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棕黑锦蛇消化系统和呼吸系统的解剖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邵帅  李丕鹏  陆宇燕  谢冰楠  周正彦  王勇 《蛇志》2009,21(4):263-267
目的解剖观察东北体型最大的棕黑锦蛇。了解其消化系统和呼吸系统的基本形态结构及特点。方法采自辽宁东部丹东市和桓仁县棕黑锦蛇共6条,其中雌性3条,雄性3条。采用福尔马林固定后.沿腹面正中线部位将皮肤从泄殖孔剪至颏部。对消化和呼吸系统进行观察和测量。结果消化系统和呼吸系统的基本形态结构与其它蛇类相似。但也有其特点:上颌的两侧左右各有两排细小的牙齿,胰管在十二指肠壁外与胆总管汇合共同开口于十二指肠。呼吸系统主要由气管和肺构成。气管位于食管腹面,末端连接正常的右肺,末端一侧则连接着退化的左肺。右肺长囊状,明显分为呼吸部和气囊部。左肺很小,呈卵圆形囊状。结论由于生活习性和生存环境的不同,各蛇种在漫长的进化过程中也表现形态结构方面的不同。  相似文献   

目的:建立豚鼠过敏性休克模型,研究胃促胰酶和肥大细胞在过敏性休克诊断上的应用。方法:20只清洁级豚鼠随机分为10只实验组和10只对照组,应用混合人血清构建的过敏模型,ELISA方法测定豚鼠血清Ig E含量,免疫组化染色观察胃促胰酶在喉头、气管、肺、胃、肠的表达,肥大细胞特殊染色计数肥大细胞。结果:实验组豚鼠有70%发生过敏性休克死亡,实验组豚鼠血清中Ig E的含量显著高于对照组豚鼠(P0.05),实验组豚鼠于喉头、气管、肺胃促胰酶的表达高于对照组(P0.05),实验组豚鼠于喉头、气管、肺、胃的肥大细胞总数高于对照组豚鼠(P0.05),肺组织观察到肥大细胞脱颗粒。结论:胃促胰酶和肥大细胞可以为过敏性休克死亡的法医学鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

研究雷氏黄萤Luciola leii Fu and Ballantyne幼虫的呼吸系统及其呼吸行为。结果表明:雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊。前胸、中胸和后胸均分布有气门,无气管鳃,腹部1~8节分布有气门和气管鳃,气门腔基部和气管鳃基部相连,呈"√"状,气管鳃内气管与气门气管相连通。雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸行为分为3种:利用胸部气门呼吸、腹部气门呼吸和气管鳃呼吸,其中以腹部气门呼吸为主。  相似文献   

通过显微解剖,结合透射电镜和扫描电镜,观察比较了条背萤Luciola substriata幼虫两个不同发育阶段呼吸系统的差异。结果表明:1~2龄幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊,3~6龄幼虫的呼吸系统中气管和气囊并存。1~2龄幼虫的尾气门和3~6龄幼虫的腹部侧气门及尾气门结构没有差异。透射电镜观察提示条背萤1~2龄幼虫体壁上的毛状物为气管鳃。  相似文献   

鸟类适应空中飞翔生活,新陈代谢率高,耗氧率也高,因此呼吸系统具有一些特征性特征。肺不仅与发达的气囊相连,本身也由分枝精致的支气管系统(即背腹次级支气管和连结二者的平行支气管)构成,这一部分称作鸟肺的古肺(paleopulmo)。  相似文献   

江豚气管和肺的解剖学与组织学研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
鲸类气管和肺的解剖学研究,早在17世纪末就开始进行。近年来,我国的珍稀动物白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer)已分别由陈宜瑜等(1975)进行了形态解剖,刘仁俊等(1980)进行了呼吸系统的解剖和组织学研究。有关江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)的呼吸系统仅秉志(1926)作过极简短的大体结构描述,有关其组织学的观察,目前尚无报道。本文对江豚气管、肺的解剖和组织学进行了详细的观察。  相似文献   

昆虫呼吸系统的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 本文用扫描、透射电子显微镜和“冰冻复型及蚀刻”方法,观察了数种昆虫的呼吸系统的超微形态,以及它们与各组织器官的关系。文中对昆虫气孔向体内气管的分枝情况,气管分枝伸入胃盲囊内,端细胞伸入中肠环肌层内,以及用冰冻复型及蚀刻方法观察到气管的超微结构等。呼吸系统承担复杂的呼吸代谢,以维持生命和繁衍种族。 气管、气囊是网状遍布全身,承担体内组织与外界交换气体的任务。虫体利用食入的养料产生能量进行呼吸代谢,使虫体能生长发育变态和生殖。因此,呼吸代谢是维持生命和繁衍种族的基础,这一切的进行是由结构简单的气孔、气囊和气管来承担的。水生昆虫体内有完整的气管系统,但无气孔开口于外,仅在皮细胞层下面有很多微气管群,CO_2和O_2即经过体壁的薄膜进行交换的;陆生昆虫的气门、气管系统遍布全身,通过气孔直接交换气体;寄生昆虫的气体交换,则在虫体与寄主的血液间通过体壁进行。  相似文献   

