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通过人-牛异种核移植技术获得异种克隆囊胚, 便于在不消耗人类卵母细胞的情况下从异种克隆胚中分离出人类干细胞。通过透明带下注射法将人胎儿成纤维细胞和牛耳成纤维细胞分别注入去核牛卵母细胞中构建异种和同种胚胎, 并比较两者之间的融合率、卵裂率、8-细胞发育率以及囊胚率。并对处于2-细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞、桑椹胚、囊胚阶段的异种克隆胚的线粒体DNA来源进行检测。结果表明, 异种克隆胚体外各个阶段的发育率均低于同种克隆胚, 尤其是8-细胞到囊胚阶段的发育率, 以及囊胚率都显著低于同种克隆胚(P<0.05)。异种克隆胚在2-细胞到桑椹胚阶段检测到人、牛线粒体DNA共存, 囊胚阶段只检测到牛线粒体DNA。结果表明: 牛卵母细胞可以重编程人胎儿成纤维细胞, 完成异种克隆胚植入前的胚胎发育, 异种克隆胚由于核质相互作用的不谐调, 影响其发育能力, 使其囊胚率显著低于同种克隆胚。牛线粒体DNA存在于植入前异种胚胎发育的各个阶段。异种克隆胚胎用于人类胚胎干细胞分离具有可行性。  相似文献   

限定因子诱导胎猪成纤维细胞重编程为多能性细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尝试运用限定因子融合蛋白建立猪的诱导多能性干细胞.试验采用Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Myc四种限定因子经慢病毒表达载体系统介导感染猪胎儿成纤维细胞,对表达外源限定因子的猪胎儿成纤维细胞进行培养传代,逐步分离培养出集落边缘界限清晰的细胞克隆,细胞集落生长状态稳定、核型正常、碱性磷酸酶检测为阳性,免疫细胞化学检测显示,Oct4、Nanog、SSEA-1蛋白表达为阳性,体内能够分化形成含有三个胚层的畸胎瘤.结果证实分离培养的细胞克隆为猪诱导多能性干细胞,为进一步完善诱导方案和深入研究应用猪诱导多能性干细胞奠定了基础.  相似文献   

利用昆明小鼠13.5dpc的胚胎制备小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,并以小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞作为饲养层;收集3.5dICR小鼠的囊胚和桑椹胚进行体外培养,筛选纯化ES细胞集落,使其稳定传代后,对其形态学和生物学性状进行初步鉴定,获得阳性细胞集落。  相似文献   

分离和克隆小鼠ES细胞集落的主要影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究不同培养条件分离和克隆小鼠ES细胞集落的效率。方法 以PMEF饲养层、NIH3T3细胞饲养层或培养液中加入LIF为培养条件 ,分离和克隆昆明小鼠ES细胞集落 ,比较其效率。结果 饲养层的培养条件明显优于培养液中加入LIF的培养条件 ;有饲养层的培养条件下 ,桑椹胚的ES细胞集落出现率显著低于囊胚 ;两种饲养层培养囊胚 ,其ES细胞集落的出现率差异无显著性。结论 以PMEF或NIH3T3细胞作饲养层 ,培养昆明小鼠的囊胚 ,适时离散ICM ,是比较理想的分离ES细胞集落的方法。  相似文献   

牛体细胞克隆胚胎类ES细胞集落的筛选及其核移植   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对第7d的牛体细胞克隆囊胚进行体外增殖培养,分离筛选类ES细胞,并对其进行了传代培养,接种在饲养层上的体细胞克隆囊胚细胞,在传代的24h内增殖形成小集落,2~3d有雀巢状的集落出现,筛选形态相同的细胞集落进行传代培养,4~5代后,皿底出现多个大小不等的多细胞单层集落,将传4~5代的细胞集落接种到无饲养层的4孔培养皿中培养,24h出现多细胞单层集落,4~7d长满皿底,并形成上皮样细胞,呈网状,将其作为核供体细胞进行核移植实验。结果有80%(40/50)核-质融合的移核重构胚发生卵裂,5%(2/40)发育至桑椹胚期,2.5%(1/40)发育至囊胚期,92.5%(37/40)停止在2~4细胞期,结果表明:采用牛体细胞克隆胚胎的类ES细胞进行核移植,具发育形成早期胚胎的潜能。  相似文献   

