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开花后光照长度对大豆农艺性状的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在人工控制条件下,研究了开花后的光照长度对大豆农艺性状的影响及大豆不同发育阶段长度与农艺性状的相关性.结果表明,开花后长日照可提高大豆的干物质积累量,在正常成熟的前提下可明显提高产量.试验进一步证明鼓粒期长度与粒重和产量呈正相关,花荚期长度对产量形成相当重要.认为东北大豆花荚期及以前的长日照有助于干物质的积累和较多花荚数量的形成,鼓粒开始后迅速缩短的日照条件可促进干物质向籽粒的运转,并加快籽粒的整齐成熟.  相似文献   

大豆在光周期诱导过程中,短日(SD)诱导下真叶及顶芽中的玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)含量始终比连续光照(CL)下的高。花芽名始分化期间,展叶内的ZEN含量在记期到来之前有一含量峰值出现;花芽形成前期,生殖芽中ZEN含量较低;花芽出现后,在其发育至开花的过程中,ZEN含量迅速增加,花期达到最高值。  相似文献   

李艳  盖钧镒 《植物学报》2017,52(4):389-393
大豆(Glycine max)是光周期敏感的植物,该特性是决定其生育期及其生态适应区的关键因素。温带的大豆品种引种到热带地区(短日照)时,开花期和成熟期提前、产量降低,限制了大豆在热带地区的种植。长童期(LJ)大豆品种的发现是解决该问题的重要突破。在短日照条件下,LJ品种比温带品种开花晚、体量大、成熟晚且产量提高。前期研究发现,J位点是控制LJ性状的关键位点。近期,我国科学家通过精细定位克隆了J基因,发现其与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)早花基因(ELF3)同源。他们通过功能互补和近等基因系等方法验证了J基因的功能,在短日照条件下,等位基因j比J开花晚、成熟晚且产量提高。进一步研究发现,J蛋白与E1基因(豆科植物开花抑制因子)的启动子结合抑制E1基因的表达,从而解除E1对大豆开花基因(FT)的抑制,促进大豆在短日照下开花。研究还发现在大豆种质资源中存在多种j等位变异。该研究引领了大豆生育期遗传研究的新方向,揭示了大豆向热带地区发展的遗传基础。  相似文献   

单个光周期暗期长度短于12h时,牵牛植株营养生长旺盛,开花受到抑制,并且出现了诱导光周期处理(ISD)子叶中没有的二种蛋白质或多肽(pI4.1,MW16.5kD;pI4.2,MW16.5kD)。连续光照处理(ICL)子叶内出现了短日照处理(ISD)子叶内没有的体外翻译蛋白质分子量为17.4kD的Poly(A~ )mRNA。牵牛子叶内的这些变化可能与抑制牵牛花芽分化有一定的关系。  相似文献   

根据我国各地256份代表性大豆地方品种在南京分期播种,延长或缩短光照长度各处理条件下的生育期表现,结合供试材料来源地的地理与气候条件,播种季节类型,熟期组类型以及光温反应特性等因素,将我国大豆品种生态区划分为:北方一熟制春作大豆品种生态区(Ⅰ),黄淮海二熟制春夏作大豆品种生态区(Ⅱ),长江中下游二熟制春夏作大豆品种生态区(Ⅲ),中南多熟制春夏秋作大豆品种生态区(Ⅳ),西南高原二熟制春夏作大豆品种生态区(Ⅴ),华南热带多熟制四季大豆品种生态区(Ⅵ)等六大区,10亚区,并阐述各区的一般生态条件及代表生态类型。  相似文献   

以馥郁滇丁香品种‘香妃’扦插苗为试验材料,通过人工设置不同的光周期及采用迁光法对其进行处理,探讨不同光周期下馥郁滇丁香‘香妃’的成花反应,并采用石蜡切片法观察其花芽分化进程,以期为馥郁滇丁香‘香妃’的花期调控及商品化盆栽提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)馥郁滇丁香‘香妃’属于质性或专性短日照植物,临界日长约为14 h,适宜成花的日照长度为10~12 h,限界性诱导光周期为30 d短日照。(2)在诱导光周期下,花芽形态分化包括未分化期、总苞原基分化期、花序或小花原基分化期、花被原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期及雌蕊原基分化期。在诱导光周期下处理16 d后,植株全部完成了成花转变;处理30 d后,所有植株的花芽分化处于花被原基发育形成期,并且成花决定达到稳定状态,移入非诱导光周期下不会发生成花逆转。(3)在4 h暗中断的非诱导光周期下,所有植株的芽一直处于营养生长的未分化期。  相似文献   

