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目的:研究担载神经生长因子(NGF)的聚乳酸纤维乳液法静电纺丝的制备工艺,从电压、溶液浓度等工艺条件进行探索,通过扫描电镜对纤维的形态结构进行观察,旨在找到最佳纺丝制备条件,并观察该条件下纤维的体外释放行为和细胞活性。方法:将NGF水溶液分散于聚乳酸(PLLA)溶液中,通过W/O乳液法制备静电纺丝纤维。分别从电压8 k V、10 k V、12 k V,浓度梯度90mg/m L、100 mg/m L、110 mg/m L进行静电纺丝纤维的制备,对纤维的形态等进行表征。使用ELISA对NGF体外释放动力学进行检测,用Alamer Blue试剂考察纤维释放液对于PC12悬浮细胞增殖的影响。结果:浓度和电压对电纺纤维制备影响很大。当浓度过大时,易堵塞纺丝喷头且纤维弯曲,过小时纤维粗细差异较大。电压过大或过小时纤维弯曲情况严重,甚至出现缠绕现象。当浓度为100 mg/m L,电压为10 k V时制备的乳液法静电纺丝聚乳酸纤维直径粗细均匀,具有较好形态。在该条件下的制备的纤维NGF体外有效释放13天,释放液可以促进PC12细胞的增殖。结论:担载NGF的聚乳酸纤维乳液法最佳静电纺丝制备条件为:PLLA溶液浓度100 mg/m L、电压10 k V,该条件下制备的担载NGF的聚乳酸纤维体外释放可累计释放13天,其释放液可有效促进PC12细胞的增殖,为进一步研究担载NGF的聚乳酸纤维导管奠定了一定的工艺基础。  相似文献   

旨在观察自组装IKVAV多肽纳米纤维支架凝胶对鼠嗅鞘细胞(OECs)的作用。通过调整IKVAV溶液pH值并加入培养液触发多肽自组装为支架凝胶, 用原子力显微镜检测IKVAV分子可以自组装成编织状纳米纤维(直径为3~5 nm)。采用原代分离培养方法获得OECs单细胞悬液后, 使用差速贴壁法两次纯化OECs且在第12天通过免疫染色计数OECs纯度为85%。将IKVAV多肽纳米纤维支架凝胶与OECs复合培养, 倒置显微镜下观察OECs生长良好, Calcein-AM/PI活、死细胞染色表明活细胞数达95%。CCK-8法间接细胞计数证实IKVAV多肽可促进OECs的黏附, 对OECs增殖没有影响。由此可见IKVAV多肽可以自组装成纳米纤维支架凝胶且对OECs有良好的生物相容性及黏附作用, 可作为神经组织工程支架材料。  相似文献   

目的:探讨氨基修饰后的静电纺丝纳米纤维对大鼠和人骨髓来源的间充质干细胞(Rat and human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, r MSCs and hMSCs)增殖及成骨分化的影响。方法:采用静电纺丝法制备聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物(poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid),PLGA)纳米纤维,用氨气等离子体处理其表面来接枝氨基;通过测量PLGA纳米纤维(NF)及氨基修饰后的纳米纤维(NF-NH_2)接触角来证明修饰效果;将r MSCs和hMSCs分别接种于NF和NF-NH_2,用CCK-8试剂盒检测接种后1, 3 (4), 7天的细胞增殖;接种后的21天,用茜素红S染色(ARS)法检测细胞成骨分化情况。结果:氨气等离子体处理后纳米纤维接触角从81.28±0.33降低至53.99±0.79,说明氨基修饰后的PLGA NF亲水性增加;CCK-8结果显示氨基修饰增加了r MSCs的黏附,接种24 h后r MSCs在NF和NF-NH_2上的检测吸光值分别为0.096±0.011和0.175±0.014(P0.001),而对hMSCs黏附和增殖没有影响,接种24 h后hMSCs在NF和NF-NH_2上的检测吸光值分别为0.237±0.004和0.238±0.006(P0.05);ARS染色结果显示氨基修饰后r MSCs成骨分化增多(在NF和NF-NH_2表面ARS染色区域比例分别13.147±3.223%和36.677±5.230%),而hMSCs在修饰前后的纳米纤维上均有表达(修饰前后ARS染色比例分别为50.283±2.942%和38.254±3.272%)。结论:氨基修饰的NF可以促进大鼠来源的MSCs黏附增殖以及成骨分化,而对人骨髓来源的MSCs没有显著影响,这提示我们MSCs的增殖分化行为可能具有种属依赖性。  相似文献   