答:初中《动物学》课本中讲:“鸟类在吸气和呼气时肺里都能够进行气体交换的现象,叫做‘双重呼吸’。其他的陆生脊椎动物,只是在吸气时,肺内进行气体交换”。鸟在飞翔时两翼上提,体内气囊扩张,气囊内气压下降,在大气压作用下,外界大量新鲜空气进入鼻孔、气管后,大部分通过中支气管,直接进入后气囊,少部分通过平行支气管,进行了气体交换;两翼下降时气囊受压缩小,气囊内气压增大,后气囊里的新鲜空气返回肺内平行支气管,同样能够进行旺盛的气体交换,与此同时,  相似文献   

肺是呼吸系统的重要组成部分,由以气管为主的实质以及其周围的间质组成。研究表明,肺的成熟具有性别差异,通常男性胎儿的肺比女性胎儿更晚成熟,这主要与雄激素的调节有关。此外,临床数据表明,一些肺部相关疾病也受雄激素的重要影响。目前,雄激素对肺部发育的研究逐渐增多,本文主要综述了雄激素对气管、末端肺泡发育以及肺部免疫3个方面的影响,以期为相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

鸟类呼吸系统的微细结构与呼吸机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类呼吸系统的构造和机能,与其他脊椎动物相比,有许多不同之处。主要表现于肺的构造很特殊;有附属的气囊系统;不论吸气和呼气时都有持续不断地单向气流通过肺部,进行独特的“双重呼吸”。这种特殊的构造和机能极为适应飞翔生活的需要,使它能对由代谢速率急剧变化而引起的气体交换作快速的调节。鸟肺的结构特征鸟肺体积小,缺乏弹性,伸缩性小,是个致密的海绵状器官。与其他脊椎动物的根本区别是没有肺泡,而有大量的平行支气管,其最后一  相似文献   

Ultrastructural study of gonadal muscles in sea star, Asterina pectinifera, showed that myoepithelial cells were located only in the epithelial lining of the genital coelomic sinus. No myoepithelial cells were found in the visceral peritoneal epithelium or within connective tissue layer of the outer sac. Morphology of the myoepithelial cells in gonads of A. pectinifera varies during the reproductive cycle. During the gametogenic phase of the reproductive cycle, the myoepithelial cells get an elongated, spindle-like shape having a length of 20–30 μm. In prespawning gonads, many of the myoepithelial cells form cytoplasmic extensions of 3–5 μm in length, filled with myofilaments and penetrating into the underlying connective tissue of the outer sac or haemal sinus. Besides, myoepithelial cells, simultaneously anchored in the inner and outer sacs, were also observed. These changes result in development of more elaborated musculature and increase in contractility of the gonadal wall in prespawning gonads as compared to that during other stages of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1506-1516
Anuran vocal sacs are elastic chambers that recycle exhaled air during vocalizations and are present in males of most species of frogs. Most knowledge of the diversity of vocal sacs relates to external morphology; detailed information on internal anatomy is available for few groups of frogs. Frogs of the family Hylodidae, which is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and adjacent Argentina and Paraguay, have three patterns of vocal sac morphology—that is, single, subgular; paired, lateral; and absent. The submandibular musculature and structure of the vocal sac mucosa (the internal wall of the vocal sac) of exemplar species of this family and relatives were studied. In contrast to previous accounts, we found that all species of Crossodactylus and Hylodes possess paired, lateral vocal sacs, with the internal mucosa of each sac being separate from the contralateral one. Unlike all other frogs for which data are available, the mucosa of the vocal sacs in these genera is not supported externally by the mm. intermandibularis and interhyoideus . Rather, the vocal sac mucosa projects through the musculature and is free in the submandibular lymphatic sac. The presence of paired, lateral vocal sacs, the internal separation of the sac mucosae, and their projection through the m. interhyoideus are synapomorphies of the family. Furthermore, the specific configuration of the m. interhyoideus allows asymmetric inflation of paired vocal sacs, a feature only reported in species of these diurnal, stream‐dwelling frogs.  相似文献   