大豆开花基因GmCO和GmFT的克隆及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究大豆光周期反应是否受开花基因CO(CONSTANS)和FT(FLOWERING LOCUS T)调控,采用同源序列法从大豆中分离了CO和FT的同源物GmCO和GmFT.GmCO和GmFT分别编码151和109个氨基酸,与水稻和拟南芥中相关蛋白的氨基酸序列同源性达到70%以上.通过RT-PCR分析GmCO和GmFT在短日照(short daylength,SD)、自然光照(natural light,NL)和长日照(long daylength,LD)处理大豆不同发育阶段叶片中的表达发现,GmCO在LD处理大豆早期发育的叶片中高丰度表达,GmFT在SD和NL处理大豆开花时期的叶片中高丰度表达.上述结果表明,GmCO和GmFT的表达与大豆开花时间及光照长度密切相关,且GmCO抑制GmFT的表达.  相似文献   

单个光周期暗期长度短于12h时,牵牛植株营养生长旺盛,开花受到抑制,并且出现了诱导光周期处理子叶中没有的二种蛋白质或多肽。连续光照处理(1CL)子叶内出现了短日照处理子叶内没有的体外翻译蛋白质分子量为17.4kD的Poly(A^+)mRNA。牵牛子叶内的这些变化可能与抑制牵牛花芽分化有一定的关系。  相似文献   

光周期和温度对草地螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalis以老熟幼虫滞育越冬。在室内通过人工诱导的方法对其滞育的光周期和温度诱导条件进行了研究。结果表明:草地螟是一种典型的长日照发育型种类。光周期、温度及其交互作用均对草地螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期起主导作用, 温度伴随着光周期起作用。对幼虫滞育诱导最有效的光周期是L12∶D12; 随着温度的升高, 临界光周期呈缩短趋势(18℃除外)。18, 22, 26和30℃条件下幼虫滞育的临界日长依次为13.97, 14.48, 13.92 和12.88 h。光敏感实验揭示:21℃时草地螟对光照反应最敏感时期为幼虫孵化后的11~17 d(约5龄幼虫), 但孵化后7~11 d(约4龄幼虫)的短光照积累对提高滞育率也有重要作用, 可以将滞育率从40.0%提高到90.0%。  相似文献   

光敏核不育水稻(农垦58S)是中国水稻研究中的一个重要发现,水稻杂交育种上有巨大潜力。研究表明:农垦58S的雄性不育性受光周期调控,光敏色素是育性转变过程中光周期反应的光受体。然而,鉴于高等植物中存在至少两种不同的光敏色素分子,并且它们同时存在水稻中,人们对调节农垦58S雄性不育过程的光敏色素分子种类及作用方式仍然不清楚。本文采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA),比较了不同光周期下农垦58S和对照品种农垦58叶片(光周期感受器官)中光敏色素(phyA)的含量。从农垦58S的二次技梗原基分化期开始,进行10天的光周期处理,一组为短日照(SD),另一组为长日照(LD)。在第10个暗期结束前,于暗绿光下收获每株水稻的最上部两片新展叶,立即保存在液氮中。样品在研钵中磨成液氮粉,然后加入提取液(含50mmol/LTris-HCI和0.2mol/L巯基乙醇,pH8.5)匀浆。粗提液经0.5%聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)沉淀一,上清液供ELISA分析。以燕麦phyA的多克隆隆抗体、单克隆抗体分别作ELISA的一抗和检测抗体。供ELISA分析。以燕麦phyA的多克隆抗体、单克隆抗体分别作ELISA的一抗和检测抗体。采用ELISA可以专一性地检测水稻phyA(Table1)。几次独立的实验说明,光周期处理对phyA含量有较大的影响。要相同的光周期下,农垦58S的phyA在较长时间暗期中的合成速度明显比农垦58快,这证实了前人的推测,即农垦58S甲基化程度较低的phyA基因的表达可能比农垦59更活跃。许多研究指出,pohyA含量的高低必然影响有关的生理过程。两种基因型相同的大麦品种对光周期、远红光(FR)敏感性的不同反应正是phyA含量差异所致。因此,SD下叶片积累较多的phA可能是农垦58S花粉育性恢复所必需的。另外,在农垦58S育性转变敏感期内每天的光周期结束时(EOD)进行短暂(15分钟)的FR照射实验,以推测光敏色素(PhyB)在育性转变中的作用,因为EODFR反应由phyB介导。10次EODFR处理后,农垦58S的抽穗、开花期均比SD对照相应地推迟2天。这与穗、开花(LD效应),其花粉败育、种了结实率却没有变化(图1),说明开花与花粉育性的调控机制有所不同。从上述结果我们认为,可能是phyA,而不是pohyB参与光周期诱导的农垦58s花粉育性转变过程,并且phyA可能通过其含量的变化起调节作用;phyB与水稻的抽穗、开花等现象有关。农垦58S可能通过其含量的变化起调节作用;phyB与水稻的抽穗、开花等现象有关。农垦58s控制花粉正常发育的phyA信号传导链可能存在某些缺陷,从而导致对光周期的敏感性增加,SD下积累较多的phyA则可以弥补这些缺陷。  相似文献   

