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当前,国内外对于国家公园旅游可持续性的定义及其评估指标尚未形成共识,已有的部分指标存在可操作性较弱、管理成本较高等问题,无法直接应用于中国国家公园旅游可持续性的管理与评估。从三条路径构建国家公园旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系:以实际需求为导向,分析国家公园所在区域对旅游可持续性管理评估指标的需求;以国际共识为导向,检验《全球可持续旅游目的地标准》在国家公园的适用性;以实践为导向,梳理世界主要国家及地区国家公园旅游可持续性的管理重点。以色林错-普若岗日冰川国家公园(简称"色-普国家公园")潜在建设区为例,建立国家公园旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系。从经济、社会、文化、生态环境等方面明确了色-普国家公园潜在建设区对管理评估指标体系的需求。经过适用性判定,识别在色-普国家公园潜在建设区具有较强适用性的可持续旅游目的地评估指标。通过频次统计,从经济、社会、文化、生态环境、制度建设等方面遴选世界主要国家及地区国家公园旅游可持续性的重点管理指标。所建立的色-普国家公园潜在建设区旅游可持续性管理评估指标体系包括5个一级指标,15个二级指标,36个三级指标。在此基础上,建议逐步建立健全监测与统计体系,为管理评估指标体系的应用提供支撑。  相似文献   

青藏高原具有全球独特的自然生态和人文生态系统,生态系统完整性与原真性极高,建设国家公园群是青藏高原整体性保护重要生态系统完整性与原真性的重要手段。遵循"内涵界定-框架梳理-框架构建"的研究思路,科学界定国家公园生态系统完整性和原真性内涵并建立概念模型,通过梳理国家公园生态系统完整性评估的主要框架,在对区域自然生态和社会人文系统科学考察的基础上,分析区域生态系统完整性与原真性保护与监管需求,从生境质量、生物群落、生态系统服务、自然条件与灾害、人类活动、人文景观6个方面构建青藏高原国家公园群潜在建设区生态系统完整性与原真性评估框架,以期为未来国家公园群建设与管理提供基础支撑。针对目前国家公园管理存在的主要问题,提出未来评估应用需充分体现国家公园复合生态系统和"群"的特征,并建立生态系统完整性与原真性监测体系,从而更全面的服务于青藏高原国家公园群生态系统完整性与原真性保护。  相似文献   

全民公益性是我国国家公园建设需坚持的三大理念之一,但受其内涵不明确且缺乏有效考核评价机制的制约,尚未受到相关方的充分重视。建立一套能准确反映其内涵的指标体系,用于评估国家公园全民公益性理念执行成效、引导相关方采取针对性措施提高国家公园的全民公益性具有重要意义。本研究在梳理国外主要国家公园全民公益性的内涵和具体体现,分析我国国家公园建设的时代背景和独有特征的基础上,剖析了我国国家公园全民公益性的内涵和逻辑构成。在此基础上,通过深入实地考察,建立了青藏高原国家公园群全民公益性评估备选指标体系,利用Delphi法,以发放电子问卷的形式对本领域14名知名专家开展两轮咨询,从拟定的全民公益性评估备选指标体系中筛选指标,结合问卷咨询结果建立了包括管理者、社区居民、相关企业和社会组织、游客和公众5个方面,涉及5个一级指标、17个二级指标和35个三级指标的青藏高原国家公园群全民公益性评估指标体系。指标体系囊括了国家公园体制机制、社区民生福祉、企业和社会组织参与、访客体验、公众参与等方面的多个内容。针对青藏高原的实际情况,还设置了医疗保障体系、应急救援体系等指标,并考虑在实际评估中增加相关指标权重,更加...  相似文献   

