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中国金线鱼科鱼类一新纪录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年10月在广西北海市侨港镇渔港码头采获金线鱼科Nemipteridae、金线鱼属Nemipterus鱼类标本2尾,经鉴定为红棘金线鱼Nemipterus nemurus(Bleeker,1857),系我国鱼类1新纪录.其主要特征为:体延长,侧扁,体背缘前部陡高;眼较大;上颌前端具大犬牙3~4对;第1鳃弓上鳃耙钝而短,鳃耙数12~13枚;体被中等大薄弱栉鳞,侧线鳞50~53枚;背鳍X-9,臀鳍Ⅲ-7;胸鳍和腹鳍长,末端可达肛门;尾鳍叉形,上叶末端呈丝状延长.新鲜标本全身桃红色,具银白色金属光泽;体侧有2条较宽的黄色纵带;背鳍鳍膜浅黄色,背鳍前2枚鳍棘间的鳍膜上半部鲜红色;尾鳍浅红色,尾鳍上叶丝状延长呈金黄色.  相似文献   

2012年9月,在中国南沙群岛渚碧礁采集到猪齿鱼属标本1尾,经鉴定为中国新纪录种——腰纹猪齿鱼(Choerodon zosterophorus)。本种的主要鉴别特征为:吻稍突出;背鳍ⅩⅢ-6;臀鳍Ⅲ-10;体被中大圆鳞,侧线完全,侧线鳞片27;从最后几个背鳍鳍棘基部下侧至胸鳍基部上侧之间有1条较宽白带;背侧有1较大黑色斑点,白斑背鳍后端处腹鳍位置上背部也有1较大黑点,通常在白斑处以黑色边缘线形式向前腹端延伸至腹部后侧;成体尾鳍为灰色。  相似文献   

2016 年5 月在海南省万泉河河口采集到2 尾溪鳢(Rhyacichthys aspro), 该物种属濒危物种, 为海南省新纪录。该种主要形态特征包括: 体延长, 前部平扁, 后部侧扁; 口较小, 下位, 马蹄形, 唇厚, 上颌突出包住下颌; 背鳍VII, I-7-8; 臀鳍I-7-8, 与第二背鳍相对, 同形, 起点在第二背鳍第一鳍条的下方; 胸鳍1+19+1, 宽圆, 平扁, 扇形,下腹位, 基部宽大, 向前、向头腹面扩展; 腹鳍I-5, 腹鳍小, 前腹位, 平扁, 起点在胸鳍基部中央下方, 左右腹鳍相隔颇远, 腹鳍鳍棘外侧成平行皱褶; 尾鳍2+12+1; 纵列鳞38-39 枚; 横列鳞9-10 枚; 背鳍前鳞15-16 枚; 椎骨28枚。标本现保存于中国水产科学研究院珠江水产研究所。  相似文献   

记述采自中国广西壮族自治区的北伦河鲿科鱼类1新纪录种,长须拟鳠Mystus gulio(Hamilton,1822)。新纪录种为1小型鲿科鱼类,其主要形态特征如下:背鳍Ⅱ,7;胸鳍Ⅰ,8;腹鳍条11~13;脊椎骨数29~31;胸鳍和背鳍棘后缘呈锯齿状;脂鳍基长不及臀鳍基之半长;眼睛圆形且中等大;尾鳍深叉状,上叶稍长于下叶;上颌须末端达腹鳍基中部。拟鳠属Mystus与其近缘属拟鳠Hemibagrus种类的眼前缘与后鼻孔的距离明显大于两鼻孔间距,为这两属区别于鲿科其他属的形态特征之一。鳠属种类的脂鳍基都较长,一般为臀鳍基的2倍; 拟鳠属种类的指鳍基长度变化较大,或大于臀鳍基长,或短于臀鳍基长; 脂鳍基长度不宜用于鉴别拟鳠属和鳠属。但两属的枕骨和囟门沟的形态差异显著,拟鳠属种类的枕骨宽大,囟门沟短;鳠属种类的枕骨窄小,囟门沟长;该类特征可用于鉴别两属物种。  相似文献   

