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薇甘菊对香港郊野公园植物群落危害的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)对不同类型群落的危害,群落中各植物种类受薇甘菊危害的程度,以及薇甘菊与群落中主要乔木和灌木的种间联结性等方面,对香港郊野公园植物群落受薇甘菊危害状况进行了分析。研究样地所在的植被受薇甘菊的危害严重,草灌丛中薇甘菊的平均覆盖率高达80%,灌木群落中薇甘菊的平均覆盖率为60%左右,常绿阔叶林中的薇甘菊覆盖率平均约为30%。对香港郊野公园受薇甘菊危害的植物种类分析表明:受薇甘菊危害最大的主要是乔木和灌木,草本和藤本的受害比例和受害程度相对较小。受薇甘菊危害的乔木有30种,占群落中乔木的62.50%;受薇甘菊危害的灌木有29种,占群落中灌木的70.73%;受薇甘菊危害的草本植物有10种,占群落中草本植物的33.33%。通过无样方法采用2×2列联表的χ2检验对薇甘菊与群落中主要乔木和灌木的种间联结性分析表明:与薇甘菊呈正联结的乔木有12种,占主要乔木(28种)的42.86%,这些种大多是阳生性乔木;与薇甘菊呈负联结的乔木有16种,占主要乔木的57.16%。与薇甘菊呈正联结的灌木有11种,占主要灌木(19种)的57.89%,多是阳生性灌木;与薇甘菊呈负联结的灌木有8种,占主要灌木的42.11%,这些种大多数也是阳生性灌木,仅九节是耐阴性灌木。  相似文献   

对广东内伶仃岛群落受薇甘菊危害的植物种类分析表明,58种乔木、小乔木和灌木种不同程度地受薇甘菊的影响,约占样地中木本种类的67%;其中受薇甘菊影响最大的主要是小乔木和阳生性灌木.薇甘菊危害与群落类型的关系表现为,由5、6个优势种组成的结构复杂的具有较大郁蔽度的群落受薇甘菊的危害轻微,而仅由2个优势种组成结构简单且郁蔽度很小的群落受薇甘菊的危害较严重.薇甘菊危害与群落结构的相关分析表明,群落垂直高度越大、片层越丰富,群落中薇甘菊的盖度越小;群落物种越丰富,群落密度越大,个体受害比例越小;群落中其他藤本盖度越大,个体受薇甘菊危害的程度越高.  相似文献   

入侵杂草薇甘菊的化学防除   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在广东内伶仃岛选择薇甘菊危害较严重的地段,采用内吸传导型除草剂森草净进行了化学防除试验.持续两年半的试验结果表明,0.01~0.1g·m-2(有效成分)的森草净对样地薇甘菊有极好的杀灭效果.试验还表明,森草净对岛上的大多数木本、藤本和草本植物都较安全,对样地的物种多样性无不良影响.因此,森草净是防治薇甘菊的首选除草剂.  相似文献   

 外域杂草薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)具有极强的分枝能力。在枝构件水平上,对生长在台湾相思(Acacia confusa)群落和芒草(Miscanthus sinensis)群落中的薇甘菊枝构件的分枝格局和生物量分配的比较分析得出:1)同芒草群落相比,台湾相思群落中薇甘菊各级枝的分枝数、分枝密度和分枝率都低,而分枝长度则较长;2)台湾相思群落中薇甘菊以第一级分枝为主,而在芒草群落中则以第二级分枝为主;3)台湾相思林中薇甘菊枝构件的叶面积率、比叶面积和比茎长及叶片生物量分配显著大于芒草草丛;4  相似文献   

云南假泽兰属植物及薇甘菊的危害   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
外来入侵生物对生态系统产生的影响十分巨大,已经成为国家生态安全的严重隐患。自上世纪90年代末期以来,入侵植物薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K.)在我国的生态危害引起了社会各界的广泛关注。但是,至今我国所有关于薇甘菊的文献中,均末提及该种在云南的分布。作者通过实地调查和查阅昆明植物研究所的相关标本,确认云南分布有两种假泽兰属植物,即假泽兰(Mikania cordata (Burm.f.)B.L.Robinson)和薇甘菊(M.micrantha),并介绍了薇甘菊在云南西南部德宏州的危害现状。根据薇甘菊的生物学习性,作者预测薇甘菊将进一步在德宏州扩散,还可能入侵到与德宏州气候相似的其他地区,有关政府部门和研究机构对此问题应该给予高度重视。  相似文献   

