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流感病毒M2(基质蛋白2)是A型流感病毒的一个高度保守的蛋白。由于其免疫原性较弱,本研究采用M2 DNA疫苗初免-蛋白加强的策略来考察M2的免疫保护效果。制备A/Chicken/Jiangsu/07/2002(H9N2)流感病毒的M2 DNA疫苗以及经大肠杆菌表达的去除M2跨膜区的M2蛋白即sM2。以SPF级BALB/c小鼠为模型,电击法免疫M2 DNA疫苗,滴鼻法免疫sM2蛋白,免疫间隔三周,并于末次免疫后三周以致死量5LD50流感病毒H9N2攻击小鼠,通过检测小鼠存活率、体重丢失率、肺部病毒滴度及IgG抗体水平等指标来评价免疫的保护效果。实验结果表明,基于M2的疫苗采用DNA疫苗初免蛋白加强免疫二次的免疫程序能诱导较高的特异性抗体,明显减轻小鼠流感病症,提供完全的保护。  相似文献   

目的:以His-CecropinXJ融合蛋白、pcDNA3.0-cecropinXJ重组质粒为免疫原,分别采用蛋白皮下免疫、DNA肌肉免疫及使用活体基因导入仪肌肉免疫BALB/c小鼠,制备新疆家蚕抗菌肽的多克隆抗血清,并评价不同免疫方案对抗原免疫原性的影响。方法:采用间接ELISA测定免疫血清中抗新疆家蚕抗菌肽IgG抗体的滴度及亚型分类。用Western blot检测各免疫方案制备的抗血清,与新疆家蚕抗菌肽CecropinXJ抗原结合的特异性。结果:不同免疫方案均可诱导产生针对新疆家蚕抗菌肽不同滴度的多克隆抗血清。使用活体基因导入仪免疫后,可诱导高滴度的抗体产生。结论:以His-CecropinXJ蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠后,可诱导高滴度的IgG1抗体产生;以pcDNA3.0-cecropinXJ质粒免疫后,可诱导针对IgG2a的抗体产生。  相似文献   

流感病毒基质蛋白(matrix protein,M)在病毒复制和毒力方面有重要作用.编码基质蛋白的M1基因和M2基因胞外域序列是A型流感病毒的保守序列,是研究具有交叉保护能力流感疫苗的候选基因.我们构建了真核表达质粒pCAGGSP7/M1和pCAGGSP7/M2,用质粒DNA免疫小鼠以观察其免疫原性.分别在M1DNA免疫2、3、4、5、6次或M2 DNA免疫4、5、6次7 d后,用致死量同源流感病毒A/PR/8攻击小鼠,通过检测小鼠血清抗体滴度、肺部病毒量和小鼠存活率来观察质粒DNA的保护效果.结果表明,随着免疫次数增加,M1 DNA免疫组在病毒攻击后小鼠存活率增高,而M2 DNA免疫组小鼠攻毒后全部死亡.说明M1 DNA多次免疫后能提供抗流感病毒的部分保护,M2 DNA没有免疫保护作用.  相似文献   

SARS灭活病毒免疫兔后IgG特异抗体应答   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将灭活的SARS冠状病毒抗原每隔两周多点注射免疫兔,共免疫3次,以观察SARS灭活病毒免疫兔后兔血清中IgG特异性抗体的应答变化。免疫前及第一次免疫后第8、14、21、28、35天耳静脉取血,分离血清。间接ELISA法测得血清中特异性IgG抗体持续升高,并表现出一定的剂量依赖性:第35天G1、G2、G3组血清IgG抗体滴度分别为1:51200、1:49600、1:25600;中和试验测得G1组第28天血清样品中和抗体效价为1:2560;蛋白芯片测得M、N、3CI,、S1、S2、S3、S4等病毒蛋白抗原都可特异性结合抗血清中的IgG抗体,但是不同蛋白抗原结合能力有差别。因此可认为SARS灭活病毒经皮下注射免疫兔后,可诱导全身性IgG抗体应答,产生SARS冠状病毒特异性抗体。  相似文献   