尖嘴鱼属(Gomphosus)是一群分布于印度洋和太平洋热带珊瑚礁海域鱼类,共有2种,以往在中国海域记录有1种杂色尖嘴鱼(G.varius)。我们在分析20世纪90年代采自中国南海大陆坡的鱼类标本时,发现了该属的另一种雀尖嘴鱼(Gomphosus caeruleus Lacepède,1801),为中国新纪录种。本种的主要鉴别特征为:体呈浅黄褐色(雌)或深黑色(雄);吻部特别延长呈管状;体长为体高的4.2倍,为头长的2.6倍;背鳍Ⅷ-13,臀鳍Ⅲ-11,胸鳍i(不分支)+14(分支);脊椎骨25;鳃盖条7;体被中大圆鳞;侧线完全,在背鳍条的后部下方急剧向下弯折,侧线有孔鳞片27;头部仅鳃盖上部有9枚呈三角状排列的小鳞;背鳍起点前方有鳞8行;背鳍第一至第三鳍棘间的鳍膜具1黑斑;尾鳍截形。  相似文献   

采集池塘育苗的39日龄之前的梭鱼(Liza haematocheila)仔、稚、幼鱼,对其早期发育阶段体色的变化以及鳍的发生、发育进行了连续观察。初孵仔鱼体表不具黑色素,仅卵黄囊具黑色素,孵化后2日龄体表黑色素增加,鳍膜无色透明。8日龄仔鱼开始变得不透明,腹侧有黑色线状斑点。在18~19日龄仔鱼转化为稚鱼时,鱼体背部具大量雪花状黑色素颗粒,在透色光下可观察到淡黄色斑点(黄色素)。30日龄幼鱼与成鱼相似,体表具淡白色,背褐腹白。梭鱼仔鱼在早期发育阶段各鳍的发育顺序是:胸鳍→尾鳍→腹鳍→背鳍→臀鳍→第二鳍棘。初孵仔鱼,鳍褶从头部后缘向后绕过尾部,终止于卵黄囊后缘油球外侧。2日龄仔鱼具胸鳍芽,全身由鳍膜包裹,5日龄仔鱼胸鳍和尾鳍鳍膜已具有相当的运动能力,能够起到推动和维持身体平衡的作用。梭鱼鳍在早期发育过程中最明显的变化是尾鳍的生长和鳍节的发育。梭鱼仔鱼在12日龄时出现腹鳍棘芽基,15日龄时第二背鳍棘出现。17日龄,尾椎骨向上弯曲,尾鳍基本发育完成,长鳍条16根,具10节,中间几根棘条末三节二向分叉,短鳍条上下各6~8根;背鳍有鳍条11根,具5节,最外侧鳍棘具刺,基部有支鳍骨。至30日龄,梭鱼幼鱼各鳍发育完全,与成鱼相似。  相似文献   

中国青鳉属鱼类新纪录:鳍斑青鳉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2015年11月在中国广西省靖西市龙江河(22°59′25″N,106°21′50″E,海拔664 m)采得青鳉属鱼类30尾,经鉴定为中国鱼类新纪录种——鳍斑青鳉(Oryzias pectoralis Roberts,1998)。其主要鉴别特征为:体形细长而侧扁;胸鳍基部具黑色斑块;背鳍和臀鳍鳍条无角化延伸;尾鳍末端呈圆弧状;尾鳍上下边缘的鳍条呈橙黄色。通过设计简并引物进行PCR扩增得到CO1基因序列,以其657 bp序列与同属其他种比较并构建邻接进化树,以斑马鱼(Danio rerio)和食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)为外群,所得系统树支持形态鉴定结果。该鱼标本现保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院脊椎动物标本室。  相似文献   