本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl_2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨体细胞来源及培养代数对核移植重构胚发育的影响,实验采用电融合法将小鼠2—细胞胚胎卵裂球、胚胎干细胞(ES)、胎儿成纤维细胞、耳成纤维细胞、尾尖成纤维细胞、睾丸支持细胞和精原细胞以及不同培养代次的胎儿成纤维细胞进行了核移植。结果显示:2—细胞胚胎卵裂球供核重构胚发育最好,囊胚率为7.4%;ES细胞重构胚虽然发育率低,但仍有囊胚出现,比例为0.7%;胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚最高发育阶段为桑椹胚,比例为0.2%;精原细胞重构胚只能发育到8-细胞阶段,比例为0.3%;其他几类细胞重构胚则仅能发育至4-细胞阶段。不同培养代数的胎儿成纤维细胞重构胚除第3代外都可发育到8-细胞阶段,且发育率差异不显著,但第一代细胞重构胚2-细胞发育率(40.7%)显著低于2、3和4代细胞重构胚。结果表明:不同分化程度的细胞核移植后,重新编程的难易程度是不一样的,分化程度越高则重新编程越难;未调整细胞周期的ES细胞由于多数处于S期,所以重构胚发育率很低;体外培养传代有利于体细胞核移植后重新编程。  相似文献   

目的 用饲养层分离胚胎干细胞集落。方法 用胚龄为13~14 d的小鼠胚胎分离原代成纤维细胞,制成饲养层,用于囊胚的培养。结果 小鼠原代胚胎成纤维细胞(PMEF)贴壁能力较好,增殖快,易铺层。囊胚和内细胞团(ICM)在饲养层上贴壁生长良好,当培养4~5 d时,其增殖率为16/28(57%)。在ICM离散48 h后,各种胚胎干细胞(ES)集落开始出现。此种集落经碱性磷酸酶染色成阳性。结论 用饲养层分离胚胎干细胞获得初步成功。  相似文献   

取8周后的雌性昆明小鼠进行超排,取卵母细胞用作核受体,收集卵母细胞周围的卵丘细胞作核供体,进行体细胞核移植。核移植重构胚经SrCl2激活处理6h后,与改良的M16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞共培养;将发育到早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加含心肌细胞培养液的ES细胞培养液;把孵出的ICM进行消化接种培养,对孵出的ES细胞集落进行鉴定培养。结果显示,以小鼠卵丘细胞为核供体,体细胞核移植重构胚激活率为65.23%,囊胚发育率为11.69%;9个核移植重构囊胚中分离出ES细胞集落,分离率为2.77%;分离出的核移植ES细胞集落具有岛屿状团状隆起结构、碱性磷酸酶染色呈阳性,体外分化可形成类胚体,并能分化成上皮样或梭形细胞。ES细胞集落经常规冻存和复苏后,显示出同冻存前相似的集落形态,并具有较强的增殖能力。实验证实小鼠输卵管上皮细胞、改良的M16培养液及含心肌细胞培养液的ES细胞培养液可以更为成功地运用于小鼠的体细胞核移植及ES细胞的分离培养研究。  相似文献   