使用2×107PFU乙脑病毒野毒株GSS抗原preM-E-NS1-NS2a的非复制型重组痘苗病毒NTV-JEV免疫3周龄BALB/c小鼠,小鼠体内乙脑病毒特异性抗体滴度1∶71,IgG2a/IgG1为1.5,中和抗体滴度为1∶8,免疫组小鼠产生特异性补体介导的细胞杀伤作用。以10 LD50乙脑P3株病毒对小鼠进行了脑内攻击,NTV-JEV免疫组小鼠存活率为100%,与乙脑减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2免疫组存活率相同。100 LD50P3株病毒攻击后NTV-JEV免疫组存活率28.6%,与SA14-14-2组免疫效果无明显差别。存活小鼠体内乙脑病毒特异性抗体升高为1∶179,IgG2a/IgG1比值为1.9,中和抗体大于1∶16。以30 LD50GSS株病毒进行攻击后,NTV-JEV免疫组和SA14-14-2组保护率均为8.3%。上述结果表明,NTV-JEV与乙脑减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2株具有相近的保护力,NTV-JEV不仅可以保护小鼠抵抗同株病毒GSS的攻击,而且可以抵抗异株病毒P3的攻击。  相似文献   

研究人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)6b结构蛋白L1(HPV6b L1)基因佐剂增强沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis,Ct)主要外膜蛋白(MOMP)多表位(Ct MOMP168)DNA疫苗的免疫效果的可能性.构建pcDNA3.1(+)/HPV6b L1/Ct MOMP168融合重组质粒,转染COS-7细胞,用RT-PCR、激光共聚焦显微技术及Western印迹技术检测其表达.分别用pcDNA3.1(+)/HPV6b L1/Ct MOMP168、pcDNA3.1(+)/Ct MOMP168及pcDNA3.1(+)质粒肌肉免疫BALB/c小鼠,ELISA检测外周血中IgG及阴道分泌物中sIgA.结果表明,pcDNA3.1(+)/HPV6b L1/CtMOMP168可在COS-7细胞中表达;Ct MOMP168组和HPV6b L1/Ct MOMP168组均可刺激小鼠产生抗Ct MOMP特异性的抗体,抗体滴度随免疫次数增加而升高,且HPV6b L1/Ct MOMP168组小鼠产生的抗体滴度明显高于Ct MOMP168组(P0.05).结果提示,分子佐剂HPV6b L1与CtMOMP多表位基因融合能够显著增强Ct MOMP多表位DNA疫苗的体液免疫应答.  相似文献   

汉滩病毒84Fli株DNA疫苗诱导小鼠免疫应答的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强我国病毒性出血热的防治,本研究将汉滩病毒84Fli株核蛋白S和糖蛋白M编码片段分别克隆至pcDNA3.0载体,构建了pcDNA3/84S和pcDNA3/84M重组质粒,等量混合采用肌肉注射途径免疫C57BL/6小鼠,免疫3次,每次间隔2周,同时与双价出血热病毒灭活疫苗进行对比。ELISA及免疫荧光(IFA)分别检测小鼠血清中汉滩病毒核蛋白及糖蛋白特异性抗体,流式细胞仪和ELISPOT方法分析小鼠免疫后的细胞免疫水平。微量中和试验检测小鼠血清抗体的的中和活性。结果显示,DNA疫苗免疫组C57BL/6小鼠在初次免疫2周后即能检测到汉滩病毒核蛋白与糖蛋白的特异性抗体,与灭活疫苗组相比,重组质粒诱导的抗体滴度高,产生时间早,产生的抗体具有中和活性;同时可诱导产生特异性细胞免疫应答。研究表明,汉滩病毒pcDNA3/84S和pcDNA3/84M重组质粒能有效刺激小鼠产生特异性体液免疫和细胞免疫应答。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)感染引发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情在全球持续流行,疫苗的研发和推广使用是阻止新冠疫情的关键手段。SARS-CoV-2核衣壳蛋白(NP)作为病毒的主要结构蛋白,是疫苗开发的潜在候选靶点。鞭毛素B(FlaB)可作为免疫佐剂,增强抗原的免疫原性。本研究对NP和NP-FlaB融合蛋白的免疫原性开展了研究,利用大肠杆菌表达系统分别表达纯化了NP、NP-FlaB融合蛋白,将抗原通过皮下或鼻内途径免疫BALB/c小鼠,分析血清中NP特异性免疫球蛋白G(IgG)、黏膜中NP特异性免疫球蛋白A(IgA)和NP特异性细胞因子分泌的T细胞应答。结果表明:一次皮下免疫NP或NP-FlaB融合蛋白足以引起抗NP的血清IgG抗体反应,能有效诱导分泌白细胞介素4(IL-4)的NP特异性效应T细胞,但NP和NP-FlaB融合蛋白组别之间无显著性差异;鼻内途径免疫下,NP-FlaB融合蛋白免疫组血清中NP特异性IgG抗体滴度和肺内黏膜IgA抗体滴度显著高于NP组。整体结果显示,SARS-CoV-2 NP和NP-FlaB融合蛋白具有很强的免疫原性,NPFlaB融合蛋白能引起黏膜免疫应答,两者均可作为SARS-CoV-2疫苗的候选蛋白。SARS-CoV-2 NP及NP-FlaB融合蛋白的免疫原性的探究为后续新冠病毒NP疫苗开发提供了新的思路和参考。  相似文献   

