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HIV-1整合酶是目前抗艾滋病药物研发的重要靶点之一,整合酶的耐药突变是导致整合酶抑制剂类药物治疗失败的主要原因,但突变产生耐药性的机理仍不清楚.本工作通过人工构建突变型整合酶,测试其活性和耐药性,对整合酶的耐药机理进行初步探索.构建整合酶的突变型包括E92A、N155S两种单突变及E92A/N155S双突变.通过基因工程操作引入突变、构建质粒、表达纯化得到整合酶蛋白.用基于磁珠的整合酶链转移ELISA测试整合酶的链转移活性,用S-1360和Raltegravir两种抑制剂测试整合酶的耐药性.另外,用Autodock软件做了S-1360和整合酶核心区(包括野生型和突变型)的分子对接.结果表明,N155S突变使整合酶链转移活性下降约80%,而E92A/N155S双突变仅使活性下降约42%,这表明N155S突变基础上的E92A突变可使整合酶的活性大幅回复.E92A和E92A/N155S对不同的抑制剂可产生不同的耐药性,它们对Raltegravir的耐药性强于对S-1360.突变对整合酶活性和耐药性的影响主要是通过改变整合酶活性中心结构实现的,E92A突变可能导致其与周围残基静电相互作用减弱,间接影响到D64和D116残基,产生活性回复作用.  相似文献   

酶的热稳定性问题一直是蛋白质工程领域关注的重点。本研究通过枯草芽孢杆菌脂肪酶的不同模拟温度下的分子动力学模拟轨迹,分析野生型脂肪酶(WTL)及其突变体(6B)残基间相互作用对热稳定性的影响。首先确定残基间的空间关系,采用空间聚类和FP-growth算法,识别出保持协同运动的β3-β8以及C端部分区域,即确定刚性区;接着运用连续帧间差分法确定波动较大的柔性区,发现其主要位于转角处。以300 K常温状态下识别出的刚性区和柔性区为基础,考察刚性区和柔性区在不同温度下相互作用的动态变化规律,发现WTL和6B的刚性区内的相互作用几乎不随温度发生变化,在高温400 K时,WTL柔性区的稳定氢键数急剧减少为7,6B柔性区的稳定氢键数随温度变化较为稳定。另外,6B的柔性区较WTL少了310螺旋,这是由于突变后的Ser15与突变后的Ser17形成强大的氢键作用,A15S和F17S突变改善了脂肪酶结构的柔性使其热稳定性增强。  相似文献   

整合酶(integrase,IN)是HIV病毒复制周期中的一个重要酶,一般认为,IN是以四聚体形式发挥其生物活性。本文用DOT软件包研究了IN四聚体与8个不同长度病毒末端DNA的结合模式,以及病毒DNA长度对二者识别的影响。结果表明,IN有3个DNA结合区域,其中两个是病毒DNA结合区域,另外一个是宿主DNA结合区域。模拟结果与实验数据吻合较好,本研究为基于整合酶结构的药物研发及整合酶整合机理的研究提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

血红素氧合酶HugZ是幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)利用宿主血红素作为铁源的关键蛋白.HugZ的His245残基侧链咪唑基与血红素中心铁配位结合,是酶活中心的重要组成部分.用定点突变的方法构建HugZ突变体H245A、H249A和H245A/H249A基因,并将突变体蛋白表达纯化.通过X射线晶体学途径解析了突变体H245A与血红素复合物的2.55Å分辨率晶体结构.结构解析表明,HugZ的His249残基侧链咪唑基团与血红素的铁原子结合,从而补偿了His245侧链缺失.这种结构特征在已知血红素氧合酶中未曾发现.Val238 ψ平面的可翻转和Gly239的柔性是His249能与血红素配位结合的关键原因,二者的共同作用改变了C端肽链的走向,使Val238与His249之间的柔性回折与α1螺旋的相互作用发生解离,并向远离血红素的方向伸展.HugZ蛋白与血红素结合的光谱实验证明HugZ柔性C端上的组氨酸残基有利于HugZ与血红素的结合.研究结果表明,含多个组氨酸残基柔性C端的存在有利于血红素氧合酶HugZ结合和分解血红素.  相似文献   

