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芒属植物重金属耐性强,并且是重要的能源植物,其在矿山废弃地植被恢复中的应用备受关注.芒属植物对多种重金属耐性强,但不属于重金属超累积植物.目前的研究认为,根系代谢能力强、根际存在多种共生微生物及抗氧化和光合作用能力强是芒属植物重金属耐性强的重要原因,但更为全面的耐性机理需要深入研究.芒属植物在矿山废弃地植被恢复的应用潜力大,可以清除土壤重金属、改善土壤性质和促进生物多样性发展.本文总结分析了芒属植物生物学特性、重金属耐性特点、机理及其在矿山废弃地植被恢复中的应用潜力,提出了应用芒属植物进行矿山废弃地植被恢复的基本思路,并对芒属植物的重金属耐性机理及应用的未来研究方向进行展望,以期为利用芒属植物开展矿山废弃地植被恢复提供借鉴.  相似文献   

铜陵市狮子山铜尾矿废弃地生态恢复过程中植被演替规律   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对铜陵市狮子山铜尾矿废弃地植被的实地调查,探讨了该废弃地的植被状况及其植被恢复过程中的植物群落形成与演替的一般规律与特征。结果表明目前废弃地入侵、定居植物共49种,隶属于15科38属,主要包括菊科(12种)、禾本科(11种)、豆科(8种)等。极端贫瘠和过高的重金属含量(特别是Cu、Cd,平均超出对照土样的20~30倍)是限制植物在废弃地定居的主要因素。全部植物中,一、二年生草本植物26种,多年生草本植物20种。风播种子和果实是废弃地植物繁殖体的主要来源。尾矿废弃地植物群落形成具有先锋植物的入侵、定居、群聚和竞争等过程,共形成了14种相对稳定的小群落,包括单优势种群落、次优势种群落和共优势种群落三种类型。伴随着尾矿废弃地植物群落的形成与演替,群落中物种丰富度增大,多样性指数呈增加趋势,而群落内植物种综合优势比间的差值趋于减小。  相似文献   

通过对铜陵市狮子山铜尾矿废弃地植被的实地调查,探讨了该废弃地的植被状况及其植被恢复过程中的植物群落形成与演替的一般规律与特征.结果表明:目前废弃地入侵、定居植物共49种,隶属于15科38属,主要包括菊科(12种)、禾本科(11种)、豆科(8种)等.极端贫瘠和过高的重金属含量(特别是Cu、Cd,平均超出对照土样的20~30倍)是限制植物在废弃地定居的主要因素.全部植物中,一、二年生草本植物26种,多年生草本植物20种.风播种子和果实是废弃地植物繁殖体的主要来源.尾矿废弃地植物群落形成具有先锋植物的入侵、定居、群聚和竞争等过程,共形成了14种相对稳定的小群落,包括单优势种群落、次优势种群落和共优势种群落三种类型.伴随着尾矿废弃地植物群落的形成与演替,群落中物种丰富度增大,多样性指数呈增加趋势,而群落内植物种综合优势比间的差值趋于减小.  相似文献   

尾矿废弃地是一种极端的生态系统,其植被恢复的研究将丰富传统的生态学理论。该研究通过野外植被调查与室内萌发实验相结合的方法,探讨了兰坪铅锌矿区植被恢复初期不同群落类型地上植被、土壤种子库及其相互关系。结果显示:(1)与对照群落(云南松林、高山栎灌丛)相比,尾矿区恢复期各群落(早熟禾人工草地、魁蒿群落、马桑灌丛)地上植被及土壤种子库的物种数、物种多样性均较低。(2)植被恢复时间较短的2个群落(魁蒿群落、人工草地)土壤种子库较地上植被物种多样性高。(3)尾矿区恢复期各群落地上植被及土壤种子库的优势种均主要由风播、种子繁殖的植物组成,菊科、禾本科占较大比例,这些植物在尾矿区植被恢复初期起重要作用。(4)尾矿区恢复期各群落土壤种子库与地上植被的物种相似性较高,各群落之间地上植被及土壤种子库的相似性则较低。研究表明,尾矿区恢复初期土壤种子库与地上植被紧密联系,群落改造方式、恢复时间对土壤种子库具有重要影响。  相似文献   