为研制广谱性禽流感口服疫苗,将4种禽流感病毒特异的基质蛋白2胞外区(matrix protein 2 ectodomain,M2e)多肽与黏膜免疫佐剂CTA1-DD串联,原核表达并纯化CTA1DD-AVI4M2e融合蛋白。以200 μg融合蛋白CTA1DD-AVI4M2e口服免疫BALB/c小鼠,结果显示实验组肠液IgA抗体效价和血清IgG抗体效价比对照组显著升高,血清中特异性IgG抗体效价达约360倍。分割的3段肠样中:第1段浸出液IgA抗体效价约为360倍,第2段约为120倍,第3段约为 9 720 倍。结果表明,本研究制备的CTA1DD-AVI4M2e具有显著口服免疫效果,为后续研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

重组恶性疟原虫DNA质粒免疫小鼠制备单克隆抗体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用恶性疟原虫MSP131基因片段的重组质粒DNA直接免疫BALB/c小鼠,诱导产生体液,免疫后取脾细胞与SP2/0小鼠骨髓瘤细胞在PEG1450作用下进行融合,获得了2株能分泌抗恶性疟原虫MSP131单克隆抗体的小鼠杂交瘤细胞株9H9和8A2。用酶联免疫吸附试验检测,小鼠腹水抗体滴度最高为1∶10 000。经免疫球蛋白类型和亚类鉴定,2株杂交瘤细胞株均为IgG\-1\.蛋白免疫印迹试验表明,此单克隆抗体与MSP1\|31蛋白抗原有特异免疫反应,证明通过质粒DNA直接免疫小鼠可制备特异性单克隆抗体。  相似文献   

Vaccination of children with a formalin-inactivated (FI) respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine led to exacerbated disease including pulmonary eosinophilia following a natural RSV infection. Immunization of BALB/c mice with FI-RSV or a recombinant vaccinia virus (vv) expressing the RSV attachment (G) protein (vvG) results in a pulmonary Th2 response and eosinophilia after RSV challenge that closely mimics the RSV vaccine-enhanced disease observed in humans. The underlying causes of RSV vaccine-enhanced disease remain poorly understood. We demonstrate here that RSV M2-specific CD8 T cells reduce the Th2-mediated pathology induced by vvG-immunization and RSV challenge in an IFN-gamma-independent manner. We also demonstrate that FI-RSV immunization does not induce a measurable RSV-specific CD8 T cell response and that priming FI-RSV-immunized mice for a potent memory RSV-specific CD8 T cell response abrogates pulmonary eosinophilia after subsequent RSV challenge. Our results suggest that the failure of the FI-RSV vaccine to induce a CD8 T cell response may have contributed to the development of pulmonary eosinophilia and augmented disease that occurred in vaccinated individuals.  相似文献   

Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a serious pediatric pathogen of the lower respiratory tract worldwide. There is currently no clinically approved vaccine against RSV infection. Recently, it has been shown that a replication-deficient first generation adenoviral vector (FGAd), which encodes modified RSV attachment glycoprotein (G), elicits long-term protective immunity against RSV infection in mice. The major problem in developing such a vaccine is that G protein lacks MHC-I-restricted epitopes. However, RSV fusion glycoprotein (F) is a major cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitope in humans and mice, therefore, an FGAd-encoding F (FGAd-F) was constructed and evaluated for its potential as an RSV vaccine in a murine model. Intranasal (i.n.) immunization with FGAd-F generated serum IgG, bronchoalveolar lavage secretory IgA, and RSV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in BALB/c mice, with characteristic balanced or mixed Th1/Th2 CD4+ T-cell responses. Serum IgG was significantly elevated after boosting with i.n. FGAd-F. Upon challenge, i.n. immunization with FGAd-F displayed an effective protective role against RSV infection. These results demonstrate FGAd-F is able to induce effective protective immunity and is a promising vaccine regimen against RSV infection.  相似文献   