目的 研究抗酸染色结核分枝杆菌(简称结核杆菌)阳性痰涂片标本直接用于耐药性检测的方法。方法 对18株临床分离培养的结核杆菌用利福平进行药敏试验。分别提取菌株DNA和与之对应的痰涂片标本的菌体DNA,用聚合酶链反应(PcR)扩增ropB基因后进行固相杂交和核酸测序检测结核杆菌的耐药性。结果 18株结核杆菌中有12株对利福平耐药。经PCR扩增的ropB片段与探针杂交后,敏感菌株未发现rpoB基因的突变,自耐药菌株提取的DNA中rpoB突变体的检出率为100%(12/12),痰涂片提取DNA的检出率为91.7%(11/12)。所有耐药菌株DNA与痰涂片DNA核酸测序结果相吻合,都有rpoB基因核心区域碱基突变。结论 抗酸染色痰涂片阳性标本可直接用于检测结核杆菌利福平耐药基因rpoB突变体,是一种值得临床实验室推广使用的耐药菌诊断方法。  相似文献   

艾滋病病毒在世界范围内的传播,严重地威胁到人们的身心健康.HIV-1蛋白酶的残基变异严重地削弱了药物的治疗效果.为了研究残基变异D30N、I54M和V82A对蛋白酶结合抑制剂GRL-0519的影响,本研究进行了4个30 ns的分子动力学(MD)模拟,并采用溶解相互自由能(SIE)方法计算了蛋白酶和抑制剂的结合能.计算结果表明,极性相互作用不利于变异的蛋白酶结合抑制剂,而对于野生型的蛋白酶(WT),极性相互作用有微弱的贡献,极性相互作用是残基变异抗药性的主要原因,计算得到的总结合能与实验的数据一致.为了说明每个残基在抗药性中的贡献,采用分子力场的方法计算了每一个残基与小分子作用的范德华作用能,并分析了抑制剂与蛋白酶形成的氢键.范德华作用分析表明,V82A残基变异对结合模式的影响较小,相对于WT,D30N有5个残基的范德华贡献差异大于0.4 kcal/mol,I54M残基变异的蛋白酶有6个残基.氢键的分析说明,D30N和I54M变异丢失了几个氢键;范德华作用和氢键的分析结果与SIE的计算结果一致.研究结果为设计新的更有效的抗HIV-1蛋白酶变异的抑制剂提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

前期工作已用分子对接方法获得了HIV-1整合酶与L708,906抑制剂分子的复合物模型(IN_L708,906),现从距离、能量和氢键三个方面详细地分析了IN_L708,906模型中的关键残基.结果表明,复合物模型与蛋白质晶体库中整合酶(IN)与5CITEP的结合模式相近.用主成分分析和动力学交叉相关图方法分别研究了IN_L708,906复合物模型和IN单体的运动模式及相关性差异.计算结果显示,L708,906抑制剂的结合使得IN功能loop区残基柔性下降、分子规律性运动的丧失及集团运动相关性的无序增加,这些可能是酶活性下降的主要因素.模拟结果将有利于基于芳香二酮酸类的抗HIV药物设计.  相似文献   

蛋白质前体加工酶参与许多重要蛋白质闪体的加工成熟过程,哺乳动物来源的furin和酵母中的kexin是该家族的重要成员。首先人工合成了编码枯草杆菌蛋白酶抑制剂eglin C的基因片段,组装后在大肠杆菌中得到表达。以定点突变方法在野生型eglin C抑制活性中心的P1、P2和P4位引入碱性氨基酸残基可以将其改造为很强的furin抑制剂(Ki约10^-9mol/L),和kexin抑制剂(Ki约10^-11mol/L)。同时根据枯草杆菌蛋白酶和eglin C复合物的晶体结构,计算机同源模建了前体加工酶与eglin C突变体结构之间的相互作用,并结合实验数据得到以下结果:(1)P1位引入的碱性残基是该抑制剂活力的前提;(2)P4位碱性残基的引入可以极大地提高抑制剂活力约两个数量级;(3)P2 的碱性残基将有效提高抑制剂的活力。然而同时可以破坏抑制剂本身的稳定性。(4)野生型P3位的疏水性残基参与抑制剂活性环附近疏水核心的构成。  相似文献   

