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土壤Hg污染及修复技术研究   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
早在 2 0世纪 6 0年代初期 ,日本查明了“水俣病”[1] 是由甲基Hg污染造成的 ,引起世界范围内人们对Hg污染危害的重视 ,使其研究日益增多。Hg通过不同途径进入土壤环境 ,土壤中的Hg经过复杂的物理、化学反应 ,大部分以各种形态滞留在土壤中 ,同时Hg在作物可食部分积累并进入食物链循环 ,对人体健康构成威胁。我国被Hg污染的耕地面积有 3.2× 10 4 ha ,每年产生污染环境的Hg达 1.9× 10 8kg[2 ] 。土壤一旦遭受Hg污染 ,对人类健康构成潜在的危害 ,因此土壤Hg污染的治理及生物修复技术研究应运而生。重金属污染治理的传…  相似文献   

石油污染土壤的生物降解研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
石油工业迅速的发展带来了许多环境问题。在原油生产与输送过程中[1] ,井喷、泄露及沉降排放等引起的原油进入土壤造成的土壤污染 ,很难治理。原油在环境中残留时间长 ,对土壤微生物和土壤 植物生态系统 ,甚至地下水都产生危害 ,影响土壤肥力 ,破坏土壤生产力 ,严重影响当地的粮食产量及产品质量。当前 ,治理土壤石油污染的方法主要有物理法、化学法和生物治理技术[2 ] 。污染土壤生物清洁技术就是利用微生物将土壤中有害有机污染物降解为无害无机物 (CO2 和H2 O)的过程。降解过程可以由改变土壤理化条件 (包括土壤pH ,温度、湿度、…  相似文献   

土壤中镉、铅、锌及其相互作用对作物的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
通过作物盆栽模拟试验(砂壤质褐土、pH值8.2)揭示:土壤中分别施入镉(CdCl2)、铅[Pb(CH3COO)2]或锌(ZnSO4)其影响表现为,植物各器官镉的含量超过对照植物的数倍至500倍。土壤镉浓度<5ppm和<10ppm分别造成某些蔬菜和水稻的污染。铅主要积累在植物根部,土壤铅污染对作物的影响较小。锌主要积累在植物叶片和根部,对水稻产生生长抑制的土壤锌浓度临界值不大于200ppm,此浓度对旱作无影响。土壤中同时施入镉和铅,植物对镉的吸收增加。而土壤中镉的增加却减少了植物体内铅的含量。土壤中由于镉、锌或铅、锌相互作用的结果,水稻对它们的吸收都有增加。在旱地土壤锌浓度的增高,降低了植物对镉、铅的吸收。镉、铅、锌同时施入土壤由于相互作用的结果,除锌之外,植物对镉、铅的吸收有明显下降。评价土壤重金属污染,不仅要看它们的含量及其存在形态,而且要分析它们之间的相互作用(促进或拮抗)特点。  相似文献   

土壤-作物系统中铅的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
重金属铅不是作物生长的必需元素 ,而是一种对作物有积累性危害的污染物质。铅一旦污染土壤 ,很难降解、去除。铅对土壤污染后 ,可导致农产品产生残毒 ,并可通过土壤 作物系统进入食物链 ,危害人体健康。本文就农田土壤 作物系统中铅的来源、积累与迁移等研究进行综述 ,旨在提醒人们关注铅的危害 ,采取积极措施提早预防  相似文献   

1 前 言土壤重金属污染常常是两种或两种以上元素同时作用形成的复合污染 ,如污泥土地利用、污水灌溉等往往是多元素同时进入土壤 植物系统。近十几年来 ,国内外学者特别关注复合污染方面的研究 ,认为元素间的联合作用对作物的产量及元素在作物体内的再分配有着至关重要的影响[1~ 3 ]。同时 ,多元素的联合作用是一个相当复杂的过程。美国Wallace等将重金属的联合作用分为协同、竞争、加和、屏蔽和独立作用[4 ,5 ]。多元素相互作用产生的生态效应受多种因素的影响 ,诸如作物的种类、元素的不同组合、元素浓度等。本文探讨了土壤中…  相似文献   

