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虫害诱导植物间接防御反应的激发与信号转导途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物通过产生和释放挥发性物质增加植食性昆虫的天敌对其寄主或猎物的定位,减少植食性昆虫对植物的取食,从而达到间接防御的目的。植物对植食性昆虫所做出间接防御反应激发因子和信号转导途径的研究,对应用虫害诱导植物挥发物引诱害虫天敌,并进一步从植物、植食性昆虫及其天敌间三级营养关系,研究动植物协同进化机理和病虫害防治具有深远意义。本文根据国内外最新研究进展,对虫害诱导植物间接防御反应的激发因子,昆虫取食信号的转导途径及对植物间接防御相关基因的激活等方面进行了系统地综述。  相似文献   

虫害诱导植物防御的分子机理研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从虫害诱导的系统损伤信号、昆虫特异性激发子、间接防御、直接防御和负防御等方面,综述了虫害诱导植物防御的最新研究进展.在植物与昆虫的相互进化过程中,植物利用诱导防御物质对付昆虫的危害,昆虫则利用其特有的激发子降低植物的防御反应.文中比较了间接防御涉及的4种代谢途径,以及诱导挥发物释放的机制;阐明了虫害诱导植物直接防御的概念、防御物质及其作用机理;分析了虫害诱导植物负防御的机制.同时,也强调了虫害诱导林木防御反应的分子机理.  相似文献   

硅对植物抗虫性的影响及其机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硅不是植物必需营养元素,但硅在提高植物对一系列非生物和生物胁迫的抗性方面都具有重要作用。综述了硅对植物抗虫性的影响及其机制。在多数植物中,增施硅肥可增强其抗虫性;所增强的抗性与硅肥种类和施用方式之间存在关系。植物组织中沉积的硅可增加其硬度和耐磨度,降低植物可消化性,从而增强植物组成性防御,包括延缓昆虫生长发育、降低繁殖力、减轻植物受害程度;植物体内的硅含量以及硅沉积的位点和排列方式影响组成性防御作用的强度。此外,硅可以调节植物诱导性防御,包括直接防御和间接防御,直接防御涉及增加有毒物质含量、产生局部过敏反应或系统获得抗性、产生有毒化合物和防御蛋白,从而延缓昆虫发育;间接防御主要通过释放挥发性化合物吸引植食性昆虫的捕食性和寄生性天敌而导致植食性昆虫种群下降。  相似文献   

刘志源  孙玉诚  王国红 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1696-1702
在长期的协同进化中,植物建立起应对昆虫取食为害的精密而又复杂的防御机制,植物转录组调控中防御应答基因的表达及防御物质的合成因不同的昆虫取食方式而异。一般来说,咀嚼式口器昆虫取食时造成大面积组织伤害,可诱导植物产生伤害反应;而刺吸式口器昆虫因其特殊的口针取食,诱导植物激活病原体相关的防御途径。不同的防御途径激活不同的识别机制和信号途径。本文从信号识别和转导上综述了不同食性的昆虫取食植物时所引发的防御反应,分析了昆虫-植物相互作用关系的分子机制。  相似文献   

西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis通过取食、产卵和传播植物病毒对园艺和农业作物生产构成了严重威胁.利用植物诱导防御反应以抵抗西花蓟马危害是作物保护最具生态效益的方法.在植物与西花蓟马的互作中,虫伤、外源植物激素、微生物及其他一些非生物因子均可诱导植物产生防御反应,且植物次生化合物、Ca2+、防御酶及防御信号通路相关基因在植物诱导抗性中起着重要作用.而西花蓟马也形成了一系列解毒代谢和行为适应等反防御机制适应寄主植物的防御反应.本文综述了植物诱导防御反应对西花蓟马抗性、及西花蓟马对植物防御反应的适应性研究进展.  相似文献   

韧皮部取食昆虫诱导的植物防御反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刺吸式昆虫与寄主植物之间具有特殊的生物互作关系。本文对刺吸式昆虫取食韧皮部诱导的植物防御反应类型、 防御物质变化、 信号途径以及植物反应转录组学研究等方面进行综述。韧皮部取食昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应机制主要包括: (1)改变自身的营养状况; (2)产生有毒的次生化合物; (3)产生防御蛋白。防御反应与植物水杨酸、 茉莉酸、 乙烯等信号分子密切相关。研究表明, 刺吸式昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应主要引发以水杨酸为主的信号途径, 但相关分子互作机制还有待明确。日益丰富的基因组资源和不断发展的分子生物学技术为揭示植物防御反应中信号分子的作用机制、 找出植物内生抗性的特异因子以及阐明诱导防御机制奠定了基础。了解刺吸式昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应, 为深入理解植物-昆虫间协同进化关系提供了依据, 为害虫治理和抗虫植物的培育提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