通过对背眼虎鱼亚科中薄氏大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus boddarti)、青弹涂鱼(Scartelaos histophorus)、新几内亚弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus novaeguineaensis)和点弹涂鱼(P.spilotus)3属4种弹涂鱼鳃参数的测定,比较了各种之间鳃的形态度量学差异。结果表明,4种弹涂鱼的鳃参数(Y)与其体重(W)均符合方程logY=log a+b logW,且各鳃参数与体重的相关性显著(R2=0.50~0.98,P0.05)。等体重的弹涂鱼相比较,青弹涂鱼的总鳃丝数、总鳃丝长(mm)、鳃丝一侧鳃小片数(/mm)、总鳃面积(mm2)和相对鳃面积(mm2/g)均最大,薄氏大弹涂鱼相应鳃参数次之,新几内亚弹涂鱼和点弹涂鱼相应鳃参数较小。弹涂鱼鳃结构的这种梯度退化,表明青弹涂鱼和薄氏大弹涂鱼水生性较强,而新几内亚弹涂鱼和点弹涂鱼陆生性较强。4种弹涂鱼的总鳃丝长和总鳃面积明显小于其他等体重水生鱼类,这与弹涂鱼的两栖生活特征相符。  相似文献   

扁头鮡地理种群形态变异的研究兼论大鳍鮡的物种有效性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用形态度量学和主成分分析的方法,通过对稚鲁藏布江、伊洛瓦底江、怒江和澜沧江4个水系标本的比较,研究了扁头鮡各地理种群间的形态变异及大鳍鮡的物种有效性.结果表明4个水系的标本相互之间的差异还没有达到亚种水平,应是扁头鮡的地理种群;扁头鮡不同地理种群之间的形态特征,如眼间距、背鳍基长、肛门位置和脂鳍起点位置等性状随海拔高度的下降,自西向东呈梯度变化;前人将腹鳍前长比体长、脂鳍基长比背鳍基长和眼间距比头长等作为大鳍鮡区别于扁头鮡的鉴别特征,并不能将标本区分为大鳍鮡和扁头鮡两个物种,因此大鳍鮡是一个无效的物种,应是扁头鮡的同物异名.  相似文献   

中国东南沿海弹涂鱼科常见鱼类的遗传多样性和DNA条形码   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探究中国东南沿海海岸线经济开发、海水污染等对该区域生物遗传多样性的潜在影响,本文使用COI基因作为DNA条形码,对从中国东南沿海广东汕头、福建东山、福建云霄、福建泉州、福建霞浦、上海崇明6个地点采集的大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus pectinirostris)、弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus modestus)和青弹涂鱼(Scartelaos histophorus)进行种间和种内的遗传学分析。遗传多样性分析显示,青弹涂鱼的核苷酸多样性(0.0018)在3个种中最低;青弹涂鱼广东汕头种群的核苷酸多样性(0.0018)比福建云霄种群低;大弹涂鱼的上海崇明种群核苷酸多样性(0.0021)低于其他5个地理种群。物种水平分析表明,3个物种间分化明显,种间与种内遗传距离有明显差异;不同种的单倍型在系统发育树上聚成3个高度支持的独立分支。种群水平分析显示,大弹涂鱼的6个不同地理种群之间有共享单倍型,地理种群间与地理种群内的遗传距离重叠;各地理种群之间的基因流较频繁(Nm>4);青弹涂鱼的分析情况与大弹涂鱼基本一致。大弹涂鱼和青弹涂鱼的单倍型在系统发育树上均呈现多系或并系分布格局,并未按地理位置分成不同的单系群。本研究表明,应及时加强3种鱼类及其野生种群遗传多样性的保护,且COI基因对种一级的识别明确可靠,而在地理种群水平的识别则比较困难,有待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

2006年3月中旬浙江省乐清县岐蒲镇渔民在中国东海南部(靠近台湾北部)海域捕获一条体长4 560 mm的鲨鱼.经鉴定为大口鲨Megachasma pelagios Taylor,Compagno et Struhsaker,1983,为我国大陆沿海鲨鱼1新纪录种.  相似文献   