酸沉降影响下庐山森林生态系统土壤硫形态分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,因农业高产的养分平衡问题及因酸沉降污染问题硫的植物营养与生物地球化学研究日益活跃。至今已有较多研究者对农田和自然土壤中硫含量、形态分布及不同施肥条件和作物对它们的影响进行了研究[1,2 ,12~ 16 ] 。酸沉降影响下森林土壤硫及其去向倍受关注。研究表明 ,在高度风化的土壤上的森林生态系统中SO4 2 - 处于积累状态[17] ,而发育时间较短的土壤上的森林生态系统中SO4 2 - 则处于接近动态平衡的状态[18,19] 。Carlsson等[2 0 ] 利用34S对挪威半岛森林土壤硫形态及其与酸沉降的关系进行了研究 ,认为有机硫和吸附…  相似文献   

铜矿区超积累Cu植物的研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
1 引  言土壤重金属污染一直是环境污染问题之一 ,而且土壤中的重金属污染具有严重性、长期性和广泛性的特点[1 ,6] .但常规的一些物理化学方法因费用过高、对土壤性质破坏等一系列问题而难以广泛应用 ,植物修复为重金属污染带来了希望[5,7,9,1 3] .植物修复主要是基于重金属超积累植物 (hyper accumulator)的研究而兴起的 .超积累植物是指地上部分能富集重金属占干重的 1 0 0mg·kg-1 (Cu、Pb、Cd)或 1 0 0 0 0mg·kg-1 (如Zn)的一类植物[2~ 4,8] .在过去 2 0年内 ,已报道的超积累植物已有 4 0 0余种 …  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染生态过程、效应及修复   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
王新  周启星 《生态科学》2004,23(3):278-281
本文探讨了重金属在土壤中的行为特性及其生态化学过程作用的特点,不同的重金属元素在土壤胶体颗粒表面的吸附特性及不同元素间的交互作用类型有所不同,自然对重金属迁移积累的影响有所不同。土壤重金属污染影响了种子萌发、幼苗生长、作物产量及体内重金属含量,探讨了污染土壤的酶学评价方法。阐述了重金属污染土壤生物修复的特点,展望了重金属污染生态过程研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

不同汞化合物对水稻、小麦的影响及作物对汞的吸收积累   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本试验研究了5种汞化合物(HgS,HgO,CH_3HgCl,HgCl_2,C_8H_8O_2Hg)对水稻、小麦生长发育的影响及作物对汞的吸收、积累。结果表明,C_8H_8O_2Hg对作物的危害比HgCl_2和CH_3HgCl大,HgS的危害最轻。不同汞化合物对水稻蒸腾作用的抑制程度看出,C_8H_8O_2Hg的毒性大,HgS的毒性最小;抑制小麦光合作用的程度看出,HgCl_2的毒性大、HgS的毒性小。不同汞化合物处理的土壤中,水稻、小麦的含汞量是随着汞化合物的浓度增加而增加,以C_8H_8O_2Hg处理的土壤,作物吸收的汞最多,转移到地上部的汞最多,HgS处理的土壤,汞转移到地上部最少;小麦吸收的汞大部积累在根中,地上部(茎叶)的含汞量显著比水稻少;各处理的土壤总汞含量与水稻的含汞量相关性显著。土壤中的HgS、HgCl_2可以转化为CH_3HgCl,并转运到植物体各器官。 本试验是用盆栽试验的方法,土壤用不同浓度不同汞化台物处理。 用的“称重法”测定了水稻的蒸腾作用。用FQW-CO_2红外气体分析仪测定了小麦的光合强度。用F-732测汞仪测定了水稻、小麦不同器官和土壤中的总汞含量。用巯基棉气相色谱法测定了甲基汞的含量。  相似文献   

氮磷添加对红壤区城郊湿地松林凋落叶分解的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市化易导致城市森林氮(N)沉降和磷(P)富集,进而对凋落物分解过程产生影响。以位于南昌市郊的湿地松(Pinuse lliottii Engelm.)林为研究对象,采用尼龙网袋分解法,模拟N沉降(10g N·m-2·a-1,[N])、P积累(2.5g P·m-2·a-1,[P])和N沉降+P积累(10N·m-2·a-1+2.5g P·m-2·a-1,[N+P])对凋落叶分解速率与C、N、P含量及其化学计量比动态变化的影响。结果表明:与对照(CK)相比,[N]、[P]和[N+P]均促进凋落叶的前期(0~180d)分解速率,抑制中期(180~360d)、后期(360~540d)的分解速率;至540d时分解速率表现为[N]、[P]和CK无差异,但均高于[N+P](P0.05)。[N]提高分解过程中凋落叶N浓度,N含量表现为分解前期积累、后期释放;[P]提高分解过程中凋落叶P浓度,P含量持续积累;[N+P]提高N和P浓度,分解前期N、P含量积累,后期释放;而不同处理的C含量均表现为释放。凋落物基质C/N/P比与分解速率的相关性随分解阶段而表现各异。综合来看,城市化导致的N沉降和P富集叠加效应具有抑制城市森林凋落物分解过程的潜在性。  相似文献   

