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珠海淇澳岛冬季的鸟类群落   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在淇澳岛红树林湿地设置7条样带,分别于2005-2007年每年1月对该区冬季鸟类群落特征进行研究.共记录到鸟类63种,隶属12目23科,雀形目种类最丰富;其中留鸟、冬候鸟、夏候鸟分别占66.7%、31.7%和1.6%,水禽和陆禽分别占28.6%和71.4%.鸟类群落总体α多样性指数(H)为3.171,均匀度(J)为0.765;各个样带的H值为0.602~2.853,J值为0.336~0.919,其中滩涂与红树林生境的鸟类群落多样性与均匀度在7种生境中最低.β多样性指数分析表明,滩涂、红树林鱼塘湿地和村落之间的鸟类群落差异较大.根据等级聚类分析的结果,淇澳岛冬季鸟类群落可划分为滩涂水禽、红树林鱼塘湿地鸟类、农田森林鸟类3个群落.  相似文献   

2012年10月—2013年9月,对红海子湿地公园鸟类资源进行调查。结果表明:共发现鸟类116种,隶属于16目36科,其中,夏候鸟49种,冬候鸟9种,留鸟24种,旅鸟34种;鸟类种类和数量有所增加;依据地形地貌和植被类型,在调查区选择了湿地、林地、草地和居民区4种生境,其中,湿地鸟类多样性指数(3.042)和均匀度指数(0.687)最高,居民区多样性指数(0.599)和均匀度指数(0.227)最低,优势度指数湿地最低(0.079),居民区最高(0.766),相似性指数林地和草地最高(0.667),湿地和居民区最低(0.204);本文对该湿地主要优势鸟种与环境的关系、湿地鸟类种类和数量较前几年增加的原因进行了分析,推测出水质变化可能是导致鸟类疾病发生和死亡的原因。  相似文献   

采用样线法与网捕法对黑龙江大沾河自然保护区的鸟类资源进行调查,并计算其物种多样性、均匀性及不同生境群落间的相似性.结果表明:大沾河自然保护区共有鸟类16目39科203种,其中雀形目鸟类16科92种,非雀形目鸟类111种,种类较多的科有鹟科、雀科、鸭科、鹬科等.保护区分布的鸟类中,古北种占绝对优势(65.52%),广布种次之(30.54%),东洋界物种极少(3.94%).4种群落类型中,多样性指数排序:湿地>林地>农田>居民点;均匀性指数排序:湿地>林地>农田>居民点;相似性排序:居民点-农田(S=0.25),湿地-林地(S=0.23),农田-湿地(S=0.14)和居民点-林地(S=0.07).  相似文献   

2004年12月—2005年5月,对上海崇明东滩98海堤内200hm2次生人工湿地进行鸟类调查,在冬季统计到鸟类8目15科56种,以游、涉禽为主;在春季统计到鸟类10目19科55种,以涉禽为主。运用多元回归对鸟类种类数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数和科属多样性等群落特征以及调查样点内水位、水面积、植被盖度、底栖动物密度、鱼类捕捞和人类干扰等环境因子进行鸟类生境选择分析。回归模型显示冬季鸟类种类数与植被盖度呈显著正相关,鸟类数量、物种多样性、科属多样性等群落特征与水位高低、水面积比例以及鱼类捕捞强度等有关,底栖动物密度影响鸟类均匀度和数量;春季鸟类数量与鱼塘的水面积呈正相关,而种类和数量与水位呈显著负相关,物种多样性和均匀性明显受水位、水面积和植被盖度影响,鸟类科属多样性与底栖动物密度呈显著相关,捕捞状况对春季鸟类群落影响不大。  相似文献   

2004年12月—2005年5月,对上海崇明东滩98海堤内200 hm2次生人工湿地进行鸟类调查,在冬季统计到鸟类8目15科56种,以游、涉禽为主;在春季统计到鸟类10目19科55种,以涉禽为主。运用多元回归对鸟类种类数、数量、物种多样性、均匀性指数和科属多样性等群落特征以及调查样点内水位、水面积、植被盖度、底栖动物密度、鱼类捕捞和人类干扰等环境因子进行鸟类生境选择分析。回归模型显示冬季鸟类种类数与植被盖度呈显著正相关,鸟类数量、物种多样性、科属多样性等群落特征与水位高低、水面积比例以及鱼类捕捞强度等有关,底栖动物密度影响鸟类均匀度和数量;春季鸟类数量与鱼塘的水面积呈正相关,而种类和数量与水位呈显著负相关,物种多样性和均匀性明显受水位、水面积和植被盖度影响,鸟类科属多样性与底栖动物密度呈显著相关,捕捞状况对春季鸟类群落影响不大。  相似文献   

