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五年填埋龄准好氧和厌氧填埋体及陈垃圾的理化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了5年填埋龄准好氧和厌氧填埋体的沉降量、温度和填埋气产生特性,并分析了填埋处理陈腐垃圾的理化性质.结果表明:5年填埋龄准好氧填埋体的表面沉降量和减容率均显著高于厌氧填埋体,同时渗滤液回灌比清水回灌更容易引起垃圾填埋体表面的不均匀沉降.厌氧填埋体的平均温度(25.6 ℃)略高于准好氧填埋体(24.8 ℃),但差异不显著.准好氧填埋体不同时期的O2浓度分别高于厌氧填埋体,而CH4浓度则显著低于厌氧填埋体.5年填埋龄准好氧和厌氧填埋体陈垃圾中厨余物和纸类等易降解有机物含量显著降低,塑料、玻璃、砖瓦和竹木等含量则升高.其中,陈垃圾中有机质与营养元素含量均高于典型南方土壤;除厌氧填埋体陈垃圾中Cr含量超标外,其余重金属含量均未超出《土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—1995)》的三级标准要求.  相似文献   

准好氧填埋渗滤液水质变化特性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在大型模拟填埋试验装置(21 m×3.8 m×6.0 m)上,研究了准好氧填埋渗滤液水质的主要指标CODCr、BOD5、NH3+-N和pH的变化特性.结果表明,准好氧填埋结构下渗滤液CODCr、BOD5浓度下降很快,没有出现在传统填埋场累积的现象,并且封场后39周分别降为173和30 mg·L-1;NH3+-N浓度下降更为显著,第39周降为15 mg·L-1,下降率达到99.6%,为渗滤液后续处理解决了NH3+-N浓度过高的难题;pH值在前2周略低于7,第3周后一直呈弱碱性.根据实验数据,拟合了准好氧填埋结构渗滤液污染物的衰减方程.  相似文献   

生物反应器填埋场系统渗滤液的脱氮性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用填埋场垂直分布的好氧-缺氧-厌氧的独特生态环境,并采用填埋垃圾上层间歇曝气充氧的方式,研究了生物反应器填埋场系统渗滤液的脱N性能.结果表明,填埋垃圾上层间歇曝气充氧,促进了填埋垃圾层硝化细菌和反硝化细菌的生长,且可使反硝化细菌的数量比普通的填埋垃圾层高4~13个数量级,硝化细菌的最大数量可达到109个·g-1;营建了填埋场内硝化、反硝化等脱N反应的生物环境,有利于回流渗滤液含N化合物的去除.试验结束时,其渗滤液NH4+-N和TN浓度分别为186和289 mg·L-1,仅为对照的18%和26%.此外,填埋垃圾上层间歇曝气充氧也有利于填埋垃圾的降解,提高垃圾的稳定化效果.  相似文献   

保护性耕作条件下小麦田甲烷吸收及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对保护性耕作和常规耕作小麦田的CH4排放进行了原位测量,同时测量了土壤温度、水分、无机氮等相关影响因子,以研究保护性耕作农田CH4排放通量及相关因素的影响.结果表明:保护性耕作及常规耕作麦田CH4的排放具有明显的季节性变化规律,且变化趋势一致;保护性耕作与常规耕作各处理的CH4平均吸收通量、季节吸收量差异显著(P<0.05).在小麦生长季内,各处理农田均表现为CH4的吸收汇.各处理CH4季节吸收通量表现为:常规耕作无秸秆还田>常规耕作秸秆还田>深松秸秆还田>耙耕秸秆还田>旋耕秸秆还田>免耕秸秆还田,与常规耕作相比,保护性耕作CH4吸收通量减少.保护性耕作CH4吸收通量与温度呈正相关,与水分呈负相关,常规耕作CH4吸收通量与两因子相关不显著;各处理CH4吸收通量与NH4+-N含量呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

