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草鱼头肾免疫细胞组成和数量变化   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
通过光镜和电镜观察发现,草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)头肾器官有两种静脉(头肾静脉和门静脉)和丰富的血窦。淋巴细胞主要分布在门静脉及其血窦周围,形成淋巴细胞聚集区。粒细胞主要分布在头肾静脉及其血窦周围,形成粒细胞聚集区。头肾含有大量的免疫细胞,其中淋巴细胞约占62.2%,粒细胞约占36.6%,单核细胞和巨噬细胞约占1.2%。本研究检测了不同生长发育期的草鱼头器官重量及其免  相似文献   

植物血凝素对兴国红鲤头肾和脾脏的比较组织学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PHA注射前后兴国红鲤头肾和脾脏结构基本相同。红鲤头肾有被膜,为淋巴样组织,由许多血管,血窦和淋巴索组成,脾脏是实质性器官,淋巴细胞聚集成团,有弥散的胰腺组织渗入,注射PHA后头肾和脾脏内的大淋巴细胞,小淋巴细胞,巨噬细胞以及原始型细胞显著增加,而粒细胞数量变化不明显。  相似文献   

为了探讨齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)血细胞发生发育的模式,采用Wright’s、碘酸雪夫氏(PAS)和苏丹黑B(SBB)染色方法对齐口裂腹鱼的头肾、中肾、脾和肝组织印片进行染色,了解其发生的具体组织和发育的一般过程。结果表明:齐口裂腹鱼血细胞可分为红细胞系、淋巴细胞系、单核细胞系、粒细胞系和其他细胞,且这些细胞系的发育均经过3个阶段,即原始阶段、幼稚阶段、成熟阶段。通过观察和统计不同阶段各种血细胞的形态、大小、比例及染色特征,发现原始阶段的血细胞体积较大,其中原始单核细胞最大,大小为(18.90±1.59)μm×(16.32±0.70)μm,在4种组织中原始阶段的红细胞和单核细胞在头肾中所占比例最大,分别为0.64%和0.59%,原粒细胞和原淋巴细胞分别在中肾和脾中比例最大,在肝中少量存在,此外在各组织印片中均发现血栓细胞的存在,在肝中发现巨噬细胞。因此头肾、中肾和脾是齐口裂腹鱼的主要造血组织,少量细胞在肝中产生。粒细胞发育过程中,除原始粒细胞PAS染色阴性外,其他阶段均呈阳性,且阳性随不断成熟逐渐增强;单核细胞从原单核细胞到成熟的单核细胞,PAS阳性逐渐增强;而SBB染色发现,粒细胞、淋巴细胞及单核细胞均呈阳性,未成熟的细胞染色程度不一致,成熟的细胞阳性染色最为强烈。在红细胞系发育过程中经历了细胞由大变小再变大的过程,而粒细胞和淋巴细胞发育过程仅出现由大变小的过程,在红细胞的发育过程中还出现了染色质固缩和血红蛋白增加。  相似文献   

对卵形鲳鲹(Trachinotus ovatus)肝脏、脾脏、头肾和体肾4种组织器官内各种血细胞的发生和外周血液的血细胞分类组成进行了观察。结果表明:卵形鲳鲹的红细胞主要在脾脏、体肾和头肾中发生;淋巴细胞主要在体肾、头肾和脾脏中发生;粒细胞主要在头肾和体肾中发生;单核细胞在肝脏、头肾和脾脏中均有发生;而血栓细胞的发生在这4种组织中均未观察到。卵形鲳鲹在外周血液中的白细胞包括淋巴细胞、血栓细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和单核细胞。在这几种白细胞中,单核细胞数量最少,很难观察到,数量少于1%;嗜中性粒细胞稍多,有(9.25±5.64)%;血栓细胞占(38.23±21.86)%;淋巴细胞最多,达(52.52±21.65)%。  相似文献   