本实验用小鼠血液淋巴细胞为核供体进行了核移植研究。用淋巴细胞分离液(比重1.088)分离出小鼠血液中的淋巴细胞,直接用作核移植供体细胞,采用胞质内注射法成功构建的重构胚经常规培养2h后,SrCl2激活处理6h,然后添加mM16培养液和小鼠输卵管上皮细胞饲养层共培养。把发育至早期囊胚阶段的重构胚转移至小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上,添加ES细胞培养液继续培养。对孵化出的内细胞团进行消化,然后接种培养。结果显示,小鼠血液淋巴细胞可以支持体细胞核移植重构胚的发育,核移植重构胚2-细胞率41.03%(128/312),桑葚胚和囊胚发育率分别为9.29%(29/312),1.92%(6/312)。重构囊胚在小鼠胎儿成纤维细胞饲养层上分离出2个内细胞团,分离率为0.64%(2/312)。实验证实利用小鼠血液淋巴细胞进行体细胞核移植是可行的,可用于深入研究。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of different states of donor cells on the development of reconstructed sheep embryos, we designed five treatments of donor cells, including cell passage, cell size, serum starvation, colchicine treatment and gene transfection. Results are as follows: (Ⅰ) Compared with 16-18 passage cells, the morula/blastocyst rate of 5-7 passage cells as donor nuclei was significantly higher (17.3% vs. 4.9%, P<0.05), suggesting the advantage of short-time cultured cells in supporting the development of reconstructed embryos. (Ⅱ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos derived from medium cells (15-25μm) as donor nuclei was higher than that from large cells (25-33μm) and small cells (8-15μm)( 20.0% vs. 8.0%, 9.7%), indicating that reconstructed embryos from medium cells had a greater potentiality to develop into morula/blastocysts than those from small or large ones. (Ⅲ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos from donor cells of SS (serum starvation) was lower than that from donor cells of NSS (non-serum starvation), but no significant difference was detected between SS and NSS(11.8% vs. 18.6%, P>0.05). (Ⅳ) Fetal fibroblasts treated with 0.05μmol/L colchicine exhibited a higher morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos than those treated with 0.10 μmol/L colchicine and untreated ones (27.5% vs. 12.1%, 17.1%), however, no significant difference among the three treatments was detected (P>0.05). (Ⅴ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos from fetal fibroblasts transfected with GFP gene only was 3.1%, significantly lower than that from non-transgenic cells (3.1% vs. 20.4%, P<0.05). In conclusion, our results demonstrated that fetal fibroblasts of fewer passages, medium size could ensure a higher morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos. Serum starvation of donor cells might be unnecessary to the development of reconstructed embryos. Donor cells treated with 0.05μmol/L colchicine could facilitate the development of reconstructed embryos. Additionally, as cells transfected with GFP gene were used as donor nuclei, adverse effect on the development of reconstructed embryos was observed. Therefore, the developmental efficiency of reconstructed embryos could be improved if proper treatments to donor cells were used.  相似文献   