阜阳市重要湿地夏季鸟类多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了掌握阜阳市重要湿地的鸟类资源,2011年7月-2011年9月,采用样带法对阜阳市4个重点湿地的夏季鸟类资源进行了调查。调查共记录阜阳市重要湿地鸟类11目25科43种,雀形目鸟类种数最多,共19种,占全部种类数的44.1%。东洋界、古北界和两界广布种分别占繁殖鸟种数的39.5%、34.8%、25.6%;湿地水鸟21种,占全部鸟类的47.8%;湿地鸟类群落的优势种为家燕、烟腹毛脚燕和灰椋鸟。八里河省级湿地自然保护区鸟类种数最多(N=30),多样性指数最高(H=2.49);4个湿地之间鸟类相似性系数均较高。鸟类多样性指数、鸟类种都与湿地面积呈显著正相关(多样性r=0.985,P=0.015;鸟种r=0.974,P=0.026)。从鸟类多样性保护考虑,湿地保护区和湿地公园的建设和管理应向保持湿地面积、增加植被复杂性发展。  相似文献   

2012年10月至2013年12月对内蒙古乌兰察布地区的鸟类区系及生态分布进行了调查研究。共记录到鸟类215种,隶属于17目48科。其中留鸟42种,夏候鸟101种,旅鸟67种,冬候鸟5种;繁殖鸟143种,构成区系的主体。繁殖鸟中古北界种类有118种,占繁殖鸟总数的82.5%,鸟类区系具有典型的古北界特征。国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类有5种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类有28种。依据地形地貌和植被类型,将该地区划分为湿地、林地、草地、农田、居民区5种生境,其中,湿地鸟类丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数最高,居民区鸟类丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数最低;优势度指数在居民区最高,在湿地生境中最低。从不同生境鸟类群落间β多样性的变化看,湿地与林地之间物种更替变化最大,群落相似性小;农田与居民区物种更替变化小,群落相似性大,与聚类分析的结果相一致。对该地区不同生境鸟类群落结构及其之间的关系进行了分析,探讨鸟类对栖息环境的选择以及鸟类与环境的关系。  相似文献   

崇明东滩人工湿地春季水鸟群落结构及其生境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
崇明东滩处于独特的地理位置,拥有辽阔的滩涂和丰富的湿地资源,是亚太地区候鸟迁徙路线上的重要驿站。然而崇明东滩也是上海促淤圈围重点区域之一,且围垦后滩涂用作多种农业、工业发展,导致当地植物群落和滩涂湿地结构的改变,从而直接造成了鸟类生物多样性的明显下降,因此东滩湿地保护人员采取了修复和优化的治理措施,但治理同时也将自然滩涂改造成人工湿地。本研究将改造后自然滩涂作为研究不同类型人工湿地的水鸟群落结构及其生境关系的研究区域,并把研究区域分为4种不同类型人工湿地,捕鱼港优化区即一期工程(已修复)、鸟类栖息地优化区即二期工程(修复中)、人工鱼蟹塘、耀全农场。本研究目的在于分析这4种不同类型人工湿地中鸟类群落特征并寻找影响鸟类对生境利用的主要因子,同时考虑修复优化工程的保育功能,对不同管理模式下的人工湿地进行研究,从而对湿地改造提出科学的建议。由于前期大量研究表明春季鸟类数量和种类较丰富,能够较好地反映崇明东滩湿地生态现状。因此从2013年3月下旬至5月上旬在大潮期和小潮期分别对上述4种不同类型人工湿地进行了鸟类及其生境因子调查。此次鸟类调查采用样点法,共统计到水鸟2357只,隶属于6目11科45种,其中斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、红骨顶(Gallinula chloropus)、金眶鸻(Charadrius dubius)、环颈鸻(C.alexandrinus)、牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)、鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)、林鹬(T.glareola)等25种鸟为优势种。非参数检验分析表明,春季这4类人工湿地水鸟种类、密度、多样性均有显著性差异,一期工程内水鸟的种类、密度、多样性指数、均匀度指数都为最大。对生境因子与鸟类群落特征进行相关分析,根据非参数检验的结果得出裸露浅滩面积、水域面积、生境小岛个数是影响水鸟分布的关键因子,为此对鸟类栖息地优化区的修复及其完善提出科学建议。  相似文献   

