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长城系串岭沟组球形疑源类的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国天津蓟县古元古代长城系串岭沟组页岩中保存有丰富的球形疑源类化石。本文对这一微化石组合进行了光学生物显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜的对比研究。研究发现,以往一些被作为属征的结构,如,膜壳壁的厚薄、网状纹饰和褶皱等,很可能是生物降解和成岩作用的结果。因此,以前描述的10个不同属的球形疑源类的系统分类有待于重新研究和厘定,也许把它们都归入光面球藻属Leiosphaeridia更合适。在透射电子显微镜下观察,球形疑源类壁的超微结构一致,都分为三层,中间层为电子密度低的较厚层,内层和外层为电子密度高的较薄层。这一特征与现生绿藻非常类似而与蓝藻包鞘明显不同,表明串岭沟组的球形疑源类可能与绿藻有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

疑源类是一类不能归入任何已知生物门类的单细胞原生生物的有机质壁囊孢。大多数疑源类可能是海生真核浮游植物的休眠囊孢。有些疑源类可能是沟鞭藻的囊孢 ,但缺乏足够的形态学证据来确认它们的分类位置。有些疑源类已经确认是绿藻 ,但为了便于研究 ,通常仍然将其包括在疑源类中。因此 ,疑源类是一类起源未知的或不确定的异源的、多源的有机壁微体化石集合体。疑源类的大小变异范围可以从 <10 μm到大于 1m m,但大多数种的大小在 15— 80 μm之间。由于疑源类个体小、数量丰富、分异度高 ,分布广 ,因此它们在生物地层对比、古生物地理学、古环境学研究中非常有用。几乎所有地层中都可以找到疑源类 ,但以晚元古代和古生代最为常见。因为疑源类代表元古代、古生代海洋食物链底层的化石记录 ,所以在全球海洋生态系统的演化上起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

山西南部永济地区位于东秦岭北坡 ,在该地区出露良好未变质的中—新元古代地层。在水幽剖面的中元古界汝阳群北大尖组中保存类型多样的微体化石 ,包括具刺疑源类 (Shuiyousphaeridium (Du)Yan ,emend .Yin ,1 997;TappaniaYin ,1 997) ,球形、舟形疑源类和多种带状、管状藻类化石。其大的膜壳 ,突起附属物 ,脱囊开口 ,以及同平面不规则分枝丝体等都显示了真核原生物的形态特征。线形和螺旋形微细管体和网状结构物首次见于部分带状丝体和膜状碎片 ,推测这些管状物是底栖藻类为适应干旱缺水环境而发育的输导或加固支撑的结构物。当前 ,以具刺疑源类Tappania为特征的相似微体化石组合相继在印度、澳大利亚南部中元古代地层中发现 ,揭示了约 1  相似文献   

淮南地区新元古代九里桥组主要由砂质和泥质灰岩、叠层石灰岩以及白云质灰岩组成,含有著名的“淮南生物群”的重要分子。研究采用浸解法在该组碳酸盐岩中发现了大量的疑源类化石,它们以球形亚类为主,在组合面貌上继承了其下伏刘老碑组的疑源类组合特征。但化石个体较大,多细胞植物碎片含量明显增加,化石在不同层位的分布不均匀是九里桥组疑源类组合的显著特征。另外在该组中还发现了一些新的疑源类化石如:Bailikania diligena,?Lomentunella vagtinata Hermann。文中还对九里桥组的凝源类组合与宏体化石、叠层石礁体的发育之间的关系等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