茉莉酸在植物诱导防御中的作用   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
徐伟  严善春 《生态学报》2005,25(8):2074-2082
茉莉酸(JA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)作为与损伤相关的植物激素和信号分子,广泛地存在于植物体中,外源应用能够激发防御植物基因的表达,诱导植物的化学防御,产生与机械损伤和昆虫取食相似的效果。大量研究表明,用茉莉酸类化合物处理植物可系统诱导蛋白酶抑制剂(PI)和多酚氧化酶(PPO),从而影响植食动物对营养物质的吸收,还能增加过氧化物酶、壳聚糖酶和脂氧合酶等防御蛋白的活性水平,导致生物碱和酚酸类次生物质的积累,增加并改变挥发性信号化合物的释放,甚至形成防御结构,如毛状体和树脂导管。经茉莉酸处理的植物提高了植食动物的死亡率,变得更加吸引捕食性和寄生性天敌。挥发性化合物——茉莉酸甲酯可以从植物的气孔进入植物体内,在细胞质中被酯酶水解为茉莉酸,实现长距离的信号传导和植物间的交流,诱导邻近植物产生诱导防御反应。茉莉酸和茉莉酸甲酯分别具有4种立体异构,其中具有活性的是顺式结构,但顺式结构不稳定,会差向异构化为反式结构。茉莉酸的代谢物(Z)-茉莉酮(cis-Jasmone)具电生理活性,在植物诱导防御中起作用,并且在防御信号的作用上不同于茉莉酸和茉莉酸甲酯。  相似文献   

植食性昆虫适应植物防御反应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在植物与植食性昆虫协同进化过程中,植物在不断完善其防御反应,同时植食性昆虫也在选择压下不断适应植物防御反应。植食性昆虫适应植物防御反应存在多样性。昆虫能够利用其唾液中的效应因子抑制或弱化植物防御反应,激活其肠道中的某些特异性蛋白阻断植物防御性次生代谢物的产生或者将其直接降解,以及通过其携带微生物间接抑制植物防御反应。此外,昆虫还能够通过产卵、虫害诱导植物挥发物、识别植物防御物质等方式适应植物的防御反应。本文综述了植食性昆虫如何利用各种效应因子适应寄主植物防御反应的研究进展。  相似文献   

植物与植食性昆虫之间存在着复杂的化学相互作用。一方面,当遭受植食性昆虫为害时,植物能识别植食性昆虫相关分子模式,触发早期信号事件和激素信号转导途径,并由此引起转录组与代谢组重组、直接和间接防御化合物含量升高,最后提高对植食性昆虫的抗性。另一方面,植食性昆虫也能识别植物的防御反应,并能通过分泌效应子、选贮、解毒以及降低敏感性等反防御措施抑制或适应植物的化学防御。深入剖析植物与植食性昆虫的化学互作,不仅可在理论上丰富对昆虫与植物互作关系的理解,而且可在实践上为作物害虫防控新技术的开发提供重要的理论与技术指导。  相似文献   

寄主植物与昆虫在长期协同进化中形成了复杂的防御和反防御机制。本文系统综述了寄主植物与刺吸式昆虫互作防御的过程与机制。刺吸式昆虫利用特化的口针,吸食寄主植物组织汁液时,植物通过细胞膜表面或细胞内受体感知昆虫取食信号,并经过丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)信号通路、植物激素信号通路、钙离子信号通路、转录因子调控、Rop/Rac GTPase信号通路、活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)通路等信号转导通路激活植物免疫。为了阻止害虫进一步取食,寄主植物形成了增强的物理屏障,并诱导产生次生代谢物、抗营养酶类、抗消化酶类和胼胝质沉积及释放挥发物等多种防御机制。在与寄主植物“博弈”的过程中,刺吸式昆虫往往会利用其取食时分泌的唾液成分,靶向植物靶标蛋白,通过破坏宿主植物的物理屏障,或抑制宿主植物的抗性信号转导,或抑制宿主次生代谢物的毒害作用,或通过跨界RNA和水平基因转移等方式抑制植物的防御反应,从而达到继续取食为害的目的。此外,基于植物与病原菌互作模式,结合寄主植物与刺吸式昆虫互作研究进展,总结了寄主植物...  相似文献   

