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目的:克隆耐辐射球菌ddrO基因,并对其进行生物信息学分析,预测其功能。方法:根据耐辐射球菌ddrO基因序列,由Primer Premier 5设计一对引物,以提取的耐辐射球菌基因组为模板,PCR扩增获得耐辐射球菌ddrO基因,序列测定并利用生物信息学软件对ddrO基因的理化性质、高级结构及生物学功能等进行分析与预测。结果:成功获得了ddrO基因。生物信息学分析发现,ddrO基因核苷酸序列长度为396bp,编码一个131aa组成的相对分子质量为14.993kD的预测的DdrO转录因子。核酸同源性搜索及比较分析仅在与耐辐射球菌同属的Deinococcus geothermalis和Deinococcus deserti中发现高度相似的序列;蛋白同源性搜索发现一些与DdrO显著同源的蛋白,如Deide20570(95%),Dgeo0336(90%),Deide3p02170(82%)等;结构域分析发现DdrO含有HTH(helix-turn-helix)DNA结合结构域。结论:根据生物信息学结果预测DdrO蛋白可能具有转录调控作用,参与DNA修复和复制,在耐辐射球菌的DNA损伤修复过程中发挥一定作用。  相似文献   

RNA聚合酶的B亚基参与与利福平的结合,并在原核生物中高度保守.许多细菌中利福平耐药株的rpoB基因均有氨基酸改变.本实验室曾分离2两株耐辐射球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)自发突变利福平耐药株(突变为:L420R和1258—669-bp缺失).本研究发现,β亚基的变化对生长速度有独特的效果.利用DNA芯片技术和生化分析鉴定耐辐射球菌的利福平突变株如何调控基因表达改变生长速度的分子机制.参与代谢、细胞进程和信号传递以及信息贮存和处理的基因的转录在9bp缺失突变株中显著改变.9bp缺失突变株的上调基因的共有启动子序列为富含AT的序列.与野生株相比,L420R和9bp缺失突变株积聚了更多的活性自由基.这些结果初步探讨了D亚基突变调控基因的表达机制.  相似文献   

肌动蛋白(Actin)是广泛存在于高等植物中的组成型表达蛋白质,与细胞分裂、细胞运动、细胞信号转导等功能密切相关。为明确肌动蛋白性质与功能的关系,本研究从千里光全长cDNA文库中分离得到Actin基因。序列分析结果表明:该基因长度为1 481 bp,编码360个氨基酸残基的多肽,与甘草Actin基因编码的氨基酸序列(GenBank登录号:ABW71681.1)的同源性最高,达96%;预测蛋白质的分子量为40.02 kDa,理论等电点为5.85;结构分析发现,螺旋结构和无规则卷曲构成Actin二级结构的主要组分;三级结构预测发现,Actin具有4个结构域;蛋白系统发生树发现,与甘草和鹰嘴豆的亲缘关系较近。本研究认为,高等植物Actin可能参与基因的转录调控,其氨基酸突变位点未对功能结构域产生影响。  相似文献   

RT-PCR扩增猕猴黄嘌呤脱氢酶/氧化酶(XDH/XO)基因片段,为进一步开展相关研究提供实验资料。方法提取猕猴新鲜肝脏组织总RNA,用RT-PCR二步法进行XDH/XO基因片段扩增,对获得的目的片段进行序列测定,与GenBank上发表的人类(Homosapiens)、小鼠(Musmusculus)、家鼠(Rattusnorvegicus)、野猪(Susscrofa)等物种XDH/XO基因进行该序列同源性比对分析,DNAMAN软件预测该段核苷酸的氨基酸序列,Inter-ProScan及SWISS-MODEL工具进行XDH/XO的编码蛋白结构域及功能预测及三维结构构建。结果RT-PCR产物电泳检测得到了与设计大小相一致的目的条带,序列测定共测到683个核苷酸,DNAMAN软件预测该段核苷酸的氨基酸序列包括了1个编码53个氨基酸的开放阅读框(ORF),通过该软件包中Multiplealignment对目的基因片段的核苷酸序列与NCBI报道的人类、小鼠、家鼠、野猪XDH/XO基因mRNA互补的cDNA核苷酸序列同源性进行同源性比较分析,结果显示所扩增得到的目的片段与人类同源性最高,为95.6%,与小鼠、家鼠、野猪的同源性分别为85.2%、84.3%、86.1%,说明获得的基因片段是猕猴的XDH/XO基因片段,且该基因在物种间具有较高的相似性。生物信息学预测该段XDH/XO编码蛋白含有醛氧化/脱氢酶的钼喋呤结合点结构域及黄嘌呤脱氢酶结构域。结论在体外成功扩增出猕猴XDH/XO基因片段,为进一步开展高尿酸血症致病机理研究,抗高尿酸血症新药研发奠定工作基础。  相似文献   

