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目的建立胎羊单侧输尿管梗阻的动物模型,探讨其病理、影像学特点。方法取12只单胎妊娠75-85 d的健康山羊,采用宫内手术的方法造成胎羊左侧输尿管不完全梗阻。对羔羊进行影像、病理学研究。结果12只孕羊中有3只流产;有9只孕羊顺产羔羊。超声检查:梗阻后的第3周内胎羊左肾显著增大、积水及实质变薄。放射学检查:羔羊左肾积水并且功能受损害。病理学检查:左肾肾小球数目减少,肾小管扩张明显,未见肾发育不良。结论对山羊单胎妊娠中期胎羊进行宫内手术建立胎羊单侧输尿管梗阻的动物模型是可行的,该模型能很好地模拟肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻所致的胎儿肾积水。  相似文献   

李跃全 《蛇志》2007,19(4):326-327
1临床资料患儿,男,6岁。因左侧腰部胀痛及腹部日渐增大15天而来院诊治。患儿体质较差,极易感冒,无其它疾病史,半月前突感左侧腰部胀痛,日趋加剧,腹部逐日增大、纳差、呼吸困难加重,尿液逐渐减少。查体:左上腹部可触及大于成人拳头大小包块。拟诊为左肾积水,左肾肿瘤。行B超检查,静脉肾盂造影及CT平扫检查。B超示左中上腹部可见一囊性肿块,大小约12·4 cm×6·6 cm×6 cm,边缘似见肾实质结构回声,下腹探查膀胱上方稍偏左见一较小囊性肿块,排尿后有缩小趋向,左肾肾门结构及输尿管显示不清,考虑为左肾积水,左肾先天性异常。静脉肾盂造影前摄…  相似文献   

目的 探讨参麦注射液在单侧输尿管梗阻(UUO)大鼠肾间质纤维化进程中的可能作用.方法 成年SD大鼠54只,随机分为假手术组、模型组和参麦注射液治疗组.假手术组仅完成开腹过程,不结扎输尿管;模型组和参麦注射液治疗组行开腹左侧输尿管结扎术,术后参麦治疗组每天腹腔注射参麦注射液3 mL/(kg·d),假手术组与模型组则每天腹腔注射等量生理盐水.分别于实验的第7、14、21天各组处死动物6只,取左肾组织进行HE染色和α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA)免疫组化检查,并测定梗阻侧肾组织中SOD和MDA含量.结果 与模型组比较,参麦注射液治疗组肾小管间质病理改变明显减轻,肾间质α-SMA表达减少;肾组织中SOD活性增加,MDA含量下降.结论 参麦注射液可通过减少氧化应激,减少肾间质α-SMA表达而抑制肾间质纤维化进程.  相似文献   

目的研究甲磺酸伊马替尼(STI571)改善单侧输尿管梗阻(UUO)小鼠肾间质纤维化的作用及机制。方法48只小鼠随机分为4组:假手术组,模型组,小剂量治疗组(80mg/kg/d),大剂量治疗组(160mg/kg/d)。采用左侧输尿管双结扎的方法建立UUO模型,治疗组每天以STI57180、160mg/Kg灌胃。分别于术后第8,11d分别处死各组小鼠6只。光镜下观察肾脏病理改变。用免疫组化技术检测肾组织TGF-β1、PAI-1、α-SMA和PCNA的表达。结果治疗组的肾间质纤维化定量显著低于模型组(P〈0.05),且不同剂量组之间存在显著差异(P〈0.05)。模型组和治疗组左肾TGF-β1、PAI-1、α-SMA和PCNA的表达均随梗阻时间延长而逐渐增加,治疗组α-SMA和PCNA的表达较模型组明显减低(P〈0.05)。结论甲磺酸伊马替尼可显著减轻UUO小鼠梗阻侧肾脏间质纤维化,下调α-SMA和PCNA的表达,减少肾间质细胞外基质的沉积,对UUO小鼠肾间质纤维化有一定防治作用。  相似文献   