Inducible direct plant defense against insect herbivores: A review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plants respond to insect herbivory with responses broadly known as direct defenses, indirect defenses, and tolerance. Direct defenses include all plant traits that affect susceptibility of host plants by themselves. Overall categories of direct plant defenses against insect herbivores include limiting food supply, reducing nutrient value, reducing preference, disrupting physical structures, and inhibiting chemical pathways of the attacking insect. Major known defense chemicals include plant secondary metabolites, protein inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes, proteases, lectins, amino acid deaminases and oxidases. Multiple factors with additive or even synergistic impact are usually involved in defense against a specific insect species, and factors of major importance to one insect species may only be of secondary importance or not effective at all against another insect species. Extensive qualitative and quantitative high throughput analyses of temporal and spatial variations in gene expression, protein level and activity, and metabolite concentration will accelerate not only the understanding of the overall mechanisms of direct defense, but also accelerate the identification of specific targets for enhancement of plant resistance for agriculture.  相似文献   

植物诱导性直接防御   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
众所周知,植物对植食性昆虫危害的反应表现在3个方面:直接防御,间接防御,和耐害性。直接防御是指植物自身所具有的能影响寄主植物感虫性的所有特性。植物对昆虫危害的直接防御包括:限制食物供给,降低营养价值,减少偏嗜程度,破坏组织结构和抑制害虫代谢途径。目前已知的防御化合物主要包括植物次生代谢物质、昆虫消化酶(蛋白)抑制剂、蛋白酶、凝集素、氨基酸脱氨酶和氧化酶。植物在防御某种昆虫为害时多个因素往往具有累加效应或协同作用,并且对一种昆虫起主导作用的因素在防御另一种昆虫时可能仅仅起次要作用甚至根本不起作用。因此,对寄主植物基因表达、蛋白水平和活性以及代谢物含量在不同时空条件下进行广泛的定量和定性的高通量分析,不仅可以促进对植物直接防御机制的全面理解,而且有助于在农业生产中加快对作物抗性的特定靶标的鉴定。  相似文献   

Indirect plant defense against insect herbivores: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants respond to herbivore attack by launching 2 types of defenses: direct defense and indirect defense. Direct defense includes all plant traits that increase the resistance of host plants to insect herbivores by affecting the physiology and/or behavior of the attackers. Indirect defense includes all traits that by themselves do not have significant direct impact on the attacking herbivores, but can attract natural enemies of the herbivores and thus reduce plant loss. When plants recognize herbivore‐associated elicitors, they produce and release a blend of volatiles that can attract predators, parasites, and other natural enemies. Known herbivore‐associated elicitors include fatty acid–amino acid conjugates, sulfur‐containing fatty acids, fragments of cell walls, peptides, esters, and enzymes. Identified plant volatiles include terpenes, nitrogenous compounds, and indoles. In addition, constitive traits including extrafloral nectars, food bodies, and domatia can be further induced to higher levels and attract natural enemies as well as provide food and shelter to carnivores. A better understanding of indirect plant defense at global and componential levels via advanced high throughput technologies may lead to utilization of indirect defense in suppression of herbivore damage to plants.  相似文献   

Herbivore microbial associates can affect diverse interactions between plants and insect herbivores. Some insect symbionts enable herbivores to expand host plant range or to facilitate host plant use by modifying plant physiology. However, little attention has been paid to the role of herbivore-associated microbes in manipulating plant defenses. We have recently shown that Colorado potato beetle secrete the symbiotic bacteria to suppress plant defenses. The bacteria in oral secretions from the beetle hijack defense signaling pathways of host plants and the suppression of induced plant defenses benefits the beetle’s performance. While the defense suppression by the beetle-associated bacteria has been investigated in local damaged leaves, little is known about the effects of the symbiotic bacteria on the manipulation of plant defenses in systemic undamaged leaves. Here, we demonstrate that the symbiotic bacteria suppress plant defenses in both local and systemic tissues when plants are attacked by antibiotic-untreated larvae.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing rhizobia can substantially influence plant–herbivore interactions by altering plant chemical composition and food quality. However, the effects of rhizobia on plant volatiles, which serve as indirect and direct defenses against arthropod herbivores and as signals in defense-associated plant–plant and within-plant signaling, are still unstudied. We measured the release of jasmonic acid (JA)-induced volatiles of rhizobia-colonized and rhizobia-free lima bean plants (Fabaceae: Phaseolus lunatus L.) and tested effects of their respective bouquets of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on a specialist insect herbivore (Mexican bean beetle; Coccinellidae: Epilachna varivestis Mulsant) in olfactometer choice trials. In a further experiment, we showed that VOC induction by JA reflects the plant responses to mechanical wounding and insect herbivory. Following induction with JA, rhizobia-colonized plants released significantly higher amounts of the shikimic acid-derived compounds, whereas the emission of compounds produced via the octadecanoid, mevalonate and non-mevalonate pathways was reduced. These changes affected the choice behavior of beetles as the preference of non-induced plants was much more pronounced for plants that were colonized by rhizobia. We showed that indole likely represents the causing agent for the observed repellent effects of jasmonic acid-induced VOCs of rhizobia-colonized lima bean plants. Our study demonstrates a rhizobia-triggered efficacy of induced plant defense via volatiles. Due to these findings, we interpret rhizobia as an integral part of legume defenses against herbivores.  相似文献   