通过混合纤维蛋白原和凝血酶溶液与不同量(0、1、2、4 mg)的PLGA无纺丝制得力学强度提高的生物混合支架,检测各组支架对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(rMSC)增长的影响.用扫描电镜观察各组支架都具有多孔且孔间相通的特性.根据收缩溶胀的测量,混入PLGA的纤维蛋白支架收缩率明显小于未混合PLGA的支架.检测各组的压缩模量,混合PLGA的支架压缩模量大于未混合的支架,其差异均具有统计学意义.选择具有多向分化潜能的rMSC在混合支架上的生长,进行DNA荧光检测法测得细胞增长值,在混合PLGA无纺丝1 mg的支架上rMSC增长效果最好.实验证明纤维蛋白混合三维支架维持原纤维蛋白支架内部多孔隙三维结构,而且增大了支架的力学强度,在一定程度上提高了骨髓间充质干细胞在支架上的增长,在组织工程中是具有潜力的细胞生长三维支架.  相似文献   

BMSCs在PLGA-[ASP-PEG]基质材料表面粘附及增殖的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞BMSCs在聚丙交酯/乙交酯/天冬氨酸-聚乙二醇三嵌段多元共聚物 PLGA-[ASP-PEG]表面粘附、增殖的情况,为组织工程学体外诱导种子细胞生长提供新的生物材料。方法:在PLGA支架材料中引入聚乙二醇(PEG)和含有多个功能位点的天冬氨酸(ASP),制成PLGA-[ASP-PEG]高分子支架材料。 将PLGA-[ASP-PEG]支架材料与BMSCs复合培养,以未改性的PLGA支架材料作对照,通过沉淀法、MTT法和考马斯亮蓝法分别检测BMSCs的粘附和增殖变化;扫描电镜观察黏附细胞的形态。结果 BMSCs在PLGA-[ASP-PEG]材料表面帖壁生长,细胞数目明显多于单纯PLGA组。细胞粘附率检测显示:改性后的PLGA-[ASP-PEG]表面BMSCs的粘附性能和增殖能力明显高于对照组,P<0.05。MTT比色试验,BMSCs在三嵌段材料上培养20d后,吸光值A=1.336,约为对照组0.780的两倍。细胞内蛋白总量间接反映细胞黏附及增殖情况。培养12d时,在PLGA-[ASP-PEG]材料组细胞的蛋白含量为66.44μg/孔,单纯PLGA组为41.23μg/孔,间接说明了三嵌段材料生物相容性好,细胞黏附力强的特点。结论PLGA-[ASP-PEG]能促进组织工程种子细胞在骨基质材料表面的黏附、增殖并能较好地保持细胞的形态。  相似文献   

为了探究锶纳米纤维在骨组织再生中的作用机制,本研究通过静电纺丝来制备聚合物纳米复合材料工程支架,促进骨组织再生。将碳酸锶纳米粒子(nSrCO3)以10%和15%重量比添加到聚己酸内酯(PCL)中,做成纤维直径在300~500 nm范围内的纳米复合材料纤维支架(PCL+10%SrCO3和PCL+15%SrCO3),掺入nSrCO3后降低了纤维支架的结晶度和弹性模量,复合PCL+15%SrCO3支架可在4 d内释放出高达58 ppm的Sr2+离子。细胞研究证实,体外使用的含有15%n Sr CO3的复合支架增强了人间充质干细胞的增殖。在PCL+15%SrCO3中,最小沉积量显著增加达约4倍,促进了骨形成。在PCL+15%SrCO3纤维中,成骨标志物如BMP-2和Runx2的mRNA和蛋白的高表达也可以证明锶纳米纤维能促进骨形成。本研究为研究锶纳米纤维在促进骨组织再生中的运用提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