Fusarium species were isolated from plant debris in soil samples collected from cultivated maize fields and from undisturbed grasslands in two areas of the Transkei region. A total of 1205 Fusarium isolates were recovered from 27 soil samples. Fifteen Fusarium species were recovered from plant debris from Bizana soils and 13 Fusarium species from plant debris from Centane soils. The two dominant Fusarium species in both areas were F. oxysporum and F. equiseti. Very few isolates of F. moniliforme and F. subglutinans were recovered, but both of these species had significantly higher relative densities in cultivated soils than in undisturbed soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are essential to the functionality of the soil, particularly in organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling, which regulate plant productivity and shape the soil structure. However, biotic and abiotic stresses greatly disrupt soil fungal communities and, thereby, disturb the ecosystem. This study quantified seasonal tolerances to UV-B radiation and heat of fungal communities, which could be cultured, found in soil from two native Atlantic forest fragments called F1 and F2, five reforested areas (RA) planted in 1994, 1997, 2004, 2007, and 2009 with native species of the Atlantic forest, and one sand mining degraded soil (SMDS). The cold activity of the soil fungal communities (FC) from the eight different areas was also studied. Higher tolerance to UV-B radiation and heat was found in the FC from the SMDS and the 2009RA, where the incidence of heat and UV radiation from sun was more intense, which caused selection for fungal taxa that were more UV-B and heat tolerant in those areas. Conversely, the FC from the native forests and older reforested sites were very susceptible to heat and UV-B radiation. The cold activity of the soil FC from different areas of the study showed an erratic pattern of responses among the sampling sites. Little difference in tolerance to UV-B radiation and heat was found among the FC of soil samples collected in different seasons; in general soil FC collected in winter were less tolerant to UV-B radiation, but not for heat. In conclusion, FC from SMDS soil that receive intense heat and UV radiation, as well as with low nutrient availability, were more tolerant to both UV-B radiation and heat.  相似文献   

Fallopia japonica (Japanese knotweed) invades riparian areas and roadsides in New England. This large clonal species drastically alters the appearance of habitats by forming highly productive near-monocultures. To understand how these invasions affect ecosystem processes in New England, we quantified the impacts of F. japonica on species diversity, primary productivity, and nitrogen cycling at five locations in central Massachusetts, USA. In stands of F. japonica and in adjacent uninvaded areas, we recorded the cover of each plant species and measured the aboveground biomass and nitrogen (N) concentrations in plants, along with N retranslocation from F. japonica leaves and several soil characteristics. In addition, we severed rhizomes of peripheral F. japonica shoots to determine if clonal integration contributes to the species’ rapid spread and dominance. Stands of F. japonica had lower species diversity, but greater aboveground biomass and standing N than uninvaded areas. Nitrogen and carbon concentrations in biomass and N mineralization rates in soil did not differ between stands and adjacent areas. Rhizome severing temporarily reduced growth of F. japonica, suggesting that retranslocation of photoassimilates and/or nutrients between shoots via rhizomatal connections may maximize stand level growth rates and facilitate dominance by F. japonica.  相似文献   

