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刘童祎  姜立云  乔格侠 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22300-11457
本文以2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫(除昆虫纲鞘翅目、双翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目之外的其他昆虫类群)发表的新分类单元为研究对象, 系统编汇了新分类单元信息、模式标本名录与文献目录, 并分析了描述新种的热点地区、模式标本存放情况以及发表期刊的特点等。2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫描述了新属35个, 新物种386个以及1个新种下分类单元, 共计422个新分类单元; 基于对新物种在省级行政区分布的分析, 新物种发现的热点地区分布于中国西南(云南、贵州以及四川等)及其邻近地区(广西和西藏等), 而以200 km × 200 km栅格为操作单位, 新物种发现的热点地区主要集中在山地地区。395位研究者参与了本年度新分类单元命名和描述工作, 相关结果发表在28种期刊上, 共205篇文章。本研究及时更新了2021年度中国半翅目等29目昆虫的生物多样性基础数据, 对于加快建设数据共享平台、支撑生物多样性保护和管理, 以及保障国门生物安全等具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

鞘翅目昆虫是陆地上最大的生物类群, 具有极为丰富的物种多样性和形态多样性, 在陆地生态系统中发挥着重要作用, 与人类社会生产密不可分。定期对世界鞘翅目新分类单元进行汇总整理, 有助于更好地了解鞘翅目多样性的发展动态, 从而促进对生态系统结构与功能的了解以及鞘翅目昆虫资源的开发与保护。本文对2020年发表的世界鞘翅目分类学文献进行了系统地整理与分析。结果表明, 2020年共发表世界鞘翅目新分类单元3,228个(含化石种类), 包括1个新科5个新亚科13个新族218个新属18个新亚属2,973个新种; 提出了1,319个新组合610个新异名49个降级的分类单元及61个升级的分类单元。重点研究的类群包括隐翅虫科(Staphylinidae)、步甲科(Carabidae)、象甲科(Curculionidae)、天牛科(Cerambycidae)等。世界鞘翅目昆虫新物种模式标本产地涉及118个国家和地区, 大部分新物种分布于中国、巴西、墨西哥、厄瓜多尔、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚和越南。收录世界鞘翅目昆虫新发表种的论文/专著共995篇/部, 涉及期刊或出版社141个。2020年, 世界鞘翅目分类学取得了显著进展, 但同时也暴露了新种发现速度略慢于1978-2000年的平均速度以及地区和类群研究力度不均衡的问题, 未来仍需加大投入, 探寻更加高效准确的方法, 以期实现对全球生物多样性的全面评估和保护。  相似文献   

潘雪  刘冬 《生物多样性》2022,30(12):22193-80
甲螨是土壤动物主要的三大类群之一, 数量庞大且种类丰富。截至2020年, 中国已报道的甲螨仅占世界所有已知甲螨种类的7.6%, 这与我国已知甲螨种类真实物种状况仍有较大的差距。值此中国甲螨学开创100周年之际, 本研究以甲螨亚目为研究对象, 分别基于世界2020-2021年度和中国2007-2021年度发表的分类学文献资料, 编制了世界新增分类单元名录和近15年中国发表甲螨新种名录, 分析了新分类单元的地理分布、学者贡献和出版刊物情况。研究结果表明, 2020-2021年, 世界甲螨亚目共描述238个新分类单元, 包括新属及新亚属21个, 新种217个; 新分类单元发表的热点地区在埃塞俄比亚界、东洋界和新热带界; 描述的新分类单元由27位作者所贡献, 其中外国学者贡献占比高; 论文均发表在国外期刊上, Systematic and Applied Acarology是新分类单元发表的主要期刊。2007-2021年, 中国发表甲螨亚目新种183个, 无新科和新属发表; 新种发表的热点地区在华南区和西南区; 描述的新种由24位作者所贡献, 中国学者占主要贡献; 论文多发表在国外期刊上, Systematic and Applied AcarologyZootaxa是新分类单元发表的主要期刊。基于以上结果, 本文认为目前从事甲螨分类学研究的学者相对较少, 发表的新分类单元在类群分布和区域分布上均表现出极不均衡的现象。传统分类学未来的发展将面临机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