西藏色林错及周边区域是高原高寒草原生态系统中珍稀濒危生物物种最多的地区,也是高品质自然景观和文化遗产集中分布区,建立色林错-普若岗日国家公园(以下简称"色-普国家公园")首要考虑当地脆弱的生态环境问题。本研究遵循"因素识别-指标构建-单因子评估-综合评估"的基本思路,识别色-普国家公园潜在建设区的生态环境脆弱性因素,开展冻融侵蚀、水土流失、土地沙化、土壤风蚀、生境环境敏感性单因子评估,结合海拔、坡度、重要生态系统等限定因子,实现对国家公园潜在建设区生态环境脆弱性综合评估,以期为未来国家公园空间范围的确定、功能分区以及适度开展生态旅游等空间布局提供基础支撑。研究表明:(1)潜在建设区存在较严重的冻融侵蚀、水土流失、草地退化、生物多样性减少等生态环境问题。(2)单因子评估显示,潜在建设区主要属于生态环境的中度和高度敏感区、水土流失的中度敏感区、冻融侵蚀的轻度和中度敏感区,土壤风蚀的不敏感和轻度敏感区、土壤沙化的不敏感区。(3)综合评估显示,潜在建设区生态环境脆弱性高,高度脆弱区面积比例达57.60%,主要分布在色林错的西部和北部;低度脆弱区仅占7.38%,主要分布在色林错东部;尼玛县低度脆弱区分布面积最小,安多县分布最多;双湖县高度脆弱区面积分布最广。(4)建议未来国家公园建设把以生态旅游为主的人类活动范围集中在低度脆弱区,并重点加强对高度脆弱区的生态系统完整性与原真性保护。  相似文献   

青藏高原国家公园群游憩功能的自然基础与实现路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟林生  曾瑜皙  虞虎 《生态学报》2021,41(3):861-873
研究青藏高原国家公园群游憩功能有助于发挥其生态系统服务价值,促进青藏高原可持续发展,并为中国国家公园建设提供参考。阐述游憩功能的理论基础,分析游憩功能的定义与特征,探讨青藏高原国家公园群游憩功能的自然基础并提出实现路径。主要结论有:(1)游憩功能是生态地理要素形成的对人类游憩活动的支撑或保障程度,具有属性依赖性、潜在性、可实现性3个特征;(2)生态地理要素是形成游憩功能的自然基础。青藏高原国家公园群游憩功能的自然基础包括地形地貌、地表覆被、独特景观、生态区系、气候条件等方面,这些条件共同影响青藏高原国家公园群的游憩利用适宜性与游憩利用承载力;(3)青藏高原国家公园群游憩功能的实现路径包括合理形式、生态设施、影响控制、特许经营与协作共享。  相似文献   

肖练练  朱冬芳  虞虎 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5642-5652
游憩承载力评估与预测是国家公园游憩规划与动态管理的重要工具。采用系统动力学模拟仿真软件Vensim_PLE,构建三江源国家公园游憩承载力系统动力学模型,包括资源空间、生态环境、社会经济、社会心理4个子系统。以2015—2035年为系统仿真区间,模拟了原始情景、社会驱动模式、生态保护优先模式、协调发展模式4种情景下各子系统的发展演化趋势,为三江源国家公园游憩规划与管理提供参考。结果表明:(1)原始情景模式下,三江源国家公园游憩承载力呈先增后降的趋势,在2031年面临游憩承载力超载风险,在加大游憩设施投入的社会驱动模式下,游憩承载力将有所提升,但2031年后提升效果微弱。(2)生态保护优先模式通过提高污染治理能力和适度控制游客规模,游憩承载力有所提升,并将游憩承载力超载风险由2031年延迟至2033年。(3)协调发展模式下,生态环境承载力和资源空间承载力缓慢上升,在4种模式中均为最高值,游憩承载力也达到最大值,游憩承载力超载的风险由2031年延长至2035年以后。对国家公园游憩承载力的模拟预测,可为合理及时调控提供科学参考,有利于三江源国家公园生态保护与游憩质量提升。  相似文献   

青藏高原是我国重要生态安全屏障,保有大量重要的受人类活动干扰较小的自然生态系统。但近年来受社会经济发展和气候变化的影响,高原生态系统面临退化风险。为了更好地守护地球第三极,第二次青藏科考提出建立青藏高原国家公园群的科学构想。为了全面掌握人类胁迫和气候变化背景下,青藏高原生态系统完整性维持情况,并识别生态系统完整性维持较好的区域,为青藏高原国家公园群的规划布局提供支撑,研究基于对生态系统完整性内涵的理解以及青藏高原生态系统特征,借鉴加拿大国家公园生态系统完整性评估框架,构建了"格局-质量-功能-问题-压力"生态系统完整性远程评估框架,对青藏高原生态系统完整性进行了综合评估并分析了其空间格局特征。结果显示:青藏高原整体维持了较好的生态系统完整性,分别有3.52%、7.51%和70.71%的区域生态系统完整性等级为优、良和中,但受人类胁迫影响,部分区域生态系统完整受到破坏,分别有18.17%和0.10%的区域生态系统完整性等级为较差和极差。从空间上看,青藏高原东部地区生态系统完整性整体高于西部地区。从生态系统完整性保护的角度看,青藏高原可用于建设国家公园的备选区数量多、分布广,且呈现大面积连片分布的格局。目前正在开展的三江源、祁连山、大熊猫、普达措等国家公园体制试点区均具有较高的生态系统完整性。为了加快推动生态系统完整性高的区域保护,根据青藏高原国家公园潜在建设区的生态系统完整性指数结果,建议优先启动雅鲁藏布大峡谷、色林错-普若岗日、独龙江三江并流、若尔盖、贡嘎山、稻城亚丁等国家公园建设,待条件成熟后,再逐步启动其他具有景观、文化价值的国家公园建设。  相似文献   

