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申文明  孙中平  张雪  初东  李飞  吕灿宾 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7846-7852
针对快速、实时、有效采集并录入生态环境野外调查大样本量、多源数据的需求,充分应用移动GIS技术、移动智能终端、3G等现代信息技术优势,提出了基于ArcGIS for Mobile的移动数据采集方案,研究解决了包括系统运行机制、数据访问模式、移动数据库技术等面向全国生态环境野外调查的移动GIS关键技术,设计并研发野外调查移动数据采集系统。该系统采用C#和Java语言,以SQL Server 2008 为服务器端的数据库环境,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008集成开发环境上实现设计开发,并在全国生态环境10年变化遥感调查与评估项目土地覆盖类型地面核查、生态系统参数野外观测等工作中予以应用。实践检验表明:该系统实现了野外调查数据的数字采集、智能校验、实时上传与有效管理,简化了填报程序,规范了填报内容,提高了工作效率,能够为生态环境相关的调查数据采集提供信息化支持。  相似文献   

前期规划对外来入侵植物野外调查工作的顺利开展至关重要。本文将基于GIS的野外调查规划方法和入侵植物调查技术规范相结合, 利用地图资源丰富、分析功能强大的LocaSpace Viewer和奥维互动地图, 形成有针对性的野外调查规划方案。具体操作流程包括: (1)借助LocaSpace Viewer软件集成的高分辨率遥感数据和地理标注数据选取调查区域; (2)根据调查规范, 通过该软件的空间分析和地理要素编辑功能, 规划调查地理网格、调查点、样地、标准地和样方, 运用KML空间数据格式存储和分享调查规划信息; (3)在外业实施中使用移动版奥维互动地图软件的数据管理和导航功能实现调查规划信息的导入、定位和导航。通过在福建、广西和云南三省开展技术方法的实地应用与对比实验发现, 运用该方案的外业实施能够达到日平均调查6个样点, 采集调查数据80多条, 直线调查距离180 km, 调查点导航精度大于15 m。对比实验表明基于规划调查比未规划调查在时间利用效率上提高1倍, 工作效率得到显著提升。该方案为外来入侵植物的发生和危害等基础性调查工作提供了高效的技术支撑, 为生物多样性野外调查规划提供了参考方案。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的发展,外来入侵生物的危害日益加重。我国针对当前各类重大外来生物的入侵,按照基础研究、共性关键技术与重大产品研发、典型应用示范3个层面,部署了一系列项目,并取得了一定成果:揭示了入侵生物的入侵特性和入侵机理,以及入侵植物与脆弱生态系统的相互作用机制;研发了重大新发农业入侵物种风险评估及防控技术,建立了生物威胁数据库和生物入侵突发事件可视化智能决策支持平台,以及重大入侵动植物的治理模式和技术体系;建立了主要入侵生物标本资源库。今后应以跨境动植物有害生物为主要目标,开展入侵扩散与成灾机制、早期预防预警、快速检测监测、识别追踪溯源、点面拦截狙击、区域防灾减灾等技术研究。  相似文献   