本文总结了2020年中国双翅目分类研究的进展以及分类学者们对双翅目分类的科学贡献, 并对中国双翅目新分类单元的种类、分布地、发表期刊以及发表新分类单元数量的学者进行了统计。基于统计得到的中国双翅目标本2020年发表的3新属113新种, 本研究发现果蝇科(Drosophilidae) (31新种)、缟蝇科(Lauxaniidae) (17新种)和摇蚊科(Chironomidae) (17新种)新分类单元最多; 云南(43新种)、西藏(19新种或新属)和四川(17新种或新属)发现的新分类单元最多; 发表新分类单元最多的期刊为ZooKeys (30新种或新属)、Zootaxa (27新种或新属) 和《昆虫分类学报》(22新种或新属); 发表新分类单元最多的双翅目学者分别为华南农业大学陈宏伟团队、中国农业大学杨定团队和南开大学王新华团队。  相似文献   

姚志远  李枢强 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1058-496
本文总结了2020年发表的中国蜘蛛新分类单元和中国分类学者发表的国外蜘蛛新分类单元。基于国内标本, 2020年共发表中国蜘蛛223个新分类单元, 其中中国学者在12种期刊的56篇文章中命名了1新亚科、12新属和201新种, 国外学者命名了9新种, 合计210新种。云南是发现新种数量最多的省份, 占全国发现新种总数的38.1%。基于缅甸等12个国家标本, 2020年中国分类学者发表了外国蜘蛛95个新分类单元, 包括2新科、7新属和86新种。本文还总结了过去5年中国分类学者对全球蜘蛛分类的贡献, 2016‒2020年有1位中国学者发表771个新分类单元。  相似文献   

蜘蛛是陆地生态系统中重要的捕食者, 也是多样性最高的陆生节肢动物类群之一。定期对蜘蛛目新分类单元进行汇总整理, 有助于更好地了解蜘蛛多样性研究的发展动态。本文总结了2021年全球发表的蜘蛛新分类单元。2021年全世界304位学者在64种刊物的254篇文章中发表了81个国家的975个蜘蛛新分类单元(含琥珀), 包括47新属928新种, 隶属81科。中国是发现新种最多的国家, 占世界新种总数的28.7%; 中国学者李枢强命名的新分类单元最多, 占世界新分类单元总数的21.8%。数码图像已成为蜘蛛分类研究中最重要的类型图, 使用数码图的论文占总数的95.2%; 基于两性标本发表的新种多于单性的新种, 占比达到60.3%。2021年中国学者发表了中国、缅甸等15个国家的330个新分类单元, 包括13新属317新种, 隶属39科; 中国学者2021年发表的新分类单元对世界的贡献率达到了33.8%, 高于2016-2020年的平均贡献率(28.1%)。  相似文献   

万霞  张丽兵 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1003-6511
为了解世界维管植物新物种的基本信息, 明确生物多样性面临的威胁, 总结未来研究方向, 本文对2020年世界维管植物新物种的数据进行了统计分析。根据国际植物名称索引(IPNI)的记录, 截至2021年2月1日, 2020年全球发现1,747种维管植物新种, 由1,544名植物学家(264位中国植物学家, 1,280位国外植物学家)发表在103种期刊和5本书中。1,747种维管植物新种包括被子植物1,689种、蕨类植物52种、裸子植物6种。其中大部分来源于维管植物最大的几个科, 例如菊科、兰科和胡椒科。植物学家描述的美洲南部和热带亚洲维管植物新种超过828种, 是2020年维管植物新种发现最重要的两个地区。中国、巴西和马达加斯加是2020年贡献维管植物新种最多的前三位, 分别有247、223、99个新种。值得关注的是, PhytotaxaPhytoKeys是2020年发表维管植物新种的主要期刊, 分别发表644种和168种。在各物种新名称中, 有5个无效名称和2个不合法名称。尽管近年来对生物多样性的关注日益增加, 但世界上仍有许多物种尚未被发现, 需要对各个地区植物进一步调查和研究, 尤其是生物多样性热点地区和岛屿地区。  相似文献   