黔东早—中寒武世凯里组疑源类组合及其界线意义   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对台江八郎和丹寨两条剖面凯里组中疑源类化石的分析,研究,台江剖面产疑源类化石有17属35各(12未定种),其中以Leiosphaeridia,Synsphareidium,Cymatiosphaera,Pterospermella最为丰富,可划分为3个组合,即Cymatiosphaera cf.cristata-Fimbriaglomerella memebrancea组合,Cristallinium-Micrhystridium-Pterospermella组合和Dictyotidium-Granomarginata组合,丹寨平寨剖面凯里组所产疑源类化石有:13属21种(5未定种),同样划分为3个组合,即Leiosphaeridia-Tasmanites组合,Retisphaeridium-Micrhystridium tentatium组合和Baltisphaeridium-Bubomorpha hunjiangensis组合,本文对两条剖面中的凝源类化石的组成,相对含量做了详细的统计,发现在八郎剖面9-2层和平寨剖面3层疑源类的丰度,分异度开始发生明显的变化,表现由早寒武世向中寒武世疑源类组合面貌的转变,这一疑源类转变层位正好是与三叶虫划分的中,下寒武统界线的层位位置相一致,这充分表明疑源类化石可作为划分中,下寒武统的极有价值的微体生物化石证据。  相似文献   

产凯里生物群的台江八郎剖面凯里组疑源类组合包含 18形态属 ,2 0形态种和 11未定种 ,疑源类化石以无明显附属突起的球形亚类和翼环亚类最多 ,网面和棘剌亚类次之 ,而梭形亚类和对弧亚类很少。具有明显装饰的疑源类类型Micrhystridium ,Retisphaeridium ,Goniophaeridium仅在第 9层、第 2 1— 2 4层出现。在与国内外同期疑源类对比的基础上 ,对下、中寒武统界线进行了划分 ,划分的界线与三叶虫划分的界线位置大体一致 ,并根据疑源类组合特征 ,对沉积环境进行探讨。  相似文献   

从新疆哈密地区石城子北剖面7件样品获得分异度较高、有机质壁显著炭化保存的疑源类化石,根据其形态特征,共鉴定出14个形态属和15个形态种(其中8个未定种,3个比较种)。结合国内外古生代晚泥盆世已知疑源类组合进行比较,清楚表明当前获得的疑源类组合代表了晚泥盆世海洋微体浮游植物群面貌。我国涉及晚古生代疑源类生物地层的调查研究相对薄弱,而有关晚泥盆世疑源类化石的发现和报道更为匮乏,当前疑源类化石的发现,填补和丰富了新疆乃至国内晚泥盆世疑源类化石研究资料。该发现佐证了关于卡拉麦里洋在早石炭世闭合的认识;作为基础食物链的海洋微体浮游植物是重要成烃生物,晚泥盆世疑源类的保存预示研究区域具有石油、天然气勘察的前景。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地井下奥陶纪疑源类   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
从塔里木盆地覆盖区钻井样品中获取疑源类化石16属、28种。根据这些疑源类化石组成并结合分析其它古生物地层资料,表明产出该微化石组合的有关层段应为中、上奥陶统。  相似文献   

扬子台地北缘神农架群发育一套中元古代中期和晚期的海相碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层,其中台子组是神农架群中部地层,也是该群古生物化石丰度最高的组。本文利用化学浸泡法对中元古代中期台子组细粒碎屑岩进行微体化石研究,结果显示:台子组化石总的特征是组合简单、化石个体较小,大部分标本直径介于20-50μm。本文共鉴定出微体化石7属11种,包括光面球形类Leiosphaeridiacrassa、L.minutissima、L.jacutica、L.bicrura和Leiosphaeridiasp.,细胞聚合体Synsphaeridium sp.、Eomicrocystismalgica和相对复杂的疑源类Navifusa sp.、Satka sp.、Germinosphaera sp.与Arctacellularia tetragonala。台子组微体化石组合中原核生物是主要的化石类型,真核生物丰度很低。其化石多样性和膜壳平均直径远小于邻近时期的生物化石群落,这可能与台子组沉积期的地表环境特征以及独特的生物群落特征有关。拉曼光谱分析表明台子组有机质处于较高的热演化阶段,埋藏温度约280℃,过高的埋藏温度也可能降低了台子组化石保存质量。  相似文献   