湖南烟区烤烟硫含量与土壤有效硫含量的分布特点   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用野外调查、田间试验与室内分析相结合的方法,分析了湖南烟区烤烟硫含量与土壤有效硫含量的分布特点及相互关系.结果表明湖南烟叶硫含量较高,平均为(0.81±0.26)%,变幅为0.34%~1.49%,有39.29%的烟叶硫含量小于0.70%;不同等级烟叶硫含量的变化规律为上橘二(B2F)>中橘三(C3F)>下橘二(X2F).湖南种植烤烟土壤有效硫含量较丰富且变异范围大,平均为(37.16±27.59)mg·kg-1,变幅为2.20~217.60 mg·kg-1;有22.58%的土壤在不同程度上缺硫(≤16.0 mg·kg-1),有26.08%的土壤有效硫含量偏高(>50.0 mg·kg-1),满足优质烟叶生长发育的正常土壤占51.34%;不同土壤类型有效硫含量的变化规律为鸭屎泥>黄泥田>红黄泥>青泥田>沙泥田>黄灰土>黄壤土.相关分析表明,烟叶硫含量与土壤有效硫含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.469, P<0.01).  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are two major global environmental challenges. Both may interact, e.g. via altered impact and distribution of invasive alien species. Even though invasive species play a key role for compromising the health of honey bees, the impact of climate change on the severity of such species is still unknown. The small hive beetle (SHB, Aethina tumida, Murray) is a parasite of honey bee colonies. It is endemic to sub‐Saharan Africa and has established populations on all continents except Antarctica. Since SHBs pupate in soil, pupation performance is governed foremost by two abiotic factors, soil temperature and moisture, which will be affected by climate change. Here, we investigated SHB invasion risk globally under current and future climate scenarios. We modelled survival and development time during pupation (=pupal performance) in response to soil temperature and soil moisture using published and novel experimental data. Presence data on SHB distribution were used for model validation. We then linked the model with global soil data in order to classify areas (resolution: 10 arcmin; i.e. 18.6 km at the equator) as unsuitable, marginal and suitable for SHB pupation performance. Under the current climate, the results show that many areas globally yet uninvaded are actually suitable, suggesting considerable SHB invasion risk. Future scenarios of global warming project a vehement increase in climatic suitability for SHB and corresponding potential for invasion, especially in the temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere, thereby creating demand for enhanced and adapted mitigation and management. Our analysis shows, for the first time, effects of global warming on a honey bee pest and will help areas at risk to prepare adequately. In conclusion, this is a clear case for global warming promoting biological invasion of a pest species with severe potential to harm important pollinator species globally.  相似文献   

AIMS: To monitor and select genetically characterized strains of Beauveria brongniartii to be used as microbiological control agents against Melolontha melolontha in different climatic conditions of the Valley of Aosta (northwest Italy). METHODS AND RESULTS: Molecular random amplified polymorphic DNA markers allowed monitoring of five B. brongniartii strains (C2, F, K2, N3 and W2) in field trials. Ten sites were chosen at Joven?an, Saint-Pierre and Quart areas, where a mixture of the five strains colonizing rye kernels was applied to the soil of each M. melolontha infested site. Growth, persistence and virulence on M. melolontha larvae of five fungal strains were evaluated in two subsequent 24-month studies. Beauveria brongniartii grew best at the Joven?an sites. Not only did strain F persist better than the other strains in most soil samples but it was also the most virulent strain. Strain F was isolated the most frequently from infected M. melolontha larvae recovered from the test sites. A general decrease in the larvae rate was detected in the test field soil. CONCLUSIONS: Strain F of B. brongniartii was better than other strains in growth, persistence and virulence against M. melolontha larvae in the test site soil. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results obtained from preliminary field trials support the use of strain F as a biological control agent against M. melolontha in the Valley of Aosta even if further targeted studies are still necessary.  相似文献   

Cultivation of dedicated soil plots called ‘landfarms' is an effective technology for bioremediation of hydrocarbon waste generated by various industrial practices. To understand the influence of soil conditions on landfarm microbial communities, analysis of bacterial and fungal community structure using next-generation sequencing at different sections and depths was performed across a hydrocarbon-waste landfarm in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. While a core set of hydrocarbon-associated bacterial and fungal taxa are present throughout the landfarm, unique bacterial and fungal operational taxonomic units are differentially abundant at sections within the landfarm, which correlate with differences in soil physiochemical properties and management practices. Increased frequency of waste application resulted in strong positive correlations between bacterial community assemblages and elevated amounts of oil, grease and F3 – F4 hydrocarbon fractions. In areas of standing water and lower application of hydrocarbon, microbial community structure correlated with soil pH, trace nutrients and metals. Overall, diversity and structure of bacterial communities remain relatively stable across the landfarm, while in contrast, fungal community structure appears more responsive to soil oxygen conditions. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that years of bioremediation activity have shaped microbial communities; however, several management practices can be undertaken to increase efficiency of remediation, including the removal of standing water and soil tilling across the landfarm.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) pollution is a serious environmental problem in some areas of China, but it has yet to be reported in a soil–water–plant system in Shihezi, Xinjiang. This study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and migration rule of F in soil, water, and plants, and to evaluate F pollution of soil. Results showed that the average concentration of total F (T-F) in the topsoil in the northwest, north, and southeast of Shihezi was higher than the national average T-F (478 mg/kg), while it was lower in southwest. The highest T-F contents of the soil profile were detected in the depth of 20 cm. The F content in groundwater in the northwest region was higher than the GB/T 14848–93 (1.0 mg/L), whereas the F contents in other water samples were within the standard. The F contents (1.75?2.81 mg/kg) in plant leaves were higher than the food limits (1.0 mg/kg). The obtained comprehensive pollution index of the soil was 1.86, which means a mild concentration of F in Shihezi. This research has reference value for the study of F pollution and comprehensive control in the northwest oasis with the typical arid and saline conditions.  相似文献   