全球变化背景下, 诸如营养、水分等资源的波动是非稳态的, 往往以脉冲的形式出现, 呈现出频率低、强度高和持续时间短的特征。资源脉冲往往会打破植物群落固有的平衡状态, 进而影响全球变化的另一重要组分——外来植物入侵。目前, 全球变化对外来植物入侵影响的研究往往关注资源的稳态变化, 忽略了资源的波动性, 特别是脉冲的作用。该文通过综述资源脉冲对外来植物入侵影响的研究, 简要评述了资源脉冲的形成原因、类型及影响, 讨论了不同类型的资源脉冲对外来植物入侵的作用。此外, 该文根据现有的研究进展提出了一些未来可能的研究方向, 如资源脉冲的不同属性, 多种资源脉冲交互作用对植物入侵的影响及其机制等。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化快速发展,外来物种入侵危害日益严重。“十三五”时期,我国针对当前面临的重大外来物种入侵威胁,按照基础前沿、共性关键技术与重大产品研发、典型应用示范研究3个层面,部署了一系列科技项目,取得了一批重大科研成果:阐明了入侵物种的入侵机理和进化机制,以及入侵植物与脆弱生态系统互作的调控机制;建立了潜在农业入侵生物信息分析平台,新发外来入侵物种的风险预测与评估模型,重大外来入侵物种的快速检测识别与监测预警技术,以及综合防控技术体系;围绕豚草、空心莲子草、苹果蠹蛾、番茄潜叶蛾、甜菜孢囊线虫等危害特点,开展全程防控技术应用示范。“十三五”期间,基本实现了潜在入侵物种数据量持续丰富完善,新发/突发入侵物种应急防控技术产品有效储备能力增强,重大入侵物种综合防控技术体系逐步健全的良好格局。面向“十四五”,建议继续支持外来物种入侵防控研究,推动“关口前移、疆域监控、灭除阻截、联控减灾”等核心技术的研发,实现有效防控生物入侵的重大目标。  相似文献   

外来物种的归化和入侵对全球环境和社会发展造成了严重影响,已成为当今各国生物多样性管理和生态保护中所面临的全球性问题。我国是遭受外来入侵危害最为严重的国家之一,在外来物种入侵的预警、管理和治理等方面形势严峻。基于野外调查和文献研究,该文报道了苋科(广义)入侵植物墙生藜[Chenopodiastrum murale(L.) S. Fuentes, Uotila&Borsch]在中国的新记录。墙生藜原产于地中海地区,现已扩散到欧洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲的40多个国家,是一种危害较大的外来入侵植物,同时也是我国海关和检验检疫部门明确规定禁止入境的检疫性有害生物,现于云南省昆明市呈贡区发现该外来入侵植物。该文对其形态特征进行了详细描述,简要介绍了其分类历史,并提供了可供鉴定比对的野外生态照片;此外,对墙生藜可能的传入途径进行了分析,对其危害和风险作了简要评估。该物种的新发现说明我国外来入侵生物的本底调查还存在不足。  相似文献   

福建外来入侵植物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经野外调查和整理分析文献资料,初步认定福建省外来入侵植物并已归化的种类约73种,分属于29科,其中菊科种类最多,有16种。从来源看,来自美洲的有59种,占80.82%。入侵植物中包括6种2003年国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种。文中还对这些外来入侵植物的危害、入侵途径及其防治对策进行讨论。  相似文献   

海南岛外来植物入侵风险评价指标体系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
彭宗波  蒋英  蒋菊生 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2029-2034
基于海南岛生物入侵防控及外来物种管理的需求,对海南外来入侵植物的种类、分布情况和危害现状进行了调查。调查发现,目前海南受外来植物入侵影响较重,外来入侵植物共约160种,隶属于38个科。构建了适应于海南当地生态环境特点与经济社会发展的外来植物风险评估指标体系,该指标体系共分3级,包括5个一级指标,和相应的12个二级指标,42个三级指标,采用层次分析法确定了体系各级指标的权重。对海南50种常见的主要外来入侵植物进行了风险评估,并按照评估结果将外来入侵植物划分为不同风险等级,提出相应的管理策略。外来入侵生物风险评估体系可被作为管理部门制定早期预警和决策措施的重要工具,通过风险评估与风险管理,建立一套应对海南外来生物入侵的快速反应体系,为外来生物入侵的防范和生态安全提供保障。  相似文献   

中国是外来有害生物入侵最为严重的国家之一.国家与相关部门已给予了高度重视,极大地加强了对生物入侵科学研发的投资力度,组织力量从生物入侵的理论基础、防控技术的应用创新、基础调查数据的汇集到生物生态的安全评估等各方面开展了系统研究,取得了诸多方面的进展和重要成果.  相似文献   