Upregulation of Cdx2 expression in outer cells is a key event responsible for cell lineage segregation between the inner cell mass and the trophoderm (TE) in mouse morula‐stage embryos. In TE cells, polarization can regulate Hippo and Rho‐associated kinase (Rho‐ROCK) signaling to induce the nuclear location of YAP, which has been demonstrated to further induce the expression of Cdx2. However, we found that CDX2 expression could not be detected in the outer cells of porcine morula‐stage embryos but only in some TE cells at the early blastocyst stage. The biological significance and the regulation mechanism of this species‐specific CDX2 expression pattern have still not been determined. We show here that an asynchronous CDX2 expression pattern exists in porcine TE cells during the development of the blastocyst. We demonstrate that CDX2 expression in porcine TE cells depends on the nuclear localization of YAP and polarization of the embryo through Y27632 treatment. We found that the polarization process in the morula to the late blastocyst stage porcine embryos was asynchronous, which was revealed by the apical localization of phosphorylated EZRIN staining. Artificially enhancing the number of polarized blastomeres by culturing the separated blastomeres of four‐cell stage porcine embryos resulted in increased CDX2‐positive cell numbers. These results indicate that the mechanism of CDX2 expression regulation is conserved, but the polarization progress is not conserved between the pig and the mouse, and results in a species‐specific trophoblast determination progress model.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the preimplantation developmental competence of cloned pig embryos that were derived from fibroblast cell nuclei by different methods for the activation of reconstructed oocytes. In subgroups IA and IB, nuclear-transferred (NT) oocytes derived from either adult cutaneous or fetal fibroblast cells that had been classified as nonapoptotic by intra vitam analysis for programmed cell death using the YO-PRO-1 DNA fluorochrome underwent sequential physical (i.e., electrical) and chemical activation (SE-CA). This novel method of SE-CA, which was developed and optimized in our laboratory, involves treatment of reconstituted oocytes with direct current pulses and subsequent exposure to 7.5 μM calcium ionomycin, followed by incubation with 30 μM R-roscovitine (R-RSCV), 0.7 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine and 3.5 μg/mL cycloheximide. In subgroups IIA and IIB, NT oocytes were subjected to the standard method of simultaneous fusion and activation mediated by direct current pulses. The proportion of cloned embryos in subgroup IA that reached the morula and blastocyst stages was 145/248 (58.5%) and 78/248 (31.5%), respectively. The proportions of cloned embryos in subgroup IB that reached the morula and blastocyst stages were 186/264 (70.5%) and 112/264 (42.4%), respectively. In turn, subgroup IIA yielded proportions at the morula and blastocyst stages of 110/234 (47.0%) and 49/234 (20.9%), respectively. Subgroup IIB yielded proportions at the morula and blastocyst stages of 144/243 (59.3%) and 74/243 (30.5%), respectively. In summary, the SE-CA of NT oocytes reconstructed from either type of nonapoptotic/nonnecrotic (i.e., YO-PRO-1-negative) fibroblast cell resulted in porcine cloned embryos with considerably better in vitro developmental outcomes than those of cloned embryos generated using the simultaneous fusion and activation approach. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the successful stimulation of porcine NT oocytes using electric pulses followed by an additional activation with a higher dose (1.5 times) of calcium ionomycin and subsequent exposure to a combination of 30 μM R-RSCV and lower concentrations (by 3 times) of 6-dimethylaminopurine and cycloheximide. Moreover, we report here the first use of R-RSCV, a novel meiosis-promoting factor-related p34cdc2 kinase inhibitor, in the oocyte activation protocol for the somatic cell cloning of pigs.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to determine the in vitro developmental potential of porcine nuclear-transferred (NT) embryos that had been reconstructed with Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) transgene-expressing fibroblast cells. The gene construct was introduced into fibroblast cells by the novel method of nucleofection or standard lipofection. NT oocytes derived from foetal and adult dermal fibroblast cells were stimulated by either simultaneous fusion and electrical activation (Groups IA and IB) or sequential electrical and chemical activation (Groups IIA and IIB). The percentages of cloned embryos that reached the morula and blastocyst stages were 152/254 (59.8%) and 77/254 (30.3%) or 139/276 (50.4%) and 45/276 (16.3%) in Groups IA or IB, respectively. The rates of NT embryos that developed to the morula and blastocyst stages were 103/179 (57.5%) and 41/179 (22.9%) or 84/193 (43.5%) and 27/193 (14.0%) in Groups IIA and IIB, respectively. In conclusion, the in vitro developmental competences of porcine transgenic NT embryos that had been reconstructed with the Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) gene-transfected fibroblast cells were relatively high. Further, the nucleofection efficiency of all the porcine fibroblast cell lines as estimated by intra-vitam fluorescent evaluation based on the index of reporter eGFP transgene expression was nearly 100%. However, PCR analysis for transgene screening confirmed the absence of Tg(pWAPhGH-GFPBsd) fusion gene in some of the nucleofected cell lines. To our knowledge, the novel method of nucleofection is the first to transfect nuclear donor cells in the production of transgenic cloned embryos.  相似文献   

