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Host-plant resistance is the most practical and economical approach to control the rice planthoppers. However, up to date, few rice germplasm accessions that are resistant to the all three kinds of planthoppers (1) brown planthopper (BPH; Nilaparvata lugens Stål), (2) the small brown planthopper (SBPH; Laodelphax striatellus Fallen), and (3) the whitebacked planthopper (WBPH, Sogatella furcifera Horvath) have been identified; consequently, the genetic basis for host-plant broad spectrum resistance to rice planthoppers in a single variety has been seldom studied. Here, one wild species, Oryza officinalis (Acc. HY018, 2n = 24, CC), was detected showing resistance to the all three kinds of planthoppers. Because resistance to WBPH and BPH in O. officinalis has previously been reported, the study mainly focused on its SBPH resistance. The SBPH resistance gene(s) was (were) introduced into cultivated rice via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Three QTLs for SBPH resistance detected by the SSST method were mapped and confirmed on chromosomes 3, 7, and 12, respectively. The allelic/non-allelic relationship and relative map positions of the three kinds of planthopper resistance genes in O. officinalis show that the SBPH, WBPH, and BPH resistance genes in O. officinalis were governed by multiple genes, but not by any major gene. The data on the genetics of host-plant broad spectrum resistance to planthoppers in a single accession suggested that the most ideally practical and economical approach for rice breeders is to screen the sources of broad spectrum resistance to planthoppers, but not to employ broad spectrum resistance gene for the management of planthoppers. Pyramiding these genes in a variety can be an effective way for the management of planthoppers.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical mechanisms of rice resistance to planthopper   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Key message

This article presents a comprehensive review on the genetic and biochemicalmechanisms governing rice-planthopper interactions, aiming to contribute substantialplanthopper control and facilitate breeding for resistance to planthoppers in rice.


The rice planthopper is the most destructive pest of rice and a substantial threat to rice production. The brown planthopper (BPH), white-backed planthopper (WBPH) and small brown planthopper (SBPH) are three species of delphacid planthoppers and important piercing-sucking pests of rice. Host-plant resistance has been recognized as the most practical, economical and environmentally friendly strategy to control planthoppers. Until now, at least 30, 14 and 34 major genes/quantitative trait loci for resistance to BPH, WBPH and SBPH have been identified, respectively. Recent inheritance and molecular mapping of gene analysis showed that some planthopper-resistance genes in rice derived from different donors aggregate in clusters, while resistance to these three species of planthoppers in a single donor is governed not by any one dominant gene but by multiple genes. Notably, Bph14, Bph26, Bph3 and Bph29 were successfully identified as BPH-resistance genes in rice. Biological and chemical studies on the feeding of planthoppers indicate that rice plants have acquired various forms of defence against planthoppers. Between the rice-planthopper interactions, rice plants defend against planthoppers through activation the salicylic acid-dependent systemic acquired resistance but not jasmonate-dependent hormone response pathways. Transgenic rice for the planthopper-resistance mechanism shows that jasmonate and its metabolites function diversely in rice’s resistance to planthopper. Understanding the genetic and biochemical mechanisms underlying resistance in rice will contribute to the substantial control of such pests and facilitate breeding for rice’s resistance to planthopper more efficiently.

褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens St(a)l是对水稻最具破坏性的害虫之一,OsLecRK1是水稻Bph3基因簇中对褐飞虱抗性贡献最大的基因.本文对RHTd(含Bph3)等材料进行了褐飞虱抗性评价,克隆并构建了OsLecRK1过量表达突变体水稻,利用该突变体分析了OsLecRK1基因对褐飞虱若虫存活率、若虫发育历期等生物学参数的影响.结果 表明,含Bph3基因水稻RHTd对褐飞虱的抗性明显地强于含Bph1基因水稻Mudgo和bph2基因水稻ASD7,RHTd水稻的褐飞虱受害指数仅为Mudgo和ASD7水稻的53.5%和24.1%.过量表达OsLecRK1基因能显著地增加水稻对褐飞虱的驱避性和抗生性,褐飞虱雌成虫偏好于在野生型水稻上产卵;突变体水稻上的褐飞虱若虫存活率显著地降低,仅为野生型水稻上若虫存活率的75.2% ~81.8%,且若虫发育历期显著地延长,羽化率和初羽化雌成虫体重均显著地降低;此外,褐飞虱在突变体水稻上取食分泌的蜜露量只有野生型上的40.3% ~ 60.9%,褐飞虱单雌产卵量只为野生型51% ~61.2%,卵孵化率只有野生型的52.2%~56.7%,均显著地减少.结果 表明,含Bph3基因水稻RHTd对褐飞虱的抗性明显地高于分别含Bph1、bph2的水稻Mudgo和ASD7;水稻Bph3基因座的OsLecRK1单个基因过量表达即可显著增加水稻对褐飞虱的抗性,OsLecRK1协同影响褐飞虱的多个生物学参数降低褐飞虱的适合度.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål; BPH) is one of the most serious rice pests worldwide. Growing resistant varieties is the most effective way to manage this insect, and wild rice species are a valuable source of resistance genes for developing resistant cultivars. BPH27 derived from an accession of Guangxi wild rice, Oryza rufipogon Griff. (Accession no. 2183, hereafter named GX2183), was primarily mapped to a 17-cM region on the long arm of the chromosome four. In this study, fine mapping of BPH27 was conducted using two BC1F2 populations derived from introgression lines of GX2183. Insect resistance was evaluated in the BC1F2 populations with 6,010 individual offsprings, and 346 resistance extremes were obtained and employed for fine mapping of BPH27. High-resolution linkage analysis defined the BPH27 locus to an 86.3-kb region in Nipponbare. Regarding the sequence information of rice cultivars, Nipponbare and 93-11, all predicted open reading frames (ORFs) in the fine-mapping region have been annotated as 11 types of proteins, and three ORFs encode disease-related proteins. Moreover, the average BPH numbers showed significant differences in 96–120 h after release in comparisons between the preliminary near-isogenic lines (pre-NILs, lines harboring resistance genes) and BaiR54. BPH growth and development were inhibited and survival rates were lower in the pre-NIL plants compared with the recurrent parent BaiR54. The pre-NIL exhibited 50.7 % reductions in population growth rates (PGR) compared to BaiR54. The new development in fine mapping of BPH27 will facilitate the efforts to clone this important resistant gene and to use it in BPH-resistance rice breeding.  相似文献   

水稻麦黄酮对褐飞虱的抗性潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌冰  董红霞  张茂新  徐迪  王敬淑 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1300-1307
使用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、无水乙醇和水依次对抗性水稻品种IR36乙醇提取物进行萃取,并测试了4种萃取物对褐飞虱的活性。结果发现乙酸乙酯萃取物处理后3d的活性最强,褐飞虱1~2龄若虫和3~4龄若虫的死亡率分别是26.0%和48.0%。乙酸乙酯萃取物经柱层析分离得到麦黄酮。将麦黄酮定量加入人工饲料中饲养褐飞虱3龄若虫15d。结果表明,褐飞虱3、4龄若虫的排蜜露量随着麦黄酮在饲料中浓度(50~500μg/ml)的增加而减少,褐飞虱3、4龄若虫的死亡率却随着麦黄酮在饲料中浓度的增加而显著提高。当饲料中麦黄酮的浓度为500μg/ml时,褐飞虱3、4龄若虫的死亡率分别为58.21%和31.75%。麦黄酮50~500μg/ml浓度处理,褐飞虱3龄和4龄若虫的发育历期和相对生长量与对照之间没有明显的差异,表明麦黄酮有拒食作用。用500μg/ml的麦黄酮溶液涂抹到对褐飞虱敏感的水稻品种TN1植株上对褐飞虱雌成虫有明显的拒食作用和忌避产卵作用。本项研究结果表明水稻源的麦黄酮在水稻对褐飞虱的抗性中有重要的作用。  相似文献   