新疆柯坪奥陶纪卡拉道克期疑源类   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述疑源类14属,22种,其中1新联合,2比较种,1未定种。该疑源类化石组合与美国、英国等地卡拉道克期的疑源类可以对比,并与伴生的三叶虫、笔石、牙形类化石所指示的时代相吻合。  相似文献   

Organic-walled microfossils offer important information on the biospheric evolution in pre-Cryogenian and provide biostratigraphic implications for many Proterozoic fossiliferous sequences that are poorly age constrained for the lack of reliable radiometric date. Recently, macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils have been reported for the first time from the Tonian Shiwangzhuang Formation of the Tumen Group in western Shandong, North China. However, organic-walled microfossils have never been discovered from this formation up till now. To improve our knowledge about Proterozoic biodiversity in North China, we conducted a micropaleontological survey on the argillaceous limestone samples of the Shiwangzhuang Formation, which also contain macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils, from the Baishicun section in Anqiu, western Shandong, North China. Our investigation shows that the Shiwangzhuang microfossil assemblage is dominated by smooth-walled sphaeromorphic acritarchs and cyanobacterium-like filaments and relatively low abundance of other acritarchs, including 16 taxa, such as Polysphaeroides filliformis, Ostiana microcystis, Simia annulare, ?Jacutianema sp., Arctacellularia tetragonala, Pellicularia tenera, Polythrichoides lineatus, and Navifusa actinomorpha. The Shiwangzhuang organic-walled microfossil assemblage, although consisting of long-ranging and not age diagnostic taxa, is consistent with a Tonian age suggested by macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils, including the Chuaria-Tawuia and Sinosabellidites-Protoarenicola-Pararenicola assemblages, revealed from the same fossiliferous horizon of the Shiwangzhuang Formation and by organic-walled microfossil assemblage, including the late Mesoproterozoic to Tonian index fossil Trachyhystrichosphaera aimika, from the underlying Tongjiazhuang Formation. However, it is also worth noting that a Cryogenian or Ediacaran age cannot be completely excluded based just on the Shiwangzhuang microfossils because of their limited biostratigraphic utility.  相似文献   

The late Mesoproterozoic to Tonian (∼1100 Ma to ∼720 Ma) witnessed a critical evolutionary transition in Earth history. Several fossil taxa, including acritarchs and vase-shaped microfossils, have been suggested as potential diagnostic fossils for this time interval. The acanthomorphic acritarch Trachyhystrichosphaera aimika has become a focus of recent biostratigraphic investigations, showing great potential to assist the definition of the Tonian Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). Although T. aimika has been extensively reported in the Proterozoic sequences, little is known about its phylogenetic interpretation. Its palaeogeographic and stratigraphic distributions need to be critically scrutinized with recently emended diagnosis of the taxon and new published age constraints. In this study, we report new palaeobiological data of T. aimika specimens from the Tonian Liulaobei Formation in the Huainan region, North China, using transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Our analyses reveal a multilayered ultrastructure from the vesicle wall of T. aimika that has experienced advanced diagenesis to low-grade metamorphism with the peak palaeotemperature of ∼212 °C. In addition, a compilation of palaeogeographic occurrences of T. aimika shows the taxon is preserved in a wide range of palaeoenvironments and has a broad palaeogeographic distribution with a relatively limited stratigraphic range from ∼1150 Ma to ∼720 Ma, suggesting that T. aimika has great potential to become an index fossil for the late Mesoproterozoic to Tonian interval.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in South China is underlain by the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation (glacial rocks) and overlain by the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation. It is characterized by well-preserved, large (normally >100 μm in size) spinose acritarchs (LSAs), which have been shown to be probably the only useful biostratigraphic tool for the global correlation of the early- and middle-Ediacaran. Acritarchs are organic microfossils normally known as single-celled eukaryotic organisms (protists). Although recent research suggests that some large spinose acritarchs may represent diapause egg cysts of metazoans, the biological affinities of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs, especially for those displaying remarkable size ranges, are still debatable.Recently, smaller specimens of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs have been found in cherts and phosphorites of the Doushantuo Formation in South China. Many described Ediacaran spinose acritarch taxa display large size variation (from tens to hundreds of microns in vesicle diameter), but some taxa only have smaller (<70 μm) specimens. The morphological comparison with Paleozoic counterparts indicates that some Ediacaran spinose acritarchs may have phylogenetic affinity to eukaryotic algae. More evidence, including wall ultra-structure, geochemical analysis and comparison with modern analogs, is needed to understand the biological affinity of the Ediacaran spinose acritarchs. The remarkable radiation of planktonic protists, characterized by abundant, diverse spinose acritarchs, occurred as early as in the late Neoproterozoic, i.e., 40–60 million years earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were performed on concatenated data sets of 31 genes and 11,789 unambiguously alignable characters from 37 cyanobacterial and 35 chloroplast genomes. The plastid lineage emerged somewhat early in the cyanobacterial tree, at a time when Cyanobacteria were likely unicellular and restricted to freshwater ecosystems. Using relaxed molecular clocks and 22 age constraints spanning cyanobacterial and eukaryote nodes, the common ancestor to the photosynthetic eukaryotes was predicted to have also inhabited freshwater environments around the time that oxygen appeared in the atmosphere (2.0–2.3 Ga). Early diversifications within each of the three major plastid clades were also inferred to have occurred in freshwater environments, through the late Paleoproterozoic and into the middle Mesoproterozoic. The colonization of marine environments by photosynthetic eukaryotes may not have occurred until after the middle Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.5 Ga). The evolutionary hypotheses proposed here predict that early photosynthetic eukaryotes may have never experienced the widespread anoxia or euxinia suggested to have characterized marine environments in the Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic. It also proposes that earliest acritarchs (1.5–1.7 Ga) may have been produced by freshwater taxa. This study highlights how the early evolution of habitat preference in photosynthetic eukaryotes, along with Cyanobacteria, could have contributed to changing biogeochemical conditions on the early Earth.  相似文献   