The attachment (G) protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is synthesized as two mature forms: a membrane-anchored form and a smaller secreted form. BALB/c mice scarified with vaccinia virus (VV) expressing the secreted form develop a greater pulmonary eosinophilic influx following RSV challenge than do mice scarified with VV expressing the membrane-anchored form. To determine if a soluble form of an RSV protein was sufficient to induce eosinophilia following RSV challenge, a cDNA that encoded a secreted form of the fusion (F) protein of RSV was constructed and expressed in VV (VV-Ftm(-)). Splenocytes and lung lymphocytes from mice primed with VV-Ftm(-) produced significantly more of the Th2 cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-5 than did mice vaccinated with VV expressing either the native (membrane-anchored) form of the F protein or the G protein. Although mice scarified with VV-Ftm(-) developed a slight increase in the number of pulmonary eosinophils following RSV infection, the increase was not as great as that seen in VV-G-primed mice. Despite the increased IL-4 and IL-5 production and in contrast to mice primed with VV-G, mice primed with VV-Ftm(-) developed RSV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and maintained high levels of gamma interferon production. These data demonstrate that recombinant VV strains expressing soluble forms of RSV proteins induce immune responses that are more Th2-like. However, this change alone does not appear sufficient to induce vaccine-augmented disease in the face of active CD8(+) CTL populations.  相似文献   

Groups of lactating BALB/c mice were immunized in the immediate postpartum period with high doses of mAb (Ab-1) to the F-glycoprotein (F-gp) of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). This antibody possessed neutralizing activity against the whole virus. The immune response to F-gp was studied in the breast feeding infant mice of such mothers at regular intervals before and after weaning. All infant mice exhibited anti-F-gp activity in serum, which was detected until 6 wk of age. Splenic cells of such breast feeding infant mice collected after weaning exhibited in vitro synthesis of antibody against Ab-1, the antibody previously used for maternal immunization. Subsequent immunization with homologous purified RSV F-gp resulted in a booster response for IgG, IgM, and plaque-neutralizing antibody to the immunizing RSV protein and to the whole virus in the infants primed via breast feeding. The enhanced antibody response was specific for the antigenic epitopes of the virus protein recognized by the monoclonal antibody used for maternal immunization. Similar booster effect was seen in control infants of nonimmunized mothers who were immunized with a polyclonal Ab-2 prepared by repeated immunization with Ab-1 in DBA/2 mice. These data demonstrate induction of RSV-specific anti-idiotype antibody in the neonates via the process of breast feeding, secondary to maternal immunization after the delivery of the neonate. Use of idiotypic vaccines in the mother and the transfer of RSV-specific idiotypes may offer an alternate approach to the development of effective immunoprophylaxis for RSV infection in early infancy.  相似文献   

Secondary exposure to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can lead to immunopathology and enhanced disease in vaccinated individuals. Vaccination with individual RSV proteins influences the type of secondary RSV-specific immune response that develops upon challenge RSV infection, as well as the extent of immunopathology. RSV-specific memory CD4 T cells can directly contribute to immunopathology through their cytokine production. Immunization of BALB/c mice with a recombinant vaccinia virus (vv) expressing the attachment (G) protein of RSV results in pulmonary eosinophilia upon RSV challenge, whereas immunization of mice with a vv expressing the fusion (F) protein does not. We analyzed the CD4 T-cell response to an I-Ed-restricted CD4 T-cell epitope within the F protein of RSV corresponding to amino acids 51 to 66 in an effort to better understand the similarities and differences in the immune response elicited by the G versus the F protein. Vaccination with the G protein induces a mixture of RSV G-specific Th1 and Th2 cells with a restricted T-cell receptor repertoire. In contrast, we demonstrate here that immunization with the F protein elicits a broad repertoire of RSV F-specific CD4 T cells that predominantly exhibit a Th1 phenotype. However, in the absence of gamma interferon (IFN-γ), RSV F51-66-specific CD4 T cells secreted interleukin-5, and mice developed pulmonary eosinophilia after RSV challenge. IFN-γ-deficient mice exhibited decreased weight loss compared to wild-type controls, suggesting that IFN-γ exacerbates systemic disease. These data demonstrate that IFN-γ can have both beneficial and detrimental effects during a secondary RSV infection.  相似文献   