千烟洲红壤丘陵区人工针叶林土壤CH4排放通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 CH4在温室效应中起着重要作用,为估算中亚热带CH4的源汇现状,评价森林生态系统对温室效应的影响,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了千烟洲红壤丘陵区人工针叶林的土壤CH4 排放通量特征及水热因子对其的影响。对2004年9月~2005年12月期间的观测结果分析表明 :千烟洲人工针叶林土壤总体表现为大气CH4的吸收汇,原状林地土壤(Forest soil)情况下,CH4通量的变化为7.67~-67.17μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1,平均为-15.53μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1;无凋落物处理(Litter-free)情况下,CH4通量的变化是9.31~-90.36 μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1,平均为-16.53μg&;#8226;m-2&;#8226;h-1。 二者对土壤CH4的吸收表现出明显的季节变化规律,秋>夏>冬>春,但无凋落物处理CH4变化幅度较原状林地土壤大,无凋落物处理吸收高峰出现在10月,最低值出现在翌年3月,原状林地土壤则分别在9月和翌年2月,均提前1个月。对土壤CH4吸收通量与温度和湿度的相关分析表明: 无论是原状林地土壤还是无凋落物处理情况下,土壤CH4通量都与地下5 cm的温度和湿度相关性最高。偏相关分析反映了不同季节水热配置对土壤吸收CH4通量的影响:冬季为12月~翌年2月,温度起主要作用;雨季3~6月,温度作用为主,随着温度的升高而升高,水分作用微弱;7~8月,CH4吸收通量随着湿度的降低而增加,但高温限制了CH4的吸收;秋季(9~11月)水热配置适宜,CH4通量达到高峰值。总之,CH4吸收通量随着温度的升高和 湿度的降低而增大,但温度过高会抑制其吸收。  相似文献   

采用开顶式气室(open top chambers,OTCs)装置,以水稻品种“3694繁”(Oryza sativa L.)为材料,研究3种处理:过滤大气(CF,O3浓度约为20 nl·L-1)、环境大气(NF,O3浓度约为40 nl·L-1)和高浓度O3(EO,O3浓度约为75 nl·L-1)下叶片可溶性蛋白质含量、膜脂过氧化程度与主要保护酶活性的变化.结果表明:过滤大气与环境大气处理之间各个指标无显著差异.与CF处理相比,高浓度O3处理条件下水稻叶片中可溶性蛋白含量显著下降,而过氧化氢(H2O2)和抗坏血酸(ASA)含量显著增加;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性升高,最大升高幅度分别为93.7%、39.9%和312.4%;抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性呈先升高后下降趋势; 不同O3处理条件下叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量无显著变化.表明抗氧化系统可有效抑制水稻叶片中的O3胁迫引起的膜质过氧化作用,说明水稻品种“3694繁”对O3胁迫有一定抗性.  相似文献   

 2007年6~10月, 采用静态箱-气相色谱法, 同步研究了小兴安岭典型修氏苔草(Carex schmidtii)沼泽湿地CO2、CH4和N2O排放通量的季节动态及其与环境因子的关系, 估算了CO2、CH4和N2O的生长季排放量, 探讨了沼泽湿地碳与氮的源汇关系。结果表明: 草丛沼泽生长季节温室气体排放量以CO2占绝对优势(99.61%), CH4的排放量次之(0.39%), N2O的排放量最低(0.000 7%), 且为碳、氮的吸收汇(分别为固定量的53.93%和0.04%); CO2、CH4和N2O生长季平均排放通量依次为487.89、1.88和0.004 mg·m–2·h–1, 且具有明显的季节变化特征, CO2和N2O的最高排放量均出现在夏季(6月24日至8月14日和7月14日至8月14日), CH4的最高排放量出现在夏秋季(8月24日至9月24日), 其中, CO2季节变化与空气温度和0~20 cm土壤温度具有显著相关性(p < 0.05), CH4与空气温度具有显著相关性(p < 0.01), N2O与水位具有显著的负相关性(p < 0.05)。  相似文献   