为了解杭州湾及钱塘江河口区域围垦过程中多种人工湿地对于鸟类的作用及在快速的土地利用方式转变过程中鸟类的响应过程,2008年11月至2011年9月,作者对上虞曹娥江口至镇海甬江口沿岸滨海湿地鸟类资源进行调查,共记录鸟类16目52科220种,其中候鸟173种,占总数的78.6%,属于国家Ⅰ、Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物的24种.对研究区域的8种生境的鸟类群落组成、多样性及相似性进行了比较.结果表明,记录物种数较多的生境依次为芦苇水塘(95种,占总数的43.2%)、海涂林地(93种,占总数的42.3%)、自然潮间带和海涂水库(均为78种,各占总数的35.5%),其他生境的物种数均不少于67种(占总数的30.5%以上);从不同鸟类类群的分布看,82.5%的鸻鹬类分布在自然潮间带,69.2%的雁形目鸟类出现在海涂水库,73.4%的雀形目鸟类分布在海涂林地,海涂林地也是大量鹭鸟的繁殖场所;与自然潮间带相似性系数最高的生境依次为围垦滞留区、海涂水库和芦苇水塘,相似性系数分别为0.56、0.34和0.30;从整体上看,海涂林地和海涂水库的鸟类群落G-F指数最高,自然潮间带最低,但水鸟G-F指数最高的生境类型依次为围垦滞留区、海涂水库和自然潮间带.围垦是目前对杭州湾鸟类动态影响最大的人为干扰活动,适度围垦和合理的垦后土地利用方式可能提高整个区域的鸟类多样性水平.为了有效保护杭州湾鸟类多样性尤其是依赖自然潮间带的鸟类多样性,应加强对滩涂资源的保护与可持续利用;在滩涂围垦过程中应尽量保留足够数量和面积的高潮停歇地;同时,加强对围垦滞留区的水位管理,并注重营造适合鸟类栖息的类型多样的围区人工湿地系统.  相似文献   

陕西省黄河湿地冬季鸟类群落初步研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
1998~2008年,采用直接计数法对陕西省黄河湿地冬季鸟类群落组成、鸟类物种多样性及数量变化进行了调查.在预先设置的5条调查样带中共记录到鸟类14目33科117种.观察结果表明,该地区鸟类多样性指数和均匀度指数分别为4.497和0.654.栖息地可分为人工渔塘、芦苇沼泽、滩涂湿地、农田和人工林5种类型.这些生境中鸟类组成及物种多样性差异均较大,其鸟类多样性指数分别为2.826、3.571、3.202、1.205、2.496,以芦苇沼泽中的鸟类多样性指数最高,滩涂湿地中鸟类数量最多,农田中鸟类优势度最高.通过对该地区鸟类群落组成及多样性分析研究以及黄河湿地冬季鸟类栖息地现状评价,为湿地鸟类资源的保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The restoration of degraded wetland ecosystems and the recovery of wetland biodiversity are important global issues. Generally, wetland restoration projects include activities to recover vegetation. A promising revegetation technique is one in which soil seed banks are utilized as the source of plant recolonization. Using such a technique, a pilot project to restore lakeshore vegetation was launched at Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, in 2002. In the project, lake sediments containing the seed banks were spread thinly (∼10 cm) on the surfaces of artificial lakeshores, which were constructed in front of concrete levees and had microtopographic variations. In total, 180 species, including six endangered or vulnerable species and 12 native submerged plants that had disappeared from the above-ground vegetation of the lake, were recorded in five recreated lakeshores (total area, 65,200 m2) during the first year of the restoration. The distribution of each restored species at the sites suggested the importance of microtopographic relief for recolonizing species-rich lakeshore vegetation. Furthermore, the origin of the source seed banks affected the species composition of the restored vegetation. On the other hand, the restoration sites were subject to exotic plant invasions. Here, we report lessons learned from the Lake Kasumigaura restoration project as a contribution to the establishment of ecologically sound revegetation techniques.  相似文献   