研究表明静电纺丝可以制备出模拟细胞外基质的三维结构,其中限制静电纺丝纤维支架应用的问题之一就是纤维排列紧密导致支架的孔径较小,从而阻碍了细胞的浸入,组织中血管化的形成以及支架与宿主细胞的融合。为了增大支架的孔径,提高孔隙率,许多研究者提出了相应的策略。本文综述了多种制备大孔径静电纺丝纤维支架的方法,主要包括不同接收装置控制电场分布、盐粒子/聚合物析出法、水浴接收、低温静电纺丝以及激光/紫外烧蚀法等,以上的方法都能够有效的增大静电纺丝三维支架的孔径,进而提高了细胞的浸润性、营养物质的传输以及废物的排出,为静电纺丝纤维支架在组织工程中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

PLGA的不同组成对支架材料性能的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研究PLGA的不同组成对支架材料的力学性能、降解性能和生物学性能的影响。采用溶液浇注/颗粒沥取法制备出不同组成的PLGA多孔支架,对支架的力学性能和降解速率进行考察,同时将人真皮成纤维细胞接种于不同组成的PLGA支架材料上,培养不同时间后,检测细胞的粘附率和增殖率,以及细胞产生的总胶原含量,并通过扫描电镜观察支架上的细胞形态。结果显示,随PLA比例的增加,支架的力学强度增加,降解速率降低,但都不是线性变化。70:30比例的支架,拉伸强度最高,而70:30和80:20两种比例的支架,其降解速率没有显著性差异。PLGA不同组成的支架,均具有良好的细胞相容性,成纤维细胞粘附率和增殖率在三种比例的支架上没有显著性差异,细胞在支架表面生长良好,分泌大量的细胞外基质,细胞基本铺满整个支架。本文研究发现,PLGA的组成对支架力学性能、降解性能和生物学性能有细小但显著的影响,这将对组织构建选用PLGA支架材料提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

秦明杰  刘一浓  牟颖  卢映蓉  吴飞 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4624-4626
目的:使用乳液法制备含有神经生长因子(NGF)的电纺纤维,研究其外观形貌和机械强度等物理性能,以及制备过程中NGF活性的变化,纤维中NGF的担载量和纤维体外释放动力学,评价其能否成为理想的神经修复材料,为进一步将NGF电纺纤维应用于周围神经修复奠定基础。方法:将NGF水溶液分散于PLLA溶液,通过W/O乳液法制备静电纺丝缓释纤维,对纤维的外观形貌等物理性能等进行表征,使用Elisa方法测定制备过程中NGF活性的保持以及体外释放动力学。结果:NGF电纺纤维具备类似细胞外基质(ECM)的良好外观形貌和一定的机械强度,其中NGF活性保持19.58%士6.05%,体外有效释放11天。结论:本文制备的乳液法NGF电纺纤维具备良好的物理性能,能够持续缓释有效剂量的NGF,适合作为神经修复材料进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