外源氮对沼泽湿地CH4和N2O通量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江平原沼泽湿地受到大气沉降、地表径流、农业排水等外源氮素的输入,对湿地生态系统CH4和N2O通量有重要影响。采用野外原位施肥试验模拟外源氮输入,设0,60,120,240kgN•hm-2 4种试验处理,探讨外源氮对沼泽湿地CH4和N2O通量的影响。结果表明,外源氮促进了CH4和N2O排放。与对照处理比较,各施氮水平CH4平均排放通量分别增加了181%,254%和155%,N2O排放通量分别增加了21%,100%和533%。外源氮输入对CH4排放的季节变化形式影响不大,而N2O的季节变化形式随着氮输入表现出波动变化的趋势。不同施氮水平对CH4排放的促进作用与植物生长阶段和产CH4的微生物过程密切相关,N2O排放通量随氮输入量呈指数增加(R2=0.97,p<0.01)。外源氮通过影响湿地微生物过程来进一步影响CH4和N2O的排放。  相似文献   

 采用旋转布气法开顶式气室(Open top chambers, OTCs)装置, 研究4种臭氧(O3)浓度水平(过滤大气, O3浓度20 nl·L–1; 环境大气, O3浓度40 nl·L–1; 中等O3浓度处理, O3浓度为75 nl·L–1; 高浓度处理, O3浓度为150 nl·L–1)下水稻(Oryza sativa)根系中根系活力、可溶性蛋白含量、膜脂过氧化程度与抗氧化系统的变化差异。主要结果表明: 与过滤大气处理相比, O3浓度升高(75和150 nl·L–1)使植株根系活力显著降低, 根系大幅度、过早地衰退; 根系可溶性蛋白质含量显著下降; 根系MDA含量显著升高, 膜脂过氧化程度加剧; SOD活性呈先升高后下降的变化趋势, 根系中H2O2含量大幅度显著上升, 并随着O3处理浓度升高和暴露时间延长变化幅度增大; CAT与POD活性则表现出升高趋势, 但处理后期升高幅度略微降低; 整个处理期间根系ASA含量无显著变化。环境大气处理与过滤大气处理植株各个指标变化趋势基本一致并略微下降, 随着处理时间延长根系活力与蛋白质含量出现显著下降, 其他指标无显著差异。试验结果表明O3浓度升高会对植物地下部分根系产生影响; 随着O3胁迫时间的延长, 植物将面临着缺乏强有力的根系生理代谢活力支持。  相似文献   