应用组织学、组织化学技术对南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis Chen)肾的发生及肾单位的发育进行了详细研究.结果表明:中肾的发生始于出膜后24h,其发生、发育过程可分为间充质细胞聚集、中肾小泡出现、肾小管芽形成、肾小体发生、初级肾单位形成、初级肾单位成熟及第二、三级肾单位发生等时期.出膜后19d,前肾解体时,第一代中肾单位才开始行使功能.19d至3月龄幼鱼中肾有大量间充质细胞.中肾肾单位的发育包括分化前期、分化期、发育期、成熟期4个时期.幼鱼PI上皮细胞具有大型PAS阳性颗粒是由于肾单位发育不完善,血管球有较大的通透性所致,也是区别于成鱼肾单位的明显特点.3月龄至2龄个体肾中仍有大量发育中的肾单位.  相似文献   

鳜鱼头肾的组织发生及成鱼头肾B淋巴细胞的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过整体连续切片,研究了鳜鱼不同发育时期的头肾结构,并利用原位PCR方法检测了B淋巴细胞在鳜鱼头肾中的分布。在孵化后第1d观察到了肾组织,主要由肾小管组成。尔后头肾的发育经历了三个结构和功能的转变。第一个阶段为孵化后第1d到第7d,头肾作为滤过性器官存在,由肾小管及少量淋巴细胞组成。第二个阶段从第8d到第36d,是一个功能混合型阶段,头肾中既有肾小管,又有造血组织;随时间推移,肾小管数量减少,淋巴细胞数量剧增。紧接着进入第三个阶段:肾小管完全消失,头肾中开始出现大量的嗜铬细胞,头肾作为淋巴-肾上腺组织而存在。肾上腺首先出现在头肾前端,随发育成熟,集中分布于头肾门静脉周围。IgM在鳜头肾中大量表达,IgM分泌细胞分布于整个头肾组织,在血管周围有集中趋势[动物学报51(3):440—446,20051。  相似文献   

采用毒性实验方法,用不同浓度的汞离子(Hg2 )、铬离子(cr6 )分别处理黄鳝(Monopterus albus),经1、2、4、8 d后光镜观察黄鳝头肾组织结构及免疫细胞数量的变化.结果表明,对照组黄鳝头肾实质内未见肾单位结构,主要由淋巴组织、造血组织和血窦构成.淋巴组织主要由淋巴细胞密集排列成淋巴索或聚集成团状;造血组织主要由红血细胞密集排列成细胞索或聚集成团状.淋巴组织和造血组织在头肾实质中各占据一定的区域或相间分布,且分别被血窦所分隔.黑色素巨噬细胞分散于淋巴细胞之间,数量较少,排列较松散,尚未集结成明显的球状体.经两种重金属离子分别染毒后的黄鳝头肾与对照组相比,组织结构表现出相似的变化,即随着重金属离子浓度的增加和染毒时间的延长,头肾组织中的黑色素巨噬细胞聚集形成黑色素巨噬细胞中心,并逐渐增大、增多,最后减少;淋巴组织逐渐松散,排列稀疏混乱,淋巴细胞界限逐渐不清晰,呈退化趋势,数量减少.红血细胞大量破坏,血窦扩张.与Cr6 相比,Hg2 对头肾组织结构的毒性影响更大,病变现象更为明显.  相似文献   

养殖齐口裂腹鱼外周血细胞显微观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
养殖齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenanti外周血经瑞氏染色液染色,可鉴定出红细胞、嗜中性粒细胞、血栓细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞,一些未成熟的红细胞和少量进行无丝分裂的红细胞,未观察到嗜碱性粒细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞.在外周血中还可观察到3个阶段的嗜中性粒细胞:中性晚幼粒细胞胞体为圆形或近圆形,胞浆呈淡粉红色,量丰富,其中含有较多红色的细小颗粒,胞核呈肾形;中性杆状核粒细胞胞核较中性晚幼粒细胞的凹陷更强,呈"S"、"C"等形状;中性分叶核粒细胞占多数,胞体近圆形,核至少分成两叶,多达五或六叶.血栓细胞呈圆形、近圆形、梨形、纺锤形、杆状等多种形态,一个或多个聚集在一起.外周血细胞中,血栓细胞体积最小、数量最多,单核细胞体积最大、数量最少.  相似文献   