中国南方扬子地台震旦系陡山沱组产出丰富的微体化石,它们主要保存在磷块岩以及燧石结核和条带中。文章详细报道湖北峡东地区九龙湾剖面震旦系陡山沱组微体化石,描述以前未曾在峡东地区碳酸盐相燧石中发现的8属8种微体化石。研究九龙湾剖面陡山沱组大型带刺疑源类、微体多细胞藻类和动物胚胎化石的分布特征,发现Tianzhushania spinosa是最早出现的大型带刺疑源类分子,大冰期后微体生物的辐射是一个阶段性渐进的过程。同时.本项研究进一步证实华南扬子区陡山沱组碳酸盐相燧石和磷块岩地层中保存的微体化石面貌基本一致。  相似文献   

Moczyd?owska, M., Schopf, J.W. & Willman, S. 2009: Micro‐ and nano‐scale ultrastructure of cell walls in Cryogenian microfossils: revealing their biological affinity. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 129–136. Recently established protocols and methods in advanced microscopy and spectrometry applied to studies of ancient unicellular organic‐walled microfossils of uncertain biological affinities (acritarchs) provide new evidence of the fine ultrastructure of cell walls and their biochemistry that support the interpretation of some such microfossils as photosynthesizing microalgae. The micro‐scale and nanoscale ultrastructure of the cell walls of late Cryogenian sphaeromorphic acritarchs from the Chichkan Formation (Kazakhstan) revealed by the advanced techniques and studied originally by Kempe et al. (2005) is here further analysed and compared with that of modern microalgal analogues. On the basis of such comparison, we interpret the preserved cell wall ultrastructure to reflect original layering and lamination within sub‐layers of the fossil wall, rather than being a result of taphonomic and diagenetic alteration. The outer thick layer represents the primary wall and the inner layer the secondary wall of the cell, whereas the laminated amorphous sub‐layers, 10–20 nm in thickness and revealed by transmission electron and atomic force microscopy, are recognized as trilaminar sheath structure. Because two‐layered cell walls, trilaminar sheaths and the position of the TLS within the fossil cell wall are characteristic of the mature developmental state in cyst morphogenesis in modern microalgae, we infer that the Chichkan sphaeromorphs are probably resting cells (aplanospores) of chlorophyceaen green microalgae from the order Volvocales. □Biological affinity, cell wall, Cryogenian, microfossils, ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Six acritarch species from the Lükati Formation were studied using a combination of techniques, including transmitted light, scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron (TEM) microscopy. New details of wall ultrastructure, surface microsculpture and internal morphology of the vesicle and processes significantly add to the previously known morphological features and increase the understanding of the form-genera Archaeodiscina, Globosphaeridium, Comasphaeridium, Skiagia, Tasmanites and Leiosphaeridia. Examination of microfossils using TEM revealed a substantial variation in wall ultrastructure among acritarchs. The diversity includes four structural types of vesicle wall in addition to their single- and multi-layered structure and the variable thickness of the wall. These are: electron-tenuous and fibrous; electron-dense and homogeneous; electron-dense and homogeneous but perforated by radial canals; and composite laminated structure. Morphologically recognised groupings