人巨细胞病毒M抗原表位保守氨基酸突变的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定人巨细胞病毒M抗原表位MAD的关键氨基酸残基, 以MAD多肽序列为基础, 分别将保守氨基酸残基单一突变为甘氨酸残基, 构建各自突变体, 然后与人源Fc的N端融合, 通过原核表达载体pET32-Fc表达融合蛋白MAD-Fc, 经protein A柱亲和纯化得到各突变体纯品。通过ELISA及Western blotting方法验证各突变体特异结合羊抗HCMV多抗间的差异, 从而确定表位关键氨基酸残基。结果显示, 将MAD中的谷氨酰胺残基单突变为甘氨酸残基后, MADQ-G结合羊抗HCMV多抗活性大大降低, 差异显著; 而其他氨基酸残基单突变时, 对MAD活性影响程度很小。由此得出结论: MAD结合羊抗HCMV多抗的活性与谷氨酰胺残基有关。  相似文献   

研究野生型苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Aa和Cry1C的毒性变化发现, 不同的pH不但影响这些蛋白质的毒性, 而且影响它们在跨膜过程中形成孔洞的能力. 将Cry1Aa α4螺旋中的15个氨基酸突变后与BBMV结合, 进行光散射分析, 与野生型Cry1Aa相比较, 发现有3个突变体几乎完全失去毒性, 7个突变体毒性明显降低, 5个突变体保持野生型毒性. 采用计算机模拟方法研究了苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Aa毒蛋白α4螺旋的三维空间结构, 通过观察15个不同残基定点突变对其功能的影响, 解释了突变体毒性变化的原因, 说明了参与膜孔洞形成氨基酸残基对Cry1Aa昆虫毒杀性的重要作用.  相似文献   

Predicting a bioactive conformation of a ligand is of paramount importance in rational drug design. The task becomes very difficult when the receptor site possesses a region with unusual conformational flexibility. Significant conformational differences are present in the active site regions in the available crystal structures of the core domains of HIV-1 integrase (IN). Among all reported IN inhibitors, the β-diketoacid class of compounds has proved to be of most promise and indeed S-1360 was the first IN inhibitor to enter clinical studies. With an aim to predict the bioactive (active site bound) conformation of S-1360, we performed extensive docking studies using three different reported crystal structures where the active site or partial active site region was resolved. For comparison we extended our studies to include 5CITEP (the first compound cocrystallized with IN core domain) and a bis-diketoacid (BDKA). We found that the conformation of S-1360 when bound in one of the active sites matches that of the experimentally observed results of IN escape mutants resistant to S-1360. Therefore, we propose that this active site conformation is the biologically relevant conformation and can be used for the future structure-based drug design studies selectively targeting IN.  相似文献   

Integrase (IN), an essential enzyme for HIV-1 replication, has been targeted in antiretroviral drug therapy. The emergence of HIV-1 variants clinically resistant to antiretroviral agents has lead to the development of alternative IN inhibitors. In the present work, binding modes of a high potent IN inhibitor, M522 and M532, within the catalytic binding site of wild type (WT) IN were determined using molecular docking calculation. Both M522 and M532 displayed similar modes of binding within the IN putative binding pocket and exhibited favorable interactions with the catalytic Mg2+ ions, the nearby amino acids and viral DNA through metal-ligand chelation, hydrogen bonding and π-π stacking interactions. Furthermore, the modes of action of these two compounds against the mutated Y212R, N224H and S217H PFV IN were also predicted. Although the replacement of amino acid could somehow disturb inhibitor binding mode, almost key interactions which detected in the WT complexes were fairly conserved. Detailed information could highlight the application of M522 and M532 as candidate IN inhibitors for drug development against drug resistant strains.  相似文献   

Integrase (IN) is one of the three human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) enzymes essential for effective viral replication. S-1360 is a potent and selective inhibitor of HIV-1 IN. In this work, we have carried out molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) approach, to determine the protein-ligand interaction energy for S-1360 and two analogues. Analysis of the MD trajectories reveals that the strongest protein-inhibitor interactions, observed in the three studied complexes, are established with Lys-159 residue and Mg(2+) cation. Calculations of binding energy using BLYP/MM level of theory reveal that there is a direct relationship between this theoretical computed property and the experimental determined anti-HIV activity.  相似文献   