Different factors are believed to influence the outcome of nuclear transfer (NT) experiments. Besides the cell cycle stage of both recipient cytoplast and donor karyoplast, the origin of the donor cells (embryonic, fetal, and adult) is of interest. We compared in vitro development of NT embryos derived from small serum-starved (G0) or small cycling (G1) porcine fetal fibroblast cells. Serum starvation did not have a positive effect on cleavage rate or the percentage of embryos that developed to the morula and blastocyst stages. Next, we investigated the development of porcine NT embryos derived from different transgenic clonal cell lines that had originated from the same fetus. When different clonal lines of fetal fibroblasts were fused to enucleated metaphase II oocytes, differences in fusion rates as well as in development to the morula and blastocyst stages were observed (P < 0.05). When oocytes derived from sow ovaries were used as recipient cytoplasts, significantly better cleavage (P = 0.03) and blastocyst formation (P < 0.014) was obtained when compared with oocytes derived from gilts. Our data indicate that not only different cell lines, but also different clones derived from one primary cell line, result in different development when used for NT. In addition, the use of sow oocytes as a cytoplast source also improves the efficiency of NT experiments.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical activation on birth efficiency of cloned pigs were studied by investigating the developmental process from porcine oocyte activation to birth of cloned pigs. Three different activation methods were used: (i) Electroporation (Ele); (ii) Ele followed by incubation with 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP); and (iii) Ele followed by a treatment with cycloheximide (CHX). In experiment 1, the rates of cleavage, developmental rates and cell number of porcine parthenogenetic (PA) embryos were investigated in the three treatment groups. In experiment 2, NT embryos produced by the three different activation treatments were compared for the rates of cleavage, development and cell number. Finally, the effects of Ele and Ele+CHX activation methods on birth efficiency of cloned pigs were compared. The activated oocytes treated by combination activation generally showed a higher (P<0.05) blastocyst rate and produced more expanded blastocysts than oocytes activated with Ele. The rates of cleavage and total cell number of parthenotes were not significantly different. Parthenogenetic embryos activated with 6-DMAP developed into blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stages at a significantly (P<0.05) higher rate than those treated with Ele, but the developmental capability was dramatically decreased in NT embryos. With the CHX activation method, the NT embryo blastocyst rate was substantially (P<0.05) increased although the production of expanded blastocysts was not significantly different from that by the other two methods. The birth rate of cloned pigs increased in the CHX group, though the rate was not significantly different from Ele. The effects of season on developmental rate of the porcine PA embryos and birth rate of cloned pigs were also examined in our study. Porcine oocytes collected in the spring had higher developmental capabilities than those collected in the winter. However, no difference in birth rate of the cloned pigs was found between the oocytes collected in the two seasons. The results obtained from PA and NT embryos, following different activation methods, were inconsistent, suggesting that activation mechanisms are dissimilar in PA and NT embryos. Although the chemical activation in our study leads to an elevation of the blastocyst rate, it does not improve the oocyte’s molecular programming and so does not significantly improve the efficiency of producing cloned pig births. Supported by National Key Basic Research and Development Program (China of Grant No. G200000161).  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of different states of donor cells on the development of reconstructed sheep embryos, we designed five treatments of donor cells, including cell passage, cell size, serum starvation,colchicine treatment and gene transfection. Results are as follows: ( Ⅰ ) Compared with 16-18 passage cells, the morula/blastocyst rate of 5-7 passage cells as donor nuclei was significantly higher (17.3%vs. 4.9%, P<0.05), suggesting the advantage of short-time cultured cells in supporting the development of reconstructed embryos. (Ⅱ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos derived from medium cells (15-25 μm) as donor nuclei was higher than that from large cells (25-33 μm) and small cells (8-15 μm)( 20.0% vs. 8.0%, 9.7%), indicating that reconstructed embryos from medium cells had a greater potentiality to develop into morula/blastocysts than those from small or large ones. (Ⅲ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos from donor cells of SS (serum starvation) was lower than that from donor cells of NSS (non-serum starvation), but no significant difference was detected between SS and NSS( 11.8% vs. 18.6%, P>0.05). (Ⅳ) Fetal fibroblasts treated with 0.05 μmol/L colchicine exhibited a higher morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos than those treated with 0.10 μmol/L colchicine and untreated ones (27.5% vs. 12.1%, 17.1%), however, no significant difference among the three treatments was detected (P>0.05). (Ⅴ) The morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos from fetal fibroblasts transfected with GFP gene only was 3.1%, significantly lower than that from non-transgenic cells (3.1% vs. 20.4%, P<0.05). In conclusion, our results demonstrated that fetal fibroblasts of fewer passages, medium size could ensure a higher morula/blastocyst rate of reconstructed embryos. Serum starvation of donor cells might be unnecessary to the development of reconstructed embryos. Donor cells treated with 0.05 μmol/L colchicine could facilitate the development of reconstructed embryos. Additionally, as cells transfected with GFP gene were used as donor nuclei, adverse effect on the development of reconstructed embryos was observed. Therefore, the developmental efficiency of reconstructed embryos could be improved if proper treatments to donor cells were used.  相似文献   