湖滨带退化生态系统的恢复与重建   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
湖滨带是水陆生态交错带的一种类型,在湖泊流域生态系统中发挥着重要作用,具有较高的生态、社会和经济价值.湖滨带的功能包括:缓冲带功能、保持生物多样性及生境保护功能、护岸功能和经济美学价值.湖滨带退化的原因主要是人为因素引起的生物群落结构的逆向演替及生态功能下降,退化湖滨带生态恢复与重建的理论基础是恢复生态学,其生态恢复技术可划分为三大类:湖滨带生境恢复与重建技术、湖滨带生物恢复与重建技术、湖滨带生态系统结构与功能恢复技术.云南洱海湖滨带近3年的生态恢复与重建试验的生态调查结果表明,试验区水生植被得到恢复,水质净化作用明显,藻类得到抑制,浮游动物的构成和数量发生变化,湖滨带湿地生态系统的生物多样性和稳定性增加.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration is increasingly important to reverse habitat degradation, recover ecosystem services, and maintain biodiversity. To aid project design, more information is required on the influence of wetland size, depth of water, and isolation on the waterbird communities that become established. During a restoration project in Doñana, one of the Europe's most important wetland complexes, an experimental network of 96 temporary ponds with standard shape but variable size, water depth, and isolation was created. We surveyed the waterbird community in spring from 2006 to 2008 and related species abundance and richness to abiotic pond characteristics. We also performed analyses pooling species by foraging guilds or body size. Waterbird abundance and species richness were highest in 2007, the wettest year when the ponds had longer hydroperiods. Larger ponds had consistently higher abundance and species richness for the entire community and for different guilds and body sizes. Moreover, the density of birds per hectare was higher in large ponds than in the smaller ones. Pond isolation and excavated depth did not affect overall abundance and richness, although opposing effects of depth were observed on some size classes, and ducks and large birds preferred isolated ponds. Some bird groups preferred ponds at a particular location. This is the first waterbird study to address the importance of pond size, depth, and isolation independently of confounding variables such as pond shape. It illustrates the varied responses from different bird groups and demonstrates the importance of varying depth, location, and isolation to enhance community abundance and diversity .  相似文献   

Erhai Lake is also called ‘mother lake’ by the residents of Dali in Yunnan Province of western China. Since 2000, a series of ecological restoration projects have been conducted in Erhai lakeside. Here, we studied the changes in species abundance and richness of the order Odonata caused by this ecological restoration. From 2004 to 2016, we sampled adult and larval Odonata in Erhai lakeside and found 4335 individuals, representing 32 species. Results of our study showed that the abundance and species richness of Odonata varied at different sites of this wetland, but Odonata increased after the ecological restoration compared to those in the pristine areas. We suggest that Odonata is an indicator of the changes in the habitat structure of the Erhai lakeside.  相似文献   

滇西北高原入湖河口退化湿地生态修复效益分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
选取滇西北高原典型退化湿地剑湖,对入湖河流永丰河入湖河口退化湿地进行的生态修复措施及其效益进行研究,评估其恢复效果,为高原退化湿地的修复和污染湖泊的治理提供依据。研究地修复2a后,入湖河口湿地景观格局得到较大改善,空间结构得到优化配置;水质状况明显改善,水体透明度提高101%,水体中总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH+4-N)、硝氮(NO-3-N)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)的含量较恢复前明显下降,去除率分别达到62.5%、89.3%、62.5%、91.7%、68.0%,这一水质降解结果表明:基底修复促进了入湖河口水文状况的改善,而依据植物对不同浓度污水的适应状况进行多生活型、多种类的植物配置,并适当增加沉水植物比例,有效发挥了植物的净化作用,但不同湿地植物群落之间净化效果存在差异,显示了植物对氮磷的喜好程度和植物间的互作关系,而相同植物群落在不同浓度污水条件下的表现同样存在差异。因此,污染水体的治理必须选择性利用适合不同污水浓度的水生植物进行合理的群落配置,同时,根据水质变化及时对植物进行适应性调整,有利于植物的生长和湿地生态系统的稳定,以及湿地生态系统结构和功能的恢复。该退化湿地修复后,每年可产生以净化功能效益为主的生态系统服务功能价值185万元,以水源涵养和生物多样性保育、生态旅游等的生态系统服务功能价值32.7万元,以及以生态农业系统为主的市场价值270万元,呈现了较好的经济、社会效益和生态效益价值。  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytic vegetation constituting the wetlands situated along the coast of Lake Victoria provides valuable services to both local and regional communities as well as an important ecological function through the transition between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The wetland vegetation is typically rooted in the substrate on the landward side of the lake, but forms a floating mat towards the middle of the wetland and at the wetland/lake interface. Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum vegetation typically dominate the permanently inundated wetland areas along most of the shores of Lake Victoria. Due to the prevailing climatic and hydrological catchment conditions, these macrophytic plants (papyrus in particular) tend to exhibit high net productivity and nutrient uptake which strongly influences both wetland status and lake water quality. In addition, these wetlands provide important economic livelihoods for the local populations. The integrity and physical structure of these wetlands strongly influences their associated mass transport mechanisms (water, nutrients and carbon) and ecosystem processes. Wetland degradation in Africa is an increasing problem, as these ecosystems are relied upon to attenuate industrial, urban and agricultural pollution and supply numerous services and resources. In an integrated project focused on the wetlands of Lake Victoria, the ecological and economic aspects of littoral wetlands were examined and new instruments developed for their sustainable management.  相似文献   