The permineralized corystosperm pollen organ Pteruchus is described from the early Middle Triassic of Antarctica. Pteruchus fremouwensis consists of an axis bearing numerous, helically arranged microsporophylls, each of which terminates in a distal flattened head. The axis is 1–2 mm in diameter and eustelic. Spherical to elliptical secretory cavities are present in the ground tissue of the axis, microsporophyll, and pollen sac wall. The basal stalk of the microsporophyll is vascularized by a C-shaped strand that gives rise to a midvein and numerous lateral veins in the distal head. At least 38 pollen sacs are borne on the abaxial surface of the microsporophyll head. These are arranged in pairs on either side of lateral veins. Each pollen sac is sessile, elongated, and uniloculate. The pollen sac wall is several cell layers thick early in ontogeny, but reduced to a single layer in thickness when mature. Dehiscence is longitudinal along the inner surface. Pollen is monosulcate and bisaccate, and of the Alisporites-type. The Triassic specimens are the first structurally preserved pollen organs of the Pteruchus-type and can be related to the associated corystosperm stem and leaf genera based on the presence of unique secretory cavities. The morphology of Pteruchus and the relationship of this pollen organ with other Mesozoic and Paleozoic pollen organs is discussed.  相似文献   

除单鼻型的圆口类外,脊椎动物的左、右两侧嗅觉器官和嗅神经皆互为独立地分布于头前端,而且它们的前鼻孔(外鼻孔)、嗅腔、嗅觉副囊腔(部分鱼具嗅觉副囊)与后鼻孔(或内鼻孔)也都互为相通,且多呈开放状态。它们还通常具有一个体积相对较大且较稳定的嗅腔,而嗅上皮则多位于嗅腔的一侧。此外,鱼类的嗅囊与鼻窝之间通常也无明显间隙。然而,运用常规的解剖学方法发现,黄鳝(Monopterus albus)外周嗅觉系统(嗅觉器官和嗅神经)在解剖结构上已发生如下重大变化:(1)虽然具有前、后鼻孔,但两者互不相通,而嗅腔仅靠前鼻孔通至外界;(2)两侧嗅囊的末端及两侧嗅神经的前段均分别发生了合并。此外,在该鱼上还发现:(1)嗅囊为一柔软而扁塌的长管囊结构,其唯一的开口(即位于前鼻孔球上的前鼻孔)却常呈关闭状,故此时该嗅腔实际上是一个体积被压扁到最小且暂时被封闭的空间;(2)嗅囊纵向地贴附于长鼻窝的内侧壁上,它仅占鼻窝的一小部分空间,故鼻窝显得相对很宽敞;(3)嗅觉副囊不与嗅腔相通,而与鼻窝共同经后鼻孔通至外界;(4)两侧嗅囊的末端相向地穿越鼻窝内侧壁,进入筛骨与额骨之间的"筛-额横管",在那里发生嗅囊合并;(5)嗅囊壁周缘几乎都内衬着嗅上皮,且具数个褶窝(说明该嗅囊有扩张的可能)。因此,黄鳝的这套解剖学特征不同于包括鱼类在内的所有脊椎动物的外周嗅觉系统。研究所发现的黄鳝这套形态学特征不仅为脊椎动物外周嗅觉系统的研究提供了一个独特的解剖学新模型,同时也为动物进化研究提供了一个有关前、后鼻孔互不相通的进化特例。此外,研究还依据上述发现提出嗅囊扩张-压缩假说以解释气味媒质进出于黄鳝这种特殊嗅腔的动力学机制。  相似文献   

The structure and location of the diaphragm (gular membrane) was studied in five families of Terebelliformia: Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, Pectinariidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae, using dissections, histology, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Position, shape, and structure of the diaphragm differ in these taxa. In Terebellidae and Pectinariidae the diaphragm is straight. In Trichobranchidae, Ampharetidae and Alvinellidae it is funnel-shaped. Diaphragm possesses two contractile sacs in Terebellidae and Pectinariidae, one in Alvinellidae and none at all in Trichobranchidae. The relative size and form of the sacs varied. Representatives of the family Ampharetidae have one or two sacs or none at all. Four kinds of the diaphragm can be distinguished: strait with two sacs, funnel-shaped with two sacs, funnel-shaped with one sac, funnel-shaped without sacs. In some Alvinellidae, the diaphragm is fenestrated, while in all other taxa it is continuous. The wall of the sacs is more muscular than the wall of the remaining diaphragm. The diaphragm is attached to the body wall at different levels: between the third and fourth segments in pectinariids or between the fourth and fifth in terebellids, ampharetids, alvinellids and trichobranchids. In most cases, the diaphragm contains two coelothelial layers with a well-developed extra-cellular matrix in between, and one or two muscle layers. The maximum development of the muscle fibres occurs in Terebellidae; probably related to the length of buccal tentacles. Significance of morphological and ultrastructural peculiarities of the diaphragm is discussed.  相似文献   

