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目的:探讨自膨式食管金属加膜支架治疗恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘的疗效和并发症。方法:2004年1月至2009年6月对63例恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘患者实施食管支架置入,男45例,女28例;年龄45~81岁,平均69.3岁。支架为MTN型形状记忆钛镍合金食管加膜支架(南京微创医学科技有限公司生产),支架植入均在DSA监视下操作完成。结果:63例均一次性放置成功,即刻口服造影通过顺利剂。结论:自膨式食管金属加膜支架是治疗恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自膨式食管金属加膜支架治疗恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘的疗效和并发症。方法:2004年1月至2009年6月对63例恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘患者实施食管支架置入,男45例,女28例;年龄45~81岁,平均69.3岁。支架为MTN型形状记忆钛镍合金食管加膜支架(南京微创医学科技有限公司生产),支架植入均在DSA监视下操作完成。结果:63例均一次性放置成功,即刻口服造影通过顺利剂。结论:自膨式食管金属加膜支架是治疗恶性食管狭窄和气管食管瘘的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重组人骨形成蛋白-2(rhBMP-2)作为激活物诱导异位软骨修复并重建兔气管缺损的可行性。方法:取24只新西兰大白兔,制备气管前壁软骨1/3缺损模型。随机分为A、B组,每组12只,A组为实验组,在气管缺损处前壁颈前肌肉修补,多点注射rhBMP-2;B组于气管软骨缺损部位直接颈前肌群修补。术后观察动物一般情况,于4、8、12周取材进行大体观察、HE染色观察重建区域情况。结果:术后A组动物均存活至实验完成,B组因气道感染及气道分泌物堵管潴留致使实验兔死亡,其余动物出现皮下气肿,呼吸不畅等情况。组织学观察A组有明显的新生软骨细胞及少量软骨样组织,可见结缔组织包绕,周围肌肉组织完整,排列整齐,未见明显坏死组织,有少量淋巴细胞浸润。B组未见软骨组织生成,可见大量肉芽组织增生,结缔组织排列紊乱,伴少量坏死组织,大量淋巴浸润。结论:rhBMP-2可通过注射到颈前肌肉修补肌群中诱导软骨细胞和软骨样组织生成,减轻炎症反应,联合颈前肌瓣修复重建气管缺损能充分维持修复重建后的气道形态,具有减少术后皮下气肿、气管狭窄的作用,有望用于临床修复重建气管组织缺损。  相似文献   

目的:评价新型生物可降解支架治疗颈部食管吻合口瘘的效果,为治疗食管吻合口瘘提供理论依据。方法:将成年健康新西兰大白兔采用切开吻合置管造瘘法建立颈部食管吻合口瘘的动物模型,1周后,食管造影确定食管瘘口完成。完全随机分组,空白对照组(A组,n=5),对照组(B组,n=5)和实验组(C组,n=5)。实验组使用生物可降解支架封闭瘘口,而对照组应用同规格不可降解支架封堵食管瘘口。植入后每周行食管造影,观察支架及瘘口情况,植入后8周为实验终点。结果:本研究成功建立了兔颈部食管吻合口瘘的动物模型,至实验终点,普通支架组,支架覆盖瘘口,未发生支架移位及穿孔等现象。新型可分解支架组,3例支架分别在支架植入后5-8周分解,发生移位。实验组与对照组闭合率无统计学意义(4/5比3/5,P0.05)。结论:新型生物可降解支架支架是治疗食管吻合口瘘的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重组人骨形成蛋白-2(rhBMP-2)作为激活物诱导异位软骨修复并重建免气管缺损的可行性。方法:取24只新西兰大白兔,制备气管前壁软骨1/3缺损模型。随机分为A、B组,每组12只,A组为实验组,在气管缺损处前壁颈前肌肉修补,多点注射rhBMP-2;B组于气管软骨缺损部位直接颈前肌群修补。术后观察动物一般情况,于4、8、12周取材进行大体观察、HE染色观察重建区域情况。结果:术后A组动物均存活至实验完成,B组因气道感染及气道分泌物堵管潴留致使实验兔死亡,其余动物出现皮下气肿,呼吸不畅等情况。组织学观察A组有明显的新生软骨细胞及少量软骨样组织,可见结缔组织包绕,周围肌肉组织完整,排列整齐,未见明显坏死组织,有少量淋巴细胞浸润。B组未见软骨组织生成,可见大量肉芽组织增生,结缔组织排列紊乱,伴少量坏死组织,大量淋巴浸润。结论:rhBMP-2可通过注射到颈前肌肉修补肌群中诱导软骨细胞和软骨样组织生成,减轻炎症反应,联合颈前肌瓣修复重建气管缺损能充分维持修复重建后的气道形态,具有减少术后皮下气肿、气管狭窄的作用,有望用于临床修复重建气管纽织缺损。  相似文献   