香根草和鹅观草对Cu、Pb、Zn及其复合重金属的耐性研究   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
采用根伸长实验研究了香根草和鹅观草对重金属的耐性随着溶度的升高,耐性指数下降,当香根草和鹅观草受Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+单一污染时,三元素的危害作用依次为Cu2+>Pb2+>Zn2+;在Cu、Pb、Zn混合溶液中,其两种植物耐性指数的大小及变化与单一元素Cu溶液最为相似,Cu在溶液中起到主导因子作用;香根草与鹅观草相比,不论是受Cu、Pb、Zn单一污染还是三者的复合污染,香根草比鹅观草都具有较强抵制重金属的胁迫能力,其耐性指数大都大于0 5。因此香根草具有对重金属较强的耐性,在重金属污染土壤的植物修复及尾矿废弃地的植被重建中,可优先作为选择的材料。  相似文献   

铜陵狮子山铜尾矿场植被调查与土壤酶活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对安徽铜陵狮子山铜尾矿废弃地进行植被调查,发现当地现今自然定居植物共42种,隶属于13科36属,主要包括禾本科10种,豆科6种,菊科6种,十字花科5种。全部植物中,1~2年生草本植物21种,多年生草本植物20种,形成6种相对稳定的演替群落和单种斑块。尾矿场土壤的5种土壤酶(蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶、磷酸酶、多。酚氧化酶)活性的高低与植被丰富度和群落分布有一定的对应关系。结合本实验室前期工作,证实某些植物如白茅、狗牙根、白车轴草等已在尾矿场上成功定居且综合优势比较高,可作为铜尾矿治理中优先选用的物种。  相似文献   

茂名北排油页岩废渣场的土壤与植被特性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
茂名北排油页岩废渣堆放场是一块面积达670hm2的工业生产废弃地,废渣场土壤干旱,养分贫瘠,重金属含量略为偏高,不利植物入侵与定居。这片因人为因素形成的次生裸地经过20多年的自然恢复,入侵定居植物只有24科59属66种,且大多数均为禾本科、莎草科、菊科等科的草本植物种类;草本植物有13科38属44种,占总种数的67%,占总覆盖度的80%以上。群落结构及组成种类简单,处于群落次生演替的前期阶段,表明废渣场次生裸地的植被恢复是非常缓慢的。为尽早达到控制污染、改善环境等目的,必须辅以人工措施,加速植被的恢复进程。最后提出了实现这一目的的生态恢复对策。  相似文献   

矿山废弃地植被恢复是基于土壤环境改良的前提下,充分考虑植物景观的营造手段,结合生态学要求构建近自然群落。通过对广东省梅州市不同类型的矿山废弃地植被自然恢复的现场调查研究,结合国内外矿山废弃地的研究成果,指出粤东北地区矿山废弃地植物的修复原则,并提出植被恢复的具体修复方法。  相似文献   

凡口铅锌尾矿影响植物定居的主要因素分析   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
通过温室栽培和野外调查 ,分析了凡口铅锌尾矿影响植物定居的主要因素 .结果表明 ,铅锌尾矿的Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd的总量分别达 3430 0、3650 0、2 1 5和 82 .6mg·kg- 1 ;有效态的Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd分别为 1 .5、1 963、0 .71和 8.0 3mg·kg- 1 .在栽培试验中 ,重金属毒性严重抑制格拉姆柱花草 (Stylosanthesguianensis)根系的活力 ,使得植物无法利用无机养分 ,并可导致明显的白化症状 ,从而严重影响格拉姆柱花草的生长 ,无论在野外或在室内实验条件下 ,有效态Zn和Cd都与植物的生长呈显著负相关 ,重金属毒性 ,尤其是有效态Zn和Cd的毒性是凡口铅锌尾矿影响植物定居的限制因子 .极端贫瘠是影响植物定居的另一重要因素  相似文献   