of acritarchs (acanthomorphic, disphaeromorphic, sphaeromorphic) and tasmanitid taxa appear to be characterised by particular features of the wall structure, although the wall structure in itself may not be directly indicative of systematic relationships. Structurally diverse vesicle walls are observed in Tasmanites and Leiosphaeridia, taxa that both have been interpreted, based on other lines of evidence, to be of prasinophycean (green algal) affinities. The distinct wall ultrastructure of the Leiosphaeridia studied is similar to that of extant green algal genera, which provides evidence that some Cambrian leiosphaerids were chlorophycean algae, probably related to the Order Chlorococcales. Previous research and interpretations of the wall ultrastructure are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Micrhystridium -like acritarchs are widely distributed in basal Cambrian cherts and phosphorites in South China. This paper describes similar acritarchs from the basal Cambrian Yurtus and Xishanblaq formations in Tarim, north-west China. The taxonomy of these acritarchs is revised. The basal Cambrian acritarch assemblage in Tarim and South China is characterized by three genera: Asteridium Moczydłowska, Heliosphaeridium Moczydłowska and Comasphaeridium Staplin, Jansonius and Pocock. This assemblage is named the Asteridium - Heliosphaeridium - Comasphaeridium (AHC) acritarch assemblage. In both South China and Tarim, the AHC acritarch assemblage is associated with the tubular microfossil Megathrix longus Yin L. and the small shelly fossil Kaiyangites novilis Qian and Yin G. This assemblage also occurs in the Lower Tal Formation in the Lesser Himalaya. Correlation with small shelly fossil (SSF) assemblages indicates that the AHC assemblage is restricted to the Meishucunian Stage, and possibly to the lower Meishucunian ( Anabarites trisulcatus - Protohertzina anabarica and Siphogonuchites triangularis - Paragloborilus subglobosus SSF assemblages). The AHC assemblage is broadly similar to the Asteridium tornatum - Comasphaeridium velvetum (acritarch) Zone in the East European Platform, which is considered to be Nemakit-Daldynian (and possibly Tommotian) in age.  相似文献   

A dispersed plant microfossil assemblage is described from Late Silurian deposits from Guangyuan, Sichuan, China. These strata are interpreted as nearshore, shallow marine deposits, and brachiopods suggest a late Ludlow–early Pridoli age. The palynomorph assemblage is dominated by terrestrial forms, including cryptospores and trilete spores, tubular structures and cuticle-like sheets, although rare marine acritarchs are also present. This microfossil assemblage is comparable to coeval assemblages from around the world (South and Southwest Wales; Libya; Canada; Southeastern Turkey; Northwest Spain; and Jiangsu, China). The sporomorphs from this assemblage indicate the existence of early land plants during the late Ludlow–early Pridoli in Guangyuan, Sichuan, China; and suggests that floras of this age were cosmopolitan and exhibited little palaeogeographical differentiation.  相似文献   

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