Two new species and a new record of Sinogastromyzon are described from Lixianjiang River of Yunnan province, China. Sinogastromyzon lixianjiangensis, new species, can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: pectoral fin with XIII–XIV, 15–17 rays; pelvic fin with X–XI, 10–12 rays; 60–65 lateral-line scales; no scales on the dorsum of paired fins or the region between axilla of pectoral fin and pelvic-fin origin; tip of pelvic fin close to anus; tip of anal fin close to caudal-fin base; anal-fin origin nearer to the caudal-fin base than to the posterior pelvic-fin base; anus nearer to anal-fin origin than to the posterior pelvic-fin base; dorsal side of the body with 9–11 black blotches. Sinogastromyzon macrostoma, new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: pectoral fin with XII–XIV, 12–15 rays; pelvic fin with VII–IX, 11–13 rays; 48–56 lateral-line scales; mouth extremely big, slightly arched; no scales on the dorsum of paired fins or the region between axilla of pectoral fin and pelvic-fin origin; tip of pelvic fin far beyond anus; tip of anal fin far from caudal-fin base; anal-fin origin about midway between the posterior pelvic-fin base and caudal-fin base; anus nearer to posterior pelvic-fin base than to anal-fin origin; dorsal side of the body uniformly gray, without regular blotches in formalin preserved specimen. Sinogastromyzon cf. multiocellum is firstly recorded in China.  相似文献   

广西高原鳅属鱼类一穴居新种记述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2003年1月,在广西壮族自治区天峨县红水河水系地下河采集到一批盲鱼标本。经鉴定,为高原鳅属Triplophysa一未经发表的新种。新种天峨高原鳅Triplophysa tianeensis sp.nov.与个旧盲高原鳅T.gejiuensis、石林盲高原鳅T.shilinensis、阿庐高原鳅T.aluensis和南丹高原鳅T.nandanensis相似;本新种腹鳍末端不达肛门,尾鳍分枝鳍条16,可进一步与个旧盲高原鳅和石林盲高原鳅(腹鳍末端达到肛门,尾鳍分枝鳍条14-15)相区别;本新种背鳍起点位于体之中点、腹鳍起点之后,肛门紧靠臀鳍起点,可进一步与阿庐高原鳅(背鳍起点靠近吻端、位于腹鳍起点之前,肛门距臀鳍起点仍有一段距离)相区别。本新种与同分布于红水河水系的南丹高原鳅Triplophysa nandanensis Lan et al.较为相似;但二者区别明显:新种背鳍分枝鳍条7、胸鳍分枝鳍条9、腹鳍分枝鳍条6、背鳍外缘平截、背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之后,后者背鳍分枝鳍条8、胸鳍分枝鳍条10~11、腹鳍分枝鳍条7、背鳍外缘凹入、背鳍起点位于腹鳍起点之前;此外,新种的穴居特征更为显著:眼极度退化、头长为眼径16.8—32.8(25.0)倍、部分个体无色素斑且各鳍无斑点,而南丹高原鳅眼小、头长为眼径4.7~9.0(7.5)倍、体和头背侧密布云状斑且各鳍均具点状斑。  相似文献   