目的建立兔慢性肾功能衰竭模型,为干细胞移植治疗和相关研究奠定基础。方法普通级大耳白兔随机分为正常对照组和单侧输尿管结扎(unilateral ureteral obstruction,UUO)组。UUO组于输尿管结扎后2、4、6、8周进行血生化肾功能指标检测,并取肾组织观察肾脏病理学改变,通过SPECT动态观察肾小球滤过率的变化,采用免疫组织化学方法观察肾组织转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)的表达情况。结果①UUO组术后第2周,出现明显的血肌酐升高,尿素氮术后第8周开始升高(P〈0.01)。②UUO组术后第4周,肾脏组织出现了早期间质纤维化的病理改变,术后第8周肾小球开始出现硬化,间质纤维化明显,皮质明显变薄。术后第12周,肾小球硬化比例增加,肾小管玻璃样变性,间质纤维化进一步加重(P〈0.05)。③SPECT动态观察肾小球滤过率,UUO组第4周GFR值比正常对照组降低,到第8周时,GFR值进一步下降,结扎侧肾脏功能降低甚至丧失。④免疫组织化学染色显示,TGF-β1在术后第4、8、12周均明显增强,并且各时间点表达均有显著差异(P〈0.05)。结论单侧输尿管结扎法成功制作比较稳定的慢性肾功能不全模型,UUO后第8周符合肾脏间质纤维化模型标准。  相似文献   

本文报道31例经手术及病理证实的肾盂输尿管肿瘤超声诊断结果。其中肾盂癌21例,输尿管癌10例。超声漏诊1例,误诊4例。诊断符合率83.33%。肾盂癌声像图为集合系统内低回声肿块,近50%伴肾积水。输尿管癌声像图为病侧肾及肿瘤以上部输尿管积水。超声能检出2cm以上肾盂癌,1cm以上输尿管癌。还能发现区域淋巴结及远处转移。对肿瘤浸润也能了解。超声对小于1cm的癌肿难以检出。肾盂癌需与肾结核、肾盂内血块及肾实质癌侵犯肾盂相鉴别。影像学技术的联合应用有助于正确诊断肾盂输尿管肿瘤。  相似文献   

目的建立稳定而可靠的大鼠肾移植慢性排斥反应模型。方法选用30只Wistar大鼠为供体,30只SD大鼠为受体。取供体左肾,采用HC-A离体肾保存液原位灌注,将供肾动、静脉分别与受体腹主动脉、下腔静脉行端侧吻合,以输尿管膀胱植入法行尿路重建,建立大鼠同种异体肾移植模型。分别于术后3、6、9周取移植肾观察大体和组织形态学变化,观察术后并发症及排斥反应情况。结果移植肾脏大体和组织形态学呈渐进性变化,至术后9周可出现明显的慢性排斥反应病理改变。移植肾脏可顺利存活,部分出现肾积水并发症,但不影响排斥反应病理变化。结论本方法可建立稳定、可靠的肾移植慢性排斥反应模型,是研究慢性排斥反应的理想模型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨依那普利对大鼠单侧输尿管梗阻再通模型肾脏纤维化的影响.方法:18只SD大鼠随机分为两组:假手术组(6只)以及单侧输尿管梗阻模型组(12只).输尿管梗阻3天后,实施梗阻再通手术,再将大鼠随机分为模型组(6只)以及依那普利组(6只),术后,依那普利组给予依那普利灌胃10mg/kg/d,假手术组以及模型组给予等量0.5%CM-CNa溶液灌胃.用药2周后,取术侧肾组织做HE染色,并采用Raford评分系统对肾间质损伤程度进行评分;用Real-timePCR方法检测Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原以及CT-GFmRNA的表达;用Westemblot方法检测CTGF蛋白水平的表达.结果:模型组大鼠肾脏损伤程度,Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原mRNA表达水平,以及CTGFmRNA和蛋白表达水平均比假手术组明显上升(P<0.01).经依那普利治疗后,与模型组相比,以上指标均显著下降(P<0.01).结论:依那普利能有效阻止大鼠单侧输尿管梗阻再通后肾脏纤维化的进展.依那普利抗纤维化的作用机制可能与抑制CTGF的表达有关.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾脏肿瘤患者CT灌注参数与肾功能生化检测指标的相关性。方法:选取河北省第六人民医院2013年3月至2018年1月期间收治的35例肾脏肿瘤患者作为观察组,另选取同期来我院体检的35例健康者作为对照组,均对两组受试者实施CT灌注成像,获取等效血容量(Equiv BV)、表面渗透性(Ps)、血流量(BF)等CT灌注参数,并检测两组受试者血尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(Scr)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)等肾功能生化指标,对比两组受试者上述指标检测结果,采用Pearson相关分析CT灌注参数与肾功能生化指标的相关性。结果:与对照组相比,观察组CT灌注参数Equiv BV、Ps、BF均降低,肾功能生化指标BUN、Scr、TC、TG水平均升高,有统计学差异(P0.05)。Pearson相关分析结果显示,CT灌注参数Equiv BV、Ps、BF与肾功能生化指标TC、BUN均呈负相关(P0.05),与Scr、TG无相关性(P0.05)。结论:肾脏肿瘤患者的CT灌注参数Equiv BV、Ps、BF均较低,BUN、Scr、TC、TG水平均较高,且CT灌注参数与BUN、TC水平呈负相关性,可作为评估肾脏肿瘤患者肾功能的辅助方法。  相似文献   