Xue W  Qi J  Yang Y  Jin X  Liu H  Yao X 《Molecular bioSystems》2012,8(8):2135-2144
Raltegravir is the first FDA-approved drug targeting the strand transfer step of HIV-1 integration. However, the rapid emergence of viral strains that are highly resistant to raltegravir has become a critical problem. Unfortunately, the detailed molecular mechanism of how HIV-1 integrase (IN) mutations actually confer drug resistance is not well understood. In the present study, starting from our previously constructed complex of HIV-1 IN and viral DNA, we employed molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) calculation, to uncover the molecular mechanism behind the resistant mechanism of HIV-1 IN to raltegravir. The values of the calculated binding free energy follow consistently the experimentally observed ranking of resistance levels. A detailed analysis of the results of MD simulation suggests that the Tyr143 located in the 140s loop (e.g., residues from Gly140 to Gly149) is a key anchoring residue that leads to stable raltegravir binding. The decrease in the interaction at this residue is one of the key reasons responsible for the resistance of HIV-1 IN to raltegravir. Additionally, the calculation results also proved that the 3' adenosine flip in different conformations in the wild-type and mutant HIV-1 IN-viral DNA complexes play an important role in raltegravir binding. Our results could provide a structural and energetic understanding of the raltegravir-resistant mechanism at the atomic level and provide some new clues on how to design new drugs that may circumvent the known resistance mutations.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase (IN) is an essential enzyme in the life cycle of the virus and is an attractive target for the development of new drugs useful in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome multidrug therapy. Starting from the crystal structure of the 5CITEP inhibitor bound to the active site in the catalytic domain of the HIV-1 IN, two different molecular dynamics simulations in water have been carried out. In the first simulation the wild-type IN was used, whereas in the second one the double mutation T66I/M154I, described to lead to drug resistance, was introduced in the protein. Compelling differences have been observed in these two structures during analyses of the molecular dynamics trajectories, particularly in the inhibitor binding modes and in the conformational flexibility of the loop (residues 138-149) located near the three catalytic residues in the active site (Asp(64), Asp(116), Glu(152)). Because the conformational flexibility of this region is important for efficient biological activity and its behavior is quite different in the two models, we suggest a hypothetical mechanism for the inhibition and drug resistance of HIV-1 IN. These results can be useful for the rational design of more potent and selective integrase inhibitors and may allow for the design of inhibitors that will be more robust against known resistance mutations.  相似文献   



HIV-1 integrase (IN) is an emerging drug target, as IN strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are proving potent antiretroviral agents in clinical trials. One credible theory sees INSTIs as docking at the cellular (acceptor) DNA-binding site after IN forms a transitional complex with viral (donor) DNA. However, mapping of the DNA and INSTI binding sites within the IN catalytic core domain (CCD) has been uncertain.


Structural superimpositions were conducted using the SWISS PDB and Cn3D free software. Docking simulations of INSTIs were run by a widely validated genetic algorithm (GOLD).


Structural superimpositions suggested that a two-metal model for HIV-1 IN CCD in complex with small molecule, 1-(5-chloroindol-3-yl)-3-(tetrazoyl)-1,3-propandione-ene (5CITEP) could be used as a surrogate for an IN/viral DNA complex, because it allowed replication of contacts documented biochemically in viral DNA/IN complexes or displayed by a crystal structure of the IN-related enzyme Tn5 transposase in complex with transposable DNA. Docking simulations showed that the fitness of different compounds for the catalytic cavity of the IN/5CITEP complex significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with their 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) in strand transfer assays in vitro. The amino acids involved in inhibitor binding matched those involved in drug resistance. Both metal binding and occupation of the putative viral DNA binding site by 5CITEP appeared to be important for optimal drug/ligand interactions. The docking site of INSTIs appeared to overlap with a putative acceptor DNA binding region adjacent to but distinct from the putative donor DNA binding site, and homologous to the nucleic acid binding site of RNAse H. Of note, some INSTIs such as 4,5-dihydroxypyrimidine carboxamides/N -Alkyl-5-hydroxypyrimidinone carboxamides, a highly promising drug class including raltegravir/MK-0518 (now in clinical trials), displayed interactions with IN reminiscent of those displayed by fungal molecules from Fusarium sp., shown in the 1990s to inhibit HIV-1 integration.