The use, as opposed to the procurement, of transgenic crop plants is discussed in this paper. Transgenic crop plants must not be used until appropriate strategies for their use have been designed and not before crop plants with a variety of insect defenses have been developed. The use of a crop plant with a single defense will pose as strong a selection pressure as the use of a single synthetic insecticide, since insect herbivores are able to evolve effective counter-defenses. The defenses of insects in natural plant-insect associations and with regard to synthetic insecticides are described to demonstrate that there is nothing unique about insecticide resistance. It is the inevitable alternative to local extinction in response to a persistent and predictable selection pressure. Plants counteract insect defensive evolution by keeping the selection pressure as variable as possible. This leads to the conclusion that the best use of biotechnology in crop protection is to reintroduce chemical diversity into crop plants.  相似文献   

Inducible plant defenses—those produced in response to herbivore feeding—are thought to have evolved as a cost-saving tactic that allows plants to enact defenses only when needed. The costs of defense can be significant, and loss of plant fitness due to commitment of resources to induced defenses could affect plant populations and play a role in determining the success or failure of weed biocontrol. We used methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to experimentally induce defenses without herbivores in invasive houndstongue plants (Cynoglossum officinale L.) in the field and measured resulting growth and fitness (plant size, seed number, and seed weight). MeJA-treated plants emitted large amounts of plant volatiles and produced leaves with twice as many trichomes as untreated plants. Plants with activated defenses had fewer leaves, were smaller, and produced nutlets that weighed less than plants not investing in defenses. These data indicate that herbivore-induced defenses are costly for houndstongue plants in their invaded range and represent significant indirect costs of herbivory beyond direct feeding damage (e.g., loss of photosynthetic tissue). Notably, the magnitude of defenses elicited upon feeding varies greatly by herbivore species and a better understanding of the costs of defense could help us predict which potential biocontrol herbivores are most likely to be effective.  相似文献   

Feeding damage to plants by insect herbivores induces the production of plant volatiles, which are attractive to the herbivores natural enemies. Little is understood about the plant biochemical pathways involved in aphid-induced plant volatile production. The aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae can detect and respond to aphid-induced volatiles produced by Arabidopsis thaliana. When given experience of those volatiles, it can learn those cues and can therefore be used as a novel biosensor to detect them. The pathways involved in aphid-induced volatile production were investigated by comparing the responses of D. rapae to volatiles from a number of different transgenic mutants of A. thaliana, mutated in their octadecanoid, ethylene or salicylic acid wound-response pathways and also from wild-type plants. Plants were either undamaged or infested by the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae. It is demonstrated that the octadecanoid pathway and specifically the COI1 gene are required for aphid-induced volatile production. The presence of salicylic acid is also involved in volatile production. Using this model system, in combination with A. thaliana plants with single point gene mutations, has potential for the precise dissection of biochemical pathways involved in the production of aphid-induced volatiles.  相似文献   

Considerable research has examined plant responses to concurrent attack by herbivores and pathogens, but the effects of attack by parasitic plants, another important class of plant-feeding organisms, on plant defenses against other enemies has not been explored. We investigated how attack by the parasitic plant Cuscuta pentagona impacted tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) defenses against the chewing insect beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua; BAW). In response to insect feeding, C. pentagona-infested (parasitized) tomato plants produced only one-third of the antiherbivore phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) produced by unparasitized plants. Similarly, parasitized tomato, in contrast to unparasitized plants, failed to emit herbivore-induced volatiles after 3 d of BAW feeding. Although parasitism impaired antiherbivore defenses, BAW growth was slower on parasitized tomato leaves. Vines of C. pentagona did not translocate JA from BAW-infested plants: amounts of JA in parasite vines grown on caterpillar-fed and control plants were similar. Parasitized plants generally contained more salicylic acid (SA), which can inhibit JA in some systems. Parasitized mutant (NahG) tomato plants deficient in SA produced more JA in response to insect feeding than parasitized wild-type plants, further suggesting cross talk between the SA and JA defense signaling pathways. However, JA induction by BAW was still reduced in parasitized compared to unparasitized NahG, implying that other factors must be involved. We found that parasitized plants were capable of producing induced volatiles when experimentally treated with JA, indicating that resource depletion by the parasite does not fully explain the observed attenuation of volatile response to herbivore feeding. Collectively, these findings show that parasitic plants can have important consequences for host plant defense against herbivores.  相似文献   

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