Proliferative kidney disease (PKD), caused by the malacosporean parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, is a major disease of salmonid culture both in western Europe and North America. The fish are infected from spores that develop within freshwater bryozoans and are released into the water column. Although sporogenesis has been studied in the bryozoan host and occurs within sacs, the formation of these sacs from presaccular stages has only been hypothesized. Examination of infected bryozoans by using a range of techniques identified proliferating, presaccular amoeboid stages of T. bryosalmonae on the body wall of the bryozoan Fredericella sultana. These stages possessed unique electron-dense bodies and were observed as aggregating within the bryozoan metacoel, differentiating to form spore sacs. Spore sac growth was associated with the assimilation of the presaccular parasites rather than through cryptomitosis of sac mural cells. This sac formation through aggregation and assimilation suggests an intriguing mechanism by which T. bryosalmonae can cross-fertilize.  相似文献   

Fourth instar larvae of Chaoborus americanus correct a condition of negative buoyancy by increasing the amount of gas held by two pairs of tracheal sacs. Mass spectrometric analysis of sac gas during the period following the addition of weights to larvae, reveal that the added gas is derived from the dissolved gases present in the surrounding medium and that it enters by physical means. The response is characterized by a transient decrease in the rigidity of the sac wall. Electron and light microscopy reveal that muscular tissue and motor terminals are associated with the sac wall and that a resilin-like protein may be present. These results suggest that the increase in the amount of gas held by the sacs is a secondary effect of an initial expansion of the sac wall itself and that the cuticular lining of the sacs is an active participant in the adjustment process.  相似文献   

Desis marina is an intertidal spider which lives within rock crevices and cavities in the holdfasts of the brown kelp Durvillaea antarctica , where it is submerged in the sea for long periods. Spiders live within silk-lined retreats which enclose an air bubble, and mate location is restricted to periods when the nest is exposed to the air. Eggs are laid from September to January and emergence is complete by May, with the major recruitment period being from March to April. During June to August, females are reproductively inactive. Egg development requires two months and the first two instars remain in the nest for a further two months. Number of egg sacs laid is independent of female size but number of eggs per sac increases with size. Egg size and number of eggs per sac is independent of brood sequence. Female reproductive investment is only 17–6% of body weight, but with 3 to 4 egg sacs/female, nest-guarding time is in excess of five months. Females reproduce only once per year and may reproduce again in the following summer. Desis marina has a much lower clutch size than comparable terrestrial spiders and is a 'bet-hedger', producing sequential broods which spread recruitment over time and reduce the risk of total loss due to storms.  相似文献   

G. M. Hughes    B. R. Singh  G. Guha    S. C. Dube    J. S. Datta  Munshi 《Journal of Zoology》1974,172(2):215-232
The surface area of the gills, air sacs and skin have been measured in specimens of different body size and their relationship to body weight fits the equation: area= aWb . The slopes ( b ) of the double logarithmic plots are 0.746 (gills), 0.662 (air sacs) and 0.684 (skin). The gills are poorly developed and their average weight specific area is less than figures obtained for sluggish marine fishes. The skin has an area about 70% of the total respiratory surfaces (gills+air sac+skin). Nevertheless the greater thickness of the skin leads to a smaller diffusing capacity of the tissue barrier ( Dt ) as compared with the gills and air sac. The air sac area for each ml of air that it contains is about 10.5 cm2 which is much lower than figures obtained for lungs of other air-breathing fish and for tetrapods.  相似文献   

Post‐cloacal bones of gekkotans may be present as a single (medial) pair, two pairs (medial and lateral), or may be lacking. We, herein, demonstrate that the presence of a single medial pair is the ancestral condition for the Gekkota, that the lateral pair is of sporadic occurrence within and between families, except for the Eublepharidae where it is universal, and that absence is also of sporadic occurrence except for the Sphaerodactylidae where it is the ancestral condition. Adult male Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) possess only the medial pair of bones, and these exhibit a regionally‐specific expression of woven, fibrolamellar, and lamellar bone, and an enclosed medullary cavity. Females and small juvenile males lack bony elements but exhibit a conspicuous band of dense connective tissue located about the anterior and lateral margins of the cloacal sacs. As males grow and attain sexual maturity, the medial post‐cloacal bones condense in this band of dense connective tissue, and are thus shown to be dermal ossifications, similar to osteoderms but with muscular associations (although this is also known for crocodylians). Based upon ontogenetic data we set forth a scenario to explain the loss of the medial post‐cloacal bones in various lineages. Differential staining of the cloacal sacs failed to reveal any specialized glandular structures. Investigation of the post‐cloacal spurs shows them to be associated with cellular connective tissue of a type similar to that found in the vicinity of the medial post‐cloacal bones. This suggests that the lateral post‐cloacal bones may also be dermal bones, but histological evidence is needed to corroborate this. J. Morphol. 277:264–277, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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