樟村坪磷矿废弃地植物群落的形成与演替   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
陈芳清  卢斌  王祥荣 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1347-1353
通过分析湖北省宜昌县樟村坪磷矿废弃地植被的组成、空间结构、各成分综合优势比其群集度的变化以及植物分布与环境因子的相关性等问题,探讨了该地植被恢复过程中植物群落形成与演替的一般规律。结果表明,废弃地6种演替植物群落的形成是先锋植物种类入侵、定居、群聚和竞争的结果,在植物群落形成与演替的过程中,各种类成分的种群数量及综合优势比呈动态变化,废弃地植物群落形成与演替的过程按演替序列可分为3个阶段。植物群落形成与演替还与环境因子有关,废弃地高浓度的土壤效磷是影响植物生长与分布的胁迫因子。伴随着群落的形成与演替,植物群落的物种多样性呈逐渐增加的趋势。  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) have been observed in mining environments, but their presence has not been linked to specific physico-chemical and mineralogical factors. The present study was undertaken to assess the presence of SRB in several Au and Cu-Zn mine tailings located near Timmins, Ont., Canada, and determine the factors responsible for their presence. Vegetated and non-vegetated mine tailings were sampled for SRB enumeration, pH, Eh, water content, total carbon content and sequential chemical extraction. Results first showed that SRB populations were present at all sites and that their distribution varied with depth. Populations were recovered from neutral pH and slightly anoxic tailings and from highly acidic (pH 2) and oxic tailings. The total carbon content of the tailings was generally low and not related to the presence of vegetation. In addition, the carbon content did not affect SRB population distribution and appeared to be more related to the type of tailings, i.e., oxidized and acidic Cu-Zn tailings contained on average more carbon than Au tailings. Results also indicated that the water content of the tailings varied greatly with depth and was not related to the presence of SRB populations. The sequential chemical extraction showed that the pyrite content of the tailings was lower in Au tailings than in Cu-Zn tailings, and that some oxidized Cu-Zn sites were depleted in pyrite due to microbial and chemical oxidation. Our results indicate that SRB could be cultured from a variety of sites and sample types, and that factors such as pH, Eh, water content and carbon content at the collection sites did not exert control on their presence.  相似文献   

Summary Mill tailings resulting from mining and metallurgical processes are usually disposed of into open-air impoundments, where they become subjected to chemical or microbial leaching. At the surface of the tailings, where oxic conditions prevail, acidophilic bacteria, such as thiobacilli, can oxidize sulfidic minerals (e.g. pyrite and pyrrhotite) and generate acidic metal-rich leachates as by-products of their metabolism. This, combined with chemical oxidation, leads to acid mine drainage (AMD). Biomineralization, whereby a proportion of the metal leachate is precipitated, can also occur in the oxidized tailings, often as a result of a close metal-bacteria interaction. Iron-rich precipitates are usually found on bacterial cell walls, and are thought to serve as nucleation sites for further mineralization within the tailings impoundments. As depth increases in mine tailings, oxygen depletion and the presence of water-saturated pores usually lead to anoxic conditions. Under such redox and chemical conditions, populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs) can colonize the tailings. As a result of their metabolic activity, sulfate is reduced to hydrogen sulfide, which in turn can react with dissolved metals to form metal sulfide precipitates. Microbial sulfate reduction also generates alkalinity, although chemical dissolution of carbonate and oxide minerals probably also play an important role in the generation of alkaline conditions in mine tailings.  相似文献   

Price  J. H.  Pettitt  J. M.  Russell  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,149(1):213-220
Lead mining in Wales originated before the Roman Occupation. The main active period was from 1750–1900 when zinc and copper were also mined and during this period only simple and inefficient ore processing methods were available. Consequently large amounts of copper, lead and zinc compounds were lost to the environment and have since become incorporated in sediments and soils. Locally, pollution may still occur from drainage from abandoned mines and by mobilization of mine tailings. This paper describes the present state of Welsh rivers and reviews the distribution of contaminants in sediments and soils. The uptake of heavy metals by plants and the consequences for human health are alto discussed.  相似文献   