林晨  张冰  王亮  杨定 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22192-229
双翅目是世界上昆虫种类最为繁多的类群之一, 具有重要的经济和生态意义。本文对2021年国内外学者发表的中国双翅目新分类单元进行了系统的整理和总结。2021年共发表中国双翅目新分类单元136个, 涉及27个科, 包括新属1个, 新种135个; 增加了中国新记录属4个, 新记录种37个。在2021年发表的所有中国双翅目新种中, 果蝇科、舞虻科、摇蚊科和大蚊科的数量最多, 占全年发表新种总数的1/2。新分类单元和新记录涉及23个省级行政区, 云南发表的新种数明显高于其他地区, 占全国新种发表总数的1/3。2021年双翅目的新分类单元由150位作者贡献, 发表论文70篇; ZootaxaZooKeys和昆虫分类学报是发表中国双翅目新分类单元的主要期刊。2021年, 中国双翅目分类研究取得了很大进展, 但其在不同地区和类群间的研究水平并不均衡, 未来仍需投入更多的关注和支持。  相似文献   

为分析中国直翅目正模标本的物种组成、保存地点、随时间的变化趋势以及其空间分布情况, 本文结合世界直翅目分类数据库、《中国昆虫模式标本名录》以及部分物种命名的原始文献的记载, 对采集自中国境内的直翅目正模标本信息进行了统计。结果表明: (1)采自中国的直翅目正模标本共3,070份, 超过全世界的10%, 分属2亚目11总科20科58亚科594属; (2)具有保存地信息的3,044份标本中, 存放于中国的为2,705份, 涉及中国44个科研院所, 其余标本分散保存于其他15个国家; (3)根据每年描述新种数量的变化情况, 物种的发表过程有停滞期、波动增长期和快速增长期3个阶段, 物种描述数量随年份呈现显著上升趋势; (4)不同省份采集到的正模标本数量存在明显差异, 多集中在山地和丘陵地区。我国直翅目正模标本大部分都保存于我国各高校和科研院所, 目前每年我国直翅目仍有不少新种在发表, 物种数还有很大的上升空间, 建议国家加大对传统分类学的支持和对年轻分类学家的培养。  相似文献   

