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周利明  房玮 《广西植物》2019,39(6):788-793
植物的花粉管生长是一个多因素参与的生理学过程,需要多种信号传导系统来引导植物细胞完成。钙离子作为第二信使,可以通过钙传感器CBLs激活下游的蛋白激酶CIPKs参与调控细胞的极性发育过程。该研究中 CIPK9 被确定为候选基因,其C端与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)相融合,通过基因枪技术在烟草花粉中进行瞬时表达,观察对应的亚细胞定位及花粉管中诱导的表型。结果表明:(1)GFP标记的CIPK9定位于花粉管中高速运动的颗粒状细胞器,并可随胞质环流进行规律的运动,为进一步探究CIPK9的生物学功能,还构建了持续激活型CIPK9(CACIPK9)。(2)与全长CIPK9相比较,CACIPK9缺少C末端的调控区域,并在激酶区域的激活环中进行了点突变,从而表现出不受调控的持续高活性。(3)缺少C端调控区的CACIPK9表现出非特异性的亚细胞定位,即与GFP对照相同的胞内弥散定位,说明CIPK9的C末端调控区对于其在花粉管中的正确定位发挥重要的调控作用。另外,CACIPK9过表达可以引起花粉管的去极化生长表型。这表明CIPK9作为钙信号下游家族的一员参与了花粉管极性生长的相关过程,并对花粉管的生长具有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

细胞核钙离子是基因转录等细胞核反应过程重要的调控因子.然而,细胞核内钙离子信号的调控机制尚不清楚.缺乏稳定的、敏感的细胞核钙指示剂,是导致其调控机制难以研究的重要原因之一.针对这一问题,设计了能够在细胞核内特异性表达的、具有核定位功能的钙指示剂.以基因编码钙指示剂(GECIs)家族成员GCaMP6为模板,首先融合了对钙离子不敏感的红色荧光蛋白tdTomato来对局部的钙信号进行量化,其次融合了核定位信号(NLS),使GCaMP6能够特异定位于细胞核中.结果表明,NLS-GCaMP6-tdTomato能够在细胞核中有效发挥作用,并且在钙敏感性与动力学上,也与GCaMP6相当. 这一新型细胞核钙指示剂将为研究细胞核钙离子的功能及其调控机制提供新的方法与途径.  相似文献   

细胞核钙离子是基因转录等细胞核反应过程重要的调控因子.然而,细胞核内钙离子信号的调控机制尚不清楚.缺乏稳定的、敏感的细胞核钙指示剂,是导致其调控机制难以研究的重要原因之一.针对这一问题,设计了能够在细胞核内特异性表达的、具有核定位功能的钙指示剂.以基因编码钙指示剂(GECIs)家族成员GCa MP6为模板,首先融合了对钙离子不敏感的红色荧光蛋白td Tomato来对局部的钙信号进行量化,其次融合了核定位信号(NLS),使GCa MP6能够特异定位于细胞核中.结果表明,NLS-GCa MP6-td Tomato能够在细胞核中有效发挥作用,并且在钙敏感性与动力学上,也与GCa MP6相当.这一新型细胞核钙指示剂将为研究细胞核钙离子的功能及其调控机制提供新的方法与途径.  相似文献   

钙离子(Ca2+)是调节突触前神经递质的胞吐释放的关键离子信号.作为胞内最普遍存在的钙离子感受器的钙调蛋白(CaM)被发现能通过与多种蛋白的相互作用,调控着突触小泡的生发、运输及再填充,从而传递胞内Ca2+浓度变化的信号,对神经递质的释放及突触电生理活动起到至关重要的调控作用.本文综述了CaM及其结合蛋白是如何参与对突触小泡的胞吐释放和胞吞恢复的调控,并探讨了其中可能的分子机制.  相似文献   