Typical varieties from the main ecological regions and of different maturity stages in China were chosen for studying the post-flowering photoperiodic responses to day length in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. ). The results indicated that the response to post-flowering photoperiod existed among all varieties with different maturity stages. The response was not due to of temperature effects, duration of photosynthesis or pre-flowering 15hotoperiodic after-effect Instead, it was typical photoperiodism. The response was found not only at the stages of flowering and podding but also at the stage of seed filling. Experimental results proposed that the photoperiodic demand for flowering and fruiting in soybean was a continuous process. The regulation of photoperiod on growth lasted from emergence of seedlings to maturation. There were some common basis in photoperiodic effects on both flowering induction and maturation promotion. However, the effects of photoperiodic induction had after-effect and were reversible.  相似文献   

Soybean development is controlled by environmental factors, primarily photoperiod and temperature. To date, photoperiod effects on flowering have been well studied but the performances and mechanism of postflowering photoperiod responses have not been fully understood, especially for the photoperiod effects on vegetative growth after flowering. In the present study, the responses of vegetative growth and reproductive development in soybean to different postflowering photoperiod regimes were investigated in four separate experiments. Three varieties of different maturity groups (MG) including the early (Dongnong 36, MG 000), medium (Dandou 5, MG IV), and late (Zigongdongdou, MG IX) were exposed to two photoperiods, short (10, 12 h) and long (15, 16 or 18 h). The results showed that postflowering photoperiod not only regulated reproductive development but also affected vegetative growth. Even when flowers and pods were removed, short-day (SD) treatment promoted leaf senescence. The onset of leaf senescence among varieties tested appeared to be dependent on photoperiod sensitivity. Leaf senescence of the late-maturing variety of Zigongdongdou (sensitive to photoperiod) was delayed more significantly than that of the medium and early-maturing varieties (less sensitive to photoperiod). Long-day (LD) treatments delayed leaf senescence and seed maturation in the late-maturing variety of Zigongdongdou plants with only the SD-induced leaves produced before flowering. LD treatments imposed from the beginning bloom, beginning pod setting or beginning seed filling delayed leaf senescence and seed maturation of late-maturing soybean variety (Zigongdongdou). Results of night-break with red (R) and far-red (FR) light demonstrated that postflowering photoperiod responses of soybean were R/FR reversible reactions and the phytochromes seemed to be functional as receptors of photoperiod signals even after flowering. It was proposed that the regulation of photoperiod on development of soybean was effective from emergence through maturation, and the postflowering photoperiod signals were also mediated by phytochromes similar to those before flowering. The flowering reversion in late-MG soybean varieties under LD was a direct result of LD and was not due to secondary effect of abscission of pods and flowers. Soybean leaves not only received SD signals but also LD signals; furthermore, the LD effects reversed the SD effects and vice versa.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the potential of single‐node cuttings of potato (Solanum tuberosum) as a tool to assess genotypic differences in maturity type. Plants were exposed to different photoperiodic treatments (different photoperiods, different numbers of photoperiodic cycles), and cuttings were taken at different plant ages. Cuttings from early (and to a lesser extent also late) maturing varieties exposed to short photoperiods showed strong induction to tuberise, irrespective of plant age; the induction increased with an increase in the number of short photoperiodic cycles. The response of cuttings taken from early‐maturing varieties exposed to long photoperiods depended on plant age: cuttings showed stronger induction when mother plants were older; cuttings from late‐maturing varieties hardly tuberised after exposure to long photoperiods. The tuberisation of the cuttings did not depend on the length of the long photoperiod (18 or 24 h) or on the number of cycles of a photoperiod of 18 h. Tuberisation on cuttings did not properly reflect the tuber formation on the mother plants, although within varieties, significant correlations between tuberisation on cuttings and tuber yield per plant 9 weeks after planting were found with different numbers of photoperiodic cycles of 12 h. Our experiments show that the cutting technique cannot be used on older plants to assess the maturity type of potato varieties, as there are interactions between photoperiod, genotype, plant age and number of photoperiodic cycles, in the reflection of the degree of induction to tuberise on single‐node cuttings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Long photoperiods from flowering to maturity have been found to delay reproductive development in soybean (Glycine max) and to increase the number of seeds per unit land area. This study was aimed to evaluate whether sensitivity to photoperiod after flowering (a) is quantitatively related to the length of exposure to long days and (b) persists throughout the whole pod-setting period. It was also evaluated whether seed number was related to changes in the duration of post-flowering phenophases. METHODS: Two field experiments were conducted with an indeterminate cultivar of soybean of maturity group V. In expt 1, photoperiods 2 h longer than natural daylength were applied during different numbers of days from the beginning pod stage (R3) onwards, while in expt 2 these photoperiod extensions were imposed during 9 consecutive days starting at different times between R3 and R6 (full seed) stages. KEY RESULTS: There was a quantitative response of development to the number of cycles with a long photoperiod. The exposure to long photoperiods from R3 to R5 (beginning of seed growth) increased the duration of R3-R6 regardless of the timing of exposure. The stages of development comprised in the R3-R6 phase were delayed by current as well as by previous exposure to long days. A positive relationship was found between seed number and the duration of R3-R6, irrespective of the timing and length of exposure to the long photoperiod. CONCLUSIONS: Sensitivity to photoperiod remained high during the reproductive period and was highly and positively coupled with the processes of generation of yield.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of photoperiod on Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Poellniz, cv. Tom Thumb, has characteristics similar to its effect on flowering in this plant (although these two phenomena are not causally related). The photoperiodic control of CAM is based on (a) dependance on phytochrome, (b) an endogenous circadian rhythm of sensitivity to photoperiodic signals, (c) a balance between specific positive (increase in enzyme capacity) and negative (inhibitory substances) effects of the photoperiod. Variations in malate content, capacity of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase, and capacity of CAM inhibitors in young leaves were measured under photoperiodic conditions noninductive for CAM and after transfer into photoperiodic conditions inductive for CAM. Essential characteristics of the photoperiodic induction of CAM are: 1) lag time for malate accumulation; 2) after-effect of the inductive photoperiod on the malate accumulation, on the increase in PEP carboxylase capacity, and on the decrease in the level of long-day produced inhibitors; final levels of malate, enzyme capacity and inhibitor are proportional to the number of inductive day-night cycles; 3) cireadian rhythm in PEP carboxylase capacity with a fixed phase under noninductive photoperiods and a continuously shifting phase under inductive photoperiods, after complex advancing and delaying transients. Kinetic similarities indicate that photoperiodic control of different physiological functions, namely, CAM and flowering, may be achieved through similar mechanisms. Preliminary results with species of Bryophyllum and Sedum support this hypothesis. Phase relationships suggest different degrees of coupling between endogenous enzymic rhythm and photoperiod, depending on whether the plants are under long days or short days.  相似文献   