The 3D model presented here supports the idea that INSTIs dock at the putative acceptor DNA-binding site in a IN/viral DNA complex. This mechanism of enzyme inhibition, likely to be exploited by some natural products, might disclose future strategies for inhibition of nucleic acid-manipulating enzymes.  相似文献   

Integration of viral DNA into the host cell genome is a critical step in the life cycle of HIV. This essential reaction is catalyzed by integrase (IN) through two steps, 3'-processing and DNA strand transfer. Integrase is an attractive target for drug design because there is no known cellular analogue and integration is essential for successful replication of HIV. A computational three-dimensional (3-D) database search was used to identify novel HIV-1 integrase inhibitors. Starting from the previously identified Y3 (4-acetylamino-5-hydroxynaphthalene-2,7-disulfonic acid) binding site on the avian sarcoma virus integrase (ASV IN), a preliminary search of all compounds in the nonproprietary, open part of the National Cancer Institute 3-D database yielded a collection of 3100 compounds. A more rigorous scoring method was used to rescreen the 3100 compounds against both ASV IN and HIV-1 IN. Twenty-two of those compounds were selected for inhibition assays against HIV-1 IN. Thirteen of the 22 showed inhibitory activity against HIV-1 IN at concentrations less than 200 microM and three of them showed antiviral activities in HIV-1 infected CEM cells with effective concentrations (EC50) ranging from 0.8 to 200 microM. Analysis of the computer-generated binding modes of the active compounds to HIV-1 IN showed that simultaneous interaction with the Y3 site and the catalytic site is possible. In addition, interactions between the active compounds and the flexible loop involved in the binding of DNA by IN are indicated to occur. The structural details and the unique binding motif between the HIV-1 IN and its inhibitors identified in the present work may contribute to the future development of IN inhibitors.  相似文献   

HIV-1 IN is an essential enzyme for viral replication and an interesting target for the design of new pharmaceuticals for use in multidrug therapy of AIDS. L-731,988 is one of the most active molecules of the class of beta-diketo acids. Individual and combined mutations of HIV-1 IN at residues T66, S153, and M154 confer important degrees of resistance to one or more inhibitors belonging to this class. In an effort to understand the molecular mechanism of the resistance of T66I/M154I IN to the inhibitor L-731,988 and its specific binding modes, we have carried out docking studies, explicit solvent MD simulations, and binding free energy calculations. The inhibitor was docked against different protein conformations chosen from prior MD trajectories, resulting in 2 major orientations within the active site. MD simulations have been carried out for the T66I/M154I DM IN, DM IN in complex with L-731,988 in 2 different orientations, and 1QS4 IN in complex with L-731,988. The results of these simulations show a similar dynamical behavior between T66I/M154I IN alone and in complex with L-731,988, while significant differences are observed in the mobility of the IN catalytic loop (residues 138-149). Water molecules bridging the inhibitor to residues from the active site have been identified, and residue Gln62 has been found to play an important role in the interactions between the inhibitor and the protein. This work provides information about the binding modes of L-731,988, as well as insight into the mechanism of inhibitor-resistance in HIV-1 integrase.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase (IN) is an important target in the development of drugs against the AIDS virus. Drug design based on the structure of IN was markedly hampered due to the lack of three-dimensional structure information of HIV-1 IN-viral DNA complex. The prototype foamy virus (PFV) IN has a highly functional and structural homology with HIV-1 IN. Recently, the X-ray crystal complex structure of PFV IN with its cognate viral DNA has been obtained. In this study, both Gaussian network model (GNM) and anisotropy network model (ANM) have been applied to comparatively investigate the motion modes of PFV DNA-free and DNA-bound IN. The results show that the motion mode of PFV IN has only a slight change after binding with DNA. The motion of this enzyme is in favor of association with DNA, and the binding ability is determined by its intrinsic structural topology. Molecular docking experiments were performed to gain the binding modes of a series of diketo acid (DKA) inhibitors with PFV IN obtained from ANM, from which the dependability of PFV IN-DNA used in the drug screen for strand transfer (ST) inhibitors was confirmed. It is also found that the functional groups of keto-enol, bis-diketo, tetrazole and azido play a key role in aiding the recognition of viral DNA, and thus finally increase the inhibition capability for the corresponding DKA inhibitor. Our study provides some theoretical information and helps to design anti-AIDS drug based on the structure of IN.  相似文献   

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