目的:探讨先天性食管闭锁和气管食管瘘(EA/TEF)的麻醉及围手术期管理方法.方法:回顾性分析40例手术治疗的新生儿EA/TEF的临床资料.总结麻醉及围手术期管理及转归情况.结果:40例麻醉过程较平稳顺利完成手术,3例术后拔管,37例继续呼吸支持.术后死亡7例,其中4例术后死亡,3例术后监护人放弃治疗出院后死亡.活33例中重症肺炎7例,低体温8例,吻合口瘘5例,切口感染2例,均经治疗后痊愈出院.结论:良好的麻醉及围术期管理是EA/TEF手术治疗的重要组成部分,是手术顺利进行及术后成功的关键.  相似文献   

目的建立新西兰兔的食管静脉曲张模型,为下一步的临床研究提供可靠的小型动物模型。方法采用门静脉左支完全夹闭法造模,并通过外观、超声、胃镜等检查检验手段对造模结果加以评估。结果术后8周存活动物100%可见食管静脉曲张。结论通过门静脉左支夹闭法,基本可以建立兔食管静脉曲张模型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨食管穿孔的诊断、临床特征与外科治疗方法.方法:回顾分析1999年-2009年我院收治的食管穿孔22例.结果:本组病例4例保守治疗,2例行颈部脓肿切开引流,8例行单纯食管穿孔修补术,3例行纵隔及胸腔脓肿清除术并引流,1例行食管下段切除、胃代食管弓上吻合术,2例行食管修补并肺叶切除,2例行空肠双管造瘘加纵隔胸腔引流,2例因经济原因放弃治疗出院.治愈19例,治愈率86.3%,死亡1例,死亡率4.5%.结论:早期诊断和及时采取正确的处理措施是提高本病治愈率,降低死亡率的关键.  相似文献   

目的:术中定位是微小肺癌手术面临的主要难题,而原因则是肺在术中萎陷造成的巨大形变。我们从研究肺的术中萎陷着手,建立肺渐次萎陷动物模型,模拟肺在术中发生的萎陷,用以研究肺萎陷的过程、规律及影响因素,为微小肺癌的术中定位提供理论基础。本文用渐进的人工气胸模拟肺在术中的渐次萎陷过程,探讨简便、有效的肺渐次萎陷动物模型的制作方法。方法:健康成年犬12只机等分入左、右侧手术组麻醉后移至CT扫描床采用切小口置管和胸腔穿刺两种方式制作人工气胸。向胸膜腔内分次、定量地注射气体,使肺逐渐萎陷直至完全萎陷。通过夹闭气管插管协助稳定肺的萎陷状态。将各萎陷状态分别进行CT扫描。结果:所有实验犬均顺利完成实验麻醉良好,无意外情况发生。9只犬给予气管插管,3只未给予气管插管;4只犬采用切小口置管方式制作气胸,8只采用胸腔穿刺方式。气管插管增加了模型制作难度,但有利于稳定肺的萎陷状态;胸腔穿刺方式相对操作更为简便。随着向胸膜腔内注射气体,肺缓慢而均匀地向肺门方向集中,萎陷进程满意。CT扫描记录了肺从膨胀到萎陷的各阶段,经过后期重建再现了肺的萎陷过程。5只犬出现并发症,均通过改变操作得以纠正,未影响实验进程。结论:本研究建立的肺渐次萎陷动物模型,能够很好地模拟肺在术中的萎陷过程,是研究术中肺萎陷的理想动物模型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Ⅰ期胃代食管术治疗Ⅲa型食管闭锁的疗效。方法:对2008年3月至2013年6月我院采用Ⅰ期胃代食管术治疗的8例Ⅲa型食管闭锁进行回顾性分析。其中男6例,女2例,食管两盲端距离均大于3 cm。结果:所有患儿均顺利完成手术。6例治愈出院,1例死亡,1例家长放弃治疗。术后5例有严重肺炎,近期吻合口瘘2例。随访6个月至5年,吻合口狭窄2例,均行食管扩张术治愈,轻度胃食管反流4例,均未行抗反流手术,采用少量多餐及体味喂养治疗后症状缓解。结论:新生儿期采用Ⅰ期胃代食管术治疗Ⅲa型食管闭锁临床可行,避免了分期手术,缩短了治疗周期,有助于提高治愈率。  相似文献   