干细胞联合生物支架材料体外构建功能性组织与器官,成为当前组织再生研究的重要策略,而探求具有良好生物相容性的支架材料是其关键.本研究采用扫描电镜、噻唑蓝(MTT)法、荧光显微染色等方法检测小鼠诱导多能干细胞(murine induced pluripotent stem cells,mi PSCs)在聚己内酯(polyε-caprolactone,PCL)静电纺丝纳米纤维支架上的粘附、增殖等生物学特性,探究聚己内酯纳米纤维支架与mi PSCs的生物相容性.结果显示,mi PSC在PCL纳米纤维支架上具有良好粘附性并呈集落样生长,其增殖能力及干性标记物(Oct4-GFP+)的表达均不亚于标准对照组;扫描电镜显示,mi PSC在PCL纳米纤维支架材料上呈现出绒毛状突起的表面结构.上述结果表明,PCL纳米纤维支架可促进mi PSCs的粘附、自我增殖以及干性维持,两者具有良好的生物相容性,为下一步联合生物支架材料与干细胞构建功能性组织奠定了基础.  相似文献   

EST(expressed sequence tags,EST)是一段长约150~500bp基因表达的外源序列片段,是由大规模随机挑取的cDNA克隆测序得到的组织或细胞基因组的表达序列标签。一个EST代表生物某一时期的某种组织或细胞的一个表达基因。主要综述了EST技术的原理方法,哺乳动物早期胚胎研究的理论基础以及EST技术在早期胚胎研究方面的应用,并讨论了利用EST进行研究分析的发展趋势。  相似文献   

There are many variables to be considered in studying how cells interact with 3D scaffolds used in tissue engineering. In this study we investigated the influence of the fiber diameter and interfiber spaces of 3D electrospun fiber scaffolds on the behavior of human dermal fibroblasts. Fibers of two dissimilar model materials, polystyrene and poly-L-lactic acid, with a broad range of diameters were constructed in a specifically developed 3D cell culture system. When fibroblasts were introduced to freestanding fibers, and encouraged to "walk the plank," a minimum fiber diameter of 10 microm was observed for cell adhesion and migration, irrespective of fiber material chemistry. A distance between fibers of up to 200 microm was also observed to be the maximum gap that could be bridged by cell aggregates--a behavior not seen in conventional 2D culture. This approach has identified some basic micro-architectural parameters for electrospun scaffold design and some key differences in fibroblast growth in 3D. We suggest the findings will be of value for optimizing the integration of cells in these scaffolds for skin tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds varying different materials are fabricated for tissue engineering. PLGA, silk fibroin, and collagen-derived scaffolds have been proved on good biocompatibility with neurons. However, no systematic studies have been performed to examine the PLGA-silk fibroin-collagen (PLGA-SF-COL) biocomposite fiber matrices for nerve tissue engineering. In this study, different weight ratio PLGA-SF-COL (50:25:25, 30:35:35) scaffolds were produced via electrospinning. The physical and mechanical properties were tested. The average fiber diameter ranged from 280 + 26 to 168 + 21 nm with high porosity and hydrophilicity; the tensile strength was 1.76 ± 0.32 and 1.25 ± 0.20 Mpa, respectively. The results demonstrated that electrospinning polymer blending is a simple and effective approach for fabricating novel biocomposite nanofibrous scaffolds. The properties of the scaffolds can be strongly influenced by the concentration of collagen and silk fibroin in the biocomposite. To assay the cytocompatibility, Schwann cells were seeded on the scaffolds; cell attachment, growth morphology, and proliferation were studied. SEM and MTT results confirmed that PLGA-SF-COL scaffolds particularly the one that contains 50% PLGA, 25% silk fibroin, and 25% collagen is more suitable for nerve tissue engineering compared to PLGA nanofibrous scaffolds.  相似文献   

Fiber mats with average fiber diameter ranging between 80 and 250 nm of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/water solution having a concentration of 4 wt.% have been prepared by electrospinning method. The influence of applied voltage, flow rate, and needle-to-collector distance on the fiber morphology and diameters has been studied. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy are used to characterize the fibers. It has been observed that bead-free fibers of 4 wt.% PVA can be obtained at lower voltages (9 kV). Also, density and the deposition area of the fiber mats showed a clear dependence on the applied voltage, flow rate, and collector distance.  相似文献   