蛋白质可逆磷酸化调节植物细胞离子跨膜运动研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
汪矛  王法宏 《西北植物学报》2008,28(7):1491-1499
蛋白激酶和蛋白磷酸酶催化的可逆磷酸化是植物细胞中多种信号转导途径中重要的组成因子.本文对蛋白质可逆磷酸化通过调节多种离子跨膜运动而参与植物细胞激发子信号途径、毒性物质诱导的钙离子内流、盐胁迫适应、气孔运动以及蛋白质可逆磷酸化参与胞外与胞内之间Ca2 状况信息传递,调节花粉管顶端Ca2 离子通道活性进行综述,以揭示蛋白质可逆磷酸化在植物细胞离子跨膜运动中的调控作用,为蛋白质可逆磷酸化调节植物生长发育、响应逆境胁迫等机理的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

钙离子稳态和钙离子/钙调磷酸酯酶信号途径在真核细胞中高度保守。与最简单的模式真核生物(酿酒酵母菌)一样,人体病原真菌白念珠菌的细胞中存在各种钙通道、钙泵和钙交换器以及完整的钙离子/钙调磷酸酯酶信号途径成员,它们在维持白念珠菌胞内钙离子稳态以及应答外界环境压力、耐药性、形态发生和致病性等方面有着至关重要的作用。对白念珠菌钙离子稳态和钙离子/钙调磷酸酯酶信号途径调控机理的认知,有助于了解其致病过程和耐药机理,同时可以为发现和开发新的抗真菌药物提供研究基础。该文结合所在实验室相关研究工作对这一领域的最新研究进展作了综述。  相似文献   

G蛋白对花粉管生长的调控作用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
赵彩平  张绍铃 《西北植物学报》2004,24(11):2177-2182
花粉萌发和花粉管生长是花粉与雌蕊相互作用过程中受到高度调控的发育过程,它涉及花粉与雌蕊的识别作用、细胞间及细胞内信息传递等生理反应。近年的研究表明G蛋白作为一类重要的信号分子在调控花粉管生长中起重要作用。着重介绍G蛋白对花粉管生长的调控作用以及此过程中G蛋白与其它信号组分的协同作用。  相似文献   

应用激光共聚焦显微镜和全细胞膜片钳技术研究了微丝骨架解聚剂细胞松弛素B(CB)和稳定剂鬼笔环肽(PD)对梨花粉管细胞内钙离子浓度动态变化和尖端质膜上钙离子通道的影响。结果显示:CB处理能促进花粉管内胞质钙离子[Ca2+]i浓度增加,同时还能激活质膜上的钙离子通道;而PD处理对花粉管内[Ca2+]i浓度及钙离子通道几乎没有影响。研究表明,微丝骨架的解聚激活了花粉管质膜上的钙离子通道,使得胞外钙离子大量流入,胞内钙离子浓度升高,从而抑制花粉管生长。  相似文献   

植物钙结合蛋白存在于花粉管中,通过直接或间接结合Ca~(2+),定位膜结构,形成Ca~(2+)信号通道,发生信号转导,对花粉发育及花粉管的生长起到调控作用。目前已明确以钙调蛋白(CAM)、钙依赖型蛋白激酶(CDPK)、类钙调蛋白(CML)、类钙调素B类蛋白(CBL)和激酶蛋白(CIPK)为主的植物钙结合蛋白在调控花粉发育及花粉管生长方面的重要作用。该文主要对近年来国内外已经明确的各类钙结合蛋白家族以及家族成员间不同的作用机理的研究进展进行综述,并举例阐述了钙结合蛋白家族中各类成员对花粉管特定的作用方式及调控作用,最后对今后相关领域的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