野生大豆资源对大豆疫病抗病性和耐病性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆疫病是大豆重要病害之一,在世界范围内导致严重经济损失。防治大豆疫病最有效方法是利用抗病或耐病品种。筛选抗性资源是发掘抗性基因和抗病育种的基础。本研究鉴定了野生大豆资源对大豆疫病的抗病性和耐病性,以期发掘优异抗源。苗期用子叶贴菌块方法鉴定104份野生大豆资源对两个不同毒力的大豆疫霉分离物PSJS2(毒力型:1a,1b,1c,1d,1k,2,3a,3b,3c,4,5,6,7,8)和PS41-1(毒力型:1a,1d,2,3b,3c,4,5,6,7,8)抗性,结果表明33份资源抗PS41-1,35份资源抗PSJS2,其中18份抗两个分离物。在抗病性鉴定基础性上,用菌层接种方法对选择的82份资源进行耐病性鉴定,发现7份高耐病性资源。这些结果表明,野生大豆中可能含有新的大豆疫病抗病和(或)耐病资源,这些抗病或耐病资源可以用于未来大豆抗病育种,以丰富大豆对大豆疫病的抗性遗传基础。  相似文献   

In light of the growing concern over the potentially devastating impacts on biodiversity and food security of climate change and the massively growing world population, taking action to conserve crop wild relatives (CWR), is no longer an option — it is a priority. Crop wild relatives are species closely related to crops, including their progenitors, many of which have the potential to contribute beneficial traits to crops, such as pest or disease resistance, yield improvement or stability. They are a critical component of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), have already made major contributions to crop production and are vital for future food security; their systematic conservation in ways that ensure their continuing availability for use is therefore imperative. This is a complex, interdisciplinary, global issue that has been addressed by various national and international initiatives. Drawing on the lessons learnt from these initiatives we can now propose a global approach to CWR conservation, the key elements of which are: (1) estimating global CWR numbers, (2) assessment of the global importance of CWR diversity, (3) current conservation status, (4) threats to CWR diversity, (5) systematic approaches to CWR conservation, (6) CWR informatics, and (7) enhancing the use of CWR diversity.  相似文献   

Summary Mature seed-derived callus from an elite Chinese japonica rice cv. Ewan 5 was cotransformed with two plasmids, pWRG1515 and pRSSGNAl, containing the selectable marker hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), the reporter β-glucuronidase gene (gusA) and the snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin gene (gna) via particle bombardment. Thirty-five independent transgenic rice plants were regenerated from 177 bombarded calluses. Eighty-three percent of the transgenic plants contained all three genes, as revealed by Southern blot analysis. Western blot analysis revealed that 23 out of 29 gna-containing transgenic plants expressed Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) (79%) at various levels, with the highest expression being approximately 0.5% of total soluble protein. Genetic analysis confirmed Mendelian segregation of all three transgenes (gna, hpt and gusA) in the R2 progeny. Amongst the R2 generation two independent homozygous lines were identified that expressed all three transgenes. Insect bioassay and feeding tests showed that these homozygous lines had significant inhibition to rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens, BPH) by decreasing the survival, overall fecundity of BPH, retarding development, and decreasing the feeding of BPH. These BPH-resistant lines have been incorporated into a rice insect resistance breeding program. This is the first report that homozygous transgenic rice lines expressing GNA, developed by genetic transformation and through genetic analysis-based selection, conferred enhanced resistance to BPH.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression in response to brown planthopper feeding in rice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plant responses to herbivores are complex. 108 cDNA clones representing genes relating to plant responses to chewing insect-feeding, pathogen infection, wounding and other stresses were collected. Northern blot and cDNA array analysis were employed to investigate gene expression regulated by piercing-sucking insect, brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Homoptera: Dephacidae) on both the resistant and susceptible rice genotypes. After BPH feeding in rice for 72 h, the expression of most tested genes was affected. 14 genes in resistant rice variety B5 and 44 genes in susceptible MH63 were significantly up- or down-regulated. Most of the well-regulated genes were grouped in the categories of signaling pathways, oxidative stress/apoptosis, wound-response, drought-inducible and pathogen-related proteins. Those related to the flavonoid pathway, aromatic metabolidsm and the octadecanoid pathway were mostly kept unchanged or down-regulated. Our results indicate that BPH feeding induces plant responses which would take part in a jasmonic acid-independent pathway and crosstalk with those related to abiotic stress, pathogen invasion and phytohormone signaling pathways.  相似文献   



The brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) is a serious pest of rice in Asia. Development of novel control strategies can be facilitated by comparison of BPH feeding behaviour on varieties exhibiting natural genetic variation, and then elucidation of the underlying mechanisms of resistance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

BPH feeding behaviour was compared on 12 rice varieties over a 12 h period using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) and honeydew clocks. Seven feeding behaviours (waveforms) were identified and could be classified into two phases. The first phase involved patterns of sieve element location including non penetration (NP), pathway (N1+N2+N3), xylem (N5) [21] and two new feeding waveforms, derailed stylet mechanics (N6) and cell penetration (N7). The second feeding phase consisted of salivation into the sieve element (N4-a) and sieve element sap ingestion (N4-b). Production of honeydew drops correlated with N4-b waveform patterns providing independent confirmation of this feeding behaviour.


Overall variation in feeding behaviour was highly correlated with previously published field resistance or susceptibility of the different rice varieties: BPH produced lower numbers of honeydew drops and had a shorter period of phloem feeding on resistant rice varieties, but there was no significant difference in the time to the first salivation (N4-b). These qualitative differences in behaviour suggest that resistance is caused by differences in sustained phloem ingestion, not by phloem location. Cluster analysis of the feeding and honeydew data split the 12 rice varieties into three groups: susceptible, moderately resistant and highly resistant. The screening methods that we have described uncover novel aspects of the resistance mechanism (or mechanisms) of rice to BPH and will in combination with molecular approaches allow identification and development of new control strategies.  相似文献   

Brown plant hopper, a major pest in rice causes "hopper burn" in the field. The resistance gene for brown planthopper was mapped by using 20 recombinant inbred lines (RIL's) derived from a cross between resistant line Oryza. officinalis derivative (IR 54742-2-21-12-17-6) and a susceptible rice cultivar ASD 16 using bulked segregant analysis. On an average of 4 loci were amplified and two RAPD primers amplified loci that co-segregated with resistance/susceptibility. The segregating RAPD loci were mapped using Mapmaker programme into 13 groups. The expected and the 95% confidence level were found to be 15.2 and 47.7 cM respectively, confirming the location of the brown planthopper resistant gene on the region of chromosome 4. These RAPD markers will accelerate breeding programme for brown planthopper resistance.  相似文献   

Tan GX  Weng QM  Ren X  Huang Z  Zhu LL  He GC 《Heredity》2004,92(3):212-217
The whitebacked planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera, and brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens St?l are important sucking insects of rice (Oryza sativa L.) crops throughout the world. Rice 'B5', which has derived its resistance genes from the wild rice O. officinalis Wall ex Watt, is a line that is highly resistant to both WBPH and BPH. Previously, two resistance genes against BPH, Qbp1, and Qbp2 in 'B5' had been mapped onto chromosome 3 and chromosome 4, respectively. In this study, we employed a mapping population composed of 187 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), produced from a cross between 'B5' and susceptible variety 'Minghui63', to locate the WBPH and BPH resistance genes. A RFLP survey of the bulked extremes from the RIL population identified two genomic regions, one on chromosome 3 and the other on chromosome 4, likely containing the resistance genes to planthoppers. QTL analysis of the RILs further confirmed that two WBPH resistance genes were mapped on the same loci as Qbp1 and Qbp2, using a linkage map with 242 molecular markers distributed on 12 rice chromosomes. Of the two WBPH resistance genes, one designated Wbph7(t) was located within a 1.1-cM region between R1925 and G1318 on chromosome 3, the other designated Wbph8(t) was within a 0.3-cM region flanked by R288 and S11182 on chromosome 4. A two-way analysis of variance showed that two loci acted independently with each other in determining WBPH resistance. The results have significant implications in studying the interactions between sucking insects and plants and in breeding programs of resistance to rice planthoppers.  相似文献   