Successful development of porcine embryos from the one-cell stage to the blastocyst stage has been accomplished using mouse oviducts in organ culture. One-cell embryos were transferred to mouse oviducts maintained in organ culture and were cultured for 6 days. Control embryos from each donor pig were cultured in a modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium. Thus control and experimental embryos obtained from the same individual pig could be directly compared. At the end of the culture period, all embryos were scored for the stage of development attained and stained to allow the cell number of each embryo to be counted. In medium alone, only 35.7% of the one-cell embryos reached the morula or blastocyst stage, whereas 78.1% of the one-cell embryos transferred to mouse oviducts reached the morula or blastocyst stage. Of those embryos reaching the morula or blastocyst stage, cell numbers were similar for the two treatments (medium alone vs. oviduct culture). The procedure described for mouse oviduct organ culture provides a simple method for culturing early-stage pig embryos to the morula or blastocyst stage prior to embryo transfer.  相似文献   

目的:通过建立慢病毒载体感染猪胚胎体系实现胚胎标记,进而研究不同发育阶段猪孤雌胚胎之间的嵌合能力,为进一步研究猪早期胚胎发育以及细胞分化奠定基础.方法:首先,通过显微注射的方法把2×109I.U./ml、2×108I.U./ml和2×107I.U./ml三个梯度的表达绿色荧光的慢病毒载体分别注射到猪1-细胞胚胎和2-细胞胚胎的透明带下,进行胚胎的GFP转基因标记,在荧光显微镜下观察比较卵裂率、阳性胚胎率、囊胚率、阳性囊胚率和囊胚细胞数.然后,采用凹窝聚合法对同步发育胚胎在不同阶段(2-细胞,4-细胞,8-细胞)进行嵌合,2-细胞胚胎与不同发育阶段(2-细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞)胚胎进行嵌合以及2-细胞胚胎卵裂球互换制作嵌合体胚胎,发育到囊胚时在荧光显微镜下检测胚胎的嵌合状态.结果:2×109I.U./ml的慢病毒感染猪2-细胞胚胎组中,体外受精和孤雌胚胎感染阳性率( 80.00%、76.36%)和阳性囊胚率(90.74%、89.56%)都显著高于其它滴度组(P<0.05),另外,慢病毒感染的两种胚胎与对照组对卵裂率、囊胚率和囊胚细胞数三个指标没有显著影响(P>0.05).2-细胞胚胎之间嵌合囊胚率和2-细胞卵裂球互换嵌合囊胚率( 53.85%、62.50%)显著高于2-细胞胚胎与4-细胞胚胎的嵌合率(18.60%,P<0.05),在同步发育胚胎中8-细胞胚胎之间的嵌合率(75.00%)高于4-细胞胚胎之间和2-细胞胚胎之间的嵌合率( 65.00%、53.80%).结论:2×109I.U./ml的慢病毒感染2-细胞期胚胎效率最高,另外,慢病毒感染对猪胚胎发育没有明显影响.8-细胞间的嵌合率比较高;发育同步胚胎间的嵌合率高于发育非同步胚胎间的嵌合率.  相似文献   

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