用Wright-Giemsa和PAS染色对长吻鮠头肾、肾脏、脾脏、肝脏等器官组织的涂片、印片染色观察发现,头肾、肾脏和脾脏是其主要造血器官。红细胞、粒细胞和淋巴细胞主要在肾脏和头肾中发生,其次是脾脏。单核细胞则主要在肾脏和脾脏中发生,头肾中也有少量单核细胞产生。肝脏中无原始型血细胞,可能不是其造血器官。红细胞的发育经历四个阶段,其胞体体积经历了由大到小,由小到大再变小的"两大两小"发育过程;粒细胞的发育经历五个阶段,其胞体体积均由大变小,双叶或多叶核的粒细胞可能是衰老的粒细胞亦即核的分叶是粒细胞衰老的标志;淋巴细胞和单核细胞的发育各经历了三个阶段,两者发育成熟过程中胞体体积均由大变小。巨噬细胞由单核细胞发育而来。原血细胞和部分早期幼稚血细胞可以进行有丝分裂,部分成熟红细胞和血栓细胞可以进行直接分裂。红细胞在整个发育过程中,PAS反应均呈阴性,各类白细胞的发育过程中,PAS反应由阴性到阳性并逐渐增强,这显示随着白细胞的逐渐发育成熟,细胞内糖原物质含量逐渐增多。  相似文献   

长吻(鱼危)血细胞发生的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Wright-Giemsa和PAS染色对长吻(鱼危)头肾、肾脏、脾脏、肝脏等器官组织的涂片、印片染色观察发现,头肾、肾脏和脾脏是其主要造血器官.红细胞、粒细胞和淋巴细胞主要在肾脏和头肾中发生,其次是脾脏.单核细胞则主要在肾脏和脾脏中发生,头肾中也有少量单核细胞产生.肝脏中无原始型血细胞,可能不是其造血器官.红细胞的发育经历四个阶段,其胞体体积经历了由大到小,由小到大再变小的"两大两小"发育过程;粒细胞的发育经历五个阶段,其胞体体积均由大变小,双叶或多叶核的粒细胞可能是衰老的粒细胞亦即核的分叶是粒细胞衰老的标志;淋巴细胞和单核细胞的发育各经历了三个阶段,两者发育成熟过程中胞体体积均由大变小.巨噬细胞由单核细胞发育而来.原血细胞和部分早期幼稚血细胞可以进行有丝分裂,部分成熟红细胞和血栓细胞可以进行直接分裂.红细胞在整个发育过程中,PAS反应均呈阴性,各类白细胞的发育过程中,PAS反应由阴性到阳性并逐渐增强,这显示随着白细胞的逐渐发育成熟,细胞内糖原物质含量逐渐增多.  相似文献   

This work analyses the distribution, histology and ultrastructure of chromaffin cells (CCs) and interrenal tissue (It) in the head kidney of Epinephilus tauvina. Histological examination revealed that chromaffin cells are found in small groups under the endothelium of the posterior cardinal vein (PCV) and are mostly closely associated with the interrenal tissue. Ultrastructure examination confirmed the existence of two main chromaffin cell types, distinguished by different types of secretory granules. The first type was characterized by the presence of vesicles with round, strongly electron dense core granules, which were eccentrically located. Such cells were interpreted as being noradrenaline cells. Meanwhile, cells with vesicles that were completely electron lucent or that contained small less dense eccentric granules were identified as adrenaline cells. Nerve endings were invaginated into the chromaffin cells through synaptic junctions. Interrenal tissue consisted of nests, cords, or strands of cells in contact with the posterior cardinal vein (PCV) and interposed with haematopoietic tissue. Ultrastructure analysis revealed only one interrenal cell type, which contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) and numerous mitochondria with tubulo‐vesicular cristae, characteristics of steroid‐producing cells. The interrenal tissue cells have different cytological aspects that can be linked to a steroidogenic cell cycle allowing a periodical renewal of organelles.  相似文献   