In the absence of high levels of resistance to Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) in the cultivated germplasm of chickpea, we evaluated accessions of Cicer spp. mostly Cicer reticulatum Ladzinsky, for resistance to this important pest. Under multichoice conditions in the field, 10 accessions showed lower leaf damage and lower numbers of eggs, larvae, or both of H. armigera. Of these, IG 69960, IG 72934, and IG 72936 showed significantly lower leaf feeding than the cultivated genotypes or other accessions at the vegetative and reproductive stages. Larval weight was lower or comparable with that on C. bijugum (IG 70019) and C. judaicum (IG 70032) in C. reticulatum accessions IG 72933, IG 72934, IG 72936, and IG 72953 at the seedling stage and on IG 69960 and IG 72934 at the flowering stage. The accessions showing resistance to H. armigera in the field and laboratory conditions were placed in different groups, indicating the presence of diversity in C. reticulatum accessions for resistance to this pest. Less than seven larvae survived on IG 70020, IG 72940, IG 72948, and IG 72949, and IG 72964 compared with 12 on ICC 506. Larval and total developmental periods were prolonged by 6-15 and 3-8 d, respectively, on C. reticultatum accessions compared with those on ICCC 37. Less than five larvae pupated on the C. reticulatum accessions (except IG 72958 and ICC 17163) compared with 11 in ICCC 37. Accessions showing lower leaf feeding and adverse effects on the survival and development can be used in increasing the levels and diversifying the basis of resistance to H. armigera in chickpea.  相似文献   

Identification and mapping of two brown planthopper resistance genes in rice   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The brown planthopper (BPH) is one of the most serious insect pests of rice. In this study, we conducted a molecular marker-based genetic analysis of the BPH resistance of ’B5’, a highly resistant line that derived its resistant genes from the wild rice Oryza officinalis. Insect resistance was evaluated using 250 F3 families from a cross between ’B5’ and ’Minghui 63’, based on which the resistance of each F2 plant was inferred. Two bulks were made by mixing, respectively, DNA samples from highly resistant plants and highly susceptible plants selected from the F2 population. The bulks were surveyed for restriction fragment length polymorphism using probes representing all 12 chromosomes at regular intervals. The survey revealed two genomic regions on chromosome 3 and chromosome 4 respectively that contained genes for BPH resistance. The existence of the two loci were further assessed by QTL (quantitative trait locus) analysis, which resolved these two loci to a 14.3-cM interval on chromosome 3 and a 0.4-cM interval on chromosome 4. Comparison of the chromosomal locations and reactions to BPH biotypes indicated that these two genes are different from at least nine of the ten previously identified BPH resistance genes. Both of the genes had large effects on BPH resistance and the two loci acted essentially independent of each other in determining t he resistance. These two genes may be a useful BPH resistance resource for rice breeding programs. Received: 6 March 2000 / Accepted: 28 July 2000  相似文献   

About 6800 groundnut germplasm accessions originating from South America, Africa, and Asia were evaluated for resistance to rosette disease using an infector row technique between the 1990/91 and 1996/97 growing seasons. Of these, 116 germplasm accessions, including 15 short-duration Spanish types, have shown high levels of resistance to rosette disease. A high percentage of these resistant accessions were from West Africa and a few were from Asia and southern Africa. Only one out of 1400 accessions from South America showed resistance to rosette disease. All disease-resistant accessions were susceptible to groundnut rosette assistor virus. This is the first report to identify sources of resistance to rosette disease in groundnut germplasm from Asia and South America. These additional sources of resistance provide an opportunity to broaden the genetic base of resistance to rosette disease. The origins of rosette resistance in groundnut are discussed.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of host plant resistance against insect pests can be manifold. Resistance screenings generally use single target insect pests, but the resistance thus screened may not always be specific to the target insect species. We conducted a test for non‐specific resistance in indica rice varieties with resistance genes against brown planthopper (BPH), by using the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. The test system was very simple, and only required the non‐pest moth to be reared on rice flour. We compared the survival rate, developmental period and adult weight of the moth on three rice varieties: ‘Nipponbare’, a BPH‐susceptible japonica variety, and ‘Thai Collection 11’ and ‘Pokkali’, two resistant indica varieties. Our results were straightforward and demonstrate that resistance in the two resistant rice varieties is not BPH specific, because development of the moth was retarded and adult body weight was reduced.  相似文献   