不同生境和森林内薇甘菊的生存与危害状况   总被引:89,自引:3,他引:86  
对薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H.B.K)在不同生境下生长状况及其对其它植物的危害程度的研究表明,这种热带杂草是喜光、好湿的。薇甘菊伴生物种以藤本植物居多。其中葛藤和五爪金龙出现的频度最大。薇甘菊及其伴生种通过攀爬树冠,形成盖幕作用而对其它植物造成危害。在森林内薇甘菊危害的对象主要是低矮的乔木对高大乔木影响不大。  相似文献   

薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)是华南地区危害最严重的外来入侵杂草,对天然次生林及其他生境造成了极大危害。为了探明本地植物粉葛(Pueraria lobata var.thomsonii)对薇甘菊进行替代控制的可能性,本实验设置了3个水分水平(土壤含水量低于10%、60–70%和120–130%)分别模拟干旱、正常水分(对照)和涝害,比较了粉葛与薇甘菊对干旱和涝害胁迫的生理响应差异。结果表明,在干旱胁迫条件下,薇甘菊的总生物量显著降低,为对照的72%。在涝害胁迫条件下,粉葛的总生物量与对照相比上升了16%,薇甘菊则下降了15%。在干旱条件下,粉葛的根冠比、叶绿素含量均显著高于对照(P0.05),恢复正常水分后仍维持在较高水平;薇甘菊的根冠比则与对照无显著差异(P0.05),仅叶绿素含量显著高于对照(P0.05),在恢复正常水分后低于正常水平。这可能与粉葛体内积累了较多的渗透调节物质脯氨酸和可溶性糖有关。在涝害条件下,粉葛的丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量约为对照的2.1倍,薇甘菊则为对照的3.0倍;恢复正常水平后,薇甘菊和粉葛的MDA含量仍维持在较高水平,分别为对照组的1.72倍和1.45倍,显示粉葛受涝害影响的膜脂过氧化水平低于薇甘菊。可见,粉葛比薇甘菊有更强的抗干旱能力和抗涝害能力,对水分胁迫有更强的抗逆性,抵抗力指数也印证了这一点。这为选用粉葛对华南地区天然次生林林缘或林窗生境薇甘菊的替代控制提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

森草净杀灭薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)及其安全性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深圳市内伶仃岛薇甘菊危害的不同群落生境中,设立9块样地81个小样方,用森草净(即70%嘧碘降水溶性粉剂)杀灭样地中的薇甘菊施量为0.0001~0.02g.m-2,结果表明:各浓度的森草净杀灭效果均较好,杀灭率随着用药量的增加而提高;在坡地和溪谷生境中,森草净用药量分别为0.05~0.1g.m-2、>0.2g.m-2能较彻底地杀灭薇甘菊。应用HPLC法检测样地土壤中嘧磺隆残留量,溪谷土壤中嘧磺隆半衰期C=C0.e-0.083T,T1/2=8.4,施药后37d消解95.9%,坡地高浓度级半衰期C=C0.e-0.046T,T1/2=15.1d,施药后37d消解85.0%,坡地低浓度级半衰期C=C0.e-0.090T,T1/2=7.7d,施药后15d消解74.2%。不同浓度森草净处理样地,施药后7、15、37d均可检测到嘧磺隆,并且含量越来越小,但施药后68d的土样,均未检测到嘧磺隆的存在。  相似文献   

外域杂草薇甘菊 (Mikaniamicrantha)具有极强的分枝能力。在枝构件水平上 ,对生长在台湾相思 (Acaciaconfusa)群落和芒草 (Miscanthussinensis)群落中的薇甘菊枝构件的分枝格局和生物量分配的比较分析得出 :1)同芒草群落相比 ,台湾相思群落中薇甘菊各级枝的分枝数、分枝密度和分枝率都低 ,而分枝长度则较长 ;2 )台湾相思群落中薇甘菊以第一级分枝为主 ,而在芒草群落中则以第二级分枝为主 ;3)台湾相思林中薇甘菊枝构件的叶面积率、比叶面积和比茎长及叶片生物量分配显著大于芒草草丛 ;4)两个群落中薇甘菊枝构件的节间长和比叶柄长没有显著差异。这些结果说明薇甘菊枝构件对环境条件变化具不同响应。  相似文献   