国家公园是我国新的自然保护地类型之一,在我国自然保护地体系中具有主体地位。为保障国家公园的可持续发展,对其管理的有效性进行科学、客观和全面的评估至关重要。遵循国家公园生态保护第一、国家代表性和全民公益性的理念,及其生态保护和科研、教育、游憩等功能定位,按照"条件基础-过程行动-取得成效"的思路,构建了包括管理基础、管理行动和管理成效3个一级指标、9个二级指标、22个三级指标的国家公园管理评估指标体系;沿用基于专家评议的快速记分评价法,通过专家咨询法和层次分析法计算权重和分级赋值,并进行综合评估;基于上述方法,对钱江源国家公园体制试点区管理工作进行了试评估。结果表明,该评估体系能够较好反映钱江源国家公园体制试点管理的现状,有效指导钱江源国家公园体制试点的管理工作,并可为国家公园管理评估标准体系的建立提供借鉴。  相似文献   

面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标体系构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家公园具有生态系统保护、自然资源可持续利用等管理目标,这些管理目标的实现需要大量监测数据和信息的支持。对国家公园开展生态监测有助于了解国家公园内生态系统的动态变化并揭示管理活动的影响,从而为管理决策的规划和实施提供有用信息。为推动我国国家公园生态监测体系的建立,提出了面向管理目标的国家公园生态监测指标构建方法。该方法由确定国家公园生态监测目标、识别国家公园管理目标、识别国家公园关键生态过程、确定需要监测的生态过程并制定初始监测指标清单、确定最终监测指标清单5个部分组成。该方法在三江源国家公园进行了应用。三江源国家公园的管理目标包括生态系统保育、维持江河径流量持续稳定等13项,在区域、景观、生态系统和种群尺度上共识别出16个关键生态过程。通过匹配三江源国家公园的关键生态过程与管理目标,构建了一个由两级共93个指标组成的三江源国家公园生态监测指标体系,为三江源国家公园生态监测体系的构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   

青藏高原国家公园群地域功能与结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虞虎  钟林生  樊杰 《生态学报》2021,41(3):823-832
青藏高原国家公园群建设是促进青藏高原地区可持续发展的重要模式探索。解析地域功能、建构有序的空间组织模式是其关键科学基础。基于青藏高原科学考察研究队提出的国家公园群建设方案,从地域功能和空间结构上进行了探讨。研究认为青藏高原国家公园群具有生态保育功能、生活保障功能和游憩公益服务功能,并表现为空间异质性、时间变异性、多样复合性和相互依附性4种特性;在层级结构上可以划分为2个跨国国家公园、8个旗舰国家公园和11个一般国家公园,未来可再融入青藏高原其他不同层级的自然保护地;从"群"层面优化单体国家公园的功能定位和整体层面的有机组织,需要在类型结构、层级结构和空间结构上进行综合统筹,建构点域、线域、面域相结合的空间组织模式,形成联系紧密、发展稳定、演化有序的功能有机体,才能够深入推进青藏高原国家公园群建设、生态安全屏障建设和区域绿色发展的三位一体目标实现。  相似文献   