A human embryo (Carnegie stage 21) with tracheoesophageal malformations (esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula) and anomalies at the caudal end of the embryo (anorectal atresia, rectovesical fistula, vertebral and notochordal defects, and agenesis of the metanephros) was studied. Other anomalies observed were: absence of right umbilical artery, fusion of spinal ganglia, and absence of cloacal outlet of mesonephric ducts. The possible pathogenesis of these associated malformations is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同营养途径包括直接经食管与间接经鼻饲、胃造瘘进食的食管癌患者在放射治疗过程中的护理措施和方法对患者的临床效应。方法:回顾性分析我科一年来放射治疗的63例食管鳞状细胞癌患者的临床资料,其中46例患者直接经食管进食,其余17例治疗前行鼻饲或胃造瘘进食,在治疗过程中注重对患者的心理护理、饮食及放疗并发症护理。结果:放疗前行鼻饲或食管造瘘患者在放疗过程中依从性好,放射性食管炎能更好的控制,未发生食管穿孔及食管气管瘘等重大放疗并发症。结论:放疗前行鼻饲或胃造瘘的食管癌患者,周密的观察与细致的护理,主动的护患沟通,会导致积极的临床效应,可减轻放射损伤,降低食管穿孔及食管气管瘘的几率,延长患者生命,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

Acellular porcine small intestinal submucosa(SIS)has been used for esophagoplasty with success in a canine model.However,it did not lead to complete epithelialization.For better reconstruction,a cellular component is required.Moreover,promotion of angiogenesis with copper has been widely recognized by basic research as well as clinical studies.In this study,we have evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of combined Cu and SIS(SIS-Cu patch)for the esophageal repair using a canine model.Eighteen male beagle dogs were subjected to surgical resection to produce cervical esophageal defects(5 cm in length,180°in range).SIS with Cu(5 or 25μmol L 1copper)or without Cu was patched on the esophageal defects.Barium esophagram and histology exam were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.As shown,the SIS-Cu graft promoted re-epithelialization,re-vascularization and muscular regeneration.SIS-Cu patch is more effective than SIS alone for esophageal repair,and the SIS+25μmol L 1Cu group demonstrated additional advantages over the SIS+5μmol L 1Cu.  相似文献   

A review of the experience with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula over a 25-year period appears to lead to the advisability of the following procedures in surgical management:• Emergency gastrostomy under local anesthesia in all patients.• Extrapleural interruption of tracheo-esophageal fistula and end-to-end esophago-esophagostomy in patients who have the common type of upper esophageal atresia with distal tracheo-esophageal fistula.• Upper esophageal stretching and eventual esophago-esophagostomy in patients with proximal and distal esophageal atresia with or without proximal tracheo-esophageal fistula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the United States, birth defects affect approximately 3% of all births, are a leading cause of infant mortality, and contribute substantially to childhood morbidity. METHODS: Population-based data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Network were combined to estimate the prevalence of 21 selected defects for 1999-2001, stratified by surveillance system type. National prevalence was estimated for each defect by pooling data from 11 states with active case-finding, and adjusting for the racial/ethnic distribution of US live births. We also assessed racial/ethnic variation of the selected birth defects. RESULTS: National birth defect prevalence estimates ranged from 0.82 per 10,000 live births for truncus arteriosus to 13.65 per 10,000 live births for Down syndrome. Compared with infants of non-Hispanic (NH) white mothers, infants of NH black mothers had a significantly higher birth prevalence of tetralogy of Fallot, lower limb reduction defects, and trisomy 18, and a significantly lower birth prevalence of cleft palate, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula, gastroschisis, and Down syndrome. Infants of Hispanic mothers, compared with infants of NH white mothers, had a significantly higher birth prevalence of anencephalus, spina bifida, encephalocele, gastroschisis, and Down syndrome, and a significantly lower birth prevalence of tetralogy of Fallot, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, cleft palate without cleft lip, and esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula. CONCLUSIONS: This study can be used to evaluate individual state surveillance data, and to help plan for public health care and educational needs. It also provides valuable data on racial/ethnic patterns of selected major birth defects.  相似文献   