大豆对臭氧、二氧化碳及其复合效应的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以大豆‘中黄14'为试验材料,首次模拟研究大气中O3、CO2浓度增加,及其逐渐和持续增加O3、CO2浓度复合效应对大豆的影响.结果表明,CO2浓度增加可缓解O3对叶片的伤害程度,受害时间推迟,受害症状无实质性变化.熏气20 d测定各处理叶片生理参数发现,在本底大气环境下,叶片气孔阻力和蒸腾速率与对照差异较小,熏气时O3、CO2浓度增加诱导叶片气孔关闭,气孔阻力明显增加,蒸腾速率显著降低.与对照相比,O3浓度增加,大豆干物质积累、产量和收获指数明显降低,籽粒粗脂肪含量明显减少,粗蛋白含量显著增加;CO2浓度增加,干物质积累和产量显著提高,收获指数无明显差异,籽粒粗脂肪和粗蛋白含量均明显减少;逐渐和持续增加O3和CO2浓度复合效应处理下,大豆干物质积累、产量和收获指数差异不明显,籽粒粗蛋白含量不同程度地减少,粗脂肪含量显著增加.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantitatively analyse methanotrophs in two laboratory landfill biofilters at different biofilter depths and at temperatures which mimicked the boreal climatic conditions. Both biofilters were dominated by type I methanotrophs. The biofilter depth profiles showed that type I methanotrophs occurred in the upper layer, where relatively high O(2) and low CH(4) concentrations were present, whereas type II methanotrophs were mostly distributed in the zone with high CH(4) and low O(2) concentrations. The number of type I methanotrophic cells declined when the temperature was raised from 15 degrees C to 23 degrees C, but increased when lowered to 5 degrees C. A slight decrease in type II methanotrophs was also observed when the temperature was raised from 15 degrees C to 23 degrees C, whereas cell numbers remained constant when lowered to 5 degrees C. The results indicated that low temperature conditions favored both type I and type II methanotrophs in the biofilters.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste landfills are responsible for odors affecting the environment and human health. Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is one of the major odorous compounds known for its low odor threshold and wide distribution. This study examined the generation, migration and emission of DMS in four artificial landfill-simulating reactors: Reactor 1 and Reactor 2, running under anaerobic and semi-aerobic conditions, respectively, without leachate recirculation; and Reactor 3 and Reactor 4, running under anaerobic and semi-aerobic conditions, respectively, with leachate recirculation. From the odor control perspective, aeration can efficiently inhibit maximum DMS headspace concentration by 31.7–93.7%, especially with the functioning of leachate recirculation. However, leachate recirculation in anaerobic conditions may double the DMS emission concentration but may also shorten the period over which DMS is effective because of the upward migration of liquid DMS in the recirculated leachate. The DMS generation was active in the acidification and methane fermentation phase of the simulated landfill and was possibly affected by the volatile fatty acid concentration, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon concentration and pH of the leachate, as well as total organic carbon in the refuse. Most significantly, DMS emission can be effectually dealt with by aeration along with leachate recirculation.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场氧化亚氮排放控制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
填埋是国内外城市生活垃圾处理的一种主要方式.垃圾填埋场是温室气体氧化亚氮(N2O)和甲烷(CH4)的重要排放源.作为一种高效痕量的温室气体,N2O具有极高的潜在增温效应,其每分子潜在的增温作用是二氧化碳(CO2)的296倍.而且N2O能在大气中长期稳定存在,对臭氧层具有较强的破坏作用.本文针对垃圾填埋场N2O排放的控制研究,概述了垃圾填埋处理过程中主要排放源的N2O排放及其影响因素,提出了现阶段适应我国垃圾填埋场N2O排放控制的一系列措施,并展望了垃圾填埋场温室气体N2O排放控制理论和技术的研究方向.  相似文献   