Por  F. D.  Dimentman  Ch. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):335-339
In a relatively small area of 60 km2 which corresponds to the basin of the presently drained Lake Hula and its swamps (Upper Jordan Valley), 22 species of Cyclopoida are on record, with two more species reported in the pre-drainage times. The basin of Lake Hula is the southernmost enclave of permanent fresh waters in the Levant Province of Southwest Asia. Lacustrine and swamp environments existed in the area uninterruptedly for at least 700 000 years. A partial restoration project created a new lake. The basin is situated right in the middle of a main bird migration route. The fact that no less than 15 species were recorded from a set of small artificial and isolated experimental ponds seems to indicate that migrating birds and stocks of resting eggs are to account for this high diversity. Cyclops vicinus, Mesocyclops arcanus and Eucyclops serrulatus are the most common species. The success of the restoration is discussed.  相似文献   

巢湖崩岸湖滨基质-水文-生物一体化修复   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈云峰  张彦辉  郑西强 《生态学报》2012,32(9):2960-2964
湖滨带生态修复不是简单的水生植物移种,还必须提供其适于生存的基质、水文等外部物理条件。基质作为水生植被的载体,既需要适宜的柔度,也要求一定的刚度。在巢湖崩岸湖滨综合调查的基础上,系统分析了崩岸湖滨带生态退化的成因,研发了基质、水文、生物一体化修复技术,解决了水生植物在恢复生长时期受基质流失和水力切割影响的问题,为水生植物营造了适宜的水生环境。通过西北岸万年埠湖滨的示范工程建设,取得了良好的治理效果,为巢湖崩岸湖滨的生态修复提供一种生态型的、可工程化实施的技术方法。  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring is essential to evaluate the effects of wetland restoration projects. A monitoring program before and after restoration has been carried out in the study area located in the Yellow River Delta since 2001. Water quality, soil salinity, soil organic matter, plant community, and bird species were chosen as indicators in this program. During the past seven years, the restored wetland showed increasing efficiency in reducing water pollution levels. Soil quality was constantly improved through salinity reduction and soil organic matter accumulation. The vegetation community quickly re-established after the restoration was initiated in 2002. The restored vegetation communities provide favorable habitat conditions for birds and thirty-seven bird species were observed in October 2007. Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), plant species and vegetation community are mainly influenced by soil salinity and water depth. These indicate that conducting freshwater to the project area is an efficient measure for vegetation restoration. While monitoring results show that the restoration project had positive effects on the wetland ecosystem over the past seven years, two issues remain for future study: (1) the contribution of harvesting vegetation to stabilizing nutrient removal rate and the accumulation of soil organic matter in the soil; and (2) the effects of excessive propagation of Phragmites australis on spatial heterogeneity and plant diversity.  相似文献   

Riparian wetlands are important components of the lake ecosystem, and they play essential roles in maintaining system health. Remediation of degraded lakeshore wetlands is an essential component of lake restoration. A study was conducted to investigate the restoration of lakeshore wetlands, which were converted to rice fields and then abandoned for 2, 5, 10 and 15 years, near Lake Taihu. Soil samples (0–20 cm and 20–40 cm) were taken and plant species were investigated. The carbon content in the soil had increased significantly, rising from 0.71% to 1.85% between 2 and 15 years. Organic matter accumulation improved soil texture, and water stable aggregate content (>0.25 mm) and soil porosity increased. Total nitrogen in the soil increased from 0.06% to 0.13%, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen increased from 124.4 mg kg−1 to 351.5 mg kg−1. Total phosphorus in the soil increased from 0.045% to 0.071%, and the Olsen-P value increased from 5.13 mg kg−1 to 16.0 mg kg−1. Results showed that phosphorous did not increase as much as nitrogen. In the vegetation restoration process, plant species composition moved towards a natural wetland community, and spatial heterogeneity and landscape diversity increased. The richness of plant biodiversity increased rapidly in the first 2 years, then more slowly in later restoration stages. The wetlands recovery process may be complicated by interactions of biota and soil and hydrological conditions.  相似文献   

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