Despite recent interest, ecosystem services are not yet fully incorporated into private and public decisions about natural resource management. Cultural ecosystem services (CES) are among the most challenging of services to include because they comprise complex ecological and social properties and processes that make them difficult to measure, map or monetize. Like others, CES are vulnerable to landscape changes and unsustainable use. To date, the sustainability of services has not been adequately addressed and few studies have considered measures of service capacity and demand simultaneously. To facilitate sustainability assessments and management of CES, our study objectives were to (1) develop a spatially explicit framework for mapping the capacity of ecosystems to provide freshwater recreational fishing, an important cultural service, (2) map societal demand for freshwater recreational fishing based on license data and identify areas of potential overuse, and (3) demonstrate how maps of relative capacity and relative demand could be interfaced to estimate sustainability of a CES. We mapped freshwater recreational fishing capacity at the 12-digit hydrologic unit-scale in North Carolina and Virginia using a multi-indicator service framework incorporating biophysical and social landscape metrics and mapped demand based on fishing license data. Mapping of capacity revealed a gradual decrease in capacity eastward from the mountains to the coastal plain and that fishing demand was greatest in urban areas. When comparing standardized relative measures of capacity and demand for freshwater recreational fishing, we found that ranks of capacity exceeded ranks of demand in most hydrologic units, except in 17% of North Carolina and 5% of Virginia. Our GIS-based approach to view freshwater recreational fishing through an ecosystem service lens will enable scientists and managers to examine (1) biophysical and social factors that foster or diminish cultural ecosystem services delivery, (2) demand for cultural ecosystem services relative to their capacity, and (3) ecological pressures like potential overuse that affect service sustainability. Ultimately, we expect such analyses to inform decision-making for freshwater recreational fisheries and other cultural ecosystem services.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(2):141-148
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) generic template was used as an initial set of sustainability criteria and indicators (C&I) in the development of a unique C&I set for the Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG). The MBG is a forest area managed for educational and recreational activities inside the University of the Philippines Los Baños campus. A multi-disciplinary team evaluated each criterion and indicator of the CIFOR generic template using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) techniques such as ranking, rating and pairwise comparison to eliminate irrelevant and inapplicable C&I items. The remaining C&I set was then restructured and additional items developed to finalize the set. The final C&I set for MBG was tested through a preliminary assessment conducted by MBG management and users. Results showed that the C&I set was appropriate for MBG, and focused primarily on the protection of ecological processes, while at the same time supporting recreational and educational activities. The MBG C&I also highlighted the importance of a sound policy framework that supports management, as well as the critical role that planning, implementation and monitoring play in progressing sustainability. Moreover, the study demonstrated the practical applicability of the CIFOR C&I Toolbox when developing C&I at the forest management unit level.  相似文献   

The importance in fishery management of leaving the big ones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research by Berkeley et al. and by Bobko and Berkeley has recently demonstrated that older individuals of some fish species produce larvae that have substantially better survival potential than do larvae from younger fishes. These new findings augment established knowledge that larger individuals usually have exponentially greater fecundity. This is important because commercial fisheries and especially recreational fishing often target the larger fish. The protection of larger or older individuals is necessary for the sustainability of species currently exploited by humans.  相似文献   

Using inadequate management tools often threatens the natural environment. This study focuses on the example of Swiss recreational fishermen (hereafter called “anglers”) as recreational fisheries management stakeholders. In recreational fisheries, fish stocking conducted by anglers has been identified as one important factor associated with declining fish catches. We therefore aimed to a) gain insights into why anglers want to maintain fish stocking and b) identify entry points for interventions to promote more pro-ecological management practices. Results (N = 349) showed that the majority of anglers think very uncritically about stocking and that they frequently engage in it. We conclude that outcome expectancies and beliefs about risks, in combination with a lack of stocking success controls are the main reasons that anglers retain stocking measures. We suggest that providing anglers with direct experience and feedback about stocking success is suitable to change their intentions regarding stocking and their actual stocking behavior, and thus, to promote more pro-ecological management methods. From a more general perspective, the results of this study are likely to help improve pro-ecological ecosystem management in other domains where problems similar to those in recreational fisheries management might exist.  相似文献   


This article discusses issues associated with valuation of sports fishing activities for marine resource management. Since management decisions have effects on marine resource quality and activity levels of different groups of resource users, careful benefit‐cost evaluation of alternative management plans is essential to implement an efficient management system. Three important issues for measuring sports fishing benefits are discussed: (1) aspects of fishing experience enjoyed by recreationists, (2) congestion, and (3) recreational inputs purchased for fishing participation. The household production function framework is discussed as a plausible approach to incorporate a variety of recreational inputs for describing sports fishing demand. Throughout the article, data deficiency is emphasized. Individual microlevel data about recreationists’ socioeconomic characteristics and expenditures as well as fishing site quality variables are necessary to improve the sports fishing valuation task.  相似文献   

