势。若宜昌市年均温提升1 ℃,柑橘大实蝇羽化始期和高峰期分别延迟0.4746和1.026 d,羽化结束期提前0.0227 d,总体呈羽化延迟且缩短趋势;产卵始期提前4.286 d,高峰期和结束期分别延迟1.173和1.081 d,总体呈产卵提前且延长趋势。[结论]气候变暖对宜昌市柑橘大实蝇的羽化和产卵产生一定的影响,对未来气候变化背景下柑橘大实蝇的灾变规律及防控措施的优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Female Mediterranean fruit flies (medfly) Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) perceive both qualitative and quantitative aspects of citrus fruit chemistry. However, the behavioural and biological adjustments of this response remain largely unknown. In the present study, the ovipositional responses of gravid female medflies to essential oils (i.e. the most critical resistance factor to medfly infestation) of various citrus fruits are investigated. In dual‐choice (treatment versus distilled water control) experiments, females lay significantly more eggs into pre‐punctured hollow oviposition hemispheres (domes) provided with 1 µL of citrus peel oil from sweet orange, satsuma mandarin, bitter orange, grapefruit and lemon compared with odourless domes. No‐choice tests show a weak effect of lemon essential oils in stimulating oviposition. The female ovipositional response to sweet orange oil (the most active in eliciting oviposition) is dose‐dependent. Additionally, limonene, the most abundant chemical in all citrus oils, stimulates oviposition, whereas linalool, a representative compound of immature citrus fruit associated with high toxicity against immature stages of fruit flies, has a significant deterrent effect. In further no‐choice tests, females lay approximately 23% fewer eggs in limonene (93%) (amount found in orange oil) and 60% fewer eggs in limonene 93% plus linalool 3% (approximately 10‐fold the amount found in orange oil) mixtures, relative to sweet orange oil. The results suggest that the limonene content accounts largely (but not completely) for the ovipositional responses observed in sweet orange oil, whereas high linalool proportions are capable of significantly masking and/or disrupting its stimulatory effects in citrus oils. The importance and practical implications of these findings with respect to understanding how citrus fruit chemistry influences the ovipositional responses of medfly is discussed.  相似文献   

Citrus peel physicochemical attributes are considered the main components conferring partial or even total resistance to fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) infestation. Fruit fly females adapt their ovipositional strategies to overcome such resistance. Here, we explored the effects of citrus species (Rutaceae) on the ovipositional behaviour of the South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann), and on its immature development. Particularly, we investigated the effects of (1) citrus species on oviposition behaviour and immature development, (2) citrus species on oviposition preference and on the location of the eggs at different depth in the citrus peel, and (3) harvest season and post‐harvest storage time on oviposition behaviour and immature development in lemon. Citrus species influenced ovipositional behaviour and affected survival of immature stages. Females laid eggs in lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.], orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck], and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfadyen). In orange and lemon, larvae were found dead close to the oviposition areas, suggesting chemically mediated resistance mechanisms. Under choice conditions, females preferred grapefruit over lemon and bigger clutches were found in the layers where embryonic development is favoured. Unsuitability of lemon as a medium to complete development was neither affected by harvest season nor by storage time of the fruit after harvest. The physical and chemical characteristics of the peel were distinctive to each citrus species and may have affected the specific levels of resistance of these citrus species to infestation by A. fraterculus.  相似文献   

The Chinese citrus fruit fly, Bactrocera (Tetradacus) minax (Enderlein), is one of the major citrus pests in Bhutan and can cause >50% mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit drop. As part of the development of a management strategy for the fly in mandarin orchards, population monitoring and experimental manipulations were carried out to determine: (i) adult emergence period; (ii) adult phenology patterns; (iii) period of crop susceptibility; and (iv) period from fruit drop to pupation. In western Bhutan, adult flies emerge from the overwintering pupal stage in late April/early May. Most flies are mature by the end of May and it is inferred that mating occurs at this time: from the beginning of June males rapidly disappear from the population and by mid- to late June are rare or absent from traps. Mature females are present in the mandarin crop at the beginning of June, but very little oviposition occurs until mid-June, while most damage has occurred by mid-July. Initiation of oviposition into mandarins is almost certainly linked to crop phenology. Adult flies disappear from the orchard system during August. After fruit drop, larvae were recorded leaving the fruit to pupate within 13 days. The use of early to mid-season protein bait sprays and/or targeted use of systemic insecticides during the one month oviposition period, plus the removal of fallen fruit once every 10 days, are recommended as control strategies.  相似文献   