【背景】广东省是我国遭受外来生物入侵最严重的地区之一,许多外来水生动物在广东省的河流均有分布,但有关其具体分布和数量缺乏系统研究。【方法】通过野外调查的方式对广东省鉴江、韩江、潭江、西江、北江、东江等水系的外来水生动物的分布和数量进行了初步调查,并对调查到的外来水生动物的生态学特征和入侵机制进行了初步研究。【结果】共调查到13种外来水生动物,包括巴西龟、尼罗罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼、下口鲶、革胡子鲶、食蚊鱼、麦瑞加拉鲮、露斯塔野鲮、斑点叉尾鮰、大口黑鲈等11种脊椎动物和福寿螺、克氏原螯虾2种无脊椎动物;其中以福寿螺、巴西龟和3种罗非鱼的分布最为广泛。【结论与意义】几种外来水生生物主要通过水产养殖、观赏渔业和生物防治引种入侵;典型的"R"策略者、对环境具有较强耐受力的生物、杂食性鱼类更容易成功入侵。  相似文献   

Computer based video games are receiving great interest as a means to learn and acquire new skills. As a novel approach to teaching navigation skills in the blind, we have developed Audio-based Environment Simulator (AbES); a virtual reality environment set within the context of a video game metaphor. Despite the fact that participants were naïve to the overall purpose of the software, we found that early blind users were able to acquire relevant information regarding the spatial layout of a previously unfamiliar building using audio based cues alone. This was confirmed by a series of behavioral performance tests designed to assess the transfer of acquired spatial information to a large-scale, real-world indoor navigation task. Furthermore, learning the spatial layout through a goal directed gaming strategy allowed for the mental manipulation of spatial information as evidenced by enhanced navigation performance when compared to an explicit route learning strategy. We conclude that the immersive and highly interactive nature of the software greatly engages the blind user to actively explore the virtual environment. This in turn generates an accurate sense of a large-scale three-dimensional space and facilitates the learning and transfer of navigation skills to the physical world.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel method for selecting a navigation satellite subset for a global positioning system (GPS) based on a genetic algorithm is presented. This approach is based on minimizing the factors in the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) using a modified genetic algorithm (MGA) with an elite conservation strategy, adaptive selection, adaptive mutation, and a hybrid genetic algorithm that can select a subset of the satellites represented by specific numbers in the interval (4 ∼ n) while maintaining position accuracy. A comprehensive simulation demonstrates that the MGA-based satellite selection method effectively selects the correct number of optimal satellite subsets using receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) or fault detection and exclusion (FDE). This method is more adaptable and flexible for GPS receivers, particularly for those used in handset equipment and mobile phones.  相似文献   

野外调查是生物多样性研究和保护的基础工作。在野外调查中, 自然地理环境十分复杂, 对相关地理信息的掌握程度、调查路线的设计质量和导航的准确性, 直接影响调查工作的成效, 甚至调查人员的人身安全。使用谷歌地球软件及相关数据转换工具, 能获取海量遥感影像和地形数据, 能将各种地理信息转换、编辑、叠加到三维地球模型上形成地理信息库, 进而精细设计野外考察路线、调查点和调查样方, 并以kml或kmz文件格式保存和分发设计结果。使用Android智能终端设备安装OruxMaps软件, 可以将多种网络地图下载制作成离线地图, 在卫星图上精确显示当前位置、记录走过的轨迹、导入kml或kmz文件进行导航。综合使用这些工具, 可以实现良好的地理信息管理、精细的生物多样性野外调查路线设计和高精度现场导航实施, 有效提高野外调查工作的成效和安全性。  相似文献   



Emerging information technologies present new opportunities to reduce the burden of malaria, dengue and other infectious diseases. For example, use of a data management system software package can help disease control programs to better manage and analyze their data, and thus enhances their ability to carry out continuous surveillance, monitor interventions and evaluate control program performance.