《Journal of Zoology》1969,159(1):97-129
In Polyptems senegalus a peculiar venous system exists. The pattern is symmetrical in embryos and in early-larval stages, but soon the asymmetrical development of the Cuvierian ducts, originating from vitelline veins, causes a predominance of the system to the right side. The two posterior cardinal veins coalesce except in the anterior region, where the right vein becomes the direct continuation of the single vein; in later stages the single posterior cardinal vein acquires a peculiar disposition, partially in the left and partially in the right kidney. The inferior jugular veins become asymmetrical as well. The anterior cardinal veins are replaced by lateral cephalic veins. A special vein in the abdomen may be considered as being a vena cava. Other peculiar items are the pulmonary veins. Other veins are more or less similar to those of other fishes.  相似文献   

The posterior half of the channel catfish intestine has a similar histological organization to that of other teleost fishes. This region is organized into a muscosa, a submucosa, a double layered muscularis and a serosa. A “stratum compactum” of dense connective tissue was confirmed for the submucosa. In its histology and cytology, the midgut resembles the hindgut, except that in the hindgut the muscularis is thicker, the microvilli are shorter, there are fewer absorptive inclusions in the columnar cells and there are more goblet cells. With the exception of the serosa, the tissue layers of the intestine of the 6 cm juvenile catfish are fully developed. The most notable difference between the intestines of the juvenile and adult catfish occurs in the columnar epithelial cells. The mucosal cells of the juvenile catfish contain an abundance of large clear vacuoles while the mucosal cells of the mature catfish contain smaller dense granules. With few exceptions, the ultrastructural details of the cells in the catfish intestine are identical to those of the same cell types of the mammalian intestine.  相似文献   

The occurence of GABA-containing cells in the rat entero-pancreatic system was investigated by using anti-GABA-glutaraldehyde antibodies at the light and electron microscope level. In the pancreas, the B cells showed intense immunoreactivity, contrary to non-B and exocrine cells. Moreover, post-embedding immunogold staining was localised mostly in mitochondria, close to rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the nucleus. The insulin granules appeared non-significantly stained, which suggests the lack of cosecretion of GABA together with insulin. In the duodenum, GABA immunoreactivity was detected in certain endocrine cell types, suggesting a possible interaction with this amino acid. The well established GABAergic innervation in the enteric system was also confirmed by immunolabelling.  相似文献   

The morphology of the kidney, adrenocortical homolog, and the corpuscles of Stannius was examined in the cockscomb prickleback,Anoplarchus purpurescens, a marine teleost which inhabits the intertidal zone. The paired kidneys of this fish are fused throughout most of their length, there is essentially a single posterior cardinal vein on the right side, they possess renal corpuscles, and there is no distal segment of the tubule. The tubule is specialized, in descending order, into ciliated neck and two proximal segments before entering the system of collecting tubules and ducts. The cells of the latter system are specialized for mucous secretion, as are cells of the main excretory ducts, the paired archinephric ducts. Tubulogenesis occurs in the kidneys in close apposition to the archinephric ducts. The presumptive adrenocortical homolog is located around the posterior cardinal veins in the head kidney while paired corpuscles of Stannius are confined to the posterior end of the kidney. All of the above features are consistent with those found in the kidneys of many other marine teleosts.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the parathyroid of the macaque is described, and is correlated with classical parathyroid cytology as seen in the light microscope. The two parenchymal cell types, the chief cells and the oxyphil cells, have been recognized in electron micrographs. The chief cells contain within their cytoplasm mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies similar to those found in other endocrine tissues as well as frequent PAS-positive granules. The juxtanuclear body of the light microscopists is identified with stacks of parallel lamellar elements of the endoplasmic reticulum of the ergastoplasmic or granular type. Oxyphil cells are characterized by juxtanuclear bodies and by numerous mitochondria found throughout their cytoplasm. Puzzling lamellar whorls are described in the cytoplasm of some oxyphil cells. The endothelium of parathyroid capillaries is extremely thin in some areas and contains numerous fenestrations as well as an extensive system of vesicles. The possible significance of these structures is discussed. The connective tissue elements found in the perivascular spaces of macaque parathyroid are described.  相似文献   