香根草在铅锌尾矿上生长及其对重金属的吸收   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
通过野外小区实验 ,研究了垃圾和 NPK肥对铅锌尾矿地中香根草 (Vetiveria zizanioides)生长及其对重金属吸收的影响。结果表明 ,添加垃圾后香根草生物量显著增加 ,而仅加入 NPK肥对其并无显著影响 ,同时添加垃圾和 NPK肥最有利于香根草在铅锌尾矿中生长。尾矿中重金属形态的变化受金属特性和尾矿理化性质的双重影响。对纯尾矿而言 ,种植香根草后尾矿中重金属总量有所减少。尾矿在施加垃圾和 NPK肥后 ,尾矿中 Pb和 Zn总量减少了 13.6 5 %和 32 .4 0 % ,Cu总量则增加了2 3.5 2 %。可交换态和总量 Cu、Pb、Zn变化趋势一致 ,特别是 Cu和 Pb更为显著。香根草积累的 Pb和 Zn显著高于 Cu,并且重金属主要积累在根部。添加垃圾和 NPK肥料对 Cu的积累无显著差异 ,而显著减少香根草茎和根中 Zn和 Pb的积累 ,但显著增加单位面积上茎中 Zn、Pb和 Cu的总积累量 (p<0 .0 5 )。研究表明垃圾和 NPK肥的综合使用是一个较为经济有效的尾矿改良措施 ,但对于尾矿 -植被系统中的重金属迁移问题应引起关注。综合生物量与重金属的吸收特征 ,香根草对于尾矿的植被重建有较高价值  相似文献   

The Orangi river is an important all-year source of water for wildlife in the northern part of the Serengeti National Park. At two points along the river in the Banagi area, tributaries draining the adit and tailings of the Kilimafeza mine impact the Orangi. The former Au-Cu mine is subject to occasional wet season flooding leading to the release of iron ochres from the adit and physical as well as chemical mobilization of tailings material. The unpolluted river chemistry is essentially Na-Ca-HCO 3 and well-buffered. Drainage water; from the tailings are characterized by low pH (2.3) and high concentration of sulphate (up to 3280 mg/l), aluminium (275 mg/l), arsenic (324 mg/l), copper (125 mg/l), iron (622 mg/l), lead (21 mg/l), manganese (65 mg/l), and zinc (126 mg/l). Adit-drainage waters are typically of a lower pH (4.6) and have a lower concentration of sulphate (up to 1840 mg/l) and metals (up to 25 mg/l Al, 92 mg/l As, 42 mg/l Cu, 258 mg/l Fe, 9.6 mg/l Pb, 53 mg/l Mn, and 102 mg/l Zn). Mixing of these acidic waters with the alkaline river leads to rapid metal precipitation as Fe-ochre coatings on clastic sediment. This effect is more noticeable in the dry season. Consequently, although the tributaries draining the two sources are heavily contaminated, the effective buffering of the mine drainage waters restricts any potential pollution to within 1 km of the mine workings. Faecal coliforms show an antipathetic relationship to low pH and high metal conditions. The only mobile metals in the water outside this area are Mn and Zn and their contamination can be biologically monitored using a protozoan-based bioassay.  相似文献   

铜尾矿是一种矿业废弃物,堆积于尾矿库内形成尾矿废弃地,铜尾矿废弃地表面具有沙质疏松、稳定性差、移动性强和易于干旱等特点,类似于沙漠表面。以海藻酸钠和牛粪浸提液为改良材料对铜尾矿进行改良,观察不同改良方式对尾矿表面藻类结皮的形成和生长的影响。结果表明:海藻酸钠和牛粪浸提液都能促进藻类结皮的形成;随着结皮生长时间的增加,结皮厚度和叶绿素含量增加,不同改良方式对结皮中有机质和总氮含量具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Artificial inoculation-perspectives in tailings phytostabilization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intensive mining and processing activities worldwide resulted in the generation of huge amounts of waste (tailings), generally characterized as toxic, radioactive, and/or hazardous. The exposure potential and, hence, the risk posed by such wastes is enhanced by a general lack of vegetation. Phytostabilization has proven to be efficient in reducing this risk. However, establishing vegetation on tailing dumps may be expensive due to the intensive use of amendments and chemical fertilizers. In this article, investigations on artificial inoculation of mine tailings with bacterial strains as a means to improve the development of vegetative covers and reduce application cost by eliminating chemical fertilization are presented and discussed. The development of plants and microbial communities from tailings, as well as the impact of inoculation on metal uptake in plants, were studied. Experiments were carried out in greenhouse using two types of mine tailings (phosphogypsum and sulphidic tailings) from the Romanian Black Sea coast. Indigenous herbaceous plants were cultivated on tailings with the addition of chemical fertilizers versus bacterial inoculation. After a 6-month experimental period, excellent plant growth, which is associated with a rich microbial community, was observed in all inoculated treatments, in contrast with poor plant growth and microbiota from the chemical fertilization treatments alone. Additionally, artificial inoculation improved plant resistance to heavy metals by reducing the uptake of some toxic metals. Once a rich microbial community is established, inoculation may be discontinued. Based on these results, efficient and cost-effective phytostabilization schemes can be proposed.  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are often used in bioremediation of acid mine drainage because microbial sulfate reduction increases pH and produces sulfide that binds with metals. Mercury methylation has also been linked with sulfate reduction. Previous geochemical analysis indicated the occurrence of sulfate reduction in mine tailings, but no molecular characterization of the mine tailings-associated microbial community has determined which SRB are present. This study characterizes the bacterial communities of two geochemically contrasting, high-methylmercury mine tailing environments, with emphasis on SRB, by analyzing small subunit (SSU) rRNA genes present in the tailings sediments and in enrichment cultures inoculated with tailings. Novel Deltaproteobacteria and Firmicutes -related sequences were detected in both the pH-neutral gold mine tailings and the acidic high-sulfide base-metal tailings. At the subphylum level, the SRB communities differed between sites, suggesting that the community structure was dependent on local geochemistry. Clones obtained from the gold tailings and enrichment cultures were more similar to previously cultured isolates whereas clones from acidic tailings were more closely related to uncultured lineages identified from other acidic sediments worldwide. This study provides new insights into the novelty and diversity of bacteria colonizing mine tailings, and identifies specific organisms that warrant further investigation with regard to their roles in mercury methylation and sulfur cycling in these environments.  相似文献   