根据红花转录物测序结果中得到的中间序列,采用R11-PCR和RACE方法从红花花瓣中克隆到1个4嬲基因的全长cDNA,该基因全长序列1226bp,具有完整的开放阅读框(ORF),共1050bp,编码349个氨基酸。生物信息学软件分析显示,该基因编码的蛋白理论分子量约为82.27kDa,等电点为5.09,序列里含有典型的加尾信号序列AATAA和Poly(A)。保守结构域预测表明,该基因编码的蛋白具有典型的ANS蛋白功能结构域,其保守结构域中含有铁离子及2.0-酮戊二酸结合位点。结合其他物种的臌因构建系统树表日月,红花ANS蛋基因与其他物种氨基酸具有一定的同源性,其中与芍药的亲缘关系最近。应用实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,ANS基因在红花的初花期和盛花期的表达量最高。  相似文献   

[目的]基于生物信息学方法分析人线粒体转录延伸因子TEFM蛋白的结构和功能。[方法]检索Uniprot数据库中人线粒体转录终止因子TEFM蛋白的氨基酸序列,利用生物信息学方法对人TEFM的理化性质、物种间的蛋白质同源性、跨膜区、亲水性/疏水性、亚细胞定位、蛋白质二级结构、保守结构域、蛋白质三级结构、蛋白质相互作用进行预测与分析。[结果]人TEFM全长360个氨基酸,理论等电点9.39,属于TEFM蛋白超家族,不含跨膜区,属于亲水蛋白;人TEFM含有一个保守的螺旋-发夹-螺旋(HHH_3)结构域,二级结构以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主,三维建模空间结构与二级结构预测结果相符,进一步分析建模结果可靠。与人TEFM相互作用的蛋白质均为线粒体DNA转录因子或线粒体RNA聚合酶。[结论]人TEFM具有线粒体转录延伸因子蛋白超家族的典型结构,生物信息学分析结果对深入研究人TEFM在线粒体基因转录调控中的作用具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

丝氨酸羟甲基转移酶(SHMT)是植物细胞光合作用和一碳代谢的关键酶之一,研究SHMT基因的序列信息对揭示其蛋白结构与功能具有重要指导意义。从白及转录组数据库中分离得到SHMT基因(NCBI登录号:MG544187),运用生物信息学软件对该基因进行序列分析。结果显示:该基因长度为1 953 bp,编码的蛋白质长度为471aa、分子量为51.861 06 kD、理论等电点为7.17,SHMT二级结构主要由无规则卷曲结构和α螺旋结构组成,核苷酸和氨基酸序列与铁皮石斛SHMT相似性最高,达93%,结构域分析发现该蛋白具有高度保守结构域,三级结构预测为四聚体结构,跨膜区及信号肽分析发现该蛋白无跨膜区及信号肽,亚细胞定位分析发现该蛋白主要位于细胞质、叶绿体亚细胞器位置。本分析结果为白及SHMT的应用研究提供了基础数据,也为植物SHMT基因的分子研究提供了理论依据及基础资料。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大鼠睾丸组织一条新基因的生物信息学特征和真核表达。方法:构建pEGFP-N1载体的融合质粒进行真核表达,利用生物信息学手段分析基因和蛋白功能。结果:生物信息学分析表明RSA14-44的编码区序列与人类及鼠源RAS同源基因家族核酸序列达到85%以上的同源性;RSA14-44蛋白没有典型的跨膜结构域,也没有典型的N末端信号肽;与人类RhoA蛋白序列达到了89%的同源且具有Rho家族成员的GAAX盒和p-loop结构的基序特征;RSA14-44蛋白大部分氨基酸序列与Rho家族7个已知结构域高度同源;RSA14-44基因真核表达定位于细胞质。结论:RSA14-44基因真核表达定位于CHO-K1细胞质,;编码蛋白质与Rho家族同源性高,为进一步研究其生物学功能提供参考。  相似文献   