Summary This ultrastructural study demonstrates that the vasopressin immunoreactivity found in the occasional, densely stained cells in the hypothalamus of the homozygous Brattleboro rat is localized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. 50-m Vibratome sections were stained with anti-vasopressin serum by use of a peroxidase method with 3,3-diaminobenzidine as chromogen. The diaminobenzidine end-product has a specific capability to bind gold particles from a chloroauric acid solution and the bound gold was used to precipitate silver grains from a silver developer. The stained sections were flat embedded in resin and ultrathin sections were cut of areas containing the immuno-identified occasional cells. In these densely stained, vasopressin-immunoreactive cells of homozygous Brattleboro rats the rough endoplasmic reticulum was dilated. The lumen of the reticulum contained both end-products of diaminobenzidine and gold/silver grains, but some parts of the reticulum appeared unstained. No other cell organelles were immunostained and no secretory granules were found. In control rats, gold/silver deposits were found throughout the cytoplasm of vasopressin-immunoreactive cells. In these immunostained cells secretory granules were seen.  相似文献   

Summary A method involving rapid freezing followed by substitution fixation was developed, using acrolein as a fixative. This was then applied to several cytochemical stainings, and showed well preserved and clear cell structures. Membranes were apparently negatively stained and the ultrastructure of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus was clearly discernible. The mitochondrial and cytoplasmic matrices were stained rather densely compared with routine chemically fixed preparations, implying a good preservation of matrix substrances. Periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate staining was applied to the present method. The mucous granules of surface covering epithelial cells indicated fine staining of bipartite structure and the Golgi apparatus of mucous cells showed clear staining differences based on polarity. Postembedding lectin-ferritin and immunocytochemical stainings were applicable to the present preparations and stable stainings of secretory granules were obtained. A low temperature embedding material, Lowicryl K4M, was also examined. The cell preservation of these samples was not as good as those embedded in Epon, but the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of chief cells were stained with anti-pepsinogen antibody as were the secretory granules. The present method was also applicable to light microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary In the gastric mucosa of two teleost species, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) three endocrine cell types were found, located predominantly between the mucoid cells of the gastric mucosa. A fourth cell type is present in the gastric glands of catfish. Each cell type was defined by its characteristic secretory granules. Type-I cells were predominant in both fish. These cells contained round or oval granules with a pleomorphic core. The average diameter of granules was 400 nm for the perch and 270 nm for the catfish. Type-II cells of both species displayed small, highly osmiophilic granules about 100 nm in diameter. The secretory granules of type-III cells (260 nm in the perch and 190 nm in the catfish) were round or slightly oval in shape and were filled with a finely particulate electron-dense material. Type-IV cells of the catfish were found in the gastric glands only. Their cytoplasm was filled with homogeneous, moderately electron-dense granules averaging 340 nm in diameter. The physiological significance of these different morphological types of gastric endocrine cells requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic examination of fathead minnow head kidneys revealed that the interrenal and chromaffin cells were intermingled and always closely associated with the cardinal veins and their tributaries. Histochemical tests for lipids in the interrenal cells were positive, and two types of chromaffin cells were indicated by chromaffin reactions. Interrenal cells contained abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with tubulo-vesicular cristae, characteristic of steroid-producing cells. Only one interrenal cell type was found. Two types of chromaffin cells were present with differences in cytoplasmic density and in types of granules. In light cells, adrenaline granules were most common, and in dark cells noradrenaline granules predominated.  相似文献   

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