为明确不同入侵地植物群落和土壤生态对黄顶菊入侵的反馈机制,选取天津静海(JH)、河北沧州(CZ)、河北衡水(HS)及河南安阳(AY)4个黄顶菊入侵典型区域,研究黄顶菊对不同入侵地植物群落多样性、土壤理化及土壤微生物群落结构的影响,并进一步揭示植物群落、土壤养分和土壤微生物之间的相关关系。结果表明,黄顶菊入侵显著降低了JH、CZ和HS的植物群落多样性指数(P0.05),改变了四个地区的土壤理化性质,显著升高了不同入侵地真菌PLFA的含量、总PLFA的含量、真菌/细菌和革兰氏阴性菌/革兰氏阳性菌(P0.05),降低了土壤微生物的Margalef丰富度指数(P0.05),但均存在地区间差异;RDA和相关分析的结果表明,硝态氮、全氮的含量对植物群落的影响较大,而铵态氮的含量对土壤微生物群落结构的影响较大,除丰富度指数外,植物群落与土壤微生物群落的多样性指数之间存在显著的负相关关系(P0.05)。总之,黄顶菊改变了入侵地植物群落多样性,并且对入侵地土壤理化性质和土壤微生物群落结构产生了显著影响,且存在地区差异。本研究将为更好的理解外来植物的入侵机制及制定相应的防控策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤微生物是反应土壤健康状况最敏感的生物学指标,溴甲烷残留不仅消耗臭氧层,影响生态平衡,还会造成土壤质量恶化和微生物群落结构的变化。为明确溴甲烷对农田土壤微生物群落结构及生态过程的影响,以兰州市红古区连续两年种植草莓的土壤为研究对象,测定熏蒸剂溴甲烷处理后土壤微生物量碳、基础呼吸、诱导呼吸和微生物代谢熵等相关指标,并运用磷脂脂肪酸法(PLFA)测定不同类群微生物的变化。结果表明:经溴甲烷熏蒸处理至培养结束(第90天)时土壤微生物基础呼吸和诱导呼吸分别下降0.6%和16.2%,并且与对照皆差异显著(P 0.05);微生物量碳培养结束时与对照差异显著(P 0.05),且减少5.6%;总体上微生物基础呼吸、诱导呼吸和微生物量碳都呈现先下降后逐渐恢复的趋势;微生物代谢熵(q CO_2)第15天后都高于对照,但随培养时间延长,处理组和对照组的差值逐渐降低,到培养期结束仍未恢复,相差5.1%。溴甲烷对土壤细菌(B)、真菌(F)和革兰氏阴性菌(GN)、革兰氏阳性菌(GP)都存在抑制作用; B、F含量分别较对照下降0.64%—8.72%、0.03%—5.61%;到培养期结束时,GP的量下降0.26%,GN下降10.42%,GN对溴甲烷的敏感性强于GP,且GN的变化具有滞后性;溴甲烷处理降低了B/F和GN/GP,但对GN/GP影响比对B/F的更为显著,土壤微生物压力指数增加。综上,说明施用溴甲烷使农田土壤微生物受到了长期的、持续的外源压力胁迫,溴甲烷在对有害微生物杀死的同时,也对有益微生物造成极大的伤害,不利于土壤优良性状的保持,使土壤中微生物丰富度和多样性下降。因此,实际应用中应充分考虑溴甲烷对土壤微生物带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

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