薇甘菊入侵扩散机制研究进展与改进思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha H B.k)的入侵分布、入侵能力以及群落可侵入性等方面对其入侵机制研究进展进行了分析和总结.以往的研究工作没有重视对薇甘菊入侵过程的整体性研究、对入侵扩散影响因素分析、空间尺度约束影响分析,以及分析方法和技术手段的缺陷.因此,未来应重点开展薇甘菊入侵扩散过程重建及潜在危害区域预测、景观结构对薇甘菊入侵危害的影响等研究,并完善薇甘菊入侵扩散的动态监测网络及风险评估体系.  相似文献   

Batches of potato plants in pots were placed in the field for limited periods among plants infected with potato virus Y and leaf roll virus. Some of the potted plants were surrounded by sticky boards which prevented apterous aphids from reaching them. Almost as many plants within the boards as without became infected, indicating that most of the spread of virus was by winged aphids.
Apterae were probably responsible for spreading the viruses throughout a hill after one or more stems were infected. They may carry infection to neighbouring plants, but most of these will have been infected already by alatae.
The number of plants contracting infection was unaffected by watering.  相似文献   

木兰科植物的嫁接繁殖   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文对38种木兰科植物的嫁接繁殖进行了试验,全部嫁接成功,平均成活率为44.0%。不同属的木兰科植物之间有较大的亲和力,多数种可进行属间嫁接。嫁接时间和砧木选择是影响木兰科植物嫁接成活率的主要因素,嫁接方法对成活率也有一定的影响。木兰科植物的嫁接苗比实生苗具有更强的适应性和速生性。  相似文献   

Prior field studies have shown that populations of forest herbs on relatively nutrient poor soils have higher vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection intensity than plants on rich soils. However, the growth responses and ability to take up P against the soil nutrient gradient are often not linearly related to infection intensity. To determine if intraspecific differences among populations of the common VAM fungus Glomus occultum could differentially affect growth and nutrient uptake, Geranium robertianum seedlings were inoculated with Glomus occultum isolated from four forest types along a gradient of soil fertility, and grown in a greenhouse at P levels typical of the extremes of that gradient. Plants given inoculum from relatively infertile forest sites generally produced greater root, shoot, and total mass than plants given inoculum from fertile sites or uninoculated plants, especially at the low P supply rate. Total P uptake and both P and N uptake efficiency were also highest in plants given inocula from low fertility sites. These results indicate that local adaptation and intraspecific variations in the ability of VAM fungi to induce growth and nutrient uptake effects on host plants may be as important as interspecific differences among VAM fungus species.  相似文献   

李应兰  陈福莲  卜任  陈林   《广西植物》1988,(4):339-343
<正> 檀香(Santalum album L.)在印度的自然分布主要在温迪亚山脉(Vindhya ranye)以南,以后才被引种到奥里萨邦、中央邦、拉贾斯坦邦和北方邦的部分地区,并在那里归化,自然繁殖生长。有的学者认为,现在印度虽是檀香的主要产区,但不是檀香的原产地;檀香的原产地应是印度尼西亚的帝汶岛(Timor),大约于二千多年前引入印度,然后逸为野生状态,分布区不断扩大。 华南植物园引种檀香初步取得成功后,自1968年以来,先后在广东的海南、湛江、佛山、肇庆、韶关、汕头等地区,以及广西、云南、四川、浙江、福建等省区进行区域性试  相似文献   

Went , F. W. (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.) Effects of environment of parent and grandparent generations on tuber production by potatoes. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(4): 277–282. Illus. 1959.—Potato tubers have very different potentialities of producing tubers on plants of the next generation, according to the growing conditions of the parent plants. When these were grown at cool temperatures, the tuber yield not only of these plants, but also of the following generations, was much higher than when they were grown under warm conditions. Differences in morphology and taste of the tubers as a result of differential temperature treatment of the parent generation are described as well.  相似文献   

The network of internal gas spaces in the yellow waterlily constitutes a pressurized flow-through system which forces oxygen to the rhizome buried in anaerobic sediment. This ventilation has been documented previously in a subspecies of Nuphar luteum with aerial leaves, and appeared to occur only during daylight when the leaves are warmed by the sun's radiation. In this study we have found the ventilation system operating in two different subspecies of N. luteum growing in Alaska and in Massachusetts. These plants have floating leaves so that during certain times of the year the leaves are warmed not only by the sun in daylight but also by lake water at night, allowing the ventilation to continue during darkness.  相似文献   