斑马鱼胚胎第一次卵裂过程中胞内钙信号的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙离子作为广泛存在的细胞内信使物质,在动物胚胎早期发育过程中扮演重要角色.为了研究钙离子在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中的空间分布和浓度变化,采用Fluo-4和Indo-1作为钙离子指示剂,利用激光共聚焦和双波长荧光比例成像技术,对斑马鱼胚胎第一次卵裂过程中的钙信号进行了详细的跟踪观察.在第一次卵裂过程中,斑马鱼胚胎的动物极顶端首先出现高钙斑,然后在分裂沟部位出现高浓度的钙信号,这一信号在卵裂过程中持续存在.利用Indo-1双波长荧光比例成像对上述过程中钙离子的时空分布进行了定量测定,表明,胞内钙离子在卵裂开始之前是均匀分布的,随着分裂沟的出现,其附近区域的钙浓度显著升高,而胞内其他区域的钙浓度则保持不变.双波长荧光比例成像排除了荧光染料分布不均匀造成的干扰,为钙信号与胚胎分裂的密切关系提供了确凿的定量依据.  相似文献   

钙在被子植物受精过程中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,花粉管中的钙信号和生理功能的研究取得了明显的进展,同时在雌蕊系统中有关钙分布的研究也初步显示了其时、空特征与被子植物的受精作用密切相关。该文总结了花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程中外源钙和内源钙的作用机制,结合雌蕊组织中钙分布的特征,进一步探讨了钙在被子植物受精过程中的功能。  相似文献   

Calcium has an essential signaling, physiological, and regulatory role during sexual reproduction in flowering plants; elevation of calcium amounts is an accurate predictor of plant fertility. Calcium is present in three forms: (1) covalently bound calcium, (2) loosely bound calcium typically associated with fixed and mobile anions (ionic bonding); and (3) cytosolic free calcium-an important secondary messenger in cell signaling. Pollen often requires calcium for germination. Pollen tube elongation typically relies on external calcium stores in the pistil. Calcium establishes polarity of the pollen tube and forms a basis for pulsatory growth. Applying calcium on the tip may alter the axis; thus calcium may have a role in determining the directionality of tube elongation. In the ovary and ovule, an abundance of calcium signals receptivity, provides essential mineral nutrition, and guides the pollen tube in some plants. Calcium patterns in the embryo sac also correspond to synergid receptivity, reflecting programmed cell death in one synergid cell that triggers degeneration and prepares this cell to receive the pollen tube. Male gametes are released in the synergid, and fusion of the gametes requires calcium, according to in vitro fertilization studies. Fusion of plant gametes in vitro triggers calcium oscillations evident in both the zygote and primary endosperm during double fertilization that are similar to those in animals.  相似文献   

The phase that elapses from pollination to fertilization is re-examined giving special attention to pollen pistil interaction in compatible matings. Pollination induces an activation of the pistil. A number of changes take place in the different tissues of this organ that appear to support male gametophyte development and to assist fertilization. Thus pollination induces stigma secretion, the release of starch from the transmitting tissue and prolongs embryo sac viability. It appears that even those pollen grains that do not achieve fertilization have a synergistic role supporting others to do so.The pistil also has an effect on pollen tube growth. Pollen tube growth along the pistil is not continuous, accelerations and decelerations take place depending on the different tissues they traverse. The fact that pollen tube growth is heterotrophic, at the expenses of the pistil reserves, and that these reserves are not continuously produced confers the pistil with a role controlling pollen tube growth kinetics.  相似文献   