Recreational fisheries that use rod and reel (i.e., angling) operate around the globe in diverse freshwater and marine habitats, targeting many different gamefish species and engaging at least 220 million participants. The motivations for fishing vary extensively; whether anglers engage in catch-and-release or are harvest-oriented, there is strong potential for recreational fisheries to be conducted in a manner that is both responsible and sustainable. There are many examples of recreational fisheries that are well-managed where anglers, the angling industry and managers engage in responsible behaviours that both contribute to long-term sustainability of fish populations and the sector. Yet, recreational fisheries do not operate in a vacuum; fish populations face threats and stressors including harvest from other sectors as well as environmental change, a defining characteristic of the Anthropocene. We argue that the future of recreational fisheries and indeed many wild fish populations and aquatic ecosystems depends on having responsible and sustainable (R&S) recreational fisheries whilst, where possible, addressing, or at least lobbying for increased awareness about the threats to recreational fisheries emanating from outside the sector (e.g., climate change). Here, we first consider how the concepts of R&S intersect in the recreational fishing sector in an increasingly complex socio-cultural context. Next, we explore the role of the angler, angling industry and decision-makers in achieving R&S fisheries. We extend this idea further by considering the consequences of a future without recreational fisheries (either because of failures related to R&S) and explore a pertinent case study situated in Uttarakahand, India. Unlike other fisheries sectors where the number of participants is relatively small, recreational angling participants are numerous and widespread, such that if their actions are responsible, they have the potential to be a key voice for conservation and serve as a major force for good in the Anthropocene. What remains to be seen is whether this will be achieved, or if failure will occur to the point that recreational fisheries face increasing pressure to cease, as a result of external environmental threats, the environmental effects of recreational fishing and emerging ethical concerns about the welfare of angled fish.  相似文献   

The summer flounder, or fluke, Paralichthys dentatus, supports the most important commercial and recreational flatfish fisheries of the US Atlantic coast. The stock and fishery range from Massachusetts to North Carolina. The assessment and management of the summer flounder fishery has been very contentious since implementation of the joint Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission/Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Fishery Management Plan (FMP) in 1989, when the poor status of the summer flounder stock was evident to scientists, managers, and fishermen. Management efforts to control fishing mortality in the face of increasing stock abundance and competing demand for fish from both the commercial and recreational sectors continue to evoke the question of “How much fish is enough?” to provide for long-term sustainability. In spite of the numerous controversies, however, by 2010 the fishing mortality on summer flounder had declined to its lowest level in at least 30 years, and summer flounder stock biomass was the highest since the stock assessments began in the 1960s. From a scientific perspective, future assessments need to: (a) better account for the uncertainty resulting from “internal model” retrospective error, (b) better integrate environmental, ecological, and other non-traditional calibration indices into the modeling framework, and (c) better discern summer flounder stock-recruitment dynamics by considering covariates such as environmental factors and predator/prey abundance. Initiatives are underway to acquire improved fishery and biological data to allow the assessments to better reflect the true “state of nature.”  相似文献   

Wang  Genmei  Chen  Jie  Zhu  Yiyong 《Plant and Soil》2022,470(1-2):51-63
Plant and Soil - Organic matter addition is an important management practice for maintaining soil fertility and the sustainability of artificial ecosystems. However, the effects of different types...  相似文献   

A sustainable human population (e.g., range, density, and total numbers) is essential to health and in management. The notion of sustainability applies to all species and ecosystems and to the biosphere. Sustainability involves the health not only of individual humans, but also of ecosystems and other species. Thus, sustainability of the human population is important because of the wealth of factors involved: both the elements of systems it affects and those that contribute to its size. In this article, I address the sustainability of the human population on the basis of the argument that other species serve as examples of sustainability at the species level—an example of an application of systemic management that simultaneously accounts for complexity and achieves measurable health for individuals, species, and ecosystems. I conclude that the human population is two to four orders of magnitude larger than is optimally sustainable when compared with the populations of other mammalian species of similar body size and that this is a significant contributor to health problems for our species, other species, and ecosystems—a systemic pathology.  相似文献   

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