以东北红豆杉AP2转录因子氨基酸序列为查询序列,搜索比对欧洲红豆杉基因组草图数据得到一个AP2转录因子全长序列,并命名为TbAP2。同时,利用生物信息学方法对TbAP2基因序列及其编码蛋白进行了特征分析和功能预测,发现该基因全长1 817bp,编码一个217个氨基酸的ORF;TbAP2相对分子量为23.68×103,等电点为4.92,亚细胞定位分析推测该转录因子定位在细胞核中,保守结构域分析发现其含有一个典型的AP2结构域,除与东北红豆杉具有99%的高一致性外,还分别与杨树、苜蓿和大豆的AP2蛋白具有81%、80%和78%的高一致性,进化树分析表明,相近科属植物的AP2转录因子归为一类,红豆杉AP2转录因子与玉米的AP2转录因子亲缘关系最近。本研究获得了TbAP2基因电子序列,为更好地利用分子生物学技术调控紫杉醇的生物合成提供理论基础。  相似文献   

赵烨  华跃进 《生命科学》2014,(11):1136-1142
耐辐射球菌对于电离辐射等DNA损伤剂具有极强的抗性,能够将同一个基因组中同时产生的高达100个以上的DNA双链断裂在数十小时内高效而精准地进行修复,是研究DNA双链断裂修复机制的重要模式生物。同源重组、非同源末端连接和单链退火途径作为3个主要的修复途径参与了耐辐射球菌基因组DNA双链断裂的修复过程。此外,一系列新发现的重要蛋白质,如Ppr I、Ddr B等对于耐辐射球菌基因组的修复过程同样至关重要。根据本实验室和国内外在这一研究领域近年来的报道,以不同的修复途径为线索,综述该菌DNA双链断裂修复机制的最新研究成果。  相似文献   

The MutT/Nudix superfamily proteins repair DNA damage and play a role in human health and disease. In this study, we examined two different cases of double MutT/Nudix domain-containing proteins from eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Firstly, these double domain proteins were discovered in Drosophila, but only single Nudix domain proteins were found in other animals. The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the protein sequence of Nudix_N and Nudix_C from Drosophila, and Nudix from other animals. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the double Nudix domain proteins might have undergone a gene duplication-speciation-fusion process. Secondly, two genes of the MutT family, DR0004 and DR0329, were fused by two mutT gene segments and formed double MutT domain protein genes in Deinococcus radiodurans. The evolutionary tree of bacterial MutT proteins suggested that the double MutT domain proteins in D. radiodurans probably resulted from a gene duplication-fusion event after speciation. Gene duplication-fusion is a basic and important gene innovation mechanism for the evolution of double MutT/Nudix domain proteins. Independent gene duplication-fusion events resuited in similar domain architectures of different double MutT/Nudix domain proteins.  相似文献   

An open reading frame (draSO) encoding a putative sulfite oxidase (SO) was identified in the sequence of chromosome II of Deinococcus radiodurans; the predicted gene product showed significant amino acid sequence homology to several bacterial and eukaryotic SOs, such as the biochemically and structurally characterized enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana. Cloning of the Deinococcus SO gene was performed by PCR amplification from the bacterial genomic DNA, and heterologous gene expression of a histidine-tagged polypeptide was obtained in a molybdopterin-overproducing strain of Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein was purified to homogeneity by nickel chelating affinity chromatography, and its main kinetic and chemical physical parameters were determined. Northern blot and enzyme activity analyses indicated that draSO gene expression is constitutive in D. radiodurans and that there is no increase upon exposure to thiosulfate and/or molybdenum(II).  相似文献   

The MutT/Nudix superfamily proteins repair DNA damage and play a role in human health and disease. In this study, we examined two different cases of double MutT/Nudix domain-containing proteins from eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Firstly, these double domain proteins were discovered in Drosophila, but only single Nudix domain proteins were found in other animals. The phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the protein sequence of Nudix_N and Nudix_C from Drosophila, and Nudix from other animals. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the double Nudix domain proteins might have undergone a gene duplication-speciation-fusion process. Secondly,two genes of the MutT family, DR0004 and DR0329, were fused by two mutT gene segments and formed double MutT domain protein genes in Deinococcus radiodurans. The evolutionary tree of bacterial MutT proteins suggested that the double MutT domain proteins in D. radiodurans probably resulted from a gene duplication-fusion event after speciation. Gene duplication-fusion is a basic and important gene innovation mechanism for the evolution of double MutT/Nudix domain proteins. Independent gene duplication-fusion events resulted in similar domain architectures of different double MutT/Nudix domain proteins.  相似文献   