We studied, under laboratory conditions, demographic parameters of adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (medfly), obtained from three sweet orange varieties, lemon, and bitter oranges. These data were combined with immature developmental rates and survival on the same hosts to estimate host‐specific population parameters. Pairs of newly emerged adults from each citrus variety were held individually in transparent plastic cages, and females were allowed to oviposit in either red domes (artificial, pre‐punctured plastic oviposition devices), or intact, whole citrus fruits. We found strong effects of larval host (citrus fruits) on adult longevity and fecundity. In all five citrus varieties, females did not manage to deposit eggs into fruit pulp. The proportion of eggs laid in either the flavedo or albedo area of the fruit peel differed depending on the citrus variety. In all cases except bitter oranges, females oviposited fewer eggs in citrus fruits than in the artificial oviposition substrates, suggesting that most citrus fruits cause a significant reduction in the reproductive potential of medflies. Negative correlations were found between fecundity and (a) the density of oil glands, and (b) the amount of essential oils in the flavedo area of citrus fruits. There was no correlation between fecundity and other fruit physical characteristics, such as resistance of fruit peel to pressure and thickness of the flavedo. Apparently, resistance of citrus fruits to medfly infestation is directly related to citrus essential oils. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) was higher in bitter oranges than in the three sweet orange varieties tested. A negative r was estimated for flies that developed and oviposited in lemons, indicating a tendency for population decrease in this host. The suitability of citrus fruits for medfly development and the practical implications of our findings for management of medflies in citrus orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of citrus cultivars in Israel in orchards where Alternaria brown spot was common on Minneola tangelos (mandarin × grapefruit), revealed the occurrence of the disease as typical foliar and fruit lesions on Dancy and Ellendale (mandarins), on Murcott tangor (mandarin × sweet orange), on Nova and Idith (mandarin hybrids), on Calamondin, and on Sunrise and Redblush (grapefruit). Isolates of Alternaria alternata from each of these hosts were proven to be pathogenic to Minneola tangelo.
The host range of A. alternata pv. citri from Israel was assayed by inoculating leaves of diverse citrus genotypes. Several mandarins and their hybrids (Dancy, Kara, King, Wilking, Satsuma, Minneola, Orlando, Mikhal, Idith, Nova, Page, Murcott), grapefruit (Marsh seedless), grapefruit × pummelo (Oroblanco), sweet orange (Shamouti, Valencia, Washington navel) Calamondin, and Volkamer citrus were susceptible. Several mandarins and their hybrids (Clementine, Avana, Yafit, Ortanique), Cleopatra, one sweet orange cultivar (Newhall), pummelo (Chandler), lemon (Eureka), Rough lemon, Rangpur lime, sweet lime, citron, limequat, sour orange, Troyer citrange and Alemow were resistant.  相似文献   