The protective mechanisms induced in the mouse upper respiratory tract (URT) after intraperitoneal immunization with G2Na, a recombinant respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) G protein fragment (amino acid residues 130 to 230), were investigated. This protection was recently shown to be mediated by CD4(+) T cells and to be critically dependent on the cysteines and amino acids 193 and 194 (H. Plotnicky-Gilquin, A. Robert, L. Chevalet, J.-F. Haeuw, A. Beck, J.-Y. Bonnefoy, C. Brandt, C.-A. Siegrist, T. N. Nguyen, and U. F. Power, J. Virol. 74:3455-3463, 2000). On G2Na, we identified a domain (amino acid residues 182 to 198) responsible for the T-helper-cell activity. This region coincided with a peptide designed AICK (residues 184 to 198) which includes the previously identified murine and human T-helper-cell epitope on the native G protein (P. W. Tebbey, M. Hagen, and G. E. Hancock, J. Exp. Med. 188:1967-1972, 1998). Immunization with AICK, in alum or complete Freund's adjuvant, significantly reduced nasal RSV titers in normal BALB/c mice. However, although lung protection was induced, in contrast to the case with live RSV, neither AICK nor G2Na was able to prevent nasal infection in gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-knockout mice. Anti-IFN-gamma neutralizing antibodies partially inhibited URT protection after administration to G2Na-immunized BALB/c mice. Furthermore, while purified CD4(+) T cells from BALB/c mice immunized with G2Na or AICK significantly reduced lung and nasal infection of naive recipient mice after adoptive transfer, the cells from IFN-gamma-knockout mice had no effect. Together, these results demonstrated for the first time that the T-helper-cell epitope of RSV G protein induces URT protection in mice after parenteral immunization through a Th1-type, IFN-gamma-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The ability of recombinant vaccinia viruses that separately encoded 9 of the 10 known respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) proteins to induce resistance to RSV challenge was studied in BALB/c mice. Resistance was examined at two intervals following vaccination to examine early (day 9) as well as late (day 28) immunity. BALB/c mice were inoculated simultaneously by the intranasal and intraperitoneal routes with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding one of the following RSV proteins: F, G, N, P, SH, M, 1B, 1C, or M2 (22K). A parainfluenza virus type 3 HN protein recombinant (Vac-HN) served as a negative control. One half of the mice were challenged with RSV intranasally on day 9, and the remaining animals were challenged on day 28 postvaccination. Mice previously immunized by infection with RSV, Vac-F, or Vac-G were completely or almost completely resistant to RSV challenge on both days. In contrast, immunization with Vac-HN, -P, -SH, -M, -1B, or -1C did not induce detectable resistance to RSV challenge. Mice previously infected with Vac-M2 or Vac-N exhibited significant but not complete resistance on day 9. However, in both cases resistance had largely waned by day 28 and was detectable only in mice immunized with Vac-M2. These results demonstrate that F and G proteins expressed by recombinant vaccinia viruses are the most effective RSV protective antigens. This study also suggests that RSV vaccines need only contain the F and G glycoproteins, because the immunity conferred by the other proteins is less effective and appears to wane rapidly with time.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice sensitized to vaccinia virus expressed G protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) develop a Th2-type cytokine response and pulmonary eosinophilia when challenged with live RSV. In this study, BALB/c mice were immunized or challenged with an RSV mutant lacking the G and SH proteins or with DNA vaccines coding for RSV G or F protein. F or G protein DNA vaccines were capable of sensitizing for pulmonary eosinophilia. The absence of the G and/or SH protein in the infecting virus resulted in a consistent increase both in pulmonary natural killer cells and in gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor expression, as well as, with primary infection, a variable increase in neutrophils and CD11b(+) cells. The development of pulmonary eosinophilia in formalin-inactivated RSV-vaccinated mice required the presence of the G and/or SH protein in the challenge virus. These data show that G and/or SH protein has a marked impact on the inflammatory and innate immune response to RSV infection.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response is important for the control of viral replication during respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The attachment glycoprotein (G) of RSV does not encode major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted epitopes in BALB/c mice (H-2(d)). Furthermore, studies to date have described an absence of significant CTL activity directed against this protein in humans. Therefore, G previously was not considered necessary for the generation of RSV-specific CTL responses. In this study, we demonstrate that, despite lacking H-2(d)-restricted epitopes, G enhances the generation of an effective CTL response against RSV. Furthermore, we show that this stimulatory effect is independent of virus titers and RSV-induced inflammation; that it is associated primarily with the secreted form of G; and that the effect depends on the cysteine-rich region of G (GCRR), a segment conserved in wild-type isolates worldwide. These findings reveal a novel function for the GCRR with potential implications for the generation of protective cellular responses and vaccine development.  相似文献   

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