Pollen tube growth has been studied in peach and has been related to changes in the pistil structures which the pollen tube has to traverse in its way from the stigma down to the ovule. Growth of the pollen tubes along the pistil is not continuous. While pollen tubes reach the base of the style 7 days after pollination, fertilization does not take place until 12 days later. Pollen tubes stop for 5 days at the top of the obturator and they further stop for 3 days before entering the ovule. The pollen tube growth is heterotrophic; starch, present all along the pistilar tract at anthesis, vanishes as the pollen tubes pass by. Discontinuous pollen tube growth appears to be controlled by the pistil. At anthesis the pistil is not fully matured. Maturation of the pistil implies a number of secretory processes that occur in a basipetal way starting from the stigma down to the style and ending in the ovule. Some of these secretions at the stigma and the style are triggered by pollination; others appear to be a maturative stage of the pistil and are produced in a discrete way. The fact that the pollen tube depends on these secretions together with the fact that these secretions are not continuously produced confer upon the pistil a role of controlling pollen tube kinetics and point out that, for a successful fertilization, male gametophyte development and pistil maturation need to by synchronized.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that high temperature slows in vivo pollen tube growth rates in Gossypium hirsutum pistils under field conditions. Although numerous physical and biochemical pollen-pistil interactions are necessary for in vivo pollen tube growth to occur, studies investigating the influence of heat-induced changes in pistil biochemistry on in vivo pollen tube growth rates are lacking. We hypothesized that high temperature would alter diurnal pistil biochemistry and that pollen tube growth rates would be dependent upon the soluble carbohydrate content of the pistil during pollen tube growth. G. hirsutum seeds were sown on different dates to obtain flowers exposed to contrasting ambient temperatures but at the same developmental stage. Diurnal pistil measurements included carbohydrate balance, glutathione reductase (GR; EC, soluble protein, superoxide dismutase (SOD; EC, NADPH oxidase (NOX; EC, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and water-soluble calcium. Soluble carbohydrate levels in cotton pistils were as much as 67.5% lower under high temperature conditions (34.6 °C maximum air temperature; August 4, 2009) than under cooler conditions (29.9 °C maximum air temperature; August 14, 2009). Regression analysis revealed that pollen tube growth rates were highly correlated with the soluble carbohydrate content of the pistil during pollen tube growth (r2 = 0.932). Higher ambient temperature conditions on August 4 increased GR activity in the pistil only during periods not associated with in vivo pollen tube growth; pistil protein content declined earlier in the day under high temperatures; SOD and NOX were unaffected by either sample date or time of day; pistil ATP and water soluble calcium were unaffected by the warmer temperatures. We conclude that moderate heat stress significantly alters diurnal carbohydrate balance in the pistil and suggest that pollen tube growth rate through the style may be limited by soluble carbohydrate supply in the pistil.  相似文献   

The fertilization process in flowering plants in a broad sense includes a progamic phase preceding the phase of double fertilization. To our present knowledge, calcium as a second messenger in the signal transduction plays important roles in all the links of this process. The present review attempts to highlight the recent advances in this research field, including: calcium in relation to in vitro pollen tube growth (distribution of calcium in pollen tube tip; regulation of pollen tube growth by calcium; calcium oscillation in pollen tube); distribution of calcium in pistil and its relation to in vivo pollen tube growth (calcium in relation to pollen-pistil recognition; pollen tube growth in pistil; pollen tube entry into embryo sac and the discharge and transportation of sperms); and calcium in relation to sperm-egg fusion and egg cell activation. In conclusion the author summarizes into several main view points, and gives recommendation for further researches on this topic.  相似文献   

钙在有花植物受精过程中的作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
杨弘远 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(10):1027-1035
钙作为第二信使在植物信号转导中的作用一直是植物生理学、细胞生物学和发育生物学研究的热点。近年已有不少综述和专著从不同角度对此作了详细评论[1~5]。虽然这些文章中只有部分内容涉及本文的主题———钙在植物受精中的作用,但是它们所论述的关于钙信使系统在植物...  相似文献   

Gametophytic pollen tube guidance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of a pollen tube attractant was proposed in the late nineteenth century when pollen tubes were found to grow toward excised pistil tissues on medium. Since then, for about 140 years, plant biologists have tried to identify the pollen tube attractants. However, no molecule has been convincingly demonstrated to be the true attractant that actually controls the navigation of pollen tubes in the pistil. The past decade has seen substantial progress in this field in terms of our understanding of the various mechanisms of pollen tube guidance. It was suggested that diffusible pollen tube attractants might provide localized signals that affect the directional growth of the pollen tube, especially in the last phase of guidance by the target female gametophyte. Here, we review the mechanisms of pollen tube guidance, with special focus on the gametophytic guidance and the attractant. The necessary and appropriate conditions required by the true attractant will be discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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