The bioleaching experiment was conducted for the removal of heavy metals from mine tailings. A fungal strain was isolated from the gold mine tailings and it has been identified as Aspergillus fumigatus based on its 18S rDNA analysis. Bioleaching using A. fumigatus was carried out in bioleaching step processes (one-step and two-step) at various tailings concentrations (1%, 2%, 4%, and 8% [w/v]). In the one-step bioleaching process where fungi were cultivated in the presence of the tailings, concentration of oxalic acid was the highest among the organic acids produced. On the other hand, in the two-step bioleaching process where the metabolic products of fungal growth, which have been separated from its biomass, were used, citric acid was dominant. In the one-step process, the highest As (62%), Fe (58%), Mn (100%), and Zn (54%) removals were observed at the lowest tailings concentration (1%). The removal of Pb at 1% tailings concentration in the one-step process was 56%, whereas 88% removal was achieved in the two-step process where citric acid was dominant. In general, heavy metals removal efficiency decreased with increased tailings of the concentration in both bioleaching processes. This study shows the possibility of using A. fumigatus to bioleach hazardous heavy meals from gold mine tailings.  相似文献   

The distribution and diversity of acidophilic bacteria of a tailings impoundment at the La Andina copper mine, Chile, was examined. The tailings have low sulfide (1.7% pyrite equivalent) and carbonate (1.4% calcite equivalent) contents and are stratified into three distinct zones: a surface (0-70-80 cm) 'oxidation zone' characterized by low-pH (2.5-4), a 'neutralization zone' (70-80 to 300-400 cm) and an unaltered 'primary zone' below 400 cm. A combined cultivation-dependent and biomolecular approach (terminal restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism and 16S rRNA clone library analysis) was used to characterize the indigenous prokaryotic communities in the mine tailings. Total cell counts showed that the microbial biomass was greatest in the top 125 cm of the tailings. The largest numbers of bacteria (10(9) g(-1) dry weight of tailings) were found at the oxidation front (the junction between the oxidation and neutralization zones), where sulfide minerals and oxygen were both present. The dominant iron-/sulfur-oxidizing bacteria identified at the oxidation front included bacteria of the genus Leptospirillum (detected by molecular methods), and Gram-positive iron-oxidizing acidophiles related to Sulfobacillus (identified both by molecular and cultivation methods). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was also detected, albeit in relatively small numbers. Heterotrophic acidophiles related to Acidobacterium capsulatum were found by molecular methods, while another Acidobacterium-like bacterium and an Acidiphilium sp. were isolated from oxidation zone samples. A conceptual model was developed, based on microbiological and geochemical data derived from the tailings, to account for the biogeochemical evolution of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment.  相似文献   

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