The phenotype of maize plants that are homozygous recessive for the nuclear gene iojap is commonly an “anemic,” grainy green appearance accompanied by white leaf stripes, white leaf margins, and reduced growth. In plants in which the iojap effect is occurring (homozygous ij/ij), we find affected tissue varies in extent, from wide, discrete striping to layered striping to short striations; and in distribution, from white leaves to boldly white-patterned to white-margined. In homozygous iojap plants the patterns are predictable and are consistent within a particular genetic background. Leaf striping patterns in iojap seedlings and plants are expressed primarily in the leaf margins, in positional patterns that are inconsistent with cellular proliferation. Reversion sectors on iojap plants (green stripes resulting from nuclear reversion of the ij gene), however, follow clonal cell lineages and indicate either that the iojap defects do not arise until after a leaf differentiates, or that they remain correctable in leaf tissue. On transmission through the egg, iojap-affected plastids become altered to a stable, nongreening state and can be transmitted maternally to subsequent generations. Defects in eggs borne on iojap ears, as revealed by ear maps of seedling progeny, have positional rather than clonal distributions on the ear. The expression of striping nonetheless is clonal in the occasional sectored plants that occur among such maternal progeny. The contrast of maternal sectorials with iojap plants is profound, and shows the period of meiosis and gametogenesis to be a critical passage for plastids in the egg as well as in the pollen. In some genetic backgrounds aborted embryos occur at variable stages in embryo development in ij ij zygotes and in the maternal progeny from ij ij plants. These effects presumably reflect a participation of the organelles in embryogenesis that is subject to the influence of nuclear genes. We conclude that the functional basis of the effects of the iojap gene must be 1) position-dependent (i.e., dependent on the location of a cell in the meristem or organ at a particular time in development of an organ) and 2) differentiation-dependent (i.e., dependent on the attainment of a certain state, specific to the genetic background). The iojap phenotype is thus a reflection of developmental progression of the organ rather than cell-specific, clonal changes. The rate of cell proliferation and growth of one portion of an organ vs. another is related to position-specific and background-specific expressions, and the range of iojap expression is similarly related. Maternally inherited sectoring, on the other hand, shows phenotypes that are derived from clonal changes specific to each cell lineage, presumably attributable to sorting of mixed organelles in the apical meristem cells.  相似文献   

Roots of young tomato plants became infected when inoculated with tomato bushy stunt, tobacco mosaic, and potato X viruses. Root infections also occurred when these viruses were added to soil or culture solutions in which plants were growing.
The viruses were sometimes localized around their initial entry points in roots; sometimes they invaded the root system but not the shoots, and sometimes they produced full systemic infection of roots and shoots. In some experiments, but not all, systemic infections were more frequent when the upper tap root or superficial roots were inoculated than when fibrous roots were inoculated.
In both tomato and potato, virus X spread from diseased to healthy plants sharing the same culture solution, if their roots were in contact, but not otherwise. Infection of the roots of potato plants by inoculation, produced only one plant with virus-infected haulms, although several had infected tubers.  相似文献   

Datura tatula is a more suitable host than potato for studying the factors influencing the transmission of potato leaf-roll virus by Myzus persicae ; it is more easily infected, provides a better source of virus for feeding aphids, produces symptoms more quickly and over a longer period of the year.
Loughnane's (1943) claim that leaf-roll virus is transmitted by starved aphids that feed for only 5 min. on infected potato plants was not confirmed. The shortest infection-feeding time in which M. persicae aphids became infective was 2 hr.; such aphids did not infect healthy plants in the first 2 days and, when transferred to a series of healthy plants at intervals, infected only few. The ability to cause infections was increased by increasing the length of infection feeding. Aphids fed for many days on infected plants could infect healthy plants in the first 15 min. of test feeding, and they continued to cause infections for long periods.
Aphids became infective more readily when feeding on recently infected Datura tatula , showing only slight symptoms, than on older plants with pronounced chlorosis; similarly, young potato sprouts showing no symptoms were better sources of virus for aphids than older plants showing severe leaf roll.
The differences in severity of symptoms shown by potato plants with leaf roll in the field mainly occur because of differences in virulence of accompanying strains of potato virus X , but isolates of leaf-roll virus were found that also varied in virulence.  相似文献   

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