本文对中国膜翅目昆虫2020年发表的新分类单元进行了梳理和总结。结合数据库检索和统计表格征集, 基于采自中国的膜翅目昆虫标本记录, 全世界膜翅目学者于2020年共发表涉及中国膜翅目分类单元的期刊论文104篇、出版1本图书专著, 分类单元新增及变动条目共469条: 4个新属(其中1个绝灭属), 1个新亚属, 321个新种(其中10个绝灭种), 8个新组合, 22个新异名, 1个中国新记录亚科, 18个中国新记录属, 93个中国新记录种, 1个替代名。绝灭类群有11条, 涉及3总科3科5属; 现生膜翅目有458条, 涵盖11总科29科170属, 其中6科40属不涉及新种。发表现生膜翅目新种的9总科23科130属: 广腰亚目(Symphyta)叶蜂总科(Tenthredinoidea) 23个新种; 细腰亚目(Apocrita)针尾部(Aculeata) 3个总科(蜜蜂总科(Apoidea) 29个新种、青蜂总科(Chrysidoidea) 2个新种、胡蜂总科(Vespoidea) 20个新种); 细腰亚目寄生部(Parasitica) 5个总科(小蜂总科(Chalcidoidea) 23个新种、瘿蜂总科(Cynipoidea) 12个新种、姬蜂总科(Ichneumonoidea) 206个新种、广腹细蜂总科(Platygastroidea) 4个新种、钩腹蜂总科(Trigonalyoidea) 2个新种)。2020年发表的所有中国膜翅目新种中, 姬蜂总科新种数量最多, 约占全年发表新种总数的2/3。云南、浙江、西藏、福建和辽宁等5个省级行政区为2020年中国膜翅目新种分布最多的省份, 超过全年发表新种总数的1/2。基于以上结果, 本文对膜翅目分类学现状和发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from representatives of the five insect orders in superorder Neuropteroidea were examined by electron microscopy following a new fixation method that includes tannic acid in the primary fixative but has uranyl acetate rather than osmium tetroxide as the secondary fixative. The sperm axoneme was found to be similar in the four orders Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera, and Coleoptera, and is characterized above all by its so-called intertubular material being divided into two portions, one located outside, but in contact with the doublet, and the other projecting from the accessory tubule and having a beak-like shape. These features have not been seen in insects from other orders and may be a synapomorphy for these neuropteroid orders. The accessory tubules in these four orders have 16 protofilaments. The shape of the accessory bodies adjacent to the mitochondrial derivatives is nearly the same in insects from the more primitive neuropteroid orders and in Coleoptera. The sperm tail of the examined strepsipteran deviates in several respects from that of other neuropteroids: the particle row in the wall of accessory tubules is incomplete, an intertubular material is missing, and the mitochondria contain no crystal. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The evolutionary conservation and versatility of a new set of nuclear primers for the amplification of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions in insects and other invertebrates have been studied. These primers, conserved across Insecta and other invertebrates, are based on a comprehensive taxonomic survey of the current DNA sequence databases. Their versatility was demonstrated by extensive polymerase chain reaction assays in 16 species from two arachnid orders, eight insect orders, three invertebrate and vertebrate chordate orders and by direct sequencing of the amplified products. The availability of these primers to the insect research community should facilitate the use of internal transcribed spacer regions in intraspecific studies as well as phylogenetic analysis of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

The order Chaetophorales includes filamentous green algae whose taxonomic relationships to other chlorophycean orders is uncertain. Chaetophoralean taxa include filamentous species which are both branched and unbranched. Ultrastructural studies of zoospores have revealed similar flagellar apparatuses in a number of genera, including Uronema, Stigeoclonium, and Fritschiella, suggesting a close phylogenetic relationship among these taxa. The order Oedogoniales represents a second group of branched and unbranched filamentous green algae whose relationships to other chlorophycean orders also has been unclear. A possible close relationship between the Chaetophorales and Oedogoniales has been suggested. Using DNA sequences from the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA) of several members of each order, we have examined the monophyly of the Chaetophorales and Oedogoniales, as well as the nature of their relationship to other chlorophycean orders. Our results show that chaetophoralean and oedogonialean taxa form separate monophyletic groups. Results also suggest that the two orders are not closely related to each other.  相似文献   

西藏珍稀野生动物资源与分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王建林 《生物多样性》1997,5(4):271-275
西藏珍稀野生动物有125种,隶属于16目29科86属。其中:哺乳类52种,隶属于5目13科34属;鸟类69种,隶属于8目13科49属;其它种类4种。本文择其重要种类介绍了西藏珍稀野生动物的分布。  相似文献   

Glycerol-based medium (BM) with and without the addition of 1 g/L ascorbic acid (Asc) and/or 100 mg/L (±)-catechin (Cat) was tested for the storage of three commercial wine yeasts at −20 °C. The medium supplemented with Asc was also used to store 706 strains to verify the maintenance of the liquid state. A decline in survival throughout the storage period was observed. The media containing Asc maintained viability better than the other three. The BM caused a loss of viability of 7 orders for one strain and of 6 orders for the other two. All three strains exhibited a loss of viability of 4 orders when stored in BM+Asc. Two strains decreased viability by 5 orders while one strain by 4 orders, when stored in BM+Cat. Two strains decreased viability by 6 orders while one strain by 5 orders, when stored in BM+Asc+Cat. Regarding the physical state of the medium tested on 706 yeast strains, three cases were observed: completely liquid (56.5 %), liquid with only the upper part frozen (40.4 %) without involving the yeast biomass settled at the bottom, and completely frozen (3.12 %). It is practicable to prepare a BM that remains liquid at −20 °C enhancing yeast viability when Asc is added as cryoprotectant.  相似文献   