Methods and Findings

We describe a novel multi-disease data management system platform (hereinafter referred to as the system) with current capacity for dengue and malaria that supports data entry, storage and query. It also allows for production of maps and both standardized and customized reports. The system is comprised exclusively of software components that can be distributed without the user incurring licensing costs. It was designed to maximize the ability of the user to adapt the system to local conditions without involvement of software developers. Key points of system adaptability include 1) customizable functionality content by disease, 2) configurable roles and permissions, 3) customizable user interfaces and display labels and 4) configurable information trees including a geographical entity tree and a term tree. The system includes significant portions of functionality that is entirely or in large part re-used across diseases, which provides an economy of scope as new diseases downstream are added to the system at decreased cost.


We have developed a system with great potential for aiding disease control programs in their task to reduce the burden of dengue and malaria, including the implementation of integrated vector management programs. Next steps include evaluations of operational implementations of the current system with capacity for dengue and malaria, and the inclusion in the system platform of other important vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Aim The oceans harbour a great diversity of organisms whose distribution and ecological preferences are often poorly understood. Species distribution modelling (SDM) could improve our knowledge and inform marine ecosystem management and conservation. Although marine environmental data are available from various sources, there are currently no user‐friendly, high‐resolution global datasets designed for SDM applications. This study aims to fill this gap by assembling a comprehensive, uniform, high‐resolution and readily usable package of global environmental rasters. Location Global, marine. Methods We compiled global coverage data, e.g. satellite‐based and in situ measured data, representing various aspects of the marine environment relevant for species distributions. Rasters were assembled at a resolution of 5 arcmin (c. 9.2 km) and a uniform landmask was applied. The utility of the dataset was evaluated by maximum entropy SDM of the invasive seaweed Codium fragile ssp. fragile. Results We present Bio‐ORACLE (ocean rasters for analysis of climate and environment), a global dataset consisting of 23 geophysical, biotic and climate rasters. This user‐friendly data package for marine species distribution modelling is available for download at http://www.bio‐oracle.ugent.be . The high predictive power of the distribution model of C. fragile ssp. fragile clearly illustrates the potential of the data package for SDM of shallow‐water marine organisms. Main conclusions The availability of this global environmental data package has the potential to stimulate marine SDM. The high predictive success of the presence‐only model of a notorious invasive seaweed shows that the information contained in Bio‐ORACLE can be informative about marine distributions and permits building highly accurate species distribution models.  相似文献   

GEL, a DNA sequencing project management system.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed an automated system for management of DNA sequencing projects. The system, named GEL, can handle data from both random sequences and from fragments whose relative positions are known. The system is highly interactive, self-documenting, and forgiving; it is designed for use by computer-naive molecular biologists. An editor designed specifically for sequences allows simple entry of data. Special functions allow direct checking and immediate editing of paired readings of the same gel. Merging of new random fragment sequences into the project as a whole is semi-automated. The user is shown probable overlaps if they exist, and can edit either the sequences or the consensus. Heuristic approaches to limiting the kinds of searches made in the merging process reduces the problem of combinatoric data overload as sequencing projects grow large. Complete histories of all entries, editing changes, and generation of consensus sequences are automatically prepared.  相似文献   

A new generation of mobile terminals, communicators and smartphones, designed for general public, are emerging from the mobile phone revolution. Their distinctive features include enhanced data capabilities and the ability to locate the user. These features make these new types of applications, location-based and location-aware services, suitable for mobile users. In addition to location-based information access they also provide excellent means for data collection about the mobile users themselves, yielding valuable dynamic and geographic personal data. This type of data has never been available to such an extent before. Availability of such data would result in new opportunities for potential users: in commerce, in the public sector and even for private use. It is also a great challenge to the information systems: in data collection, management and analysis. Privacy protection is maybe the most serious problem to be found in this context. The objective of this paper is to present the opportunities and challenges provided by dynamic geographic personal data in the context of emerging location-aware mobile networks. Here a new service is outlined in parallel with existing and planned location-based services. The new service, designed for collecting, managing and releasing dynamic geographic population data, is called Dynamic Geographic Data Service (DGDS).  相似文献   

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