目的建立稳定的兔脑栓塞模型,以期为进一步开展脑栓塞的病理生理变化及影像学研究提供可靠实用的工具。方法30只健康新西兰兔,随机分成3组,其中A组3只,为空白对照组;B组5只,为假手术对照组;C组22只,为栓塞组。分离右侧颈部血管,经颈外动脉向颈内动脉注入直径约0.5~1.0 mm的SiO2颗粒10枚左右,栓塞后30 min行CT灌注检查,利用多层螺旋CT灌注成像对各组动物的脑缺血情况进行观察。24 h处死动物取脑组织进行病理研究。结果A、B组CT灌注及病理均未见异常。C组栓塞过程中3只兔死亡。16只兔CT灌注异常,表现为右侧局部CBF降低、MTT延长、CBV无明显变化或轻度上升、下降。3只兔灌注未见异常。HE染色可见8只兔脑梗塞,7只兔脑缺血,4只兔未见明显异常。结论采用该方法和技术能够建立稳定的兔脑栓塞模型,结果可靠,具有可操作性和重复性。  相似文献   

The immediate (1 day, D1) and late (90 days, D90) effects of unilateral nephrectomy on contralateral renal hemodynamics, and the renal handling of electrolytes and water were investigated in the whole animal. The immediate and late ability of the remnant kidney to autoregulate perfusate flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was studied in the isolated perfused kidney of the rat. In the whole animal, in D1 rats as compared to controls, GFR calculated for a single kidney increased from 0.85 +/- 0.3 to 1.1 +/- 0.2 ml/min (p less than 0.05). In D90 rats GFR increased further and was similar to prenephrectomy GFR (1.4 +/- 0.5 vs. 1.7 +/- 0.5 ml/min, p NS). Urinary prostanoid excretion in 24 h, calculated for one kidney, increased by 50-500% in D1 rats, but returned to prenephrectomy values in D90 rats. In the isolated perfused kidney, decreasing perfusion pressure (PP) from 100 to 70 mmHg did not change the renal vascular resistance (RVR) in control and D90 kidneys, but in D1 kidneys RVR decreased from 8.6 +/- 1.3 to 7 +/- 1.3 mm Hg/ml/min (p less than 0.05). In D90 kidneys RVR was significantly lower as compared to control and D1 kidneys at all perfusion pressures. Decreasing PP from 100 to 70 mm Hg resulted in a significant decrease in perfusion flow in control, D1 and D90 kidneys, while with the increase in PP from 100 to 130 mm Hg the perfusion flow increased significantly in all three kidney groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Quantitative measurements of renal echogenicity using a graphic program show close correlation with renal histology in adult patients, but this has neither been applied in pediatric patients nor correlated with glomerular filtration rate (GFR). To determine the direct relationship between echogenicity and GFR, we retrospectively analyzed 91 patients with a solitary functioning kidney under the age of 10, who underwent ultrasonography and serum cystatin C evaluation on a single day between January 2013 and December 2014. Echogenicity was quantified as previously reported. Echogenicity and kidney length were correlated with age-matched values of serum cystatin C-based GFR. Evaluation was performed at a median age of 17.1 months. GFR was low for age in eight of 54 right solitary kidney patients and four of 37 left solitary kidney patients. The right kidney-liver ratio was significantly elevated in the right decreased GFR group, while the left kidney-spleen ratio was not different in the left decreased GFR group. Age-matched longitudinal kidney length ratios were similar between the decreased and normal GFR groups for both sides. This is the first report to objectively prove the relationship between echogenicity and renal function in patients with a right solitary kidney. The right kidney-liver echogenicity ratio, measured objectively, showed feasibility in clinical practice as it showed a close relationship with decreased renal function when increased. However, absolute kidney echogenicity values, or the left kidney-spleen echogenicity ratio, were not independent markers for decreased renal function.  相似文献   