Soybean cultivars are extremely diverse in time to flowering and maturation as a result of various photoperiod sensitivities. The underlying molecular genetic mechanism is not fully clear, however, four maturity loci E1, E2, E3 and E4 have been molecularly identified. In this report, cultivars were selected with various photoperiod sensitivities from different ecological zones, which covered almost all maturity groups (MG) from MG 000 to MG VIII and MG X adapted from latitude N 18° to N 53°. They were planted in the field under natural daylength condition (ND) in Beijing, China or in pots under different photoperiod treatments. Maturity-related traits were then investigated. The four E maturity loci were genotyped at the molecular level. Our results suggested that these four E genes have different impacts on maturity and their allelic variations and combinations determine the diversification of soybean maturity and adaptation to different latitudes. The genetic mechanisms underlying photoperiod sensitivity and adaptation in wild soybean seemed unique from those in cultivated soybean. The allelic combinations and functional molecular markers for the four E loci will significantly assist molecular breeding towards high productivity.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic flowering is one of the most important factors affecting regional adaptation and yield in soybean (Glycine max). Plant adaptation to long-day conditions at higher latitudes requires early flowering and a reduction or loss of photoperiod sensitivity; adaptation to short-day conditions at lower latitudes involves delayed flowering, which prolongs vegetative growth for maximum yield potential. Due to the influence of numerous major loci and quantitative trait loci (QTLs), soybean has broad adaptability across latitudes. Forward genetic approaches have uncovered the molecular basis for several of these major maturity genes and QTLs. Moreover, the molecular characterization of orthologs of Arabidopsis thaliana flowering genes has enriched our understanding of the photoperiodic flowering pathway in soybean. Building on early insights into the importance of the photoreceptor phytochrome A, several circadian clock components have been integrated into the genetic network controlling flowering in soybean: E1, a repressor of FLOWERING LOCUS T orthologs, plays a central role in this network. Here, we provide an overview of recent progress in elucidating photoperiodic flowering in soybean, how it contributes to our fundamental understanding of flowering time control, and how this information could be used for molecular design and breeding of high-yielding soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

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