A new species of the lanternshark Etmopterus splendidus is described. This new species is distinguished from the congeners by the combination of the following characters: distance from snout tip to 1st dorsal spine much less than distance from the spine to upper caudal origin; caudal fin short, much less than head length; dermal denticles on lateral side of trunk with very small, erect thornlike, conical crowns, those on trunk arranged in regular longitudinal rows, and distinctly arranged on interdorsal area and on lateral trunk of interspace between 2nd dorsal and caudal, but not arranged in regular longitudinal rows on dorsal surface of interorbital and o abdomen; color in life purplish-black above and with inconspicuous bluish-black flank marks and three other bluish-black marks at base of caudal fin and along its axis; shape of flank marks narrow anterior to, but broader posterior to pelvic fins.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(6):848-864
The median fins in extant actinopterygians are the product of millions of years of evolution. During this time, different developmental patterns for the dorsal and anal fins emerged leading to a high variation in median fin morphology and ontogeny. In this study, the development of anal and dorsal fins in atheriniforms is described and its consequences for the current phylogenetic hypothesis are discussed. Developmental series of five atheriniform species were investigated using clearing and staining as well as antibody staining. The skeletal elements of the second dorsal fin and the anal fin emerge in a bidirectional pattern. The first dorsal fin, however, arises separately in front of the second dorsal fin after this one is almost completely formed. The pterygiophores of the first dorsal fin, including the interdorsal pterygiophores, develop from caudal to rostral, but the fin‐spines of the first dorsal fin form in the opposite direction. This new mode of fin development has been found in all examined atheriniform species with two dorsal fins. Several morphological characters of atheriniforms, including interdorsal pterygiophores, are also found in one other taxon: the Mugiliformes. Thus, several dorsal fin characteristics may provide evidence for a closer relationship of these two taxa.  相似文献   

A new species of mudskipper,Periophthalmus spilotus, is described on the basis of 16 specimens from Sumatra, Indonesia. It differs from other species ofPeriophthalmus by the following combination of characters: pelvic fins totally united into rounded disk; first dorsal fin high, greyish, no spots on fin nor elongate spines; second dorsal fin typically with 14 total elements; anal fin typically with either 14 or 15 total elements; length of anal-fin base 21.8–29.0% SL; and length of second dorsal-fin base 22.5–26.7% SL. This species is most similar to, and probably most closely related to,P. chrysospilos.  相似文献   

Oxynotus japonicus sp. nov. is described on the basis of a specimen collected by a bottom trawl at depths between 225 m and 270 m in Suruga Bay, Japan. It differs from other species of the genus in having the following combination of characters: spines of 1st and 2nd dorsal fins sloping slightly backward; length from tip of 1st dorsal spine to apex of 1st dorsal fin 2.6 times vertical height from tip of spine to fin base; length from tip of 2nd dorsal spine to apex of 2nd dorsal fin 1.9 times vertical height from tip of spine to fin base; and 2nd dorsal base 1.3 in interspace between 1st and 2nd dorsal fins.  相似文献   

中国南海蛇鳗科一新纪录属及一新纪录种(鱼纲,鳗鲡目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国南海蛇鳗科1新纪录属Echelus Rafinesque,1810和1新纪录种Echelus uropterus(Temminck et Schlegel,1846).该属的特征为:尾鳍、胸鳍存在;背鳍起点在胸鳍后端之前;头部无额骨孔、眶后孔和上颞骨孔;鳃孔中等大;鳃膜骨条连于舌骨或上舌骨尖前.该种的特征:尾尖柔软;颌齿和犁骨齿颗粒状,带形;后鼻孔在上唇边缘外侧.  相似文献   

A new species of spurdog, Squalus formosus n. sp., from the lower continental shelf and upper continental slope off the coast of Taiwan and southern Japan, is described. It belongs to the 'highfin megalops group', the members of which share a short snout, high dorsal fins, robust dorsal spines, tricuspid denticles and a white posterior caudal margin. Squalus formosus is most similar to Squalus albifrons, a recently described species from eastern Australia, but differs in some morphological characters and fin colouration. Squalus formosus is sympatric with three other species of Squalus in Taiwanese waters, i.e. Squalus brevirostris, Squalus japonicus and Squalus mitsukurii, and can be readily distinguished from these in the following combination of characters: tall and upright first dorsal fin, with a tall and robust spine, short and bluntly pointed snout, white caudal-fin posterior margin and first dorsal fin with a white anterior margin parallel with dorsal spine. This new species was considered by some authors to be conspecific with Squalus blainville from the eastern Atlantic Ocean, but the results of this study reveal that it is probably endemic to Taiwan and southern Japan.  相似文献   

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