Snowdrop lectin ( Galanthus nivalis agglutinin; GNA) has been shown previously to be toxic towards rice brown planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ; BPH) when administered in artificial diet. BPH feeds by phloem abstraction, and causes ‘hopper burn’, as well as being an important virus vector. To evaluate the potential of the gna gene to confer resistance towards BPH, transgenic rice ( Oryza sativa L.) plants were produced, containing the gna gene in constructs where its expression was driven by a phloem-specific promoter (from the rice sucrose synthase RSs1 gene) and by a constitutive promoter (from the maize ubiquitin ubi1 gene). PCR and Southern analyses on DNA from these plants confirmed their transgenic status, and that the transgenes were transmitted to progeny after self-fertilization. Western blot analyses revealed expression of GNA at levels of up to 2.0% of total protein in some of the transgenic plants. GNA expression driven by the RSs1 promoter was tissue-specific, as shown by immunohistochemical localization of the protein in the non-lignified vascular tissue of transgenic plants. Insect bioassays and feeding studies showed that GNA expressed in the transgenic rice plants decreased survival and overall fecundity (production of offspring) of the insects, retarded insect development, and had a deterrent effect on BPH feeding. gna is the first transgene to exhibit insecticidal activity towards sap-sucking insects in an important cereal crop plant.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA of the OgPAE1 gene encoding the alpha5 subunit of the 20S proteasome was isolated from wild rice (Oryza grandiglumis) treated by wounding or with a fungal elicitor. The deduced amino acid sequence of OgPAE1 comprises 237 amino acids (25.99 kDa), and shows 94.5% homology with Arabidopsis thaliana AtPAE1. Expression of OgPAE1 is regulated by defense-related signaling chemicals such as cantharidin, endothall and jasmonic acid. Overexpression of OgPAE1 in A. thaliana leads to resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea by lowering disease rate and size of necrotic lesions, and by less penetration and colonization of fungal hyphae. The results indicate that the 20S proteasome from wild rice is involved in the B. cinerea defense pathway via an as yet undetermined mechanism.  相似文献   

Small brown planthopper (SBPH) and its transmitted rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease (RBSDVD) cause serious damage to rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Though breeding of resistant cultivars is believed to be one of the most important strategies for RBSDVD management, few high-resistance lines have been found to date. In the present study, we identified an indica variety, 9194, that is highly resistant to RBSDVD and analyzed the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying this resistance . In total, four QTLs for RBSDVD resistance, viz. qRBSDV3, qRBSDV6, qRBSDV9, and qRBSDV11, were identified. Among them, qRBSDV6, qRBSDV9, and qRBSDV11 with LOD (logarithm [base 10] of odds) scores of 4.42–4.48, 2.11–7.26, and 5.01–7.16 were repeatedly detected in 2 years, accounting for 10.3–16.7%, 8.3–35.5%, and 20.0–31.1% of the total phenotypic variation, respectively. Further, introgression of single- or multiple-resistance QTLs into a susceptible rice variety by marker-assisted selection (MAS) indicated that stacking the QTLs could progressively enhance RBSDVD resistance, suggesting that these QTLs act additively. The same population was also used for QTL mapping of SBPH resistance. Four QTLs, viz. qSBPH1, qSBPH5, qSBPH8, and qSBPH9, with LOD scores of 2.72, 2.78, 2.15, and 2.85 were detected, explaining 13.7%, 11.0%, 12.0%, and 21.0% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The identification of RBSDVD and SBPH resistance QTLs, and the development of single and multiple genes with pyramided lines, in this study provides innovative resources for molecular breeding of resistant rice cultivars.  相似文献   

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