The VACTERL-H syndrome is a rare combination of vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, congenital heart defects, tracheo-esophageal fistula, abnormalities of kidneys and limb anomalies together with hydrocephalus. This condition is recognized as a hereditary entity with poor prognosis. We present a newborn weighing 3400 g, born by cesarean section to a 27 years old mother who had had an irregular antenatal follow-up. The patient had severe hydrocephalus, proximal esophageal atresia and distal tracheoesophageal fistula, gastric outlet obstruction, imperforated anus and recto-urethral fistula, patent ductus arterious, a bifid scrotum, a vertebral defect, sacral dimple and central hypothyroidism. The patient had no limb defects. The association of central hypothyroidism and VACTERL-H has previously not been reported.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Two severe birth defects, congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and esophageal atresia (EA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), have traditionally been analyzed separately in epidemiological studies. Lung hypoplasia (LH), part of the CDH spectrum, is not usually associated with EA/TEF, yet both are foregut malformations. METHODS: We conducted an epidemiological study of two combinations of the defects in the population of 3,318,966 live births and stillbirths monitored from 1983 to 1996 by the California Birth Defects Monitoring Program (CBDMP). RESULTS: A total of 433 cases had a Bochdalek type CDH/LH (0.13 per 1000 births), 893 had EA/TEF (0.27 per 1000 births), and 646 had LH (0.19 per 1000 births). Among them, 18 cases had CDH/LH with EA/TEF (0.005 per 1000 births), and 53 had EA/TEF and LH (0.02 per 1000 births); both prevalences are significantly higher than expected. Sixteen of 17 cases of CDH/LH with EA/TEF, and 34 of 40 cases of EA/TEF with LH were stillborn or died; 72% and 74%, respectively, had an autopsy. The male to female sex ratios were 1.43 and 1.13, respectively. In both groups, infants had similar proportions of additional severe defects, except for genitourinary and anal defects and syndromes/associations, which were more prevalent in the EA/TEF with LH group. We reviewed human studies and experimental animal models for factors reported to cause any combination of the defects. CONCLUSIONS: Several genetic and environmental factors could affect the significant co-occurrence of the defects. Future studies should include storage of patients' biological materials for DNA analysis, karyotyping, and environmental exposure evaluation.  相似文献   

The development of the anterior foregut of the mammalian embryo involves changes in the behavior of both the epithelial endoderm and the adjacent mesoderm. Morphogenetic processes that occur include the extrusion of midline notochord cells from the epithelial definitive endoderm, the folding of the endoderm into a foregut tube, and the subsequent separation of the foregut tube into trachea and esophagus. Defects in foregut morphogenesis underlie the constellation of human birth defects known as esophageal atresia (EA) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). Here, we review what is known about the cellular events in foregut morphogenesis and the gene mutations associated with EA and TEF in mice and humans. We present new evidence that about 70% of mouse embryos homozygous null for Nog, the gene encoding noggin, a bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) antagonist, have EA/TEF as well as defects in lung branching. This phenotype appears to correlate with abnormal morphogenesis of the notochord and defects in its separation from the definitive endoderm. The abnormalities in foregut and lung morphogenesis of Nog null mutant can be rescued by reducing the gene dose of Bmp4 by 50%. This suggests that normal foregut morphogenesis requires that the level of Bmp4 activity is carefully controlled by means of antagonists such as noggin. Several mechanisms are suggested for how Bmps normally function, including by regulating the intercellular adhesion and behavior of notochord and foregut endoderm cells. Future research must determine how Noggin/Bmp antagonism fits into the network of other factors known to regulate tracheal and esophagus development, both in mouse or humans.  相似文献   

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