The isolated-perfused dog kidney was used as a model to measure the effects of short-term hypothermic preservation on renal function and metabolism. Kidneys were cold-stored in Collins' solution, hypotonic citrate, or phosphate-buffered sucrose for 4 and 24 hr, or were continuously perfused for 4 and 24 hr with a synthetic perfusate. Following preservation kidneys were perfused with an albumin-containing perfusate at 37 degrees C for 60 min for determination of renal function. The results indicate that many of the effects of short-term preservation on renal function in dog kidneys are similar to results reported for rat and rabbit kidneys. Cold storage for 4 hr resulted in a large decrease in GFR (57%), but only a small decrease in Na reabsorption (from 97 to 87%). Cold storage for 24 hr caused a further decline in renal function (GFR = 95% decrease, Na reabsorption = 49-64%). Results were similar for all cold storage solutions tested. Perfusion for 4 hr was less damaging to renal function than cold storage. The GFR decreased only 14% and urine formation and Na reabsorption were practically normal. After 24 hr of hypothermic perfusion, the GFR was reduced by 79%, urine flow was normal, and Na reabsorption was 78%. There were no obvious biochemical correlates (adenine nucleotides, tissue edema, or electrolyte concentration) with the loss of renal function during short-term preservation. The results suggest that the isolated-perfused dog kidney can be used to test the effects of preservation on renal function, and yields results similar to those obtained using small animal models.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Obstruction of the kidney may affect native or transplanted kidneys and results in kidney injury and scarring. Presented here is a model of obstructive nephropathy induced by unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO), which can either be irreversible (UUO) or reversible (R-UUO). In the irreversible UUO model, the ureter may be obstructed for variable periods of time in order to induce increasingly severe renal inflammation and interstitial fibrotic scarring. In the reversible R-UUO model the ureter is obstructed to induce hydronephrosis, tubular dilation and inflammation. After a suitable period of time the ureteric obstruction is then surgically reversed by anastomosis of the severed previously obstructed ureter to the bladder in order to allow complete decompression of the kidney and restoration of urinary flow to the bladder. The irreversible UUO model has been used to investigate various aspects of renal inflammation and scarring including the pathogenesis of disease and the testing of potential anti-inflammatory or anti-fibrotic therapies. The more challenging model of R-UUO has been used by some investigators and does offer significant research potential as it allows the study of inflammatory and immune processes and tissue remodeling in an injured and scarred kidney following the removal of the injurious stimulus. As a result, the R-UUO model offers investigators the opportunity to explore the resolution of kidney inflammation together with key aspects of tissue repair. These experimental models are of relevance to human disease as patients often present with obstruction of the renal tract that requires decompression and are commonly left with significant residual kidney impairment that has no current treatment options and may lead to eventual end stage kidney failure.  相似文献   

目的建立一种稳定的大鼠原位肾移植慢性排斥反应模型。方法供体为近交系F344大鼠,受体为Lewis大鼠,供肾采用左肾,在体修整,原位灌注。肾静脉用硬膜外导管做为临时内支架管端-端、六针法吻合,腹主动脉端-侧连续缝合,输尿管带膀胱瓣与膀胱吻合。受体术前3 d开始环孢素A灌胃至术后30 d(5 mg/kg·d),以预防急性排斥反应。结果手术时间120~180 min;手术成功率90.9%(40P44);受体均存活60 d。并发症有吻合口出血、静脉血栓形成、急性排斥反应等。结论供肾原位灌注,在体修整是简单可靠的方法。静脉內支架管端端吻合,腹主动脉端侧吻合能够达到稳定的成功率,值得推广。熟练的外科操作技能和血管吻合技术是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration and is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly defined. This study tested the hypothesis that increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in early MetS is associated with renal adiposity and microvascular proliferation. Twelve MetS-prone Ossabaw pigs were randomized to 10 wk of a standard (lean, n = 6) or atherogenic (MetS, n = 6) diet. Kidney hemodynamics and function, perirenal fat volume, and tubular dynamics were assessed in vivo by multidetector computed tomography (CT) and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)-MRI. Microvascular architecture was assessed ex vivo with micro-CT. Candidate injury mechanisms were evaluated in kidney tissue by Western blotting and histology. Basal GFR, renal blood flow, and renal cortical perfusion and volume were elevated in the MetS group. Perirenal and kidney tissue fat, proximal-nephron intratubular fluid concentration, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression were increased in MetS. GFR levels correlated with tissue triglyceride levels. Elevated spatial density of 20- to 40-μm cortical microvessels was accompanied by mild oxidative stress, inflammation, and with proximal tubular vacuolization. Medullary size and perfusion were relatively preserved, and BOLD-MRI showed intact medullary tubular response to furosemide. Increased GFR in early MetS is associated with renal adiposity and microvascular proliferation, which involve mainly the renal cortex and precede significant activation of oxidative stress and inflammation. Renal adiposity and proliferative microvessels may represent novel therapeutic targets for preserving renal function in early MetS.  相似文献   