Citrus peel essential oils are considered to constitute the most important resistance factor of citrus fruits against fruit flies. Essential oils were obtained from three sweet orange varieties, one bitter orange and one lemon variety. Yield, chemical composition and toxicity against neonates of the Mediterranean fruit fly were determined. Based on chemical analysis, the toxicity of commercially purchased major and minor components (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) of essential oils was determined. In addition, fractions were prepared to evaluate the role of minor components in the toxicity of crude essential oils. Limonene was by far the most abundant ingredient (96.2–97.4%) in all sweet orange varieties and in bitter orange, while the concentration of limonene was much lower in lemon essential oils (74.3%). Orange and bitter orange essential oils were more toxic than lemon essential oils. The toxicity of orange and bitter orange essential oils was similar to that of their major component limonene. In tests of commercially purchased chemicals, the oxygenated components of essential oils were more toxic than hydrocarbons but their low concentration in citrus essential oils could not affect the toxic activity of essential oils. The presence of α-pinene and β-pinene seems to account for the lower toxicity of lemon essential oils in relation to other citrus essential oils. The importance of understanding the toxicity of essential oils in relation to their composition and their role regarding the resistance of citrus fruits to Ceratitis capitata infestation is discussed.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the citrus nematode, Tylenchulus semipenetrans, on navel orange trees was studied from January 2012 to September 2012. The highest population of the citrus nematode appeared in May 2012 in the soil of navel orange trees, and the highest nematode population in roots appeared in August in the same year. Control of the citrus nematode by using smashed garlic cloves, powders of olive leaves and orange peels, an organic manure, chicken litter, either alone or in combination with a biocide, and sincocin compared to two nematicides, fenamiphos 10%G and oxamyl 24%L, was carried out in April 2012 .The best results for controlling the citrus nematode were obtained four months after the addition of the tested materials in soil; the highest nematode percentages reduction obtained were 90.9%, for smashed garlic cloves, and 72.8%, for chicken litter. On roots, the best results were 92.3% for garlic cloves and 92.0% for oxamyl, one month after application. The concomitant treatments of sincocin plus garlic clove or sicocin plus chicken litter were most effective in managing T. semipenetrans on navel orange trees after four and five months of application.  相似文献   

柑橘大实蝇成虫的翅载和额外负载能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera (Tetradacus) minax (Enderlein)的有效管理受阻于对其成虫运动行为的较少的认识。通过测定其成虫翅载能力和忍受额外负载重量的能力, 从而确定其成虫所携带不同的额外负载的电子标签重量对其正常起飞的影响程度, 为制作合适的昆虫谐波雷达的电子标签提供技术参数。其雌雄成虫的翅载能力并没有随着成虫个体重量增加而降低, 也没有因为性别不同而存在差异。成虫经过正常取食和饥饿(只喂清水)变化处理, 其成虫平均净载重量约为11 mg。来自网室成虫忍受额外负载试验结果表明, 成虫额外负载7.3 mg重量或为占其自身体重大约23%重量对于其向上起飞行为有较少或没有直接的影响。结果进一步表明, 在确定昆虫谐波雷达技术跟踪其成虫携带的电子标签适合性时, 选择的电子标签的重量不能超过7.3 mg。  相似文献   


In this study, we aimed to produce a citrus fruit with no seed and with edible peel. Therefore, the seedless Yoshida navel oranges (Citrus sinensis ‘Yoshida navel’) and Jangsil kumquat (Fortunella japonica) with edible peel were used as the starting materials. Since two varieties of different genera and different flowering periods would be difficult to crossbreed, protoplast fusion was conducted using the polyethylene glycol method. Yoshida navel orange and Jangsil kumquat were used as an embryogenic callus line and a mesophyll line, respectively. The regenerated plants were analyzed by flow cytometry to identify tetraploids, which were further evaluated by polymerase chain reaction, using simple sequence repeat markers specific for the nuclear and cytoplasmic organellar DNAs of the two parents, to confirm allotetraploids and cybrids. Sixteen allotetraploids were finally produced and characterized phenotypically for leaf morphology and fruit quality. All allotetraploids contained mitochondria originating from Yoshida navel orange; 12 contained chloroplasts derived from navel orange whereas four contained chloroplasts of kumquat origin. We investigated both plant and fruit characteristics of allotetraploids derived from the protoplast fusion of navel orange and kumquat. The sizes of the allotetraploid leaves were intermediate between those of both parents. However, in contrast to the spindle-shaped leaves of both parents, those of the allotetraploids were obovate. Petiole wings were absent in the allotetraploids, a known kumquat trait. Similar to navel oranges, flowering time was mid-May, and pollen was sterile, whereas fruit size, external shape, soluble solids content, and acidity were all intermediate between the two parents. Peel thickness and the number of segments were similar to those of kumquat, and flesh weight was similar to that of navel orange. Collectively, these results indicated that the intergeneric allotetraploids derived from navel orange and kumquat inherited favorable traits of both parents and could be produced and selected despite a lack of extensive parental variation. This is one of the first reports showing fruiting results of protoplast-fused citrus plants. The study reported characteristics of the fruits from both the original plants as well as from the protoplast-fused plant. Detailed characteristics of the allotetraploid fruit produced by protoplast fusion would be very helpful for future polyploid studies.


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