Nanofibrous biocomposite scaffolds of type I collagen and nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHA) of varying compositions (wt %) were prepared by electrostatic cospinning. The scaffolds were characterized for structure and morphology by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The scaffolds have a porous nanofibrous morphology with random fibers in the range of 500-700 nm diameters, depending on the composition. FT-IR and XRD showed the presence of nanoHA in the fibers. The surface roughness and diameter of the fibers increased with the presence of nanoHA in biocomposite fiber as evident from AFM images. Tensile testing and nanoindendation were used for the mechanical characterization. The pure collagen fibrous matrix (without nanoHA) showed a tensile strength of 1.68 +/- 0.10 MPa and a modulus of 6.21 +/- 0.8 MPa with a strain to failure value of 55 +/- 10%. As the nanoHA content in the randomly oriented collagen nanofibers increased to 10%, the ultimate strength increased to 5 +/- 0.5 MPa and the modulus increased to 230 +/- 30 MPa. The increase in tensile modulus may be attributed to an increase in rigidity over the pure polymer when the hydroxyapatite is added and/or the resulting strong adhesion between the two materials. The vapor phase chemical crosslinking of collagens using glutaraldehyde further increased the mechanical properties as evident from nanoindentation results. A combination of nanofibrous collagen and nanohydroxyapatite that mimics the nanoscale features of the extra cellular matrix could be promising for application as scaffolds for hard tissue regeneration, especially in low or nonload bearing areas.  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)-loaded alginate beads embedded in gelatin scaffolds were successfully prepared. The AgNPs-loaded calcium alginate beads were prepared by electrospraying method. The effect of alginate concentration and applied voltage on shape and diameter of beads was studied. The diameter of dry AgNPs-loaded calcium alignate beads at various concentrations of AgNO3 ranged between 154 and 171 μm. The AgNPs-loaded calcium alginate beads embedded in gelatin scaffolds were fabricated by freeze-drying method. The water swelling and weight loss behaviors of the AgNPs-loaded alginate beads embedded in gelatin scaffolds increased with an increase in the submersion time. Moreover, the genipin-cross-linked gelatin scaffolds were proven to be nontoxic to normal human dermal fibroblasts, suggesting their potential uses as wound dressings.  相似文献   

We investigated the performance of small-caliber polyurethane (PU) small-diameter vascular prosthesis generated using the electrospinning technique. PU was electrospun into small-diameter, small-caliber tubular scaffolds for potential application as vascular grafts. We investigated the effects of electrospinning conditions (solution concentration, mandrel rotation speed) on the microstructure and porosity of the scaffolds for the purpose of preparing scaffolds with optimum microstructures and properties. We evaluated the mechanical properties of the scaffolds by tensile tests and the cytotoxicity of the PU small-diameter, small-caliber PU synthetic vascular graft by the MTT assay. The adhesion of endothelial cells to the PU scaffold was characterized by Hoechst staining and fluorescence microscopy, and we measured endothelial cell proliferation on the PU scaffold by the CCK-8 assay. We analyzed the prosthesis microstructure and endothelial cell morphology using scanning electron microscopy. With increasing PU concentration in the electrospinning solution, the fiber diameter of the vascular graft increased and the porosity decreased. In addition, with increasing electrospinning time, the wall thickness increased and the porosity decreased. We found that regular fiber orientation can be obtained by adjusting the rotation speed of the mandrel. Cell proliferation was not inhibited as the small-caliber PU synthetic vascular grafts showed little cytotoxicity. The endothelial cells had faster adherence to the PU scaffolds than to the PTFE surface during the initial contact. After prolonged cell culture, significantly higher endothelial cell proliferation rate was observed in the PU scaffold groups than the PTFE group. We obtained small-caliber PU vascular grafts with optimal fiber arrangement, excellent mechanical properties, and optimal biocompatibility by optimizing the electrospinning conditions. This study provides in vitro biocompatibility data that is helpful for the clinical application of the PU small-diameter, small-caliber PU vascular grafts.  相似文献   

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