Obstructed nephropathy is a common complication of several disease processes. Accurate evaluation of the functional status of the obstructed kidney is important to achieve a good outcome. The purpose of this study was to investigate renal cortical and medullary perfusion changes associated with unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) using whole-organ perfusion imaging with 320-detector row computed tomography (CT).

Methodology/Principle Findings

Sixty-four patients with UUO underwent whole-organ CT perfusion imaging. Patients were divided into 3 groups, mild, moderate, and severe, based on hydronephrosis severity. Twenty sex- and age-matched patients without renal disease, who referred to abdominal CT, were chosen as control subjects. Mean cortical and medullary perfusion parameters of obstructed and contralateral kidneys were compared, and mean perfusion ratios between obstructed and contralateral kidneys were calculated and compared. Mean cortical or medullary blood flow (BF) and blood volume (BV) of the obstructed kidneys in the moderate UUO and BF, BV, and clearance (CL) in the severe UUO were significantly lower than those of the contralateral kidneys (p < 0.05). The mean cortical or medullary BF of the obstructed kidney in the moderate UUO, and BF, BV, and CL in the severe UUO were significantly lower than those of the kidneys in control subjects (p < 0.05). Mean cortical or medullary BF of the non-obstructed kidneys in the severe UUO were statistically greater than that of normal kidneys in control subjects (p < 0.05). An inverse correlation was observed between cortical and medullary perfusion ratios and grades of hydronephosis (p < 0.01).


Perfusion measurements of the whole kidney can be obtained with 320-detector row CT, and estimated perfusion ratios have potential for quantitatively evaluating UUO renal injury grades.  相似文献   

The relationship between renal perfusion pressure and urinary sodium is involved in arterial pressure regulation. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of renal nerves and angiotensin II in the pressure-natriuresis relationship. Experiments were performed in anaesthetised cats in which one kidney was surgically denervated. Renal perfusion pressure (RPP), renal blood flow (RBF) glomerular filtration rate (GFR, creatinine clearance), urinary volume (V) and sodium excretion (Una + V) were separately measured from both kidneys. RPP was progressively reduced in two consecutive steps by a suprarenal aortic snare. Two groups of animals were studied: the first without any pharmacological treatment (Untreated), the second during treatment with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (Captopril, 0.4 mg/Kg intravenously followed by an infusion of 0.4 mg/Kg/h). In the Untreated group RPP was reduced from 152.4 +/- 7.3 to 113.6 +/- 5.8 and 83.0 +/- 4.4 mmHg during the first and second step respectively. RBF and GFR were only slightly reduced during the second step of reduced RPP. In control conditions V and UNa + V were greater in the denervated compared to the innervated kidney. The graded decrease in RPP reduced both V and UNa + V in the innervated as well as in the denervated kidney. In the Captopril group V and UNa + V were larger than in the Untreated group in both the innervated and the denervated kidney. A decrease of RPP similar to that observed in the Untreated group, produced similar haemodynamic changes. Also in the Captopril group the graded decrease in RPP reduced both V and UNa + V in the innervated as well as in the denervated kidney. Matching UNa + V against RPP values significant correlations were found in the innervated and denervated kidneys of both groups. Both renal denervation and ACE inhibition were accompanied by an increased gain of the pressure-natriuresis curve, but only renal denervation shifted the crossing of the pressure axis to the left. In the ACE inhibited animals renal denervation only shifted the curve to the left. In conclusion our data suggest that i) at each level of RPP renal nerves and angiotensin II decrease renal sodium excretion, ii) renal nerves and angiotensin II increase the slope of the renal function curve, iii) renal nerves shift to the right the renal function curve.  相似文献   

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