We isolated a radiosensitive mutant strain, KR4128, from a wild-type strain of Deinococcus radiodurans, which is known as a extremely radioresistant bacterium. The gene that restore the defect of the mutant in DNA repair was cloned, and it turned out to be the homolog of the recN gene of Escherichia coli. The recN gene encoded a protein of 58 kDa, and, in its N-terminal region, a potential ATP binding domain was conserved as expected for a prokaryotic RecN protein. An analysis of sequence of the mutant recN gene revealed a G:C to T:A transversion near the 3' end of the coding region. This alteration causes an ochre mutation, and results in the truncation of 47 amino acids from the C-terminal region of the RecN protein. The null mutant of recN gene was constructed by insertional mutagenesis, and it showed substantial sensitivities to various types of DNA damaging agents, indicating that a single defect in the recN gene can directly affect the DNA damage resistant phenotype in D. radiodurans. The recN locus of KR4128 was also disrupted and the disruptant indicated the sensitivity that was indistinguishable from its progenitor. The result indicate that the transversion in the recN gene of KR4128 cells causes a complete loss of function of the RecN protein and thus the C-terminal region of the RecN protein includes domain essential to its function.  相似文献   

The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is one of the most resistant organisms to ionizing radiation and other DNAdamaging agents. Although, at present, 30 Deinococcus species have been identified, the whole-genome sequences of most species remain unknown, with the exception of D. radiodurans (DRD), D. geothermalis, and D. deserti. In this study, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) microarray analysis of three Deinococcus species, D. radiopugnans (DRP), D. proteolyticus (DPL), and D. radiophilus (DRPH), was performed using oligonucleotide arrays based on DRD. Approximately 28%, 14%, and 15% of 3,128 open reading frames (ORFs) of DRD were absent in the genomes of DRP, DPL, and DRPH, respectively. In addition, 162 DRD ORFs were absent in all three species. The absence of 17 randomly selected ORFs was confirmed by a Southern blot. Functional classification showed that the absent genes spanned a variety of functional categories: some genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis, cell envelope, cellular processes, central intermediary metabolism, and DNA metabolism were not present in any of the three deinococcal species tested. Finally, comparative genomic data showed that 120 genes were Deinococcus-specific, not the 230 reported previously. Specifically, ddrD, ddrO, and ddrH genes, previously identified as Deinococcus-specific, were not present in DRP, DPL, or DRPH, suggesting that only a portion of ddr genes are shared by all members of the genus Deinococcus.  相似文献   

抗辐射菌中DNA损伤修复主要基因群的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施美星  屠振力 《激光生物学报》2007,16(3):374-378,F0003
抗辐射红色球菌对电离辐射具有很高的放射线抵抗性,该菌具有惊人的DNA的二条链切断的修复能力,由辐射等引起的切断损伤DNA在几至十几小时内能高效正确地进行完全修复。在对切断的双链DNA进行修复时,除了大肠杆菌等生物在切断的双链DNA修复时出现的蛋白质以外,还有该菌所特有的修复蛋白质也参与修复。本文对该菌所特有的DNA二条链的切断损伤修复的主要基因及其相互作用进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

An in vitro transposition system, developed to facilitate gene disruption in Deinococcus radiodurans R1, has been used to inactivate the gene designated dr1819 in uvrA-1(+) and uvrA-1 backgrounds. dr1819 encodes a protein with homology to a UV DNA damage endonuclease expressed by Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Interruption of dr1819 greatly sensitizes the uvrA-1 strain but not the uvrA-1(+) strain to UV light, indicating that the dr1819 gene product is a component in a DNA repair pathway that can compensate for the loss of nucleotide excision repair in this species. Clones of dr1819 will restore UV resistance to UVS78, a uvrA-1 uvsE strain, indicating that dr1819 and uvsE are the same locus.  相似文献   

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