Although aquatic plants are discussed as a unified biological group, they are phylogenetically well dispersed across the angiosperms. In this study, we annotated the aquatic taxa on the tree of vascular plants, and extracted the topology of these aquatic lineages to construct the tree of aquatic angiosperms. We also reconstructed the ancestral areas of aquatic families. We found that aquatic angiosperms could be divided into two different categories: the four aquatic orders and the aquatic taxa in terrestrial orders. Aquatic lineages evolved early in the radiation of angiosperms, both in the orders Nymphaeales and Ceratophyllales and among basal monocots (Acorales and Alismatales). These aquatic orders do not have any extant terrestrial relatives. They originated from aquatic habitats during the Early Cretaceous. Asia would have been one of the centers for early diversification of aquatic angiosperms. The aquatic families within terrestrial orders may originate from other areas besides Asia, such as America or Australia. The lineages leading to extant angiosperms diversified early in underexploited freshwater habitats. The four extant aquatic orders were relicts of an early radiation of angiosperm in aquatic environments. Their extinct ancestors might be aquatic early angiosperms.  相似文献   

Summary Anti-neuroparsin serum was immunohistochemically tested on brain and/or neurohemal organ from 40 insect species belonging to 13 orders, and from 8 non-insect invertebrate and 5 vertebrate representatives using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. In insects, immunostaining of only the A1 type of the protocerebral median neurosecretory cells was revealed in all species tested of Odonata. Dictyoptera, Isoptera and Orthoptera and in 2 species from the 9 other orders out of 13 orders tested. No immunostaining was detected in vertebrate and non-insect invertebrate species except in 2 annelid species out of 4 tested. The distribution of neuroparsin-like products in Coelomata appears to be restricted mainly to 4 phylogenetically close insect orders.  相似文献   

Abstract The herbivorous arthropod fauna of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Khun), at a site near Sydney, Australia, is described and compared with previously reported bracken faunas in other geographic regions. Monthly sampling over 18 months found 17 species of herbivorous arthropods (15 insect and two mite species) from five orders. At the ordinal level, the mixture differed substantially from the bracken faunas of sites in Britain and Papua New Guinea. Notable was the presence of Thysanoptera and Acari, and the absence of Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. The mixtures of orders/families represented in the site bracken faunas in Britain, and less so in Australia, resembled those in the pool of herbivorous arthropods in those regions. Further, the mixture of orders on bracken was more similar to the mixture of orders on other ferns than to the mixture of orders among herbivorous insects on all plants; such similarity was not evident at family level. Compared with sites in other regions, the Sydney site had an abundance of pinna-sucking species and a dearth of mining species. Differences between regions in feeding niches most occupied tended to correspond with the differences in orders represented. Not all features of the fauna of bracken near Sydney reflected differences in the general herbivorous arthropod fauna of Australia compared with other regions, or differences between the herbivore faunas of ferns and seed plants. Its composition must be attributed in part to stochastic aspects of the speciation of herbivorous arthropods onto host plants.  相似文献   

Anti-neuroparsin serum was immunohistochemically tested on brain and/or neurohemal organ from 40 insect species belonging to 13 orders, and from 8 non-insect invertebrate and 5 vertebrate representatives using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. In insects, immunostaining of only the A1 type of the protocerebral median neurosecretory cells was revealed in all species tested of Odonata, Dictyoptera, Isoptera and Orthoptera and in 2 species from the 9 other orders out of 13 orders tested. No immunostaining was detected in vertebrate and non-insect invertebrate species except in 2 annelid species out of 4 tested. The distribution of neuroparsin-like products in Coelomata appears to be restricted mainly to 4 phylogenetically close insect orders.  相似文献   

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