He R  Ruan A  Jiang C  Shen DS 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(15):7192-7199
CH4 oxidation capacities and microbial community structures developed in response to the presence of CH4 were investigated in two types of landfill cover soil microcosms, waste soil (fine material in stabilized waste) and clay soil. CH4 emission fluxes were lower in the waste soil cover over the course of the experiment. After exposure to CH4 flow for 120 days, the waste soil developed CH4 oxidation capacity from 0.53 to 11.25-13.48micromol CH4gd.w.(-1)h(-1), which was ten times higher than the clay soil. The topsoils of the two soil covers were observed dried and inhibited CH4 oxidation. The maximum CH4 oxidation rate occurred at the depth of 10-20cm in the waste soil cover (the middle layer), whereas it took place mainly at the depth of 20-30cm in the clay soil cover (the bottom layer). The amounts of the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarks 16:1omega8c and 18:1omega8c for type I and II methanotrophs, respectively, showed that type I methanotrophic bacteria predominated in the clay soil, while the type II methanotrophic bacteria were abundant in the waste soil, and the highest population in the middle layer. The results also indicated that a greater active methanotrophic community was developed in the waste soil relative to the clay soil.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O from cover soils of both abandoned (> 30 years) and active landfills greatly exceed the maximum fluxes previously reported for tropical soils, suggesting high microbial activities for N2O production. Low soil matrix potentials (<-0.7 MPa) indicate that nitrification was the most likely mechanism of N2O formation during most of the time of sampling. Soil moisture had a strong influence on N2O emissions. The production of N2O was stimulated by as much as 20 times during laboratory incubations, when moisture was increased from -2.0 MPa to -0.6 MPa. Additional evidence from incubation experiments and delta13C analyses of fatty acids (18:1) diagnostic of methanotrophs suggests that N2O is formed in these soils by nitrification via methanotrophic bacteria. In a NH3(g)-amended landfill soil, the rate of N2O production was significantly increased when incubated with 100 ppmv methane compared with 1.8 ppmv (atmospheric) methane. Preincubation of a landfill soil with 1% CH4 for 2 weeks resulted in higher rates of N2O production when subsequently amended with NH3(g) relative to a control soil preincubated without CH4. At one location, at the soil depth (9-16 cm) of maximum methane consumption and N2O production, we observe elevated concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen and distinct minima in delta15N (+1.0%) and delta13C (-33.8%) values for organic nitrogen and organic carbon respectively. A delta13C value of -39.3% was measured for 18:1 carbon fatty acids in this soil, diagnostic of type II methanotrophs. The low delta15N value for organic nitrogen is consistent with N2 fixation by type II methanotrophs. These observations all point to a methanotrophic origin for the organic matter at this depth. The results of this study corroborate previous reports of methanotrophic nitrification and N2O formation in aqueous and soil environments and suggest a predominance of type II rather than type I or type X methanotrophs in this landfill soil.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the efficiency of coagulation and flocculation processes for removing colour from a semi-aerobic landfill leachate from one of the landfill sites in Malaysia. Four types of coagulant namely aluminium (III) sulphate (alum), ferric (III) chloride, ferrous (II) sulphate and ferric (III) sulphate were studied using standard jar test apparatus. Results indicated that ferric chloride was superior to the other coagulants and removed 94% of colour at an optimum dose of 800 mg/l at pH 4. The effect of coagulant dosages on colour removal showed similar trend as for COD, turbidity and suspended solids. This suggested that colour in landfill leachate was mainly contributed by organic matters with some insoluble forms that exhibited turbidity and suspended solids readings. The results from this study suggested that ferric chloride could be a viable coagulant in managing colour problems associated with landfill leachate.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the major contributors to offensive odors from landfills, and its concentration differs under different operation modes. This study examined the distribution of H2S emission from different landfill depths under different operation modes (anaerobic, semi-aerobic, semi-aerobic transformation, and the three operation modes with additional leachate recirculation). The microbial community (especially the sulfur-metabolizing bacterial community) was investigated using high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that the semi-aerobic mode could substantially lower the risks of H2S pollution in landfills, which might be because of the difference in biological processes related to sulfur metabolism driven by functional microbes. A myriad of factors are responsible for mutually shaping the sulfur-metabolizing bacterial community composition in landfills that might subsequently affect the behavior of H2S emission in landfills. The differences in abundance of the genera Acinetobacter and Paracoccus (phylum Proteobacteria) caused by environmental factors might explain the differences in H2S emission. H2S odor control could be realized if the related functional microbe diversity can be influenced by adjustments to landfill operation.  相似文献   

Methane oxidation in the cover soil of the Khmet'evo municipal landfill in Moscow oblast was investigated. Methane emission from the experimental parcel of the site was highly inhomogeneous. At a depth of 45-60 cm, the pore gas mainly consisted of CH4 (60-70%) and CO2 (30-40%). In the upper horizons of the cover soil, the concentration of these gases sharply decreased. Techniques for estimation of the methane-oxidizing activity in the cover soil of the landfill were tested. The rate of methane oxidation in the soil, the factor limiting methane emission from the surface of the site, correlated with the cell number of culturable methanotrophic bacteria. The method of indirect immunofluorescence revealed ten known species of methanotrophic bacteria in enrichment cultures obtained from samples of the cover soil. Our results also indicate the presence of unknown psychrotolerant methanotrophs that are active at the low temperatures characteristic of Moscow oblast.  相似文献   

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